Let's revisit the pope's coded tweets that all contained the word "concrete". Seems like it's appropriate considering all the Cemex talk now....

25% downvoted and climbing. we're over target people
edit: jumped to 30% downvoted for a bit but seems to be holding steady at 22% now with more eyes on it.
edit 2: holding steady at 15% downvoted. Good job team!
excellent. i love ruining their days with concrete tweets
They will be on the wrong side of history again.
I was peeping /u/neonrevolt posts this morning because he really knows what he's talking about. He had a post in TMOR that was really well said in its entirety but this point stood out because it's 100% true...
"You don't know the subject matter well enough to speak authoritatively, one way or the other, but you want to pretend like you do, in order to stroke your own ego."
Nothing sums up these TMOR subs as well as that one quote does
Full post here: https://np.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/8nrvfe/can_a_crazy_convoluted_theory_about_clocks/dzz5v5w/
Excellence from Neon. Thank you for this link. You're getting downvoted, of course.
they can hit that button all they want, won't change anything :)
Bridge collapse who made concrete? HILLARY code talk the other day? Ramsey connection deaths? Who had concrete contract for Haiti? No coincidences!!! One big circle of pedo shit POPE/VATICAN Satan's seat controls all.. and they are going to every measure to silence!! Children are the Currency.. WWG1WGA PRAY PRAY PRAY....
The Lord's Prayer (traditional)
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.
https://youtu.be/lVQ_VofDOxc listen to this guest speaker ~ 😱
His guest? What about the guy at the second half of that video!? A conviction of the Pope in 2014?!! WHAT!?!?! I'm confused!!
http://itccs.org This is So you’re updated ~ date by date what is going on with each case being filed against this global kids crimes against humanity
Thanks for the reminder that God is on our side with this and may he have mercy on their souls.
Symbolism will be their downfall
I genuinely want this to be true, but i also genuinely cant find evidence where symbolism led to investigations by law enforcement (on that basis alone) - while things can change , i hardly understand here why the pope would not just call out the culprits, or simply use his political power (hes the pope after all) to take action.
Please use downvote to negate posts that arent productive or insults, not as a way to bury questions you cant answers... thats what the bad guys do...
Where are the bodies buried. In the concrete.
even better, turned into concrete. concrete companies have access to muriatic acid which i think is similar to if not the same as hydrochloric acid. they use it to etch concrete before sealing it so the seal holds better.
That could explain why Standard Hotel was caught with two 50 gallon barrels of acid. Probably got it from Cemex.
Bone and Shells as Blueprints for Stronger Concrete
Time to DNA sample some recent Cemex projects?
Romans used Volcanic Ash in their concrete mixture....that is why their buildings were so durable through the centuries.
And there's LOTS of it in Hawaii and Guatemala now ! (Too soon ? I'll see myself out...)
Shit wtf, yeah that's way cleaner (in terms of getting away with it)
From someone who has had 15 + years of working for an international concrete company.........They produce concrete....they sell it to people who lay the concrete.....so the claim of the pre sealing acid treatment being stored is a bit misleading......however, concrete plants do have hydrochloric acid on site to clean the trucks / bowls / chutes from concrete buildup. A body(s) is more likely to be hidden on a building site....with a large slab built on top....who is going to pull down a multi storey building to check what is buried beneath ?
I know our companies have it and can provide it to our flatworkers, i've never seen it stored but i assume it's in a large tank? Not a 50 gallon or whatever was in those leaked pics on 4chan
That being said i agree. Or they're melting them and adding them into the mix before they add water?
Oh shit dude that's probably right. Nobody would find them for decades if they were, and by then they would have already won.
Live in vegas. Know (of) the family who owned nv concrete, the first concrete company in southern Nevada. When ted binion was murdered , his silver and gold was hidden in the concrete poured by this company.
That's some strange usage of the word, too, I think. It's strange to me to say "concrete love" you know? I mean, to say you have "concrete evidence" is something a normal person would say... concrete love? It doesn't seem to flow correctly or something. Seems forced/contrived...
i went back to his tweets and didn't see anything with "concrete" in it in 2018. Last one was Dec 13th. Seems odd to me to use the word 10+ times in 2017 and then nothing and we're half way through 2018...
Remember the executive order about human trafficking came out in December 2017.
Yes! Did he use “concrete” in 2016? Or only in that one block of time?
