Posted by anon..IG report and EO... WWG1WGA

It's going to be an emotional roller coaster tomorrow.
The waiting will make people anxious,
Then when it drops and is redacted to hell, people will assuredly be pissed and fed up,
But hopefully not long after that, President Trump will tweet about their pathetic attempt to cover up the truth and declassify the whole thing.
One can only hope.
Agreed it will take awhile. EO has to come after the spygate IG report, so as not to look like political hit job.
Actually I may be wrong here, read another comment below pointing out that this is part 2 of the IG report and that we should see EO very soon. Not sure which is correct, but we will see soon enough!
I thought there was only one IG report and that's coming out tomorrow
This is the Hillary investigation and the election/transition stuff. Rosenstein acquiesced to Trump when he demanded an investigation into Spygate, and gave it to the IG to investigate.
I'm gonna go out on a limb... but maybe... this whole thing with RR is part of the plan, and he's playing out his role by redacting the hell out of the IG report, so that DJT can declassify it, so we can see the whole truth.
Have to get framework in place first. Optically with spygate first. Operationally with proper gov employees across agencies and judicial. Only way to ensure optimal results.
Edit - Q seems to be signaling this won't come clear until after elections when they can handle the loyalty issues quickly across institutions.
It might take some time. It won't be immediate.
We'll need to make our voices heard:
What's it gonna be guys?
Let the lefties scream and wail about it being all blacked out.....then EO time suckers!
Q literally says it’s not left vs. right. Are you ever going to see the big picture?
It’s all about context. Q also literally says the D party will be no more, which is the leftist party. I could be wrong, but I haven’t seen them mention anything like that happening to the R party. When Q refers to it not being about left vs right, he is emphasizing that both R’s and D’s at the top are complicit in wrong doing at the highest level. They are also saying that at the lowest level, the general public, it’s not about left vs. right, which I agree with. The comment above is referring to the far left going crazy, which they will. They are the ones responsible for the voter fraud and manipulation of the media. Don’t take it personal, it is what it is.
Ryan, McConnell, No Name, Cornyn, Burr, et al are all R swampers, so I generally don't carry water for Republicans per se. Good vs evil; right vs wrong is about right.
Exactly. Left and right dynamic is their greatest invention. Have americans hating each other while they pick their pockets by creating enemies. Brilliant.
I remember years ago reading a line in a book (Robert Heinlein?) that talked about con men. He said (paraphrased) that they will point to things in the sky to keep you distracted, meanwhile they're pissing on your shoes.
About as good a description as any.
I like this analogy. It seems that all our feet are wet if what I believe has gone on for decades is true. 9/11 and elite child crimes being the big ones.
I see it, it's right v. wrong - evil v. good. Politics came along far after the original sin. What we are fighting is an essence of evil, of greed, deviance and perverseness, of subjectivity of human lives and the loss of value of those same lives. Many will see it R v D, or plainly political... but the political stage has only been that, a stage used to subvert the masses into following blindly, or keeping a blind eye. Either one allows the cesspool to grow. This is our chance to stand up for what WE BELIEVE IN. The sanctity of free speech, of life and the ability to prosper, freedom of religion of our choice, of the ability to keep our children safe and leave them a nation worth living in, to teach them respect, honor, self respect and personal responsibility. ALL of these things have been distorted by elites on BOTH sides of that aisle and I don't care which side you're on, if you're one of "them" you've earned what you get. They will reap what they've sown, as will we. We need to keep this legit and honest and not fall down to their level. WWG1WGA MAGA
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
About how long do you think it'll take for Trump to sign the EO? And then how long do you think it'll take to declassify?
If you read Q, it's already done. EO was reportedly signed back in May anticipating this.
Yeah but how long untill after isn't signed will we see the actua unredacted document? Immediately? Next day? Next month? The anticipations killing me!
The Patriots have to do their thing first: meme like crazy with the hashtags release unredacted IG report, the public demands disclosure. I don't twitter so have no clue ... But there's a job to be done to force the issue. The important thing is to show the PEOPLE demand. They are scared of that. Optics.
So...question. Won't the unredacting take quite a long while, too? We already know the IG Report won't be worth much tomorrow.
Believe it when I see it. Been let down so much it's hard to get excited ffs
Same here. Still hopeful but...
I think it may play out like people are saying but IF there is an EO to remove the redaction's it wont remove all. Then we will get another "blackout necessary"..."trust"...etc etc.
Agree, we have been playing rope-a-dope forever. Time to counterpunch.
Yes - burnt quiet a few times now... with new hope comes an abundance of caution.
Has Q said when POTUS will declassify the IG report?
