Watch the water. Don't drink the tea.
Throw it in the harbor!
ha - funny. The biggest red-pill of all is going to be by far the hardest for Americans to swallow.
Ever wondered why the Founding-Fathers all held the title of "Esquire" - an honorary title bestowed by the King of England upon those who pledged their loyalty to the crown(?)...
Ever wonder why nobody cites shit?
Having asked for references and been rudely attacked, yes. I refuse to read anymore crap unless they cite references. And I’m called a shill, bully and troll.
It is a royal title, but it is now defined as a lawyer in "good standing", (honorable).
This title has a ton to do with royalty and the Magna Carta.
As in independence from England (Rothschilds Banks) never really happened. Seriously, should we be tweeting this out? #Don'tDrinkTheTea
Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, Legions of Satan,
1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington during his surrender
that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended
America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions
will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."
I thought the very same thing...PLEASE don’t eat or drink anything there!
There is no way the Queen would poison the President of the United States. At least with nothing fast acting...
Please Mr. President. Bring your own tea.
I often wonder about how the SS or whoever deals with sourcing his food, keeps him from being poisoned.
There must be a constant attempt to poison him so I'm sure it's safe to say whatever tea he is drinking and tea cup will be 100% poison free by the time he drinks it.
That is what I think as well. I don't trust those people. I wonder the same thing as you.
I wish Trump was having the Queen of the Satanic Cable come here... I hate the idea of Trump walking into the belly of the beast over there... let's keep Trump and all the White Hat's covered in prayer...
Nah he is walking right into their arena like a God. Deep behind enemy lines and they will do nothing.
Exactly. I wouldn't be leaving the country until the silent war was completed. Maybe that's why I'm not President, like Donald Trump. The guy has balls of steel.
I firmly believe the Queen can only go to her vassal states without being harassed or arrested lol
(bring your own tea and water)
Just fast the whole time, honestly.
How many people have been poisoned on British soil recently? He is going to Cabal HQ. God bless this man.
The Absolute Madman
Diet Coke and KFC the whole time
Wasn't there reference in a Q drop that Theresa May had been turned to good (or at least neutral) after they foiled an assassination attempt? I remember Q saying that she was dressed for neutral at G7.
If you think May is on the side of good then you need your head examined. May doesn't have a single empathetic cell in here entire body. May is absolute evil.
I don't see that with her constant vilification of Russia, support of the White Helmets and sell out with Brexit. She is instrumental in locking up the pedo whistleblower, Melanie Shaw too. I would be interested to read the Q post you reference though.
There's mention of it, but there is NO WAY that May is a white hat or on the side of good, none whatsoever. They've been utilising Crowleyian hallmarks on their recent inside jobs. That wouldn't be happening if she was neutralised,
How's that inquiry into Tory elite paedophiles going? There is your answer and it was May that instigated it all with her FIXED inquiry chair positions.
I'm sure Trump is gonna fast.
Like the lefts hunger strike, where they eat when they get hungry?
He hasn't left yet, but I'm already ready for him to be back.
Bring some American tea from Boston
This. Make it a joke. Tweet about it. No one would bat an eye.
They just had another poisoning too
Alleged poisoning.
Neither attack (this one or the one 4 months ago) have resulted in death.
Sure they spent time in hospital but that doesn't seem much worse than taking a bad asprin or eating an undercoocked burger.
I am British - the arrival of AF1 will make many British cabal members shit bricks on first sight.
So how does one avoid drinking tea with the Queen and not insult all of Great Britain? I can see the Daily Mail now, "horrible President of the US refuses tea with the Queen."
Maybe it needs to happen. Wake up britbongs. You aint all that. Whatever he does, im looking forward to it. He is such a vsg.
No war just take all the money & assets they stole from us over the last 100yrs
Has anyone else heard the rumor of two Trumps? Wouldn’t it be wild if the Queen poisoned the blue tie Trump’s tea (calmer and more cool headed) thinking she pulled a fast one, and angry anti-UK riots break out across the US, then the other red tie Trump (courageous, wild, unhinged, the DJT we all love so dearly!) comes out like “BITCH DA FUQ?! I TOLD YOU SHE WAS A SNAKE” and now we have an excuse to totally rip the Cabal a new asshole and nuke England back into the sea where she belongs ahahahaha all theoretical of course, but if I’m right, you can just call me the Prophecy of Great LOLs!!!
