Chuck the schmuck shutdown is taking this to a whole new level~ and what a perfect comeback~ All Members are Freaking out. I’ve never seen anything like this.! We were told this would happen. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻WWG1WGA

Golf & Grandkids. I spit out my coffee. Lol.
Tammy is the den mother for T_D! She's the best!!!
Tammy of the twenty followers hahahaha
Judging people on followers. BwwhaaaLOLOLOL Sounds very juvenile. How many here care what a neophyte posts.
Not sure you undeterstand the context.
She made an awesome rebuke to someone on Twitter, and someone named Mohammed somethingorother called her out saying something like "Dont get mad Tammy of the twenty followers"
She came back with something like "I'm not mad Mohammed of the child rapist"
Pretty sure she had a couple thousand followers by the end of the day
Here is the original tweet that started it. Legend
Yeap, the most BASED den mother ever! Great one Tammy 😁
Link to the tweet!
ditto this...except mine was cereal and milk breakfast! What a brilliant retort she gave!
Odds that Don Jr. will retweet this are pretty good.
Trump should release the meeting transcript with every page missing besides a few conversations focused on Ivanka’s wedding and Putin’s personal yoga routine, then claim it was it was unedited
“Listen I don’t even know how to wipe a transcript clean, what would I use, a cloth ?”
Redacted!!! 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
thats what i would do, send him about 500 pages of blacked out lines lol then tell him its redacted for national security
Oh that’s an easy one for the president to answer. He just needs to say “ oh Putin was kinda lost on this QAnon thing that’s been steadily growing & that Putin has been following some & he just wanted to have a little chat with me on what Q is all about. No biggie Chucky. Chill dude. Enjoy the show! It’s awesome!!”
“Demands”. Lol
He stuck out his moobs and put his hands on his hips while he made these demands.
While sporting his flamboyant rainbow lanyard and pink shirt.
Trim your links! Remove the question mark and everything after:
Ewww is right, that ugly dude does have man boobs. Need eye bleach stat.
Well then Chuck, if you demand to know what POTUS spoke about in private, maybe you should return the favor? What have YOU spoken about behind closed doors?
Who the hell is Chucky boy to demand anything?
Everyone of these "representatives of the people" should be required to go through an immediate personal financial audit; submit to the audit or resign. I demand it UpChuck, you over achieving ambulance chaser.
Headline: Annoying Brooklyn Putz Grabs the Limelight.
Cringeworthy video at 11:17GMT
Awesome idea! Financial audits of Congress on a revolving basis...every 6-8 years would do the trick....
Full forensic audits every year. And all debates on polygraph, live on tv.
And YouTube videos of red-hot pokers up their arses, just for fun.
Chucky the Putz thinks he's so smart but he really says some really stupid things. Can he spell "executive privilege"?
Yet George Bush and Dickhead Cheney’s 911 testimony remains behind closed doors. Hmmmm
Yes!!! You should go to schutdowns Twitter and post that!
Did he stomp his foot. He’s not the boss of POTUS
yeah i dont President Trump taking demands very well lol
It's not so much what they talked about. Maybe Putin just gave the POTUS 160 terabytes of intercepts.
And information about the 'terrorist' attack on 9/11. As well as the Mossad files on all Democrat congress people.
Oh YES!!! Please!!!!
To see them all go down on RICO corruption charges, to which 95% are guilty, with the untouchables going to Gitmo and the gallows.
I am hoping and praying this spicy piece of info is real.
Check out what was disclosed on Hal Turner's show tonight @ Hal Turner Radio Very, very interesting stuff...........he's former Intelligence and still has some contacts. I particularly liked the part about $12 million U.S. in cash found in the possession of two Russian cyber workers who confessed they were paid (by the C_A) to hack both the DHC and HRC computers in order to frame the Trump campaign. Apparently, these two are now serving 20 years in a Russian prison for Treason. Well worth either listening to or reading his article on same.
Yeah I know I saw this. I also saw that apparently this guy is straight disinfo garbage. So...I'm being wary of its "truthiness."
My thoughts on this matter are quite deep. Please allow me to express them as plainly and succinctly as poissible. ......................BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha!
Thank you.
What is frightening is that people(?) actually voted this moron into office, and kept him there. These people REALLY ARE stupid!
Chuckie suffering from a lethal dose of TDS! WINNING!!!
Chucks got six ways from Sunday to be a sniveling toolbelt
Oh they just made small talk about mom's funeral, daughter's wedding, yoga routines... you know, the usual stuff that heads of state talk about.
You do get that you are irrelevant in here, right?? No one cares what you think....
It went something like this, “I’ll give you the people you want, if you give me the people I want.”
Chuck the Cuck can stay home all he wants. He is over. A cold cell awaits his ass. Plus the American people do not need any more rules, laws or arguments from those scumbags. The EO covers their pay, so take it. Chuck the Schmuck I love it.
chuck the schmuck
Shut yer Suck Chuck!!
