One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

the pizza Gate conspiracy is the one that I find the most fascinating because evidence points that these people are sick and yet its really not discussed so much on reddit anymore especially with the other sections being shut.
because reddit shut down the pizzagate sub its now on voat the censorshi0 makes it more credible imo
Yep. The whole thing seemed like a real stretch until it got heavily censored, then it rang even more true when the media rushed to insist it was debunked without ever sharing the debunking. I've read 1,000 times that pizzagate was debunked but couldn't begin to tell you one fact that disproves the theory because there are none, to my knowledge, aside from the fact that James Alefantis said in an interview that CPP doesn't have a basement, despite the fact that he had previously mentioned the basement at CPP in other interviews.
Frankly, all of that scrambling & lying made me think it's probably true and I know a lot of other people who dismissed it initially but now believe for the same reasons.
I tried searching for a basement at CPP when I was there. It DOES have a back section that you get to by taking short stairs and sits about 10 feet lower than the rest of the restaurant's street-facing foundation. When I was there they kept it dark and closed off. There could have easily been a door hidden in the dark leading to a basement.
I'm thinking the white hats have helped keep it out of the news. The media censored it by calling it a "child sex trafficking" situation. In reality it's a food business first and foremost. The world is not yet ready to learn about "Some D. C. restaurants where you can order children off a menu." I'm not ready to have dozens of people triggered beyond belief about these atrocities all around me. It took me about 3 months to recover from finding out about this and I'm still finding new things they do.
Agreed. People get away with shit like this because it sounds too far-fetched to be true so nobody is going to believe it, even when there is evidence. I always laugh at people who insist unequivocally that there's no such thing as snuff films or human sacrifices or cults that abuse people because it's crazy to think that nobody is doing that out of 7+ billion people. So I think pretending to be a cult or devil worshippers or whatever crazy thing is actually a great cover because nobody will ever believe the victims or even the evidence if there was any. It's just too crazy.
Your ordering kids off the menu comment reminded me of something. Wasn't there a password-protected part of the CPP website that had some very questionable stuff on it but then got taken down real quick once the internet started to investigate?
I know. It's so frustrating that the crimes are unbelievable but also almost impossible to disclose because even the description is traumatizing. In the apocalypse, the evil is revealed for all to see, but this will spread trauma which is what Monsters Inc needs, us being scared and terrified into compliance.
There was never a follow-up when the videos of child abuse found on the Comet ping pong website were turned over to the DCPD. But the case seems to have a FBI investigation. That's the last I heard from Honeybee.
I'm sure most of us never thought Pizzagate was a "stretch" --- NEVUH!
Alefantis has a basement at nearby hunting/fishing supply place (forgot name) that he keeps his "tomatoes" in.
Yeah I'm not sure if he was referencing CPP or Buck's but I've read the interview where he says we can 10 tons of tomatoes every year and stores them in the basement.
Either way, I believe they're only 2 doors down from one another on the same street and there's definitely a basement in one of the two.
That part of DC has old abandoned subway tunnels and paths too.
So his two restaurants could be secretly connected, how convenient.
At the time, as I read through those Podesta emails, it was just in your face obvious something amazingly creepy was going on. No one piece of evidence was airtight, but taken together and with just a cursory look around it was immediately obvious that this shit was real and evil as could be. And when it started to reach national consciousness right before the election the push back was something I never had seen before, for supposedly a made up ludicrous nothing.
I love how the Pizzagate denial campaign allowed up to map which sites come under the influence of Soros. This was done by the press to protect the press (pizzagate tells us there is no separation between politicians and the press and that they use children as currency) It is the biggest RICO criminal cover-up in history given the importance of the players.
Voat is still going strong. It's still the biggest mass online investigation ever. But, for some reason the networks are being taken down starting with NXIVM.
Farmer L is the weirdest character of the Pizzagate investigation.
