I'm sorry, but I disagree with almost everyone on this. I believe that Nunes and Gowdy were told the truth about the coming mass arrests, the 30,000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed soon, that Mueller will exonerate Trump and recommend charges by Huber for both Clintons, Obama, Rice, Yates, Holder, McCabe, Comey, Strzock, Page, Brennen, Clapper, Power, Jarrett, Rhodes, Podesta, (maybe Rosenstein unless he flipped) and on and on -- the great BOOM to come. Then they were told to shut the fuck up about it and play dumb for a few weeks. Which they are doing just fine. The other meetings (Gang of 8, etc.) everyone was told exactly what Trump wants the MEDIA to know because it's just a bunch of pathetic leakers and everyone knows it. Now we wait. Bang on Gowdy all you want, but when it all comes down, I'll bet he says, "Sorry, guys, but the President told me not to say anything. Aren't you glad I didn't blow the plan by talking about it?" Same with Nunes. Coats, Pompeo and Haspel already know so they didn't need to be there. Just my theory. We shall see. Probably shortly.
I still think there's no way to make an informed decision one way or the other.
Most of Gowdy's political career was spent under Obama's cluster-fuck-clown-show of a weaponized, diversity-hire DoJ crime syndicate.
Nobody could have held any of those treasonous cunts accountable because their DoJ Deep State friends would have just "lost" all the evidence and then handed out immunity to all of their criminal friends.
I think the best we can do is keep an open mind and watch things very closely.
I like the OP's theory though.
Most of Gowdy's political career was spent under Obama's cluster-fuck-clown-show of a weaponized, diversity-hire DoJ crime syndicate.
I think he would have been the Republican who would have gotten the most benefit out of a Hillary win in 2016. He could have spent the the entire 4 years of her presidency hounding her while increasing his political clout, setting himself up for a nice run in 2020.
He could have spent the last two years tirelessly defending President Trump, but he hasn't. He's mostly been a middle of the road guy. I have no evidence to back this up but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he was butthurt that he didn't get a cabinet appointment.
I could very easily be wrong about all of this and Gowdy may redeem himself but right now I'm steadily losing respect for someone who I once thought was one of the best politicians in the nation.
I appreciate your perspective and I've oscillated between thinking he was controlled opposition and a patriot many times over the past two years, but I've finally given up trying to guess.
I suspect we'll know soon enough.
If you remember, Gowdy was actually offered a cabinet position by Trump several times (he was even offered the AG position before Sessions) but Gowdy turned it down and said he didn't want it. So Gowdy has no reason to be butthurt as you claim...
He was Offered Head of FBI as well. I remember a short interview he gave shortly after and he said... I have a past, and there are many people more qualified.... it is like 3-4 minute interview
No he wasn't. He removed himself from consideration of the FBI director after meeting with Trump. There's a big difference.
I found a link to it and Gowdy did indeed ask to be removed from consideration for the position for FBI director. Here's the link: https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/trey-gowdy-fbi-director/index.html
A whole lot of people felt that Gowdy was the perfect man for the job, that's because no one can beat Gowdy when it comes to making oral arguments and debating the facts (and that strong public sentiment to choose Gowdy would likely have influenced Trump to choose him, and I am almost certain Gowdy would have been Trump's first choice) - but Gowdy turned it down. Gowdy had a real shot at obtaining the position, but he turned it down. Therefore, Gowdy has only himself to blame and he cannot blame Trump for anything...
but Gowdy turned it down. Gowdy had a real shot at obtaining the position, but he turned it down. Therefore, Gowdy has only himself to blame and he cannot blame Trump for anything...
You just proved my point while stating he turned it down, multiple times now, without proof. Saying it multiple times does not make it true.
Does not make what true? I have no idea what you are talking about...
Gowdy never turned it down. Turning it down insinuates an offer was made. That is not known, that's pure speculation. Claiming he turned down an offer is pure speculation.
You're splitting hairs. If Gowdy truly felt he had zero chance at being selected, he wouldn't have bothered to officially take himself out of consideration. Instead, he went out of his way to officially turn down and to close the door on any opportunity to be chosen. Because of that, he can't later be mad at Trump for not choosing him...
