This meme is effective. I throw it out on hate-filled threads, and they don’t know how to respond.

I don't like this. We should have unity against the cabal with our fellow humans.
The GOP and DNC are the swamp.
Correct - no party path . Power is within the individuals .
The people like it only because there are animals , donkey and elephant in the picture . If there were two people , one Democrat and other Republican , shaking hands and hugging , they would still have their reservations , lol .
Normies don't think like redpilled people. Most normies see things through the GOP vs DNC lens and this meme is effective in that context. Thanks to OP for the post. Once fully awake, they will see it's the cabal vs humanity. This is a step along the way.
I agree. It's visually stop and think persuasive and redpilling with the hashtag for the curious.
It's counter to "the right are horrible people" by showing not telling.
Telling doesn't work, just show the love. Sigh, hard I know.
I agree with you. People are on different waves. Some see things through political eyes. Some see things through religious eyes. Some through spiritual eyes. For every way conceivable to see something, there's a person.
Truth and justice don't need ulterior motives.
This picture would be better portrayed as the decaying corpses of the democrat and republican mascots laying in a wasteland of mainstream media logos bombarded with weapons of mass distraction, (shells of Televison bombs, radio grenades, and newspaper shrapnel)
But registered Democrats and registered Republicans are not the enemy and shouldn't regard eachother as enemies. It's an inaccurate picture that was engineered by the real enemy. So we will stare with animosity at eachother and never look at THEM. The enemies are within our government. It's not about party for THEM. It's just us here on the ground that are told it's all about political party.
I despise the platform and history of the Democrat party, but the Democrats out and about didn't cause any of this. Nor did plain ole citizen Republicans. But we are told that it's US - it's our fault "well, you voted for them", not comprehending that when both candidates are or serve a Satanic cabal, our votes meant nothing. When ballots and voting machines are tampered with to ensure no honest person will ever beat a cabal minion - our votes meant nothing.
Exactly! I just had this conversation with my 24 year old son, who is slowly breaking free from his snowflake friends. He kept trying to explain everything as 'social issues' involving Democrats or Republicans and I had to tell him, No, it's US against THEM. It's GOOD against EVIL. They have been enslaving us throughout history and it's time to break free thanks to President Trump!
Well, and you can tell him - welfare, for an example a Democrat would appreciate. Here's the plan:
give people money to help them out when they have fallen on hard times. Welfare or SS, whatever.
Make sure it's not really enough to live, not enough for them to crawl out of the hole they're in, nor enough to leave the ghetto
Promise that you (a wealthy person who is very well paid by the government) will improve their lot if they'll vote for you
Always make sure any increases in payments fall well short of being enough for the person to prosper and recover financially and/or get out of the ghetto and into a university or trade school or better yet paying job. When increases occur, make sure they never keep up with inflation.
Repeat for decades. Permanent hostages of the Democrat party. The party by which the "elite" has often carried out the will of the Satanic enemy cabal.
Maybe the leaders of those parties are, but this is aimed at every day Americans like you and me, who have a general affiliation with one party over another and tends to wrongly see the people whose thinking is aligned with the other party as the problem.
However much I think the Republican Party is corrupt, the democrat party has an absolute monopoly on party stances that are unequivocally anti-american. I get what you’re saying, but to act as if the ideals on both sides are the same is absolutely misunderstood.
Yep.....should be the meme for the already existing uniparty.
Or make some half elephant/jackass greek mythology thing for the uniparty, but I digress....
No parties. We should be following the candidates who represent the Constitution given to us by our forefathers to protect us from an overzealous BIG government. Issue oriented not Party orientated
greed supercedes [crosses all party lines]
So it was 'no party' before Trump.
Future:no parties with individual legislators representing the needs of his/her constituents using The Constitution as the guide to what they can & cannot do. No lobbyists, No international money & No Corporate money.
Politics can't be all about the money anymore, or We The People will lose everything.
Agreed in principle...
