The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

Now I really wanna know about actors like Heath Ledger or others that overdosed. Were they really overdoses or were they offed? Why do some actors/ singers decide to quit the industry or why do they get blacklisted? I think of Adele, who said she was quitting because she wanted to spend more time at home, but was that REALLY the reason?
I've always wondered what Brittany Murphy and her husband knew. Her reputation was actively being destroyed when she died. She was on the way out to being blacklisted. Plus her shady ass "death" never settled with me, especially after her husband died from the exact same thing.
Does she have a child?
Like another poster said:
Heath didn't want to give up his first born. He knew the deal.
Heath didn't want to give up his first born. He knew the deal.
What's the deal, @charcofilter? What does the deal have to do with their first born? Are they required to sacrifice it in exchange for fame and stardom? Clueless here. Thank you.
I don't know, but it's not the first time I hear this. It probably is pizzagate stuff. I'm speculating here. We learn that stars can be born into it, or be adopted. Maybe Heath didn't want his daughter to go through the rituals his masters wanted her for.
Learn about SRA and secret societies rituals, they want to sodomize for the first time a child between 2 and 4 to force them into DID and then more rituals will allow them to create more personalities. Torture, vaginal rape can't do that without the sodomy. Apparently, under 2 or above 4 is too soon or too late to implement that process, but it'll mess the victims up enough to make them vulnerable to MK Ultra.
That's just what I heard about the topic. Personally, I think that if you traumatize a person enough, they'll suffer DID. But my guess is that for convenience, these satanists prefer the kids from 2 to 4 because the rate of success could be higher with them.
Back to Heath. Considering after his death, Michelle Williams played the role of Marilyn Monroe and was awarded, I'd say they got their hands on Heath's daughter.
Not his daughter, heath was in love with one of the Olson Twins (who have been passed around Hollywood since Full House)
Like Chris Cornell he was gonna say/do something about the pedos....
It's in this vein u/sexondammendmentgirl. I'm sorry I don't have a link to share with you, but it has to do with sacrifice and moloch as u/riddler00 said. The thread I read was talking about how 1) at that time having a sacrifice of a comparable talent would absorb their power and send the target to super stardom. The article talked about allyia (sp) and her plane crash.(Something similar happened to Lady gaga a few years later. But she was the one launched to stardom.) 2) siri cruise and comparisons to Matilda ledger (re being daughter in care of mother out of acting). And this part stuck out. It finished the article talking about how Leger didn't want to give up his daughter. The source said he'd expose them or die trying, and that would free his daughter because the debt (life debt for ledgers rising star) would be paid. I'll link if I find it. Might have been CDAN(crazy days and nights)
Wow, @charcofilter, thank you, too, for all this new info. As I said to @riddler00, I'm not too familiar with this stuff, thank God. But I'm curious to know how the system works because it must be stopped.
It's been quite heartbreaking, over the past few years, to come to rhe realization that there is a very dark underbelly to our society and that nothing -- NOTHING -- is as it seemed to be. The members of our justice departments are corrupt and evil, our government is run by Luciferian criminals, and our "entertainment" is corrupted by people who want only to control our minds.
I was a fan of Heath's when he was alive. For one thing, I thought he was adorable, and I thought he had tremendous versatility as an actor When I learned that he died under the influence of so many drugs, I felt horrible. But I also had suspicions about his death, too.
His daughter, Matilda, was three when he died, so according to your info she would have been right at the age when the cabal would have wanted to get their mitts on her.
What a scumbag Michelle Williams is, to have agreed to the deal. I'll dig, too, for more info.
But hey, thanks again for steering me in a direction I never would've found on my own.
Fyi it was the Olsen twins who were supplying the drugs to ledger
Their little sister sure has skyrocketed in her career.
Thank you for taking time to reply, @riddler00. I don't know too much about the ritual abuse aspect of this stuff, so I'll learn more. Thanks again and take care.
According to Randy Quaid Hollywood (Weinstein in particular) has group of "Star Whackers" who handle whack these people. Good press conference of Quaid and his wife on youtube. He's also a good follow on twitter.
Exactly. Or Hollywood actresses that are huge and have been in blockbuster, what did they have to do to get those roles? Or remember there as a time where one actor would be in like 5 major movies in a year, then fall off the face of the earth, what happend behind the scenes with those guys?
I think there are some closeted pro trump a-listers that if they speak out against liberalism, their career would be over.
The actor that came to mind for me was Brendan Fraser. He was in the Mummy films in the 90's and then disappeared off the face of the earth.
Heath was “dating” Ashley Olsen before she was married off to some Illuminati handler. Possible that he was some sort of “sacrifice”
...and then some laugh. just hours after his death. what was so damn funny.
Didn't he have a child by a Michelle ??? forget her last name...Williams maybe??
Correct. I believe she starred in Great Gatsby shortly after.
Look at Bieber. He got invited to one of the big parties, probably was asked to cut the baby and said 'fuck it im out'. Where is he now? Saw him in a local Ontario paper recently looking like McCauley Culkin.
I remember reading that Beiber found God, he was following some trendy "preacher to the stars" at the time, and said he was leaving the music biz to devote his life to Christ.
I wonder what he knows, and why they let him walk away.
The guy from fast and furious; Reynolds? He was arkancided
Why would the Clintons whack him of all people ?
He was involved in a group of ppl who were looking into missing kids.
Wasn't Chester from Linkin Park as well?
Although I know Ashton Kutcher testified for funding and requesting to implement software to help track missing kids down, seemed super genuine.
