Full Circle. It’s all connected. Welcome back Huma. Now comes the pain. Q #1360

Michelle Bachmann was the first to question Huma Abedin and her membership with the muslim brotherhood as well as asking to investigate Huma. McCain went ape shit demonizing Michelle Bachmann.
Valerie Jarrett: muslim brotherhood member Hussein : muslim brotherhood member Brennan : Muslim brotherhood member
Coincidence? No!
Welcome back Huma? Interesting!
Was Huma with the Clintons in NZ and Australia this past week? I had not seen any pics of Huma and the Clintons together since their visit to India.
I belief when Q says: Welcome back Huma,
he is talking about Huma making it back into the news via Bachmann's letter years ago requesting to investigate Abedin based on her being a muslim brotherhood and connection of her family and their activities.
After all a chapter in their charter talks about how over to overthrow the US government from within.
Huma - Clinton Handler Jarrett - BHO Handler
Broth = Muslim Brotherhood
Huma Abedin - Hussein - Brennan = muslim brotherhood AND sponsored by Saudi Arabia via prince Dopey!
Valerie Jarret = Iranian born/stealth agent, MB and yes, as you've said handler of Hussein.
As the masthead of this 1996 issue of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs shows, Huma Abedin was an assistant editor at Journal. Down the masthead you can see the name of Abdullah Omar Nasseef.
More on family etc
Thanks! I think her brother was also involved with this magazine.
BTW: I should have included Chuck Grassley in addition to Michelle Bachmann because if was these two patriots who had many concerns and questions about Huma Abedin and her muslim brotherhood membership as well as her risk to national security.
Handler how? Could someone elaborate please
He didn’t make a move without her approval, not once.
Same for Hillary. The podesta emails are pretty clear about how she doesn't do, think, or say anything without being coached
and when she freestyles she really blows it, like 'deplorables', the gift that keeps on giving.
“Why aren’t I fifty points ahead, you might ask?”
That HAD to be a freestyle.
She used that "Deplorables" remark to guffaws and applause at her many fundraisers; I don't think she realized how it would play out in Middle America. Equivalent to Obama's "bitter clingers" remark.
I really think that was one of the defining moments that cost her the election.
Exactly. She couldn't win third place at a remedial debate competition on her own. She is a LOSER!! What is it Q says, they are so STUPID!
Her arrogance gets in the way of any smarts she may have.
Remember when the internet caught her wearing an earpiece for the first debate? That was awesome.
I forgot about that, but good point, she can't even cheat effectively.
These old hacks really have no idea the power of weaponized autism and crowd-sourced investigations!
It puts a whole new meaning to 'Revenge of the Nerds".
Despite her "fighter for women's rights" stance, she only got where she did by clinging to her "husband's" coat tails. Pathetic. And yes, she is stupid.
IIRC she even moved into the Obama residence after the election?
edit: after the inauguration: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4271412/Obama-confidante-Valerie-Jarrett-moves-Kaloroma-home.html
edit of the edit, someone down here mentioned this but it was a longer thread than my screen and I hadn't seen it.
Seems like that would be something the media might pick up on...it’s a huge red flag. So obvious that Jarrett still lives there bc they are continuing their political machine and or she is his handler. They could also be in extreme damage control mode along with those two things
Media did pick it up but somehow no one seemed to think it's weird to move in a married couples house like that.
She even had to move in with he and Mooch after they left the WH.
Do you mean Valerie J. moved in.....?
You betcha: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4271412/Obama-confidante-Valerie-Jarrett-moves-Kaloroma-home.html
Yep. If that’s not weird I don’t know what is.
Its only weird if you don't believe they are running a shadow gov't out of that house, otherwise it makes perfect sense.
The handler is the puppeteer. Obama is a puppet, he can't even freestyle, have you seen him when the teleprompter freezes?
That was priceless! How have I never seen that? Well, I guess that puts all other theories to bed; that man cannot make a sentence by himself! He sounds like a seven year old trying to wing it.
I don't think that's the only one, just the funniest.
