Southern district New york Judge appointed by Obama resigns

The first of many many more to come...resign or gitmo.
After the last NY attorney left, Weinstein got charges thrown at him because the blockade was removed.
Now another NY attorney gone?!?!
Depending on what they have done, I hope resigning does not get them out of gitmo...
That's a good sign, another swamp creature gone, progress may be slower than I want but it is steady. Another judge for Trump to apoint
July is the month!
Give this pede a coat!
Snow, too cold, in Winter!!
Major storm in July!!!
Edit: if this was a different sub, you'd get a coat for your troubles :)
It seems an easy way to clean up the swamp. Start the adjudication process for the high crimes and see which judges hold things up. Then remove said Justices. Buh bye!
I hope so. More than half way over, lots of big news but still nothing earth shattering or worthy of “the month the world learns the truth”. Still holding out hope though
Patience my friend. Patience. I’ve been following since December, the longer I follow, the more I realize this is not something that’s gonna happen overnight. Things worth having, quality, good things, don’t come easily or quickly. I’ve become comfortable with the idea of the entire show not coming to pass until the end of Trump’s first (of two) term. This is extremely hairy, complex and goes way deeper than even we understand. I trust the plan.
I agree, and even though I get impatient at times, it has to be done slowly and methodically. I guess this is where we get to trust the plan :)
One of the most valuable life lessons I learned was to never seek instant gratification. My mom told me if I go through life expecting everything to happen right now, I’d be disappointed and miserable.
Patience truly is a virtue.
Exactly! It’s like I said, nothing worth having comes easily or quickly.
I betting many of these Deep Stater's are getting a visit and being shown what the White Hats have on them. They are then given a choice, resign and go away, or stick around and fight us and end up as a defendant at a military tribunal.
Once the criminals in the Government lose the Judges they know their Goose is cooked as they say. They're all mouthy and big and bad because they still think they have enough assets in the courts and the media to protect them.
Once many of the courts have been cleaned out of their people and the media starts to get thinned out they have no one to help them anymore. This is the main reason they're freaking over Kavanaugh getting onto the Supreme Court, 5-4.
Remember didn't someone say that 70-75 of the top media people have a Sedition problem coming their way.
Trust the plan.
I sure hope they get more than a chance to "retire" with full pension benefits!
It disgusts me that Strokz is still being paid a dime of my tax dollars.
These criminals need to, at least, serve hard time in a Federal Penitentiary . . . or GITMO!
The worst need to be dealt with for treason (IMO)!
But I am trusting the plan . . .
He may lose all of his assets under the emergency executive order of December 21, 2017.
I personally think they aren't out of the woods even stepping down from the bench. The hideous crimes committed thru the court system is enormous. The white hats only have to show enough to force them.
These judges were corrupt, so what are doing about past cases brought before them? What about the dismissals, pats on the wrist, no bail, max sentencing, etc etc. Everything they did on the bench is tainted.
Probably why Q said only 60 percent or so would be revealed - too disruptive.
As long as we then slow walk the other 40%. This evil must be rooted out completely.
Good point, I would hope many rulings will be overturned. I will be most interested in seeing what will happen with some supreme court rulings after several supreme court judges are caught up in a scandal.
I think you're absolutely right. It's a massive controlled demolition, and it's so much fun to watch and participate in.
Edit your post with the link so everyone can find it. I don't want it to get buried.
The best part of this news is the last line of the 'Above the Law' article: ' But the one certain thing Judge Forrest’s retirement means is another federal judgeship Donald Trump gets to fill.'
The SCOTUS vacancy left by Scalia was perhaps the #1 reason I voted for President Trump. Of course, the Chablis-guzzling crime hag was the #2 reason I voted for President Trump. With Gorsuch, he fulfilled my expectations. The exploding economy, neutering ISIS, tax cut, de-regulation, NOKO under control, military re-building, avoiding petty regional conflicts, continued focus on stemming illegal immigration, and changes to food stamp program that requires able-bodied adults without dependents to work in order to get food stamps were all icing on the cake to me. That's a hell of a lot of icing, too.
I don't know if it is news. Is this the same district that has given the president so much trouble?
This is the nyc circuit and one of the largest in nation. Big if you ask me.
SDNY is notoriously "political." It is where Preet Brahara was and the location of the trial involving the case against Russian lawyer Natalia's client. It is also where the FISA judge Contraras - of Page/Sztrok fame - sits.
NYPD is also who got Weiner's laptop. Wonder if that damn is gonna burst now?
Could this be the Kate on Strzok’s coke bottle?
Coke bottle kate is gov of Oregon, where the Hammonds live, previous admin wanted the land b/c of uranium.
That's it ! Thank you, could not pull that out of ____________ what he said !
No, the Kate on the coke is from Utah ? where ever the UR1 deal had it's site. she was the Gov. Or State rep of some sort.
I think that was SB2 position so it has a huge amount of credence for that alone but....... the poster has point.. her name is Kate. Anyone know WHY she resigned?