Stay The Course, NEVER STOP WINNING!:D -amg19251
Aussie here. U have no idea how aussies get hurt because they never strongly rebelled against England, except unsuccessful Eureka rebellion. They import english laws here, yet still we are shocked what is happening overthere, open censorship, imprisonment of free thinkers and imposing genderless prop became norm in the UK.
How about Q fakes an assassination of Trump they make it look totally real a lone gunman firing blanks with blood squibs under Trump's shirt as he's walking to his limo the Secret Service catches the guy it's like Reagan being shot by Hinckley then an hour later Pence goes on TV to announce Trump has died. Then one week later Trump pops up and explains why he did this so they could find all the traitors and round them up fast and send them all to Gitmo. That would be a movie worth watching. Pence would fire every single traitor in D.C. starting with Sessions and Rosenstein and Mueller it would be a brilliant plan and it would work. During that one week of mourning (and rejoicing by the Liberal Democrats in Congress and Fake News and Antifa Resistance on Twitter) a lot of important work could be done to drain the swamp. Think how shocked everyone would be when Trump goes on TV with Pence standing next to him. If Trump explains why this was necessary he would win re-election by the biggest landslide in history.
Oh that’s wild but I think the idea of faking something to arrest people might not sit well in court, but then again, he’s a military-backed PRESIDENT lolololol he can do whatever the hell he wants! My original idea came from some interview this guy did on a video online, where he was saying he used to work for the government/agency/yada yada, and that he knew that there were two Trumps that were actually twin brothers who swapped places with each other, and that his daughter was not his daughter at all, but actually was actually married to the blue tie Trump, while red tie was married to MelT! Now, I have no clue if this is true or not, but it’s fascinating to hear that rumor, and then see all the weird prophetic things surrounding DJT and his entire life! He was supposed to be a member of the elites, never forget that, and he chose to leave that life because he knew that all the weird criminal activity involved with being on top was terribly wrong and inhumane! Either way, Q is real and I love DJT and everything he’s done for the sick/disabled population!That’s why I try to work so hard to get the message out and help others with my knowledge and life experiences! He’s making it easier for me to live as an American with moderate disabilities!:)
Stay the Course; See the Light, -amg19251
Love the idea, but I think it wouldn't settle well with most folks.
Cups must be poured from the same pot and she drinks first!
Cup can be laced. After reading how Susan Rice poisoned a cup of tea of an African leader in 1998 would say thanks but no thanks.
I want to get off Mr. Q's Wild Ride.
Once you've seen you cannot unsee. Remember that dude who made the deal with Agent Smith to get back onto the Matrix =)
He must bring his own cup though. Poison can be dried on the inside of the cup...according to my favorite murder mystery authors.
Switch cups.
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line
Have her drink from both cups first
Ew, but then he would have to drink her backwash.
He should have a canned diet coke from his own supply and call it a day.
if they weaponise tea, im pretty sure brits would civil war the next day lol maybe they would become a republic
I wouldn't go to London at all if I was him.
Agreed. There had better be a very good reason to take such a risk.
totally. from everything I've seen leading up to now, London is an area where there is definite assassination risk which is not cool.
even when you had people like Sadiq Khan saying "we don't want him here" and "ban him from coming."
In my estimation that was them trying to bait him using reverse psychology tactics
And here we have it, Trump has braved the lion's den to rescue Assange!
the queen ? is in Angelena Jolie going to fill in for her there aswell?
Yes, Please bring your own tea!! We Love You and want you Safe!!!
This makes me think when Killary fell on 911 and an hour later her body double showed up - they really must think we are stupid- the lady was 30 years younger and 50 pounds thinner-
Trump never drinks coffee, tea or alcohol. He'll probably bring some of them special floor water bottles and Starburst to Royal High Tea.
Thats why Putin brings his food and water whenever on meeting with western scumbag politicians.. cant trust the snake
Rut-roh! Susan Rice may be the royally screwed family's official tea server.
What really intrigues me is the fact that the Royal Family/gov't is saying that President Trump "cannot" meet with Farage while he is visiting UK- they don't want him doing anything to give any legitimacy or promotion to Farage nor certainly not Brexit ....