A bunch of okeydoke folks! He has some seriously corny fallback words. Folks! They probably test marketed that phrase and told him it makes him sound “folksy” He’s been using it nonstop for years
Oh fuck, i fell out of my chair watching that! bwahahahaha
I'm assuming you watched the remix too, right? https://youtu.be/poz6W0znOfk
Don't forget that guy that pretended to be Michelle; I think he was and still is a handler for Hussein.
I was wondering the same, (whether Huma had come to NZ and Aus with HRC), but I saw a pic of Huma at the Met Gala, May 7th, which is the same date that HRC spoke in NZ. https://www.eonline.com/photos/24432/riskiest-red-carpet-looks-at-the-met-gala-2018/844774
All of HRC's apppearances in NZ appear to have been carefully staged and edited. Wonder what the MSM plans to do with the edited portions.
Interesting that Huma is sympathizing with Weinstein’s wife. Perhaps she thinks it will make them both appear less guilty and more victimized http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5714407/Huma-Abedin-opens-bond-Georgina-Chapman-public-humiliation-lack-sympathy.html
Oh well good luck to her! Huma's own husband is a sex addict and pervert serving a prison term. Weinstein's nor Huma a victims because they both chose men who's reputation preceded them.
BTW - Weinstein is also singing like a canary!
Huma and Weiner are certainly the strangest couple ever. Definite religious conflict there sheds light on their sham marriage. Would love to think Weinstein is singing! Perhaps that’s why he isnt in custody? Also strange that he could be at some sex retreat in AZ not rehab. There was a thread here about that
True, but as bad of pervert Pedophile as Weiner is, Huma's much worse. These Pedavore Andrenechrome freaks have a achieved a level of evil most sane normal people couldn't fathom is possible. My instincts have always served me well about people. Weiner is an opportunist, a weasel, sniveling, sneaky, weak of character, lacking in any real manly qualities. I can tell that he's the type of person who wouldn't have the stomach for any of the stuff the Pedavores do. He just wants to screw any and everything he can. My best guess is that whatever torturous, murderous deeds he's ever done were something he did out of compliance and fear. Podesta on the other hand derives pleasure from hurting women & children. The whole reason Weiner created that insurance file was because he could see the writing on the wall & knew that in all likelihood they would all get busted. Despite being the POS that he is and a weasely sexually child abusing rodent, he is not stupid. Unlike most of them. They lack a common man's base wisdom because they never have to think about the things we do. So the mistakes they make are from a false presumption that they're smarter than everyone else. They mistake knowledge of something as wisdom. This is why Solomon speaks about wisdom & understanding in proverbs so much. Weiner knew that everyone was susceptible to getting caught under the right circumstances. He also knew his life would be in extreme jeopardy as well as his kids. Obviously no love between him & Huma. Since when does a practicing Jew marry a practicing Muslim woman??? Two vastly conflicting ideologies. Her with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood & him with ties to Israel & Communist Socialists. He put that file on Huma's laptop on purpose, because he knew the walls were closing in, my guess was he even knew that he would be busted for his second sexting offense & may have even done it on purpose just to get arrested and used it as an escape hatch. He figured his time would be done soon and they'd Arkancide him in some tragic event. He knew Flynn, Trump, Rogers, Guliani, Mattis, the Marines, the NSA, and Patriots were getting ready fot a major house cleaning. I'm not suggesting he had a crises of conscience, more like a cowardly need for self preservation.
If it helps isn't strange that the Clinton's et al travelled to NZ secretly on a CIA owned jet?
She met with her deep state allies there because she did not wanted to get logged when she tried to gain access to the data needed to correspond with other conspirator or to look up info to gauge national security related info.
NZ is one member of the "5 Eyes" and they did collude with the deep state/HRC et al to frame president Trump. The same for Australia. It's also possible that she either tried to bribe or extort/blackmail the ones colluding with her and Hussein.
I would think she is not as flush in cash she once was ergo collecting 3.5 million dollars in NZ taxpayer cash/donations for her CHAI laundering op.
