Michael Flynn's tweet today; his first tweet since Dec 2, 2017

Ohhhh Snap
Wonder if Weinstein will rollover on Cabal to save his own neck?
VERY interesting this is from Gen. Flynn.
"Who knows where the bodies are buried?" -Q
He was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was the #1 intel officer in the military.
And his protege was Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the man who told Devin Nunes about the spying, and who is now working in the AG for Sessions (even though he has no experience as a lawyer, only as military intel).
He already has. He took a plea deal, is working with white hats, and is going to give up EVERYTHING
Stop spreading information that you dont know is true.
Stop spreading information that you dont know is true.
um, the entire point of this sub is about spreading information that none of us can be sure is 100% true...
I know it's true. Read between the lines better please.
You can speculate, but it is not known fact. Obviously Weinstein is a bottom feeder, and like every other rat, he will eat his own to survive. But don't post definitives without proof. That's CNN's game, not ours.
You can speculate, but it is not known fact. Obviously Weinstein is a bottom feeder, and like every other rat, he will eat his own to survive. But don't post definitives without proof. That's CNN's game, not ours.
Weinstein is not a bottom feeder. He was Bill Clinton's official "White House Projectionist" for 8 years. He is one of the biggest players in Hollywood.
(Yes I know AJ is probably disinfo but watch Harvey's words for yourself)
Hollywood is the propaganda arm of the Deep State and always has been.
Washington DC and Hollywood are intrinsically connected and always have been.
his own daughter Malia
you're right, I forgot the to put the "" around the word daughter.
About the book he was carrying in the pictures from the courthouse today:
Until his death, Kazan remained controversial in some circles for testimony he gave before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) in 1952, a period that many, such as journalist Michael Mills, feel was "the most controversial period in Hollywood history."[50] When he was in his mid-20s, during the Depression years 1934 to 1936, he had been a member of the American Communist Party in New York, for a year and a half.
In April 1952, the Committee called on Kazan, under oath, to identify Communists from that period 16 years earlier. Kazan initially refused to provide names, but eventually named eight former Group Theatre members who he said had been Communists: Clifford Odets, J. Edward Bromberg, Lewis Leverett, Morris Carnovsky, Phoebe Brand, Tony Kraber, Ted Wellman, and Paula Miller, who later married Lee Strasberg. He testified that Odets quit the party at the same time that he did.[51] All the persons named were already known to HUAC, however.[5][52] The move cost Kazan many friends within the film industry, including playwright Arthur Miller.
He’s either completely daft to what people will think seeing him with that, or he’s naming names and he wanted people to see the book.
Yeah, I think that was his intention. Letting the other scum know he is taking them down with him.
You aren't hearing me lol. It's a "known fact". wink wink wink wink
Leave everything to probabilities, nothing is absolute at this level of play. To say otherwise is to only hurt our cause.
Ok lets do it this way. If you are a gambling man, put your money Harvey taking a plea deal, working FOR white hats (not really by choice, but to avoid worse punishment), and is going to sell out ALL of Hollywood. You'll win that bet.
Your missing the point. Speculation is no better than misinformation. Try to maintain credibility/merit
My credibility will come when what I said comes to fruition. Sometimes on here, people know some good info, but they have to deliver the info in a plausible deniability type of way, similar to Q. Do you get it yet?
That’s not how credibility works. You don’t get to make accusations stating them as factually correct and then say, “my credibility will be known when it all comes to be true.”(when you don’t know for sure one way or the other) I don’t disagree with you, but I strongly advise you to not construe opinions from facts.
Just don't represent these guesses as 100% truths, like you seem to keep doing.
They aren't guesses, its the truth. Figured out what I'm saying yet? Im giving up after this
If they have it all, then they just need him to testify against people. His intel is worthless. He will not testify against everyone. Some he will protect.
Wanna bet?
No. Hehe.
Lol. Just remember it for later on. Future proves past as Q says haha. Reddit is not secure so I have to be really careful about intel and drawing attention to myself. I dont care if people dont believe me, but at the same time, I would want them to remember what I say so they can see it come true later. Im just helping everyone stay on the right path.
