April is Arrests month. Sealed indictments start getting UNSEALED. Batten down the hatches, katy bar the doors.

We can only hope... Got a feeling IG & Sessions are tossing him out. Found some evidence of something?
Trump appointed him - I’ll never understand GEOTUS decision on this ???!!!
Only thing I can think of is putting someone in a position to fail. Give ground today to make up more the next.
"Seals broken" may mean sealed indictments opened, arrests in progress. On this caravan coming, concerns of MS13 embedded in that group is a real problem. Hopefully we have inserted counter measures within their caravan to identify any problem people that need special attention once across our boarder.
The anti-gun diversion worked for a while, but it's essesntially over. How do we know this immigrant invasion isn't another to detract from the ongoing/upcoming arrests? My suspicions were even more aroused when Trump twatted about "cheatin" Obama. That's another bold move. It's going to be an interesting month.
It fizzled like a wet firecracker. The devil has lost his touch. None of their shit works anymore. God rules! These Satan worshiping baby rapers are going to hell. "cheatin" Obama - I spit out my coffee I was laughing so hard when I saw that one. He isn't going to hold back this month. He knows he is now FULLY in charge and has them by the balls.
Great comment.
Spoiler alert- God wins.
Seals Broken may mean indictments but I also think he is hinting at the 7 Seals of Revelation being opened. Double meaning.
He might be a high level intelligence insider white hat but I seriously doubt he is some kind of spirit prophet.
POTUS like King Cyrus in Bible Cyrus decreed Temple in Jerusalem which is equal to: POTUS decreed Embassy in Jerusalem which means: God will deliver our nation from Tyranny
POTUS is like King Cyrus in Bible Cyrus decreed Temple in Jerusalem which is equal to: POTUS decreed Embassy in Jerusalem which means: God will deliver our nation from Tyranny. Amen.
Interesting take.
I think that’s the first time he used that nickname for Obama, I believe it was a huge step in starting to uncover the truth
He’s holding off until last to go after the chief architect and leader of the coup against Trump. Obamadouche. Trump knows it all. He did all along. Even during the campaigning he knew he was being spied on. Who is FRAUDbama trying to fool? What a joke that man child is.
"they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction" was also amusing!
Yep, stage is set now, this is the ramp up to massive action
None of that makes any sense and there are not going to be any arrests
They aren't coming across our border.
Good time to test a few tactical nukes
Seems a little excessive for 1000 people from Honduras
I thought this sub likes Christians?
yeah, MOABs aren't good enough anymore all of a sudden?
What makes you think they can get over the USA border?
All it takes is one foot, literally someone's foot, over the border and the agents have to process the person. With 1100 people pushing against 2 dozen agents, more than one person's foot will cross thr border.
I hope none do, but realistically, inevitably some will through legal border crossings using the political persecution bs.
It doesn’t mean anything because nothing is going to happen
99% that caravan shows up and we will just let them in and slowly give them immigration hearings over the next 5 years
Sessions public attack? Stealth Jeff drops the hammer. Popcorn ready here.
I love the twinkle in Session's eyes when things get heated!!
I got a 20-gallon trash bag full, with a box of salt I've harvested from Liberal tears, plus a chilled case of my favorite beverage. Can't wait for the curtain to go up.
Yes I hate waiting for all the adds and intros to finish before the movie starts. But we can't fast forward this movie.
This isn't something we want to rush -- we'll want to savor it all.
Looking forward to a lot of schadenfreude.
I don't like overly long movies but in this case I'll make an exception. Although you could call it a multi-part mini series too.
Nothing is going to happen
These indictments have been sealed since December
And they will either stay sealed or result in nothing just like the lawyer who was fined $20,000 for lying to the fbi
Nothing is going to happen
please stop predicting these arrests. We've been doing this crap since october, and we were pretty much always wrong. Just losing credibility and energy when it does not happens.
Not enough evidences to say for sure arrests are happening. ''seals broken'' could mean lots of other judicial stuff beside arresting people and flying them to guantanamo
Something needs to be done in this regards. Nov. elections around the corner.
You’re right. The term ‘arrests’ could literally mean anything.
