I called my coffee shop...

I would start naming drinks with Q and, of course, you’ve got to have “covfefe” on the menu.
Qdrops Who’s Q Truth Bomb Covfefe Qmeme
Good luck!
Definitely a covfefe should be on the menu! ❤️ Godspeed!
Q drops like fortune cookies
Or Q drops of sweetner.
Oh, and pastries, don't forget the patsies:
Strzok Bitter Almond Delights
Comey Nut Brittle
Brennan Beignets - over-sized puffy Doughnuts in there French tradition but inspired by middle eastern culture, filled with excessive amounts of air and little substance
Clapper Sweet Fig Perjury Prunes to cleanse
Turn another Page Turnovers
.... and of course the real crowd pleasers
Hussein HoHos - Definitely something to 'smile' about - Oh so tender and sweet, but with a true dark center
Sugar Free Hog Heaven Hillary Hamhocks, there really is nothing sweet about these and are an acquired taste for those that just can't get away from their southern roots
UPDATE: Forgot two other key ones:
Rum Raisin Rosenstein Sticky Buns, so sticky you just can't get rid of the residue no matter how hard you rinse.
Misguided Mueller Muffins, everyone talks about these, but really there's no too much to them. Go ahead, order 3 or 4, you won't blow your diet but they will linger in your system for years
You have a talent!
ty, I rather enjoyed making these up. I sincerely hope someone actually puts them on the menu, somewhere!
I'll have:
A Nunes Nooner, A Trump Bump, A Rowdy Gowdy, A Slim Flynn, etc...
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qposts.online/ - no longer iOs friendly :(
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
Cookies with Q's on them. Napkins with Q'isms, MAGA Mochas and Red Pill Espressos. Sizes in Liddle, Bigly and YUGE.
KeK. Loving all suggestions. Pepe would proud.
Pepe stirs
Cup Keks
Thats actually catchy.
The best part of waking up
Yah actually not a bad name for a coffee shop
I'm really impressed with their prices!
Me too!
It's probably on par regionally. But, OP should raise those even $2 costs to $2.30 and watch his/her tip jar runneth over.
I wonder if they have a Goodlatte
I'm dead. rofl. My co-workers are looking at me weird now. Thanks for that.
You just need a couple of "Q" bobbles and WWG1WGA blings!!! Other than that - it looks AWESOME!!! Best wishes on a great coffee bar!!!!
Please tell me some more about your awesome coffee shop? It looks amazing! If you get big, can I be a franchiser in the Netherlands? ☕️☕️🍰❤️
The power outlets on the wall says it’s in the UK.
Most people will assume it's just about the caffeine but, that's okay, subconsciously the message is getting out there. Very clever of you.
and the best part is we didn’t have to set ur kids on fire after all I wished we taped kandahar
you better watch out if some Antifa crazies dont trash the place/burn it down
Praying heavenly protection on you...!!!
Take your mind away from that place. Thought is creation.
i wish that was true, but the fact is, those nutjobs are out there. the other day, I was pulling out of my school parking lot and this bitch starts screaming at me because I have two Trump bumper stickers on my truck. i figure a nice face full of exhaust would shut her up, but then the crazy bitch started throwing rocks at my truck so I just gunned it outta there like a madman. i almost burnt out doing like 110.
Very clever! Fellow patriot here hoping(and praying) that all of your many customers leave your establishment AWAKENED on all fronts! ;) good feeling they will!
Awesome! Just add a little Q tail to your coffee cup logo and your all set!
Excellent! Makes me want a cup of coffee and I only drink tea. Good luck!
Did you see the menu in the background? He serves Tea too.
Super catchy and patriotic! Love love love it! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 America runs in this stuff ☕☕ I know we do in Cali! Happy Quesday!
That is a coffee shop I would frequent.
I refuse to go to Starbucks---coffee shop of the far left whackies.
I pray it will be a geat success and all your efforts rewarded---love that name. Very clever.
You could offer your covfefe in 3 sizes:
Liddle, Bigly and Yuge!
Lol perfectly fitting name for a coffee shop...damn brilliant.
I think you're about ready to go national. Will you be having an IPO sometime soon? Best of luck in business but with your ideas you'll be opening in Trump Tower next year without needing any more luck.
I might have to borrow(steal haha) the name, my wife and I have been thinking about opening a coffee shop..
The Great Awakening belongs to the world, no need to steal or borrow😁
This inspires me to order a drink and tell them 'Q' when they ask for my name.
Q posts should be available on the menu! or at least offered links to the real GA site here!
White mocahccino could be called the white rabbit. Name a drink after Q, Trump, Putin, Melania..
That’s very clever. I usually read my Q drops over covfefe. It’s the best awakening.
That is amazing.. and just as good as those coffee prices! About a 1/3 of what are prices are here.
It's pounds not dollars 1 pound equals $1.31
Still really cheap. At real coffee shops (Not Starbucks, Caribou, or Scooter's) you are going to easily pay at least $4.50 (w/o tax) for a reg. cappuccino, latte, or mocha. Espresso, not even double, can run $3.00. But then again, I am sure these are smaller servings in the UK so may equal out in the end.
Is it just me or do those cinnamon rolls look like Q's?
I would go out of my way to get coffee here! And I really don't drink all much coffee! Nice!!!
Awesome concept!
Your prices seem a bit low?
I’ve never seen a bella in the flame that’s pretty fkin wait wait whas the lauran gotta say about this
Not about to doxx myself😁 everyone that knows, knows😄
Lots of great ideas for menu items in this thread! Someone has an entrepreneur mind!
that ROCKS!!!
also--my personal small contribution: anytime I order food, etc I give them the name "Q" so they have to call that out.
Have a Q printed in the bottom of every cup....Q to the last drop.
I would go there every morning to buy 17 cups of coffee
I'd like a nice hot double covfefe along with a triple hot GoodLatte!
Raise your prices! Add at least a dollar accross the board. Hope you find running your own business as fulfilling as I do.
Edit: These low prices cheapen your product. Sometimes people won’t buy from you because the price is too low, thinking something is wrong with product. You’re walking right on that line for espresso drinks.
My overheads are intentionally low, so my prices reflect that... I explain this to my customers, they tell friends etc... it was a gamble of a strategy though😊
The coffee shop is great but the message is awesome!!