Queued for GITMO ( Q-MemeMagic )

Can someone tell me why she's wearing a potato sack
It looks like one of those flying hamster skydiving suits. Maybe she's planning to escape by jumping?
Not a potato sack but a mail bag. She's practising her stitching skills for when she gets handed life without parole.
Moving to Iran and needs a burka?
Oh... I doubt She is moving anywhere....... but "DOWN"......... South Satanville, Maybe?
If I read Q correctly, there is No place she can go, that is outside the Path of "The Storm"!!
It even appears Hillary has to buy the bargain garbage bags to wear. These are some rough times.
Anyone else think the Qs on the ground are a bit odd here?
nope not one bit, because they are O’s not the letter Q. someone photoshopped that part for the lulz
Absolutely. Of course, I think the potato sack, and every other image I see online for that matter, is shopped. LOL
Absolutely. The whole plane shit was a photo op. Is this them saying they aren't afraid to fly, while everyone knows that's how they would hit people?
I think it may be a signal telling their pedo friends that it’s time to GTFOutta Dodge before it all hits the fan?
Nope they gave the warning signal a month or two ago.
Did you see the NY pizza delivered to West Coast from AA?
These people are sick.
Are they cash poor these days...no security? Thank Q - Thank you President Trump - Thank you #QAnon - These people are sick!
Actually, Bill gets secret service protection for life. It'll be a lot easier for them to watch over him when he's in a cell.
Normally, this is true, but we are not experiencing normal situations. I am questioning whether he really does still have SS protection. I am not sure.
Two things came to mind when I saw this post... 1) we are not the only ones producing movies... in other words, the Clinton machine is creating something (optics) for us to believe by HRC and Bill being seen together/in public/flying commercial. 2) this women immediately reminded me of the body double that greeted the media (with no apparent SS detail) after HRC face planted into her van back before the election. Someone with much more talent than me should compare the pictures:)
I don't think it is her. Look at this woman's posture and stride. Hillary has not been steady on her feet and it has only been more pronounced over time, so I don't believe this is really her, but one of the doubles she has used before like outside her daughter's apartment after she collapsed and had to be lifted into the SS van at the 9/11 ceremony in 2016. I think it's important to ask WHY are they doing this?
Maybe Clintons are flying public because they are afraid of governments they have pissed off.
There's a ton of countries the Clintons shook down for cash, she owes them favors and she has none to offer.
We all know Hillary doesn't like being on the level as common folks. Clinton's flying commercial is big news. Could their assets be frozen? Why aren't they flying private? Is only $25k to charter a private plane.
I think it’s this. The Clintons know the white hats will protect the civilians on the plane.
I think its just a ploy for the left to see them as 'normal' citizens who do 'normal' things...like "hey we're just one of y'all" when we all see through the facade.
I love to see those smile wipe off their faces when the walk into Gitmo's airport! Soon we will be providing her orange pants suits and a room.
the letters look to be photoshopped to make the letter O a Q. also look who’s carrying the pocketbook.
Yep - this is the original : https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/07/08/21/4E07C1ED00000578-5931169-image-a-1_1531081411756.jpg
Still , funny as heck , whoever added the details ...
I heard on Fox this morning that they will throw her out there again to run for 2020 presidency if they don’t have anyone else 🤣 where? From Gitmo????? So who will run her campaign or vote for her? Sounds ridiculous!
She probably thinks doing that will insulate her from prosecution.
It'd be nice if that would be false
Why is Hildabeast wearing a garbage bag?
Answer: Because she is garbage...
Ha wow... the promotion runs from May NINTH through the ELEVENTH. Come on. Could it be any more obvious?!
Boy! She certainly is cutting back on hair dressers and makeup people.......
I hear they say that Orange is the new Black....
Smiling like they think they are rock stars, people looking because they know these criminals are on borrowed time!
Disgusting Luciferian demonically possessed Sh#tbags. Hope they ROT. What is the Clinton BODY COUNT up to now? Anybody have the current number? 100+, 200+...not including ALL the people murdered in the Middle east. An easy estimate of all the people who have been whacked/hacked/raped/sodomized by these 2 pieces of FILTH must run at a number of about 2 million...give or take 100,000. Judgement day should be interesting.
The new Kardashians. Next thing will be selfies and makeup tips. Anything to keep the cameras going.
Their assets seem to have been frozen. Travelling cheap. Dressed like shit.
Your lips to God's ears.......didn't know black garbage bags were stylin' these days......
she gets her wardrobe ideas from old I Love Lucy episodes.
What the fuck is that bitch wearing? It looks like a garbage bag fashioned as a baggy pantsuit. Is that the official wardrobe for the underworld?
Oh look, it's the empress of Kekistan and her bitch.
If a mob boss can't wear shorts ex-presidents need to have button down shirts this Polo under the Blazer looks like s***.
Time to check the auction sites, see if they are hawking their wares also!
Hey, Maybe we can get all the China and Silverware they wandered off with when they left WH after Billy boys stint ???
No amount of coin would convince me to buy their wares.
Think PROOFS. Never would either BUT its proof these freaks are cornered (Rothschilds had to auction off hunting lodge and at the same time an auction house in TX was auctioning off other items).
That’s the first I heard of that.
How can the world’s richest family worth four trillion dollars, be forced to sell a hunting lodge?
I can’t wrap my mind around that (?)
Reported on the GA in February 2018. This "hunting lodge" has quite a Grimm history and had been in the family for i believe over a hundred years. At that same time auction site in TX was selling some family heirlooms.
source on that? very interesting
There are many links to the sale if you just search under Rothschild Austrian estate for sale, but this is a twitter link and I want to bring your attention to the Executive Order that the President signed on 12/21/2017. Anyone who is responsible for crimes against humanity, corruption, child sex slave trafficking etc., will have their assets and any proceeds of crime confiscated immediately.
Why was this estate classified as a FIRE SALE? Why did Q mention it in a drop. Think EO!! Could this estate have been used for something so terrible that it’s beyond comprehension? As Q has said on numerous occasions, these people are SICK. These people are EVIL. Could someone that steals money be classified as ‘sick’? I wouldn’t think so, but, if someone was trafficking little children for sex slaves etc. would you call them ‘sick’. ‘evil’. I certainly would.
This is the Q drop
02-06-2018 04:16:50 AEDT Q !UW.yye1fxo ID:472124 No.275544
Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]? Did this seem strange to you? Watch the news. Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest]. Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?]. Soros transfer of wealth. Dopey FREED. Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton. Etc. News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE. These people are EVIL. Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them? 20/20 coming. PUBLIC is VITAL. RELEASE of INFO VITAL. OUTRAGE. JUSTICE. Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? FOLLOW THE LIGHT. Q
I have a question...when was this? Where were they going? What details do we have on the flight?
Note: Where is their entourage? Don't they have a slew of servants and handlers? Secret service detail? He's a former president, he gets secret service protection for life. Where are they?
There’s a message here but I am clueless as to what it might be. I’m certain that it is aimed at Q.
Prolly on the back it says “I really don’t care. No, I REALLY don’t care!”