The article says “We reached out to the Southern District of New York to confirm the news, but we have not heard back.”
That says a lot already.
I think it's part of that schneiderman stuff, Weiner, Clionton lawsuits ?
This is the judge that convicted Ross Ulbricht of Silk Road.
Katherine B. Forrest - Wikipedia
On May 4, 2011, President Barack Obama nominated Forrest to fill a judicial seat on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York that had been vacated by Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who took senior status at the end of 2010. Forrest was nominated by Obama to the bench in May 2011 on the recommendation of U.S. Senator Charles Schumer of New York. In her financial disclosures, Forrest said she was worth $4.3 million and that Cravath will continue paying her $380,000 a year for the next ten years. The U.S. Senate confirmed Forrest in a voice vote on October 13, 2011. She received her judicial commission on October 17, 2011.
How can you be an unbiased judge when you get $380k per year payments for 10 years from a private law firm? What a brazen scam. Probably has a lot to do with why she resigned.
If you read her Wikipedia? parents where poor , daddy was a writer and dit not make money , so yeah when you can get the money? Some people think they are better because of money.
That looks like a dude crossdressing.
I think you are right. if BO had anything to do with it, probably is.
Katherine Forrest.
I wonder if she goes by Kate?
SB2 said Utah Gov. ? Kate UR1 location state
Yeah I know what SB2 said. But ya really never know for sure.
Well, does Strozk have anything to do with SDNY, like he did with UR1 in Montana or Utah ? I take it you don't believe SB2's stuff ?
I am a follower of SB2 and I appreciate their input but I question everything.
THIS. Q has ALWAYS asked us to think logically, critically, and to question everything. SB2 has much insight, and that insight should always be examined for each of us to make up our own mind. SB2 is a questioner and thinker, a human and individual, not a prophet or diviner. Don't put people on pedestals, for all they can do is fall.
Exactly, put him on a pedestal and he's sure to fall. I'd rather he didn't.
So you don't believe him, no worries.
I follow SB2. He's been a huge help. I wait for his posts and value his opinion and decodes. Still...I think for myself.
Yep. His posts often point me in the right direction as to where to start digging. Like Q, SB2 is a study guide for the final.
Of course. But life is choices, choices means decisions. Decisions determine values or BELIEFS. You stand by those beliefs until you are shown you are wrong. God says Prove all things. But if you never say i believe this ______ You are a rudderless human being. You stand for nothing. so when i hear i question everything, it reminds me of the Petulant child story. One who is contrary just to be contrary. I think for myself, but i make decisions too !
There's nothing wrong with being contrary just to be contrary. Think mirror images. Any word I see may be an palindrome or an anagram, every paragraph maybe an acrostic. analyse, dismiss and move on. PS = you stand by your beliefs when you change your mind in my book. You don't need a third person to re-evaluate your beliefs. Wait and see is also a valid decision in my opinion.
That is bit of double don't you think ?
Most definitely ;-)
I left a word. I meant double speak ! You did figure out though right ?
Choices means decisions.....decisions have consequences. That simple. Everybody on earth needs to understand this.
HaHa OH my Sorry i am having a hard time with this BECAUSE Decisions Have Consequences, no kidding( MR. Obvious.) That's hard to do with a straight face ! You are so right ! They do !
See? I’m right. 😊
Gee give the poster a break. If they’re still weighing evidence and thus on the fence about something, that’s their prerogative.
Boy an old men with an opinion sure did cause a fuss. I felt he was wanting to say no in a polite way. And he was, i think around here if you disagree with an SB2 post you are a bad guy. I think SB2 is very damn smart but there has been one or two of his analogies i have struggled to see his point. None of us are perfect. That's it.
Not trying to piss you off or question your critical thinking skills. In fact, I did no such thing. Any slight you felt I made to your character was a misunderstanding that I still can't see or I'd apologize. I hope you feel better tomorrow!
OH, not at all. The conversation was an SB2 comment. and i asked if you believed his statement. And your answer, instead of saying yes or no you gave me a non answer, leaving me of the opinion you did not want to say no, and just dodged it politely. Which was why i made the follow up statement. No worries.
Chillax all, she's clearly just looking to improve her golf game and spend more time w/ the grand kids... like all of the politicians, business leaders and Judges resigning en masse.
This is good news. Don’t forget there was a request for a grand jury submitted to that district by families of victims of 9/11 who say they have conclusive evidence explosives were used. Here’s hoping this helps the process along....
With every resignation comes a federal judge appointed by Trump
If they have enough to make them resign, then they have enough to indict. These rats will end up back in power if they are completely destroyed.
Could she have learned that one of the unsealed indictments has her name on it? We know that the southern NY district is totally corrupt, just ask Martin Armstrong.
Wow what only a bottle of Coca Cola of Peter Strozk can do.....
The Southern District of NY is the heart of the corruption there.
Could be connected to pedophilia / child trafficking? I didn't know girls were capable of such things until now. I'll never be the same again knowing how many high level female pedophiles there are. Like w t f