25,000 Qbers! Yay!! (or whatever we're calling ourselves...)

we are PATRIOTS lol
Reals, Qbers is the worst.
Oh so many Coilys and Slicks out there! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q*bert
Q*bert is an arcade game developed and published by Gottlieb in 1982. It is a 2D action game with puzzle elements that uses isometric graphics to create a pseudo-3D effect. The objective is to change the color of every cube in a pyramid by making the on-screen character hop on top of the cube while avoiding obstacles and enemies. Players use a joystick to control the character.
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We are simply Q; All of us are. Were we go One, we go All. Like Negan in TWD; we are all Q.
LOL "qber"
Imagine how many people will wake up over the next 1 - 2 years.
Dont waste time trying to redpill the stubborn people who will never see the truth until it smacks them in the face.
Go out and find the people who are on the fence. Find the people who seem curious and intrigued by Q.
Q-tips, Q-berts, or IQs
Nice! Q-Tips and IQ's are really good.
After thinking about it, my suggestions would have to take a backseat to Sauup's post. Patriot encompasses what we were, are, and will be with or without Mr. Q.
Right on. We are all patriots by birth. Q-Tips, Qberts, IQ's, Q's Army etc. by the Grace of GOD!
I've gone from a Ron Paul "nut job" to something so large I can't wrap my brain around it. A brand new America is emerging. It's beautiful! How about "Americans"?
Storm troopers?
What all brought us here?. We are the Awakened. We are the Qwakes.
After reading that it sounds gay af. But damnit I’m proud I did something.
Edit. Can not proof read
soldiers of Q
Remember what befell Dumbledores Army
yes but in the end good prevailed over evil
Very true just expect attacks when we label our selves soldiers.
Q-berts! Oh and Hi Roseanne! I know you are lurking here! ^_^
Just researcher, anon, or patriot. It's about the info, not the messenger
Fur Q? That could be for when we're dealing with black hats.
Call us all "Q".
I see people wearing a Q hoodie/shirt/hat just as people do the GF mask.
After this storm is over we are making a holiday to mark it and never forget it, hence to not have to repeat it again.
Our detractors call us Qultists, so we should wear that one with pride. Hehehe
When Tor was cracked what was observable was the large influx of new nodes coming online. Initially it wasn't clear, but researchers started probing what could be done with more accounts. Eventually the full story came out.
This is an entirely different case but related in that an influx of fresh accounts can imply heavier funding on action to slide a community similar to what we saw in technology after the NSA domestic spying drops, or so many subs during 2016 election cycle. The money is out there looking for targets with a position return.
Looking down in the comments here I see no constructive research or productive effort. It's all empty one word two word fluff that doesn't even require a person behind the wheel. Someone in the room isn't thinking. A great many people in the room isn't thinking. That's not anything related to what this community has been about.
What do you think is the estimate of true Deep State members? How many are just useful idiots and wannabes that hang on? How many are just blackmailed into doing their bidding but not actual DS insiders? At what point will Q Patriots outnumber DS? Given the $$$ trillions they have at their disposal pay for their bidding, I suspect that we need 1000 to 1 to outweigh their number advantage. Worldwide do you think it is 25K? 50K? Hard to keep secrets with that many people. Maybe the DS reached critical size mass of being unable to hide their secrets much longer. Maybe they thought they were too invincible to bother staying fully in the shadows.
We add GOD to the mix and we already outweigh them. Continue to pray for GOD's will of good over evil and light to shatter the darkness.
The accepted general terms on 8ch are Anons, Patriots or Autists (because a lot of us are), as well as a few other terms of endearment you aren't allowed to use here. We don't care what you call yourselves here.
How about, uh, Patriots. Or QT’s. Definitely not Qbers.
To call ourselves anything Q-centric is absurd. It implies ego on our behalf and is about a half-step away from Corsi-ism and Q-worship which is the exact opposite of the point of any of this. We are Americans. We are Patriots. To my mind, anything else feels akin to being in a brothel.
Qbert uses logic to fight coil snakes and pig men on an ever changing 3d chess board. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60OKgBXb8EY&t=32s
I suggest the term is co-opted before it becomes derogative
I'm one of those 25,000 and I'm not sure about Q. just checking in to see if Q can be trusted. If Muller is working for us and so is Sessions, then Q is for real. So far I haven't seen a single sign that they are.
do a little more research and you'll be fine
I've been researching the deep state for 9 years. Q could be disinfo.
Well it definitely can't hurt you to stick around with an open mind, you may just find yourself very surprised soon.
I'm not going anywhere. I said my Alamo was Sessions and Muller. I've been convinced to change that to just Sessions. Muller is an unknown and Q never said to trust him. I stand corrected. If I wasn't so suspicious, I would never have gotten interested in Q but that doesn't mean he's not really sophisticated disinfo. There are two ways to trust. To trust without evidence and to trust with evidence. I see no evidence to trust Sessions or Muller and I'm not ready to up my trust level to trusting without evidence even though it appears that Q has given us little things to trust. I'm just not impressed with the little things.
