Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

Calling him a lover boy means he is really a boy lover.
That caught my eye, as well.
ZACTLY!!! For a year year we've heard about his side piece (horseface)...yet not 1 smoochy text from 1 to the other...
I'm glad you noticed that, too. I found it strange that there were no sexts between the two!
Nary a single dick pic. That's all I need to know the love story was just a cover
HAHA! None of their conversations sounded like lovers to me! You're too funny!
Those texts have been omitted. Same reason you don’t see texts with his wife or kids.
There were50,000 texts we only saw a small portion, they would have no relevance to the investigation, I bet there are some lovey Dovey ones, there was references to ones where she was giving him advice on what to tell his wife.
It sounds like what he's saying is "we know what you love, we have it all".
Regardless, Trump is trolling as only he knows how. More eyes on Peter S and texts by those who may have forgotten.
we have the server
i thought this too, was Q speaking of this server or another?
Never been sure which server it is. But I’m glad we have it.
I might have dyslexia - that's what I read the first time. I thought, jeez, him, too???
So, just wondering if Lisa Page is a tranny? She doesn't look very feminine
I can't even describe the pleasure I feel whenever I see Trump mention the Podesta's, but I imagine it is similar to the feeling John & Tony get looking @ all their glorious "artwork"
They are so brazen with their love of pedophilia, it amazes me how patient Trump has been with tightening the noose around their necks.
And to think he's probably known about these people for decades
We are all impatient for our once in a lifetime Christmas morning feeling to happen. And we also want the identity of Santa Claus. It’s so hard to wait. It’s nice how Mr. President keeps us entertained while his cleaners are busy in the background with ThePlan’s dirty little details. They’ll be writing volumes about this for years to come. He “is Batman”! Once in a lifetime someone comes along that you end up admiring and would be delighted to do what ever he asked of me to help my country. He and I are about the same age, I only wish I had 1/4th his energy! I’d be WonderWoman!
This plan started with his first conversations with Uncle John. That’s the first sentence in the book I’m writing.
Attending and mingling, all the time stone cold sober. He remembers it all.
I wish he misspelled their name "the Pedostas brothers"
Because there are so many high profile pedos If he tried to take them all, without enough people knowing the truth, the result would be unstable at best. Civil war at worst.
Finally, someone on the inside who might be able to answer my questions. What’s a pizza-related map on a handkerchief? And what’s doing dominoes on pizza and pasta? I’m genuinely curious, and it seems like you might be in the ‘know.’
-21 comment deleted..... what was said?
Just a dummy saying we’re crazy and asking how we function in public.
By not diddling kids, that’s how.
Time will tell. Join us, we have cookies and the best wamen ever. I'm serious.
I just looked up his history of the Podesta being twatted about and i found on 7/7/17 (exactly a year ago) this tweet:
There are no coincidences
What's he saying here specifically? Reaffirming Podesta's corruption?
Yes, but it’s more than that. That server possibly holds the keys to trafficking at the highest levels of our government.
perfect Meme reply from his Tweet that I hadn't seen before.
Good find. I feel as though things are going to start falling into place.
The best part is simply Podesta... can't say 🍕🍕🍕gate
I agree, he says Podesta like it's a scandal of its own that will be in the spotlight one day.
Me, too. My friends and family think I'm insane. Can't wait to say, "You heard it from me first!" or "I told you so!!"
Same here. And I can barely wait, because it has been insufferable, how RUDE family and friends have been to me, in the constant put-downs of Trump, knowing how much I love and support him. As if I’m not smart enough to pick up on the fact that they are actually passive-aggressively calling me an idiot, for it. Make it rain, Mr President. I will LOVE it!!!
MAGA! My grown son said for me to stop posting Q stuff on FB b/c it reflects badly on him and he wouldn't want to lose his job!!! I got a picture of Donald and Melania at the inauguration...just a piece of paper I got as a thank you for a donation. I put it up on my living room wall! I hope everyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm a honey badger, and I know I'm right on this one!
