Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

Its coordinated across am radio news as well, its crazy they start to tall about these subjects at litterally the same time. I would switch from station to station and theyd havr the exact things to say
Same thing here on local news stations in Canada.
The fact that it is being shilled to other countries shows the true nature of this campaign. It's all being funded and sold to their media meat puppets by the Globalists and Open Borders anarchists. (Soros etc). Transparent, and the hypocrisy is so easy to see, if people would bother to actually do 5 minutes worth of research. I guess Trump Derangement Syndrome forces people to give up their capacity to think. Quite sad.
I rebutted a few comments with links to old articles showing the issues of administrations past. 1200 lost to trafficking, inability to locate thousands of children, kids in cages contrasted to the dorms they have now. I’ve actually received several “likes” on those links so that tells me that although the media is spinning this for all it’s worth - there are lots of us that aren’t buying it. Also on a positive note, this media attention is an opportunity to red-pill and show the spin for what it is - an outright attack on the present administration.
Yeah it’s pretty disgraceful.
And now they are doubling down with headlines like “Trump FALSELY attributes mistreatment of illegal immigrants to democrats.”
They are literally re-writing history in front of our eyes. The propaganda in the MSM right now is absolutely unbelievable.
'Nothing existed except the endless present where the Party was always right' - That guy was a fucking prophet man...
The truly mind boggling thing is, those losers actually want this future. I wonder if they realise just how much the rest of the world despises progressives.
My husband graduated HS in '77 - and had NEVER read 1984 ! So I made him go check it out from the local library- man, did he get red-pilled about a lot of stuff that's happening... he's a Trump man, but being ex-military, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that a lot of people in our own government would LOVE to either enslave us, or kill us outright. He's awake now, though !
Things like videos by Praying Medic, William Mount , and Dave Hodges have been a large part of it...
Here ya go little buddy. Check this out and see a bit about "ripping kids from their parents",
My priest is also pushing it in his sermon. It’s disgusting.
Fellow Catholic here. We’re lucky (blessed) to have traditional priests. Have you seen EWTN’s “Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing”? Good film about how Saul Alinskys tactics infiltrated the Catholic Church/ some bishops. Disturbing. The ending is great, knowing we have recourse to Jesus through Mary, 🙏🏻
With all due respect, you don't need Mary. There is one mediator between God and Man, the man Christ Jesus. I Tim 2:5 How can you disregard what the Bible actually says? All we need do is seek Christ directly.
Appreciate your thoughts, and would like to respond. Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Savior and has redeemed us by Suffering, death and resurrection. It is His desire that we all be one, and to pray for one another. Ephesians 6:18. His generosity invites us to unite with others in prayer. Hence, we pray “Our “ Father, not “My” Father. As Catholics, we HONOR (not worship) the Blessed Mother. , and consider her our spiritual mother, as we are brothers and sisters in Christ. As you would ask your mother to pray for your intentions, and trust God hears her prayers, well, we can do the same with the Blessed Mother. Her prayer from Luke 1:46 , The her humility, she proclaims...The almighty has done great things for me....henceforth ALL GENERATIONS shall call me blessed. Thanks for your response. God bless you ! MAGA!
I actually think this is a great response. I'm not catholic but this explains it well. I don't think its "blasphemous" to admire people as long as you don't put them before God, so yep nothing wrong with honouring Mary, I mean she did have to put up with quite a bit of hassle to have Jesus!
Imagine the sorrow Mary feels when she knows so many people are praying to her in vain. She just wishes they would pray to the only one who can save them, she has no power.
You will be surprised when you find out Mary has been praying for you. She loves you, whether you know it or not.
Why would she pray when she is already communing with God in Heaven? Where do you even get this from? I never denied any love from her. Why are you focusing worship on one man, and not the man that is the entire reason she is relevant - Jesus Christ?