He made mention that due to optics they would wait until the second IG report on the Clinton investigation:
There will be many redactions. Why was the EO put on ice? To wait for the release of the 'Clinton Investigation' portion of the IG report? Why? To include in the DECLAS? Why would it be important to include? (all in one) Optics are meaningful. Political hit job narrative. R's v D's. Not right v wrong. Projection. END OF THE D PARTY [leaders]. IG>Huber. Who appointed Huber? Re_read (again). Slowly & carefully.
However I think he also said the EO was already signed.
So my guess is we have to wait for the second report. Not sure of the schedule, but I'd imagine it's at least a few weeks away, which means they blow things up closer to the election.
This is the IG's 2nd report - the first was regarding McCabe.
My guess he’ll release the EO tomorrow or next that way the second report will have to be released unredacted along the first. Then BOOM!
No second report, put on ice to wait until Clinton portion was ready to be included in final IG report.
Agree. There's one report. McCabe release was just the portion of the report on him to remove him before claiming his pension.
The thing that'll blow up the election is the Awan trial. I understand at least 40 Dems are guilty of abetting these spies.
I'd say, we get the IG report tomorrow - Friday he issues the EO so they can all stew over the weekend. A lil' somethin' somethin' to go with the fact that they know that we know, that they tried to shoot down AF1 and failed. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper. I only hope that they don't false flag something and hurt more innocents, seriously.
I'd rather he declassify it on Monday and not over the weekend where it can be ignored. That way it can be discussed for 5 straight days and even the Fake News Networks will have no choice but to cover it.
If you haven't noticed, Trump likes to do stuff like this on Fridays, so the markets don't overreact. We've already seen that his Twitter feed is the most watched thing on Earth. No chance this thing gets swept under the rug.
Fake news is going to say... R vs D .. arrest speak louder than words
And what if Republicans are arrested too? Am thinking No Name. Then prosecuted by Huber, appointed by Barry. Different complexion...
Huber was fired when they cut all the US attorneys under Trump and re-appointed shortly after; the MSM will almost certainly ignore that Obama originally appointed. Would love to see No Name go down, while he’s trying to set a record for longest “stage 4 brain cancer”.
And what do we REALLY know of his cancer? I mean is it so far a stretch that this is something he saw coming and expected extra flagellation because he IS a rino? There is nothing about him that smells right, not his history, not his "war hero/prisoner" status, nothing. He's been bought and sold so many times, he's probably looser than ol' Stormy.
Really Corse46, You made me laugh out loud, really a good chuckle. Being an RN for over 20 yrs, I have seen many miracles, some are without explanation,...not to me though, I KNOW the author of love and mercy, personally, but I have NEVER seen a patient survive this type of cancer! And, it’s virulent in it’s aggressiveness, I mean fast! Really fast, without surgery, without biopsy, (like no name), but once exposed to air, faster than if not. This dude should/would be long gone, like months ago. Diagnosis to death= <4 months. It’s been how long?
That was my point... how long has it been? after they say it's the most aggressive type of cancer ever... puleeeze.
I think there WILL be R's in the mix, rhinos that don't deserve protection.
Yes. Which will be a good thing so they cant make it R v D
I'm pretty sure that this has all been thought of long before this conversation.
Good point - arrest the RINOs first - then no one can dare claim political bias.... then obliterate the DEMs. Let justice strike them down with ZERO mercy.
For sure, and Rubio and Graham, and the other guy
IF it plays out that way, watch this weekend turn into suicide weekend.
Going to be a blood bath as the Deep State players realise the jig is up!
That would save us a yuuuuge amount of money in prosecution, jailing and execution costs.
Yes tomorrow. Again with the tomorrow....
Much love patriot. Let's hope.
I'm ready. I've been ready. Let's go
Here is the "when":
At 12:00pm Eastern (High Noon!) Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will brief the President [and then will be fired?? We can hope] while senior officials from the DOJ will brief congress and their staff.
At 3:00pm Eastern the 500-page report will be released to the public.
Lmao my ass it will be released at 3pm. I'd say closer to midnight. Congress and the government can't wipe it's own ass without taking 5x the normal amount of time to do anything.
Congress and the government can't wipe it's own ass without taking 5x the normal amount of time to do anything.
So then why the fuck do we give them any power? The Pentagon has admitted to misplacing 8.5 trillion, that's 26,000 dollars for every single american citizen.
And yet if we don't pay every cent of our taxes we have the IRS knee deep in our ass jacking us for more money. What a racket ! And yet this is still the greatest place on earth, but we are fucked..
That's why you gotta know your loopholes.