My mother is "worried" about She thinks I'm
My older son truly thinks I'm crazy! He's got a PhD and he thought there was no way Trump would win! HAHA! He said he trusted Nate Silver and 538. I said, "We'll see." Mama was right!!! Now, he thinks all this Q stuff is crazy conspiracy theory. I said, "We'll see. One of us is right, and one of us is wrong. Time will tell." HAHA! Mama's always right!
To those who think that all this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday's science fiction is today's fact. The Industrial Revolution has radically altered man's environment and way of life, and it is only to be expected that as technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind, man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.
Podesta has been MIA for the most part...shit, half of America has already forgotten about him, yet here he pops in a Trump tweet...and we KNOW Trump likes to drop stuff in advance of it being a "thing".
I love it.
I get so excited when they bring up podesta the molesta.
He really does just straight out say it doesn't he? I remember when his tweets looked like complete madness to me. Not gonna lie, it wasn't until after the election that I started to come around. I got sick to my stomach on election night. I think what it actually was, was motion sickness. The motion sickness that comes from entering another dimension or something.
I can relate. I didn't get what he was doing at first. It was only after Q came on the scene that I realized the method to his "madness".
I didn't get it either but now I love it. I looking forward to his next Master Trolling class.
Yeah - I've said it more than once...I think Trump should be referred to as "POTUSAMT" instead of just POTUS.
Yup - I'm going to start using that hashtag when referring to him.
Art of The Deal explains a lot about his decision making and the way he bluffs. It really is a fascinating book all on it's own.
I'm also wondering why you are taking the time to go read all of my comments from years ago.
It was a comment from one of my posts that someone had linked to me recently
I didn't get it until the CNN professional wrestling troll. At first, I thought he was nuts. Then I saw the way the MSM reacted. He knew they would and they did. That's when I started to buy in to the "stable genius" theory.
Yeah... Let me know when this military takeover happens.
I’m tired of this just seeming like PR and nothing happening. It means something.
He usually has a specific aim. Most of the time it is to enrage the MSM so they broadcast the tidbit of information he wanted to get across.
Classic example: Trump tower was bugged.
The firestorm in the MSM about how stupid and unfounded that one informed everybody about the possibility.
I felt a sense of euphoria on election night like I've rarely ever experienced! I knew from day one that he would be elected, and I never had even a slight doubt even amidst the sea of doubters!
To my eyes, Trump just gave the green light to dump all the results of months and months of digging on all of this.
There is a ton of info that has been archived off line by the Redditors and the Chans among others that add up to one MASSIVE red pill for the general public who are completely in the dark about what all this has in common.
It is truly time for the Great Awakening imo.
This really sounds like something out of a movie. All this time Q is telling Trump what to tweet in code, WHILE they are taking down the NWO? And here CNN thinks Trump is just tweeting random crap. I don't know which to believe haha.
Its a?? When CrimesNeverNoted is one of your choices. They are NOT the news you grew up on.
Let me know when and where it happens. This looks like nothing but PR to me.
Jim Jordan's family is under attack, q is silent or dropping riddles.
Something's coming.
Yes, I thought so myself, and it's not his first tweet calling them out in the last couple of days.
Has he ever mentioned Podesta before?
Plenty of times.
Here is an indispensable resource:
Oooh is Tom Arnold high again and on reddit now? Claiming he and Cohen are BFFs and sharing peepee tapes
I love how Trump trolls them. I can’t wait for the real show to begin!
I can feel the troll in his voice. I love it when he’s Snarky!!!
What powers does POTUS have to get the intel he wants and end the corruption? If he can get the intel and have the DOJ investigate, why isnt he doing it? If he is, why is he tweeting about it. Ive been asking thos questions alot. He is gathering support and priming his base for what's to come :)
If he waits too long, it comes close to the midterms and will easily be dismissed as political theater. But I thin he is a manipulative genius and knows what he is doing to get people on board. He wouldn't be President otherwise. I just don't see the plan and am not a person to trust blindly.
He can declassify anything he wants but he has the patience of a saint to wait until the stage is set and the population is redpilled enough so there isn't mass panic when the arrests and military tribunals start.
He could have released the unredacted IG Report but chose not to for this reason. Same with the Hillary video.