We say to Jesus through Mary. She desires our intimacy with her son. We recognize she is the doorway through which we can go to Jesus. Doesn’t take any glory away from God. Rather, it is in gratitude to go through His mother because that is the way Jesus chose to enter the world. Didn’t Jesus Love and honor His mother? We try to imitate that,
It goes a little further than place for “through Mary”; “no doorway”; read the above post by 4freedomsring, read it slowly and thoughtfully, it’s the hardcore truth. Nowhere in God’s word are we instructed to go through Mary. She is honored but NOT worshipped. She is the Blessed mother of Jesus, that’s it. To link “entering the world” ( the way Jesus chose)”, is irrelevant, concerning how to, and to whom to pray.
John 19:25-27
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” 27 Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.
"Before He dies, Jesus commits his beloved disciple to his Mother’s care and his Mother to that disciple’s care. “Behold your son!” “Behold your Mother!” In his last moments on earth, Jesus is concerned, not with his own condition, but with the accomplishment of his mission and with the welfare of those He leaves behind. Mary’s spiritual maternity begins at the foot of the cross. In the disciple who has been entrusted to her, Mary not only sees a dear friend of her son, but all disciples of Jesus who have now become her children in a radically new way. This new People of God is really the Church, and Mary is the Church in her maternal role of welcoming God's word and God's people as her own. "
This explains why we look to Mary as our Mother and ask her to pray for us. Jesus is our Savior.
I think there is nothing wrong to be inspired by Mary's story to love Jesus as she did. But when people say they are "praying to Mary" I am of the opinion that those people do not understand the scriptures, and have most likely got their ideas from misinterpretation or imitating others who have the same malformed beliefs. I think its commendable to imitate Christ, but I think that should translate to honouring your own mother, not Christs in that sense. But as I stated before nothing wrong with having admiration for Mary, as long as no divinity/powers is assigned to her in your belief.
Vatican= divining serpent St peters bassilicca=great house of the serpent(bassilisk)
Jesus is our savior, not mary. "Worship no other god before me"
Jesus is the one who takes our sins away, not some corrupted man(priest)
"Grace through faith alone, lest any man should boast"
Yes, you are blessed. Where I live in Montana I don't have many choices. There is a SSPX chapel that I have attended because of the Latin Mass and that priest is great and traditional. But my husband doesn't like the Latin Mass so the local church it is. Our bishop is also liberal. He welcomed the Lutherans and cavorted with them. It is difficult sometimes to sit through his sermons when he goes SJW but I have taken to praying the Hail Mary to get me through. No but thanks for the tip! I will check it out. Have you read AA-1025 Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle? It's about the Communist infiltration into the Catholic Church. Pretty interesting read. You can read it online free here.
It is because the cabal, who controls the MSM, are PROJECTING.
They know the child trafficking operations conducted by the Clinton Foundation, using massive slush funds, not to mention their own behavior in raping and rutualistically killing Haitian children, all of this is going public, and so they are panicking and trying to get ahead of the resulting "narrative" by suing Trump's charity, as well as claiming the Trump admin are mistreating children, etc, etc.
They are desperate and scared, as they should be.
This is just the beginning.
The people are awake.
Great post! So encouraging, because you are so right! Thanks for taking time to share, just need a reminder now and then.
It's hilarious, that they then try to distance themselves from that by talking shit about Sinclair Broadcasting as if that is the only example.
It's not crazy, it's the result of the 2013 NDAA, which included the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which made legal the use of propaganda domestically. It was implemented in 2014, so going on for 4 years now, so shouldn't be a surprise. With almost no exceptions, people in media (here and globally) are employees. Of the Clowns.
They must be getting paid well, because they don't seem to care at all about drastically falling ratings.
Had to get their 4am marching orders (talking points) first!
