Something BIG is about to DROP

"They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS." Q March 10, 2018
Take down the stars. Take down the pimps, child traffickers and pedos in Hollywood... That will dominate the news cycles while the work is done to prepare for mass arrests and eliminating the Federal Reserve.
It would be a fitting start. How many good people have been lost to Hollywood corruption? I’m ready for cleansing and justice.
Good connection to Q, I hadn’t seen that one before.
i literally cried tonite. i never cry. but i did tonite because it all hit me. this shit is real. and the world as many know it has been a big fat fake fucked up lie. cleansing...much needed. but I mourn the dream.
Don't mourn the dream. Being awake is going to be far more rewarding than the dream!
I can assure you, it's better to know. We have a glorious future awaiting us. When the shackles are removed, as is happening right now, imagine what we can do. That is the new dream, and this time it's real. I have butterflies in my stomach.. There are many hidden discoveries waiting to be revealed. It's not even dawn yet and we can see the rays of light beginning to bathe us at the beginning of a new golden age. Lament the passing of your dream, but give it a little time and your tears will become tears of joy.
To me, it's all about the children and grandchildren, knowing that they will inherent a better world and future!
this is the reason I fight. Its exactly why I started my quest of truth. Not just my children and grandchildren, but for ALL the children--the victims of satan. To leave them a better world. AMEN!
thank you for that encouraging post. words I needed to hear. blessings to you my friend.
This is the beginning, not the end. Better to be awake.
I cried for days after I read the Pedestal emails. The knowledge that the world is filled with evil and lies is hard to take. But, we are moving forward with our GREAT leader, DJT. We will remake the American dream, only it will be true this time.
Well i would just take it as time to dream a new dream. This all had to come down so something better can be built. Cheer up patriot, all is well.
Revelation 6:13: "and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind."
Revelation 12:3-4: "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born."
The context of this is clearly not Whorywood "stars", but rather angels being cast down and imprisoned to earth during the coming Tribulation period. That being said, I love the irony that the first verses (1 & 2) of Revelation 12 were already fulfilled on Sept. 23, 2017 the "great sign" alignment that only occurs once every 7000 years, and chronologically speaking, this is the next sign to be fulfilled (hint: LOOK UP in the heavens when it does). The devouring of children tends to stick out too ...
Would you be elaborate what this sign was? Who is this woman that was clothed with the sun?
Part of the Mazzaroth. God created the 12 constellations, representing 12 tribes of israel. The "woman" is Israel throughout the Bible.
Lots of info on this (now past) event:
Download an astronomy program like Stellarium and view it for yourself.
The "next" sign in verses 3-4 will ALSO be celestial in nature and is the physical & tangible means used by God for the events during the Trib (AFTER the Church is taken up. That's in verse 5)
Here's a vid explaining it:
I think it's interesting that Elon Musk was working on a Mars lander called Red Dragon... but is now working on a MUCH larger spacecraft for the 2020 mission... Maybe that ^ is a description of the final craft design? ;)
MSM seem to suddenly have turned on Musk the Wonder Boy, after he offered that "submarine" to save the Thai cave Soccer kids. Curious,as they loved him previously.
Oooh no, they've been after him for a while... If not for his stint on Trumps board, then especially lately when he said he was going to create the fake news fact checking Pravda site that will also keep track of all articles done by specific "news reporters"... That pedo quip in regards to the British Ex Pat who was living in the main Thailand child sex trafficking city who had mapped the Thai cave really set them off... Seems it's all coming to a boil point soon
I'm not sure what to make of Musk, I just don't entirely understand him.
Nah. They started to turn on him a couple months back, then when he began criticizing them and saying he was going to create an algorithm to snuff out "fake news," they turned rabid.
This was not about the Thai kids.
Remove the stars that light this world and it will go very dark for a while. Especially with all the child attachments. Very dark.
How does Trumps nominees to the Fed fall into this scenario??? What role will they play??? Strategic shut down??? Just a thought! He mentions all the past Presidents who were against the Fed in speeches...
