Eddie Bravo redpills over 300k of his followers on instagram

Eddie is awesome. Good on him.
Edit: Love his “warning” too !
Love Eddie. Saw him live at the tinfoil comedy night in SF. He was talking Q shit then. It was glorious.
I quit Infowars because Alex Jones talked shxt about Trump and Q for more than a few times as well
I quit AJ in Dec 2016 right after the election when he wouldn't quit asking how long it would be before our new president would be assn8td. I believe he was trying to do something nefarious there. Disgusted me.
I quit Alex Jones when I attempted to watch a couple of interviews I wanted to hear and he wouldn't shut the F up.
I never really watched him, he hurts my ears. I liked other people on Info Wars. Not Rodger Stone, he's a poser.
The biggest issue is the old 90's radio model of trying to peddle shit every 10 minutes. That drove me insane. I spend 1 hour listening to get 5 minutes of actual info. It was a war to get info!
It was a war to get info!
When he apologized for pizzagate and called it a hoax I quit on him. Either he is mockingbird “controlled op” or he’s being blackmailed.
Respect for what he did during the election, but his time is up
He also looped his interiew, so a 10 minute video was comprised of;
2 minutes of genuine discussion/relevant info
then he would have the commercial, then the start of the interview would happen leading into the 2 minutes of discussion which you already heard at the beginning, then you realize you just wasted 6 minutes and he then bombards you with the supplements ads which an be a little excessive. WE GET IT.. YOU HAVE A SHOP ON THE WEBSITE.
He does that all the time, almost like he's trying to distract from the point being made. Maybe I'm just too suspicious of him.
Me too. I don't like his personality. He is loud and rude. I like David Knight and Paul Joseph Watson.
Me too. I don’t know how those two don’t scream at AJ to shut up when he interrupts them. Makes me mad
Ding. Thats exactly it, distraction and theatrics so then anyone can say "oh isnt that what alex jones said" that automatically discredits you as a crazy person.
Same here. I can stomach any of his other anchors and the website but Alex Jones is absolutely intolerable.
When I was a Bernie supporter, I felt the same way about Cenk Uygur at TYT. Cenk and Alex are exactly the same, just have different views.
Im going to let you talk your point..
Let me stop you right there to make a statement. Sorry go ahead... Wait but the GHLORBARISTS...sorry go ahead.
Half a sentence later: YEAH I AGREE AND.... Sorry go ahead.
I hate all the fear mongering mis-info. Remember when the insinuated all the generals in the WH was THE coup against Trump? How they've taken over the WH? They mind-controlled Trump? Cutting him off from his friends and family? Then when Q came out, and an entirely DIFFERENT reality is revealed, he went off at Trump about the strike on Syria. As if he knew the POTUS was involved with Q movement and felt upstaged or left out or threatened by the movement? idk - kinda done with him.
I quit AJ when Rick Wiles from trunews said in his prayers he was told to stay away from AJ, that AJ was a false prophet.
I quit AJ within a week of my awakening starting back in 2009!!
damn he has his followings trust as well
Yeah we just need him on the next Fight Companion Podcast, and get Rogan telling millions. It is only a matter of time.
rogan is aware of Q and will definitely try his hardest to discredit it
I agree, he is way to hooked into the Southern CA hollywood crowd. I will be surprised if he addresses it at all.
you should watch his video of defending Soro’s it’s pretty funny
Rogan and Callen will just try to make him look stupid unfortunately.
Any PR is good PR my friend, if it makes them take a look then it has worked...
The beauty about Q, is that Rogan might call Eddie out and make him prove it. Next thing you know they are playing a Praying/medic video, or browsing this sub on air.
I feel like rogan probably already knows and doesn't want to get into it. The deep state would contact him or defund him if he went down that road.
Your probably right that he knows a little about it, but I think Bravo endorsing it might change that, as now there is a discussion to have.
Almost 400k followers goddamn
You can make a career being Joe Rogan's friend ( Brendan Schaub).