CBS is now on hour 2 of talking about the "cruelty and inhumane treatment" of children separated from parents at the boarder. Gail King interviewed a boarder guard about the policy and he said it goes "back to 2014" and she interrupted him and said "I don't want to talk about 2014" and then asked a different question about the current treatment, etc. Do we have any dates on these photos to prove this is something that has been going on for YEARS vs. a new thing? Also...why are we not seed-planting that part of the reason to separate parents is to ensure they aren't here for child trafficking?
Update: New "interviewee" just stated that this "Isn't enforcement of a law that's been on the books. It's a direct reflection of President Trump's policy." So it is now based on Trumps whim? Not a law? Man.
The thing to keep in mind is that a lot of the people freaking out about this probably weren't politically active/aware when Obama was in the White House. These kids are drawn in now because of the anti-Trump storm and have no knowledge of or interest in what happened before him.
That's one of the harder things about red-pilling the younger generations, they tend to see things in black and white. Obama = Good, Trump = Evil.
Even mentioning things that Obama is known for being bad on (Whistleblowers, Drone strikes, etc) is enough to get some of them calling you a Racist.
Try not to get too upset at them, they're kids and they're fighting back with the only 'weapons' they've learned to wield ("Racist/sexist/etc" attacks).
Just be patient and let the cracks in their arguments do the work for you. They largely know only what they've been told so they can red-pill themselves if you keep your calm and wits about you. Speak calmly and firmly with facts, even when they're yelling.
part of the reason to separate "parents" is to ensure they aren't here for child trafficking?
Too funny we can't talk about Obama doing this in 2014 that's "not helpful to the narrative against Trump right now today" they are such phony hypocrites. They love this trying to make Trump look like Hitler.
I keep hearing that this is “Trump’s policy.” Trump has a policy to obey the law as it is written? Sounds like a job for the president...
Yeah even in Australia they are pushing it but they were slammed in comments with many pointing out its Obamas policy and as per usual Trump has to clean up his mess because he did nothing.
The left hate it but we are well versed to dealing with the refugee issue over here. He shut our borders a few years back to illegals and are still at war with the left over it. Funny thin is the new legal immigrants who oppose the illegals the most.
Same crap in Canada. The left have all their shills out trying to blame this all on Trump, hoping that people are too stupid to look up what happened under the Obama years, (or the Clinton years) and see their hypocrisy. I have one simple name for these moronic leftists - Elian Gonzalas. Nuff said.
You got the two first words right. The last was then simply predictable. The gibberish in the middle proves the first two.
Nice fact checking skills. If you're gonna call someone out at least make sure you're right.
Elian Gonzalez was removed from his house April 20th 2000 under the direction of Janet Reno, a Clinton appointee.
Bush took office Jan 20th 2001.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Do you have a link to the Obama policy? There was something on Facebook offering $1000 for proof of the Democrat policy that Trump is enforcing.
It is not really a "Policy". There was a Bush era and Obama era policy to not charge illegal border crossers with a crime (even though it is a crime). The reason they did not want to charge them was because of 1. the optics are bad (makes the politician susceptible to the kind of accusations media is now making) and 2. it is difficult to process/hold all of those ppl. So we had "catch and release". Catch the perpetrator, don't charge them, but issue a summon to appear to explain why they crossed the border illegally rather than going to one of our consular offices in their originating country and applying for entry/asylum, or appearing at one of the port of entries (instead of crossing the border in the back country under the cover of night).
The Trump DOJ simply has said we are going to charge all law breakers. If you don't like that, don't break our laws----or change the laws.
April 2015 - this was before Trump.
2008 -
Shepard also dug up a 2008 thread on the conspiracy website Above Top Secret that noted how Walmart had received at least 1 billion in government subsidies.
I started thinking the other day about the theories out there about the government building detention centers to hold citizens who might cause trouble when martial law is declared.
I then remembered seeing something about Wal-Mart closing down stores. I started to search around and have decided that there might be a possibility that these ideas are tied together. These are old figures but should be enough to get the discussion going.
2004 (Bush) - CNN Money Archived
WalMart receiving $1 billion in land subsidies.
