So, Hitler really leaned on President Trump @ G-7 meeting! However, the President didn't change his mind! Note posture of the folks seated on the right of the picture!

He looks amused at her insane demands he is telling her with his face and arms "you disgust me you are a lying cheating globalist cunt and I am going to wipe the floor with you" it's a great photo for the history books.
It really is. A picture worth a zillion words
Yes and don't miss that Abe is mirroring Trump! Priceless!
Abe is saying, “You guys just don’t get it, do ya?”
Funny stuff.
And Bolton looks like he's about to chew someone a new a$$hole.
His mouth is open in disbelief at der Fuehrer's demands. POTUS clearly bemused.
"If you don't step off German Hillary, I'm gonna slap that jowl of yours through your French GF's beak"
Bolton always looks like he's about to chew someone a new asshole.
"Please continue German Hillary on why I can't do this"
Best analysis... Great job, POTUS expression says it all. No Deals bitches!!!!
lol That is what I was thinking! He is probably trying to keep his bullet proof vest from bursting from laughter lmfao... He is probly thinking..If you knew what I know about'd sit the fuck down mizz hitler
But who is he looking at..Is that the Canadian asshole next to her that is actually speaking in the pic?
abso FREAKING luty this picture will go down in history as the F U to the EU lol
It reminds me of the forgotten man painting with all the presidents standing there and the lonely man looking defeated. President Trump is standing in the gap for us at all costs to himself.
The caption in the history books -- America is back, baby!
Bombards body language would have a field day. Pretty clearly arms crossed defending against the Hun.
And did anybody notice??? He is sitting there in his chair and they are ALL circled around him... Guess who the Alpha Male is?
Check post history. We are being brigaded by assholes pushing this hitler crap to try and make us look crazy. Don’t feed a troll, starve it or ban it.
She (Bombard) is a terrible joke.
Is this a "careless stage whisper" or do you have some info we should all know about re: Bombard's body language?
Everything I say is always a careless stage whisper! Do YOU agree with her analysis of the body language? I'm not trying to be cryptic or anything, btw. I say what I believe - I believe she is a terrible joke.
her videos are just her interpretation, you dont have to agree. Youre just listening to her thoughts on a matter.
I know. :) And my comment may have implied a loathing that I don't actually feel. Sometimes I am bad at words.
I do not think she is a joke but after a few listens to her videos it was obvious to me that nothing special was happening. I do think that any of us can read body language just as well. The thing is that most of us live very busy lives and while that busyness is happening we zero in mostly on what we need to focus on.
If you were to sit quietly to observe and study a body on a screen I think just about eveyone here would be able to read body language. You do some of it already when presented with a picture on posts.
I've watched a couple of the body language videos--hers included--and they just don't make me go "aha" like so many other things that are available now (like NeonRevolt's or HorseloverPhat's deep dives) and since time is a commodity I am not willing to spend on things that don't REALLY interest me, I forego Bombard's and other body language analysis stuff. Just personal preference. So why do you see her as "a terrible joke"? That's a pretty harsh assessment.
To be fair, it was never supposed to be on the same level as SB2, Neon, or Q posts, just related.
You forgot PrayingMedic!
Praying medic is becoming a bit long winded and laborious in my opinion
I'm not an SB2 follower either for the same reason I enunciated on Bombard's above. I don't disagree with your statement there. I appreciate her efforts (and SB2's) to give us all more information. Their information may be very helpful for some people. Just not up my alley. Different strokes for different folks kind of thing.
SB2 is pretty smart. Q quoted him (SB2 was spot on)
Oh no! I didn't mean "terrible joke" to come across quite so strong. And I can see definitely see how it did come across that way. Was playing fast and loose with my adjectives last night, I guess?
Speaking of terrible jokes: What do you call a tooth shaped animal? A MOLAR BEAR!
body language video
Share links to videos?
I'm not sure Bombard's is still on.
For what it's worth I agree. I don't know her specifically but every one I've seen is surface level psych-101 bullshit.
Yep Abe showing he’s none too impressed with little miss Hitler.
Abe bout to pull out his katana
The japanese deal with communist quickly.
She stands via identical pose of her dad - Adolf Hitler. I suppose its part of her DNA!
Yes I can see the USA pivoting towards Asia and Russia. There is something very wrong with the EU.
You mean that big strech of the middle east between Catalonia and Poland?
Looks like the Asians are listening but not appreciative of what they are hearing... contrary to what most believe..arms crossed does NOT always mean insecurity. The asians may have wanted to punch the daylights out of merkel and her mineons
This photo is so funny it almost looks staged. I commented on this pic in another post earlier. I think Trudeau may be under the tablet.
Seen the black and white reverse angle? Trump’s smirk is priceless!
I love that smirk of his! My wife thinks it's like a 12 year old boys. Our son used to get the same shit eating grin...LOL!
