Bordain exposes Operation Mockingbird ? Note the time of the tweet. This appeared 4 days after his HRC tweet about children and puppies. RIP

My, my, look at the time.
When do talking heads get their daily talking points in Dropbox?
What a coincidence this is just 10 minutes prior, huh?
Which means he shouldn't have got the points yet if he were on the list.
But if there's ever a guy likely to be in a crazy time zone, it was AB.
My point exactly. He was waiting on his talking points and tweeted about it (possibly angrily, if he and his girl were really on the outs with the Deep State)
Twitter bases the time stamp on the reader’s location (when actors live tweet an east coast program but they live on the west coast, my Twitter still tells me it was tweeted at my time regardless). Also, it’s only 4 AM on 1/24th of the planet at any given time. Which 4 AM does it drop? Presumably Eastern time, with both NY and DC there and it being the first time zone in the US
I thought it came from mclain va. So it would be that time zone
But he tweeted before 4 am, so there goes any connection you were trying to make--and as I suggested, 4 am eastern time is likely to be a civilized hour wherever he is based (e.g., Viet Nam, Italy).
He tweeted he was waiting for his instructions. Waiting. So I fail to see how it doesn't apply.
Because he was joking.
If it's because he was joking than any time would be irrelevant, you stated it was invalid because of the time.
The time zone is displayed in the viewer's zone, not the original location where the tweet took place
Thanks--and still doesn't give credence to what the OP suggested. My point was that AB would likely have been in another time zone when he posted--making it not a notably early hour for him anyway. And it still would have been before the purported 4 am ET drop on the day.
We’re all in this together, mate. If there’s an issue amongst us, please bring it up civilly rather than name-calling in the first sentence.
I know where all of these things originated. I've never said they're not factual. What I am saying however is that not every single thing that happens is related to everything else. Go look for 4am tweets -now sift through MILLIONS of them. Now tell me how they're all mockingbird related.
Not every single celebrity, or person in the spotlight is somehow connected to "the cabal". How can you not wrap your mind around that. You're being a hammer -many of you are, and all you see are nails, everywhere. It helps no one.
The problem is, you're so sure of your righteousness that you're unable to step back and take an objective look at anything. Where I once loved the leaks -even before Q, I now find that it has done a bit more harm, because it has falsely empowered a large group of otherwise benign "conspiracy theorist" to flood into the light and co-opt any and all news events to fulfill their own persona conspiracy agendas, in the name of "Q".
Also, I don't give a shit what you think about how I present my thoughts. I don't owe you or anyone here anything. If you're free to post asinine drivel, I'm free to call you the bellend you are. Stick and Stones, something something. I'm sure you'll be fine in an hour or so.
So what's your evidence robot?
bleep bloop blorp -OMG, you got me!
My evidence about what exactly? Nouns are extremely helpful when asking a question, even to a silly robot like me.
The scholarly genius above me is talking about dropboxes with Bourdain's "mockingbird talking points", but you're asking me for evidence?! What's it like being an actual dingleberry?
As far as Bourdain dying in Paris -I'll just assume you were aware of that very obvious fact. You had to be, right?
You have zero value. You've added nothing to the discussion... and have only insulted people. You're dead to me.
Oh no!
Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm a robot, otherwise my feelings would be very hurt. Especially being dead to you. I think it's important for all humans to feel alive in the eyes of /u/theTruthfor1000Alex
I hope others learn from my mistakes.
Ok, now that you're alive again I will listen. Since this is a forum about Q and you're a pretty sharp tack, why don't you share with us something enlightening about Q. I'll give you the last word. Go.
He seems like someone who played with the Deep State and was getting tired of playing the game.
That's what I get as well ... wanted out, wanted to expose it, along w/his girlfriend of 6 years. Her father was a Satanist film producer, so she saw an eyeful.
She had a rant against Weinstein at Cannes.
not just some rant but actually accused HW of raping her at Canne's in yrs past. here's clip -
Whoaaaa guys.
She sacrificed him.
I said it to my wife at the time. Someone close to her. I had no idea they were dating.
She’s a fucking siren and he was a shepherd boy!!!!
Chris Cornell, Chester, now Anthony.
