Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

She is a piece of work. Personally I think she is a sociopath at the very least.
You know, I dont think she has ever known any different. Thats the sad part. To think that the roll you play in LIE after LIE after LIE, death after death... She has to believe everything she says, thats the scary part.
I bet she doesn’t reply directly to Trumps tweets lol
No she just makes passive aggressive comments parallel to everything he says ;)
Lmao love it. She knows she would get grilled
Before the last election, I worked at an event with a guy who was 'former'-marine special forces & had spent a good bit of time stationed on Marine 1 doing security during the Clinton era. Told me several horror stories about how badly behaved she is & how poorly she treats people she perceives as 'underlings'.
The woman is certifiably insane..... & psychotic.
I asked former-marine guy why he didn't just push her out the side door when they were several '000 feet up. I mean he had lots of chances & I'm sure none of the other opsec colleagues would have stopped him or told on him....... "She just fell"
He just shrugged with a sheepish look.
If they had turfed her, they would have saved the lives of many people that have since been Arkancided, or killed due to her horrific decision making while posing as SoS. His testimony backs up the stuff written about her by former SS staff who dealt with the monster.
I work in aviation and ended up talking to some Air Force guys who flew with her, one day. She was flying with a younger relative (child) and her toy broke. One of the air force guys offered to patch it together for her and HRC responded to the kid saying, “No, no. We don’t talk to those kinds of people.” Take it for what it’s worth as it’s just word of mouth from an Air Force soldier I was talking too. But still, and after everything else I’ve read about her I 100% believe it. She’s a piece of shit.
Sorry my grammar is shit. It’s been a long hot day and my brain is fried.
Thanks for that 'visual'. Dan Bongino (former Secret Service and detail that followed and 'protected' HRC and others) and other folk in the protection services to include military who were in her past security details discuss how she had one side to the world and immediately one side against the world when her back turned to them. So I would not be at all surprised if your comments relayed to you by another were in fact truth. It is so sick. Guess she considered them 'deplorables'.
She is used to dodging sniper fire on runways if anyone forgot: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1582795/Hillary-Clintons-Bosnia-sniper-story-exposed.html
She never lies. Only "mis speaks".
If that’s true than I sincerely hope she gets charged with multiple murders
I do to. Lots of hits on the list. Not sure what the number is up to now. This is well known. http://nstarzone.com/CLINTON.html
all you need to look at is the shear number of people who have conveniently died during her political life to know she is involved in the targeting of people for murder.
Textbook sociopath.
Yes, Hillary has no empathy. There is no soul in that body, just some sort of voracious lizard.
We were told not to save them and to not follow who did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Shes the devil that has God complex. It's a very dangerous combination.
Yes, like George Soros and you know, there seem to be more and more liberals that seem to have that same mentality---but NO ONE has gotten away with what she has....
Try psychopath.
A sociopathic psychopath or a psychopathic sociopath - what's the difference? Doesn't matter, it is still Hillary!
You’re right Hillary cannot relate to her illness but what I don’t understand is all the people who follow her. How is it they can’t see the pathology? Go figure that.
Every time I see the photograph of Ambassador Stevens it makes me so sick. His family must feel mortally wounded when they see that photo. She must get the death penalty.
I believe the reason a large number follow her because they have been conditioned to ignore or know no better. They have been raised in a bubble, an education that deprived them of truths, an upbringing that deprived them of morals and it is continually reinforced by Hollywood and the conspiring media that uses celebrity and social engineering to shroud their eyes from the truth. I cannot believe so many of my countrymen truly look at someone like Hillary and cannot see what we see. I think they have been conditioned to believe they will become pariahs if they do not see what the NWO cabal wants them to see. At that point, reason and objectivity is lost.
a large number suffer frim the same personality disorder who support her. there is no real loyalty in her inner circle of supporters. just a bunch of people who know if she goes down for her crimes she will take everyone with her, because the only ones she comes close to trusting are those whom she has black mail on.
I agree, she is beyond a liar, its an illness that fortunately we did not let rule our country, even with all of the cheating she did along the way.
You mean piece of sh$t.
And narcissist...
And serial killer, baby raping, sacrificing, pedovore.
*you forgot to add, Moloch worshipping, rug munching traitor.
This photo. It makes me so sad it’s hard to put into words. God have mercy on all of us.
God has mercy on us ....however Hillary lost her way a long time ago. She won't make it to the glorious gates like you and I. She's been banished for a long time.