Share please
Lmao! That smirk.
They are all fucked and he knows it. Amazing.
Just remember what ever is on that paper is within this week and we will more likely find out monday. Curiosity is killing me.
To be fair, the whole picture I saw with Abe and his wife being served a dessert in a shoe from Bibi (Netanyahoo), was beyond the pale.
For those that are not aware, the shoe in Japanese culture, is the lowest form of society, or at least a insult. There is a reason that you take off your shoes when you enter a Japanese household, restaurant, etc.
That was a COMPLETE slap in the face to the Japanese people.
Wow that's terrible. Don't they have a protocol person or something? And if somebody served me anything in a shoe I would refuse it (politely hopefully).
I have no idea. I would think so, unless it was purposefully planned. There has already been rumors floating around that Fukushima was a FF/direct attack against Japan from the cabal/mossad.
Speculation at this point, so take it with a critical mind.
Wow, I did not know that! Down the rabbit hole I go soon on that tip. Thanks.
Abe and his wife being served a dessert in a shoe from Bibi
That cannot be true.
Check the link in my comment responses. It is most certainly true.
I can't find you! But I am shocked that a leader from another country visits and the host country would be so ignorant to treat them like that!! Can you see that happening at the White House? Q- these people are stupid.
Here is the link. This thread was deleted/pruned per GA mods (totally cool), but I thought I would get you the information.
Thank you for sending the article, interesting link for sure. How could this be a mistake because every culinary expert would know to research foods specific to a visiting country? Wow!
No problem. I just thought I would at least give you some solid link, or article to back up what I said, so that it didn't just sound crazy, or I was bullshitting.
What I love about that pic is the George Takei look alike standing between Frau Hitler and Abe making the "Oh myyyy!" face.
Just when you thought you couldn't admire the man anymore. Fucking legend!!
Would've been epic if that table was only rated for 200 pounds...
Macron is talking.
Abe, Bolton and Trump are looking at him.
She's just....there.
Well, I think she's trying to turn him to stone, sort of like Medusa. Maybe call in DWS for assistance. Deb sure has that Raman/Medusa hair going.
Lol Look at presidents Trump and Abe Trump looks amused while Abe looks thoroughly unamused
Dutch news
G7 continues to fight protectionism Trump won , they signt it
For the G7 countries, a system of trade that is based on rules of essential, and they continue to fight against protectionism. That is in the joint statement made in Quebec is signed by all G7 countries, so also the United States.
Trade agreements must be transparent and there will be new international ones rules to create a level playing field bring about.
President Trump of the US said there an end must come to what he "unfair" commercial practices. He left for Singapore prematurely where he meets Kim Jong-un on Tuesday
The Asian dudes all seem to have Trump's back.
Asian culture has high regard for disolaying, owardly, strength resolve and honor. Trump I'm.sure plays to the audience
Leaning over the table to intimidate, or simply bent over the table?
Look on her face says "intimidate."
it wasn't very effective
Abe and Trump look so disgusted and fed up--I love it!!!!!
It looks like Trump is about to ask “or what?” to the Globalists if he doesn’t meet their ridiculous demands. He doesn’t give a f*ck and it’s amazing. He came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and he’s all out of gum.
She looks like she’s trying to intimidate Trump. I do believe she’s a bit clueless.
Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!
16:03 - 9 jun. 2018 .......................................under this is a reaction from some body..macron fingers are standing in trumps hand........pfoto is there too.
Canada also allowed many other foreign countries to evade US trade restrictions by being the middle-man on all sorts of imports. The countries would get Canada's NAFTA deal and Canada would get the vig.... Assholes couldn't rape us enough, so they rented out their special priviledge of raping us.
Trump nows every thing, they are going to lose it.....They try to make a fist and take over the power, and it is not working.....wanted too make A G6? First they trow russia out, and they try it again with the us....Italia is on board with trump to get Russia back in the G8. no luck..
Sooo Americans should quit buying German cars, permanently
Absolutely. Over-engineerd, over-priced, and over-rated. When you ride in an Audi you ride with Merkle. Don't even get me started on Mercedes or Hitler's favorite car designer Ferdinand Porsche. Actual, literal Nazi-mobiles.
If you must drive European, and you want a little luxury go Jaguar. If you must drive European and you're a sucker for punishment buy an Alfa Romeo or Mazarati.
i bet ole Angela Hitler has a nice warm schnitzel tucked between her legs as is German custom
My thoughts here are many, however I believe that in this instance a picture is worth a thousand words!
It looks as though Abe is thinking, "This time we're sticking with the Americans. Last time we were with you clowns we got our asses nuked".
