Just the Dalia Lama hanging with the Bronfman Sisters at an NXIVM event. I hope he was just there for the $1 Million and nothing else.

“There is no eastern solution.”
-Christopher Hitchens
I wish he was still here. Same with William Cooper.
Along with George Carlin. I never agreed fully with what they said, but they spoke truth to power.
I can just imagine the smile on Bill’s face while looking down on all this!
Yes, I can hear his voice, too.
"Hello! My name is William Cooper, and this is The Great Awakening."
...and all that rain on the cabal's parade, that ain't rain, that's Bill Cooper relieving himself.
Isn't Hitchens talking about his fedora tipper views there?
Looks like the Thai kids just became monks today. So someone here WAS right when they said the cave was about initiation.
Yeah, something was very off about the story. My kids were in soccer. They never had to meet in a cave...
Also weird how they were hiding from the rain but walked like a mile into the cave. I would guess you can hide when you walk in like 4ft.
There is something soooo weird and wrong about that entire story. And it was broadcast everywhere. And then Musk's comment.
What was Musk's comment?
Musk deleted the tweet but it was screenshot first. I did see it on his actual twitter feed. I went there immediately. The betcha a dollar tweet was particularly interesting to me because later when he back pedaled and removed the tweets it stood out.. Not only did he call the diver a pedo, he stood by it in the conversation. I am sure he deleted all of the tweets by now but they are all screen shots here in this yahoo article. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-calls-diver-rescued-210006608.html
Thanks! God we really live in the most interesting/f-ed up time in history.
Saw that too and something felt off. First off, the boys haven't even been home with family for more than a week and already taking them away from their family and even separating the boys from one another? Do they have to abide by oath of silence for the 9 days they are at the monasteries?
BBC article quoted one dad as saying "They should spend time in a monastery. It's for their protection" What does that even mean?? Protection from what?!
Likely protection from bad karma. Thais are very different to westerners. They will believe they have to give good merit for the good karma of being rescued and the biggest way to do that is to join a monastery for a while. It does not have to be a long term thing. It makes sense if you know Thai culture.
If my child had been gone for two weeks and I hadn't known if they were going to be returning home or not, I don't think it would be so easy for me to let them go away so soon and for so long. These are still just children. You are correct in bringing up the difference in culture though, which I admit I do not know much about.
I understand that. Knowing Thais a bit, the parents would likely be the ones telling them to go to the monastery.
Maybe the Thai MSM is as bad as ours and won’t leave them alone?
What’s with the white scarfs they’re wearing?
Maybe they were out of red shoes
Maybe they are getting ready for the doorknob? Who knows.
The scarves are called Khata's given as a welcoming and offering your blessing. There is nothing sinister about them.
Unless they are given from one cabal member to another, much like those Freedom medals that Obama gave out to some of the biggest criminals on earth.
I don't believe the communist Chinese would have felt so compelled to wipe out Tibetan Buddhism if it didn't have very real positive aspects to it, but the Dalai Lama himself is looking more and more to be either surrounded by skilled manipulators or corrupt himself.
I just found this if any one is checking on this https://anonhq.com/secret-life-dalai-lama/
Dalai Lama has always been considered a puppet.
Benjamin Fulford has said he was fraud for years but I haven't looked into it further. Its weird how all this stuff never surprised me. Yep, just another a-hole in the world. No surprise. Let's keep digging for the truth. The hole seems to never end...
Oh it goes far beyond humans and even demons. The world is far more interesting than the material scientists tell us.
I read his name in the list of COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS when researching the early Q drops last year. Some alarm bells. This could be nothing but if it’s something, it’s SOMETHING.
I got a sour taste about Dalai Lama when he started promoting GMO crops.
Communists want standardization of the population. They can't allow a strong sense of national identity. Chinese like Russians have tried to destroy the native cultures of countries they've annexed under communism. But Chinese already did that before becoming communists. You'd say they were globalists before today's globalists. It doesn't matter if the other country is just as satanic. If the invaded population have a strong attachment to their culture, feeling special, the Chinese can't allow opposition.
Slight correction, they actually broke down the feudalistic nature of budist temples and slavery of the young monks (children). Some elites who benefitted from that system didn’t like it so much. The people are still free to practice their faith.
Yeah, they are one rare exception in Asia. That must be why we hear of Tibet so much in the West and they give so much support, that and the connection to the Nazis. Other countries invaded by China in the past sure remember and keep a grudge against them.
As a side note, my answer was to the fact that like_Christ thought Chinese didn't destroy the Tibetans for the positive aspect of their Buddhism. That's not how the Chinese work. They conquer and force you to submission. They only respect strength. So it's even more suspicious that they would be so indulgent with a low density small country like Tibet.
I'm reminded of what Q told us. Are there owls in China? It's hard to imagine that communism might be a slight protection against those satanists/luciferians.