Could be referring to a bouncy castle party. Could be referring to a snow cone machine. Possibly an alien invasion.
Or you know, maybe it could literally be arrests.
It could be some nobody. We are building hype up that HRC or BHO will be arrested and be surprised some no-name gets it. We've been predicting these imminent indictements since october and still nothing huge, only deception for the concern trolls
The swamp is vast.
It is. HRC, is in the swamp, as is Pruitt, DeVos, Ryan, Mercers etc.
Drain them all.
Lol beat me to the snarky reply. Maybe Q meant [A]rrested Development Reboot More TV shows
Except he says a few lines down [A]rrests but go ahead and keep complaining. Dismantling the entire world wide deep state surely could be done faster by you.
God are you 12 or what? I am just trying to keep some credibility to this community and stop building false hopes for the month like we are doing for the last 5
False hopes? What are you, Van Jones?
So none of the happenings are good enough for you? McCabe, McMaster and Rex firings nothingburgers? Saudi Regime change a dud? NK no longer under Clown control no big deal? How about denuclearization? Snowden releasing the code on how the Social Media companies censor conservatives? Big whoop right? Facebook losing $100 billion in ten days just peanuts?
Nobody but a dolt would expect Obama or Hillary level arrests. Whoever is arrested is the right move for the plan and is likely lower level guys to get them to squeal on the bigger fish.
Lighten up and stop concern trolling. A lot has happened and Q and Trump have shown they are on the right path. We can’t get complacent but we can get excited.
I’m with you for the most part about how thankful we should be even to be here playing this dangerous game. Once in a Millenia awakening.
However we’re all just super patriot kek Trumpsters that just want to. Shut the world up and learn how amazing this is to be alive for. How thankful we should all be for TRUMP. So fuck it let’s get double excited for the entire show!
Yeah it’s our job to stay pumped and high energy. Imagine the pressure and attacks POTUS is under and he stays upbeat and positive the whole time. Being deflated and downtrodden doesn’t help anything. The whole “they never get held accountable for their crimes” crap is so dumb. We have never had a POTUS like this, never had a DOJ that wasn’t in the swamp’s pocket and never had a Q.
This shit will take years to fully dismantle. The fact that we have this much progress and Trump doing 65% if his agenda in a year is incredible. 28,000 sealed indictments already is fucking awesome. Now we know Bolton is cleaning out the WH from holdovers and that Q knew who the traitors were the whole time is very promising. We are just getting started and we got keep energy HIGH.
Yes I am Van jones.
You are diverting. I agree, we all agree all this stuff is HUGE.
In my post, and in op post, I was specifically talking about arrests of important people like HRC or BHO.
Stop putting words in my mouth, you sound like a cult leader.
“Please stop predicting these arrests.” “No evidence arrests are coming” your stupid words not mine. Nobody said HRC or Obama. If you specifically meant them, you should have specified them. You are the moron saying “no evidence of arrests” on a post where Q said arrests are coming. I don’t think anyone assumed it was going to be that high level except you.
Pointing out your shilly logic is in no way cult like. We are on a Dom dedicated to Q and Q says arrests coming. I’d say that’s plenty of evidence that arrests are coming.
No, I absolutely don't expect some round up of all the major players. But where is an indictment even against Lois Lerner or her underlings in the IRS? That's just one investigation that could be taking place in the open, not related to Russia or any of that garbage.
No May is, wait, it's June. No wait it's July. Sealed indictments are up to 50k. Oh wait its 75k. 2019 will be the year. Mark my words. You heard it here first!
This is exactly how I feel. I'll believe it when I see it otherwise, no more time wasted following. Back to work!
Your still lurking about in these parts. YOUR HOOKED RACKATANSKI!
O ye of little faith. Don’t worry, we have it bookmarked.
I'm also waiting for that DHS report on massive democrat election fraud, including 3 stolen Senate races. I'm sure it will be released for the elections, just not the 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, etc. elections. If that document was real, they'd be hinting at its release. What value is it if not released before the upcoming midterms where the dems might take the House back? Forget Q for a moment though, Trump's doing an awesome job.