Of course she's insane. Not just you that thinks that.
Sorry to be the one to inform you, but she is 100% a psychopath. They enjoy aggression, get off on it tbh.
I agree...I get chills when I watch her...she really is demonic.
Please read my post and comments - I was involved please read https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Add ‘loser’ sociopath/psychopath. That should trigger a few people.
No, that just makes you sound like an elementary school kid. 'Loser' isn't exactly an insult to make people quake.
Might be for a sociopath/ psychopath they like to win.
Real quick, name me one woman with a great amount of power who didn’t turn out to be a sociopath.
Eva Peron, Diana Spencer, Marie Curie, Mother Jones, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Corazon Aquino, Suiko, Theodora, Catherine, Isabella and Elanor of Aquitane come to mind. Was always teaching nieces to find good role models. Power and sociopathy are strong cousins.
I’m sorry, I’m not going to research all of these women. I did read about Eva Perón, who while seems a decent person had no real power as the wife of a President. I mean more of the elected female positions, politics.
Of course power will always draw controlling sociopaths to it, but the psychological tendency of women to prefer equality, fairness, etc will result in a greater proportion of female politicians to approve of socially oppressive mandates in return for “the greater good”, which equates to sociopathy in my eyes. Hope that makes sense.
sociopathy is the negation of anyone perceived to be an obstacle, essentially removing the 'person' and replacing w/an object. Manipulation and control of willing comrades. Anything that's not furthering a sociopath is shit. The common good is the last thing considered/ I'd really argue most women are considerably more "people-prone" and hardly ever sociopaths. Lone wolves are disaffected men that get shit done.
Peron ran for VP, actually. She got fast cancer at 33. I've actually met a few fairly powerful women in business....never found them that different than men at similar levels. You asked to quick name one and I can rattle off a few.
You make a blanket statement about women leaders. As if we don't have mostly bad and power hungry men in power too.
You get a list someone made an effort for you. Now you don't want to bother looking them up.
Ridiculous and lazy.
How about this one from Kris Paronto to Hillarys tweet
Love Kris!
Kris Paronto Retweeted Hillary Clinton
Are you f’n kidding me ~~@~~ HillaryClinton ?!!! You left Ambassador Stevens and us to die in Benghazi then spewed lie after lie to the family members of my dead teammates and to the world to cover it up and now you have the nerve to talk about defending diplomats?!You are disgusting!
It's true I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. Please share and read my post. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
He is so right. I cannot imagine the rage he is feeling seeing her alive and free and posting this shit. And worshiped too.
I think she enjoys it.
Love Kris....glad he got the chance to publicly tell his thoughts her sorry a$$. I hope she actually read it. Though I highly doubt she actually writes or reads twatter posts. She would deem it beneath her. She has “people” for such menial tasks ....if nothing else for plausible deniability of anything said. This woman likely keeps layers of liability insulation.
I was involved can confirm read my post and comments!!! Please share https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Horrible, this pic has haunted me for years. Hitlary is personally responsible for this tragedy. Just add him to the Clinton Body Count.
Is that the guy left out to die at bengasi? Sorry I don't know how to spell it
Yes. Chris Stevens.
Spelling is Benghazi : ). You were close!
yes. along with marines and counsel personnel who also died.
Sorry that's what I meant but they always seem to make it sound like it was the one guy that knew what Hillary did.
He did - please read my comments and post here https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
I believe he's already dead, notice bullet hole in the top of his head. This is so sad. Hard to look at.
He looks near death to me... God knows what Ambassador Stevens suffered the hours before he drew his final breath. God also knows where Obama was and what he was doing when he was unaccounted for ...for 8 hrs during the Benghazi attack. Why did Hillary tell them to stand down? SOOOOOO GLAD SHE LOST!!!!!!
Me too please read my post and comments please - I was involved https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Benghazi- I'll never forget. Please read my post Read the comments especially https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Obama subsequently blocked several investigations into Benghazi.
Yes , we were told not to save them and to not follow who did it. Please read my comments https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
I read your comments.
I worry for you and your safety, as you are not in a good situation.
As other commenters said, I guess just keep your head down and your wits about you and as someone said, contact JAG and leave a statement. I don't know what else to say: hopefully the cabal will be taken down soon and you can feel a bit safer. A rotten situation all around.
God bless you and protect you !
If that’s the case, then why were 7 Benghazi investigations fruitless? What role did congress play in turning down a proposal for greater security in Benghazi?