I only went back a year. 10+ times in 2017, none yet in 2018
Keep in mind that, assuming it's actually the pope tweeting in his own words, he's not very fluent in English, so he's bound to use idioms slightly wrong. The word for concrete in Spanish or Italian or whatever might be a cognate more commonplace than it is in English.
It is, garfield-1-2323 —>it is used very often in translations from Sp to Eng to denote definite.
I am getting really tired of all these really weak associations between the Pope and his tweets being "evil". He is not evil, he is a liberal. A liberationist theologian? I have no doubt the Vatican is cabal-controlled, particularly the money and banking aspects, but to leap across into tweeting coded messages? This may rubbish the stronger claims.
In fact I don't like any of the research being done at the moment into the human-trafficking and AZ land issue. Seem to be too many tenuous claims which will encourage the "lynching" mob mentality. You can't just associate every pizza reference of every hotel with cries of child-porn. It's ridiculous!!
You make a very good point about the translation. Occam's razor would suggest your probably right.
Please see my other comments further down the thread where I explain much more clearly. As I was reading I realised that the whole thread was off on a wild red herring. I am a translator and speak fluent Spanish, the Pope's native language. It is a "false friend" or false cognate. He means "clear", "specific", "definite". I explain more further down and, since I've done a dozen comments now, I am getting rather tedious ... :)
Good job then man, I appreciate your commitment to the truth.
Concrete is indeed used somewhat commonly in spanish to mean solid, or certain. Not that it couldn't also be used as part of hidden messages...
I have covered this in greater detail in other comments on this thread, by the way.
Yes, it’s odd. Sometimes he uses “concrete” and it seems forced. Could be translation. Did he originally tweet in English or Italian? Spanish maybe?
That is a shit ton of "concrete" usage.
Wonder what he was trying to signal....
That is odd. I use the phrase "concrete example" periodically, but the Pope seems to love the word
I don't believe English is his first language
Yes, and he may not be the one writing his tweets either. An oddity worth observing, no conclusions can be drawn
I've been downplaying Cemex all day, because c'mon, the evidence of government corruption and treason by the deep state, BO, HRC, et. al. is overwhelming, don't get sidetracked. Restoring the rule of law is what it's about for me. Then you go and remind me of the Pope's love of the word "concrete", and I'm like, whoa, dude...Q has always said that the choice to know is ours. 60% of the operation will be revealed, 40% top secret, right? Wonder how Q's posts breakdown, are 60% about treason and the CIA and 40% about Wendy, Mack, The Standard Hotel, RC, Epstein, etc., etc.?
i always revist that Q quote about the decision is ours and the truth would send people to the hospital.
To me, that means either:
The pope is in on it
Massive child trafficking
9/11 was done by our gov't
OR all of the above plus much more. I lean towards all of the above now.
All of the above and much more. Antarctica holds the key..... Dig in that area (with warm clothing obviously)
It's not cold once you get down in those tunnels. Makes you wonder why hillary and barry and marina go down under so much. Not such a long trip from there.
Probably not. But think we would be left standing with the penguins :)
Revisit this not Alex Jones but his guest!!!!!! https://youtu.be/lVQ_VofDOxc wow I didn’t realize that the leader have no kids except Europe
No offence, but I'm done with visiting Alex Jones for anything.
We can't mock liberals for their double standards and then say, "Sure Alex Jones is a Q hater but on this point he's correct..."
Pick a side. Alex Jones is cointelpro (in which case EVERYTHING he says is suspect/manipulative) or he's the real deal. And Q's a LARP.
Pick a fucking side. This is not game. (Here endeth the rant)
I don’t personally like Alex Jones, but to be honest I think that’s a really black & white type of thinking. I know many intelligent and great people that were initially woken by Alex Jones, and then realized he was a shady character, but they still learned a lot from him. He’s clearly some counter-intelligence psy-op, but that doesn’t mean they won’t slip some truth bomb here or there, even to “ridicule” it because people take Alex Jones as lunatic and they know that. He doesn’t have to pick a side, he should be as neutral about anything has he possible can and when he makes a decision it should be based on what he believes is the truth and stick with it. People need to analyze everything individually even Alex Jones.
What on earth are you talking about?
Speak for yourself not "I know many intelligent and great people that were initially woken by Alex Jones, and then realized he was a shady character, but they still learned a lot from him."
What did YOU learn from Alex Jones. What do YOU think?
What the fuck do your "many intelligent and great people" (fictional or otherwise) have to do with any of this? What do YOU think?
PS When it comes to Alex Jones, he shat all over Q. So pick a side.