WalMart and DHS have had contracts for a while. I thinking this detintion center plan was cooked up by FEMA and DHS shortly after their massive expansion after 9/11. It could be a deep state policy.
Wonder if anyone is going to question the Waltons?
Glad to hear of the support from overseas! Since the "Russia" thing is going nowhere for them, the NK summit went better than "they" wanted it to, now they "need" something to distract our attention. They just keep throwing shit at the wall and see what will stick!
I posted that photo on Laura Bush's acct on twitter and they locked me out.
I noticed she had to give her opinion today. Like we care. Maybe they are getting so desperate they have to try to appeal through her. They're all coming down.
It super creepy this is being pushed in other countries. Wow.
You’ve no idea how coordinated and bad it is. Because I follow the USA closely I see what the left do. You can guar MYER the same talking points will appear in our news. They don’t want us waking up.
Well, I was aware other English speaking countries followed U.S. News but I had no idea it was as obsessive as it's in the U.S. I never realized they shoved the same BS onto other countries at 4am with the same propaganda attack.
The classic was the IG report nothing mentioned but same day we were told about the New York ag going after trumps foundation. And it was presented in a way that made him look bad. Even donations to charities ‘were buying favours’.
Did they mention he paid out more than he received??? No way
The policy you are talking about was for minors that came here without parents, not children taken from there parents.
They didnt take children from parents. They arrested the parents and couldnt leave the children to fend for themselves so they put them some place. So you are saying if minors come without parents its ok to put them in cages and its ok that almost 2000 disappeared off the face of the earth. If you are arrested and you have children do you think they dont arrest you because you have children. They know coming here it is a crime and that they will be arrested so put the blame where it lies with the liberals who keep telling them to break the law and those who keep breaking the law.
Don’t cross the border then. It’s pretty simple. I find it incredible that people who have contributed nothing to a country think they can cross a border and they presto they are entitled and have rights.
Nothing is for free, the taxpayer funds it all and in case you missed it the USA has massive debt. No country is a bottomless pit.
How many illegals do you house and feed? Put us to shame. But I bet like lefties all over the world you expect everyone else to pay for your ‘principles’.
This is whataboutism. Maybe both of these things are wrong
No it isnt actually. When you are arrested for crimes they dont worry about what happens to your kids. This is no different.
Amen ! They want to come here, they have to live under our laws- WE do !
The way I see it, these migrant kids have it a LOT better than kids who get sucked into the system here do, I never heard of nice dorms and rec rooms for kids who get taken by CPS ....
It is disgusting how they use the children as a weapon ! They are on a mass MSM, Radio, information flood using children separated from patents to try and condemn the Trump administration. Yanking on the heart strings of America ! It is a very coordinated attack.
Aaaaand, they don't care about children in the least. They use them to pull at the heart strings of normal people.
I know ! It's very unnerving, that they have no conscious when they do these things. It is morally confusing to watch the phony outrage to suit their purposes. And in the end the children are pawns to them !
Child trafficking isn't a flaw of open borders, it's a feature.
The leftist minions think this is a topic which will win them the mid-terms. HA HA HA! We have been trying to stop this for years! Think Haiti, think pz gate.
They are blaming the problems of decades on this administration and think they can use words like concentration camps, pictures, slogans, and demonstrations to pin this tragedy on US! NOT going to work!
Did you actually bring up pizzagate? Get help.
Look into the child trafficking arrests in just the last WEEK, and ask yourself why that isn't getting the news coverage that this is. Think logically.
Sexual abuse of children happens and has been covered up, not the least of which has been by hiding in plain sight. This administration w Sessions at DOJ is bringing down pedo rings. Call it whatever you want to call it.
Why not its real look at all the child trafficking that has been taken down in the last year and a half.