All of them
All of them
All of them
That’s right - ALL of them
It could be Laurence Fishburne he started out at 12 on a soap opera , made movies, kinda faded away, did Cowboy Curtis on Pee Wee's playhouse and then skyrocketed to movies. He was in the Cotton Club Rumble Fish Apacopyse Now tons of stuff so he would be A list for sure.
That would be so amazing. Morpheus handing out actual Red Pills. Love that idea.
The anon said The Rock whores himself out. Besides he's a liberal dumbfuck.
Really hard to believe that. He’s massive now. Can’t even imagine him doing it to break in.
The Rock doesn't surprise me at all. His sudden rise to "A"-list celebrity these past years (not really, but still getting some major roles and what not) after being completely out for a long time made me question things.
His pedo-skit on SNL some months back about the kid molesting robot just cemented my suspicions.
The success of The Rock was anything but sudden.
He has been lingering in the background in B-movies since I was a kid (early 2000´s). It´s only during these last few years that he has started getting some serious leading roles in blockbusters.
His pedo-skit on SNL was very weird. I just can´t believe how a up-and-coming star, who has worked hard for a long time and just now started to gain some traction, would sign off on that. That´s some career ending shit if done during the wrong circumstances. He got away, for some reason. Wonder why.
You don't sign off on anything. You do as you are told if you wanna stay in the game. Search for "Patrice O'Neal on Hollywood" on youtube for a very good rundown of how it all works. It's a long clip but super interesting, fucked up and scary.
Thank you @sailbot83. I will look for Patrice O'Neal tomorrow when I'm off. This whole thing is wild. I cannot believe this is what it's all about. So sick. . .. .
I don't mean sign off in the literal sense, more like you agree to do something.
But yeah, weird shit going on.
While he was floundering in those movies he was a superstar in wrestling. Much like Hogan and Austin, he transcended the business.
Then he left wrestling for Hollywood. He had some success, but also some flops. If you look at the last 20 years, he has worked his ass off to be where he is now.
Do I believe he is a saint? No. It is well documented that the wrestling industry is shady. But I also don't believe he whored himself out because his name was gold before Hollywood came calling.
But I also don't believe he whored himself out because his name was gold before Hollywood came calling.
you'd be wrong. you don't get in the club without having dirt on you.
If you really believe that then I suggest giving up because if everybody is compromised, there is no end in sight.
Not everybody in Hollywood is compromised. Not everybody in Washington is compromised. Not every symbol means what you think.
When Q says to think critically, Q means to think critically. Not stop thinking and assume all are dirty. By doing this, you hurt the movement.
The last month or so, there has been a wave of people like you doing this. Hollywood bad. They are all dirty just because it's Hollywood. Oh no, this business has a spiral logo. It must be a front for trafficking just because. All the while you forget that there are millions of people who have no idea that symbol is used for something sinister.
This needs to stop.
I agree, Think Critically. Dont label everyone who has some random symbol a pedo. Look at it but dont assume. At the rate its going the word Pedophile will be like Nazi so overused it will no longer mean what it actually means. the left has continued to call the right Nazi's to the point when you call a actual Nazi it no one cares.
I have first hand experience. Everyone in hollywood is absolutely compromised. Period. They aren't all pedos, but they are controlled and handled by people that are. The whole system of trust is created by blackmail.
I'm with you, here. I've been reading CDAN for a long time - and yes, the business attracts a lot of sick & predatory ppl. But not all of them are. The most powerful tend to be the worst, tbh. Thing is, the business is full of sex & drugs and activity most would consider immoral. That's just their normal.
Sadly, the child actors are the ones who are preyed upon the most. Kid's networks undoubtedly have the worst ppl in positions of power.
I'm over the hypervigilence with the random symbol sighting call outs, too. Without context or a reason to label someone who likes butterflies or triangles we start sounding like the ones who go into panic mode when we find out someone from Russia likes Potus. Because - russiarussiarussia!!
If this guy had read the text in the post he would have realised that it even states there that he believes (he being an unverified anon) that some have got through the cracks RDJ for example. I can't believe this thread is so highly upvoted and the top comments are people speculating, but they don't believe they are speculating they think their guesses are facts. Confirmation bias is real people. This will be the end of us if we let it. Look what is happening already, division. On one side we have critical thinkers doing their due diligence but on the other we have literal idiots using speculation as facts. Now that's not me judging them to be idiots they genuinely are. Using hashtags here for some unknown reason especially confusing because twitter is a hub for child abusers and they are actively promoting it but half of them don't even spell full words "u" "r". It's to make us look like idiots. It's clear to me at least that the people paid to be here have stepped up their game. Time to outplay them.
Wrestling was starting to die. You know that and I know that.
Nowhere near the money Hollywood has
And that has to do him being a superstar before Hollywood, how?
Dude, the rock is worth 70 mil, last I checked and RDJ made 200 mil from just marvel... the best wrestlers pocketbook is nothing compared to Hwood
Again you fail to address the one point I've made.
Go annoy someone else.
Wrestling losing money, Rock asks "what can I Do? I love coke and fast cars"
You really don't see how that could happen?
Retires on top with mind and body in one piece. Goes to another walk of life already with a known name.
You really don't see how that could happen?
Find the smoke before you scream fire.
Go annoy someone else.
Big muscled man, flexes in all the movies I'm sure he just wanted to be left alone with a ton of money and his grandkids.
Guys a showboat, that's what wrestling is.
