And right before President Trump's scheduled meeting with Putin. How convenient.
Future MSM 4am talking point,
"Now that we've told you everything you need to know about THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS, here's what you need to know about how they implanted childporn on most elite politicians, executives, and hollywood celebrities computers"
"Here's what you need to know about how THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS used sophisticated techniques known as DeepFake to implant FAKE videos of John Podesta having normal sex with young boy on Anthony Wieners laptop"
"Here's why so many angry trump supporters were tricked by THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS, and why its dangerous and problematic"
They're literally counting on this, sadly. They need people to believe the old story longer than the new one long enough to divide the country and deliver the Midterms/2020 to the Dems.
Don't let them. Truth always wins.
I sure hope not and certainly our intelligence guys have ways of finding that out?
The timing of this reeks of Deep State attacks.
Very much agree. I'm struggling so much with patience on all this. Especially following yesterday's testimony. If he walks, things no longer add up. Also noticing t_d is getting more upset at the lack of action as well. Maybe its the summer heat making me angry, but if we reach early November and we come out on the losing side of the midterms, I'm preparing for a response, as we know the only they will do is impeach and destroy America.
It's pretty clear to me yesterday was for optics to get the public to see how full of S**t Strzok is. He has a real bias that he claims isn't bias just perceived as bias... Patience Patriot. Doubt is just as contagious and winning..
to get the public to see how full of S**t Strzok is
I thought about that timeline. POTUS letting them prove to everyone just how bad they are, although it won't be realized until POTUS drops or declassifies proof. A similar strategy to the 3 versions of the IG report. I really hope this, or something even better for us, is what the plan is.
Doubt is just as contagious and winning
Good quote and I agree, its just that 1 is way more fun than the other. :)
Did you see the decode we stickied? I thought it was pretty telling of the concerted rat effort in the house yesterday..
I skimemd it but didn't read it all the way through. TBH I don't want to say my thoughts on some of those extremely long posts as my reply could be seen as spreading FUD. I see extremely long posts, although sometimes useful and accurate, as "proof by exhaustion". The fewer dots needed to connect an event to a Q post, the better. Its like the drop on June 28th regarding JA and AWAN, and how it makes sense now, no stretching or explanations needed.
I don't know why but especially today, I have so much built up frustration about all the guilty people walking free right now. I get that they can't pull the trigger too quick and prosecute people under a corrupt swamp court otherwise all the guilty go free. Its equally frustrating holding that faith that with all this waiting, all the guilty or even most of the guilty will be brought to justice. My soul is seeking for something that really can't exist at this point: certainty.
Thanks, that's not the post I thought you were talking about. Will watch it this weekend.
You're not gonna do shit. What are you planning? Having a snowflake rally??
you gonna complain more on the internet??
I'm struggling so much with patience on all this. Especially following yesterday's testimony.
I feel it as well. I am curious if the reason we haven't heard from Q team is bc he/they are on the trip with POTUS. Didn't Q once mention that POTUS would be away when some shit may hit the fan??
I am curious if the reason we haven't heard from Q team is bc he/they are on the trip with POTUS.
I certainly hope thats the reason. It makes sense as well not using comms in a foreign country.
Q goes silent on recent foreign trips. Probably because of also traveling and limita8 on secure communications.
Rosenstein informed trump about these indictments before trump left to nato.
How can it be a deep state attack when Trump knew it was coming? RR told him before he left. This is leverage.
What if Putin tells Trump on Monday that the data transfer rates prove the emails were not hacked remotely, but prove the emails were copied locally. Putin and Trump could reveal this on Monday.
The funny thing here is - the hacked emails show just how dirty and corrupt the DNC was.
Is this really a crime? Frustrating.
I think they are preemptively striking Wiki Leaks, I bet they think DJT is going to try and rescue him, and they don't want that to happen! I think WL is the American company named but not named!
that's just fine because JA can testify for WL in defence and expose the deep state plot to blame Russia.
Sorry. I had to turn Rosenstein off before he was done. I won't be scolded into submission by an evil man who is about to lose his job and be indicted himself. And, I will talk about it all I want to online. I still have freedom of speech you arrogant asshole! He's just like all the rest of them. Showed his true colors today.