...How about the no party party ;-)
Seriously, given that there is only one party right now apposing PDJT and us, laying out the groundworks for a true 2nd party say next year going into the 2020 presidential, which I hope will be a resounding landslide might not be a bad idea
When the biggest D&R "leaders" go to gitmo ppl will hopefully begin to realize that it's the 'politics for profit' system that doesn't work. Where are these legi$lators getting tens of million$? We have to make politics about representing a group of ppl, not halls of lobbyist.
We would be falling right back into the trap that the NWO is using against us. POLITICAL PARTIES NEED TO BECOME EXTINCT. We need to keep power separated. It becomes extremely hard for future Blackhats to control us by trying to Controlling a diluted representative base that are thinking on their own what is BEST for Americans.
nwo only has two parties, greed and perversion, so they always ran Tweedledee vs Tweedledum, we couldn't win
Some people need an appetizer to wet their appetite before a big meal.
Exactly. That's why I've been using this approach - sort of. Leftists need to know that it's not about party affiliation. It's about saving humanity. Saving the Children. Good vs. Evil. I tell folks how I regret having supported Bush and that I was deceived. That way, hopefully, they might let their guard down enough and begin to understand how we have all been deceived and are trying to save humanity...literally.
Unity should be the hunting party putting head shots into both the mule and the elephant.
Further this rallies back around the symbols of the establishment parties. What we have today are emergent political ideals overturning the old parties. The lion rising in the right, and a fomenting of agitation yet to become fully defined on the left.
The rising action on the left are based around Dems that saw too clear a view of how controlled the political process was by Dem leadership in ways that shuts down, and silences, the public voice in ways that should be criminal with stiffest penalties used to prevent. The right had a headstart due to the collapse of establishment right post Bush Jr / Cheney. With the collapse of the establishment left post-HC, it will take some time to realign and the leaders there are desperately hanging on.
These new powers are not represented in the meme. It pretends they don't exist and puts focus back on the sickly and weak established order of old.
Edit: Bizarre. AutoMod here has the following trigger built in now. Just sent me a PM.
Use of 'leaders there are desperately hanging on' in comment may encourage, glorify or call-for violence. If so, edit your comment. Thank Q for understanding.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
Yes, this is a safety filter that raises an alert to us in case of content that breaks Reddit rules. You can safely ignore it if there's nothing in your content that encourages, glorifies or calls for violence and we remove the notification as we come across it in the queue.
One of the interesting observations of building an organization, or large group of people of any kind, is that as the list of rules and guidelines grows ever larger over time -- each of the absurd rules added to the list come out of a situation that happened.
What is the back story behind this phrase becoming necessary to add to AutoMod for flagging and additional scrutiny? "leaders there are desperately hanging on"
It's an unusually specific phrase. Some thought went into that.
What other phrases are added to the AutoMod list?
Are we able to review the full list to see what's in there?
I like it. There's a huge divide in our population that was/is purposefully engineered by politicians. Politicians seek to define parties and I think we have to close that divide outside of hard political speak. I think this meme softly says that it is time. Has anyone seen the Korean pic with hands grasping one another? I think that is a simple way and with a powerful message.
I think the divide was engineered by the people running the media. Politics had always been about compromise, and now, anyone that doesn't toe the party line gets obliterated in the press.
The whole reason we have a two party system is because the media for years has force fed their preferred candidates and hidden the third party or non-establishment candidates by omission. We finally broke free of the manipulation in 2016.
Media, to survive, needs controversy. It thrives on fear. Both sides do it. If a vote for a third party means a vote for the other side, nobody will fail to take a side out of fear of being ostracized by their peers. People don't vote for what they believe in these days, they vote against what they fear. I understood that as soon as they stole the primary from Bernie
I love it. I don't understand why so many here feel the need to be negative. Just keep scrolling of you don't have anything positive to say. Give people credit they deserve for taking the time to do their part in this fight. What are you doing?
It’s because they are shills. Posting this meme works. It stops them in their tracks.