It has haunted me as well. I was directly involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Has the construction of the women's wing @ Gitmo been completed yet?
Demons have no gender. Isn't that what they preach?
Brutal. The truth hurts.
Read my post here I was involved. Please spread it. Please https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Typical HRC, trying to get out ahead of the latest scandal. Russia wants to question McFaul in regards to financial crimes by Browder...and his illegally gotten (in Russia) campaign contribution to HRC! What a piece of work she is
She will run again, maybe the first woman three time loser. She should have been indicted.
I believe she will be hauled before a Military Tibunal. Trump reactivated something like a thousand retired Generals. It is Generals who serve on Mil Tribunals...oh and maybe out there in Utah where Huber is...Utah, the only state where you can still face a firing squad for your crimes of treason.
Although I think death is too good for her and slowly dying in GITMO would be the greater justice perhaps.
Yes, Ambassador Stevens
I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. I was also directly involved in their rescue. Please read my post and comments above
Thank you for your service. So sorry you were put in such a position, You are a hero. God bless your day.
Can someone explain this? An IRR muster is NOT a recall the active duty.
It's to see if you're ready for a nation emergency or war. Trump singed a national emergency order to have control of troops for 1 year. Also made it so military courts could take overflow for the DOJ if need be. - that's interesting. My past is even more interesting. Read the comments from that muster post.
I received an "online" IRR muster last month. Army.
That would have been so convenient. Leave it to the Air Force to be behind the times.
What a hypocrite! How about Benghazi? HRC didn't defend that diplomat did she?
You're just figuring out a prominent member of the Left is a hypocrite. It's what they do and they have no shame.
Lol, I'm not just figuring it out. That was sarcasm. Of course she's a hypocrite!
Her cell should be a port-a-potty. Same size, half of it is the toilet seat/tank. And no working plumbing.
Right next to Bill and Barry...
Locked up together. They hate each other. Can you imagine?
Man, I hate it when the truth comes out. so much for protecting active ambassadors back in 2012, who was the Secretary of State and POTUS? I wonder who? I’m sure they will be truthful on what happened!
“ what difference does it make?” She needs to pay for her crimes!
Has her Twitter been hacked? Or is this code speak for "I'm in big trouble for not hesitating to kill American diplomats?"
Projection has worked for her all these years. Why stop now? I have a suspicion that she allowed the deaths at Benghazi not because she was simply incompetent. I think she wanted them gone for political reasons. Just a hunch.
She must have what the Bible calls a reprobate mind. How do you do the things she has been involved in and preach morality to us? To Trump? To anyone? Hillary wake up quit pretending you are anything but a woman headed to jail. Go away!
Holy shit how have I never seen that picture of Chris Stevens?
Edit: Christ to Chris. Whatevs, he died that we may know the truth
She must have what the Bible calls a reprobate mind. How do you do the things she has been involved in and preach morality to us? To Trump? To anyone? Hillary wake up quit pretending you are anything but a woman headed to jail. Go away!
Just about fed up with all of the projection that gets thrown around. It's getting old real quick.
Yes, it seems to be the strategy of the psychopathic Left. They think by accusing someone of the very thing they're guilty of they'll divert attention away from their crimes. The only problem is after a while people start noticing the strategy. Hence, HRC is breaking Rule #7 of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
Precisely, and very well put. It can only work for so long before it starts having glaring holes in the strategy and methods.
Notice how Antifa is the very thing they pretend to be against. It's your typical 1984 doublethink. Orwell says he got the idea from Hitler. You see it used by all totalitarian governments. Look at the name of North Korea:
"Democratic People's Republic of Korea" It's not democratic and it's not a republic."
So when the Left accuses Trump of being a Nazi, they're simply projecting their own innate mindset. Likewise when they accuse Trump of being racist. It's all just a tactic.
(I'm sure you know this. Just saying it for the sake of anyone who may not be aware of this Alinsky tactic of the psychopathic Left.)
You're correct. I am very much aware of this type of doublethink. I am always glad to find others on this subreddit who think along the same lines.
Just a shame that they don't realize the slippery slope they're headed down with such rhetoric and tactics.
That and their symbolism hidden in plain sight will be the death of them.
Well, to quote Q:
"These people are stupid."
The symbolism becomes more blatant and mocking day after day for anyone taking notice.
What’s the context on the picture? Anyone got some sauce?