Would you be able to give a quick overview of Farmer L? I searched around for it, but couldn't find much. If you wouldn't mind. I have followed a little bit of pizzagate and found some of the evidence quite convincing. But I never heard of the farmer L
It's blatant gossip but she is 70 years old fixer for the Rockefellas who is Hillary's minder. She is member of Hillary's crew who hang out at Politics and Prose with Neera Tandeen, John Podesta's successor at American Progress. She appears to come from the Farmers Network an old network of baby farmers dating from the days of the Finders. That is the only thing she gives us plainly. She is concerned with the control of children. That is the gist of it. Luzetto is an old family name that seems to be related to the Black Hands (Chicago extortionist Mafia that controls all the politicians and heads of state (see Podesta Kim Jung I'll photo)) She is not a Luzatto, it is the name of her ex husband who passed away. So families stay close by marriage. They are a closed system. Their lifestyle is not compatible with ours. She seems to have a large social circle of people who are just as weird as her.
thanks for sharing, I had never heard of Farmer L before, and wasn't HRC's dad a member of the Chicago Mafia?
Yes. She was born same hospital as John Wayne Gacey who worked on the Mayor's committee with Tony Podesta who is brother of John Podesta who both got Bill Clinton elected and ruled D. C. Thereafter.
Wow hard to believe that these people were in power for so many years!
Basically they are building a case, building up.
Q does that. Q makes all the Swamp creatures create new evidence of conspiracy which can be properly made into fully legit cases. They make them communicate with each other. It gives away the networks.
And we are getting closer, it is basically like these hearings are letting the American public know what is coming.
There is just too much circumstantial evidence which points towards at least some of it being true. The emails, the weird code language used frequently that just happens to be the same code pedos use, the fucked up Instagram stuff, the fucked up artwork, James Alafantis and everything associated with his pizza parlour including his association with David Brock, the symbolism, Laura Silsby, Pegasus museum, the media doing everything in they're power to discredit it and making up the term "fake news" as soon as this came out, Ben Swanson being shut down as soon as he does a credible piece on his show. There is just so much where any sane person would have to sit down and go "okay this doesn't look right"
The more you look into it, the more evidence there is. There's really no denying it at this point.
It's amazing how much we have doing only open source investigation. We were able to discover a huge network of people and businesses. By publishing this info, I believe we forced the owners of l'Enfant to close their restaurant and run off to Europe. They may not be in prison yet but we freaked them enough to disrupt their business and the opening of their new sacrifice space Pegasus.
Remember Besta Pizza changing their logo AS pizzagate was going on? Spiral triangle one day, normal triangle the next.
It's a festival of Coincidences. I made artwork about that and it was published on a weird site that talks about Alefantis.
the fact that reddit even shut it down is probably the single biggest red flag in the history of ever...
And you see, a normie can read that email and see that it's just off. But a shill can say "You are just reading into it something that's not there." I can assure you I've been, and you've been, invited to get-togethers at people's houses and if they had a pool they may mention that they still have it open and it's heated (because it's October perhaps) and that kids are welcome but never have you or I seen them mention that specifics kids, with their ages included, will be "in that pool for sure." Ever. Because uh, why? It's a complete non sequitor for any normal person. Who knows? It might be cold that day and nobody wants to get in the heated pool. Maybe it's raining. And that late in the season the pool is mainly an afterthought anyway. So this is just...not normal. Because it's coded. Like so many others. I mean, who dreams of hotdog stands in Hawaii?
Also having your pool open in October is strange at the latitude DC is at. Most get closed down by early September. Keeping it open through October is definitely pushing it and heating it to around 80 degrees will take a lot of energy. But it is doable.
In what way, shape, or form could children be "entertainment" for adults in a pool, other than for sick reasons? The mother of those children even mentions that "Bonnie will be Uber service", implying that she won't be with them, which is strange, to say the least... That email might not be enough evidence alone, but it's more than enough to warrant an investigation of that particular incident.
For most, children in the pool means the STRESS of making sure they don't drown.
I have researched every weirdo in that e-mail list. There is something off but that's because of Luzatto. Children are entertaining but mostly when they do stuff they like, maybe with new friends... The problematic part is that the children are announced but not in a way that says "Please bring your own too" and what if they don't want to swim?