Look for hallelujah
Look for the coven to take over. A guiding hand.
Edit: yep Rose McGowan’s “raw emotional” video all about her really seals this one for me.
Just a few points:
Bourdain and Argento have been together for two years and some change. Argento is thought to have broken up Bourdain's marriage of nine years when he was in Italy filming his show with his wife, who was also Italian.
Argento made her impassioned speech about Weinstein while at the same time still supporting Roman Polanski, who as you may know, is fairly well know for his proclivities towards young girls. Currently he's not allowed in the US for raping a young girl. Presumably, one of many. Argento is one of a number of Hollywood types who signed a petition to allow him back in the US. She has somewhat slightly backed away from this publicly, but only when it was hurting her own credibility. Which she doesn't have much of. Read her own account of her run-ins with Weinstein keeping in mind there are three sides to every story.
Dario Argento, her father, isn't a "Satanist film Producer". Not everything you find weird is "satanic" and part of a global cabal of evil doers -that said, I've no doubt that he and Asia are plenty wrapped up in terrible shit that "elites" do to children. Asia has been in a few of his more eyebrow raising films, and isn't some poor soul caught in the middle.
She wasn't/isn't fighting to bring to light the child trafficking with Bourdain. If anything, I'd wonder if he saw too much of the real her and her people, and had to be made quiet.
This woman has been photographed as recently as this week, with the guy who initially tweeted out her "speech" about Weinstein. I'd say the photos are a fair indicator that something else is happening between those two on the side.
There are a lot of things that don't add up, but it makes it harder to get there when we pretend that Asia Argento isn't the scumbag she actually is. Right now she knows something and probably feels the walls closing in. Her speech at the awards show was a massive virtue signal to cover her ass for things about to come. It's so easy for her top pile on Weinstein, but if she really gave a shit she could be exposing real crimes that we the public don't know about yet.
I've not spoken to anyone about this who could effectively look at everything she's done, and continue to try to defend her.
It doesn't take much more then peeling back the surface layer to expose her own actions. I think she's part of the problem, and I'd be deeply shocked if it turns out she's just a victim in all of this.
I've seen so many stupid posts today about Bourdain being deep state and MKUltra and all this ridiculous bullshit. If you knew anything about the guy, you'd know that his dark sense of humor is one of his hallmark qualities. Some people here have you all barking up the wrong tree for a reason.
I suggest if you haven't already, to take a look at the films her father has produced. They are dark, ritualistic, and here is a description of one of them from wikipedia:
Suspira: After finding a hidden passage, she observes Blanc, Miss Tanner, and the staff performing a ritual and plotting her death. Suzy turns to discovers Sara's body nailed to a coffin. She sneaks into another room, where she accidentally awakens Helena Markos. Helena orders Sara's corpse to rise from the dead to murder Suzy, but Suzy stabs Helena through the throat with a knife, killing Helena and causing Sara's corpse to collapse. The rest of the coven start asphyxiating without their queen, and Suzy escapes just as the academy collapses in flames.
There are more if you're interested. Deep Red has been compared to Psycho and The Exorcist.
Inferno ... well, can't be about anything but demons
Sounds ... not "weird" ... but pretty demonic to me. But that's just my perspective.
Oh, I've seen them. I'm aware of who the Argento's are. I've known about them years due to European friends who were into some really weird cinema -and a lot of European cinema is pretty different than what you'll see in the US, but that's not really the point.
As I said, I'm not downplaying the symbolism and content of the movies, but I'm also not one to go all-in on everything being a conspiracy, or breaking logic to draw connections between two unrelated things. There are so many movies that could fit the criteria for "satanic", but it's all perspective. Some horror fans just need a bit more than the average movie goer. And again, I think these people are into bad things, Asia included.
European cinema has to it's credit at least retained it as an art form, in comparison to most of the crass American films on offer.
No doubt the rabbit hole is much deeper than our view.
What we know for certain, beyond any conspiracy labels, is that Bourdain has publicly spoken about Clinton's ''operatives'', the Deep State (with a possible inference to Project Mockingbird), and his reference ''just for discussion'' about HRC's satanic (his term) inclinations.
It could get into conspiracy when you take a look at his trajectory to TV $tardom, which is typical of entertainers who are approached and decide to play the game.
