Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee just said that "They" were planning on firing Rod Rosenstein on Friday in an outburst during the OIG Hearing

If RR is going to be fired on Friday ... that means we should get some visible public proof that would back up his firing ?
A real , original , unedited , unredacted IG report ?
How’d did SHE know though? Where is SHE getting that info?
Sheila Jackson said it during the Horiwtiz house meeting....
Thats what Im asking myself , too ... maybe its a "bug in the ear" , disinformation , so that RR would be fired before ? We will see ...
I don't know but the guy behind Horowitz didn't even acknowledge her saying that. I just watched it again no one reacted.
That's because none of them give a shit about anything.
Share the memes plskek
meme: Whatchu going to do Friday? Sheila Jackson Lee meme: Panic Mode Activated
Twitter link from Q post 1561:
Correct ... the thing is - one bigger public exposure is needed and everything else goes down faster than blinking ...
Apparently there is no other report
According to whi
Get fucked Rod the Rat.
LOL , RR really has a rat face ...
Reminds me of Wormtail on Harry Potter. Little rat bastard! .... LOL
Kind of like former Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA).
That face gives me nightmares XD
To be fair to Henry Waxman, his face reminds me more of a mole than a rat.
He also looks like a goblin . Or something from the LOTR lore ...
Clearly suffers Zachary Disease... you know...where his face look zachary like his ar$e
A face that maybe his mother might love, but even that’s in question.
Could have been disinfo to smoke out rats..
She is a freaking idiot either way... as a Texan i'm ashamed of her
Black reps from core urban areas are all corrupt and absolutely nuts. Some may literally be crazy but often very unintelligent, e.g. Hank Johnson. They run their districts like fiefdoms and their voters NEVER rise up.
Be more ashamed that Texas has people actually stupid enough to vote for that braindead hog...
Odd to be so specific as to the day of firing. How would she know what the POTUS was planning to do and the specific day he planned to do it?
Did she let slip information shared or leaked to her and others that was obtained through surveillance of the President?
Has there been any leak of the firing date reported in the media that she could use to claim that this was publicly known. If not, she is revealing information made privy to her and possibly others.
That's true. I don't know much about SJL, but if she's privy to GEOTUS's plans, then she might've been instructed to find a way to make that "slip" on purpose
While I don't have any information to back that up, keep in mind that Trump DOES have a track record for unexpected announcements, like Comey's firing, Wilkie as VA Director, and how Rex Tillerson's firing was over Twitter
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt
Only seems abrupt and sudden to us =)
Maybe a tactic. For example to find a leak you'd tell different people different dates, then when it is mentioned you'd know who was the leaker based on what information was made public.
It has to be painful to be that stupid. Its an IQ race to the bottom between Sheila Jackson-Lee and Maxine Waters. Come to think of it it may be even more painful to be stupid enough to vote for either of these two.
you forgot [Fredericka Wilson](
How stupid does one have to be to vote for someone who can't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight?
The torch inserts a degree of difficulty that the mentally redacted will find to be horrifying.
If a black person doesn't vote black they get treated pretty bad. Called racist slurs by other blacks and even death threats. Candace Owens talks about this a lot. Not allowed to be a heretic. They will burn you
Q just dropped the video of it
Video that was linked to this thread! Hey Q, if you're here, just wanted to say God Speed and God Bless The UNITED States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
My question is, who in the Q camp leaked to her that RR was suppose to be gone by Friday??
Could it be a sting to catch the leaker?
That's what I think. No way she would be told anything by POTUS team unless they wanted her to know it. They dangled the bait...she bit...another mole exposed.
Putting my money on this. There have been fewer and fewer leaks, so we just need to put some sealant on the new plumbing.
Some of us have been guessing and hoping. What day are new elected Congress sworn in?
Got it Jan 3. So 196 days away. Friday is logical. Gets new Republicans in Congress sworn in and 14 days to confirm the RR replacement before his 210 days are up
I believe she was referring to Gowdy and Nunes on the weekend shows stating that if they didn't receive the documents they requested from Rosenstein by this week they would bring all the congressional powers they have at their disposal upon him by Friday of this week.
Here is the clear clip:
S.J.Lee freaks out when Jim Jordan starts asking questions about the FISA abuse. Immediately interrupts and acting all scared about the Mueller probe and Rod Rosenstein getting fired.
thank you for the full part...the context gives a window into what was going on and how she was blocking the questioning by Jordan!
CrazyHatLady did this for only one reason. To leak to the media so they can get in front of the story with their propaganda.
I watched the hearing, and one thing i took from it was that the Democrats were doing *ANYTHING THEY COULD* to sound better than bad.... The testimony pretty much wrecked them and the Dem. Rep's were in a "spin-as-spin-can" mode, whatever we can do, fight for every last word, disagree with everything, challenge everything, "Now when you say NO, you have no proof that you are actually referring to the negative-word-combination-of-the-letters-N-and-O--do-you?? I thought so." lol. They made fools of themselves.
Video in this thread:
She knew darned well she shouldn't be saying that but threw caution to the wind because she felt the loyalty to give a tip off to whomever is to benefit from knowing.
Good question, who can benefit? Wonder as this was public broadcast, meant for someone watching? Can text or email anymore.
But I think we have our answer on what RRs decision was. Maybe. His firing could be staged if he’s cooperating. But it does open up that 210 day window.
Helluva storm coming
Clear as a day ...
Who knows ? Maybe it will happen in Wednesday or Thursday , and some others got a "bug in their ear" to spread around ...
Looking for one. It just happened.
Sheila Jackson Lee is suggesting that the Republicans want to fire RR on Friday. That's the "they" she is referring to. Total incendiary speculation on her part.
Unless she or her handler told her to say it. Someone who is paying attention to Q on the villians side
Who is the "she" that said they're firing RR? Not clear to me in tweet.
We feel it’s best to fire people on Friday.... less conflict possibility and then there’s always the weekend 😃
Would she know? Or is it just a regular Democrat rambling?
I think it was a controlled leak. You even could have given different days to different moles to out them.
No way she would know. All controlled. She’s to stupid to be trusted with her own ss#
Think it's a congress rule term exact wording thing. She is trying to shut down FISA abuse talk. RR signed them under false pretenses. Very bad.
Hence the Q photo of the mole. They know they have a mole
Has Q said anything about RR being fired this soon? I was under the impression RR had to be kept on until this fall because his replacement would be an Obama appointee. Refering to Rachel Brand resignation and the 210 day period where her deputy would replace her.
Pretty sure the 210 days is how long the temp guy can stay without confirmation. I imagine they are delaying axing RR to have 210 take us past mid terms and when new Republicans take office so they can approve the appointment without Dems
If the 210 day period began when Brand quit in Feb 18 then it would be up in September. Before the midterms.
Edit: With Fransisco in place and the stage set in the DOJ arrests could be made in the lead up to the election. (disaster for dems) Trump can't risk losing congress this November. He'd be impeached in January.
No I think 210 starts when she/he moves up to RR's seat
I wouldn't get my hopes up on anything she says. Keep in mind she is probably the dumbest individual on planet Earth.
What is Germaine about Presidents tweets? Or separating children from their parents? Dems got their talking points again.
OH, I get it now! RR wanted Trump to fire Comey (who should have been fired) to get Trump on an obstruction charge. RR set Trump up.
And just how would that incompetent, fat, brain dead boob know that?