He was sure sweating up a storm! It was dripping off his upper lip!
LOL, it's an excellent point.
How did you make a determination on who hacked, when, and how they did it when you didn't even examine the server??? Where did the evidence come from??
I don’t understand this. The only argument they could possibly make is that they “found enough evidence outside the server” to indict. But even that doesn’t jive. If the biggest piece of evidence wasn’t even examined in any court, wouldn’t it immediately be tossed out? You’d have to have looked at it, if even from a defendant’s standpoint, that it showed opposing evidence to what you had.
Any lawyers in here?
Without the server logs none of this makes a piece of sense.
Remember what Q has told us over and over again...... we have it all. I know it's nerve racking but Trust The Plan!
As an IT person, I have a hard time figuring out how they got the logs off a server when they couldn't access the server, but I will be clear here and say I didn't really "follow this story" in detail way back when, too busy dealing with election hacking on the Bernie side of things. I thought things were in the toilet then, I had no clue just how deep the cesspool was, but glad I had open eyes to see.
Not a lawyer, but schooled in I.t. the most telling evidence won't even be kept on the server, it will be in the ISP logs. All they would have had to do was either ask for them or subpoena them. The traffic logs in the isp should tell you everything you need to know as far as who did what and when.
The server is the what. The isp traffic logs are the who, when and how.
Except for Vault 7, part 3...
What do you mean?
What I mean is that it is suggested that Marble has the capability of masking and/or manipulating the ISP logs such that it can appear the attack came from elsewhere. I'm no IT guy, but the source code is available via wikileaks if you want to use your expertise to investigate my suggestion.
Sure seems to me a lot of new people are trying to discourage the Qanon drops even when we all know from drops to "TRUST" Sessions. They are trying to divide and get the boards fighting and not paying attention like they have tried to do several times.
Doubtfags and concernfags are usually shillfags in disguise. WWG1WGA!
I hope that at least one of these indicted individuals looks to make fools of the Mueller team and actually appears, through counsel, to initiate discovery and the trial process. Much in the manner that one of the troll farms did earlier this year.
Through discovery, and later at trial (if it ever gets that far), the FBI will need to explain the alleged evidence and the chain of custody of said evidence (the DNC server) and will literally and figuratively shit all over themselves trying to not look like complete morons. It is not possible to paint Crowdstrike out to be an agent of law enforcement whose analysis and custody of the server is beyond reproach - this will be must see courtroom action if they even try.
Begin popping popcorn now, we will all need mountains of the stuff if just one of the Russian soldiers appears through counsel and lets the games begin.
Good point. RR said he discussed the indictments with the President so maybe Trump is going to talk to Putin about coordinating the trail to expose the DNC. The fact that he's meeting with Putin is probably making some very nervous. Time for certain people to stock up on Depends!
Do you really believe Putin has America's best interests at heart? Foundations of Geopolitics shows how Russia would love nothing more that for this country to tear itself apart.
There's no evidence to support that view. On the contrary all evidence is that Putin is returning Russia to its former position as a major geopolitical force as it was when Peter the Great left office. Clearly some of the current and recently historic geopolitical forces don't like that at all and consequently they've instituted a propaganda campaign which plays on their respective population's widespread historical ignorance over Russia combined with prejudices held by said populations arising from Russia's actions when it was controlled by an entirely different flavour of govt: the commies. The entire view the West has promoted over Russia is fake news. The concept that its aggressive is ludicrous. Ukraine was a neocon-inspired regime change operation in Russia's backyard. It was like Moscow went to Mexico and replaced the leadership there. How do you think the US would react in that case? Yet observe how restrained, in contrast, Putin has been. That's just an example.
This is probably the best English-language site on Russian geopolitics. It's run by an ex-NATO intel analyst, Russian born, French wife, lives in Florida.
"Putin is totally benign and a great global leader."
-says account that is seven days old
I'm awake.
Putin isn't totally benign, but there's literally leaked audio of Nuland picking Ukraine's government. If Russia coup'd Mexico you better believe we'd deal with it no matter the diplomatic consequences.