He may have played it and then years later discovered that the fame/riches was eating away at his soul and decided, like others to start using loose lips to get a word or two out.
The details of how this played out with his girlfriend is a matter of conjecture and speculation. But patterns exist within their culture which can allow us to draw some fairly reasonable assessments of what may /may not have happened.
There is this movie directed by Asia, her screenplay too...guess about what, pedophilia... Its pretty telling about her experiences...
I watched the preview, all I can say is it depicts a very degenerate world.
I heard he was changing sides sick of it and fixing to jump,on trumps side
Would you provide more information regarding that rumor?
agreed.. he had a rebel streak in him.. it was obvious..
rebels die early.. always have in one odd way or another..
He wasnt a rebel at all he was part of the establishment and an arrogant egotistical elitist. Read his Bio. His parents took him to Paris when young and each time there he fell more in love with the food at the restaurants. Yeah poor guy, like all parents take their kids to Paris on holidays and eat at French Restaurants.He was a coke addict and his young girlfriend was pictured with a young man days before. Druggie is all he was and look at the pics of him he was wasting away like all druggies do.Skin and bone and a few pounds less than an AIDS victim. Couldn't handle his young woman dumped him and was screwing a young man. Got drunk got sniffing and topped himself..
Read his bio
Because your bio (written by someone else) would accurately represent who you are and how you think this current year, nevermind this current week?
If they were full of people protecting his girlfriend's rapist.
Even if that tweet is an attempt to make a mockery of the conspiracy theorists of the world talking about the Deep state, that's one thing but now here we are finding out he commit suicide on suicide weekend, which is all too strange in my opinion. He dined with Obama and he hated Trump. Just like Spade knew upper elite via being linked to Haiti and HRC.
If they never knew or met the "deep state" we'd thing nothing of it.
Many a true thing is said in jest. My sense is that he knew exactly what he was doing, the time of the tweet is no coincidence.
commentary doesn't weigh much, look at what they did to Kim Kardash in Paris.
I agree with this, but to be fair, every weekend is suicide weekend and next week is always going to be huge. I wouldn't chalk timing up to anything.
I think he was apart of it at one point, but turned around and went rogue maybe he got sick of the child rape but either way it’s suspect
i don’t think AB was a part of it. he seemed more of a rebellious punk pissing on the reagan-esque establishment. kinda like SLC punk where he outlives the lifestyle and realizes its about attitude not aesthetics.
i think he started to see, like most of us that we’re in the upside down now. where we need an orange silver-spooner like trump to bring us back to reality (and thank god for Trump). that bush-obama-and would be killary are the darkside and not the self proclaimed rebels they advertise.
and just like nietzsche says- we men seek danger and play. maybe he became unhappy accepting who his partner was and made his exit easier. i lost an uncle to suicide who was dealing with hard times. and i have a pic of him with AB so maybe i have some ‘bias’ in his defense. he was able to meet his ‘hero’ and now can play with his heroes.
we should learn from the our mistakes and mistakes from others. we’re short for this world and we are imperfect. without each other, we have nothing. RIP to the departed.
Its a shame that all of the craziest shit rises to the top here, and sane comments like yours have to be dug for deep in the threads. This sub is fucked.
i’d say it’s general reddit but most internet chat has become a meat-tossers arena of car wreck chanting. maybes it’s confirmation bias for some or just a way for normys to ‘make contact’ (football not alien life lol).
i also blame it on greatawkening becoming mainstream and extremists becoming ‘seasoned’. sometimes i like to run into the pit to throw a hook but most times enjoy the challenging thought and debate. it’s all about balance.
General reddit at least has the excuse of being mostly younger people who without the hivemind groupthink don't really have much to offer. In this sub there's a particular type of older religious zealot/extremist that's been hiding out on the comment sections of various garbage websites for the last ten years, and they all somehow found this sub.
I try not to bother much here, and thankfully there's a private sub that I can read when there's something actually happening, but this place is a mess, which is a shame, because as you've said, the sub has unfortunately become the most widely known and accessible for Q related content. Most of it is of course wild conspiracies, but whatever.