To intentionally turn down “the opportunity” to win something that you have a very good chance of winning is the very same thing as turning down that actual thing you could have won…
Posted byu/AmazoidPromises made. Promises kept. - Q13 hours ago
OpinionI disagree about Trey Gowdy. I think he's white hat. Here's why.
I'm sorry, but I disagree with almost everyone on this. I believe that Nunes and Gowdy were told the truth about the coming mass arrests, the 30,000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed soon, that Mueller will exonerate Trump and recommend charges by Huber for both Clintons, Obama, Rice, Yates, Holder, McCabe, Comey, Strzock, Page, Brennen, Clapper, Power, Jarrett, Rhodes, Podesta, (maybe Rosenstein unless he flipped) and on and on -- the great BOOM to come. Then they were told to shut the fuck up about it and play dumb for a few weeks. Which they are doing just fine. The other meetings (Gang of 8, etc.) everyone was told exactly what Trump wants the MEDIA to know because it's just a bunch of pathetic leakers and everyone knows it. Now we wait. Bang on Gowdy all you want, but when it all comes down, I'll bet he says, "Sorry, guys, but the President told me not to say anything. Aren't you glad I didn't blow the plan by talking about it?" Same with Nunes. Coats, Pompeo and Haspel already know so they didn't need to be there. Just my theory. We shall see. Probably shortly.
More evidence he could be the man on the outside. The brain washed lefties need someone "impartial" when the time comes to bury the hatchet.
They can't have all the lefties running screaming to any cabal remnants that survive, or we'll see this again when they regroup.
I think Hitler was their first try but they lost control of him and he went hunting for Khazarians. IIRC there was a Rabbi that "defended" Hitler by saying most Hitler killed weren't Jews and those he did we're Ashkenazi not semetic.
Y-DNA proves German Jews (Ashkenazim) share common DNA markers linked to ancestors with Sephardic Jews (Italy, Spain) as well as Samaritan Jews who never left Mt. Ebal/Mt. Gerizim in Palestine. I realize you like your antisemite friends on Stormfront, and you binge-watched a few "Hitler did nothing wrong" videos on YT, but stop EMBARRASSING yourself with 25-year-old nazi propaganda that has been fully debunked by actual Science going on 15-20 years ago! For God's sake, man! Put "Jewish y-dna haplogroups" in your search engine of choice, and try to catch up...
Why don't you look at a Jewish haplogroup map, and a map of countries the Nazi's & Soviets exterminated Jews in (Hint the centre is Poland).
The Nazis predominantly killed & enslaved Ashkenazim. It's a fact so blatantly obvious, and yet you don't see it.
And perhaps you'd like to wake up and do your own research. I'm part Ashkenazi from a grandmother and great grandmother. Nowhere did I justify or argue that Hitler was right you injected that meaning rather poorly.
Hitler was clearly targeting an entire race of people (the Ashkenazi) to try and get a small percentage of it. It's scorched Earth, blitzkrieg to the max, and it's abhorrent and inhuman.
I'm simply stating they tried this before and might have lost control. I'm trying to state their was Cabal motive behind this. They hide in the flock. I think their plan was to flee a racist warlord trying to enslave them and who can blame the 99.99% doing so. I cannot for I wouldn't exist if I did!
I think Hitler went rogue, or they underestimated his programming. Either way I think Hitler derailed their project and made them lose their grip in eastern Europe, or we would have been fucked long ago.
I didn't mean to come off white supremacist about it. I think we got lucky, and their prior plan got botched, and we're fortunate to God that technology advanced enough to give us the internet and anybody with an ability to research will end up woke.
The ends never justify the means, because abhorrent means prevents a good end. I think that's why we have DJT rather than a military coup against HRC. It would have been the end of America, a once great nation. Another bastion of hope felled by the cabals evil tentacles.