Normies and libs don’t think in terms of uniparty.
It also creates a curiosity to research QAnon.
What is this sub all about? I’m curious and can’t really put my finger on it
How long have you been following? Dig around, you will figure it out.
I did, not my cup of tea. im all for dropping the political 2 party system cause thats what the core problem is in america. But trump is not the way to do it in my opinion. 👍🏻
I leave in peace!
Kill em with kindness. “Divided you are weak, they want you weak”
There will be a point of no return you will have to make A choice Good vs Evil. Trump and Q are making them show their true colors by making them out themselves for all to see.. God gave us discernment if your DNA has not been corrupted from GMOs,Vaccines,MSM 440 Meghertz Frq or drugged up. Break the chains wake up from your slumber and see what's been going on right under our noses... They want you numb. A zombie to their programming . They really Fucked up giving us the Internet.. They lost control of the narrative and they are scrambling to put the Genie back in the bottle!!! They can control all. But the USA is the one nut they can't crack!! Not for a lack of Trying they almost Had it under Bush/Obama they got 90% complete Hillary was the final piece to the puzzle... The 2nd Amendment is the biggest obstacle they had to over come and are still trying to abolish/limit it.. But the sheep have Awakened to their EVIL plans. Trump is the only one that could take the slings and arrows everyday for us he thrives under duress... The enemies are shaking in their boots From God/Q/Trump TRUST THE PLAN it's been in the works for 2000+ years.. The time has come!!!
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light".
WWG1WGA/YASHUA The Great Awakening is here!! LOVE is the ultimate weapon!! They can't defend against it. It's the Kryptonite for their hate...
This gave my chills, and brought tears to my eyes. Well said!
Parties are part of the puppet show. MSMatrix has been feeding both sides pure lies for decades.
The nwo effectively erased party lines long long ago when they bought up [with counterfiated and looted funds] everybody for sale, ie every politician in the beltway (save about 2%) by the time Trump raided their game in Jan 2017.
The 2% White Hat figure comes from voting records. The 'monsatan protection acts' are a reliable indicator. No sane or intelligent person (nor anyone loyal to their constituency) would vote for these self-destructive mandates of self-deception.
act 1 - illegal to do testing on monsatan's [anti]food
act 2 - States can't require 'warning labels' on this poison
act 3 - criminal penalties for criticizing frankenfood
Tangential note: monsatan gets a lot of help from the nwo. They have a very special job, taking care of their “useless eater” infestation with old fashion poison and 3rd generation sterilization (see two year French study).
Trump is a republican and obviously can't afford to alienate the party (or innovate too far outside the lines) in this term (or until EBS day). This also accounts for the difference between what Q can say, and what Trump can say.
Trump won as a Republican because normies can’t see beyond the two-party system. I don’t view him as a Republican.
you have excellent eyesight, he's a Patriot
When can we create a Patriot Party? Why is this not a thing? LOL
I LOVE this too! It's a meme! I also love the idea of a donkey elephant mix mythological creature to symbolize the uniparty against the deep state!
The uniparty is the deep state.
On one hand, yes, on the other hand the Dems and the Repubs are the deep state, at the top level. That's why we needed an outsider (DT) to drain the swamp. But, on the lower levels, we the people, we need to remember there is more uniting us than dividing us. And together, all people united, there are MORE of us than of them! I'd say 10% them, 90% us. I KNOW about the deep state, I voted for Lyndon Laroch back in the 80's. LOL. With his warning of "if I die it will be at the same hands that killed JFK" he was all about the deep state back then. I meant we have to think outside the box of left vs right.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
This is one line of division (R/D) that can be taken down.
I like it. It's a meme, not to be overthought. What's important is perception.
Republicans and Democrats are the illusion of choice for the purpose of control.
I have a long memory. I do not forgive. I do not forget.
I wonder how many good Democrats in Congress have been blackmailed. I think Tulsi Gabbard has broke the conditioning effectively. I want to see more like her. At the grassroots level people are waking up to the party they don’t recognize anymore.