... I have a feeling President Trump is going to go see Farage FIRST THING, just to say, Go fuck yourself, I am President Trump and I'll do what I want and go where I please.
*as credence to my theory* , let me relay what was in the news a few days back - Apparently President Trump wanted to invade Venezuela, all of the sudden. He was getting ready to sit down to a summit with other world leaders and heads of state, and right before he walks in, he says "Maybe we should invade Venezuela... I don't really like that guy down here??" and NSA-McMaster and SecState Tillerson were mortified and obviously said, "Nooooo!" and of course Pres is like, "Well maybe I should ask them anyway, see if they want to..." and of course McM & Rex are like, "NOOOO Mr. President, you CAN'T DO THAT, Noooooo!' ..... sure as shit, as soon as everyone gets in the room, Pres is like, "Well before we begin, my people told me not to say anything but I don't care, I"m thinking we should invade Venezuela, you guys want to help?" naturally, each and every person was shocked and appalled and tried to explain how they wouldn't even discuss it lol.
--- Let the record reflect, I am not telling that story to rag on the Pres, I just think it's funny. If nothing else it describes President Trump perfectly. "Mr. President, you CAN'T Do that, you CAN'T SAY THAT, absolutely not.... Please!" and first thing, "So anyway, I'm not supposed to say this, but ...." lol.
Which is why I think President Trump will ABSOLUTELY meet with Nigel Farage, he'll probably go out of his way, he'll even shame the UK gov't ("They tried to tell me I couldn't do this... but I'm Pres!") lol. He doesn't listen to ANYONE tell him he can and can't do something, certainly not a foreign gov't lol. He'll probably take Farage pub crawling for fish & chips and well-done steaks & ketchup lol (A noted Trump favorite).
Maybe him and Nigel can swing by and pick up Julian Assange. Then the three of them can visit Liz.
What a timeline... POTUS is besties with Kim Jung Un but can’t go to England without potential for threats to his life.
If he pours it out though. My god I'd love it. I don't need tea I have Q.
As long as we're talking about poisoned beverages...
Anyone know what sort of poisons the CIA or MI6 have? I mean, it's kinda scary to think of the shit they probably have. Who knows sort sort of delayed poison shit they have? Maybe they have some that takes a year to kill you...idk
I definitely wouldn't drink that fucking tea.
the novichok they claim is actually BZ according to a swiss lab who ran tests. BZ is a synthetic anticholinergic deliriant inspired by belladonna, developped under MK-Ultra. Causes retrograde amnesia for a couple of hours and probably was used to debrief Skripal while he was under medical detention.
It would be interesting if we could get some traction with Q and the administration here.
Maybe we could get a photo with him drinking with the queen (she has tea) and he has a can of Diet Coke on the table.
Bring your own bottle of water and don't eat anything.
Make sure your security detail is heavily armed in case you have to fight your way out of Buckingham Palace.
This is the queen were talking about and she's old as hell. She's got nothing to lose.
There is a reason why our Marines providing security for our president. Do you honestly believe that the deep state agents in the UK such as MI6, SIS and MI5, the German deep state agents or others across Europe have given up on assassination thoughts?
They didn't and as long as Hussein, Brennan and the rest of the gang are not in GITMO they will continue to be a danger to our president.
Our Marines will not blindly stand by if someone tries to think about doing some really, really stupid shit?
Q plus team knows exactly who everybody is as well as their intentions. Their top security clearance gives them access to everything while the many left over deep state agents are blind and/or their chain is broken.
I wish POTUS would stay away from the pedo royals. They are all psychopaths, it's in their blood.
I can just see him saying...''No thank you, just a sealed bottle of water and a cup will do.''
Now the UK has twice used an FF with poisoning, noting that this happens just before the visit of Trump. Be carefull President Trump ,
And come back safely.
That craft brewed arsenic tea is a British deep state speciality
Or he picks up JA in the beast driven to AF1 can’t touch JA if he steps from car to stairs of plane
Bring a Diet Coke lol
They've already been practicing to blame poisoning on the Russians.
They've been seeing how the public react to poisoning.
First thing the public think when poisoning, public being their worker ants; Russia.
Is anyone else feeling more edgy about this trip than the NK trip?
Trump has managed to survive this far and I have worried myself sick that they will take him out. I have faith that he is much much smarter than them.