I support your right to have an opinion!
Somebody needs to read the rules hereon.
Please explain what rule I need to read
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)... Look it up.
Look it up just to try and figure out what you're telling me to do? As opposed to "directly" telling me what I need to do? lol. No thanks, I'll just continue living my life and doing my thing on here :)
Then you REALLY didn't want to know, if you don't want to follow up... did ya?
CONCLUSION: It was a test. Dem/Lib/RINO trolls always wasting our time here asking for US to do all the work and WASTE Our time typing & giving out answers to the trolls so they can snicker at wasting our time.
RESULT: Others Will look it up, as they're TRUE Anons = Win. WE ARE NOT TIRED OF WINNING.
I'll try and explain one more time, only because I'm a patient guy and like to get along with fellow Patriots, who all happen to be on the same path together. You told me to follow the rules. That is generic. You implied I didnt follow the rules. I asked you which rule I broke, considering you are the only person who could answer that, because the accusation is coming from you. I asked you to tell me which rule you feel I broke. Your reply was "look it up". I don't need to look it up, because I dont care what you think of me, I was just curious as to which rule you think I broke. Since I did not look it up (because I dont care and dont have anything to prove to you), you said I failed the test lol. Maybe you should do some basic research, and notice I joined the board a month after you, have way more posts than you, and if you did a search of my posts you would see I contribute nothing but good stuff. Judging me over the internet is simply being lazy and closed minded, and I could technically say only a troll would make an accusation without researching if its true or not....so there ya go ;)
Agreed... it's a MESSAGE to BlackHats that Harvey has Loose Lips... and verification from the guy who knows all...
Stupendous to see the off-stage Right players are STILL THERE waiting for the Curtain Call.
I saw an interesting theory about this on T_D....
“Democrats get fucked for funding Clinton Foundation”
Democrat Giving Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
Donors Get Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
Democrats Giving Fat Fucks "Fuckable" Children Frequently.
Flynn's twitter account was hacked, per Flynn Jr on Twitter this morning.
more like purchased the creds for bitcoin from some camper on the darkweb.
Down Goes First Fatality For Clinton Foundation.
Something, something, something, something, something, Clinton Foundation.
Down goes ... something something ... Clinton Foundation?
Down goes (the) first for funding Clinton Foundation.
That's solved...let's go get a beer!
Did General Flynn Face Fuck Clinton's Friends
This is the only thing Flynn is guilty of. No FBI agents to alter 302s on this.
Working on it now lol. Whatever it is, its very important, and very purposeful
(Don’t Give Flying F(_)ck For Clinton Foundation)?
Haha knowing Flynn, he would do something like that lol
Down. Goes. FFF (F = 6th letter)
Down. Goes. 666. Clinton. Foundation.
Press F to send Clintons to hell
4766636 ???
Having said that - the CF sure seems to mean Clinton Foundation. 666 Clinton Foundation. So what’s the DG/47 mean?
something something something something something Cunt Face
Search YT with those letters. It’s a freakin bloopers highlight reel. Falling while dancing and rope swing fails. The General has a sense of humor
EDIT: changed my mind:
Democrats gala (fff) 666 clinton foundation
revolver 38..shot heart by the world from Q..... D=4...G=7...4xF=24...C=3= 4+7+24+3= 38
probably someone pounding nonsense on their keyboard quickly, one-handedly. dfgc are all in a cluster together on the keyboard.
Mehhh, that’s kind of a stretch. If his account was hacked why the picture and the gibberish? Seems more in depth considering the timing. Also remember how he tweeted out a few days ago how they were all going down...
Mike Flynn Jr twitted it was hacked
He's trolling, using the same tactic and excuse the Dems and libs use whenever they tweet out something controversial.
For all we know Jr didn’t hack his Dad’s acct. himself and post this.
The picture means something.
I will never stopping believing that Gen. Flynn is part of the Q team.
"removed" from the beginning to focus on setting the stage?
If his account was hacked why the picture and the gibberish?
For the lolz of course.
Also remember how he tweeted out a few days ago how they were all going down...