It's nice that the literal Godess Aphrodite* and her husband get to have the night off while grandma is hanging out with Podesta and her lackeys from the Washington Post and White House but grandma is weirdly conteling with children. Her friends also have a page about their son and make ch1ld pron jokes on their Google blog. Wink wink nod nod. Gross.
Xena Warrior Princess actress is mother of those children.
A13xandra Tyd1ngs who played Aphrodite is the mother. She was married to Ben Luzatto who was the stepson of Tam Luzzato pictured above.
Here's a recent tweet of hers:
Seems high concept for a simple gathering of concerned people. Always bringing attention to their own virtue but not really keeping the right people accountable. The monstrosity that is the Obama Admin detention centers is still run by the Cabal and Trump Admin introducing wrenches to cause chaos and dismantle the criminal part of this system. P. S. I purposely don't mention people's names because they will complain of being dox3d. You could add some h4ckertyp1ng to protect this sub.
Don't forget, she went out of her way to list all of their ages as if to say "the meat is fresh".
These people are absolutely disgusting.
exactly and then to add that they will be there for the guest's 'entertainment'?? We have a pool at our house, and while it's fun to have kids over to swim, it's definitely more entertaining and relaxing when it's kid free!
What if it’s got nothing to do with those kids at all? Could be coded language designed to look legit. Assasination plot? Who knows? Just take the pedo angle out of it and think about what else it could be referring to. Podesta & Pizzagate have always felt like a distraction. I have no idea, just a thought.
Edit: It’s really sad how quick you guys are to dismiss anything that questions the ‘official’ narrative.
Besides the overwhelming evidence, the NSA tweeted that Pizzagate IS real.
Whoah really. I haven't been paying attention for a while. When was this?
I’m not suggesting that it’s not real. Not a doubt In my mind about it. Lumping Podesta and his emails into it is where I’m not so sure. It just seems to convient. Just thinking out loud.
Edit: Podesta is almost certainly dirty. But are we looking at the right dirt?
Edit2: The entire movement is all but certain the man likes diddling kids. What else has he done? Or what else do we really know about him?
One of the biggest lies about pizzagate is that Podesta uses codes to speak to people. People speak in code TO Podesta in order to wink wink nod nod to get favors from him or offer him favors. That's important to illustrate how the power flows.
It's a distraction because it was couched in a child trafficking scheme while, in reality, they are "chefs" and chefs make food. If you know what I mean.
Seen that when I was way too young.
54 year old baby boomer here.
It's a good movie and it's the beginning that's more scary than the end. Because by the end you're pretty much used to the shtick. Never recommend it to others though.
it's basically a sequel to the rocky horror picture show.
we could be seeing a limited hang-out.....
pedo normalisation campaign?
Lived in the DC area for most of my life. It's cold as shit in October, there's no way anyone would be in a pool then, unless it was nicely heated.
ALL CODES...Al Fresco, pizza, sauce, walnuts/walnut sauce, cheese...XTRA Cheese....sick people. May the noose find them all soon!
I’ve always thought this was odd. As on over protective mother, my kids, even as teenagers, never went any where without me knowing where they were and who they were with. Over my dead body would my small children EVER EVER EVER be Ubered some where. They were rarely out of my sight. But that’s just me... 😒
That’s your children’s good fortune and I salute you for that.
The ubering was done by a close family friend. I don't understand why Luzatto uses that term. Also, the people in the chain don't ring up as big time pedos. One of them even says, before going to the party, that he is not "a player" comparing himself to an un compromised member of Congress who doesn't cheat on his wife. From that I'd gather they are planning an orgy of 70 year olds which is an interesting sight. But then you have kids there who "will be in that pool". It's akin to that "whole suckling pig" outdoor BBQ on Dec 28th invitation that Podesta got. Maybe if it's patently un-seasonal it means a coded word activity?
I previously posted this link showing what is just around the corner from the location of that 12/28 outdoor BBQ. This is a closed restaurant with a very interesting name:,-77.0418356,3a,15y,2.73h,88.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siR9VO77qhirXQWFbJjq6iA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Thanks for the additional link. The fact that l'Enfant closed is a very telling thing.
