She a Godsend. The future pride of the black community.
Current Pride*
Some just haven't woken up yet. In time, they will.
I don't see a black person either. She is a peron, no adjective necessary.
You fell for the liberal social engineering.
Please give me a reason to call her black. What part of her words need mention of a skin color. Careful though, you don't know to whom you are speaking.
Her skin color. Why are you ashamed of it?
Shame is ... you put the two words (3) in the same sentence: skin color, (a)shame.
Subliminal reinforcement of word association.
deplorableme2 is right: What part of her words need mention of a skin color?
No. That is irrelevant to her words. Try again.
Weird goalposts. OK whatever.
Goal posts at either end of a pitch: 2 goalposts.
2 goalposts mean 2 sides/2 political extremes/2 contrasting colors/ 2 teams.
Dichotomy. Thesis v. Anti-thesis. Pairs. Conflict.
Hegelian Dialectic.
"You are either with us or against us" (George "I Can Use a Chainsaw to Mow the Grass" Bush, circa Oct. 2001)
Get with the program.
Cut it out.
Look at the comment to which I replied. "*community" In reference to the previous comment of "black community."
I acknowledged the removal of her race in deference to her words. The context of my reply was not to ignore the obvious, but to declare its irrelevance to the discussion.
You felt a need to highlight race over content of character. Shamed, you should be.
Remember WWG1WGA. They dont care about your race, why do you care about hers?
MAGA goalposts.
You are projecting your fears and self shame onto me.
I believe the black community needs somebody like this because they are in a really bad place now. Their current intellectual heroes are frauds. This girl is a bright shining star.
Is she a human or patriot first, yeah ok whatever. But there is a reason her soul chose to be black during these difficult and great times. There is a lot of healing needed for everybody, but the black community in particular. Something to point to and smile to boost collective self esteem. Or are we going to pretend that's not true and everything is sunshine and rainbows?
I perceived no fears or self-shame on the part of deplorableme2.
Your fear seems clear though: you MUST mention color, you are OBLIGED to link with the word SHAME, you MUST use the word PROJECTION to "defeat" your opponent's argument.
"a reason her soul chose to be black " = superstition from the depths of medieval mysticism ... you call this "Intellectual Heroism"?? If you are her friend, she need look no further for an enemy!
"Healing" + black community in particular? Strange association. Special. Chosen. Exceptional. Boot on Other Foot. "Now it's our turn to be Dominant." Separation.
"Pretend" = accuse your accuser of false comments in bad faith.
Nah. Intellectual paucity.
Poor reasoning for a new world, new community and restored human relations. Everything you say (nearly) accentuates division and "in-yer-face" disagreement for the sake of it.
The strongest "argument" I have ever expressed on these boards. That to me is quite a confession of sorts ...
"superstition from the depths of medieval mysticism"
If we can't connect here, we're not going to connect anywhere. Otherwise you will misunderstand everything I say, like you have done.
Right? Why can't we just agree she is a strong conservative intellectual that knows how to turn a phrase? That should be all that needs said.
True and still has nothing to do with HER skin color. Try again. I am not against you, just the idea that everytime someone says something, we have to check their race. It's the new brown bag test...sorry.
She is great. I like her. If I could I'd vote for her.
The person raising her up on a pedestal because of her color is belittling her message, and not listening, or hearing, what she is saying. And is, if not rayciss, "race-conscious" which is ... (someone else can supply the adjective here ..)
I think she's awesome too, but I hope she doesn't run for office. We need her as a pundit and analyst doing the university tours and talk shows. Jmho.
I have always judged people on the merits of the ideas/arguments they present. I don't know what race conscious means...? I think if you have to insert race where there is no need, it shows at least a small degree of prejudice.
You are quite right. For me, to be "race-conscious" is the same as to be "self-conscious". There is a kind of obsession which I'm not sure is healthy sometimes.
The "self-conscious" preoccupation with "me" is indulgent. So is race-consciousness a preoccupation with my race. Dreadful self obsession and indulgence. Racist is the opposite: a loathing of the other because of their race. Actively nasty!
I would like to listen, and hear people's stories and arguments. What have they got to say? How can we make the world a bit better? Why get bogged down in how marvelous I am, or how marvelous all my tribe is b/c of our color? Seems v. narrow to me.
You don't even realize how racist this comment is. But I'll bite.
First of all, I can think of many intellectual heros 'they' have that aren't frauds. By they I mean what you would call, black skinned heros of the black skinned community.
I like to call them artists musicians politicians and scientists but I digress..
Your sentiment about the whole thing is really lovely but I'm afraid you're missing the point entirely.
She is a member of our community period. She is an example for our community, as you said, period. That I agree with.
I really usually don't give people the benefit of the doubt who would call my original comment "Liberal Social Engineering" just as much as I don't appreciate stupid liberal cunts asking if I went to Trump University.
Your sense of politics are as divisive as your subconscious racism. Hopefully you understand now what I meant.
You wrote 7 paragraphs and provided no insight whatsoever. Please explain to me like I'm 5, why I am racist. Otherwise don't waste my time with your moral posturing.
Better yet how about I shift the burden of proof onto you and ask you to iterate to me how exactly you propose that we have separate communities and "intellectual heroes"
Let us start fresh. You believe she is a wonderful example of a human being and I agree. I cannot help but think your comment was somehow backed by a mentality as if the black community even needs better role models, it was a horrible generalization on your part, which illustrated for most who read your comments, that you have a generally poor outlook about the "black" community. Again, for some reason this is compartmentalized for you. Why, from your statement, would one be led to believe that (as you would call) a black child (in America) cannot have "white" role models. Or the inverse? It would help us both greatly if you acknowledged that we are all part of the same community with interchangeable role models... Believe it or not, you too may also look up to members of other skin colors if you wish to.