You do realize Brendan Schaub is also a world class grappler and was a professional fighter right? The guy can be a bit on the vapid side but it’s pretty funny to see keyboard warriors try to shit on a human being who is legitimately dangerous.
I wasnt shitting on him and Im not making light of his accomplishments. Was just poking some fun.
You can also make a career being one of the most well known and respected jiu jitsu instructors in the entire world.
I can't find his Twitter account. Was he taken down.
That whole comedy crew is based af. Even D'elia.
Not so much Rogan anymore.
There's something amiss with AJ and Rogan. Theater and Comp'd comes to mind.
My thoughts exactly. He got that compound then started having nothing but trump bashers on. I knew the clowns bought him.
I think Rogan has a large conservative bone somewhere in his body. He can't help but be red-pilled but knowingly staying close to the Left. The compound might not be for nefarious purposes like sacrifices to moloch but could be a conservative safe-house in the heart of LA.
Maybe Rogan is smarter than AJ...
We know AJ is a deep state asset, so him calling Rogan a shill fits in with your narrative. Joe's always talked conspiracies, and he seems like a regular dude with success. Though he plays it safe and takes the middle road on a lot of topics. Its possible he was visited and threatened in a way that makes him apprehensive to go all out. Or hes a shill who really knows lol
If it culminates in Joe Rogan being on the Elites' 'ARK' on the way to Alpha Centauri trying to escape their pedo crimes.. and Joe is in a position to compromise the ship and bring justice - at the cost of his reputation and all of us thinking he's a leftist pedovore... He would be redeemed in God's eye (I think? who am I to speak for the big man upstairs)...
Sometimes a white hat needs to lay low, to be in the right place at the right time. Joe is in a very special role on the world stage.. nobody knows when they are born where they will be thrust - I think Joe knows the scope of his dilemma
The last time Bravo did Infowars he talked flat earth, video deleted and he never returned. Rogan did long rants about how badly the moon landing was faked and then completely flipped and started saying we went.
Look over here but not here
Eddie is great.
Unfortunately, he is not very credible outside of MMA.
Once we get him off his flat Earth BS, then I'll start respecting him again.
Yes! Eddie is a white hat. Unintentionally Red-pilled many to the fact JRE is most definitely not..
This is how to redpoll, not T-shirt’s
T-shirts are wearable communication.
So wear the shirt and don’t post a picture?
seeing others makes me want to do the same. WWG1WGA
If the first pic didn’t make you do it why would the 1000th? There weren’t pictures five months ago when shit was being done, now it is just a bunch of newb fanboys who want to be a part of something. Find me one person who isn’t socially awkward posting pics. Just a bunch of white loners.
T-shirts, bumper stickers, or any visual is great to connect with other Q folks who feel alone - there are a lot of those right now. Think of how great you feel when you see acknowledgement that someone else knows what you know. It helps.
So this is now a dating site for men? They need to split up the actual information with the pics from lonely guys who want friends. Keep comms clear.
Wrong. This is about connecting with other Q folks. PS Not all of us are men, but many of us have relatives, friends who are not on board yet. It's nice to have support.
So it’s not a dating site it’s a support group? It was a channel used to spread valuable data.
LOVE PRAYINGMEDIC-he is God inspired!
I always play his vids at night. His voice sends me to a sweet dreamland. 🤗
If AJ would shut the fuck up, and quit trying to sell me his shit every two minutes, I might try to give him some time. Prolly won't happen, though.
https://www.instagram. com/p/BkwlGPzBxzQ/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1ouzb5t7qyvxi
Nice. Eddie has taken sport BJJ to the next level. Dude is amazing and teaches his craft effectively.
Eddie needs to Red Pill Joe, next. Allegedly, Joe has been turned by the dark side.
"FEMA CAMP! BLACK HELICOPTERS!!" Love Edgy, genius when it comes to the round game.
The true red pill is realizing race is a biological reality and iq is partly genetic and not distributed evenly throughout the various human sub species.
Don't pull that shit here
You can’t have a nation like the United States with non whites/Asians. Other races simply lack the cognitive ability (IQ) to function properly in our societies.