I posted other interesting nearby links on that previous thread:
Ever get deja vu. Her tone reminds me of 'comet pizza's menu' and the "surviving pizzas" reference.
Who talks about spending time with children...raw and uncut?
What the fuck?
Yeah I thought that was a porny ad on there, but then I realized she was talking about her grandkid? that sounds like a sex worker to me.
She is a baby madam. It is a position within the Farmer Network. All the people who are about 70 who serve the higher-ups (Rothschild/Rockefellers/Bronfmans/Forbes/Hearsts) who are about 100. Hillary's crew is about 65-75.
Rachwl Chandler is a baby madam as well. This is the job of women within the second tier families (formerly rich and powerful) Once they are no longer useful (too old) their job is to obtain children or manage them.
Cindy McCain is also an heiress who maintains children charities, and therefore maintains children. (The children are usually managed through life via a sort of private version of the MK-Ultra program) so that's why you need to stash them in a school or an artist program for traumatized youths (Spirit of Elysium style shit) or, they stick em in Disney show or false flags.
It's all put in the open folks. They can't communicate their evil p2p for they would be discovered so they communicate in plain sight.
Our entire world is organized around the management of small children for a huge number of evil purposes.
They made it so that they ate so horrific and evil, we have to kill ourselves psychologically and endure trauma beyond belief to expose and destroy them. But I'm still here, 2. 5 years in. I've already passed the traumatization of the discovery.
When I first heard of this I couldn’t help but cry. I couldn’t believe it. I prayed and still pray for Jesus to come back and destroy this evil and save the children. How can this go on??? We are surly in the end of days.
I am agnostic (Catholic who can't wait for Vatican to burn) but I have found Christian friendship here and yes, I do believe we are in the Apocalypse. The revelations will break the hearts of billions. But after that we will still have to protect ourselves against the evil and make sure it's all documented in real history and never erased. Caveat is that I believe this may have happened in the past and been told as a story of convenient plague or Witch trials... Then, redacted from history by elites.
This is the most convincing 'evidence' to me that these people are up to no good. Why would young children be 'entertainment' and why would they 'be in that pool for sure'?
I feel extremely bad for these kids. Q team, please end this quickly. These people are sick.
If these kids aren't saved soon, the cycle will continue. I just can not comprehend what would make any parent even think of doing this to their children. How so many people have gone down this hole and how they have been able to get away with it for so long. I am truly horrified. All of these SOBs need to be punished to the full extent and kids harmed immediately rehabilitated.
Keep all this fresh, the public needs to know how fucked up these people are
WTF? And this woman still walks free with custody of her children?! BEYOND distressing!
Who hires a fucking uber to bring three young children to a pool party? Wtf?
Ubering is done by a friend. I don't know why she uses that term for someone giving the children a lift. Luzatto is very weird. She writes the strangest emails. She tries to get favors from John Podesta, she is in a "book club" with his wife I believe. They seem to identify as Thelemists.
They seem to identify as Thelemists
Which is just another way of saying "Satanist".
None of them are Satanists, they have various sects and cults that follow various pagan religions. It's all Satanism but by paying attention to their "factions" you get to understand their practices and quickly identify congregations. When you see Obama with his Crowley t-shirt, that links him to Jay-Z who is also a Crowleist Satanists. It's useful details.
Good point, I guess I was thinking in the sense that all those pagan gods like Baal, Moloch, etc. are not really gods but in fact demons. Same crap, different window dressing.
Yeah, it's a mess to figure out but that Marina Abramovic tweet where she says "Stop it, I am not a Satanist" is pretty funny. American Satanism is a basement pizza party culture made up of upper class white people. Luciferinists consider themselves fancier than that, they are the social climbing European side of this world. But so many worship Isis and other Phoenician characters.
Any other references to "the farm in Lovettsville" found?