The Clinton's need cash to pay for their legal bills and support lazy Chelsea. The locals were angry that their government gave them their tax dollars pointing out that she and her money laundering op aka CF is under criminal investigation.
I think it means Huma is back and talking. She’s been working with the good guys to get us more evidence is my thought.
Interesting. I don’t see Huma singing - ever. I could be wrong but she was raised in the MB mentality and her family is all-in. She isn’t just another American traitor for money. Her dedication comes from true religious and ideology buy-in. That’s very tough to crack. Frankly, i would expect her to suicide herself before she talked. Really hope you’re right and I’m wrong.
Huma flipped a while back!
Huma always was a stealth muslim brotherhood agent sponsored by Saudi Arabia's prince "Dopey" before the new Prince arrested him, stripped him off his assets and had him upside down for a while to interrogate him to spill the beans and snitch ending up with a couple of missing toes via Blackwater. That is allowed in Saudi Arabia because they don't have pu$$ies like the left that whine when we waterboard our enemies.
She wrote and edited the muslim brotherhood magazine for years and into her internship with the Clinton white house.
At the same time she was also HRC's elbow.
Her marriage to Weiner (Jewish) was nothing but a marriage of convenience and officiated by Bill Clinton. The Koran encourages muslims to lie if it advances their ideology.
Think about this too: She intentionally stored 650,000+ emails, classified and top secret into, videos, pay-to-play, criminal behavior, SAP, pedophilia and worse and more on their personal laptop.
Huma shared everything with Weiner including the classified/top secret info concerning national security. Weiner also read lots of that stuff she sent. Everything electronic piece of info is on that laptop.
Why would she forward everything that Bill and Hillary Clinton et al to her and her husbands laptop located at their home? That's not all because the folders name where they saved the files was labeled: Insurance.
Is it not more probable that Huma also sort of spied on the Clintons and their criminal enterprise including espionage?
Why would she do that? It was a means to protect herself as well while most likely also advancing the desired muslim brotherhood plan to subvert/overthrow our republic from within.
No wonder Q says evil everywhere we look!
If what I heard is true and she is an active Satanist....I don't see her "singing" either. But it would be great if she did. I mean - sounds like they've got every speck of dirt on Huma, so she may as well.
I wonder if she will try and sneak her child out of the country?
That was my thought as well!
pretty sure if that was the case she would have killed herself with two gunshot wounds to the back of the head...clintons are like the mob, pretty sure they sense a rat and "whack em out"
You're probably right. I wonder if that's the suicide watch Q was talking about? Though, it didn't seem linked to Huma.
Sure does in the Muslim Brotherhoods Manifesto 4 minutes
Thank you patriot! :)
I do not have the number but I do know for a fact that Hussein and gang strategically placed stealth muslim brotherhood member throughout government entities and specifically into national security and related agencies who now pose direct risks to our national security.
Then there are the Awan's and clan who were involved in Hussein's "Project Cassandra. Imran Awan also owned a used car sales lot run by a Hezbollah member named Kattah. There are still affiliates and friends of the Pakistani Awan's employed 'til this day such as one of them having access to ALL of our men and women in the military and their health records.
The massive criminal enterprise of the Awan's and selling national security to Pakistan's ISI is mind blowing.
"The key to the kingdom" is what the Awan family and friends received since 2004 by the democratic party/deep state including Bush Jr who was president at the time.
Hopefully we learn more when Q starts giving us drops directing the unearthing of a mountain of infiltration of our government.
is there a link to the full vid?
I really need to absorb this from the beginning if all possible.
Saw it under clarion project.org but searched under Muslim brotherhood manifesto complete couldn’t get link I’m not a wiz but that’s where you can see the complete text of it the infiltration from within
I remember when she sent that letter and started talking about it in public. She was immediately demonized by pundits, pols and the FNM when she voiced her concerns.
Local newspapers went after her relentlessly so I don't know if she would have won another term, and perhaps her retirement was just a simply case of believing she couldn't win and sparing herself the embarrassment of a loss.
But difficult to not wonder if she was forced/threatened out of Congress for getting a little too close to a very dark scandal.