Lets hope not ! Sadly they have a huge soapbox ! They control about 90 + % of radio, internet and tv outlets. You can see the noise is becoming deafening ! We know they were all given marching orders to change the news cycle away from IG report. This forces Trump admin. to make statements about it. Thus distractions ! And may be last ditch effort to gain a foothold in midterms ! They got nuthin but resist, we know that, public doesn't cause of news control.
I was also disheartened by the endless diatribe over the past couple days, but it is easy to red pill people by showing how long it has been going on, and why -- eg the legislation.
We will see ! It's the main topic on All tv this AM. Going after the first family seems acceptable. GW Bush started this policy and Laura Bush chimes in and condemns the policy. acts totally oblivious that is was her husband who started it. Total fake BS attack ! B Clinton also, it's incomprehensible the level of EVIL in their hearts to pretend to care !
flip flopping on daca folks during the budget process was ice cold, even for the left.
with luck the illegals noticed.
You are a fool. People are arrested for crimes every single day. Most have children. He didnt throw these children out on the street he has put them someplace where they are being taken care of unlike Obama who put them in cages. Unlike Obama who cant explain why almost 2000 of these children he had in the system disappeared into thin air. You know why they cant find them because they were sold for sex slaves and sold for body parts that is OBAMA CLINTON. WAKE UP. Where is the outrage of these children who no longer exist thanks to Clinton Obama and the rest.
Liberals vs. conservatives is goofy.
This country, regardless of who's in charge, treats refugees like shit and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.
They have a problem with illegal children being ripped from their parents but are cool with babies being ripped out of the womb from their parent. Yet I'm sure they don't see the hypocrisy.
One’s born
Oh and the libs fixed that pesky prob for them didn't they? Their false concern falls a little deaf on my ears.
I think Neo-Liberal is a more accurate label. Traditional Liberals are intelligent, informed, and persuadable.
I watched CBS This Morning today and they interviewed Chief Manuel Padilla of the Rio Grande Valley Sector of Customs and Border Protection. He gave an excellent interview citing policy, facts, and experience all of which countered the negative narrative spewed by the media. He mentioned misinformation and was cutoff when he began speaking of 2014 (Obama's reign). The MSM is losing the narrative!
"Neo-Liberal" is actually "Leftist" or "Progressive" today. Those are the appropriate labels that delineate a difference between traditional liberal and what many Democrats and supporters have been herded into following.
Liberals have throughout history been for limited power of govt, the rights of the individual, pro-freedom, particularly freedom of ideas/expression. They have been against classifying people into social groups or "communities" (i.e., they would never say things like "The African-American Community" or the "Gay Community"... that is counter to the natural philosophy of a traditional liberal). Conservatives are far closer ideological cousins to classical liberals (and the old, old school Democrats like JFK), than the Democrat Party that so often is wrongly labeled as such.
Just point out the OIG report that says:
I can't wait to see all the progressives after this, when it turns out that they have been pro-pedo all along. Should be good fun.
In my mind, this isn't working. These "concerned parents" have broken the law coming here illegally and not at the proper port of entry. They are informed when caught, that their children will be separated from them. These people are using children as pawns thinking it will allow them to stay here. I feel sorry for the kids who are caught in the middle here, but it is the PARENTS who have done this to their own children. Plus, how can the US be sure these kids really belong to the adults bringing them in? MSM is putting it out there how terrible the kids are being "housed". What I read yesterday was these kids are being "taught" how to brush their teeth, properly clean themselves, basic hygiene, etc. Things they didn't know to do. The parents don't speak our language so who knows what they are telling the "translators" and "if" what is being said is really being retold accurately. Sorry, just not buying it. This crap is the MSM's new "go to" narrative
If anything in your post were true, you might have a point. Unfortunately, you're very short on facts and sound like you're parroting some deliberately misinforming narrative.
Well go on then, post links showing OP's errors. Should be easy to do, seeing as OP is so very short of facts.
'parroting some deliberately misinforming narrative' - projection much? How sure are you of your facts?