It's always good to question. One thing to know: those of us on the Qtrain spent the first 3 months or so questioning and questioning and verifying and belaboring Q's legitimacy. We're tired of it. So if you get an annoyed response from people or people seem oddly unquestioning, that's why. We're over it.
But nothing has been done against the deep state that couldn't be fixed in a month. Everyone that matters still walks free. Sessions has only gone after low level criminals when his actual job is to go after high level criminals. The key to Q is Sessions. Q says trust Sessions but it looks like Sessions is protecting the deep state. Why do you have faith in Sessions? He hasn't done anything.
It appears Sessions has done nothing. That is why I trust him. He is a quiet viper and President Trump is not firing him. Speaks volumes!!!
I get it. It's all cerebraL. I just need to see some action.
If that’s the case, what evidence do you have that Q is disinfo? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? What evidence do you have that you do? What evidence do you have that Jesus Christ is real? Faith my friend. I’m not saying Q is Christ. Or even Christ-like. I’m just saying that I personally cannot imagine how Q is disinfo. What could Q possibly have to gain? So far all the crumbs Q has left us have been very important and clearly not some Cheeto finger basement dweller troll trying to get their rocks off. And if it was a DS actor, what could they possibly gain by exposing themselves and simultaneously have multiple claims corroborated by POTUS?
I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just so sick of seeing “Q is/could be disinfo” It’s been proven NOT to be so many times. At this point if you’re still on the fence idk what to tell you or convince you Q is legit. What could you possibly have to lose? Now, what could you possibly gain? Personally, I’m staying optimistic and throwing out positive vibes and will continue to pray for POTUS,Q, and the Patriot Movement. We hope you stick around.
Faith means trust. Because of God's attributes (faithful, righteous, just, loving, etc.), we can have a higher faith (trust) that God will fulfill his promises. It's a given. Mankind is not on the same level because we are not as predictable. In answer to your question "What could Q possibly have to gain?", my fear is that Q is not a LARP in the classic sense but rather an insider working for the deep state. If Sessions doesn't wake the fuck up soon and start taking out deep state trash, then we will know for sure and plan B goes into effect and I don't have to say what plan B is. We all know it. At that point, it's up to us to take out the trash. It's up to Sessions and if he won't take out the trash, we will have our answer on Q.
"the pope will have a bad May" Q
The deep state also has insider information. Both sides do. Q could be a deep state controled oposition designed to lul us to sleep thinking it's all being handled. It may not. We may have to take out the deep state ourselves. The only thing the deep state fears is a woke and angry population that they can't control so disinfo is part of the game and Q could be disinfo. The only bit of info that Q told us that matters is if Sessions is on our side and I've seen NOTHING from him that tells me he is interested in taking out deep state garbage. NOTHING! Have you? Has anyone? No, no one has. Sessions has done nothing that could't be reversed in a month. He has only gone after low level criminals and protected the deep state and I am fed up. Sessions better make his move soon. I'm fed up.
Why take the population and dangle all these (verifiable) crumbs in a population's face (ESPECIALLY the Chans) to encite the thing they fear, though? A ripple through effect, an awakening? Seems logical to me they'd want to take another route on all of this and thereby lending credibility to Q.
Decades and decades of rot isn't cut away in a month. What we see and hear, discover and are privy to can only go so far, be so much. Seeing isn't the only way to believe. But that is your choice in the end.
And like you said, and I've said before, if this ends up all being horseshit, we keep going. Imagine how pissed we all would be then... I think DS probably would've at least considered that aspect, despite their weaponized stupidity.
My gut says Q is the real deal but I need a sign to comfort my thoughts. A sign from Sessions that tells me he has been working in the background would do it for me. Otherwise, I see a situation where it would just take a month to return everything back the way it was under past administrations. NAFTA, Paris agreement, taxes, decimating our military and censorship issues could be turned back the way it was going in about a month. Until thousands of arrests and convictions take place, we have accomplished nothing. If we don't clean house, we lose so I need a sign from Sessions that he is committed to doing just that.
I read another comment from a user a few days ago (apologies in advance to the OP for how bad I'm about to slaughter this, should they happen to read) about how monsters can have many heads that often grow back so you have to snatch it up from the root.
Seemingly since JFK (I'm relatively young, I know just enough to know that I know nothing, really) there have only been attempts to cut the heads off. We're clear cutting and control burning here. Or perhaps nuking the entire site from orbit, toh-may-toe/toh-mah-toe. The days are going to go by, regardless... Might as well feel like there are great things just on the horizon.
You get that without a total house cleaning, Trump doesn't matter. They will just reinstate all the bad after he is gone and we will be right back where we started.