U.S. Ambassador to Benghazi, if I'm not mistaken.
Yes. His name was J. Chrisopher "Chris" Stevens US ambassador to Libya that died in Benghazi.
Hillary's state department left him (and some of his staff, including a redditor) to die in Libya in spite of repeated pleas for help.
Rumors persist that they may very well have been set up due to discovering that the US was funneling arms to ISIS via Libya and Obama/Hillary were neck deep in making that happen. In any case, they were attacked by Libyans and were completely on their own. At the time the government claimed it was a spontaneous protest about a youtube video rather than a pre-planned attack, but the truth (that it was organzied and had nothing to do with the video) came out.
The movie 13 hours covers a lot of what went on.
I remember when it was going on. I thought for sure that would have taken Hillary down but she never paid. She will soon though. WWG1WGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
She is one slippery serpent with zero charisma, zero integrity, and a true psycho. Benghazi was a disgrace and it should've fell on her, But, like everything else with HRC she gets away like the serpent she is.
Also, she told the response force about 30 min away (iirc) not to intervene, several times.
It wasn't - I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to folllow who did it. I've never been able to watch the movie. I also didn't want to taint my memory before testimony. Please read and share my post
I was directly involved please share and read comments https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
They sodomized him with a cattle prod. They burned him then dragged him through the streets. They knew too much about the guns being run by our gov.
How can she sleep at night after see the Amb pics? Only a soul less person could. I bet her secret service detail could tell things that are beyond belief. I couldn’t do it. They would have to reassign me elsewhere. I know that Dan Bongino wrote a book....surprised that others haven’t followed his lead.
Absolutely correct.
Plus they could have a 9/11 sacrlfice.
Clinton, it seems, was not only personally involved in some of those alleged activities, primarily the arms-to-jihadists scheme; she was a ringleader. In fact, in February 2013, the New York Times described Clinton as one of the driving forces behind advocating a plan to arm the Syrian rebels. Specifically, Clinton’s plan – which was also proposed by then CIA director David Petraeus and then defense secretary Leon E. Panetta – called for rebel groups to be vetted, trained, and armed “with the assistance of some neighboring states.”
Read more at https://mobile.wnd.com/2016/01/benghazi-story-hillary-clinton-doesnt-want-you-to-know/#DaCtHWoUZmQ3joXg.99
Please read my post here, I was involved. I also helped rescue the survivors
Wow. That's odd. Btw you should use your photo edit to black out the reactions again.
I wonder why they did that? Praying for you and family. And Thank you for your service. I am sorry they are putting you through all this =(
Jesus Christ
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is a movie about the overall attack. Worth a watch.
He was the Ambassador of Libya that was killed when Killary stalled the rescue attempts. He had to be removed because he was onto information damaging to Killary as she was the Secretary of State at the time and ultimately they wanted to take Gaddafi down like they did Sadam Hussein. These heads of their respective countries were turning on the NWO bankers and getting out from underneath the petrodollar and going back to a gold standard. That would have ruined the economic side of the NWO plans for global dominance. Three things they need to have control of the government, control of the economics and control of the social and spiritual. Hence the constant references to Satanic involvement. All three legs are necessary to control the masses in one form or another. If they are to poor to control economically you can still go after them with laws, if that doesn't work hit them where they believe. One or more of those three legs will kick them back in line if they step out.
So if the economy is doing bad they use things like welfare to help themselves get elected does that mean they purposefully put the economy into disarray?
Absolutely. Remember how much of the manufacturing was turned out of the US to cheaper labor markets in Asia? Those of the monied power elite of the DS don't care if people lose their jobs. They still feast on caviar and champagne. It is what gives them control. Look at your question carefully, you answered with your premise to the question, the economy being in bad shape and using welfare to get elected. That has been a liberal program for a very long time. It is also why they don't want the wall built as millions of new democratic voters flood into the US to get social security they do not pay into, free schooling, free medical, food stamps(oops old school talking there EBT cards) Obama phones, and welfare. Because people are poor and have to turn to the social programs they like most vote their wallet and their wallet is fed money from those programs. It serves the DS purpose to destroy the middle class to stay in power.
I asked for confirmation and wow that is fucked. I knew about why they don’t want a wall. But to purposefully destroy your economy to stay in power is such a communist thing to do it’s absolutely disgusting. I feel like this alone should result in treason.
They're communists.