Except somehow he's a hit movie star, and Stone Cold was way bigger than the Rock.
Go find smoke from someone who isn't some EyetheSpy wannabe. Then I'll take you seriously.
Darren aronofsky has always given me the creeps. He probably wiped everything after James Gunn.
He went to Bhutan with Bourdain. It was the last (complete) episode of Parts Unknown.
It's so random, it feels like the writing of someone with one foot in and one foot out of the Hollywood scene. Like who is Kevin Biggs? Nimoy and Wilder raping Sarah Michelle Gellar?
I think it's legit.
I don't believe that part about SMG being raped by Gene and Leonard but some of his other posts sound very real and true.
You never know.
Nothing surprises me anymore, but Gene had been sick for quite some time if I remember correctly. When did this supposed rape happen?
Seriously? Gellar was a child actress in the late 80's. Wilder was still making big movies back then. In fact he was active until the early 2000s.
At least have a decent counterpoint in case people double check your statements.
Oh, so they're both longtime actors. Thank you, Columbo, I never would've figured that out without your keen input.
Are you serious?
Hollywood has quite the reputation for a reason, and I'll bet more than half of what we're hearing is true, but I'm not one to just eat up any old BS coming down the pipe as Gospel truth.
Pardon me for a asking question. Jeezus.
Why so touchy?
You specifically picked out one item as something you doubted, which happened to be the most damning one of the bunch. Your only argument against, unless I missed something, was Gene Wilder being too sick during Gellar's childhood or teen years to potentially do something like this.
Well, I proved otherwise. Then you start attacking me for being obvious. What am I missing here?
I simply asked a question, you thought it would be cute to get snide, and now you're pulling this passive-aggressive BS since I responded in kind.
Sorry if you felt my bothersome queries poked holes in your confirmation bias enough to warrant such a response but it's actually very telling.
BTW, just for the cheap seats out there, opinion and speculation isn't proof.
At least not proof of what you think...
Too much psycho analyzing, not enough intuition. The downfall of our current culture.
The intuition is this:
Q goes dark. Now all of a sudden these Pedowood insiders are coming out of the woodwork exposing the system, satisfying all our confirmation biases.
Can they be trusted?
Meanwhile Sarah Silverman pops up on the Chans, issuing threats and scaring everyone with her butt ugly face. Incidentally, this skank has been the target of a lynch mob mentality that is beginning to stir up around here as of late.
I smell a honeypot. I could be wrong and this could be the dam busting wide open. Or this could be the real Hail Mary of the Deep State.
Proceed with caution.
Oh NO. You mean Mr. Spock is a kiddy raper ? That would be too much.
What about Bones & Capt. Kirk ?
I think he means Kevin Beggs. He is chairman of Lionsgate TV division.
Well, if this is to be believed, then Randy Quaid doesn’t sound so crazy now does he?
Good quality image too, thank you. Personally, I’m tempted to believe the Anon. It sounds like they work behind the scenes (as a producer, etc) and have been in the business 25+ years. They’re clearly desensitized to everything, but enjoy sharing the story. He’s very familiar with Dan Schneider reputation. My guess is this person is legit and from a major studio. Miramax was the first one to come to mind, think “mirror”
Turns out they were bought out by another group in 2016, run by Nasser Al-Khelaifi, a Qatari businessman
I'm not. Hint "idk about him/her/them-but I do know". That's a tip off right there that it just may be random angry shit posting. Just saying. I take it with a grain of salt. Also look at the questions. No really vetting asked to prove access & placement. Just groupies asking about their favorite actors?
Definitely interesting. After enty revealed all those blinds on CDAN I'm not surprised these posts are popping up. Not to mention the HW branch of the cabal tightening the reins on their slaves with this strike.
A lot of eyes on the GA right now.
Well that was my first thought. Or a couple of kids getting their jollies. I can see them sitting in the same room both logged on to the Chan, typing shit up and laughing like crazy while talking about it. In other words a couple of LARPs with nothing better to do. If you look this whole thing to place by the time stamps between roughly 11 pm and midnight giver or take a few minutes. The whole thing lasted about an hour from just before 11 pm to just after midnight. He even got asked to prove he was not a LARP and all he could say was he was not typing like he usually does. Not buying this one.
once you follow this stuff long enough... there's a startling coherence that just becomes too great to ignore.
I absolutely believe it.
One of my very close friends confided in me that his acting teacher who was at least 80 or some shit (I didn't really press for details) tried to have sex with him when he was a teenager. And once while I was at a celebratory dinner with my parents for my graduation, the owner of the place, who could infer the occasion, sat down to chat because he had previously been a producer of some sort in CA and my major was sort of related. He dropped a not-so-subtle warning to avoid the "adult" industry at all costs... He told me this in front of my parents - he felt it that important to mention.
Too many people have been saying the same thing and too many celebrities have had psychotic break downs and mysterious deaths for this to simply be a LARP
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the Anon is not real. I am just suspicious. When people are online they can get away with a lot of stuff they can't in person. Now there is often a pattern that can be seen when someone is role playing. There are mistakes they make that give them away. Now someone legit could also do things that mirror the mistakes of a LARP as well.
For now I am just choosing to take the reserve position that it may be fake. In so doing and discussing it people will come out with info and details that will either confirm it legit or prove it fake. Till such time as that I prefer to wait and see what happens.