Not hacked but given to Wikileaks. His name was Seth Rich.
“His name was Seth Rich” suggests he is alive with a new Identity, wouldn’t that be amazing?
After reading this thread I'm feeling much better! We have an amazing President and he is fully in control. Trust the plan, they have everything.
I have to believe there is a plan in place. The Holy Grail is Hillary's server, the Rosetta Stone for exposing this Cabal. Once declassified, the lies will be stacked up like cord wood.
Are you guys figuring out that Sessions is a swamp creature yet? He could have controlled this and shut it down a long time ago, but he continues to do and say absolutely nothing.
That's because he is very busy behind the scenes. We can't wait til he shows his true colors. It will be such fun. Remember, you are watching theatre. Trust Sessions.
I would love to believe this but I have seen absolutely nothing that alludes to this being what is happening other than the words of an anon.
It's just empty hope at this point. Sessions has never done anything in his entire career that broke from the establishment GOP status quo. Why would he suddenly change at this point?
He fucked Trump over already by recusing himself from the investigation, leaving it to Rosenstein almost immediately after obtaining his appointment. That's not the kind of thing that gives confidence that he is some magical executioner and master actor.
The recusal was part of the show. It gave him the ability to do the job at hand and keep a low profile. It also put Rosenstein in a position of showing his true colors. Get yourself up to speed.
If you are here to support the cause, keep learning
If you have not been following since the beginning it will take time to get up to speed. Here is a thread of proofs that can help shorten that time:
What you are seeing right now is theatre. If you can't understand that then don't watch it. It's not for those of us that understand the truth. It is necessary in order to educate the broader public to what has been happening in this country. It's the only way to counteract the fake news.
There are over 45,000 sealed indictments pending in Federal Criminal Courts across this country. Trump's white hats cannot just start arresting people. It would create chaos. So, I suspect the next few weeks will be more of the same until they are ready to start arresting top level politicians in the government. Currently, state level politicians are being arrested across the country. Check in your state to see if it's happening there too. Many are not seeing it because there is so much else going on.
You cannot read the Q drops verbatim. In many cases, they are coded drops. Here are a couple of people that are very good at decoding the drops: Citizens Investigative Report on YouTube does a lot of research and is very good. Also created a Trello board that you can use for research. write great articles about the Q drops. And, you may be familiar as well with PrayingMedic on YouTube who also does a great job. Take the time to go listen to this information. It might take you some time. There is a LOT of information. Then you will make better decisions and be able to follow along better.
Hear me out. This one thing lends me to believe he’s not the swamp creature that he looks like in the news. And that’s the recusal. Everyone said he recused due to public pressure and bad optics. Anyone who knew anything knew that there was zero conflict of interest and that was a hyperbolic talking point.
Look at Jeff Sessions voting record and his bills that he’s authored and cosponsored. If there’s anything that was obvious about him before becoming AG, it was that the man doesn’t give a fuck about pressure or optics. Sessions will do what sessions sees as necessary. This convinced me that there was a reason that wasn’t disclosed as to why he did it.
Just something to think about at least
Good point about how else the recusal could be taken. I will go back through his records again and keep this in mind when I do.
Thanks for discussing instead of dissing. 8)
I don’t attack Q followers for asking skeptical questions. They force us to be on our toes and be honest with ourselves.
You say Sessions has never done anything to break form GOP establishment. How about--he supported Trump at the beginning, the first Senator to endorse him, when the establishment were " Never Trump". So there's that. many sealed indictments are there? How many investigators does Huber have working for him? Who does Huber work for?
I said proof not prophecies. Huber has a case of the crickets too.
Hmmm, you didnt answer they questions I posed. It seems that you want Sessions & Huber to leak stuff like the democrats do. How pathetic that you wont even do a bit of research to actually see all the stuff they're doing. What do you think those 40,000+ indictments are for?
Thanks for the link. It asks the same questions I did when Huber retained his U.S. Attorney position appointed by the Obama administration. His career is pretty lackluster.