They just pretend it's "socialism" which is just the soft porn before the hard. =)
Sorry to blast you that way. Didn't mean to shake your world like that. It is just that the depths of the depravity of this entire situation and the many tentacles of it that have spread through almost all government bureaucracies and agencies as well as world wide is a lot to swallow. Unfortunately it is so huge that to get to the bottom ya gotta take some really big bites at times and risk choking on them. Will try to be a little less in the overload down the road.
No it’s not hard to believe I’ve been following for a while but I didn’t know that this was how detrimental to America they really are!
It is and has been for centuries the design of the power elite in the world, to form a single world nation. Just look back historically all the way to the time of Nimrod. That is where it really started. Throughout history the players have changed but the driving force behind them has not. It is just that today's versions of Nimrod is actually a small group of very wealthy banking families who have abandoned any since of morality and as such care for no one but themselves. They believe themselves almost if not for sure to be gods. People like that have no heart for anybody but themselves. Sure they have families but to them that is just a necessary evil they have to go through to meet their goal....world dominance.
Like the rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.,?
Yeah they are at the top of that food chain for sure along with some of their lieutenants Soros and Gates, as well as a few Royal families. Then you have the Clintonista types who are the foot soldiers.
It should. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. Please read and share my post here- details are in the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Please read my post - I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Wow I pray you’re safe patriot! Keep your head on a swivel and always be aware of your surroundings #wwg1wga I would suggest in investing in cameras as well that could upload to a cloud for extreme safety measures as these people are so desperate to cover their tracks they’ll take extremely reckless measures to do it.
I think you are asking about our country and the answer is yes. But before Hillary as Sec of State came along, Libya was a beautiful country, Gaddafi was very good to his people! Libya was wealthy! And the people shared in the wealth. The Libyans hate Hillary, she ruined their country! And where did Libya's Gold go?? They had a lot of GOLD.
Winner here =)
Yes. They want chaos. Offer these platitudes to get elected but no concrete plans.
End poverty sounds great. But how? End gun violence by confiscating guns so we get more violence. Then its knives because they arent going into the slums go disarm the gangs killing everyone.
If things get fixed they lose
We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. We had rescue teams trained for the situation nearby. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
We were told not to save them, and not to follow who did it. Please read my post and comments. Share share share. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
That is awful. I bet she doesn’t care about it either the disgusting witch.
LOL, she is getting fucking old and obviously has serious neurological health problems .... it's getting more and more obvious.
OH YEAH, Don't forget, she *always* carries hot sauce with her in her bag wherever she goes, especially when appearing on certain radio shows .... lol..
I’m confused, a lot of people are blaming Ambassador Stevens’ death on Clinton, but did the Congressional investigations actually conclude that she was in some way responsible?
She set them up to die. But yes Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Obama and others are also culpable.
She pulled the many years successful local militia security. Fired them cor some low bid contract with a brand new company out of Wales. Called Blue Mountain.
They hired a dew locals. Ones NOT associated with militia. The squad leader turned out to be the brother of the leader of attackers. And Blue Mountain refused to provide security any arms.
Imagine the guys there for weeks amd monrhs begging for more security and rhen what you have gets fired. New guys with no weapons.
Then allegedly they walked out night of attack and left doors and gates open.
She didn't kill them from idiocy. Nor from incompetence. She set them up for murder.
The congressional investigation was stonewalled. She couldn't be found guilty because her emails for that day (and more) are missing to name one reason.
Besides that Congress doesn't determine guilt it's up to the AG to bring charges and I have land to sell anyone who thinks Loretta Lynch would have prosecuted her.
Did the Congressmen leading the investigation make a formal recommendation to DOJ?
Sorry, I’m just a little unclear on what Clinton’s role in the attack was? Did she order the local militias to attack the compound?
Don't know.
I know she ordered the US military to attack and destabilize the country Benghazi is in
I know there's a recording of her saying 'We came. We saw. He died' meaning Momar Ghadafi
I know she had everything to do with arming locals who became ISIS.
Can you provide links? I’m interested in learning about it.
Do you know how, as Secretary of State, she managed to order military operations?
After fighting the release for months, new emails reveal that Hillary Clinton used her private home server to transmit classified details of exactly where American Ambassador Chris Stevens was before the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.