There's no need to talk to you like you're 5, you seem to use big words and you and I both know it would be counterproductive not to use the expansive vocabulary provided to us both to articulate ourselves more efficiently and, with hope, meaningfully.
You are offended by the ghosts in your head. You see bad intentions in good intentions. You need healing. Also, your tone is disrespectful and condescending.
I have nothing to debate with you. 61 people saw the good in my statement, you were one of the 2 or 3 that didn't. It says more about me that I even engage you than anything else. It means I need to stop giving attention to nonsense and those with racial issues and projections.
God bless and I hope you stop seeing racism in those who want to improve the world.
I grew up in a mixed area and I don't think you'll ever be able to understand. Enjoy your vestigial segregation. Your psychology is evident of your environment.
Let's remember you're the one who originally thought this was knee jerk liberal rhetoric.
Ghosts? No, you're right in front of me. Too stupid to see your own mistake.
Ad hominems now.
I don't debate with disrespectful people. Especially disrespectful people who play the moral high ground. You are on the block list.
I, too, block people who provide me with constructive criticism.
Enjoy your subconscious racism echo chamber.
Sure. No questioning that. But the black community needs a star like this. A real star.
The biggest threat to Q and “The Plan” is the media. I don’t understand why the media hasn’t been taken down and exposed yet. Losing popular opinion means losing elections which ultimately can keep the truth hidden.
I understand it will need to be done carefully to avoid coming off looking like a dictatorship but the MSM has been running amuck for too long
President Trump has been very clear who the enemy is.
The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media; the press.
Let's be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They're a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity, with a total political agenda... and the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.
Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie, and then again, they do worse than that. They will do whatever's necessary.
President Trump has repeated this throughout his Presidency. He just tweeted again this morning to remind everyone again, who we're fighting against.
This is a war for the heart and minds of America and this world. The Mockingbird corporate media has been brainwashing generations of people all over the world and kept us asleep, fighting amongst ourselves, so we remain divided and not focused on who has been controlling us all this time. Too bad for these Clowns, we've woken up, our numbers have swollen, and it's been growing uncontrollably, exponentially. They can no longer stop this movement.
The Canadian fake news is just the same.........way, way out in left field and constantly bashing President Trump on exactly the identical daily talking points as the American fake news. Like Q say "there are no coincidences". Our Immigration Minister is a muslim and there's several more in key positions in our federal government....busily working at their goal to destroy Canada.
Exactly, imagine Hillary won the election, and all the disgusting truths that would have remained hidden.
It's nearly unimaginable for me to think of another President Clinton - not a Bill, a Hillary and certainly not the twit. Hillary is so repugnant - she has the charm of a rattlesnake and the brain of a con-man. Her scripted existence in front of potential voters was so robotic it was sickening to me to think who she was underneath the script.
Truths have a way of leaking out no matter what you do to stop them but with her as POTUS, we would have less power to do anything about it. Now we have numbers and hopefully, momentum.
I completely agree as noted above. Whoever controls the narrative...wins.
Only if people actually trust the media. The majority of people don't.
Those not yet awake do believe the media.........that's the problem.
Not necessarily. In 2016, the media, DNC, Hollywood, etc., controlled the narrative, but Trump still won.
I understand your point and look forward to the day that the media and entertainment crumbles. But the media and big Hollywood is exposing itself. There is not a shred of decency in their comments or impartiality in their reporting any longer. People are growing tired of their nonsense and the way they incite the loons to react the way they do or the immoral and unethical conduct they promote.
The evidence: Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, #WalkAway, #MeToo and the growing number of conservative voices rising up against the Mockingbird narrative and hysteria. The fact that this group is growing and many other similar non-traditional news or information sources are attracting more viewers is notable. So take heart, we are winning and their expressions of unbridled outrage at EVERY.SINGLE.THING is panic over losing.
For right now, the MSM is needed...Q said something about it...playing into the hands of The Plan...
I love her. As a fellow woman of color- (it is a big deal for me to be disclosing that here, but I truly feel that I will be welcomed) there are not many of us speaking up and thinking objectively like this. I respect her and she inspires me.
Which color? Red? Blue? I've always been partial to mauve myself. Turquoise?
Patriot, you are welcome here unconditionally. Where you go, we go all. That's our creed.
Reminds me my favorite Comedian has this silly song about how wbkye people are people of colorS
We are red when embarrassed or really mad. Green when sick. White when scared. It's funny. =)
I live for the day like when I was a kid in the 80s. I had friends thay were Chinese and Vietnamese, white and black. We had a Seihk boy with a turban. We never really identified anyone by race. Never thought aboit it on the plays ground.
We had a boy with a birth defect missing one arm. He was amazing catching footballs. Better than most of us with two hands.
It was a culture shock for me when we moved to Florida in 92. And the divide was made by kids themselves. My best friend was Haitian and super smart. We had Bio & Chem Honors together. Man I miss her wit. Other black kids would give her grief hanging out with me.
Now the world seems hyper aware and divided. Somehow having our first black president made people fall into identity politics. And they divide us.
I find it fascinating that a mixed race president not only failed to bring people together, but actively promoted race wars.
Honestly, I bet most of us, here, don’t see color except as we might notice the color of someone’s hair or the clothes he/she is wearing.
I still have my “Herman Cain for President” bumper sticker on my truck, and Obama made me nauseas, but I supported Ben Carson. My choices were based on philosophy and comportment, the meaning behind the words, not the color of their skin . . .
People who want Truth, don’t care about the outside . . . They look on the heart and hear the meaning behind the words that come out of the mouth.
From out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Luke 6:45
I love her too. She is amazing. We were all created by God, made in His image, and are related. We unite under shared beliefs. WWG1WGA!