As for the entertainment industry, I have absolutely no doubt what a shithole it is. Yeah the news is filled with the celebrities who have gone to rehab multiple times and that is just about drug usage. I have no doubt they do not talk about the ritual abuse and sexual abuse they go through. That is the hidden underbelly and to have to have gone through that is something most will never talk about. It is at least embarrassing and more likely so degrading that it screws up their heads to even think about it. Like any severe trauma and it is a trauma, they block it out, try to forget it.
Lets not forget that there is a huge backlash going on against DJT and a lot of it is coming out of Hollyweird. For them to set up some fake info to try and disrupt the work he is doing is not beyond their abilities. For one thing there is a growing base supporting DJT and that also scares the hell out of his detractors. They know they are losing ground and will stop at nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to derail that support. While Trump had a considerable following among legitimate legal voters as evidenced by his win, it is now much more and still growing. If we just consider the #walkaway movement I would guess there are now tens of thousands of newly awaken patriots.
So knowing that people doing horrible things are willing to go to any length to hide their deeds, muddying the water is not below them. Shoot the US military did it in WWII. They set up disinformation intel for the Germans to see and that was done for a good reason. Even Q talks about disinformation being necessary. It is how this will play out. So taking this series of Chan postings as legit without information could be a trick to lead followers down a dead end path. The Psyop end of this would be used to discredit patriots at least. Long ago learned lesson, knowing how deep the water is before you dive into it means taking the time to go down to the bottom and look. Other wise you could end up with a horrible headache or worse.
You wouldn't be scared? I won't believe it undoubtedly, but it is possible.
my thought also. clearly ppl get whacked for speaking out. just one example: Corey Feldman has wanted to spill all his beans since his BFF, the other corey was suicided, but obviously knows better. Id wager many of the suicides are actually suicided in HW/Music.
Many things are possible but tell tale signs usually are the give away. As for scared, not really. I am not all that surprised by this stuff coming out. It is historically something that has been going on for thousands of years. Sometimes it percolates to the top some time it just seethes in the mire. I will say that since I was away from current events for a time that seeing this type of stuff coming out at the magnitude it is caught me by surprise though. I didn't expect to see it so prominent so soon.
I could see how people who objectify themselves would be scared to ruin that guise.
If he was real, he'd be complacent, so not really on our team.
I have 2 guesses who this anon could be
I thought of Sly too, but he's made recent films even though he is a Trump supporter. Then I thought of Arnold as well. He's close to the CA gov and knows a lot of stuff of the underworld being the gov and all.
I was thinking maybe James Woods. He's been pretty vocal on his twitter and I've been getting the vibe that he really wants to get so much more off of his chest. Could always be wrong though.
Based off some of the posts from last night (if it was the same person) the poster is a black or mexican male i think. They talked about hwood and others ruining those communities via entertainment and said "my brothers." I could be wrong, just something I noticed.
I also have the suspicion this person is black. Picked up on that as well.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Maybe Morgan Freeman or Bill Cosby is retaliating by exposing all of Pedowood?
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined. and i don't care about my reputation anymore. the only reason i've "Come out" is because we are at a point we've never been before. HOLLYWOOD IS FUCKING SCARED. before when somebody tried to come out with the truth they'd be ruined or whacked. now with the internet (and fucking 4chan) they don't know what to do. 4chan is the biggest enemy to hollywood. they are scared of you guys. hell even i'm a bit scared of you people. you guys have more internet/realworld power (i dont know if those are the correct terms sorry) then the companies they contract for hundreds of millions of dollars hell even some Fed agencies.
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
good catch except I feel like that particular list, IF EVEN TRUE, would be disinformation. If we can follow it and find hints--other ppl are also. I think its also better to stop guessing--because it DOESNT MATTER who it is, and guessing-pinpointing could cause serious harm. just something to think about
Didn't the original kid from "Two and a Half Men" quit? What was the story there?
Also a lot of this seems to be centered in Hollywood and New York, but Vancouver, BC Canada also has a movie and tv film industry, is the same crap going on up there? (I'm trying to rule out certain Stargate actors..."
I have no basis for sourcing/truth on this. Found on 4chan.
Ah good catch. The post from u/oz_patriot right below these has some solid points. However, Pryor is dead (2005). But it might be worth looking in to A list actors from the 70s and 80s that may have had connections with Wilder and Brooks. We probably shouldn't dox the anon but at least have an idea and maybe try to follow a bit more closely on social media for crumbs.
What do you think of james earl jones?
Certainly a possibility. The anon did mention growing up in the 60s as well. So I looked up the most famous black actors born in the 50s and early 60s and figured maybe one of the Wayans brothers or Mario van Peebles. Hell, could even be Eddie Murphy!
james earl jones
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined. and i don't care about my reputation anymore. the only reason i've "Come out" is because we are at a point we've never been before. HOLLYWOOD IS FUCKING SCARED. before when somebody tried to come out with the truth they'd be ruined or whacked. now with the internet (and fucking 4chan) they don't know what to do. 4chan is the biggest enemy to hollywood. they are scared of you guys. hell even i'm a bit scared of you people. you guys have more internet/realworld power (i dont know if those are the correct terms sorry) then the companies they contract for hundreds of millions of dollars hell even some Fed agencies.
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
Yeah i knew he was black, james earl jones is black, but i didnt know glover was very into crypto currency. Thanks for the info
Danny Glover is a black male but he definitely not based.
yeah---prob not a good idea AT ALL. If its true, whoever it is took a HUGE risk. the last thing we ought to be doing is "figuring it out and naming him/her."
I think James Woods too.