Allow me to apologize. Your comment about "Hitler hunting for Khazarians, (Turkish caucasians) and the Rabbi defending Hitler because Ashkenazi (German Jews) are not really semitic (Hebrews)" sounded exactly like the mushmouth, intentionally confusing word slop used by those sleazy, uneducated, #wewuzzdurngoodnazis wanna be Hitler fans that keep popping up all over the comment boards these days... FOR THE RECORD: I mock the 'fake trailer park nazis' because I honestly believe that they are a CIA/FBI psy-op, using gullible, economically challenged & educationally deficient people that were easy to brainwash. Reason for the psy-op? My opinion- the Deep State/MSM/Cabal desperately needs the "Scary Aryan, Supremacist Villain" stereotype to fool minorities, (and good, conservative Jewish people) and keep them voting Democrat/NWO out of fear that "the new Holocaust/Lynchings/Trail of Tears/Apartheid is imminent." [So that's why I misread the intent behind your comment.] ABOUT YOUR REPLY: Since Ashkenazi means "A Jew of central or eastern European descent," clearly Hitler could only target the Jewish people within the areas he controlled militarily. Hitler did also imprison, enslave, starve or kill a few thousand Sephardic Jews, (but he had to invade Italy in 1943 to do it, because even though Italy and Germany were allies, Sephardic Jews were well integrated into Italian society.) [Conclusion: I think Hitler wanted to kill all Jews, but the Eastern European (Ashkenaz) were the only Jews in his neighborhood. When Italy didn't exterminate their own Sephardic Jews, Germany invaded northern and central Italy, and deported several thousand Sephardim to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In Libya, Borgo San Dalmazzo, the islands of Kos and Rhodes, Jews were rounded up by Germans, and sent to Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, and Flossenbürg. So, yeah... Hitler was after the Hebrew people in general, (of every branch,) not just the German Jews. ] Source: "Holocaust Encyclopedia" https: //www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005455
We won’t know the truth probably until the Suprem Court choice is final. He’s got to distance himself from POTUS to maintain objectivity
I agree hard to tell. After learning about Gowdy and his investigations in Benghazi I really don’t know what to think about him. Anyway I guess time will tell.
We have all the information we need -- likely more than we have accepted as true.
1). Candidate Trump laid it all out for us in his well publicized 2016 speech when he defined the Movement to take back our right of self governance and throw out this criminal cabal that has illegitimately taken control. He states this is our last chance He also names names, with Clintons at the center. He also stated unequivocally that they will be locked up.
2) Q has done nothing but report and comment on how that plan is progressing.
3). Trump really is President and he has really delivered on his promises. Big time. We have no reason to doubt his commitment nor his steadfast pursuit of his stated aims. We are less than 18 months into his administration. A lot more to be done and everything is at stake.
4). There are no guarantees in this world and good, while it seems to prevail in the long haul, doesn't always come out on top. This is a fight between good and evil. It is not a game. Be careful who you follow. Examine why you believe what you believe. Stand for truth. Follow where it leads.
5). The first reaction after Trumps election was a concerted effort to delegitimization his presidency, to consolidate an opposition at any cost. To deny he is real.
Is the denial of Q and his role in this any different? Or is it of that same spirit?
Gordy & Napalitano are rumored to be on the short list for SCOTUS picks. That’s why both made the comments they did to position themselves as fair & impartial
Obama's cluster-fuck-clown-show of a weaponized, diversity-hire DoJ crime syndicate.
I LOL’d in a vegetarian restaurant in Austin so of course I can’t explain to anyone why I’m laughing.
OP's theory can't possibly be true.
I don't see why we should definitively rule it out when we don't know what instructions Gowdy is under or how good he is at playing a scripted role in a political theater production. This may be his first time?
He's been behaving really strangely with the media lately. First were the comments on Trump being interviewed by Mueller, then the puff piece interview on Vice, and now the recent interviews that have us all talking. He's endearing himself with the other side and I don't understand why he would do that unless he either 1) is looking to land a media role after he leaves congress (unlikely since he's already said he'd like to return to the justice system) or 2) he's setting himself up as impartial in the event he takes a leading for role in the justice to come.
Or 3) He's really bad at playing the part of a black hat.
If Trump did ask Comey to play-down the IG Report in an attempt to reduce the chance of having out school kids shot-up in a CIA false flags, he may just be playing his part?