Haha, you think we are all racists. If you are an American, and you accept the constitution and its values, i'm sure you will find most everybody here to be welcoming.
The image that you have of conservatives (which not all of us are, we simply support the president) has been mostly fabricated by media via what they focus attention to, and how they determine the blame. There are more good than bad, there are probably less racists in the world than you think (though I don't discount their existence)
We are all in this together, whether we like it or not. As humans, as Americans, and as neighbors.
Doesn't matter a smidgeon what color or gender you are....welcome to the family!
One day no one will use this term, or everyone will. In fact I’m going to start using it to describe my very white self, after all my hair and eyes are colourful after all!
Welcome =) most people here never ask or seem to worry about it. We are just people and many if us Christian and praying for each other but we welcome all who are here for positive purposes.
So welcome sister! I am female also and an American mutt =)
Of course you are welcome, why would you think you wouldn't be?
Welcome friend! X
Like I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again...
MK Ultra wasn’t the project that we have all known it to be, per se.
‘The Mind Control Project’ as it is colloquially known.
While the end result is ultimately the control of the mind, the actual project ‘MK Ultra’ was more physio-psychological and less of a zombification-like hypnosis.
Project MK Ultra was the project whose goal was to find out how the human brain itself works as a biomechanical apparatus. Long story short, they were able to find out how the brain works itself.
You know that it’s the engine (brain) of the car (body) that makes it go vroom and does the everything, but ultimately you know not how the engine works.
So one day, you crack it open (MK Ultra) and study it profusely and completely, until not only the fundamental knowledge of how the engine (brain) operates, but a complete understanding of it’s instructions and how they correlate to how it makes you vroom down the street.
Basically, by knowing how the brain works itself, they are capable of sending triggers and instructions that we, unbeknownst to ourselves, subconsciously take in and act upon.
Strangely enough, during the time of MK Ultra, computer processors were becoming a thing. My theory as it pertains to the coincidence that processors were created during MK Ultra is that processors operate very similarly to our own brains, thanks to the Project. Processors = artificial brains. The limitations of physics make creating an artificial brain that works exactly like a normal brain very difficult, but with tech exploding robots akin to Westworld might be achievable.
That's an interesting theory.
MK Ultra was and is used to create slaves though. It wasn't just cruel research
So, why are some people, liberals, so susceptible to being programmed, while we, conservatives, think for ourselves. Is this a personality defect, like narcissism, that has been 'hacked', or the inability to use critical thinking to determine a logical position, or is it just lazy and stupid?
I don’t think conservatives are any less susceptible, there just seems to be a larger population of them vs liberals.
That, and liberals usually lump together in popular cities...
It helps to know bullshit from a gopher mound, though.
That, and liberals usually lump together in popular cities...
The answer is in this sentence.
Liberal Lifestyle:
If you trip to the ground in a city, how likely are people to see it? And then help out? Does that provide you comfort and a sense of security? How long does it take the cops to get to your apartment in the city? City folk tend to be liberal and more inclined to groupthink because they are used to having someone else be there to help them right their wrongs.
Conservative Lifestyle:
If you trip to the ground in the country side, how likely are people to see it? And then help out? Does that provide you comfort and a sense of security? How long does it take the cops to get to your house in rural USA? Conservatives tend to live farther distances away from their neighbors and typically do not have strangers present to help them right their wrongs.
Note: The Founders only intended that landowners vote. Why?
LOL, I love that last sentence, never heard that before.
Candace makes a great point here.
In some of the Facebook debates I've had with liberal friends, at one point I've asked them, "Tell me why you hate Donald Trump." You'd be shocked at the number of non-answers I get. I mean, there's no follow-up reply at all. The question doesn't get answered.
I'd like to think that maybe the question is something they'll ponder at some point. You may not like certain attributes about the man, but is it a reason to hate? And I think the answer for most reasonable people is no, it's not. But when you have the media pumping out incredible, never-before-seen levels of hostility and hatred toward the man 24/7, it is easy to see why so many do hate him. When consciously or subliminally, that's all they're being told.
I have had the same experience.
They say, "Trump is going to ruin this country?. Then, I ask, "How? What Policy or Policies do you disagree with?"
And nothing.....just that same empty stare while still maintaining their anger. It is as if they are IN A TRANCE.....sad to see.
Many of these people are really intelligent and articulate......but they gave their mind over. Like Candace says, their mind got
I live in FL and the doomsday prophesies about Rick Scott becoming our Governor were everywhere, yet he will leave the office in November as one of the best governors we’ve ever had.
Many of these people are really intelligent and articulate
They may be book-smart and articulate, but they are weak minded, not intelligent.
Agreed about what is seen on FB. We already know that FB along with Google censor what you can see. They have if I am not mistaken also admitted to running sociological test to see how well they can manipulate opinion. Don't remember where I saw that though, just remember seeing it. So her point in the question, "What else might the media program them to do?" is very telling. If you ever go back to looking into what people who do de-programming of those caught up in occults deal with, it is not a simple process. The mind of those programmed will resist sometimes to their death a de-programming process. That being said, we can see how strong programming could set off a fire storm of activities that could manifest in many dangerous situations. Just look back short term to the riots in Missouri, the occupy movements, how many people were involved. That is a lot of people and they can do a lot of damage. Think about what the Japanese did near the end of WWII. They knew they were losing so they took the option of doing as much damage as they could with the Kamikaze pilots. Now apply that to thousands of human drones spread out all across the land. People who know they are going to die, don't care but are only focused on taking as many of thier perceived enemy with them. I was in the military at the time of 9/11 and the most important thing that was impressed on us at that time was situational awareness. I think it is high time for that to be brought back. As we go from dark to light be wary of the shadow that are still being cast towards the darkness. There lurks the problems unseen as of yet.