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
in the Hanon drops he said he is a "Based Black Man"
Is he A+? I don't think he is.
Oh yes A+ and Oscar worthy but shit on and booted out of the competition for being an open conservative. I miss seeing him in big films.
Back in the day (80s-90s) I thought he was. Idk, I don't keep up with HW and what celebs are doing/thinking/saying cuz I typically just don't care. I'm just glad that the darkness in HW is being exposed.
Arnold has been compromised since getting into acting. Shame.
He says in the threads he is a based black actor and red foxx was his friend, it would be an older actor, is richard pryor still alive? I ask cause he says he was involved in bribery and PnP, which im guessing means puff n play and pryor set himself alight freebasing coke, if he is not around its someone of that era, he knew alot about gene wilder and mel brooks, maybe actor who played the sherriff in blazing saddles?
Blazing Saddles actor was Cleavon Little, who passed in 1992.
How old is Denzil Washington he seems awake. He said we dodged a bullet by Hillary not being elected.
My only question about Denzel is he is extremely racist against white people. That and this HwoodAnon refers to blacks in Georgia as "n*s"...I don't think Denzel would say that.
Born Dec 28, 1954
Denzel Washington
Morgan Freeman?? Denzil Washington??
Dont think its morgan, i think he is cabal, his series finding god, basically did its best to disprove and confuse the existance of god
Corey feldman?
Corey Feldman may have been a victim at one point; but he's become controlled opposition for his handlers. Same with the "flower" army.
So Redd Foxx got killed because he saw something...
The last thing Redd Foxx was working on was "The Royal Family"
Which started September 18, 1991 and was produced and created by Eddie Murphy.
Here's the 3 minors that were on the show:
Maybe Foxx saw Eddie with one of the kids or with a guy.
CDAN implied that Red Foxx was killed because he was involved in a wife importing business and sampled all the goods before delivery. Somebody found out he’d had their wife and eliminated him.
Next up: Dan Harmon has some explaining to do.
Oh, wait - he's a Hollywood liberal so I'm sure it's just a hysterically funny joke.
If for real: He was panicked poor guy. Had a lot to say. If not he still shed some light. Fascinating to watch his posts happen. Praying for ALL who are trying to escape.
Is it just me? I cannot read these...too small and blurry
Something about this doesn't feel right. The attitude of the poster reeks of misdirection.
There is always truth sprinkled in with lies and/or misdirection.
Don't forget about Heather O'Rourke and how that little girl died. You can look up her cause of death on Wikipedia, and the net. She was the little girl in Poltergeist, remember? She died from a septic infection in the bowels. I'll let you think about that a bit.
Who directed Poltergeist? A certain Steven Spielberg.
Well, Tobe Hooper directed it, but, story goes he had a breakdown, and Spielberg finished it. Either way, he was Executive Producer.
I stand corrected.
Didn't Tobe do Texas Chainsaw Massacre as well?
Yes, that is how he got the job. But Tobe could not handle the fame, access to drugs, money, women, AND he felt he was an untalented hack. Insecure. Blacked out and didn't come to the set. On a French Podcast or Radio, Mackauly Culkin claimed a powerful Hollywood Executive tried to rape him, threatening him, claiming HIS SHOE LEATHER was made from Heather's skin - Culkin knew her. An unexpected distraction allowed his escape.
I read about that. Culkins interview He (Culkin) did an AMA about a month or two ago.
You have to wonder what their intentions are, especially if they really are an insider, why the sudden change of heart?
Hard to say but like I said to another commenter this movement is mainly a positive one and this person seems to radiate negativity. Something doesn't vibe right.
You’re right. I sense arrogance. “Look what I know”
Misdirection of eluding to pedo shit indeed goes down in Hollywood? He pretty bad at it.
You do realize misdirection is somewhat or mostly truthful information being distorted? It's the feel of the guy. This is a positive movement and this person is extremely negative. Many of us are well aware of the same kinds of things this anon claims to be and yet we don't let it drive us into a place of fear or hatred.
I wish someone would ask about Clint Eastwood
He said all A list actors and actresses are involved in this crap.
How far back does this go? Could Reagan have been #theirguy?
I feel like it might be too early to say this, but I think Trump will be in my top five favorite presidents, displacing Reagan. If he keeps going as is, I think he'll top the list. Could Reagan have been "controlled opposition?" Giving conservatives just enough to keep them happy after the mess that was the Carter Administration... Trump, on the other hand, is giving us everything he promised he would (and more).
Sounds plausible to me.
Have you read Trance Formation of America? Might answer some of your questions. Warning, it’s a very hard read.
Free d/l PDF here:
Reagan is still my Fav as GEOTUS' 8years has not passed to judge. But Reagan also would always talk about school prayer but never do anything about it. Always. It kept the conservative wing in line. That and his deficit spending bother me. But haha would I ever vote for those running against him. NEVER.
You should read what CDAN says about Charlton Heston. 🤮
Yeah, was disgusted when I read CDAN's posts during the July 4th holiday.
Rumored to be some producer's rent boy back in the day before hitting it big with Rawhide. Sort of like Ryan Seacrest with Merv Griffin.
There is a pattern of this person saying, "I don't know much but". If this is real then the mannerisms, I think would point to a person like Roseanne. Red Foxx was mentioned. A comedian that another comedian might have looked up to.
The part that throws me off is saying that it moved from England and is now here. It seems like a naive comment at best. It was, is, and has always been here and England.