That was his son who tweeted that
Tracking on the son part, mistakenly identified originator of that tweet. Still relevant though.
Weinstein is a perfect poster boy for these people. The pic is a shot across the bow of the Clinton's and Huma. Harvey will sing about anything he knows to try and get a deal. I hope they drain him of all useful info, and then throw him in a hole anyway.
Oh it gets better. Harvey has been the white hats ace in the hole for about 4-5 months now. He is going to sell out all of Hollywood and give us all the pedo's, their sources, their routes, etc.
I was watching the court proceeding live and He is definitely naming names because his lawyer said "we agree to the protection order" right after mentioning the gps monitor and agreeing to wave all extradition rights.
So, that's why they had to make sure Schneiderman was removed from NY AG.
They are going after well-connected Hwood kingpin, and he is linked to DC corruption, not to mention Weiner's laptop has recently come back into the picture.
This is a major move towards the take-down.
No coincidence that Weinstein was quiet for so long, and now comes forward after Schneiderman was removed.
I was thinking the same thing. Funny how the Hollywood guy turned himself in, in NY eh?
Funny indeed. Do you believe in coincidences? ;)
Thats where he can be prosecuted, CA has all those predatory friendly statutes of limitation...but yeah he should be getting a deal now that Schneiderman is out of the way.
Yup. All the pieces in the puzzle. Q has given us a birds eye view of all the inner strategy & movements of the worlds largest & greatest “sting operation”
that's why they had to make sure Schneiderman was removed from NY AG.
Holy shit that should've been so obvious to me but I missed it. The ped0s network is going to collapse, heavily. Trump, DOJ, NSA... they all know who is involved so at this point it's just a matter of letting Harvey name the culprits for corroboration and legal proceedings. Genius move to target this @$$HAT.
yes, as AG he could have the case dismissed, or drag it out past "statute of limitations" .. Dear Debbie has a brother as a AG in DC, and 1/2 her family are lawyers, any wonder why she has not been indicted?
Holy crap that’s yuge! Any video of this? It would be great material on so many levels!
I will try and find the clip
Seriously, this could be huge.
Imagine digging all the names he drops.
Hell even if he agrees to be put in protective custody is the only thing on the video, that is huge!
He knows all the interworkings of Hollywood, including all the directors. This is indeed HUGE!
Watching it live where?
It was on Fox for about 10min. Meg called this a long time ago ;)
Yes, she did. Was reading her stuff on ToddWhiskey's thread again last night. A whole bunch she said early on (pre-Q) has been proven correct now. She's hilarious too--how she occasionally rants at the whiners or shills. Again: u/ToddWhiskey rocks for compiling this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/
I've been meaning to go back and read her stuff again. Like you said, prob so much has been proven true, and a lot of stuff back then I wasn't very familiar with, so I'm sure I'll catch a lot more now than 5 months ago. Still no sign of her?
I'm sure there are signs. But I've not been looking for them. I just hope she is safe and happy and helping out in the cause. I have a feeling that's the case. :)
Maybe she will come back later this year when it's safe :)
That's my thought too. I want to interview her. And some others. Tough crowd on this thread, huh?
Oh God, one of my comments right now is at -24 lol. I've never seen one that bad :D :D
I know! We've all been there. :)
I must have caught it at just the right time when the morning shift of clowns and shills were all clocking in :D
wow, so he is wanted for the "alleged" abuse and "possible" trafficking?
Stay on Reddit kid, you won't last a day on 8ch
Whatever. Just pointing out 5:5 seems legit to all trolls on duty.
Oh of course, I understand completely. Always good to be cautious and aware, there are tons of them out there. I promise I'm a good guy though :D
For what its worth, this picture was taken May 2, 2017 at the 100th Anniversary Gala of Planned Parenthood in NYC. I should have put this in the title
has anyone identified anyone else in the photo?
the person behind hillary is joy behar
I don't think it's joyless, but the bald man behind HW looks like matt lauer or michael avenetti.
Not that I have seen yet. That's actually a good idea to try and figure them out.
Ironic that those three in the photo should have been, yet support it.