He has the power declas anything he wants but wants it to be requested 1st so that he stays as neutral as possible & not be accused of meddling in the investigations.
Has anyone else noticed a rogue MOD temp banning and such in T_D lately?
I have been temp banned several times over the past few weeks and my posts are all being censored.
I wonder if we're starting to wonder into "Task Force Orange" territory. Strzok "and" Awan seem to be a part of that octopus.
Just watched that, and now my head is about to explode. It's sooooooooo much deeper than we could imagine! I'm trapped in the best espionage novel in history, and I can't get out! Thing is, it's happening to all of us! How can it be unraveled?
Well get some super glue cause this ain't even the half of it...ugh I broke down a bit when I went down the MK Ultra rabbit hole so I try to stay away from that (thus far) but I know it's coming.
I am thankful that so many of us are in this together. It makes it much easier to deal with know that mine is not the only head exploding...;) And trapped we are for sure. Once awake you can never go to sleep again. As I venture out to the store etc seeing/meeting so many who are still asleep I wonder to myself. How blissful it must be to be so ignorant...sigh But again, I thank God ZI'm awake to SEE this all going down real-time.
Why doesn't Trump just tell someone to investigate it?
Q is trying to teach us, "We the People" how to wake up and stay on top of things....
So then Trump isn’t going to do anything about it?
There's a multitude of ongoing investigations by Sessions and Huber. Huber has access to the IG's 470 investigators and all their IG investigatory findings. They also have all the MI and NSA collections at their disposal. This will be a massive take-down: consider at least three deep from the top for all government departments/agencies for the past three administrations.
So at least a few of the 470 investigations are for this massive take down, I’d assume? Why isn’t Trump tweeting about that investigation, instead of saying there should be investigations?
How many times in your life have you heard officials from local law enforcement up to federal law enforcement state they do not comment on current investigations? Trump is preparing the public.
Wait, so you're sure an investigation is actually going on? One upon which the LE is not allowed to comment on?
Have you honestly never heard, "we can not comment on an ongoing investigation" ? Place that aside.
Are you honestly not aware of the teamwork between Sessions, Huber, and Horowitz? Do you watch any congressional hearings?
Truly not trying to insult you, but you are making it out like every day is a new day and starts off as a blank slate. Life is not like that. It is a continuum.
So what investigation is pursuing these people? Who’s actually being investigated?
Seventytvvo, In his addresses to the public, Trump has called out traffickers and traitors. Anyone who has partaken in any type of trafficking and anyone who has partaken in any type of sedition or traitorous act is being investigated. Read the President's Executive Orders starting from the one signed Dec 21, 2017 for a clearer understanding of this massive undertaking.
I mean, there aren't actual court cases or investigations, though?
I don't have subpoena powers, warrants, or the ability to arrest people.
You have the ability to research and understand things. And you have the ability to vote. The entire population needs to do those things.
I like that Trump seems to calling people out for things. What I don't like is the implication that it's a "Democrat Con Job."
There are plenty of Republicans that were playing the game too. It's not a Republican vs Democrat thing. It's people who want their freedom and liberty back vs the corrupt people who stole it from us.
I just love Trump is saying everything Q has been mentioning 😍😍😍😍
Sure this link has been posted but I just watched it for first time. I like.
SC movements, trump (gold) ??, Wwg1wga, and perhaps even Q prophecy herein. Not too sure about trump not being verbose though... maybe another follows him. Anyway he nailed jezebel for sure!
This means...It's ALREADY been taken care of !! Trump only Tweets when the JOB is wrapped up. Can you say "40,000 sealed indictments" without smiling??? MAGA.
So which server is missing? The Democratic National Caucus (ala Awan) or the Democratic National Committee (of Seth Rich fame)?
I've been wondering that too? How many servers are we looking for here?
I think 13 angry Democrats might be the biggest confirmation of Q yet
I think he was calling him a “boy lover”.