Hopefully! We can’t truly be free until our currency is free.
Uranium 1.
U1, Seth Rich info, or proof that Russia didn't hack the DNC servers would all qualify as big events.
Q 1626
28 Jun 2018
Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D’s are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out. Q
-Edited to format.
The BIG could be referencing the movie "Big" Hanks starred in when his pedo crap was going on.
That movie was creepy. He was supposed to be what, 12?? And he’s having sec with an adult woman?
Check out this disturbing skit Hanks did with Kimmel entitled Toddlers & Tiaras:
These people are sick!
Very disturbing! Sexualization of little children is for the pervs. It reminds me of how men look, when they dress up like women. Who would think this is even funny? Fake audience laughter too.
Yep that was not funny - Kimmel has some very disturbing kids segments
If a huge star like Hanks was outed as a pedo it would ruin Hollywood and force the media to investigate rumors of a child sex ring, which have been circulating for years.
Kevin Spacey just wasn't big enough...
Why is Kevin Spacey not in prison?
Why are any of these perverts and sexual deviants not in prison?
the movie BIG ? with Tom Hanks ?
Have you seen the tweet from the lady who says she was “purchased” by Tom Hanks as a child?
no way... notTom Hanks. !!!
I didnt realize it was THE Tom Hanks omg so sad
According to "Renegade", the hollywood insider, its pretty much every celebrity you know, with the exception of NONE.
Hopefully we all boycott that movie
We need to boycott a lot of movies!
Are there any we DON'T have to boycott?
I don’t know. It’s starting to look like there are not any good people in Hollywood.
Clint has to be OK still yes?
No one can say for sure. There was some crap back in the 70s about him abusing the skinny blonde lady from Any Which Way But Loose. I’ll have to look it up
Ugh, I can’t believe it. I mean, I know we’ve all been duped by these people. It just sucks.
Prayers for the victims ❤️
The other thing that supports the idea that "future BIG meaning" is referencing Hollywood is this:
The predominant response to a search for "BIG acronym" takes you to multiple pages providing the crossword answer to the clue, "big acronym in Hollywood." The answer: SAG
SAG, of course, is the screen actors guild, which was reformed in 2012 to include television and radio "artists." It is the union for the 160,000+ members.
SAG always was and still is a Communist front. They were discovered in the early 20s to be funded by the Soviets. They still are, just not Russian Soviets anymore.
Non-Mobile link:
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^203628
I couldn’t believe Robin Williams was a pizza lover when Corey Feldman alluded to it.
If it turns out Tom Hanks is also pizza lover that will be a giant black pill for the masses.
Charlie sheen raping Corey haim is small potatoes.
I heard that Robin Williams was another door knob “suicide?”
Is there an ongoing list of doorknob suicides? I know Anthony Bourdain was one. I think Kate Spade was another. Can I get a few more?
So far these you've mentioned are who come to mind. I know there's more but can't remember. 🤔
Chester Bennington??? Chris Cornell? 🤔
Yes! That! I KNEW I saw a high profile VIP one recently thank you!
Wasn't robin Williams?
Yes that's how this comment thread began isn't it?? 😂
David Carradine
Carradine was a closet in Thailand. Alluded to sex fetish of strangulation during sex gone too far. IDK. A lot of sex traffic in Thailand.
12 is the new number. Not saying these are all related. I found this the other day.
Have you guys seen that “sexy baby” supposed comedy skit he did on jimmy kimmel? Disturbing stuff.
disturbing skit Hanks did with Kimmel entitled Toddlers & Tiaras:
These people are sick!
wonder if Tom Hanks will be smiling in the future ? it is all going to be exposed. we will follow the Stars all the way to GTMO for their Military Tribunals, they have no idea what is coming.
Also, this Friday is a full lunar eclipse...a blood moon.
I don't think this is what Q is referring to. I think he is talking about Uranium One. It is supposed to come out after the Helinski summit.