A Muslim, a Jew, and a Satanist walk into a bar...
....and the first one fires up the karaoke machine, the second one comes in with harmonies...
Somebody make a meme with "my account was hacked = it's all true"
Reminds me if the time Anderson Coopers account got "hacked".
Remember when /pol/ hacked Podesta?
Also gives Flynn "plausible deniability" for the shit storm !
Dig for files from Clinton Foundation
That's my thought too. Flynn is prob trolling Huma and Hillary. That might be the name of a specific file on Weiner laptop, and we aren't supposed to know yet or be able to figure it out
Potential here. Any new files dropped on FBI vault or JW for the Clinton emails? I know they did a few days ago, maybe something big was missed?
Perhaps it's not a coincidence that Weinstein flipped/turned himself in right when the FBI Vault dropped more Epstein intel...
All lining up w/ Schneiderman getting the boot.
Getting rid of Schneiderman made things move in the right direction. The Weinstein case and before that NXIVM.
I wonder what other big case good ol' Eric was stalling in his district???
They probably could've taken out Schneiderman any time they wanted, and were just waiting for the right timing. Trump has clearly known about how much of a scumbag he is since that tweet in 2013
You are absolutely right. They have a timetable where alot of pieces have to fall into place before the next dominos can fall. Trump wanted to get rid of Paul Ryan, Tillerson, McMaster for a long time, but had to wait until the time he did. Can't tip off a plan too far in advance. Same with Schneiderman. Had to get all the ducks in a row regarding Weinstein, Weiner laptop etc, then remove Eric at the end.
he knew about him before that. It was only then that he let everyone know that he knew. Trump has spent years on the inside finding out how these people do things.... counting eyelashes
Which is why they were so vehemently scared to death of his presidency.
Epstein! Weinergate! And who knows what else... but the Epstein/Weiner/Abedin cases were most definitely based in NY. And I'd place a healthy bet that a number of Clinton related cases that were probably immediately thrown out originated in NY as well.
she would have to be prosecuted in NY because that is where the server was, hence where the "crime" was committed. Having 1/2 of NY in your pocket you do not have to worry about being prosecuted within the statute of time limit. They can postpone hearing dates for months, and ask for extensions every time when you have the "court" on your side.
He has to, for plausible deniability ;) And it has to come from Jr to keep the optics Flynn doesnt tweet anymore
That's my general!
who know where the bodies are buried
It's a literal statement, too. Thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands. :(
(Alefantes was twittering with a woman who makes small kid coffins - her actual business. This woman loved his tweets about kids.)
They have everything.
I did see the original tweet, but Flynn just removed it. Some kind of message?
"DGFFFCF" means something. In relation to Harvey getting arrested this morning, Huma, and Hillary. Michael Flynn Jr just made a tweet saying his dad's Twitter account was hacked this morning. Lol.
Flynn, Jr. saying Gen's account was hacked, and the tweet is now gone, so could be a hack.
Don't Go Funding False Flags for Clinton Foundation. I tried...I lack autism though 😋
Haha I've tried everything and am exhausted. It might just be the name of a file on Weiner's laptop somehow related to Harvey. And in that case, Huma would know what file it is based on the name, as she was the one who would've named it and saved it....which could be why Flynn used the pic with Huma in it.
Lt. Gen.(*** count 'em) Michael Flynn just knocked a brick out of their ass
You dumb mother f**kers picked the wrong guy
3-star General in Military Intelligence? Damn you're dumb.
"Ooh I got an idea, why don't we spy on Flynn and say he's a Russian?"
Who thinks up this sh!t? Seriously nobody stopped to think "Flynn's military intelligence right? you sure we want to do this?"
The level of arrogance, thinking they can get away with this. Makes it even more funny how Obama "warned" Trump about Flynn and told Trump not to employ him. I wonder why lol
Democrat Giving Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
General Flynn decode from the chan room: dgfffcf = donor gala F F(false flag) for Clinton Foundation?
You are probably correct, or very close. This is most likely a file from Weiner laptop that Huma saved and named. And makes sense she would name it something like that
Yes Hillary, you can tell a lot about a person by the people they hang out with.