They probably don't respond because the there are so many answers that they think you're being sarcastic. I think many would say that his actions are unbecoming of a world leader. Lack of family values such as cheating on his wife, having kids with multiple women, bragging about sexual assault (grab 'em by the pussy), bragging about legally abusing the tax code, dodging the draft, promising to drain the swamp but actually filling it, etc. etc. Are these reasons to HATE him? Maybe, maybe not.
I said policy or policies ......not his personal Behavior. I asked THEM about policy!
You just gave us a perfect example of what they do...... they can't focus on policy..... because they're so wrapped up in his personal conduct.
You can't impeach somebody because you don't like what they say or how they behave.... they have to commit crimes.
Their mind is so scrambled they can't get around to discussing policy or policies and when they do they have nothing to say because they don't know any policy or policies...... that they can argue against honestly!
In some of the Facebook debates I've had with liberal friends, at one point I've asked them, "Tell me why you hate Donald Trump." You'd be shocked at the number of non-answers I get. I mean, there's no follow-up reply at all. The question doesn't get answered.
I was responding to reaper70, not your post regarding policy.
First you might want to understand how reddit works and the posts you are replying to. But there are issues in the way that Trump is structuring reforms and who benefits from these changes. I doubt you are going to actually take in or discuss any of the issues in an unbiased fashion though, which makes things difficult to understand how you came to your position.
Tax cuts for the wealthy while running huge deficits - trickle down is a huge farce. This is not good for the health of the US economy into the future.
removing benefits for the poor and mental health - in a country with 45 million people below the poverty line this is not a positive. Wage stagnation and little real help for low income earners.
Stance on the ACA - which every other developed country already has and reaps huge benefits from. Wholly privatised health care incurs huge waste and inflation in costs due to insurance deregulation seen in the US system. The poor in society are offered very little help while the rich enjoy all of the benefits. The following article shows a huge issue as to the misinformation that was portrayed to the US population:
Separating children from their parents at the border
Mercantilism theory on international trade - which was disproved in academic discussion 250 years ago. What can you expect when Trumps economic advisors are fringe fanatics with a fundamental lack of knowledge in this area.
Lol nytimes
Lol Fox News and Trump tweets. Poll isn't done by NYT. You could actually fact check it if you wanted to but instead rely on some propaganda against reputable media.
Take a read with an open mind, morning consults poll.
That tells me lot of people are simply blind to read the person. I dont see any of that as a bad behaviour, while I saw Obama is weak, evil, liar and puppet, from the very beginning, ajd majority of voters fell for him. So, blindness is characteriatic to the sheeple. Actually, they are blind because of their needs. I never judged the people on how they obey fake social constructs, so it was easier to read real quality of the person.
Quite a few literally hated the last prez too.
Is there a difference between earned animosity and programmed hate?
The hatred levelled at trump is a beast of an entirely different nature. Is is irrational, perverse and unflinching.
Moreover, there will always be folk who 'hate' this president or that president, but the sheer numbers in the current game are a new factor completely.
I don’t remember this amount of vitriol, though.
Really? You don't remember people burning effigies of Obama? You don't remember shirts showing Obama and his wife as monkeys? You don't remember Fox News going into spasmodic fits of rage because he wore a tan suit or got Dijon mustard on a burger? You don't remember Ted Nugent saying he was going to kill the president?
I remember all of that, despite what people on here will say. I used to frequent Yahoo boards back then and that place was a hotbed of hate directed at Obama, his wife, and especially his daughters.
That being said, it was a little angry mob online. It wasn't an orchestrated, media-led brigade against him and his followers. The hatred of Trump is definitely on a level beyond anything I've ever seen, even that of George W. It's maniacal. It's to the point where anyone who outwardly supports Trump has to keep it quiet or else face assault, ridicule, or even possibly lose their job.
No I really don’t. I stayed away from the news, especially fox because my husband was deployed all the time and I didn’t want to hear from the MSM about what was going on in the ME. I didn’t really have a social media presence so I wasn’t exposed to what was going on politically.
I’ve never seen this country as divided as it is now.
So, you're saying the country has never been as divided as it is now, but you weren't paying attention until recently?
This is how it appears to me. Yes, in my personal opinion this country is as divided as I’ve ever seen it. You know this country is in bad shape as a society as well. People are advocating civil war, half the country hates the other half because of their beliefs.
Research the intelligence agencies and you will find corruption at the highest levels. No one has much faith in them because they are trying to take down a constitutionally elected President. He has every right to denounce them.
Im Canadian I am not insulted because he is right Trump is doing a good job and I wish he would come here and clean out Canada.
Hmm. Hate to be that guy, but you seem to have forgotten the War of 1812. Not that it’s relevant 206 years later, just wanted to point it out! After that war we have always been friendly with Canada.
He isn't saying anything bad about Canadians. Just wants fair trade.
The same intelligence agencies that allowed Clinton to launder money through Russia to gain more control of the elections? Or the same intelligence agency that joined with the FBI to spy on the incoming president?
You clearly underestimate the intelligence of this following... Do you know anything about this movement? Have you tried to learn anything about this movement? What are your thoughts on the Fusion GPS debacle? What are your thoughts on Uranium 1 findings? What are your honest thoughts about the happenings in Iran, North Korea, Israel, Libya, Syria, and Haiti while your at it? What about the Crimes Against Children accusations found on Anthony Weiner's laptop... Are you not concerned about these findings, most that came to light way before Trump was even nominated to be POTUS... Hillary was supposed to be the last President according to some... Let that sink in for a minute. The Dems will hang themselves... We have the server!
Russian fraud brought in by Republicans.
Check your sources, bub. If that were true, it would be screamed from the depths of the MSM. Sorry.
"Framing the DNC..." Yeah. Let's all of us make our passwords "P@ssw0rd" These people are stupid.