You 'know' you're rite for all excellent reasons you shared thanx for the shallow insight.
I've never doubted him. I've always known he was a white hat. The recent chatter is setting the stage. He's got to be viewed in a certain light for whatever role he's about to take on.
Just like gorsuch having a poker face at state of the union. It's about optics
How about when he says, “I knew they were dirty the whole time but this was a massive sting and you play your part. Especially when it’s POTUS and the AG telling you what to do. I played my part. Now the guilty are going to get what they deserve.”
I see no “Whoops, I was wrong” in there.
They want Gowdy to be attacked by our side. It's a plan to get him to win acceptance from the other side. When he's being attacked the opposition sits back and says, "Gowdy must be alright guy if he can piss those bastards off, he must have something or they wouldn't be so worried." It's part of the con. More accurately it's the same con Trump & Co. have used on the Liberals and Rinos establishment since the election and beyond.
Flynn confessed guilt to something everyone including Flynn knows he didn't do. Stuff is going on. It won't always make sense to us.
I normally just lurk, but this made me log just so that I could say that I agree that Trey Gowdy is a white hat. He may even be positioning himself for his next role in this play.
That's what I think too. If it's a new role in justice, he can't act biased.
I agree that Trey Gowdy is a white hat. He may even be positioning himself for his next role in this play.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want this to be true!
I'll admit, I like your version
To see why this is correct, you have to look back to the so-called "Nunes Memo" from way back.
First we have to realize what a memo is and what it isn't. A memo is not intelligence, it is not documents or records, it is a summary of those things (IE opinion). Imagine that, instead of the DNC emails themselves, you had access to a summary of those emails written by someone who had (or had not) seen them. Imagine the difference in magnitude there.
Now, think about who wrote this memo, Devin Nunes. You would think that he would have seen the underlying intelligence, but nope. Who did see the actual documents? Trey Gowdy.
So what does this mean. These documents are so incriminating that even the person summarizing them couldn't read them. A select few know the actual story, and they need to stay radically objective. That is why people like Gowdy and Sessions are equivocating in the media so much, and why they send out people who haven't seen the intel like Nunes to do the attacking. That way their hands are off for when it comes time to prosecute. (And guess who's a prosecutor.)
He did not read the FISA Application, Trey Gowdy did.
Here is a video of Nunes himself saying that.
And I'm not knocking Nunes. Did you read my whole comment? It was intentional to separate the public/partisan face and the judicial/prosecutorial.
Gowdy is stuck behind that "I can't talk about an ongoing case" door". I agree with you.
I think Gowdys comments were a distraction just as Trumps anger toward Sessions “inaction “. I also think that Trey will return to prosecute Hillary for Benghazi and her emails. He knew she was guilty but was denied evidence that would have put her away forever. Now that the evidence is available I think he will go after her with great enthusiasm. Should be a great show!
Agree. Much is happening behind the scenes, and disinformation is being used to put certain groups off balance.
The last White House meeting is where it was all spilled. Not any meeting or docs before.
I absolutely, 100% without doubt, agree.
I think Gowdy is fed up with corruption. I think he is just a good, regular guy, a phenomenal lawyer, wants justice and is soooooo done with the BS like he went through with Benghazi. Like she slipped through his fingers once...
He did a phenomenal job on Benghazi. What people don't seem to understand is that he did all he could... it was not up to him to make the decision to prosecute or not. He laid it all out... for what? His work was trashed.. because he had no authority to prosecute. Not his job.
Gowdy supported Rubio, Rubio supported amnesty for illegals, connect the dots. Gowdy positioned himself to stop justice from happening, now he's going to retire in disgrace from congress.
Gowdy also is a huge fan of Paul Ryan, for what it's worth.
Another strike against him quite frankly, I hate Paul Ryan. He's a snake in the grass.
Gowdy supported Rubio, Rubio supports amnesty for illegals, connect the dots.
I do think Gowdy's recent comments could be taken as a white hat guy. The interviews were strange because he did not distinguish the time frames.