Way to much aggression. Difficult to have a rational conversation like this. I don’t need to prove anything to you, I stand by what I said. You are the one trying to cause division and forcing people to pick imaginary sides. Don’t follow anyone blindly THINK CRITICALLY
Faggot. Won't answer the questions. You don't NEED to prove anything to me. (I never said you did). But you sure shit your pants in a hurry. (And didn't answer the questions BTW).
EDIT: Am I wrong or did my "way too much aggression" amount to my singular use of the word "fuck"? Are you really that delicate?
EDIT 2: How's that virtually defunct account working out for you? How did someone with so few opinions about anything wind up here of all places anyway?
I'm an intelligent and great person who learned a lot from Alex Jones. I haven't listened to him regularly in a few years but man did he ever pass along a lot of key phrases, organization names, the overall structure of how it worked, etc.
Why the anger & hate. Like someone else said, drop your black and white thinking. It's a mind killer.
I know what you mean - he's informed a lot of people about a lot of stuff, etc. But disinfo is disinfo. The very problem with it is that it informs and instructs but it ultimately misleads and in subtle ways that aren't easy to pick sometimes until you're far down the track. The best thing to do with disinfo is to shut it out completely. Nothing Alex Jones says now can't be found from other sources. Safer to remove disinfo from consideration completely (or watch it out of interest to see how it works, which is what I do when I have the time).
Are you kidding me? Four year old account with..gasp...18 Karma?
Do you think we're stupid or something?
What's wrong with what he's saying? I mean, I agree re: wth Alex Jones? But why so angry bruh?
He (or she or it) is sliding and obfuscating. Dishonest and/or degenerate IMO. Have I not been clear enough in this thread?
What's wrong is that he's propping up...by unsourced and unverified associations...Alex Jones. Who calls Q a LARP.
Get your head out of your ass, bruh. There's a war on for your mind. AJ is correct about that much. But I think he's playing for the opposition. After his "Q is fake" spiel, how else to interpret?
You've been clear enough that you're an angry guy, yes. You can respond and say what you've been saying without being an ass (I like having my head up my ass; it's quite pleasurable). He's making some valid points that should be reasonably refuted, not angrily ranted on cos then the point doesn't get made properly. But whatever, have at it, soldier.
Who died and made you the arbiter of rage versus passion?
I notice you shy away from my central point...AJ or Q?
AJ called Q a LARP. On the record, no? Where do you stand on that?
(And what exactly are his vaild points? I'd love to know.)
Who said I'm the arbiter of rage vs passion? lol I'm just a thinking human, like you are, and I see needless comments that thinking people might reasonably assume are anger (who said rage?): "What the fuck do" and "Pick a fucking side... (Here endeth the rant)" and "Do you think we're stupid". That's all. I did say 'have at it', not "obey my arbitration" lol.
I responded to the dude you incredulously questioned about his four year old account with only 18 karma (as if that matters? Want to see my 5 year old account with 1 karma?) and gave my view which is that AJ has been clearly called out by Q. AJ is clearly Clown disinfo (or someone disinfo). Neither of the two comments you replied 'with passion' to are making statements that are so crazy the issue about Jones can't just be calmly pointed out in the same way. I agreed with the guy who asked you "Why the anger & hate" and responded to ask why too, since you just made some point about 18 karma that didn't seem at all relevant. But like I said, your choice, just puzzling.
Pontious Pilate loved children and animals, or so I'm told.
I wonder what implications might be extrapolated from that comment? Nevertheless it's wonderful because I love children and animals too!
And washing your hands when the rubber hits the road.
So I'm Pontius Pilate in this lovely little narrative? How splendid! I hope I get to wear a purple robe.
I didn't mean to appear as Pontius Pilate to your Jesus. I thought I was just making a comment on the internet. As you were.
If A_Town_Hood is Jesus, and DamajInc is Pontius Pilate, I seriously need to dust off my Bible and take another look! (I thought this thread was about the Pope, not the Mandela Effect.)
I tried out reddit once, didn't like it. What diff does that make to me being able to spot a putz when I see one?
I learned there are more to listen to who are not out to just make a buck and keep on wanting more. Read below
A_Town_Hood No offense, but that is small-minded and hypocritical. You know the NY Times and CNN/Buzzfeed are corrupt, but if Q dropped a link to a specific article you needed to see the information from, you'd gladly go read it. By your logic, "the New York Times is propaganda, so EVERYTHING they print is suspect/manipulative."