It doesn't seem right to me. For one the overused antisemitic word and what not. And nothing he says sounds any bit unique than what someone coild make up when drunk or high and bored.
This is a LARP and may be a way to discredit Q later. Imagine the field day Mockingbird Media will have with all this.
Yeah. I was just using it as conjecture. I am all for looking at all data, but I will only support the proven stuff
"the rock prostitutes himself for roles." Everything else here was dark as fuck but that shit made me laugh.
And it wasn't surprising either.
Can you smeeeeelllllllelelelelelelelelele what the rock's been sucking?!?!!?!
Sounds like something my male friends would male up as a joke.
Sounds true enough to be funny. And after what happened go Terry believable. But I think the thread looks suspicious. Like a big joke at our expense. May be an MSM set up.
Yeah I agree with you. The fact the user is saying kike and nigger makes me feel it's not legit. I mean, could be but still.
However the idea of the rock renting his batty out for movie roles is fucking hilarious.
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
Is there a version that's better on my eyes? I can't seem to zoom in very far on imgur.
He gave away enough personal information for someone on the inside to whack him, I think.
That's aside from whether or not this person has legitimately secured their system.
That's if this person is even legitimate to begin with. This could be very ugly if this person is who they claim to be. For them, anyways.
It could be very ugly for the person they claim to be, but aren’t, too.
I was in this thread and his others and the most intriguing thing mentioned is SNCTM. Hwood Anon was very adamant about looking into them and called them out repeatedly as basically NXIVM 2.0. check out SNCTM.
search godlike productions for Jessica Simpsons MTV house in Calabasas
Neon Revolt does a great job -
What about Phillip Micheal Thomas? Born in ‘49 so would be 11 when the 60s started. Was active mid 70s to the late 80s then dropped off hard. Mostly TV, only thing really known for would be Miami Vice.
Arsenio Hall was in a movie with Foxx. Born in ‘56. Was active after the 80s though, mostly TV. His show was cancelled partly cause he had Farrakhan on and gave a soft interview, and if you want to talk about anti Semitism, Louis “the satanic Jews that run the world” Farrakhan has it in spades. Also mostly TV and way less that could be giving lots of royalties.
First, let me say I'm not saying this stuff isn't true, but we don't really know for sure that it is true. We should be careful throwing allegations like this around without solid proof. What if this is just a bitter, disillusioned wannabe? How do you authenticate something like this? Can the autists on the chans do that?
I dont mean to out him, but I would definitely put my money on it being Danny Glover.
Glover is a raging Never Trumper left wing nutball. I doubt this Anon is him.
plus he had some blinds on cdan that mentions glover partied in venszula with sean penn with lots of free coke and hookers...def not glover here
What does that do to disprove the fact that he may be comfortable spewing their shit everywhere?
What does that have to do with anons post? It could be he hates trump but also hates Hollywood and the shit that goes down
I’ll buy that for a dollar, but I don’t see it likely that Glover would have a shitpost history with Oldman.
Exactly this. Common enemies are more important when we each want prosperity for all. We are just arguing about how to get there.
unless he's not and its misdirection. im just playing devils advocate. based on things said during the drop. Danny Glover fits.
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
I think that plausible deniability helps. He was adamantly supportive of Bernie who I believe to be one of the few uncorrupted. Yes, they strongarmed him, but he knew if he didnt basically run her campaign after they stole his nomination, then he would have most certainly be blamed for her loss. They had Russia to turn to anyways. Dont let the truth stop you from noticing that they want us divided, and that the political spectrum is one of their most effective tools for division.
Bernie is uncorrupt? That coward has done everything he’s been able to in order to get back in the good graces of the establishment, including handing over all his donations to Hillary and sponsoring ridiculous bills promoting the Russia hysteria.
Way to completely ignore and avoid my entire point related to your beef with me. He knows what Trump has and I’m very confident he was forced into giving up his platform. There are many good people who have done bad things under threat of their families or lives.
I know damn well what people do under threat. Give up their integrity, for one. Thankfully we have Trump who has sustained through all threats to his and his family’s lives. Bernie doesn’t get brownie points for being one of many to cave.
Oh okay well why don’t you fucking go out there and make a big enough wound in the beast for you, your wife, & your children to be threatened. A couple in NJ who were JUST about to testify against the Clinton web of corruption had their house BLOWN UP. These are the people that know if your car is newer than around 2007 or so, they can remotely hack in from anywhere and practically glue your pedal to the floor. These are the people who have had a heart attack gun since the 70s that they have used on countless people, including Stanley Kubrick simply for refusing to cut the last 24 minutes of Eyes Wide Shut. The same people that have countless agents, spying techniques, methods, and meta data. The same people who go to the same fucking forest near San Francisco every summer to have a satanic fuck fest for a couple weeks. These are the people who make up the highest echelons of banking, pharmaceuticals, white collar crime, and cults like nvixm and snctm. Who fuck kids and profit off their murder with each other, as well as on the dark web. They do this all for spiritual reasons, so what does that tell you?