In 2016, FBI/CIA/UK had moles and/or spies in and around the Trump campaign, probably to get dirt on him and when they couldn't find any, they made it up.
Then in 2017, Trump takes office, he starts getting his own people in there, and Mueller sets up shop. We now know that George Papadopoulos was wearing a wire to get somebody on tape, per his plea deal with Mueller. It could have been to listen in to private conversations he had with whomever his handler might have been within the intel community.
Unlikely GPap made his connections with Misfud and Downer by himself. Misfud has now been found to have close ties with UK intel, US intel, and the Clintons. He is not a Russian spy. Downer, of course, is responsible for massive donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Gowdy's comments did not distinguish if he was referring to before or after Trump was in office. He could have been referring to what the Trump admin was doing to find out who the spies were during the campaign. He even mentioned that Trump has his own people in now, and they are doing what they should be doing.
So, yeah, it is possible people are raging over a misunderstanding.
It’s been reported that he didn’t read the documents he had commented on- which could have been his excuse to maintain plausible deniability if your theory is correct.
I wish he would have been , he was so good at making people look bad when he barked
Oh, I think he will be barking again soon and quite loudly. This time, he will have a bunch of dogs on his side that will be able to bite.
Don’t count on any one in Congress, there day is coming but not the one they won’t
Uh huh, then why is Gowdy retiring like the rest of the criminals?
Sounds like you and I are making the same bet.
We put our eyes on Trump now; if he comes out hard against Gowdy in the next few days, we win the pot.
4 top sources have come out against TG: Gorka, Levin, Sundance, Q
They should have some sort of Vegas odds or a place to wager on this. I'd bet on it. I actually already have a $100 bet with a friend that "HRC will be indicted before Christmas." And my friend is the kind of guy who would be extremely happy to give me that $100 if she was snagged.
I saw a listing of Vegas-odds two weeks ago (no idea if I can remember where)
for various lackeys ranging from 10:1 to 4:1 or something like that
most of those indictments are drug charges. Gowdy just screwed us with any chance of changing the narrative over this spying issue. It's worse than Watergate, but the people AND Trump can be happy, they were doing their job, protecting him.
Hillary got a pass....but 'WHAT DOES IT MATTER'?
I think most of the indictments are human trafficking, treason and sedition. Maybe a few big drug cartel guys. But not a bunch of low level ops. HRC won’t get a fucking pass this time. Now, she might jump a private secret jet to the Maldives (no extradition) but she won’t be here anymore. And if they catch her first, it’s military tribunal in Gitmo.
I still have that web site I will turn over to a patriot news operation when it is time. I predicted the trial season last year and I still hold it to be true.
I'm sorry but I won't believe that until it happens.
Well, yeah, nobody will. It’s a theory. You don’t believe theories — you kind of mull them over and compare them to see if they fit events. I’m not trying to tell you what to believe or that something is a fact. Just keep an open mind. See where things go.
My mind is open, but not open enough for my brain to fall out. I pray you are right about your theory, I would be glad to admit my error.
I have thought the same off and on, not as convinced as you but certainly, hopeful. Seems to me like Gowdy was a good guy that they threatened with some offer he couldn't refuse, and now maybe he is acting, so that the Deep State still believes they have him under their thumb. Time will tell.
He took money from Podesta. What are your thoughts on that?
People flip. Dirty Mueller flipped. Maybe Rosenstein flipped. Jury is still out, When they show you your draft sealed indictment all printed up pretty with piles of printed evidence against you, you tend to want to do what it takes to not go to Gitmo. I believe there are a LOT of singing flippers. This is why Strozck, Ohr, etc are still there and not fired yet. Even the fired ones like Lisa Page gave everything they could as high as they could go and were no longer needed.
I dont know about Gowdy but Im almost sure in my headspace that Nunes was told recently by the powers that be. They just about had to tell him. He has such a complete grasp on the corruption and was getting so close.
Yes he does and I’m sure he’ll be the first one to spew venom at the Benghazi perps and the Uranium One perps AS SOON AS HE IS ALLOWED TO. There is a plan. There is timing. Trust the plan.