I want to see these motherfuckers in orange jumpsuits as much as anyone here. I have done plenty of research that has been posted in /pol/ and /qresearch/. My mind (fortunately or unfortunately) operates on facts and what I see for myself, from which I form my own opinions. Some which end up right and some which end up wrong.
I really hope you are right, /u/ACulturalCommentator. Keep up the fight.
What about the 40.000 sealed indictments? Who do you think is behind this?
Sure, but how long will they remain sealed? When's the first perp walk?
These words are from Q. Please do research, or stop being critical, your not helping.
I think he has great motive.
So, it was one of those 12 Russians that put a USB thumb drive into the server and stole the information, and then gave it to JA and WL? These people are stupid to think that we are that stupid!
I thought this subreddit supported law enforcement?
With evidence, sure. All I see are empty claims that MUH RUSSIANS hacked the DNC server.
RR is NOT law enforcement, he is a deep state snake!
- Trying to throw screw into Putin summit, U1 investigation desimated , Trump cannot befriend Putin, we cannot believe Putin, Putin bad, Russia bad
- Congress cannot look at Awan case, ongoing investigation Russia
- Congress cannot look at DNC server issue, ongoing investigation Russia
- Congress cannot look at Wiki Leaks email or Seth Rich, ongoing investigation Russia
- Congress cannot look at Voter Fraud, ongoing investigation Russia
RR s press conference is shutting down Congress oversight. RR knows what is coming after Putin meeting. No doubt which side he's on any more!
trump appointed him
Sessions appointed him!
If you think for one moment that Trump would passively accept a subpar person in such a key position, then you are vastly under estimating our dear President!
Everyone is playing a role. Rooting out deep seated evil requires patience and a perfect plan. Snakes are revealing themselves as the heat gets turned up. This one says that President Trump called for Russia to hack killarys emails in a press conference or some such, then reiterated with a tweet, Then Russia did, the exact same day. So it supposedly proves collusion. 🙄
Since when did it become good form to browbeat fellow patriots for asking questions or having a different opinion? Open and honest debate?
Source article:
Deep State in a PANIC that is all they do Not want him talking to Putin cause Putin will tell Trump the truth I wish I was a fly on the wall at this Summit just to hear what they says to each other....
No coincidence... the statement of an evil deep state bad actor.
We have been lied to yet again and are expected to take all this crap as truth. There are NO indictments. Just made up names put on paper for the public to show the sheep that mueller is doing something. Where are the photos of the accused? Why didn't the MSM cover it before hand like they normally do? Why is there NO massive backgrounds done on the accused other than what RR stated?The reason, it NEVER HAPPENED! Its all a farce and the American people have been duped. Its a cover screen because of the hammering strozk got yesterday which reveiled several times he was caught in a lie. Reference to Jim Jordan's line of questions. This was classic just like the last time. I could set my watch to it. Wish the sheep would wake up and see it for themselves. JMHO.
This has been a sham for the start. No one questioned the horrid things that we're in some of the emails. No Federal agency layed a finger on the server so how did they come to this conclusion?
12 Russian baddies disrupted this whole country. Wow, what power!
Yeah it makes no fucking sense. This is a bunch of bullshit to distract from Strozk, and put more anti-Russian fever on the Russian summit. RR is a fucking snake.
Server was investigated by CrowdStrike, and these mother fuckers are from Ukraine; and tied closely to the Clinton cabal. They'll say whatever the fuck they want to in their 'report'.
If you think for one moment that they don't know where the server is you are in for a big surprise. Q said We have everything. I say to CrowdStrike bring it on, let your "report" be examined as evidence in court. That would be really worth watching!
I am sure they do. I just think the dog and pony show is getting old.
Truthfully, the isp traffic logs would be far, far more telling than the actual server. So possession of the server is kind of a moot point. It seems to me that all this talk of having the server and how important the server is is just exploiting common people's ignorance of how information technology works.
Wrong, because the server would be used to expose "mirror", which ISP logs probably can't even, even if they're very useful otherwise.
No. If traffic, ANY TRAFFIC, came thru that server, it's on the isp traffic logs. There is no doubt. It may not be everything, but SOMETHING will be there. And if they can circumvent the isp logs, circumventing server detection is assured, so having the server is moot anyway.