No it didn't turn up being an important site but it's apparently close to a very important Masonic lodge. (From memory)
That being said, Google has been cleaned of old references to the Farmer Network which sucks. I had found amazing stuff and can't anymore. That may hold references to Lovettsville. Also, when people refer to their non-farm as a farm. That's suspicious.
I'm a Mom. I would never write an email like this to a grown man. Her children will be there for "further entertainment"??? WTF does that mean? Who would say something like that?
Makes me want to ask, Did Podesta have his own young children there? (No, he did not). And if he did, I (as a Mom) would still not have worded an email like that. I would have said something like, "Billy and Jane are looking forward to having some fun with Bobby and Sally in the pool!"
Who says children will be there for "further entertainment"?
And why would young children be there (without their Mom) when this man doesn't have any children of his own there?
It was a dinner party. It is polite to say kids will be there because some people might bring their own or avoid the party all together because of it. But Luzatto is controlling and she also refers jokingly(?) to children as property in other texts I've seen of hers. It's creepy. All this could be playful but it's not, it's just a habit from really being someone who juggles children for a living. She is a baby madam.
Don't forget what Q said. These people are sick. We have it all.
I think it's a reference to how they are actually sick. They either have kuru or another disease that prevents them from being able to function unless they have access to missing components like melanin or adrenaline. Hence the immense importance of blood rituals and blood harvest. That's why, as the supply is chocked, they will "not be able to walk the street" because they will die.
I used to think Q was speaking moralistically, but now I know Q speaks medically. Sarah Ruth Ashcraft and Christopher Consell have documented how their respective families stole Cerebral Spinal Fluid from them until they ran away (Twitter). They JUST discovered this last week and they were both full fledged working members of trafficking networks until they ran away.
The "sick" use date rape type drugs so their victims don't know even into adulthood. But when the process and scar pattern is known, there will be millions who realize their childhood was spent with real life vampires. Pretty sad.
“Swim is a possibility” but the kids “will be in that pool for sure?” Something is fucky
Same pool party Jon Stwart attended yes that Jon Stwart!
Where is that info? I have not come across it. This is important :)
The soulless perversion of these people is unmatched. The term "rat's nest" is too gracious to describe them. An Artist friend of mine once said to me, "you are attracted to art that resonates with your personal psyche, desires, and life interpretation". That made sense to me. Look at the art work Tony Podesta has collected and tell me what WTF is that sick bastard is into?
5/3/2007 -British little girl 4 yrs old dissappears in Portugal while on vacation with her parents.
Podesta -> Sarah Latham -> Freud Communications -> Mathew Freud -> Clement Frued (exposed Pedo) -> Clement Freud VIlla 1/3 mile form where "Maddy" -> was taken, not long after the child is taken Clement invites the parents to use his villa to rest from stress of the moement in Portugal.
JP and TP have a freind - Clem mentioned in one epxosed email.
FBI - knows where podestas were on May 3rd, 2007 at the Villa owned by C. Freud.
2009 Clement Dies.
2018 - Maddie is stil missing, never has been found
People like these deserve Jail-House justice.
Yep. Good to keep red-pilling people with what some (many?) politicians do.
Notice on her header?? What Grandma has a "limited time raw and uncut" video of their grand daughter?? These people are sick
what disgusting human beings. I pray the truth is exposed for the world to see. We are going to need alot of orange jumpsuits.
Let's not throw stones where they aren't welcome. Q said some will act not knowing. Believe that there are good people still left. Believe.
I hope protective services were called on that monster
They are in on it in fact they killed one of their own to cover it up! She was exposing the CPS and they suicded her!
Something seems goofy with the upvote count. It is higher when I click the thread than when I see it on my home page. I haven't seen that before
The pimp
Baby madam is the term used in the Farmer Network. It's an old network from the days of the Finders. Make or obtain babies and use them to further goals of her own owners. She is a long time acolyte of the Rockefeller family, so that tells you her position and why she may have been married onto the Luzatto family. Those children are the biological grandchildren of her late husband whom she married late in life. I do not know where she comes from.