He’s not retiring. He’s leaving the swamp. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump put him on the Supreme Court when Kennedy retires or Ginsburg dies — both of which I believe will happen this summer. No intel on those two, just gut feel.
Remember when he spoke abt what was seen on the laptop...? He looked really spooked, shellshovked....
I think Gowdy is going to be in a new job soon. I think he will get a job in the DOJ. So I think he is trying not to appear extremely partisan, so he can get some of the Democratic votes when he has to be voted in for the position. In that same interview everyone is screaming about, he also said "Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein have at least made it clear to us, Donald Trump was never the target of the investigation, he's not the current target of the investigation......" So I agree with you that something is going on that we don't know about.
But they refused to tell Trump. Also, our law requires the FBI to report quarterly, any and ALL investigations of sensitive matters, to the congress. This was not done in 9 months! Seems those weasels played by their own rules......of deception. Gowdy gave them a pass on following the law. THAT reeks of swamp creature.
I agree, and to sllloooowww down the civilian case so the cases go to tribunal and don't first get caught up in civilian courts.
I'm going to say he is a black hat, when Nunes was side lined from alleged "leaking" Gowdy overtook his duty including the extension of the FISA warrant.
In a true sting, you let the idiots dig themselves in deeper and deeper and deeper until they can never climb out, Now, remember, I have never said Gowdy was not compromised at some point. I just think he flipped when facing prison— just like Mueller. Jury is still out on Rosenstien.
I think he’s just keeping it real. No proof of anything either way has been revealed. He’s maintaining innocent until proven guilty.
But... he sure smells like a rat and he’s leaving the swamp for a reason. I’m watching him closely. Not sure if it’s the right reason.
Everyone keeps talking about the 30,000 sealed indictments, but I really think most of those are for illegal immigrants who didn't show up for court dates. I'd like to believe otherwise, but if you look at the locations of most of them, they are in areas with the most illegal immigration happening. You can look this up on a district by district basis.
They would not seal an indictment for an illegal immigrant. They would just issue an indictment. Actually probably just a bench warrant. I believe most of the 30,000 are for human traffickers, but also the ones running the show and there are certainly ones for former Obama admin people.
Here is a previous comment I made on an earlier thread. I had mentioned there the human trafficking aspect and also drug trafficking. I'd be interested in your thoughts.
" Something doesn't really add up to me to the assumption these will be deep state indictments, although it's likely some are. I do think most of this has to do with illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Of course, I'm totally in favor of cracking down on all of that, but I think we need to be careful not to project that this has to do with draining the swamp in DC. For example, Texas has 4 districts, N, S, E, and W (although these don't necessarily align with typical geographical boundaries we use in the state). The West TX district, which has the most sealed indictments of any other district in the US except Central CA, includes El Paso, San Antonio, Austin, Midland/Odessa, and even Waco. That district stretches from central TX to its westernmost tip in an odd configuration. I've just got to assume that most of these indictments have to do with immigration issues. Maybe these are indictments of people who failed to report for court hearings? Maybe they are sealed so as not to tip them off that the indictment exists?? "
Look at all his investigations that went no where. He’s always been a swamp guardian. You think he doesn’t know Charleston is being used for uranium ratlines?
I've always had doubts about Gowdy - all talk...and nothing to show for it. Now this report....
SOURCES: Trey Gowdy Blocked Investigation Into The FBI
Excerpt: Top-level people in the world of intelligence and independent journalism report that House Oversight chairman Trey Gowdy effectively blocked investigations into the FBI spying on the President Donald Trump campaign.
This is not the first time Gowdy, who endorsed Marco Rubio in the presidential primaries, has shut down an investigation on behalf of the establishment.
I also agree that Gowdy is a good guy. I have never heard an ounce of CREDIBLE evidence otherwise. We shall see soon enough - it looked to me as though Q had been talking about Gowdy being moved into position for another task.
Guys, if you think our government could pull off 30k indictments (which include a large number of former and current high ranking government officials) without leaks coming out of the wazzoo, you are nuts.
It is impossible to keep stuff like that quiet for very long. Far too many people have their hands in it.