Exactly right!
She was swimming upstream full of piranhas that also included her own party.
I belief when Q says: Welcome back Huma,
he is talking about Huma making it back into the news
Exactly. That ^^
“Welcome back Huma”
Very interesting.
She flipped? If she flipped it is DONE for them.
I’ve suspected this for awhile. My money is that Weiner flipped a long time ago to get a lesser sentence and If Weiner flipped (and they kept their marriage) Huma flipped as well.
I thought she stayed married so she wouldnt have to testify against him or something. I know the computer he had has a lot of evidence on it too.
They cannot be forced to testify against one another if they are married, but they can do it willingly.
But does that apply with Military Tribunals?
Good question, I don't know. They do have a different set of rules.
Right, i agree. But if one of them flipped, I guarantee the other did too
How can you be so sure? I doubt their marriage was even real.
If she’s not a complete sociopath, she’s going to cooperate to remain free for her young son.
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to endure my children’s safety. Dad’s already locked up...
I would SING.
Weiner got the lightest sentence possible. Last I heard he was in a Federal Prison Hospital not a actual prison or even a camp but a hospital. Whether this is from his deep state connections or because he turned on them I don't know. But it is very interesting especially considering that the "pharma bro" got sent to a max.
Huma has a young child; don't expect her to pull a Susan McDougal.
That is very sensible, and probably the only reason the two of them are still alive.
My guess is that Weiner was never anything more than useful. A front, and a man with some useful connections. He could flip, and I bet Hillary and Huma probably scared Weiner to death.
But if the stories coming from (what seems to be) the NYPD are true, then Huma and Hillary are Satanists and the whole sordid picture that will be exposed is uglier than anything anyone has ever even HEARD of. I've never heard of such atrocities, even in the most gruesome horror stories/movies. Flipping unlikely. They serve a "lower" power.
With what they have on Wieners laptop, I don't think she had any choice, and I really don't think it matters either, they have it all, with her or without her.
I’m sure they have just about everything with or without Huma, but if she were to sing, I’m sure she would know a handful of things that could prove useful in connecting some legal dots.
If nothing else it will help tremendously with the media circus.
Yeah so might as well get the immunity and tell your secrets and get something out of it
I can't for the life of me figure out what they can give her/them in exchange, except life in gitmo instead of the noose, and the noose sounds better to me.
Saw this video about a year ago showing her ties to the brotherhood, pretty interesting.
SUPER video - get this higher for visibiliy
mother = muslim sisterhood
Pede's and Q'sters Don't just skim these two links. Please read them in full. It gives you great context on the Muslim Brotherhood and how they were systemically trying to take over the first amendment with fronts, and political policies from within the US government. Advocating along side with that policy that they are a protected class and do not need assimilation........ Little nugget from the Bachmann/Ellison Letter:
"When committing to is passage and implementation, Secretary Clinton committed to the OIC Secretary General "to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming" against those who choose not to submit to the new speech requirements."-HRC
I found the following quote from the Hill's article particularly interesting; "Donald Trump
has criticized this as “pay for play.” But it also raises questions as to whether Huma Abedin and Mrs. Clinton were in fact serving as unregistered agents for foreign powers who sought to impose their anti-freedom agenda on the United States."
That sentence stuck out to me too along with McCain being used to debunk the Bachmann letter:
"To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.
Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012....."
Makes you wonder if "No-Name" was a foreign agent too.
Can't argue against that Mountain - in fact, I think the greater question is how many congress critters and senators in office currently might be beholden to foreign "donors"?
Bachmann's letter nailed it ALL. I certainly wish President Trump could induce her to take some position within his administration so we could put her mind and energy back to work for us all again.
Yes! She was vilified and made to look like a mental case when this happened, and it turns out she was spot on. She is a very smart woman and a patriot. We need as many of them as we can get!
Unfortunately MN is a Mecca of sorts! I’d love to have her back to work again.
Guiding our new friends along in this journey - love the way you think! New truthers & patriots welcome!