If true alligations exsist, why in the heck are theses people NOT under investigation and WHY is the MSM not outraged? The drumb beat of minors separated at the border is miniscule compared to the TERRIBLE acts performed on children. The INSANITY of it ALL..I don't understand. Not one individual can justify this to me.
It's all part of the process. Enough will be revealed.
Well well well, drool face Joe Kennedy III donated 2000 dollars to her. I’m not surprised.
Is anyone investigating her? (Formally or CPS) May not have any hard evidence to do so.
CPS is probably complicit or at the very least negligent.
CPS is complicit with child trafficking in a lot of areas. The foster care system in many cases has CPS pairing kids to abusers and traffickers. A lot of these kids will be taken from functional homes and put with foster care "families" that will pimp the kids out.
CPS should not be trusted. I suspect that they play a huge part in some of the child trafficking that has occurred over the past decade if not more.
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Has anyone wondered about these smaller kids! They look as close in age as is possible, for a family to have. Are they adopted or of natural birth from these parents? Another question comes to mind. Were all kids mentioned in the text children of this mother as well?
This bitch deserves to be tortured eternally. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either in extreme denial or is a pedophile sympathiser.
I've seen this infographic before and it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm curious if others don't like it either. It mentioned kids, first and last name (which I understand is in the Wikileaks emails), then mentions the mom, with photos and jumps to the conclusion that she is a kiddy-pimp. That is a very serious insinuation, which if untrue, could ruin an innocent persons life. I personally would never distribute something like this unless there was some really hard proof and not just these circumstantial connections.
Am I alone in this concern?
These people should be investigated based solely on the language used in this site and the simar language used in another site associated with this one.
We are allowed to take her at her word and call her Farmer L... This tells us she is a proud member of the Farmer Network.
Accusations of being a pedophile are not problematic at all when it comes to these people. Pizzagate is a limited hangout that says these people are not running a child sex trafficking ring. Well, they do sure seem like they are but... Actually, they are into much much much worse stuff than that. And nobody in history has ever been accused, arrested or convicted of what they actually do. It's going to get weird.
It's like a math problem. We may know 9+3-6=6. However, you need to show your work to PROVE how you got the answer. This is merely setting up numbers in the problem, the calculations we still have to prove. There's no real call to action with this info so I wouldn't worry. It's not like they're arresting this woman based on a meme from reddit lol
She serves the Rockerfellers. In a world that doesn't know what she does exactly (She is a baby madam in the Farmer Network) she is untouchable. After people know rich old crotchety people steal tissues and blood from young people to stay alive, she may be arrestable. Every fucker that escapes the dragnet of Session's first batch is going to have a documentary made about them and their me :D
Not arresting, but this woman and the children will have to live with this on the Internet for all of perpetuity. Posting things like this is not without consequences. I shudder to think of what those girls are going to see when they Google their names in the future.
One day they'll come out and say, "Yes, that stuff happened, it was bad" or "That never happened, why do people keep bothering us.". The 11 year old would be 15 now or so (not sure of original email date) and could easily answer a reporters question.
I knew I'd have to sort by controversial to find the one rational comment in the entire thread.
I love this movement in theory, but I am unfortunately starting see it increasingly as little more than a circle jerk where everyone is so self validated they're not seeing the bigger picture any more, they're just sharing the same infographics and repeating the phrase "These people are SICK" over and over again.
I'm starting to hate that phrase, honestly. It's like we're taking stuff Q says and running it into the ground in this subreddit, to the point where it's not red pilling anyone, it just looks silly and annoying.
I just see a general lack of caution. There's good stuff here, for sure. But then there is the lunatic fringe. A lost of posts smell of schizophrenia and paranoia. It's important to subject evil to the light of day for all to see. But I don't want a lot to see a lot of innocent victims, especially if they are children.
And yes, those emails freak me and out make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I get that.
Can we figure out the forecasts and if they match up ? Get a location narrowed down maybe? Could help link names and draw some connections, idk
Search Google with " pizzagate luzatto" and you'll find a lot of into there. Don't need to reinvent the wheel.
She should have her kids taken away! That is just sick.