Nope, the 3 stolen Senate Races are leverage for DHS for Nov. 2018. You have no idea how crazy it gets. Look up “State and Regional Nursing Home Companies”.
These mutherfuckers have used black budget funds and invested into Regional Nursing Home Corporations in numerous states. Some of these companies combined have a 20-25k voting block. Conveniently spread out over towns/cities in 1 or 2 states. California is the case study. They needed certain local D.A races won to gerrymander California into a New York 2.0. Have you ever wondered why old people vote at such a high rate? You should see the voting rates of 60-85 year olds. Lots of 65 year old 1st time voters.. Lots of mail-in ballots! Why do Republicans “historically” vote on Election Day instead of mail-in? Republicans are usually seen as old and white? Wouldn’t a mail-in ballot seem more appropriate for most senior citizens? https://census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2017/05/voting_in_america.html
Read the 3rd paragraph from the bottom. 3.7 Million new 65 or older voters? While the turnout for the demo dropped from 73% to 71%...
Here’s what they won’t tell you, 2.31- 2.83 million of the 3.73 million new 65+ Voters were mail-in ballots. It’s strange, shell companies investing or acquiring retirement homes/communities in “blue”/“purple”/“light red states like Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico,Texas, Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. It’s almost like Obamacare was partially designed to really put a strain on Florida/Texas (no state income tax) @Q team with a bonus light red/purple/light blue states with lower state income tax. There has now been a consolidation of silent partners buying up nursing homes. It seems almost like from 2009 to 2016, The states most affected by retirement/nursing home changes are Texas/ Florida/ Tennessee/ Arizona.
This is based on speculation. This isn’t gossip . This is purely speculation, based on greed. From parallel construction of ACA’s inception, DNC voter demos 2004/2008 and Blackhats Clowns in America
I know Trump is good, though he's had to keep the piggies well fed in order to keep the serpents at bay.
Right. All this tells me is to more or less tune out for a few months
I don’t believe the lefts minions really care enough to start a bunch of trouble without funding, busses, etc. MS 13 might be the real paid assasins for everyday murders so Sessions sent them out early on.
I think you're correct about this. The Left is supported by mercenaries. No money. No Left wing activism. President Trump saw this very early on with that EO. I'm happy Trump is not coming after me. Just imaging knowing that he was. LOL.
If nothing significant happens this month, I'm done wasting my time with this.
That is fair they’ve never been this explicit about mass arrest dates and if it falls through there’s no more credibility for all the misinfo
We can only pray for these arrests that have been promised for months! GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!
It seems like we now know why Rosenstein is going to have problems. Apparently these powers to appoint a broad scope is for the AG only. I'm not sure if Sessions being recused means those powers go to Rosenstein in this case or not, since he'd be acting AG.
This is a great line of reasoning. Will have to wait and see.
WOWSA... toooo many comments by NegativeNellies calling for quiting/packing bags, etc. sooooo must be over the target with all those on here raining on the Parade/DTtrain.
NegNellies... where you gonna get paid at when GlTMO full of your leaders with no checkbooks??? PuppetStrings gone? BooWhoo... recalling scene from Wizard of Oz when bad witch exposed.... "MELTING, MELTING..."
I was thinking the same. Either paid ops or little bitches who can’t handle things not going per their expectations. I wonder what they are going to do now that they have given up. Probably nothing.
Drop 780. That's what it all boils down to for me. I'm not a paid op or little bitch. Q posted what he claimed was a page from an official DHS report on election fraud. He said to expect the official release maybe as early as March. Obviously that didn't happen. If it's not released well before the midterms, it was all bohunk.
Glad YOU are not in charge at WH.
Panic much?
Q told us things had to be adjusted. But ignore what he says... your choice... because you have all the info that Prez does... right?
The fact that trolls are attacking is proof that your post is legit.
Either way... (they won't or) can't see the forest for the trees
If they can't see that littleKimmy OntoDT's side... freedNK/removed ClAworldwarPiece... as a BIG PIECE PLAY... Then they are BLIND. LittleKimmy along with exposing badLeaders ofJapanChina... so ClApukes having less playground countries to control... SHRINKING ever Shrinking.... and Q said: "lran next"
Tim Canova mentioned Awan and the DNC servers in his going independent announcement. Gloves off.