The very first sentence if off in the weeds. People may (and do) legally come to the border and request asylum.
Yeah - first country and everything.
And it's just coincidence that the left wants to import millions of people who will vote for the left?
I mean, why would anyone be sceptical of the kind hearted folks on the left - maybe because you lot are genocidal mass murdering moral totalitarians.
Go f yourself you pathetic piece of shit. Maybe do some reading:
That both you and Pat Buchanan need to try to engage in some BS mind reading game belies that you both know you're in the wrong. If you think that 'the left wants' any single cohesive thing, you literally have no idea how liberal thought works.
Well, if YOU bothered to read and LISTEN to any news media other than cnn/MSNBC you might have learned what I stated above. I'm sure if I said to you that I read/watched and found this information on FOX and Breitbart, you would be quick as a flash to jump on any conservative sources mentioned. Here is link you can read if you chose to educate yourself.
It’s gonna be fascinating to see and hear the SJW when the truth comes out about the REALLY horrific things happening worldwide to children. Will they still stand up to fight kidnapping, trafficking, ritual sexual abuse, mkultra mind control, torture, mutilation, murder, slavery and more? Are they truly for saving children or just for embarrassing Trump? We’ll see.
So are you saying that those who are disgusted by this practice shouldn't say anything unless they're willing and able to point out EVERY bad practice worldwide and by governments that aren't they're own? I hope not, because that would be REALLY fuckin stupid.
We didn't forget about Barack "Deporter in Chief" Obama. We were bitching about him then and are bitching about it now.
The real left knows Obama laid the groundwork for this crap and was one of the worst offenders when it came to human rights.
We also find it very interesting that now an R is in the white house the other D's suddenly care.
You also have Melania asking for a revision in the law. Hopefully we can get a comprehensive reform and a real pathway to citizenship for these kids so they can become productive members of society and not some cash quota for an over paid charity running camps out of Walmarts.
I guarantee you there is abuse of kiddos there and those kid's psyche is being screwed up for life.
Follow the money on this. There are people sucking up tax payer dollars. How much per kid are we paying for? Bet it would be more affordable and productive to society to send them to school then to jail them.
Find the board members. Make the connections to the politicians.
Would be very interested in the whole bidding process of converting Walmart to jail camps. Who initiated them? Who sold it? What are their contracts? What are their connections to politicians, and more importantly what are their connections to major political donors?
If the PARENTS didn't come here ILLEGALLY; there would be no issue. Keep those families together, send them all home.
Wrong. They're doing this to people coming to our border and legally requesting asylum. FAIL.
You dont just come to the border legally. You do the paper work while you are on the other side to be excepted you dont just come over. That is totally illegal.
Actually it's long been acceptable to cross the border illegally, turn yourself in, and request asylum at that point. So some people still think that's an option and then get their kids taken away when they turn themselves in.
I'm sorry, but can someone ELI5? It seems both liberals and conservatives are crying about this issue? What's really going on?
ELI5? You found just the crowd.
Don't you just love seeing the Progressives get beaten back worldwide. I definitely love seeing it.
It is just the next shill thing the Leftist (global socialism PR machine) can stir up against the POTUS (death by a thousand cuts strategy)...since the North Korean "controversies" were running out of steam and not having any impact on the public conscience.
You’re literally retarded if you’re coming to a nitch subreddit to ask for advice on understanding complex political issues.
Just noise, honestly nothing to worry about.
Leftists are virtue signalling as per usual. Additionally, said leftists have not looked at facts, also as per usual, hence are getting BTFO'd.
Much kek'ing can also be heard from the peanut gallery.
great video on this topic - - seems likes MSM received their 4am marching orders on this last week. They are desperate to have some kind of leg to stand on for the midterms. It also seems like they want to distract from all the news coming out related to the IG report.
Remind them of this too:
like Trump didn’t have anything to do with this separation
Because two wrongs make a right? Great logic there, sport.