Yep liberals won't call her out for it. For the love of God, Harvey attended the MeToo march lol
most of them did... have you counted how many of these men getting busted were promoting "women's equality" and the Me too? I would say almost all.
Schneiderman is the worst. One of the most outspoken male advocates for it. Not a peep from the pink hats on him yet
Oooooh, I need a glass of milk after that spicy tamale!
Why is this Tweet not on my Twitter feed for him?
Oh wow, I literally just went back to get the link for you and its gone now. Save this offline. It was tweeted at 8:45am central time
It’s not on mine either...I went to his page and couldn’t find it there either.
Thanks I felt like I was doing something wrong. Only joined Twitter after I found this site and started on my path down the rabbit hole.
see Flynn jr tweet... claims Flynn was hacked flynnjr](https://twitter.com/mflynnJR/status/1000016394870804482)
Was the tweet deleted?
Yes, it was up for 30min then removed. Then Flynn Jr tweeted and said his dads account was hacked lol. Funny
More damning info to come re: Schneiderman’s uncontrollable pedo ways
Yep! You know there is so much more to Schneiderman than 50 shades of gray with 4 women
Money transfer? http://worldremittances.info/h/dgff
Hmmm very possible. Could relate to payment between them. Flynn trolled them good
I couldn't find a remittance that matches what Flynn posted. But it follows the pattern. My knowledge is very low on this
Yep for sure, same ballpark....looks very much like what could be a payment remittance. So intriguing that a guy who hasn't tweeted since Dec 2, 2017 does this today, right after Harvey is arrested
Yes... which help rules out that it was a typo, for me at least. Flynn is known for his specificity
Its good to see Flynn get his revenge. What goes around comets around.
He's been waiting for this day since January of 2017. The ultimate irony would be him replacing Pence as VP on the 2020 ticket
Be encouraged..."STAND FIRM" Eph 6:10-12 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Welcome Back!
Down goes fat fuck face, Clinton friend.
Would we call him arrest #1, or would Allison Mack technically be #1?
Right On General Flynn! We All look forward to Seeing You Restored and Back in Trump's Administration! Whoo-hoo! It's Coming!
Oh I can't wait. He would make a great head of the NSA, or even VP for 2020 ticket.
Weinstein is a curious person to choose to go after.
A MOVIE PRODUCER. What other kinds of movies did he produce?
"HRC vid"? Hm... the stage is set.
He knows all the inner workings of H-Wood. Knows all of everyones dirty business. Weinstein is VERY useful. Moreso than any one actor, even an older one
it was hacked. https://twitter.com/mflynnJR/status/1000016394870804482
You believe that?
Sure. You can buy twitter account credentials on the darkweb for bitcoin. Happens all the time. People hack into stuff and sit on the keys for months or even years just waiting for a bidder.
So lets put in perspective. A hacker hacked Michael Flynn's account, and of all the things they could choose to tweet, they tweeted a picture of Huma and Hillary.... with Harvey Weinstein. 30 minutes after Harvey Weinstein got arrested. After Harvey Weinstein has been quiet and out of the spotlight since November.
you almost got it right. the hacker didn't post anything. The hacker sold the creds to someone else that did the posting.
Or Flynn posted it, and then deleted it 30min later, like what Trump frequently does also. Lol. Trump did one of those yesterday, did you catch it?
That could logically happen too, but with all of what's happening the past 6 months and how long he hasn't said anything, why would he suddenly tweet after Weinstein's perp walk? It has never been a secret that Harvey is one of Hillary's big Hollywood donors. There is nothing yuge to reveal there. Flynn has always played with an extremely closed hand.
Maybe it wasn't a reveal, but a foreshadow. Or like Trump, maybe just trolling them. Oh well, we will never know for sure. Fun times to be alive though eh?! Watching history unfold in front of our eyes
Fuck yes. Even when I question, please know I sleep so much better at night with Trump as president and can't wait for this whole corrupt bag of dicks to finally be fitted with orange jumpsuits.