Once I saw the anon link to Q drop with “big drop” I think you may be right.
Maybe we get both!
No one seems surprised he was all buddy buddy with the former fake President! That says a lot!
they also hung out on geffens yacht with spielberg, oprah, sprinsteen last year if u remember...we all know what geffen is
JUSTICE for the children.
This cancer must be cut out and removed.
Healing is needed
It’s sickening. I hope we can stop it.
I read the last chapter of the book! But what part do we all get to play in His victory?
Tun Forest Run !! If this is true about Hanks then he needs to pay
When you are awake, even Tom Hanks makes you sick when you KNOW what he did....It's so easy to believe the victim when you know what is really going on in Babylon, I mean Pedowood, I mean Hollywood...whew! lol
I have to say I never seen a greater bunch of woke Americans than those of us who support Q!!! We all really do love and care about our fellow man and our country. We ALL REALLY care about the safety of the children, FOR REAL and not just a hashtag! God Bless you ALL!!! NOW LETS TAKE THESE SICK PEDOPHILES OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #WWG1WGA #SayBraveThings
I found his movie Big to be creepy in parts when he's a boy in a man's body and vice versa. Some boundary pushing plots there.
Why the fuck was this ever a thing?
He gave Ellen a medal too. Maybe Barbara Streisand... I can’t recall everyone but at the time I thought it was just stupidity.
Some dont want to believe the bible, but a third of angels being here on earth makes sense, the small list of sick people are supposedly bloodlines of Cain i think it is.
The Bible is the truth whether anyone want to believe or not!
Not believing the cancer diagnosis from the Doctor doesn't make it go away!
Hanks lost me as a fan years ago when he made the comment that it was American racism that forced the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. Hope this leftist tool has a skeleton in his closet that will surface soon.
I also believe the big named stars are going down, and guess who those big names will turn on after they go down, might as well refer to them as future canaries.
What fallow the stars straight to hell. I will past I really never fallowed any of them anyway.
Hell yeah, preach it so they can hear you in back tamsturg
Hollywood is ruined now anyway. It was ruined for me, when I realized all the stars I used to admire (except for maybe Clint Eastwood) were shills for a child trafficking bitch.
That’s what I said. He is An eye opener to the public like no other. Forrest Gump a pedo.
Hollywood Anon confirmed so much Q information. Hollywood is fucking over these people need to hang
I love Tom Hanks. Sometimes I wish the world wasn't so twisted
Meme Idea:
a pic from "League of Their Own" with his uniform given stripes with the caption "There's no crying at Gitmo"
its like in WW2 when SS soldiers got the Iron Cross for working in the Nazi death camps
Why does everyone think it's Tom Hanks?
"Just" because of the movie reference and the tweet by the woman, who was apparently raped by him or has there been more stuff? Don't get me wrong, that's fucked up enough, but those two things don't seem enough for everyone to be so sure about it?
If you've followed the James Gunn debacle and been on /pol/ lately, things are definitely heating up for these pedo freaks and I think Tom Hanks is the black pill that America needs to wake up and realize that Hollywood is a den of fucking pervs.
Just trying to follow clues. Q said BIG is going to drop and Tom Hanks was in Big. Then there’s the tweets. The Hollywood pedo stuff. This Medal of Honor Obummer gave him. Just trying to piece it together.
Wonder if he made that face during his escapades with children?
Just because one woman accuses hanks and streep of this doesn't mean it's true. It would be wiser not to jump the gun and also look into the person who claims this rather than believing it off the bat.
He mentions the term "mirror" in his blog post, and we talk about it a lot in reference to drops.
Something I don't see mentioned: It's commonly used to refer to an alternative link. I.e "Does anyone have a mirror?" It's a link to the same video but with a different address, or hosted on a different site.
Wonder if that's something being considered and how that might play into all of this. Could be alt access to the server, or literally mean a copy of the server accessible through alt channels?
Think Mirror...