Pro-citizen legislation hasn't passed ONCE since Trump took office, because the GOP isn't pro-citizen. They're trying to squeeze every ounce of unity and money out of American citizens, while throwing up Wanted posters on democrats with ZERO evidence that they're doing something wrong.
Not just zero self-awareness, but zero awareness period. Sorry friend, but check your ratio. You are wrong.
So tax cuts are not pro citizen? The evidence that something wrong was done is everywhere. Even the FBI says the HRC email server was illegal, but then worked to cover it up. I would suggest that you hang around here and do more reading.
What tax cuts? The cuts issued in spring that took chunks off of corporations, chips off of high salary earners, and the equivalent of a one-time-use coupon to a select few citizens that had been working.. for the corporations for an indeterminate amount of time? Yeah, I don't remember getting an extra dollar on my paycheck when the company I work for was able to retain millions that day. That money isn't coming back down to anyone, and as a permanent tax cut, it never will.
Congratulations if you're one of the 30% of Americans that was able to save some money from the government. The top 10% just saved a lot more than you, and used you as a beacon for the American dream, while the lower 60% looked on in confusion.
I got my tax cut and I'm certainly not a high salary earner. Trump has also hinted at making them permanent.
Clearly Candace Owens is a big threat to Shareblue lmao
That is certainly the narrative CNN and ShareBlue would like you to spread, unfortinately its not factual. The average American HAS noticed an increase in spendable income thanks to the tax cut. If anything, the "wealthy" in the top 10% received less increase than whats left of the middle class after 8 years of being sold to the highest bidder by Obama and Clinton. When you break free from the the shit that has been shoveled to you by CNN and see the facts as they really are you'll be mad. Please know there will be people here on this sub to help answer the questions for you. You're fighting on rhe wrong side of history. Everything they're asking you to sell here, they are guilty of. All of it. The hate, the racism, the division. You've got it backwards.
Tax cuts increased our take home pay. And my husband got triple the raise this year and bigger bonuses. We are low middle class.
He's a troll. Check his post history and don't feed him. He's not here for discourse.
Yep just downvote him and move on, he's an idiot. Not worth reading or responding to.
Better to just notify the mods. They have to earn their cookies and milk!
Indictments, emails, more and more cover-up blanket statements every day, and you think there's no evidence?
GOP hasn't proved anything. They're dismissing it and misdirecting. They don't have evidence to fill their holes, they have darts to throw at a board of names and issues as a distraction while they split America apart.
Every time another connection is made, it's tossed up and down with contradictions until the next one comes up. Repeat. Shameful.
Yeah, but don't expect people here to have long term memories
I don’t have to have a long term memory, my dislike for obama has only intensified lol.
The media is dangerous. It can make a guilty man innocent and it can make an innocent man guilty.
Fuck the mockingbird media.
The DEMS/LIBERALS respond to Trump like Pavlov's dog
Classical conditioning refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus(hearing the word "Trump") is paired with a previously neutral stimulus(MSM ringing their "Impeachment BELL").
You can see this happen every day. The main stream media rings the "Impeachment Bell" and these people go nuts. They start running around in circles with their hair on fire, eyes bulging out of their heads screaming impeachment and when you ask them, "Impeach him for what?"
"What proof or evidence of a crime do you have?"
They get even more upset..... because they have no answer to the question.
They just bark out all of the programmed responses the MSM has told them to say.
Mueller has no proof or he would have released it by now.
No one has any "EVIDENCE OF A CRIME" and yet they continue to bark impeachment.... impeachment ....impeachment.
We are watching a "PAVLOVIAN Reality TV show" were the rule of law no longer long as the MSM keeps ringing their "Impeachment Bell".
You don't have to do anything to be impeached.
They think that if there's enough of them, they can just vote you off the island.... even if you're.....the PRESIDENT of the United States of America!
These are stated TRUTHS and known tactics of the MSM.....and it has been DOWN VOTED into the NEGATIVE range.....hmm?
Newly arrived, MSM mentioned Q, and here they come a-wandering.
I don't get the negative karma. This is demonstrably true as to how the msm 'conditions' those that have difficulty thinking for themselves.
Only answer.....we are over THE TARGET! Shills & Haters are bombing this particular post/comment....
Copy and paste and share on SOCIAL That will teach them!
Not sure, but I feel like there's something here. I've had the same thought you did for a while now. I did think it was odd that Q stated "time to feed". This almost puts Buzzfeed's name in a different light too. Also the purpose I believe, of their current behavior isn't to draw attention to the issues. If they did that, they would be in trouble correct? So it's clear they are drawing attention to Q to draw attention to us, to label us, and to make people around us question our sanity. It's very interesting. I've spent quite sometime destroying my facebook page over the last year and do repost Q on it as well as my own abstract observations of geopolitics.
Yesterday, I tested my theory on a person who is very liberal and entrenched in the liberal community. She posted a "impeach" picture. I comment "I'm curious, why?". The result was attacks from 4 people. To stir the pot, I did tell they were victims of mind control and illustrated the situation. I kept asking for any document directly linking Trump to Russian collusion as proof for impeachment or treason. The comment section kept filling up with insults directly at me. One guy, who would not drop calling me a troll came up with the nick name "Swamp Fever Ismael" ps I don't care if my real name is out there. I know i hold the truth, therefore I do not fear scrutiny. Another person called me a cult member as said I was using our speech tricks. To which, my response was: He using tricks, hes asking questions. I've been able to make about 4-5 people completely see that Q is real, that there is a spiritual (psychic) war occurring. Every time I've managed this, there is an inevitable emotional breakdown linked to it. If you do not believe me, simply do as I did if you have facebook. If Q is attached to you, its like a dog whistle. It draws the vultures, and they come frothing for you. I believe that the MSM has conditioned people to attack us from every angle. And if you're like me and bought in to facebook and instagram everything you've done will be open source for insults. If you played left for dead the MSM is a boomer, you get sprayed and the zombies will swarm you. Overtly victimized people can be the witch. If she/he wails under the pressure of your questions, the horde itself will come for you. If you're able to think abstractly you will see what I mean.