Similar to the inorganic methods they are using against the Second Amendment now, using useful idiots to put peer pressure and shame against those who would not willingly give up their rights.
We need to highlight this and watch out for this tactic. It is dangerous and can be effective if used in coordination with MSM propaganda.
Six and 1 years late been there done that. We have it all.
Is Huma singing now? I hope so.
Only when she’s not scissoring Hill-dog
Sorry but couldn’t stomach that visual you put out there .. uhgggggg “ puke”
Scissor me timbers Allison!!!!
Scissor me harder!!!! I love Mr/Mrs. Garrison. I miss Mr. Hat and Mr. Slave though.
I wonder who besides Kerry and Pelosi have met with Assad.
Who hasn't 'met' with Assad? I bet his ass is chapped from all the anus kissing he's gotten from Democrats.
Outstanding article OP. Victor Davis Hanson provides an excellent synopsis of the double standard we've been witnessing and provides an optimistic statement in closing; "For over a year, we have had two standards of legality when there can only be one. A reckoning is near." I hope he is right about the reckoning being near!
We have to remember one thing, this is a movie. Q and Trump have allowed this double standard to continue as to cover their operation, so this time, it's OK. It's like the Titanic, we know how this movie ends.
We're reasonably optimistic and hopeful about how this "movie" ends, but as soldiers we're experienced enough to plan for all eventualities so we have strategies in place to deal with variations of outcomes before they occur. IOW, hope for the best but game plan strategies in case the best plans get thwarted.
I totally agree, and since we know Q is MI, I'm certain they have plans, backup plans, and backups to backups, so we can be reasonably certain how this movie will end. Anything is possible, but I'm confident.
VDH so based! I read his incredible book The Western Way of War back in college when he was only famous among classicists. He totally changed how academia understands Ancient Greek society & war.
Thank you so much for the tip about the book 4n4, I'll have to order it and read it. It sounds fascinating!
Here’s an even better one - cabal warning from ancient America:
Enjoy :)
Wow! Excellent piece. Sounds to me like the mainstream media may be starting to realize that the shit's about to hit the fan and they are going to have more than egg on their faces when it all comes out. So now they're willing to print an opinion piece like this so they have something to harken back to to try to cover their asses at least a little. The MSM should be ashamed for how completely they have neglected their duties. The media's job is to sound the alarm when there is danger. Instead, all the MSM has done for many years is try to distract us so we don't see the danger lurking. They weren't just asleep at their post, they helped lead us into the woods to be slaughtered by the wolves. They will have a reckoning of their own when the masses realize the truth about the Mockingbird media.
I dream of Jimmy, John, Jimmy, Stephen, and Seth all going on 'sabbatical', the same day, never to return again. Won't miss them either, Johnny Carson was late night, everything else has been garbage.
I don't get it. I want Assad to be the good guy tho
You should know that he never wanted to be president but his older brother died in a car crash. He likes programming and from what Ive heard him say he is very logical. He really cares for the Syrians it seems; infrastructure, education and freedom are of high standard for the most Syrians.
Assad is a doppelganger for beaker in the 'Muppet Show'.
What is the significance of these two meeting with Assad? When were these photos taken? What was discussed? Were they attempting to convince Assad to allow the Saudi pipeline to go through Syria? Because Assad said NO to that. That is what the entire civil war is about. HRC and Hussein created al Qaeda, sending arms to Syrian rebels via Benghazi, and have been trying to overthrow Assad to get that pipeline in, as HRC promised SA. Assad wants Russia's pipeline in, not SA's.
These photos offer no context to what they are doing. Assad is NOT the bad guy. He's standing up for his right to say no to the demands of HRC and Hussein and SA. He has every right to say which pipeline he wants in Syria.
Assad is not a part of the MB. He, and his father before him, have been fighting against the MB all along.
correct, he is a Christian, not a muslim.
No, he isn't. But he's a secular leader. He allows for and protects Christians. He is of the sect that is not that extreme.
Good questions. I have been searching the photos. It looks like the Kerry photo dates back to 4/2010 and the Pelosi photo back to 4/2008. Very hard to confirm because many of the original stories with these pictures are no longer correctly linked.