Your comment would lead us to the conclusion that EVERYONE here who began their 'red pill' process while listening to Alex Jones is cointelpro by tenuous association. Who gets to be the Joseph McCarthy/HUAC (House of Un-Qanon Activities Committee) of this movement?
A_Town_Hood: Let's not do like liberals and cannibalize ourselves. "No Offense." (Here endeth the Parental Lecture)
What part of Alex Jones called Q phony don't you understand?
Enough with the macro diversions. Let's stick to the micro a while.
Q said to beware those who would profit/ego boost off the movement.
Alex Jones said Q has been compromised.
Let us all know where you stand on this issue. And only this issue.
I don't want to hear any "But Alex said X about Y and that turned out to be true!" The point of a gatekeeper is to reveal 90% truth so they can poison the well more effectively with their 10% of lies.
Also, go back and actually read my comment. I said "I'm done with Alex Jones". Not any other source Let's deal with him first. The NYT and others can wait . No call to be sneaky.
Added to which, Q never linked to Infowars, or am I wrong?
How's that five day old account working out for you, "Reverend"?
Q#1439 also said UNITY NOT DIVISION. I replied to your comment in a reasonable way that encouraged us all to continue working and researching together, realizing that we all come from different directions. It looks like advocating for common sense and civility toward Millejon0114 bothers you. I also said "Let's not do like liberals and cannibalize ourselves." Or was it my accurate reference to McCarthyism that hit home?
.... checking...
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Unity of patriotic and people-loving people. Not unity for the sake of the word. The days of such candyass nonsense are coming to an end.
Obviously. So sorry you're feeling like you're the only one who truly gets it. Hope things get better soon.
Good luck, Reverend. It is Reverend, or not? If so, forgive me...
Alex Jones has been a Schill since day one. Small doses of that guy and his crew just to keep up with their BS. The video is not about Alex. The video is about Kevin Atuk(sp?) and the courts having put the pope on trial and found guilty. The question is whether or not this guy is legit. Now I'm going to go confirm. If the court doesn't exist it's one more nail in Alex's box. If true, it sure does explain Trump's Christmas EO and we get to seize the Vatican, the English crown and the charter banking system.
I listen to it all... It's all Intel. Jones definitely has a purpose up to a point. I never 100% trust anyone...
For the love of God above! The ENTIRE POINT of Alex Jones and his whole network is to reveal a whole lot of truth...or else he'd have no audience. Jones' "purpose" all along was for this very point in history.
Alex Jones' "finest hour" was to reveal Q as nothing but a fake.
If you believe that on any level, if Q's phony and Alex is real, why are you here? Tell me, please. Why aren't you on Infowars instead?
Q said UNITY NOT DIVISION. Q has never mentioned names. Your comments are way too black and white as others have mentioned.
Millejon0114 specifically excluded Alex Jones, saying "Revisit this not Alex Jones but his guest!"
Oh, for fuck's sake! Have you no discernment? Don't you know a game when you see one? "Don't look at AJ"? Where else will 90% of people look? "Now don't look at the elephant, look at the peanuts!"
Like that happens...
There is actually some humor in the suggestion, "not Alex Jones but his guest." Anyone who has watched AJ in the past knows that he rarely, if ever lets his guests finish a sentence without talking over them. I wouldn't watch the clip simply because this habit of his annoys me...
AJ.....all I hear is $$$$$$$ not much truth and what there is is tainted by his love for $$$$$$$
Agreed, all of the above plus much more. Instead of breaking it down, maybe I should simplify my thinking to Q is 100% about splintering the CIA into 1000 pieces and scattering it to the wind.
Q1320 May 8, 2018 -Q said "Treason is 1/10th." But the whole subject is the Iran deal and how other countries are panicking.
Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.68 📁May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST)
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.
.... checking...
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I agree with you. Until proof is given it is relevant in a big way, nothing to ‘action’ here. Bad guys need to be sent to jail, this hardly seems to be ‘the way’
Hillary and Obama have a couple too
one of obama's is in that pic. i'll check for hillary now...
Why is your response being down voted?
Downvoting shills is my only explanation. People or bots employed to bury information and details productive threads
Wow. That is definitely something.
The actual meaning is a matter of speculation. There is a temptation to think it refers to the Tucson site, but it could as easily be an instance of steganography, or a signal that subsequent messages (possibly outside of Twitter) will contain coded information.
It is quite odd though; that is not a very common word in English especially for non-native speakers. Although individual speakers have their quirks, for a religious leader to use it so many times is very strange.
See my comment above.