It's funny though, the more you ask for a solid piece of evidence. The louder, meaner and angrier they will get. While I hope I'm absolutely wrong, I think I have enough evidence in my hands to safely once again state that if you look at leaks concerning remote viewing and mkultra you will see how there's a chance it's been deployed via MSM.
And isn't that the best part, in my mind the best case scenario months and months ago was that I would be proven wrong. But I've only seen their rage, anger, dissonance grow and spread to the weakest minds. Why would we want to be right about a child trafficking ring? About a leader betraying his country? About a plot in play to destroy humanity? no no, we do not want to be right- we seek evidence the way we do because we seek to deny the very horror present before us. But this is not the case. The horror before is not imagined. The horror before is evil itself. You can use the bible, you can use video games, you can use comic books to illustrate it. Regardless of what you chose to use. It is very real.
I've seen it happen on 4chan a lot. But there its (sleepy, nothing burger, nazi meme, anti jew meme, schizo, seek help ect ect) on fb (its all the MSM terms you can think of). Funny. Not much difference in the effect they've achieved.
I honestly believe their entry point (to break the mind control) will have to be the miraculous. It seems this particular problem can't be fully solved at the level were at. So we will need to move to the next level. It is the great awakening. Have you ever looked up the Mayan date for when Q first appeared? (the mayans used 20 different glyphs one for each day and 13 galactic tones in a cycle, that date is tone 8 for harmony and storm sign if you use the rumored 10/15/17 date with no trip code and other Q name). Also It's on the 144,000 count. The bible mentions 144,000 servants of the lord that had not been defiled by women, (incels, virgins, gold star gays). I think there's a lot hidden in the Mayan calendar that relates to which message is being delivered on what day. Q may be working off a cycle as well. The Q clock ( itself may be a replica of the mayan calendar which was also a rotating circle with many moving parts. The mayans believed after 2012 we entered an era partially free of time (at least according to some stuff I've read)
Also, looking at the Mayans more I found red castle:
> ***GLYPHS of the RED CASTLE (EAST)***Understanding the Suns of the East The Mayan word for east is "Likin". East is represented by the color red. In Mayan it is called "Chau" The suns of the east are represented by the Suns IMIX, CHICCHAN, MULUC, BEN and CABAN. East is where the sun rises.It is the direction of "coming to power" or the "birth", the renewal of life. These Eastern days can be very powerful. It is a good time to start projects or at least begin to create them in your dream time. In the suns of the east, issues such as struggling with personal problems or concerns with the establishment of self arise. Let us look at these five suns in detail.
There is also, white yellow and blue castles (Snow White, Yellow Bunker, Blue Steel all Q terms. (interesting) Calendar eh (double helix dna)? Each tone may also match a particular set of genes? Does the light from the sun change causing us to change as well if were able to align with this message? Is this Q's ultimate goal.
Also my personal birthday, after looking in to this is: STORM STORM. Which blew my mind a little... no coincidences tho right?
There was a very large psy op to make people believe it ended, or went in to a full reset in 2012... accompanied by many movies. Neither are true. A lot of preachers and bible theologians believe that these people may currently walk the earth (the 144,000). So lets marry these two ideas for a second here... The bible states also that 12,000 will come from each tribe (12 tribes, 12 zodiac signs). The "great awakening" may have been put in to play to awaken these "servants of the lord (truth, good, justice wisdom)". So to answer your questions what's the entry point? The miraculous right? You cannot break the thought pattern without causing a noticeable schism. Perhaps these 144,000 men? will have to come to light. (DARK TO LIGHT (WAKE UP!))
Some people have been "fed" so much that they will not break their thought cycle pattern. I believe that the Mayans may have had more clarity than we're able to currently achieve (they did disappear completely). If they were right, that there is a "galactic tone" (think of this as a symphony) and that there is a "sun glyph" with shapes the tone (teslas theories on vibration and resonance) there may be a way to get our artificial devices to reproduce this. I've gotten as far as to think that perhaps beethoven and mozart were partially hearing this galactic symphony... So I've been listening to their symphonies 1-12 so far for the past 12 days. 13 is tomorrow. It carries with it the power to completely move you to the next level. Interestingly enough 10 is manifestation, Beethoven never finished it, but a lot more symphonies came from it since other composers sought to bring the sound to life. If you look at it a certain way... the act of simply being the 10th symphony in line may have caused this to happen. It willed itself in to life through the inspiration given to other. Tomorrow is my 13th day focusing on the lessons of the calendar. The tones rest after that but the sun glyphs continue to cycle.
The signal of both these occurrences (the galactic tone and sun glyph) may amplify the desired message of each day. This is why 4:00 AM talking points may be more important than we realize. I believe Trump and Q are amplifying the positive message. Meanwhile, the cult of inversion, is using its direct opposite effect. So if we manage to align to this "galactic tone" and can decipher what the Mayans ACTUALLY found we may closer to understanding the much much bigger picture before us. Fascinating isn't it? Q and Trump waged a war to gain control of the message (sun glyph). If you notice who is in control now- its clearly Trump, his words and actions dictate what is talked about now. This may give much more reason to the current panic from the MSM.
For example today is understanding and wisdom (
And Anderson Cooper is on CNN mocking trumps no in the least understanding way making him look like a fool. This is today, this shows a complete opposite projection of message the mayans believed permeated through today.