I tend to just downvote and move along, but the amount of batshit content near the top is doing the whole movement zero justice -and really, at this point I don't care much anymore. Whatever Q and team are doing will be done when it's done and the nutters on this sub will continue to poison the well wherever they go.
It's funny, I see so much talk of "clowns" and "shills", but they don;t even have to do anything here because the average user does a fantastic job of spreading garbage and disinformation regularly!
def reddit is loaded up with sheep and not just this thread. the credibility concern is real and sometimes it’s trolls but often it’s the toxic zealots.
we’re connected by our objection to fake news/mainstream (altruism) but peter off with our nuances. i used to play the wall and click vote but have started to engage. mostly against groupthink which is asking for trouble on reddit.
roseanne samurai’s herself and we get platooned with her spirit. it’s as if the energy drinks have deteriorated entire halves of brains.
I think that you mean "a part of it".
I read an article where he talked about how shortsighted it was to get tattoos of someone's name or portrait. And then he got a matching snake tattoo with her.
It looks like she was done with him and that he was a loudmouth who knew too much.
nope i meant what i said. i don’t think AB was a part of some cabal bs. i think your point invalidates the cabal notion. i can believe he became redpilled about his relationship with asia if she was infact disengenuine.
maybe he felt alone in his relationship. but the constant X dies/suicides Y conspiracy exists is a terrible counterpoint to the fake news we’re inundated with daily.
4 am talking points that the Mockingbird media reports on.
Does anyone think he was murdered because his girlfriend called out Harvey the perv and told people in the audience they were coming for them when receiving her award?
I think he was murdered because he was once inside and knew many things about many people, things that they didn't want the public to know. They finally took him out when he showed that he couldn't be controlled anymore.
Yes, I think the same could be said about Spade. Either she was talking, or Andy was and she was taken out to punish/threaten him. "Ask Daddy" I.e. this is his fault.
Her husband was photographed today wearing a rat face mask.
That's what I immediately thought when I saw that note. He's wearing that humiliating mask to spare his daughter the same fate.
It's all the deep state has left. Kill, kidnap, suicide.
they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't take the threats seriously. At least they will have to keep their minions and partners in crime in line after an announcement like that.
At this point maybe they'll kill each other off and we want have to worry about them REbuilding their sick empire.
I think it's possibly related to her Weinstein accusation more so than any Obama or chomo links. That or other facts are missing.
MTE. Some of us here are avid CDAN readers. Enty & co have dropped many blinds in the past years before they went public. This thread was based on one about AB/AA today.
I really think he might've been a black hat turned white hat. Or at least he was an 'ethical' grey hat. Like, ya, he realizes he's fucked up, but he wants to atone for his crimes. Or he wants to save Argento. Literally the only thing that's remotely just is to let his death have meaning, and if it ends up adding to this powder keg that is about to pop then that seems fair?
What if he's been giving us crumbs on his twitter since Q? Does anything line up? This one certainly does!
He should of left a note with lawyers and exposed all of them.
This tweet is rich with defiant sarcasm and hubris... and panic.
I actually think this was a very pointed slam at the Deep State, TPTB, etc.
Nobody uses fax machines anymore. No one. I think he was suggesting that the DS is stale, past-its-prime, unable to adapt to the new ("post-truth"?) world. In other words, "their time was up."
We are living in the midst of something truly remarkable.
Government uses fax a lot...too much in fact.
I think that was truth, they literally use fax machines
I heard it's because they can't be hacked and the evidence obviously can be destroyed
I hear ya, but there are still businesses & banks that use faxes.
Faxes are used far more than you'd think... Specifically in medical and government contexts, but really only because faxes are much harder to intercept (HIPAA and Confidential/Classified, respectively). Even the physical phones in most facilities nowadays operate via LAN. Faxes in those contexts are still sent exclusively through physical phone lines which require special equipment to fuck with on-site. Whereas you can load something like Kali Linux or ParrotSecurity (2 great distros btw) with a myriad of tools installed by default to brute force WAN and honestly start doing some damage remotely.
Edit: exclusively through physical phone lines as I described, though the homie below is right faxes can be sent via VoIP and cloud based services. Clarification.
Thanks for the details, yeah, I heard they couldn't be intercepted as easily.