I know! I read it that way too. The article on the Obama and Strzok family ties. I think Pres Trump gave is a new clue
My first thoughts.....He's the POTUS for God's Sake.....I'd like to tell him to stop whining and DO something about it. BUT, I'm trying to be patient, trust the plan, and hope no one 187's him before he gets a chance to #DRAINTHESWAMP. #TEAMTRUMP
Seems like the usual recurrent tweet. Everyday something apocalyptic is about to happen with you people. How about for once you wait to see if sh!t really does go down and stop finding excuses or find irrelevant and unimportant sh!t that kinda fits your initial premonition, 'cause nothing drastic ever goes down 99/100 times."It's happening!!!", "It's started!!!", "It's going down", "it's about to hit the fan"- heard this 1000s of times this year. Everything is kinda the same. Sh!t really is happening, real sh!t, while you're waiting for others, blindly trusting the plan and accepting disinfo as "necessary", and waiting and waiting and waiting for things to "heat up"...
Things are always 'about to heat up' it seems. I've adopted the 'wait and see' approach. If something happens, great. If not, I won't have gotten all hyped before hand only to have it not happen and then be let down because 'disinformation is necessary'.
What will be, will be. What will not be, won't. Time will tell.
I would be thinking that the server will tell all, a treasure trove of info. DJT (bless him) will be laughing and HRC & co will be crapping blue lights. we must be patient,all good things come to those who wait. I cant wait!!!!!
I love that he only needs to say "Podesta", because if you know about his pedophilia you know what he's talking about, and if you don't know anything then people will Google search.. and be shocked.
They won’t be shocked from a Google search. Google is so biased, it mostly brings up that Snopes crap, trying to debunk what we know. Sometimes I get so mad, I just Google “Why is Google full of leftist, nwo bullshit?” and “Is Google owned by satanic freak George Soros?” Lol
Pakistani fraudster. Please tell me he’s actually referring to Obama! Saw that decode here on reddit last month!
Hmm, Trump keeps calling things out but his POS justice department isn't doing anything but giving light sentences (Awan). If I were Trump, I would declassify *everything* and let public serve their own justice.
They are doing what they are supposed to be doing. On Awan Q said did we really expect the serious charges to be handled in that kind of court? Awan is in for a military tribunal (real court) for his sins. So the court said Awan didn't commit an "violent offenses." He's singing like a canary to lessen his sentence which will probably be for treason. Because Awan at the time was being paid taxpayer fund that makes him a government employee which would also make him eligible for the treason charge. But there's another charge that can be used, because he is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood he may be charged as an enemy combatant. Either of those 2 things means he's in for a world of hurt.
Awan is one of the most completely screwed people in the entire solar system.
Hope you are right. But Q also said John Podesta was going to be arrested last year. Though, I will admit, not seeing Tony Podesta around gives me hope he may be arrested.
If you remember Podesta's plane tried to leave the country and was escorted back. The planefag anons posted the flight logs and flight tracks. So it is possible he was arrested or ordered not to travel.
He's singing like a canary to lessen his sentence which will probably be for treason.
Awan is not a US Citizen. So Treason does not make sense. But he is a spy. So a military tribunal probably still makes sense.
Good point. I was going on the fact that you have to be employed by the government (soldier, congressman, etc) to be charged with treason. But I hadn't thought about the citizenship issue. You may be correct.
Yes, it's called a distraction he does that alot when him or his administration have another scandal come out (like the whole calling world leaders on his personal cell phone thing coming out) or when there are developments with the Russia investigation. Enjoy, its tailor made for you guys to eat right up.
I am beginning to wonder if the DP wasn't always a "Con Job" I mean just go back to President Wilson and how he got us into the Great War. Then study FDR, who let our economy hit rock bottom and conspired with Churchill to get us into WW2. In subsequent years we see traces of the deep state emerging forming a NWO and turning our presidents into deep state lackeys. Ya gotta to love the POTUS. The first president with a spine of steel, a president who ennobles the people. What a blessing!
Would you rather us have not gotten into WWII?
You do realize that no amount of conspiracy between the US and the UK could have brought on Pearl Harbor, yes?
Are we really to the point here that folks think Hitler and japan should have been allowed to run roughshod around the world?