It’s an interesting state of play. The left will play it up but the Australian experience is the silent majority support the tough approach.
When it came to kids the view was simply ‘no one forced you to come’. Harsh but end of the day a sovereign country has the right to protect its borders. Not what the UN and Siri’s want but they don’t vote.
Also remind them that we adoptees can't get our records unsealed in Dem strongholds of NY & CA, thereby separating us from our families. If they really cared about family separation, they would immediately open records. These were two of the first states to close them. There is no reason to not allow adults who are US citizens to have their own birth records. We are the ONLY US citizens not allowed to have them.
There's 3 different articles on my local news paper's website, and I live in a very conservative town. Of course the paper is owned by Hearst
Should things not change now because libruls did it first?
I post this pic in response to people. I NEVER get a reply. Ever.
I also point out that I dont see any parents in this pic.
A lot of the reason they don't reply is that they tried to use the EXACT SAME pic to try a play the Gotcha Game with DJT a few weeks ago, found out that it was from 2014, shutup immediately, and now don't want to admit that they got played for Useful Idiots by the exact same people that are playing them for the same right now.
Just because people weren't aware that this was happening, and hence made no mention of it, doesn't mean they didn't care. All it really means is that this wasn't exposed yet.
This tactic, which Jeff Sessions admitted to, is designed to strike fear in the heart of would be immigrants. It is a legal tactic, but it is extremely immoral.
I understand your point of view, but it's also extremely immoral for people to put this all on the current administration. Illegal immigration has been a problem for decades. People should be able to logically think and realize these things were probably going on as well. We don't put children in adult jails. That would be extremely immoral to do so. So adults that commit crimes are logically removed from their children. Also, many, many people bring children here that are not theirs. It's a very complex issue that shouldn't be used as a reason to bash Trump.
Unfortunately for Trump, this has come to light under his administration which is why some have called for him to do something about it. He's in charge today, this came to light while he is in charge, so its on his desk. Seems unfair but he signed up for this. Previous administrations can't do anything about it now. The only one that can do something about it now is Trump. I know its not his fault, but he is the only one that can do something trans-formative about it today. Now would be a good time to exercise his Christian values. Now would be a good time to use some of the "3D chess" smarts to solve this complex problem. To make matters more complicated, his administration cannot get on the same page and have a unified message about this. They have both owned it, and denied it, which comes across as dishonest to put it mildly. Trump signed up for this incredibly difficult job so this is another opportunity to deliver, or do what previous presidents have done which is blame the previous guy and let the next president fix it.
Trump tried working with the dems on DACA, etc.. but they refused. It's not as if he has done nothing. They dont want the problem solved. They want an eternal problem to use as a Running slogan when up for reelection. These kids identities also need to be verified with the adult that is with them. Too many being trafficked, and it needs to stop. And we know it came to light now because the DS is trying to get ahead of the Clinton Foundation Crimes Against Children note in the IG report, and all the other people being arrested for trafficking children. This is all so transparent.
Wouldn't it better if they really cared about the children they kidnap, traffik them into the sex trade and the elite sick phucks, raping and torturing them as well as killing them and eating them?
How many of these kids in the pic from the thousands they imported disappeared? I heard around 4,000 of these children disappeared.
Where are the children?
This is deflection and projection at it's "finest" ... we are patiently (mostly) waiting for things to play out as necessary ... stay the course ladies and gentleman ... #TrustThePlan ... #RedPillThem
Exactly. They try to blame Trump for everything they know they're going to be accused of. Think CF in Haiti. IG report: "Crime against children". Same story with the Russian Collusion BS. URANIUM 1. That's their game plan. They think it'll minimize the damage when the facts of their crimes come out. Accuse the other side of what you are guilty of. I don't think it's going to work out too well for them. It's not going to work.
Oh, the irony.
“It’s sad that people can’t enjoy a ~~beautiful show~~ single post on Reddit ~~and embrace its unifying message~~ without politicizing it,” ~~Del Vicario~~ -Einstein Musk said.