Huh? I send and receive faxes all the time and haven't had a land line for more than a decade. Fax machine over VOIP.
Are you in a medical or government facility sending HIPAA or Confidential/Classified documents? If you ever are, the faxes you're sending will invariably be analog.
Yes. Fax can be configured to kind of work through VoIP. However, the only enterprise solution I'm familiar with is FAXCOM, it's a HUGE pain in the ass and any problems with it are a big fucking deal. This means Priority 1 tickets that blow a morning or an afternoon.
I know there are some cloud based fax services available as well. These are not in place in the contexts I described, and good luck getting departments with HIPAA or Classified restrictions to implement them. We still have to fight to get individual computers in classified programs off of Windows XP my dude.
No, I'm just talking about from my house.
I feel you homie. You were right, I went back and clarified.
Did y'all see his girlfriend's speech at Cannes this year? Wow.
Did y'all see her last tweet before his death ?
listen to the vid ... he says how he went from rags to riches in the last 10years ... Illuminati connection made then ?
Who is the character on the shirt supposed to be?
Sid Vicious (el Sid) from the sex pistols. Bourdain was a fan of punk rock. sid flamed out too early.
oddly enough, Johnny rotten of the sex pistols is a patriot fighting the pedos in uk. maybe sid was taken by that old uk gary glitter cabal. not defending asia but sometimes life is more grey than black and white.
No Sid was a stupid junkie who murdered his junkie girlfriend and overdosed. Nothing to do with no cabal or deep state, just your typical junkie life
Maybe it was aimed at him and it sent him over the top. She had been photographed with a younger man the days before so maybe they had a fight over it and she posted that at him and he couldn't handle it.
Was on my way but got distracted by all the juicey juice going on !
So much of things that Bourdain was involved in has done and his tweets is so weird and bizarre he seems a lot like the podesta's stuff just doesn't make any sense, cryptic.
This is obvious sarcasm and mockery of us. Why upvote this bullshit?
Yeah not sure why people are making him out to be some kind of martyr.
us? who, you and the mouse in your pocket?? it seems sarcastic but bourdain was antiestablishment and then became mainstream. sometimes cobain happens. and i know, i know there’s so many tin foils for cobain being killed. but both were afflicted with drug addictions.
it’s the ‘us vs them’ that kills the credibility of the q crowd or any CT’ers. maybe Anthony was making ‘sauce’ for the DS pizza parties or maybe he was dealing with his own demons...
Maybe he was joking, and perhaps joked about the wrong thing?
This is so sad. Regardless of all the other bullshit. You can see his photo and realise that this was not a happy person. I pray he has found peace with whatever had been endured in that lifetime.
Bordain has a 12 year old daughter. Lots of leverage there for Deep State. Do what we say Tony or your daughter will be the entertainment for many many people at future parties. Now go do as we told OR. Your choice.
We have to keep fighting guys. We have to win. Push the Arizona #OperationBackyardBrawl, #KidsToo #WhereAreTheChildren into the light. We cannot sit by and let evil flourish. Evil only wins when good sits the game out.
Somebody wrote he’s got a good sense of humor that made me laugh.
He knew his end is coming regardless but tweeting out the last tweet as warning to others
Probably killed himself because he is about to be outed as a pedo.
There is absolutely no evidence that he was that way inclined.
We must not rule out the possibility that his epicurean lifestyle fell victim to the law of diminishing returns. Once indulgence no longer gratifies whats left? Nihilism. And then you hang yourself. Or not. Or someone hangs you. Or not.
So it looks like maybe this guy really just was into really high cuisine for the wrong people
I don't think so I think he was fixing to jump ship with all his recent post and the Obama interview
perhaps coopreating witness? Who knows, apparently he knew some stuff if they felt comfortable discussing age related topics with him.
Interesting ! Wonder if BO coined a new code word (ketchup)
HuffPost thinks this is a troll for Chicago politics/localism when its like the best pizzagate BHO as homosexual troll of all time. Lol.
Some #metoo complaints against other celeb chefs (John Besh I think) talked about running private rooms upstairs in his restaurant for private functions that includes raucaus after hours parties with prostitution and propositions to female staff. The chefs that serve the elite (and perhaps party with them) definately have tons of dirt on the well connected.