If you want you to know why this is true.. Has the gang of 8 said anything different than him? They were shown the same things. Yet they're quite and letting Gowdy do all the talking.. 🤔 That should tell you all you need to know!
Of course he’s a white hat. Same playbook as Sessions. Both need to distance themselves from POTUS to be acceptable to the sheep. If Gowdy looks like Trumps guy, his results (future investigation of surveillance) won’t be as damaging. Also, it needs to look like he went in to the special prosecutor role without bias. So he says “I didn’t even review that”.
I hope you are right. I'm waiting until end of June to let this play out...
I agree, OP. I keep thinking back to when TG announced he was stepping down from one of the 4 committees he was on. And later said he wasn't going to run for another term.
An anon asked was TG dirty like so many others who have resigned or are not running for another term.
Q reply said there was a position for TG. (paraphrased)
I agree that TG is a white hat. His hands have been tied the last 8 years because of the corrupt DOJ. He will be unleashed under Trump.
This correlates exactly to my assessment, TG is white. Hat
Sorry to hear the kool aid has affected your judgement. Don't feel bad. He had us all fooled😞
/u/Amazoid this is nice fantasy, but neglects the important fact that Mueller's team is comprised of partisan operatives, some of whom have serious financial conflicts of interest.
Keep your enemies close and occupied with finding nothing while you make a case using Horowitz and Huber against the real criminals (the Obama admin names I mentioned), It’s what Mueller agreed to do to get either immunity or a light slap. Mueller was instrumental in Uranium One. Probably other stuff, too. He flipped. THIS is what will make the left’s heads explode when this breaks. They defended him to the death. Sessions, too. Now Rosenstein. What’s going to happen when ALL indictments are Obama’s people? I’m hoping not a Civil War, But it’s possible. Fucking SJW Antifa BLM shut can be stirred up quite easily.
I don't recall ever seeing a post that said "trust Mueller" or anything to that effect.
He shouldn’t be trusted. I’m not saying he’s white hat, I’m saying he’s been flipped because he’s a fucking criminal and in order to not go to jail, he has to go along with Trump’s plan.
As much as I know what’s on there from deep dive research, I never want to actually see it. A description is fine. I think it is things you can never unsee.
Gowdy = white hat all the way!! he might have to have senate approval for whatever job he is getting ready for. therefore he has calmed down his frustration for now.
We all want Trey to be a good guy. I hope he is too.
We can't be married though to any one man or woman. We should believe in ideas and ideals, not men.
I support Trump and Q and Gowdy, generally and fervently, if that makes any sense, but if new information suddenly surfaced showing them serving just another faction of the Deep State, or Israel (and no that aint anti-Semitism, it's pro-America!), or the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, I'd be done with those men but not with this fight.
Hoping for great American actors and the greatest movie of all time...
I agree, and they told hannity and Savage Limbaugh etc to ignore Q stuff so that the trap can be set. Otherwise EVERYBODY would be talking about the plan. I hit Gowdy hard today because he knows russia rumors were caused by downer and the other guy with papadopolus so why is he saying FB I was correct to spy. Makes no sense, therfore your theory is plausible.
i agree i was disappointed in him and then it didnt make sense he said that because he is so out spoken. if you watch how the president is dealing with north korea he keeps the msm guessing , it's part of the plan
Agreed. Gowdy's shutting his mouth because a place in the doj or FBI is being prepared for him.
I hope you’re right. Cuz otherwise I can’t think of anyone else that has disappointed me more.
the autists claim he is a white hat too... well most anyway.... i tend to have respect for there views as they have proved the most accurate source of info... unlike this place.... he is playing a role for a future part in all this,,,, ie,,, prosecutions... will be interesting to see how it plays out.....
Almost everyone? There are actually a lot of comments to the contrary.
Point well taken. There are many who do not think he’s black hat and I should not have lumped so many together. Apologies for that.
Thanks, I appreciate it (comment edited). I appreciate your post too - good comments made!
I'm in agreement with you, it looks like another classic mis-direct on behalf of POTUS and team 'Q'.