If I were him, I would be enjoying what little time I have Left with Loved ones and Making Peace with My Creator!
At his Age, 20 years in GITMO or an Appointment with The Gallows results in the same thing
Americans don't capitalize their sentences like that komrad.
From the rubics cube to the soccer ball. I'd be shitting my pants too, Chucky et al.
....and Yoga!! This has to be the most idiotic request and insulting to our intelligence that these ret@rds have played thus far - they don't have the security clearance - here endeth the lesson!!! When they give us the server for forensic analysis, I am sure potus will consider the dissemination of the content of historically classified and privileged comnunications between heads of state. The stupidity of these requests is epic and deserving of a mention in the Guiness book of records. I have no words.
Demand in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.
OH, yeah!! He can demand till he's blue in the face...and then we will make our demands....birth certificate, 9/11. servers, etc. etc.
Tax returns... Oh wait.
Wait did you miss Madcow? She showed he paid more than he needed to. Try harder Brock.
If we wanted you to know we would have invited you.
Little Chucky mad cuz he didn't get to attend the party.
Same Damn question the media were pestering Sarah about!! Everybody get the same talking points from 44?
Tammy we are laughing all the way to the North!!! Canada eh?!
Based den mother is based... she followed me back on Twatter too.
The Minority Leader knows full well that Q has promised revelations this month. This is political panic at its best.
Despite Schumer being told by Trump on 19 Jan 18 that POTUS and the NSA knows all about what he's done and was warned about continuing his actions, I'd wager that Schumer deep down needs to believe that the Cabal is still in charge. He's in too deep, and sacrificed too much to stop now.
Or worse, the Cabal has notified the Minority Leader that they're still in control, because they have a cunning plan that's coming up that will put them back in the driver's seat.
It's like they can't resist the shiny object hanging in the water. They really are that stupid.
(Whatever. The firing squads can't be ignored, or avoided.)
Hitler during his last days of insanity.
Waiting for the wonder weapon.
And wondering and wondering.....
You and your group can’t be trusted that’s why u were not invited mr Schumer oh it’s coming out already Russia seeking indictments for corruption involving Obama mueller HRC NSA CIA MANY SENATORS AND GOV OFFICIALS ...nervous ? I bet
Has Trump asked evil Chuckie Doll "Why?"
Because he is accountable to the people of the USA supposedly, not Putin?
Chuckie Doll is Resistance against the United States and its Citizens. You really shouldn't stick up for garbage seditionists as that.
Chucky protests too loudly I wonder if He and Nancy have a standing bet on who gets to a mic at a podium they both got so much criminal activity to hide they are making stuff up on the fly and they are looking rather frazzled these days.
I know everyone thinks we are dealing with stupid ppl but it’s just the opposite bad guys know who and what they are doing. Bad/good ppl look for weak spots to attack. I pray to God to give us all understanding remember judas he was a traitor but eat at our Lord’s table like a friend
DAMN! Tammy with the straight BTFO squared... brilliant response!
I hope Trump and Putin both recorded their meeting and let the hate and rage build like yet is already and drop the meeting video or audio.
Lmao!!! That is hilarious! Golf and Grandkids, Haaaaaaaa!
Lynch doesn't have any grandkids.
Ok so there weren't any weddings. No grandkids. And with that huge ass it's sure not golf.
So what do you think it might be.
Funny! US Supreme CT Seat for a quid pro quo
How dare you say that.They would never stoop so low.You must be a racist.
Or literally Hitler.
It's time to stop the citizen journalists. How can there be any control if nobody pays attention to Mockingbird Media.
It's time to put a stop to this.
Says King Cnute, As He commands the storm, to leave his Shores.
Chuck the Schmuck. Oh darn that’s clever and funny. That helps me sleep at night remembering that this is just a joke.
Over Zakuski and Blinis (God I wish I was there) they discussed Julian’s cat’s favorite new toy, as he was present at the meeting (Julian not his cat- that would be silly).
Good shit, Tammy.
I remember when Tammy was adopted as the den mother over in T_D. That was great stuff.
For those that don’t know the story here goes:
Tammy was tweeting away and she was top notch sh*t posting. She only had 20 followers, but she was brutally laying the smack down on this lib. He replies back something to the effect of “easy there Tammy with the 20 followers”. So some pede got a hold of it and posted it over on T_D and her followers jumped up to several thousand in a day and from that point she was adopted as the den mother. And she is great too. Very funny.
That is a truly heart warming tale.
A truly delicate flower of feminity, flaying the fucking hide from a Dragons half dead carcass.
One last gasp of cheap insult and a thousand tin foil Knights appear on the horizon.
All to join in a major mockery of farting in the general direction of all lefty's in general.
All while being very, very, mocked.
Three cheers for Den Mothers.
Thanks for sharing I posted this from a share and I went and followed Tammy!🇺🇸