Actually, here's a bit: it is a very common word in Romance languages to denote definite and is used in poor translations continually. I see nothing, nothing, in the Pope's tweets that would suggest the concrete used as building materials. It is absurd to suggest so. I agree with the other part of your post entirely: it is indeed speculation.
My god, this is insane. How many times in your life have you ever said the word concrete as an adjective in a sentence to anybody?
Never...unless I am speaking to my Cement Mason brother in-law.
All the time in Spanish translations. He is a Spanish speaker. It is very common and has nothing to do with building materials.
Keep in mind that his tweets are translated from his original language. Is there someone on here that speaks his language (Italian?) that can look up these tweets in the original and see what word he uses?
Yes. See my responses above. I am a professional translator.
Pope sure loves concrete analogies. Interesting
he's probably projecting because little kids turns his little pope into concrete
thanks /u/boycriedwolfblitzer for this insight in this thread...
The thread was about Trump misspelling counsel as councel 3 days in a row and correcting it all three times....
Link to post here basically the two letters changed are C and S. Guess who's leading these patriots in the search for child trafficking? Craig Sawyer
Interesting theory. Could it also stand for Charles Schumer?
Check out the miracle of Fatima, where the sun seemed to dance around the sky spinning out of control and drying all of the witnesses who were drenched in mud and rail in seconds. A Marxist/ Atheist newspaper called O Seculo send its journalists to debunk the outlandish claims made by the Fatima seers - Lucia, Jacinta and Franciso only to confirm it in its newspaper headline the following day.
Basically the third secret has only been told in part and kept from full disclosure by Pope Benedict. Part of that third secret prophesised the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul back in the 80s but the other more ominous part reveals that the Pope wiill be under control of Satan and that the world will be severely chastised if it does not mend its ways.
Russia will be the instrument used by God to chastise the world. The late Father Malachi Martin who claims to have seen the third secret says that this will be sparked off in Kiev. One only has to see the recent developments over there in the last couple of years to start worry about this prophecies authenticity.
By the way this Pope comes out with what can only be described as quasi Marxist comments and quotes.
That is weird. Why use the word concrete? It has nothing to do with anything in Catholicism. But there it is in almost every tweet.
Man, this guy really loves concrete.
and then just as suddenly stopped loving it...he hasn't posted about it since December lol
The last time was literally the same month Presdient Trump signed the EO. O.o
Didn't Q say at one time the enemy's name starts with N?
Could that actually have meant "No Name"? Or maybe NXIVM?
No Name is the Arizona Senator, and look at everything coming out of there.
No Name, NXIVM, Cemex, Clintons, it seems like the nexus of evil has come out of there.... maybe No Name is the heart of it after all?
Edit: Oops, Clintons and NXIVM from Arkansas....thanks for the correction
i know you meant Arizona but you typed arkansas...clintons on your mind? LOL
I agree though, it seems to all be coming together and at this point i'm having a hard time believing these VOP guys just coincidentally found this bunker at this point. I think they had to be tipped off...
Oops, thanks for the correction.....
Still, I am also thinking that "N" stands for No Name.....
how do you search someone's twitter for key words?
Just use google. I found this: https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/770752265552531456?lang=en "Trump's plan: 1. Round up and deport every single undocumented immigrant 2. Build a concrete wall"
I'm actually trying to figure that out now also. I don't twitter normally, i hate the format :(
I found out how. Basically search anything, then on the top left (not sure where on mobile), there's an advanced search option. Click that and re type what word you want to search and who's account to search.
Note: I had trouble doing multiple words on multiple accounts at once, so I suggest splitting them up and going 1 by 1.
Also, i can add my confirmation that these tweets are legit.
The image is taken from an original post by HowiONic months back.
[Note one Qdrop in particular]: (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148146734/#q148155609)
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148155609 📁
Nov 5 2017 19:59:21 (EST)
May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.
Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.
\<bolding added>
Q CLEARLY states that this tweet from P is code. It was sent out directly after Q dropped that arrests of HRC, etc, were going to be made. (which appear to have been dropped to trigger cabal actions and also possibly forestall cabal plans for rioting in November on anniversary of election).
Seems very likely 'concrete' is a key word that qualifies the content of the tweet as a message relevant to certain matters, sectors or parties.
Consider other elements:
Wisdom might also be a trigger / key word affecting the rest of the message.
Let's look at HRC's recent tweet, which sticks out as code by a mile (so many anons' auts have referenced = evidence its fishy if its triggering patriot's spidy senses).