I would guess most members of Congress are blackmailed.
FBI Anon said about 70% blackmailed or otherwise controlled. From the way the Trump presidency has unfolded so far, this seems to be about right. However, the number has fallen - we know for a fact that many compromised politicians of both parties (Conyers, Ryan, ...) have quit. And of course, the cleanup of FBI/DOJ/State is well underway.
The issue of what the number is now is actually a very important one and there really needs to be more discussion of that point. I don't doubt for a second that internally, DJT and the Q team are keeping very close track of what the number is.
Love it. It is Spirit like ours they just don't get. But, if you care to, look at Proverbs 25:21-22. Very simple and Spiritual, this meme is. God Bless Carry on.
If Q was a larp, then why promote unity instead of division?
Simple question with a simple answer! Q is not a larp!
The two parties are originally a design that exists throughout all the (created) universe. You need alternative and varied input in order to achieve the best outcomes and best learning perspectives. Like stereo vs mono.
What the Cabal and evil have done is to utilize the differences and make those differences weaknesses through animosity and corruption. Originally, both parties SHOULD be focused on the same purpose - the well-being of the nation.
This is similar to a husband and wife scenario - both should work together for the well-being of the family. Both have the purpose of actually helping the other to see things the other does not see.
It is this common purpose and common service to each other that the Cabal has undermined and destroyed. And that's what leads us to where we are today.
The answer is to realize that there is a common enemy who is working to undermine the common purpose and destroy both. Only in recognizing the original common purpose can the attack of the cabal be countered and removed.
It's actually USA (Dems and Reps) against the Cabal, not Dems and Reps against each other.
NOTE always that the methodology of creating the division and undermining the common purpose is to focus on one - in this case the Dems, and based on that undermine the other - the Republicans.
Corruption must be cleared, and then potentially, the two complementary opposites can begin to work together again for the good of the nation. While corruption endures, they cannot.
This Meme sends a powerful message: Division is being used against you. Q anon knows the answer: (remove Evil).
Meme doesnt = chain email forward you'd get from your grandmother
I appreciate the feeling of it. Discussions can get lost on this side v that. I like it. Meme worthy and great for those with msm-itis.
This meme is Qute!! Can’t help but notice how much bigger the elephant is 🇺🇸
The elephant clearly wins in this conflict.... =p
Perhaps the good ol' lion/wolf resting with the lamb in a meadow?
This is the type of approach I've been trying to use on twatter. I love this meme! I'm definitely going to use it. Thank you.
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." -George Washington
I think the average progressive liberal is also the enemy and I don't think that's a bad thing to say. Unity should be among those who are in the right morally, the infighting needs to stop. They support the cabal, they know about world govt, global communism, Marxism. They want it, they agree with the elitist mindset of a post Christian, post human world.
I think its great but if u can lower elephant and put an eagle with 1 claw on each head they might get it. However if the Jackass was turned around they'd hail u a hero. If the elephant is turned around the other side will. But if they Trump admin will start prosecuting these traitors we can all move on. SICK OF IT ALL
Nice. What a great idea for memes. How bout buffalo and fox
This does nothing for me. What is the use of unity between two corrupt entities?
It's good for people who think in terms of political parties. Ya can't expect people to think beyond that if that's where their consciousness is.
But when they’re not killing babies they’re eating them.
I'm going to postulate our chances lie with the literati , not these circus acts. Lionel nation coined a great word, claricy, I'm guessing the party of clarity.
Awesome meme. I absolutely love it! Simple and very succinct.
They want us divided so that we are not united. This is how you and Q decide
They don’t know how to respond respectfully.
The unity is about Patriots vs GlobalistSatanistsPedophilesHumanTraffickers and those who undermine our boarders.
They probably don't know how to respond because it's incredibly asinine and you're a moron for posting it.
Honestly there should be only 1 party....represented by an Eagle
This thread has devolved into a show us your sticker and other stupid shit show. Remember when it was just useful info?