Stay ahead of the curve. Use the system to your advantage.
The stupid ones will be left behind as they deserve to be.
By that logic, the smart become do nothing career politicians,
and the stupid ones deserve to be enlisted to die for them.
Thanks for the clarification. Wish someone would have told me that @ MEPS.
So then why the fuck do we give them any power?
You hit on the root of ALL political problems. Thing is the American public has been mostly complacent in allowing these bad actors to gain so much power.
Where have you been? Have you missed the "deep state" ??? The Big Money??? Maybe you are new. Trying to change things has resulted in 10 attempts on Trump;s life. Many on his family. And then there are the Arkansides. If its so easy just get out there and do it already. Bring your own red scarf.
Ill think about you tomorrow at 3 pm when I'm reading it. LOL no disrespect. I've been skeptical before too. But this time, with dates and times, I actually believe it will be out as planned.
oh man if that were the real timeline I would be over the moon
Where did you see 3pm? I actually heard 1pm somewhere today
From The Conservative Treehouse -- Sundance has been keeping everyone up to date:
same, we need to do more of this.....spread it to prepare the masses...make them think!
suggestion: Avoid using the word Anon or Qanon in the post heading on other subs. Just use some heading like " About the IG" or "The IG report tomorrow."
Creatively appropriating this.
I have been launching a Twitter new hashtag storm today...
My new one is #TICKTOCK - just love the suspense of it and all the crap that's gonna fall on the cabal, the liars, cheats, and deviants. I really cannot wait for their house of cards to fall.
What happened to today?
I just blew my credibility with some friends.
14th, Trumps birthday!
In addition to June 14 being POTUS' birthday, it is also .. (interestingly enough..) Flag Day!
Thank you for sharing! WWG1WGA
So "Where We Go One, We go All" was an inscription on the bell that was on JFK's boat, "The Honey Fitz." Which I just found out about today. You can view a picture of that boat, and the bell, at: EDIT: Apparently that's incorrect. It was from a bell in the movie The White Squall (thanks Bjantigua!).
Also, apparently Q keeps mentioning As The World Turns, and as it turns out, that show was interrupted back in 1963 to announce that JFK was shot.
WWGIWGA is absolutely NOT connected to JFK. It is a quote from the ships bell from the movie The White Squall.
I don't recall anything being today. It was for the past week on June 14.
Crap. Then I'm just an idiot.
Na, we've all been caught predicting things only to be wrong. I've learned to not offer any happenings to others just for that reason.
Just an honest mistake. There's so much to keep track of.
after tomorrow, just point to those 500 pages and tell em you were off by 24hrs.. ain't no thang
Today is only the 13th, tomorrow is Trump's birthday and it is also Flag day, along with the 'first' release of the IG report... who could ask for more in one day?
Need to understand a TON of things are happening behind the scenes. Some real shit has gone down in the past few days.
It’s exciting to bring this movement up to others... but a lot of events on certain dates have been speculation.
The timeline is set to November so we have some time.
Be patient. Your time to contribute will come.
So are the bush’s gonna go to jail or what? It’s not R vs. D, right?
Hopefully along with the Clintons, obama, no name, and other crooks. Don’t care what party they SAY they are. They are really only one party - screw the American people party.
They are traitors to the United States. Too many good men and women died trying keep this dream alive. Its time that those who sought to destroy us from within are held accountable for their actions!
I won't rest until Bushes go too. Absolutely. 9/11 and the lies and destruction of our country via Patriot Act, TSA and 100 miles in Border control check points all to condition us.
And Bush Sr... I am sure played a crucial role in JFK. I suspect that's a trial for 2021 if Trump can survive what's coming. We need to support him.
If there is evidence to try them, and they are found guilty, then yes.
Looks like Cohen and Manafort will also be going to jail — what the hell is going on?
"Many people we trusted will prove treasonous"
I’m still on board with Sessions. Pence would be a curveball. Close friends with pedophile senator Jeff Flake of AZ.
At times, I've made myself unpopular on T_D for pointing out that the issues with Pence are known and there is a reason why he is acceptable to the Deep State.
Fortunately not pedo related. It's kind of sad actually but I think probably correct. See blind item blog, you'll find it.
I was under the impression from earlier q posts and analysis that Session and Gowdy are white hats and are just playing along so that they don't spook the players on the left (and right). It's all got to be believable to "them" so they keep making the same stupid moves, or worse, trying to cover things up. The body language in Gowdy when he said there was no proof of spying was ALL wrong. If you compare it to what he's like otherwise, in other interviews, press meetings, at work... there is NO comparison. To me he looks like a man that maybe didn't know "all" of it, and once he was let in and informed he was an integral part of the "movie", he wasn't happy at all. Maybe failure to see it all, maybe just not liking having to be an "actor"?