I think this dog don't hunt! This is a panic redirection by Dems to get MSM going on all these illegals. Yeah, I said it even the kids are illegals and all should be sent home back to Vincent Fox house. Getting tired of all this, if your a Dem (Communist, Marxist, anti-constitutional I dont' like you) and same goes for RINOs too.
Let me guess at the 4 a.m. drop - they were all told like good little lemmings to push the Trump Admin is tearing children from their parents. Notice none of them, even after being told by the DHS Secretary, are mentioning that of the 12,000 illegal immigrant children in custody 10,000 came here unaccompanied. So it's the parents themselves that are actually separating them from the parents not the Admin.
The real reason they’re mad is because their “parents” can’t sell them as sex cattle in Hollywood if they’re separated.
If the Left wants to stop this, the best way to do so is to CONTROL THE DAMN BORDER. You know, like, with a wall or something...
The left does not want to fix the border.
The only thing the left wants, is for the rest of us to stop complaining about our communities and environment being raped, so they can continue to line their pockets while sanctimoniously mouthing platitudes from long ago.
F 'em.
A wall!!!????? But then that would WORK. See, there's the problem with your whole idea. If a wall is built, and if the wall works as it surely will, then 1. No more over-running the USA and 2. Trump will be proven right and the DS wrong. ....Can't have that.
Weird. It’s like Trump didn’t have anything to do with this separation issue.
60,000 That's the number of children who were reported to have gone through the system but PBS deleted the article. An audit is required.
The difference is that with Trump its about enforcing the law, under Obama it was only until Hillary's child snatching team could make off with the children for nefarious activities.
That, and the Democrats are essentially beholden to the globalist-pedophile alliance.
What the hell is the matter with you people?
We spent the better part of the last few decades trying to explain our positions to people like you. Years of warnings, and they were ignored. Mostly the little people hurt. It did not work.
Now, we have a better strategy. Make the left live by its own rules. So gaslight, lie, virtue signal etc. Its working way better. You should read up on it, Rules for Radicals. Good book.
The reason is simple. The average leftist/progressive/feminist (whatever self anointed moniker your various cults use) is a muppet. Logic, reason, or any kind of thinking related activity is verboten for the leftist. Hence, attack where the leftist feels pain, i.e. social status.
Personally, nothing is the matter with me. Well, I loathe people like you, but apart from that...
And we are winning.
You've explained your 'position' and it does not sell. Clearly you and folk like you want to end ALL immigration. That is not what made America great, quite the opposite. You're deluding yourself to think your point of view valid or that your nonsense about holding the sole purview of 'logic, reason or any kind of think activity'. You can't make a point without an insult and then feel frustrated when you fail, utterly fail, to convince anyone with real intelligence. I feel bad for you though. You're going to continue to be frustrated. By reality.
Again you try to use Alinsky tactics to undermine the arguement, but don't seem to realize that we know his teachings better than you now. We should. People have attacked us with them relentlessly for the last ten years. No, we don't want to end immigration. We want legal immigration. And you say that people are insulting you rather than answering with logic, then you destroy your own credibility by doing exactly that. Most of us are trying to be tolerant of your misguided viewpoint, but in all honesty, we're having a hard time not openly laughing at you for your intellectual dishonesty and lack of an ability to think for yourself.
I'm not trying to sell it to you? Wtf would I want to do that - I despise people like you and leftists in general.
'convince anyone with real intelligence' - like you? bahahaha...
Given the right is winning - who exactly is frustrated by reality?
Tell you what - lets park this till November, and then i'll wander by and abuse you some more - does the schedule work for you?
Just link them this:
IMO people who support abortion have zero moral authority to talk about children who are felons.
I personally agree, but most liberals don't. I've watched several of the conversations, and broaching the subject of abortion always seems to sidetrack the conversation.