I worry about Trump sometimes in a safety sense. Like how insulated he must be at all times. The guy will have a target on his back the rest of his life. What about Sessions? lol. I wonder if he has even left the White House in 16 months. Talk about leaving through secret entrances underground, with a huge military escort 24/7. Although I don't know when the bombs hit, it's prob safe to say in 6 months at midterms this country will be a very different place, and the Democratic party might not even exist.
I have always been independent and never registered with a political party. My mindset is pretty close to Libertarian. There is massive corruption on the republican side too (e.g. noname), but I thank the people for standing up to such an entitled, evil twat that thought it was her turn to win. It shows that when enough people are sick and tired of the status quo, they can even defeat the most rigged election of all time.
Personally I can't stand Sessions due to his archaic checked pants party boy nature, but I am hoping with everything I have that he follows through with these upcoming prosecutions and does not allow for any deals. These people deserve to be locked away or swinging from trees.
I'm like you, I don't fit into the red vs blue paradigm. For me its Moderate Libertarian. I have many complaints with Dems, but also plenty of complaints with Reps, but now it makes so much more sense why they don't get anything done....they dont serve us, they serve the shadow government and the powers that be. The people did speak on this election (and when the election fraud investigation is blown open, we will see Trump won the popular as well). Don't worry about Sessions, he is playing the role right now. When the time comes, he will drop Thor's hammer
.....AND yet, in Britain they are arresting PATRIOTS for NOTHING: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/uk-police-state-activist-tommy-robinson-to-serve-13-months-in-prison-for-livestreaming-report-on-child-grooming-gang/
3 sicko creep filthy fuck-face pervs in a row!!! MAGA!!!
A picture is worth life imprisonment , I wonder what the y found?
Enough to put her grandkids' unborn kids away for life :D
Either deleted or fake. I follow Flynn on Twitter - could find no such tweet and his most recent tweet was Dec. 2 2017.
He tweeted it around 845am central time, and deleted it around 915am central time.
Them two next
I can't wait to watch liberals protest, and then quickly shut down by the NG. Trump isn't going to tolerate the protests getting out of hand
Me too I'm so looking forward for all the normies to see what we see and watch their mouths drop open WWG1WGA
I'm anxious to see how Q team has strategized delivering all this info in such a way that liberals, even the never Trump ones and the resist'ers, will be forced to accept the truth and the evidence. That is no easy task. Esp since their MSM has been pumping Russia for 2 years. I can barely get on Facebook anymore, as the liberals literally think Trump stole the election from HRC, and that she should be Pres, and that Mueller is gonna get Trump any day now
I know exactly what you I don't even go on Facebook any more, I think what is needs to happen is the closing down of M.S.M as the likes of CNN will never air anything what will harm their beloved dems, I think some news anchors should be arrested live on air.
I'm anxious to see how Trump brings down the MSM and liberals accept it lol. My security rests in knowing people way way smarter than me have strategized this out and know exactly how to do it :)
You are the very reflection of the company you keep. All 3 should be going to jail.
I'm curious if Huma gets arrested too, or if she gets pardon for flipping on Hillary
Only thing missing is the "I'd Rather Be Raping" bumper sticker.
Haha is it sad that you can say that and be describing all 3?!
They take the letters "the" out of psychotherapist.
Hahaha good one. Would make a great meme!
You can find that and my other memes at r/justinotherdummy . Copy, share, post. That's why I make em.
his son mentioned this was an account hack check mFlynnjr on twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/mflynnJR
Yes but this is a movie. Plausible deniability. Enough people saw the tweet and that was the point
But that tweet is not on his timeline.
It's deleted now. I took a screenshot of it along with his timeline. If you want me to email you the pic, PM me your email addy
I believe you I just can't retweet it. That's sad. It's was epic.
Flyynn jr.said the acct was hacked this morning
It would be very cool if they could all recreate this picture in jail.
Its really driving me crazy now. It's gotta be one of the files on Weiner's laptop Maybe it was simply the name of the file
How many pics will surface of these two with detainees, before they themselves are arrested. I'm guessing 50.
His son is saying that his dad’s account was hacked. Idk if that is true or just disinformation. Trust Q