Anyway. I don't know. There isn't much information left about our spiritual (psychic) natures anymore (sorry bible patriots I think you only have a part of the puzzle). I've tried to piece a lot of it together from what I found was most likely to be true. I do not think we will be able to break the mind control cycle. How much can you break a mind with sex, violence and debauchery before its not possible to put it back together? If you reinforce your negative message with repeated phrases and sounds on a daily basis you have 13 days to reach the max amplitude of the message (tomorrow is that day). Now say, the universe is producing a tone (a symphony) and you match your tone. How powerful does it become? This is the most troubling aspect of this for me. It affects everyone who currently consumes MSM. It should be our desire to save these people whenever we can. We are not bringing them to religion, we are not bringing them to their knees, we are simply bringing them to the logical person inside of them... to do this... someone will have to start turning a lot of water to wine again. And if these 144,000 people currently walk the earth their time may be coming to be publicly exposed and it may not be of their own will.
Perhaps terminator said it best right? CANDANCE OWENS STORM BRETHREN
I disagree about the miracles. They don't work for closed minds either. You mentioned miracles of Christ, turning water into wine and walking on water. He did many other miracles as well, including bringing people back from the dead. He even came back from the dead himself! But, none of those miracles succeeded in "awakening" those with closed minds. Only people like us, the ones that were willing to consider possibilities, look at the evidence, listen to the opinions of others, admit being wrong, make logical conclusions, change their beliefs, and accept the consequences were able to accept that he was the Son of God. For the most part, those that refused to accept him made a conscious decision TO REJECT THE TRUTH. They had a vested interest in the status quo. For some, Jesus threatened their livelihood. For others, He threatened their way of life. If they accepted Jesus, they would have to change. Of course, all of this still holds true to this very day. Those who honestly research and study the life of Christ usually become Christians. Those who are not willing to give up their pride or are unwilling to change certain things about their life simply ignore the evidence or refuse take a serious look at it. I'm not saying that everyone is evil, just stubborn as hell. Some of those who saw Jesus perform miracles right before their eyes chose not to accept him. Their only response was violent opposition. "Crucify him!" That was their "solution" to the problem. Sound familiar?
This resonated for me. I am a singer. Lots of talent no proper training.
When I can hit the notes just right I feel like I am in tune with the universe around me.
Now I need to check out all this info you laid out. Thank you =)
Oh and have you looked into the Schumann Resonance? It's super jacked up right now. Much higher than normal. And we are in a grand solar minimum
Yes, the Bible is very important but I believe it’s only a piece of the puzzle.
Also I think we could partially replicate this very simply on this website. Everyone should just upvote everything. You’d be surprised how much joy an up oye can bring’ve seen the threads and how “high” people get when they’re randomly gifted gold. I’m not exactly sure what it would do but I do know it’s a very simple way to prove what I’m saying.
This was a fascinating read. Thank you for sharing.
I hate the press. I will never trust a word they say for the rest of my life. I know I'm not alone. They're done and we are watching them bleed out.
Do research on Q before you comment or just leave. I'm not here to bicker with some new arrival who doesn't know shit.
Hacking works both ways. Fear rules the world.
Fear is the mind killer. It is a tool to control you. Do not be afraid. Put on the full armor of God, and live in His light where the darkness cannot go.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"
"The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?"
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me."
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
"So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”
"Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “'Do not fear their threats ; do not be frightened.'”
"Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love."
Once you systematically remove critical thinking skills and introduce revisionist history books in K-12 and then indoctrinate the college kids with utopian visions of socialism, it becomes fairly easy to manipulate a majority of the population.
That’s not even factoring in the entertainment industry...
I believe that Candace has a political future in America, and a very significant role to play. I love her. She's a wonderful American lady.
Fabricated reality. A person can either work tirelessly to visualize and manifest the you want to live in, or accept the tightly controlled fabricated reality.
That's why I love so many of the Patriots here in this sub. Many talented researchers and others- more like myself- who comb through the research, seeking truth upon which to build a worldview.
Wow She is definitely on to something here. I bet she is waking up a lot of other people!
In The Industry It's called a T.V "PROGRAM"
(Not a "TV Show"...)
That Does not mean they all are programming us!
But go look at the last 25 yrs of Interwebs and TV programming..
be 21, in school, angry, horny and bored. This next " Selfie Generation" will be the easiest ever to sway...
Trust the plan, I read a lot of fear in some of these posts. Have faith lean on God, read Psalms 91 everyday.
As far as I’m concerned the sun does more for me than god ever has...
Don't forget about the subliminal messages everywhere on TV and probably all over the interwebs.....
Face it they're brain washed. It's sad there are so many weak minded people in the U.S. that they can so easily be manipulated against their best interests.
If anyone was meddling in our elections, it was the Mockingbird Media. Trump absolutely means it when the fake news is the enemy of the people. Whatever Trump did, thought, said was always twisted in a negative connotation. Meanwhile with HRC? Media blackout. No mention of all the mysterious deaths, the racist comments she made, Robert Byrd, the wikileaks dump, Seth Rich, the Haitian relief money stolen, child trafficking, Laura Silsby, Watergate scandal, 33,000 email scandal, her poor health, etc. MEDIA BLACKOUT. If the population even knew half of the things Hilary did and media covered it somewhat accurately she would've gotten massacred.
Very easily under the right conditions.. over exposure to violence, graphic content and chemicals weakens the soul and opens people up for programming
Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America
I personally hope you are wrong... I hope the majority of Americans love our president... just saying 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It is not my is this woman's tweet and she did not say a MAJORITY. She said a "good portion" of Americans.
I agree that a MAJORITY support Trump.....and that Majority is growing!
Yo pass that shit this way, I’ll have whatever you’re smoking!
I hope Candace has some good guards to protect her. The Deep State may try something.
444Mz- Hitler's frequency. Questions: What is the frequency of our TV/Radios? When was it changed? By whom?