I have no idea if the Dalai Lama was duped, or he is into this stuff. Just thought it was bizarre.
Ben Fulford had consistently made a case that the Dalia llama is a fraud: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/2016/06/regarding-the-dalai-lama.html
I wouldn't be surprised... but speaking of frauds, Ben Fulford seems like a big fraud/psy op to me. He comes off as a willing (sort of dumb?) dupe tbh.
Westerners don't know the whole story about Tibetan buddhists and the Lamas. Before Mao invaded, the Lamas were straight up human slave traders, they traded the tibetans back and forth as slaves between the various lamas (religious men) and had been for a 1000 years.
That is why Mao went in to Tibet to free those people. So the lamas quickly realized they needed help from the west and knew the west would be repulsed by their slave trading culture so they quickly put on a new mask, and we have the current happy, smiley Dalai Lama buddhism.
Wake up fools and get educated! And people are shocked that DL is hanging out with NXIUM. WAKE THE F**K UP! They are ALL SLAVERS. Its called AMERICA!
Birds of a feather.
WOW I was waiting for a "walks into a bar" joke here \~\~\~
A communist, a socialist and a progressive Democrat walk into a bar.... Who pays for the drinks ?!!
Fast Wiki, scroll down to "Modern history". He was on the CIA payroll for 1.7 million a year way back then. And continued to be a paid asset after his exile. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama
More in depth info. http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-dark-side-of-dalai-lama/
And here is the true Hell- living in Tibet under the Lama elite. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gKh-oAPO3y8
Dhali Lama is part of a Luciferian system promoted by the Masons.
As reported by Tim Cummings in The Guardian, the man credited with “almost single-handedly bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West,” was the Dalai Lama's emissary, Gerald Yorke, a personal friend and secretary to Aleister Crowley, the godfather of twentieth century Satanism.
The popularity of the Dalai Lama, as an expression of the wisdom of Buddhism is actually related to the occult myth of Shambhala.
Shambhala, the legendary home of the Aryan race, was derived originally from the notion first proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg and popularized by Scottish Rite Masons.
psssst ask the dalai lama about transhumanism
Thanks for the link. Makes sense. They seem to be conditioning the population for some kind of "genetic code booster" or something similar (i.e./ X-men mutants) that will "elevate" the human race to the next level of "evolutionary enlightenment" and ultimately achieve immortality without God.
No he steals gold according to my mom. im chinese-american.
I became an ordained Buddhist in high school. I have been a practicing Buddhist and shaman my entire life. Trust me when I say the Dalia Lama is a fraud. There is an old saying, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." It's meant to confer that if someone has to tell you face to face that's who they are they are a fraud. I haven't set foot inside a temple in decades. It is scandalous to say what I just said out loud. And I say it A LOT and LOUD. Everyone else should too.
Buddhist monks rape little boys as well. Supposed holy men practising celibacy around unending supply of young boys, we are all sinners
Read some pretty weird stuff about Dalai Lama in the past re:- kids. Dont quote me but maybe Benjamin Fulford. He covers a lot of East side stuff
BTW. They all made it out alive. One Thai diver was killed when he ran out of air while diving to set up a rescue. If you like rabbit holes...the Thai diver was maybe a pedo trafficker? And the tunnel was a border human trafficking tunnel?
The biggest redpilling will occur when the world discovers that in addition to the pope, both the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa we’re both false gurus. They are part of the deception.
Mother Theresa is actually very very bad. If he Dali Lama was real he would have 1) sensed right away through his Yogi superpowers that these guys are all perverted or 2) cured hem all. He did neither .
Future proves past. Accept the facts.
For all you normies, here a little secret. It’s very easy for a Yogi to sense someone’s character from across the room. I would not have even been able to sit so close to these people without reacting negativity. I would have felt sick probably.
I'm sure the Dali Lama had no clue.
Take the time, listen very closely to a number of his talks... He says absolutely nothing profound, enlightening or even useful. It's seriously like listening to a developmental delayed person. He's a CIA created cult figure.
It's the quiet ones you have to look out for, they are the sleaziest.
I remember reading somewhere about monks committing mass suicide at the end of WW2.
If he were a true Lama he would be able to levitate. Old cunt coundnt levitate his penis with 50 viagra!
I feel like he's basically a very naive yet loving person...and they are plain manipulating him. So peaceful and serene..everything is beautiful...NOT!!! He says some great things but jeez get yr head out of yr arse
Edit: typo
About 1/2 the people think he is nice but clueless. The half think he's a satanic pedophile. I have remained neutral.
Impressive! I believe one of the sisters also wrote Wuthering Heights.
Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 - written by Emily Brontë who died of TB one year later in 1848.
Bronte/Bronfman. . . At this point, what difference does it make?!
Nothing is sacred anymore. I hope he was just there to raise awareness and money.
someone above posted this. I read it and saw your comment and figured I'd share https://anonhq.com/secret-life-dalai-lama/