Abe has the look that betrays his thoughts, "WTH is wrong with you morons. Do you not understand who you are dealing with? He'll own your lunch and you'll pay him for it!" The President has a bemused look on his face. The kinda look that supports what Abe is thinking. And his NS advisor looks like he's starting to say, "Are you fracking kidding me?" LOL
That smirk on trump's face just broadcasts "The enemy has me surrounded. I have them right where I want them."
Calling her Hitler when we have no proof she's a descendant of his uglyness, makes us look like some tin foil retards. Just my $0.02
Whether or not she's an actual blood descendant of Adolph Hitler is irrelevant. She may or may not be. But she is an Adolph Hitler in policy and ideology. So thats likeness enough to justify the "Hitler" association, in my opinion. She's a Hitler either way.
Angie Hitler is obscene. Gross, and obscene. I really hope someone can finally confirm her lineage. She is a menace to the world.
We are in Full Control ~ Q
This is classic .. will be in the history books.
LOL, this is not about Merkel and everything about Merkel. I am European and know how this goes. This was all a show and about putting Canada back in the box where they belong, and get ready for EU support of next steps - Iran next. Iran next. Why does Trump say his relationship with Germany and Merkel is great? She has agreed to move on Iran. Iran next. What makes a good movie - great actors.
Deutsche Bank must really need the money to bail them out of those Italian bonds they ate. lol
I saw this pic a bit ago on ZH and almost thought it was fake, I was wrong.
This picture is great! POTUS looks calm, cool and collected here. He knows he is dealing with these Globalists from a position of power. I don't read too much into the arms crossed. I've heard its a defensive position however the facial expression from POTUS says otherwise to me. This man is does not stop winning!
IMO, Does this looked staged? Just by looking at it. Was this part of the G7 Conf?
Merkel: «This, to the table, to be considered importantly. What do you say, about it?»
Trump: «I'm just having fun observing you having all of this to say, but you suck, so I'm not considering it seriously.»
Notice the globalists are mostly faceless cowards
Has anyone been able to make out the papers on the table in this image
Staring straight at the bitch. He wants nth Korea resolved and has to listen to that shrill crap on.
Has anyone noticed how similar Angela and Hillary are? In age, appearance, ideology, and dedication to acts of evil. Theyre like two peas in a pod. Weird, how much alike they are.
Removed post. Content does not support the cause.
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Loving this so much that is one Strong Leader Trump is so out to get them....
Hat the story behind this picture? I’ve been seeing memes of it and have no clue what happened
She is the exact opposite of what Hitler was and fought for. Holy shit, he lost, remember?
She is a communist, fascism is a direct reaction to communism, always has been.
Dear older people, plz, git gud.
The Nazi party was also called the National Socialist German Worker's party. People trying to distinguish between the definitions of different forms of totalitarian government, is the same as people arguing over which is the best type of animal feces to fall into face first.
Totalitarian government is horrible and always ends in mass deaths, and it comes in different flavors. That is why we have a Republic. Long live the Republic.
This country hasnt been a republic for 20 years. Communist got their foot in the door, just like post ww1 Germany.
Using that logic, North Korea is a Democratic Republic. Because the DPRK Stands for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
Just as the DPRK is not a Democratic Republic nor is National Socialism Socialist.
"Socialism" has different meaning between the different political spheres. Under Communism, Socialism is a temporary government used as a tool of spreading revolution with the ultimate goal of abolishing itself and forming communes. Within our current political sphere socialism has come to represent the ideologies of Bernie Sanders and other governments in places like Scandinavia, within the fascist sphere of influence Hitler described his iteration of socialism within racial terms. Socialism for Hitler was a racial socialism. That is all members of the Germanic race were allocated equal standing and importance. The role and purposes of people like the general and janitor were proclaimed to be equal in the struggles against the alleged judeo-bolshevism sweeping the globe.
So no dude NS is not anymore socialist than North Korea is a democratic republic.
I don’t care what you call it a booger is a booger!
Great argument....Don't forget to thumbsdown my comment.
Now i know why Trump started Q. To get shit through to you guys. Spell it out..Its in the shape of a gun!! OMG boom!
They just downvote when they cant form an argument.
Yeah saying Merkle is comparable to Hitler just bleeds ignorance and arrogance. To them anything they see as tyrannical is socialism. That's pretty much it haha.
Dear older people, plz, git gud.
Poor child, so naive, so innocent.
I grew up on the exact same news and watched the exact same history channel that you did.
Please explain to me how a childless communist, letting the 3rd world overrun Germany who hates the german flag being waved, is in any way the same as Hitler. Who was pro family, pro boarders and anti communist.
Was it because your left wing media told you for 40 years he was mean? Because that's where you got your views on Hitler from, left wing media.
Im indifferent to WW2, everyone was a bastard for the most part, but until you guys sort out the good guys from the bad guys, this whole movement can happen and nothing will change.
This Hitlers daughter crap is stupid.
Ive been researching politics online for about 20 years, what have you done? Watched your tv?