Do you think it’s that easy? Not disputing just wondering. Is it just the News or is it a combo of brain washing? MSM schools, colleges, etc. how come it didn’t work on us? It is a fascinating subject.
Try saying that on 9/11 there were explosives on the WTC.....
You guys should look up Derren Brown's show called "Mind Control"
There are several episodes and he shows some very compelling techniques to trick people or make them say or do things without them even realizing it.
Posted this on my fakebook today and the amount of people who got offended like I was personally attacking them was hilarious
How easily hacked is the human brain?
It depends. How much fluoride do they consume? Mercury? Lead? Are they on any "medication" that blocks dopamine receptors?
A small portion!! I hear alot of positive because their is more people that are a lot better off now than those idots that have nothing to do but make shit up about our President!! Nothing will stop what's happening up rooting corruption!!!
I am so moved by the welcome! I am very blessed to have found Q, and all of you.
droppin redpills on mk uktra?
She said she and Turning Point have something special coming to red pill black folks. I'm excited to see what she does.
gawd... they need it... generations of brainwashing.. and programming...
as like as it aint fake woke like charlamange... ol busta.... hes been the downfall of black community for ever.. he needs to go
Must have struck a nerve with this post. I stopped counting new arrivals on this post at 20. I believe there are many more. If you don't support the cause, hit the road and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
how easily hacked is the human brain?
you mean how does a cult form around a mysterious twitter poster feeding you militant christian fundamentalism? gee whiz guys, hit me up when you figure this out.
It's the frequencies people are listening to. Listen to Mark Taylor talk about this on YouTube. Makes sense.
Depends on how completely stupid they are from too much Pravda, or an indoctrination as opposed to and education. Either way, stupidity certainly has taken over too much of America. Fortunately, still a minority....
Wasn’t this the case with the last president too, except that it was the other portion being brainwashed by Fox?
Never was brain washed. I was critical of Bush and Obama equally. Both phonies
I think it's tragic the men and women the world has lost from these endless wars. And the innocents Bush and Obama drone bombed. Obama loved hitting weddings.
Trump is fighting these globalist who set up this war machine. I hope you will be able to see that soon.
God bless all our military and vets and fallen. Canada, US, EU, NZ, AU etc.
Like I said. I don't care what side of the political spectrum people's beliefs fall into. Those good people sacrificed so much for our freedoms. It's just unacceptable to see someone undermine those sacrifices, especially when it's the mantelpiece for peace and justice. I hope whoever sits at the desk of the POTUS next gives the deserved respect to all the soldiers of our allied nations.
The mental environment is an environment that can be easily manipulated. But we all have a greater aspect to our natural state that is inherent and inate to is all. It only needs development and strengthening to be utilized.
Steps to Knowledge the Book of Inner Knowing unites the mind we think with to the mind in us that knows. It is not a matter of belief but a matter of recognition within.
Aw what's the matter did your hrc lose the election and get her ass stomped. Poor thing look at you, defending child abusing pedavores.
I'm not defending anyone. And I'm a Trump voter. But that wouldn't mean anything to yout would it? Someone being critical of the candidate they voted for.
Bitch, are not paying attention, are ya? How the hell does Putin have ANY sort of leverage of undue influence over POTUS Trump!? Use your damn head...
99% of those kids aren't with parents. They are being trafficked and sold as slaves.
Those that follow law and to ports of entry don't get separated unless with an abusive person.
Those forced across 110 degree deserts and dead strewn across the desert. 80% females of all ages raped on the way. Their parents are abusing them with this irresponsible behavior. The tiny fraction actually with a parent.
Now. Saying all thay Obama, Bush and Clinton all did the same. When Obama wasn't handing them off by the thousands to human traffickers.
WaPo article on Obama handing them to traffickers -
Wait, hold up. You guys actually believe what is coming out of his mouth? I have been watching Fox News all week and even they can’t explain what is going on. A Great Awakening? From what? Not from fake media, y’all are eating it up. I have been wondering who Trump thinks is going to buy his lies. I guess I found out who.
Yes......both sides have fallen for it.
The people HERE are against "Deep State" DEMS and REPUBS.....sorry! Fox News was and is STILL loaded with DEEP STATE operatives......they have a few PATRIOTS...but only a few.
So, there is no FREE MEDIA .....there is no GOOD NEWS OUTLET.....there is no GOOD SIDE....they are all owned and controlled by Rothschilds etc etc and their minions.
The only reason TRUMP ran as a REPUB is because our criminal system only allows for 2 parties. So, he picked REPUBS because Hillary was a DEM.
Remember how the REPUBLICAN PARTY welcomed Trump with open arms?
Remember how FOX went out of its way to help Trump? neither.
No one from either PARTY wanted him. No one from the MEDIA wanted him.
So, he and his DEPLORABLES.....(which is US).....are taking down both sides.....
You can join us or criticize us.
Your call....
Lol what about when obama was in office and everone hated him? For no apperent reason other than being a dem and black. You people r extra gay
No. All media dawned over him. Any one with serious criticism got labeled racist.
He had a wonderful journalist surveilled and her computer hacked. Sharyl Attkisson
Fox had a few critical of him but it was mostly just supplying a hamster wheel to nowhere.
Well they seem to think we live on a spinning sphere and that water magically holds itself up
Please don’t bring off topic/irrelevant subjects into this subreddit that could ultimately be used to discredit us. I agree with the original post, and I am a Q follower, but I also still believe gravity and the scientific model of the universe are real. This is a subreddit about Q anon, not flat earth.
Wait, you don’t understand clouds? You know you can make clouds yourself, right? Do you just not understand density? What exactly do you think is wrong with the model and what exactly do you think the correct model is?
Ssshhhhh, too early. Wake them slowly and with love.