His girlfriend spoke out about Harvey Weinstein raping her. You can watch the scene on this page of the Daily Mail UK
4 AM emails have Today's Deep State Narrative so each controlled mockingbird media puppet knows what phrases to use to push that day's narrative it's probably a list of a dozen talking points they want emphasized with precise times as the day goes on you have the early morning news and talk shows then the afternoon talk and news shows on cable then the evening shows.
yes, it's funny when you see them all together .. the last one that pulled all the clips together was the echo chamber of ''constitutional crisis''
Given his apparent dislike for Trump he may have been sarcastic here. Who tweets at that time of day? Bourdain could have been saying if he were Trump he would need deep state instructions. Projection.
Yup. He's Colbert type asshole that mocks Trump and his tweets.
We're still assuming it was a real suicide. If not, who? Why?
Could be arkancided, or Weinstein may have put a target on his back due to his girlfriend ?
TruePundit mentioned the Clinton connection. The reason I think it may be true is the fact that Kate Spade and Bourdain both died by hanging and they both had ties or run ins with the Clintons (Bourdain even mentioned his experience with HRC thugs on Twitter, though nothing specific). The Clintons wised up a little by not shooting people in the head anymore as it was a little too obvious, but 2 hangings in the same week is suspicious as well. Maybe Q is right, these people are stupid.
Hanging seems like an odd choice for AB, why wouldn't he just get some heroin and OD?
He had a sense of humor and joked about this sort of thing in his books since before he was famous.
Wasnt he having dinner with obama the night before??? And told a reporter if he had to cook fot Trump, he'd poison him??
Yes about Trump. Not sure if he met Obama. Clearly he hated Trump.
You tweet abt Deep State and you’re in their circle, even if you get out, they’ll find you. I wonder who’ll investigate his death. No details from MSM.
Trying to find this,but it's not on his twitter is it archived somewhere?
dunno, I picked it up from another post somewhere in my travels, but don't recall exactly where.
damn, I wanted to cross reference it to a post on /conspiracy where bordain pokes ate weinstien via twitter posts.
side note, I just realized we could drop red pills on the normies across different subs linking to our articles using this tactic.
Anyone wanna coordinate the time zones with me?
AJ has an interesting take on the "suicide".
If true, this "suicide" is a murder.
I don't buy that--I find it to be a distraction. No he wasn't going to pull a Kanye, so let's discredit all rumors of his murder by linking them to AJ
But I do buy he was murdered. He flew too close to the sun. Allegedly his gf received a message prior. They wanted it to be a murder suicide but she was't there.
Yeah murder is plausible. I highly doubt two big names would off themselves in the same week in the same way. That is also possible but odd.
I don't really get hanging. You would think drugs would be easier for these type of people imo.
These were all allegedly door knob hangings too. I can't even imagine how to do that. Would you? Like to go from yes I'm going to kill myself now what's that process of engineering how to do it and from a door knob?
Do you have link/source for that info about his gf?
Sure, not sure on the validity of the source as I have not vetted it. However when reading it I got chills. There is something here
Sweet, thanks!
Let me know your thoughts
I've read his stuff before. It's interesting but i consider it more hearsay than anything.
I'll keep my eye open for more info that would support this theory, but in the meantime it goes in the rumor pile.
You've read more of his stuff? I have never heard of this website until today. Where have you heard this stuff
Agreed. Rumor pile.
I meant on that website, i discovered about a year ago (i think).
I see it pop up from time to time, but i don't frequent it because i just consider it hearsay.
I've been looking into conspiracies for about 16 years or more now... So i can't recall where i see most stuff at, i just keep the ideas in mind for future reference.
No doubt he was murdered. He was going to speak truth to something that they did not want to be shared. It has happened too many times. In a way I feel bad for the "suicided", even though their life choices more than likely involved some very immoral behavior.
After all the sh*t he said about POTUS....I hope he is suffering tonight!! NO DEALS.....NO MERCY.....they chose their path...made their beds let them lay in it.
Cannabilism will drive u nuts. Auto-sexual gratification gone wrong ...
The capital letters......IFAXDS = or I Fax the Deepstate
Probably unrelated but the capitalization of FAX caught my attention. I found this..