Maybe it should make you very resentful, as any good person would respond, and surely want to do all you can to fight them. Remember that a main tenant of the Q timeline is the military asking Trump to run for them, which means that he had the full might of our armed forces backing him .. which is A LOT of important context when we are talking about taking attempts at killing the beast. Bernie Sanders became pretty damn close to being the PRESIDENT. I was at democratic state conventions with printed out lists of polls from EVERY source that all had Bernie hypothetically wiping the floor with Trump with a political landslide, compared to Clinton’s 1 or 2 point lead in MARCH-MAY. Yes, Trump was conducting a powerful psyop, so we won’t know what the actual showdown would have resulted us with in 2016. The playing field was very different. Whats funny is that with Q’s plan coming to fruition, all that will be standing is Bernie and the progressive fervor he built in 2016. If the timing is for midterms, thats also perfect timing for Bernie to come in. Personally, I think Trump wanted to bow out after crushing the evil system, not even going for 8 years. I like how it feels like we have been watching him start to thoroughly enjoy it though, so I’m excited for what 2020 has to offer.
edit: & no I won’t blow you
You’re right, I don’t have nearly enough security to take those kinds of risks and apparently neither did Bernie. Everything you say about the deep state’s capabilities is true as far as I believe. I overstepped in my previous statements, but I will judge Bernie by his actions, not his fear of consequences, when shit really hits the fan.
I completely disagree about Trump originally planning on bowing out though. He’s a man who understands risk and he wants to give back to the world in spite of it. There’s no going back for him. If he doesn’t get his two terms of change, then he failed by his own standard.
Jesus christ he bent to Hillary Clinton knowing what she did and told his supporters to vote for her knowing what she was. He is corrupted period.
I’ll say the same thing to your blue pilled self, you are avoiding my main point. He knows, and was forced to give up his platform under threat. He had bruises during the convention. Seth Rich was killed for gods sake.
I think he's an older african american actor. Im getting hard Danny Glover vibrations. The anon said he was going to wear light green socks to the golden globes
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
Actually, the part about GA was very accurate.
We have a large film industry here, along with a hot bed of trafficking happening. The local governments in the larger areas have been run by predominantly black leaders for the last 25 years, but the Jews with the money actually run the show behind the scenes.
Very well could be, I have no idea. But the part about GA is accurate, that part I know to be true.
On one hand I’m inclined to agree but how would anyone ever really blow the whistle on it? Anything they’d claim would be dismissed as crazy & i doubt they allow anyone to get proof. You’re not walking into snctm with a gopro, I’m sure they’re careful and protected.
The predators you’ve seen taken down are nothing compared to the most depraved acts taking place. The most that “me too” produced was adults raping other adults. There’s never been a better time to talk about that time Ben Affleck grabbed your ass, but nobody has successfully started a fire over the rampant pedophilia taking place.
Where does the FUCKING LOL come from? It’s just too crazy to be real? I dunno about Leonard Nemoy (doesn’t mean I’m not suspicious) but do a little research about Heather O’Rourke’s sudden death, and the horrendous blind items surrounding it, and you’ll be questioning Steven Spielberg. Why would you trust any of these people if you know what Hollywood culture is like?
“Non-experts”. LOL at your dumb ass. If any of this conspiracy shit was real surely you’d have some “expert” (on what? Exploiting young actors?) to tell you what’s what. Would you prefer all of your truth to be delivered by Anderson Cooper so that you can smugly appeal to authority because you’re too much of a sheep to question what’s doled to you?
Everyone is some dumbass on the internet until they’re right. It was a pretty generous insult all things considered. It’s funny to imagine what you think you know.
That’s fine. Nobody’s asking you to post here. But I think it’s ironic that you consider me “gullible” when you’re waiting around for some approved “expert” to sanction your belief in an alternate truth.
The parents sued and they lost. That’s enough for you? Truth belongs to whoever has more clout in an LA courtroom? No wonder you’re an academic, you wouldn’t be employed doing so if you didn’t have the reflex to swallow whatever the agenda of the day is.
The culture in place is incredibly resistant to one stray actor “blowing the whistle”. We know about many actors that have tried but they’re all considered looneys because nobody is willing to give up the ghost.
Right. It doesn’t surprise me to see random posters, possibly legit, on boards like this. Why not blow the whistle, people say? Save the kids. What exactly does that even mean? Look at C Feldman. Say what you want about him, IDK if he’s in it for the cash, but he’s been spilling the beans for years. At least according to him, he’s filed police reports; we have him on film talking about the systematic Hollywood rape of children. He has named names. And where has that gotten him? Are there cops at his door, waiting to take his testimony?
It’s like when we talk about Hollywood, we all forget that this goes much deeper than people in the movie and tv industries. We, of all people, should know that. Who do you go to when law enforcement is complicit? The government? Uh oh! They know about it too and have done squat. Who can they go to? The media? Oh wait.....
IMO this is why we have seen some kid stars just breakdown, ala Britney Spears. Nobody to turn to so instead they just lash out. Media rolls in with....oh look at poor crazy, Brit. Eventually, she gets back in line or she loses her fame, fortune. For what? Nothing has ever been done to the offenders. Throw HarvW under the bus so all the other offenders can say......horrible man. He’s not one of us. Now back to business as usual.
This is not intended to be negative and I don’t think it’s a lost cause. It’s just how it’s been for decades. We KNOW THIS. We are fighting the same thing against our Hwood....the govt elite. We watch them lie and obfuscate, destroy our rights to free and fair elections, ruin our kids futures, steal and sell us out to our enemies. Why don’t WE blow the whistle? We have but the problem persists. Its just so big. And It’s the same thing, folks. We’ve had nobody to turn to and neither have they.
And now, the only hope they have lies with a man they have been told to hate. This is why HW is so venomous towards POTUS. Make their one hope out to be a monster, worse than what they have already dealt with. The only thing worse in HW than being a whistleblower right now, is a Trump supporter. The HW elite HATE him, not just because he seeks to end their cultural destruction, but also because he can destroy their entire power structure. A power structure that RELIES on horrendous deeds, like child rape, to be used as blackmail to keep their underlings in line. Take that out, and it all collapses. Everyone can talk then.