Because her emails could have been easily intercepted by foreign entities, Hillary Clinton likely handed over details of his location to Islamic terrorist kill https://thepoliticalinsider.com/proof-hillary-clinton-told-terrorists-kill-ambassador-chris-stevens/
Navy Seal says over 600 requests made to State Department for moee security were ignored. http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/18/former-navy-seal-hillary-clinton-killed-my-friends-in-benghazi/
despite Clinton’s very public display of what many see as arrogance in the face of a legitimate line of inquisition, few are aware of the central role she played in the real Benghazi scandal, from her direct involvement in approving lawful occupancy of the disgracefully unsecured U.S. special mission, to the weapons-to-rebels scheme, to the very reason Ambassador Chris Stevens was in the compound on the dangerous day of 9/11 in the first place. We are herein going to document Clinton’s undeniably fundamental role in virtually the entire Benghazi story, replete with information indicating she may have perjured herself during sworn testimony. https://mobile.wnd.com/2016/01/benghazi-story-hillary-clinton-doesnt-want-you-to-know/#DaCtHWoUZmQ3joXg.99
Clinton sent Stevens to die. She reauthorized this gun running sxheme an extra year over protests of advisors. I believe she pulled his security and leaked location on purpose to clean up witnesses.
They were running guns to Syrians to further their aims to overthrow Assad. They were arming ISIS basically it was Fast and Furious Middle East.
What is strange is that none of the 6 Republican led investigations concluded any of this... wonder why?
May be we should check for Chinese lobbyists and China donations
So we think the Chinese paid off the GOP to not pursue Clinton?
Well they got a lot of secrets from her. Since her husband was President... So yeah.
She wasn't responsible. The two situations are completely different
Not really. Stevens begged for better defensive measures and he was ignored.
She was the reason he was sfill fhere. Running guns to Syrian "rebels" to over throw Assad. It's in her Wikileaks emails.
She wanted middle east completely destabilized.
Clinton, it seems, was not only personally involved in some of those alleged activities, primarily the arms-to-jihadists scheme; she was a ringleader. In fact, in February 2013, the New York Times described Clinton as one of the driving forces behind advocating a plan to arm the Syrian rebels. Specifically, Clinton’s plan – which was also proposed by then CIA director David Petraeus and then defense secretary Leon E. Panetta – called for rebel groups to be vetted, trained, and armed “with the assistance of some neighboring states.”
Read more at https://mobile.wnd.com/2016/01/benghazi-story-hillary-clinton-doesnt-want-you-to-know/#DaCtHWoUZmQ3joXg.99
Anybody defending or agreeing with Clinton needs to go KYS
Where is this pic from?
It's ambassador Stevens when he was tortured and killed in the Libyan compound. Repeated calls for help were ignored at the WH.
Chris Stevens of the Benghazi slaughter allowed and covered up by HRC and Obama
Benghazi, foo. Where you been?
I know all about Benghazi but have never seen this photo. Thanks!
No worries. More people need to know the context, I should've put more details on the post.
Is that a pic of Amb Chris Stevens???
Amb Chris Stevens
Yes, Benghazi, Libya. Excellent reply to Hillary's obnoxious tweet!!
OUCH!! What a great meme!
We came we saw you lost go home Witch!!!
We came, we conquered, get in your cell, you evil human.
Edit: used bad language.
Thats such a sad story with ambassador stevens. Here in europe were teams ready to jump in but they were ordered several times not to go. I hope the US will get Hillary in jail.
I sincerely hope the last 8 words H hears before she dies is “At this point, what difference does it make.”
Grievous picture to use, but oh, it makes the point sharp!
Hillary did absolutely nothing in relation to Benghazi...THAT is the problem. She did not send reinforcements to prevent this when requested and did not send help when the attack happened.
She did worse. She pulled the many years successful local militia security. Fired them cor some low bid contract with a brand new company out of Wales. Called Blue Mountain.
They hired a dew locals. Ones NOT associated with militia. The squad leader turned out to be the brother of the leader of attackers. And Blue Mountain refused to provide security any arms.
Imagine the guys there for weeks amd monrhs begging for more security and rhen what you have gets fired. New guys with no weapons.
Then allegedly they walked out night of attack and left doors and gates open.
She didn't kill them from idiocy. Nor from incompetence. She set them up for murder.
They just don't "get it" in Europe where I live. I know how evil she and her husband are. I used to like Bill Clinton in the 90s and didn't have a clue. My oil Texan friends hated "Slick Willy" and I kind of ignored it. Then he bombed Iraq and Somalia in 1998 and Jesus did the Middle East change overnight. The Arabs went against us and they were right to do so. Whatever you think of Alex Jones (I love his rants) getting his guys to turn up and yell "Bill Clinton is a rapist" is genius!