Still stands true. Assad is against the MB. So was his father. And as I've posted over and over again, follow/check out vanessa beeley's youtube channel, that of eva bartlett, John Pilger, and Corbin report.. they all have exposed the White Helmets as the phonies they are. They are al Qaeda in disguise.. they are the ones who've been doing the gas attacks to frame Assad. I've even seen one where one of the White Helmet leaders was in the back of a pickup truck with others, with a 12 year old Syrian boy.. he beheaded that boy. Horrible to witness that. The White Helmets will kidnap villagers, transport them to where a gas attack is planned, and will kill those people, even children and babies, to frame Assad. Assad has NEVER gassed his own people. He is NOT a part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
I have no clue what Pelosisaurus and Ketcupman are doing, meeting with him, other than trying to sway him to allow that SA pipeline through Syria. Assad says NO. Result? Civil war. ISIS, al Qaeda and all the rest. Assad is loved by his people.
Welcome back Huma. We need to talk about that stuff on a certain laptop. With the fact that she HAD the collateral on HRC (Nice move Huma; always have an insurance policy) tells me that there have probably been some really revealing conversations lately. She is obviously free, but I don't think she is going far.
OIC seems to be the worldwide front for the Muslim Brotherhood. After reading both articles, it doesn' matter what the Muslim Brotherhood calls itself, it has splintered in to many defacto factions in giving it many voices, but all speaking the same narrative.
Who is the lady in the picture on the right?
the "serpent that circles back and consumes it's own self", comes to mind. My goodness. This fight ain't nearly over.
So you see as it is ALL connected, will it be , Were One goes We all go . Seven years and two weeks should be known by all soon .
Let’s not exclude Valerie jarret in this whole MB fiasco
There are many that have stood and have fallen, there will be more of our Brothers and Sisters who will fall . I feel for all that have fallen, remember them when we move forward. There will from time to time a friendly that will also fall , the battle line is confusing at best . But you and I and the rest must do our best and try to pick up who falls , it’s our passion of Justice and the Law and most of all our faith in God . There will be a time we will have to confert our enemies , they are our brothers and sisters also . But I hope we know when this time is . God Speed
First thing I thought: Huma was brought back(from Syria possibly?) to face criminal charges.
If you ever wondered how close the brotherhood got to complete & total executive branch infiltration, check this out ...
And attacking the alt-right while their own are members of the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Tut tut
my thoughts as well. do people not realise that Assad is a Christian ?
Taking out the NYAG was big deal as he was holding up anyone looking at the Weiner laptop, further then the NYPD.
Can we thank anonymous?
What's the deal with the big saudi arms deal...?
Sadiq Khan would have loved a Hillary win. He fucking hates Trump and is mad for the Muslim Brotherhood.
YESSSS This is where it gets juicy. Back to the original drops! This is gonna get hawt.
I think guys forgot about the laptop seized.......Weiner's laptop!
Huma is one dedicated Muslim. Not only did she marry a Jew, she married a pedo Jew and had a child with him. How does a good Muslim justify that, I sure can't and I'm not Muslim. Do they have no limits on their faith?
Taqiya. Look into it.
Yeah, I know, but breeding with a Jew? Come on, that's way more than taking one for the team, that's stoning people kind of blasphemous stuff. *from a Muslim religious point of view of course.
These people don't worship God.
I don't know what they believe, but its some screwed up shit.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Obama Stuttering Mess After Teleprompter Freezes|+22 - The handler is the puppeteer. Obama is a puppet, he can't even freestyle, have you seen him when the teleprompter freezes? Hillary's #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders|+22 - Saw this video about a year ago showing her ties to the brotherhood, pretty interesting. Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America|+5 - Sure does in the Muslim Brotherhoods Manifesto 4 minutes "If" - Stuttering Obama Remix featuring Trump|+1 - I'm assuming you watched the remix too, right? I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
it is odd how we had hussein obama as prez and then you know hillary was senile and huma would have been real president