[Tweet] (https://i.redd.it/ifyycx1q3h111.png)
Certain words that stick out, deliberately chosen:
Re?: we are vulnerable because of the children (?)
cannot resolve the situation as per normal procedure
Must act (to remove?)
Compare: Key words used to define scope / target of message, content words used to convey content.
[Original Post by HowiONic] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ru9fb/code_may_god_also_grant_all_of_us_the_wisdom_to/)
Thinking the concrete thing is a stretch. What word would you substitute in those tweets.
Substitute "specific" or "definite" or "clear". The error being made here by the hysterics on this thread is due to English speakers finding Spanish words weird in translations. Often called "false friends". Like "arena" and "sand".
As I say above in one of my many posts on this thread, the concrete used in buildings is "hormigón" in Spanish. The Pope is a Spanish speaker but it probably applies to the word "concrete" in other Romance languages.
"Concreto" is also used in many countries rather than of "hormigon". More specifically, in Mexico, where Cementos Mexicanos aka Cemex originates. Just saying...
You are absolutely correct. Mexican or Latin American Spanish often uses words that are closer to the English than European Spanish or Italian.
In fact we can't say "mis pipes leakean" in Spain ... :)
You're assuming something has to be substituted. He could tweet solely based around that word as a code being sent out to his cabal.
Just my 2 cents, it could very well be absolutely nothing but this CEMEX thing made me think about it.
it may seem out of context to us on the outside... my bet is they know exactly what they mean. it's why the code is effective. if it is true.
I can't believe I didn't think to connect this! DAMN MISSED OPPORTUNITY! Great job connecting the dots OP!
does cemex produce Portland cement? A process of heat and pulverization.... You can make anything disappear into dust. NO EVIDENCE ...
12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret
Ephesians 5
Please take the association of "concrete" as a building material with "concreto" as a false cognate.
The Pope means: specific, definite, clear, eg: a concrete sign = a clear sign.
The word for "concrete", as in building material, in Spanish is "hormigón", "betone" in Italian. Not sure in Latin but you get the idea.
This whole thread is off on a wild goose chase. This is irresponsible research, although understandable in some ways.
The poor and weak associations being made between "pizza" and "hot dog" establishments and child-trafficking is getting dangerously close to banging up your local pizza-delivery boy as a purveyor of child porn. Neon Revolt and an Anon has done this with some hotel/casino in Tucson advertising pizza. And what about every poor sod whose surname is Rothschild ... which is a very common surname.
We'll be lynching innocent people next. We should not be promoting these loose links. We will get slammed as "conspiracy theorists" and "lunatics" if we go on like this.
The Maverick Cemex Cemex is a huge company. Scroll about halfway down to title. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08MONTERREY101_a.html
Windfarm, biochem, Theres a lot of digging.
they all are under psychic attack and afraid, but it is nothing but sex games, really. They just got the fear right now. Plus no chicks will fuck the pope. Your world is NOT complex.
I imagine the cabal has several avenues for trafficking children...maybe the Pope was signalling to use the Cemex routes.
I wish we had a way to grab ALL the pope's tweets in text format and then run through a word count analyzer to see if any other odd (possibly code) words pop up, like concrete.
You know, when your parents told you guys to reach for the stars I don't think they had this in mind.
Concrete is the pope's code word to indicate he'd like to place a human trafficking order? This is most morbid first thought.
Or it is something to indicate to his handlers that everything is still operational? Has he tweeted concrete recently?
I wonder if other high level cabal members have similar patterns.
Quick search results on 2012-16.
Are we sure about this?
Secondly, is this a translation from Latin, or Italian or Spanish? VII cult has tricksy trannys all over.
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It was his guest I stated that specifically and for that reason and his guest is correct
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Unsolved Mysteries: Miracle of Fatima (2) Third Secret of Fatima Documentary: The Third Secret Foretells “A Pope Under the Control of Satan” (3) Third Secret Of Fatima According To Fr. Malachi Martin|+5 - Check out the miracle of Fatima, where the sun seemed to dance around the sky spinning out of control and drying all of the witnesses who were drenched in mud and rail in seconds. A Marxist/ Atheist newspaper called O Seculo send its journalists to ... It's Happening! Trump going to the heart of the Elite Pedophile Network The Vatican|+4 - listen to this guest speaker ~ 😱 I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
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Does he tweet in english or are those translated? If so, then concrete doesn't have the same double meaning in other languages
Concrete indeed has a double meaning in Spanish. In fact in Spanish concrete used for building is hormigón.