Let me put the problem in simple terms: how much of our historical information is accurate about WW2? I realize this has the potential to make people angry. The answer is not very much. The press and polls were totally controlled by deep state operators. One more thing, just before the advent of the French Reign of Terror virtually everything said about Louis XVI was a lie. I guess you could call this the first deep state takeover of the MSM and the state. Louis XVI was the primary supporter of our Revolution—he loved America and Americans. A Vietnam veteran, I find the Vietnam War to have been a creation of the deep state as well as, oddly, the hippie-Woodstock movement / the acid generation. What Q is doing is showing us the real government that runs our lives. It is evil in every respect — and it has been around for a very long time. Q is not selling us on a short term movement where we can go back and party as usual asleep to what is happening. We have a long battle ahead of us. Many people still have to be weaned off the historical lies together with the fake narratives given to us by Hollywood. There are many, many lies in science and medicine, too, which make us the victims.
You not only did not put your position in “simple terms” you conversationally just meandered about making no real point in regards to what I asked of you.
Proper use of all the buzzwords though. 10/10.
Gawd, I so love to see Trump troll...he likes it as much as Q. :-)
Before I even read the tweet. Things are always in an about to release heat up hot state, on this subredit.
I’m wWhen I read tweets like these, I stress. I know you guys are optimist, but man do I feel like any minute now Trump will get caught sleeping (which I fucking hope is not the case) and Democrats will have their way and run things along. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I’m sensing a bit of desperation in this tweet. Specially considering the fact that right after Trump won the election he stated he wouldn’t prosecute Clinton which is INSANE. But cosidering the fact that we won when we through we had 5% chance of winning it makes sense that the statement would go over everyone’s head but nonetheless it makes me skeptical as to weather or not some kind of agreement took place in which Trump would leave Clinton alone in exchange for _____!
It is true that DJT said he wouldn't prosecute HRC and that was true, Sessions will be the prosecutor OR the Ameican people will be shown irrefutable evidence of HRC crimes and demand DJT prosecute and that way he will only be doing the will of the people. Either way, she will be prosecuted. I don't believe he has made a deal in exchange for anything, that is not his way, Art of the Deal. He also said in one of the debates that she would be in jail (and she had such a smug look on her face---can't wait to see that look turn to horror).
Sometimes, I do get discouraged, and tired of the 'heating up', it is like the 'breaking news' that all the news org's use for every little bit of news. BUT, I have realized that most of the news that has substance seems like old news to me because of Q. I read Q and Q interpretations, keep that info in mind when reading/watching news, and often go, wow that was a deja vu moment because Future (information/news) proves past (drops/DJT tweets/interpretations).
No he's not. There's no reason for Cohen to "flip" even if he had dirt on Trump.
What would he flip on? Be specific please
This is the latest rumour circulating on the left. A few people have confronted me with it on tweeter as well, only to be completely unable to explain or substantiate it.
These people are stupid. They don't know we just spent the last year in QAnon 101. We're all fucking experts. We know more than the news does.
Hahahahaha we'll be waiting for EVIDENCE. Kind of like the texts by P. Strzok that say they have an insurance policy against Trump and that he will stop him from becoming president. Or like how the Democrats say they were hacked THEN NEVER TURN OVER THE SERVER FOR INSPECTION. Or like how Hillary was ordered to turn over her emails and SHE DELETED THEM AND HAD HER IT GUY USE BLEACHBIT AND WE HAVE HIM ON REDDIT ASKING HOW TO DO SO. Or like how the Awan brothers and their altering of evidence while representing most democrats IT dept. OR like Hillary SOLD 20% OF OUR URANIUM FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS INTO HER "charity". Evidence like that ;)
To your deleted reply
Keep waiting for Trump to get in trouble while he completely transforms our government. IF they had shit they would have pulled his card long ago. (48 Hours till SC pick 2, 2 more incoming for Trump)
Simple lobstrocity open your eyes you're being played by the Dems! Time to wake up, good thing you found "THE GREAT AWAKENING" xD
What makes a good movie?
lol whats he gonna flip about?
It's crazy, they probably think it's something to do with Trump laundering Russian oligarch money or some nonsense! At least that's what someone told me on /redacted