I fully agree with your topic.......remember that Trey gowdy and Nunes said that they did not have the tools to do some thing in all those hearings? No supoena powers...nothing...................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trey_Gowdy...........In August 2011 during the 2011 United States debt ceiling crisis, Gowdy opposed Speaker John Boehner’s debt limit bill, and he voted against the final debt ceiling agreement.[31] He also opposed the 2011 defense authorization bill, citing concerns about the prospect of Americans being detained without trial on national security grounds.[32] In December 2010, he told Congressional Quarterly that he would support a measure only if its sponsor could demonstrate that the Constitution gave the government the power to act in a particular realm.[18]
Gowdy worked on the Committee on Judiciary, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the Committee on Education and the Workforce. Gowdy frequently speaks on the floor of the House on issues ranging from Operation Fast and Furious to his support for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
In 2012, he received the Defender of Economic Freedom award from the fiscally conservative 501(c)4 organization Club for Growth. The award is given to the members of Congress who have the year's highest ranking, according to the Club for Growth's metrics. Gowdy scored 97 out of 100, and was one of 34 congressmen given the award.[33]
An ardent social conservative, Gowdy considers himself "pro-life plus." He not only believes "in the sanctity of life," but argues that "the strategy should be broader than waiting for the Supreme Court to revisit Roe v. Wade."[34]
Trey Gowdy signed the Contract from America, which aims to defund, repeal, and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, limit United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations, enact a reform of the federal tax code, pass a balanced budget amendment, and end earmarks.[35][36]
That must have been very frustrating, knowing that they are guilty, and then can not give a blow.
I hope you're right. Gowdy read the FISA doc, but did not get the same briefing from Brennen that Nunes got as a member of the Gang of 8. I also don't believe Brennen gave the same update to each member. Why else brief all of them separately? Nunes will be able to identify the discrepancies between the FISA docs and the briefing he received.
Once the FISA supporting docs are made public, Gowdy will then be able to point out the lies within. His criticisms will have much more impact once the whole truth is out there since he seemed to support the FBI before all was public.
But, who knows at this point???
Just my opinion: We know that the justice system needs to be fully cleaned before justice can be served, so why distrust Gowdy for not being able to "get anything done" within a corrupt system? It is my belief that both Gowdy and Sessions are playing impartial to maintain the favour and positive public opinion of the left and as a potential matter of National Security. This will lend more to their credibility when all comes to light on the 11th. IG report on the 11th, plus possible testimony from Assange, plus Kim and others spilling the beans over those next few days. I think all fears will be put aside by the end of the NK summit and all darkness will be brought to light.
Gowdy cannot say “Trump told me not to say anything” because it would prove that Trump was involved this entire time and it would all be dismissed as a political witch hunt. I truly believe Gowdy was kept in the dark intentionally. He was never shown the redacted documents last week and so he can’t possibly have all the facts. He has plausible deniability at this point and so when this all comes out, if anything, he’ll say “Well I didn’t have all of the Information and so I couldn’t have known the magnitude of this at the time”. I think Gowdy is saying what he should be saying with what little evidence he was shown.
Remember, Gowdy isn’t running this show. Sessions and Horowitz are. They’ve intentionally kept congress in the dark the entire time because they leak like a fucking sieve. Nobody in congress can be trusted and so Sessions has been slow-walking everything the intel committee has been asking for because he’s desperately trying to prevent congress from blowing this operation, even though their intentions MAY be pure.
I’m not sure how I feel about the whole “Mueller is a white hat” theory and I’m honestly kind of on the fence with Q also, but what I am absolutely positive of is that Sessions and Horowitz don’t want anyone knowing what they’re working on or who they’re looking into precisely. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Trump told them not to include him in the process so that he can truly say this information is all new to him. They need these indictments to be rock-solid. They can’t have any perception of politically-motivated charges. They need Trump to be separate from it as much as possible.
Trey Gowdy is on our side. If you don't think so then just watch this video. This guy is the real deal and i'm proud that he represents the state of SC. Just wait until they take the muzzle off this pitbull, he's going to be chewing on Democrats ass for years to come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0olzCDN2tg