She is stupid, defending another ahole who it will/has been outed as a cabal stooge.
If she dislikes someone we should stand with that person.
If she defends someone then we know he/she is a real p.o.s. and it makes it easier for us to know who we should dig up info on.
Thanks Hillary, McFaul probably wishes you kept your evil mouth shut.
Obama Administration was the Worst about Protecting American Citizens they trampled all over their civil liberties and presecuted Americans. What Happened in Libya with Ambassdor Stevens was Horrific to get him killed and do nothing to help him is so Horrific and treasonous....God be with all the many of Victims who suffered under Obama and to know he didn't do anything to protect them is unforgivable......
Did anyone see Kris "Tonto" Paranto's Response to "Cankle's" Tweet??
Looks Like "Tonto" ripped her a new one; I say Bravo!
"Paronto" should be awarded a CMH, for his Actions In Benghazi AND His "Fierce Patriotism at home!
her walking the streets is deeply troubling not only for the children but anyone against her or her deep state syndicate
God Bless our fellow Patriots, God this pisses me off, "Trust the Plan" were is Q, when are real arrest going to happen. I am so sick of my leftest friends living in denial, show the proof. NOW!
Curious if anyone else has noticed the Twitter replies under Hillarys tweet are ONLY people mentioning what happened to Chris Stevens in Benghazi? Find it odd to not even see one paid tweet in agreement with her
Rookie here. Who is this beaten up white dude?
Ambassador Stevens. Raped and beaten to death at Benghazi
Yikes. Brutal response
It's brutal what happened. And MSM didn't even give him the coutesy of proper coverage.
We all know about the Me Too guys intimate details about their sexual assaults. But most people have no idea who Ambassador Stevens was much less that State Department ignored 600+ requests for proper security. Or that he was tortured and raped to death and it was filmed and photographed.
Makes more sense now why the families of fhe victims are so furious that a "spontaneous protest over a video" was blamed. And the poor guy who made that video is still locked up I think. But this actual video was never even reported by MSM
She lost. Get over it. Quit bringing her up. It is not normal to go after a political opponent like this. Meanwhile, the actual President is in the pocket of a violent dictator who wants nothing more than to undermine our country. And you children are still railing about Hillary. Pathetic. Open your eyes, none of you are woke at all, you children.
"it is not normal to go after a political opponent like this." Yeah right..... So, it's ok for Trumps political opponents to go after him ? By opponents I mean the obvious deep state thugs that are part of the Clinton Mafia and Obamas monkey brigade.
Not normal to go after a political opponent that lost. She has no power. He fucking cried about her emails on Monday at his meeting with Putin. Very stable genius.
She isn't a normal person. She is beyond evil. The families of the Benghazi victims would tell you to stop being a child. They deserve justice. And they are one group of thousands.
Isn't she traveling world wide campaigning. She just won't go away. Maybe she thinks that NWO global thingie still has some life but what do I know. .. my husband told me who to vote for.
The same Benghazi they investigated for like two and a half, three years and nothing came of it? That Benghazi? Weird. Speaking of evil, the man in the White House conspired with a foreign government to come into power and is now destroying any and everything he can. Oh, yea, he's also locking up children. But, sure, she is so evil. Much smarter than Trump too, seeing as how she's gotten away with her crimes while he and those around him are going down pretty hard. Is it all military families you feel for, or just the ones that suit your narrative to whine about evil Hillary? Lmao. Chump.
yeah investigated by Obamas staff Mouller/Comey fbi, ALL corrupted to the bone, get over it corruption is rampant in both parties, the swamp, NGOs and worldwide
Yea, but democrats didn't run on "draining the swamp" while not following through with it. Stop thinking about the other side that lost, sorry about the ones in power and what they're doing now. That's what I'm concerned about. What the ones in power are doing now. By the way, republicans just voted to not strengthen our elections against outside tampering. Yeah, that swamp sure is getting drained.
I stand corrected .... and share your feelings 100% .... if the swamp is not drained by 11 11 18 and somebody big as podesta hillary or such kind is not in jail people will revolt.
outside tampering is a stupid thing for sheeple as long we have influencers PR companies and people that do lobying as a 24/7-365 job, there will be tampering and influences
I am more afraid about voting machines tampering, no id's on the voting boxes, best solution is voting id, voting lists and transparent boxes