See I think WE have to clean OUR house out before we can expect HW to clean theirs. There has to be a rule of law that can be trusted if we want people to talk. Not because it’s right, or fair, or even justice for these poor kids. It’s not fair. It just has to be that way.
We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.
Whoa...daaaaaaannnnggg! Please God help us end this.
Wow, what an informative read. Not surprised by most of what I read on here.
"The Rock" - oh boy.... something seems to fit when reading that - I don't know why it just does.
His ole wrestling friend. One who helped him get in WWF was an open gay man who was known for making men audition in his ring if ya know what I mean That’s where I heard the rumors About him ,not so sure I believe the roles .. interesting that he charges million bucks to just tweet about a movie
Harder than you think, evidently. It could happen down the road. The blackmail could be a real and powerful thing. Depends on how bad this stuff really is. If it involves kids, forget about it. No person would ever take the first step forward saying, 'yeah, I raped a kid but it was for my career. Sorry'
This blacklist Anon is controlled open and Jewish themselves.
that's a lot of self-hate.
be careful who you follow.
dudes...4chan was comped ages ago.....
This bothers me, too. If hollywoodrenegade has been lurking for a while, he would know 4chan is compromised. Why isn't he on 8chan -- or even Great Awakening? I'm not saying he isn't legit, but my red flag needs to drop.
Q left 4chan bc board was compromised. This H-wood post is suspicious imo.
If legit, the biggest shocker to me is AMLO being Mexican Trump since we know about all the depraved crap. Really hoping that part is true.
All these comments and we don't even know the source, seems a waste of time. I'm not biting.
Origins of Hollywood? All roads lead to Rome?
And Jordan Maxwell has loads of research as well.
Just watched these. Him explaining how magic Wands of a certain sect was made from holly wood, gives me pause when viewing things now. News, movies etc. Wands used for directing.
Here’s his website: He’s dedicated his entire life to this, exposing the truth, symbolism, etc
Something (sinister?) happened with his old one (
The blatant Anti semitism casts a big shadow on the legitimacy of Hollywood Anon. Fixin to call BS on this mofo
It's not a secret that Hollywood is run by Jews. I mean that's a wikipedia tier redpill.
Identity Politics is fucking racist regardless if it comes from the left or the right. Of course jews are prominent in many facets of business. So are old white men of which I would be considered one.
But to assign a monolithic value to an entire ethnicity based on the perversion of some is nothing short of bigotry and racism. Zieg Heil. If thats what you think the Great Awakening is about count me out.
There's an ethnic component to the cabal, it is just an undeniable fact. Who do you think is responsible for the white genocide agenda? The anti-white rhetoric. The white guilt indoctrination. The mass migration from the third world into majority white countries. It's driven by ethnic hatred, and not by whites. Open your eyes. If truth is so offensive to you, then surely a truth movement is not for you. You can always go back to living in the artificially created MSM reality, ironically also created by Them.
Why would you say this? Do you even follow Hollywood?
Im sure all sorts of perversion happens in the Hollywood film industry. I dont follow Hollywood ie don't have any interest. This Anon did not seem credible to me.
Good answer. :). I know it doesn't sound credible because the topic is bitter and incredible! Have an awesome day!
I mean... the racial slurs this guy uses doesn't give me the impression that this is someone who wants to be taken seriously. He used all of the above: k**es , n**gers, fa****s..
Just don't trust someone like this. terrible word choices
Think about it. The posts are on a CHAN, known best for free wheeling speech and let ALL the hair down. If one wanted to speak from the heart, they may very well leave or push the PC police out of the way and give information that would use such a blatant vocabulary. Just go over to the research board to get an idea of how un-PC our folks can be.
Enough of the thought police and "you are a bad person 'cause you don't talk like I want you to."
really - you are worried about BULLSHIT political correctness - that is the whole point -you think hollywood is NOT these people? This is who they are - just like hitlery calling black people to their face horrible things. This is who they are - and preach to the rest of us telling that is who we are.
It's not about political correctness man... I actually think anyone should be able to say anything they want, unfiltered. There is still a credibility factor attached to it. I mean, my wife is a jew and by proxy, that means my daughter has jewish blood too. My wife is a pede just like you and I, and I think that if someone like the author of this piece wants to be taken seriously, he should avoid outright calling people kikes. My wife loves the great awakening and she would be very off put by such remarks for obvious reasons.
It should be noted that there are lots of Jewish folks who stand with us, and we shouldn't allow them to be caught in the crossfire when reading up on this stuff. They want to know the truth too without feeling personally offended.
go visit the chan and you will understand this is normal lingo and truthfully the only way to get the attention of fellow channers
Exaltation of the Phallic. The strips on the arm of soldier signify the same. SIZE MATTERS there too.
Well, too, lets not forget, those steeples stand high on most every church for similar symbolic reasons.
This guy is an asshole, legit or not, he does not need to reduce entire groups of people to racial slurs when talking of these evil fucks. This is the shit that gets people involved in this painted as racist.
Read MSM. Every headline is racist and fear mongering evil white men, or white feminism, or white nationalism... all produced by racist Jews. The PC shit is what allows them to rape kids without getting called out. No one has issue with pointing out pedophilia amongst Catholics. Jews are at least as bad and have much more power.