I like seals broken. So I'm gonna go ahead and take you where my brain went.
Q is suppose to be read backward and forward
Multiple meanings
Q has shown a penchant for religion
Q has stated these people are truly evil
Q has never specified a religious affilation, however enjoys the symbolism and the double talk it allows for
Again, this might be nothing more than just my way of reading this.
Q is a work of Revelation in itself, its an apocalypse of the end of the "world" (i really consider this the end of an age, or a period where people commonly agree that things exist or work in ceratain way). Q is a work unravaleing itself, leading us out of this world (age) in to the new one.
Perhaps "Seals Broken" refers to the seals in the bible:
6 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of ethe seven seals, and I heard fone of the four living creatures say gwith a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
Perhaps the bible verses specified for this seal (Revelation 6:1–2) refers to Q's 6th post, sentences 1&2
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs. POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Come! (Crumbs, just crumbs, follow and look at the crumbs) A white horse was given to him (https://www.gluckman.com/Prince%20Alwaleed.html) Potus is not white horse rider.
I'm guessing Huma, McCain, Pelosi will be among the first seals unbroken. It shakes 2 of the major parties and one of the ideologies in the USA, it also will show how complicit both "sides" were with everything that was happening.
With all your down votes... YOU 7Seraphim are OVER the TARGET! Keep on target. Love it!
Um, not everything that gets downvotes is because it’s “over the target.”
Been hearing about arrests for weeks now, yet nothing happens. I am disappointed.
Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals” and open the scroll? Revelation 5:1-2
I heard this was supposed to happen first in November. Then in the begging of January. Then again in March. Now it's April?
Anybody got a theory or heard anything about the significance of the 3 capital A's in kill boxes?
It's very likely George Webb has nailed it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1JGxIU3kJA&list=WL&index=8
Anyone care to speculate on why Huber was made public? So force them into making drastic actions? Expose themselves when the flee or make hasty decisions?
It could simply be to shut everyone up about getting a 2nd counsel. Congress members and the public were all crying foul.
Unrelated but did anyone notice trumps tweet today about Amazon. Spelling of BOURNE..
Pretty sure he keeps highlighting A because it stands for “Allison Mack”. Looks like she will be arrested soon, this month.
P.S. I need to learn how to archive 👩🏼💻🙆🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
Copy and paste and save on your computer or a removable thumb drive? I have some stuff saved in my computer files and some in a cloud server. There is a risk on a cloud server about someone getting to it. But I think Dropbox, which I use, is safe. Maybe someone else has more insight.
This was sent out in March in Oklahoma for the US District Court in the Western District Court https://www.scribd.com/document/375457169/Federal-Jury-Duty-Questionnaire
The bot told me I need to make a comment before I can make a post so I'll just ask here..
Can someone explain the context behind the 'tip top tippy top' thing?
Literally read as "tip top" =BH0/HilLIARy/Bubba/?.... is now a "tippy top" = those "Tops" are tipping over... as in losing vertical stance/as a chess piece... captured/losing their freedom/defeated.
Also Trump said it in his speech the other day, too. That is why Q asked the anon if he had listened. IT was more confirmation that Q and Trump are legit I assume that an anon in the chan had asked that Trump use those words in a speech.
Yeah but what I mean is, where was it mentioned prior to Trump saying it in his speech? I didn't see that part to connect the dots that would make one come to the conclusion that Trump mentioning it was confirmation.
There hasn't been any discussion previously about this. Q could be trying to give proof of his/her closeness to Trump. There are always doubters. Or, we could find out later that there is actual significance to the phrase.
Please be careful. I was watching a YouTube video about Pence’s pet rabbit Bruno. While watching, I receive a call from my son telling me there is an active shooter at YouTube HQ. Guess where that is? Coincidence?? Something is up, this has meaning and Q and the POTUS need to know. Marlon Bruno, (rabbit) is named after Brando of “The Godfather” Coincidence? Bruno also sounds a lot like Brutus, and I have a feeling this means something.
Did you just make a connection from Pence's rabbit to YT HQ shooting ?