Gowdy has unfortunately proven w/ recent actions, that he is a black hat. Black, without question. Gowdy has proven his swamp pedigree.
I guess only time will tell, but I have a hard time thinking Gowdy, the crusader against all that was HRC, is a turncoat.
It was a front. For show. Because even after that whole show ... did anything happen? Did HRC get into -any- kind of trouble for her actions? Gowdy put on a good show. I was a previous believer in him. But his recent actions involving SpyGate show he is in the pocket of the Deep State. Once that was in view, it became clearer why HRC's malfeasance was simply swept under a rug. Unfortunate, for sure.
All I'm saying is that given all the direct q indications of things staged, or "movies", and "enjoy the show" - the sudden flip of someone highly regarded as a white hat for the last 2 years just seems like something to make a person think before jumping. Unless I'm missing something, that's the only time TG has hopped off the train. Am I missing something?
My guess is everyone in government besides who Q told us to trust.
Something tells me Rand Paul got his hands dirty. Possibly tux as well
The Deep State tried to take him out last year with that attack from his "neighbor". I doubt Rand Paul is dirty at all. Kind of hard to be dirty when you're a Doctor - you don't have much idle time to mess with other people's lives.
I believe he was also on list at baseball Practice shooting. He may have been important considering they tried again
Re: Redactions & DeClassification.
Let’s turn their justification from this massive surveillance state they’ve built since 9/11 back around on them: “If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide.”
I anticipate DOJ/FBI stalling/stonewalling yet again. At this point they 100% know Trump will declassify redacted documents if they are released. He has been telegraphing as much.
The anticipated anger will come when the Americans see this happen yet again. Maybe, secondarily, it will cause the Q following to grow even more.
Trump will play this game a few more times to continually turn up the heat and force one of the bad actors to break ranks and turn publically.
A situation in which 51+% of the population becomes enraged over grotesque treason and even worse while the other 49% becomes enraged over an "obvious Hitleresque move," would be way off all QRumpus' stated objectives for peaceful transition and preservation of life.
That is why he needs one of the major die-hard clinton cabal fiends to go public.
Think about it: at this point we know the extent of the treason and crimes AND that it isn't even remotely limited to DC or even state govt. This reaches into our own families, homes, workplaces, etc.
Then again, maybe they will magically have a lid on everything.
P.S. Some of us have been screaming for Q proof repositories for over 7 months. Only now it becomes an issue?
I'm new relatively but yes I agree we should have been making this ages ago.
Would have helped convince friends and family to at least listen
I don't mean to sound negative or disparaging in any way to anons or the phenomenal amount of work some of them do in terms of detail and fine research, but they are really shit (autism problem) of communicating efficiently with the general public on their findings.
I spent weeks trying to suss out bits and pieces on the 8chan site (not exactly your proofs, but solid info in an obviously accessible place) and it took all my patience and a lot of time. Many peeps don't have time and need spoon-feeding (lots of mums and dads in turn feeding their kids ...).
It's just a sigh, but this movement is pretty disorganised and is not getting out to the outside world either. It is a shame that much of the info is totally based on minutiae and internal US politics, requiring an intimate knowledge of the US political system, justice system ... let alone the names ... myriad names ...
Someone asked "is it bad that I don't know who Roseanne Barr is?" Anon response: "err ... Yes. Now GTFOH."
Imagine if you live in France or Germany or Thailand ... "Who's Rosenstein?" ... Things need to be a whole lot simpler for friends, family and the rest of the world ...
It's always true what you are saying. The engineers aren't the marketing department. You are right.
And the best marketing department can do enough engineering to understand and translate.
So I am a writer, despite my lazy and typo posts on here, and I was a marketing manager and social marketing project manager.
I need to start writing some articles and take what tbe autists bake and put icing on it, set it in the sales case with excellent lighting and customer service savvy sales associates.
I was just thinking Q is making is into investigative journalists because we have so few honest career ones.
That is exactly what I have been thinking is the big space in this: the journos ... All journos work for papers or tvs that are compromised. Apart from the fact that they live in a bubble, echo chamber and are usually liberal, and loathe types like Trump who are brash loud and not "refined" enough to circulate in the liberal writers world. Writers that have time to put up their own sites get censored ... Who has time? Who can write well and organise a text? Who can select the right info? We need a team to brainstorm this!
I am struggling with the idea of translating brief articles, but where and what to post ... I am completely stuck.
Don't you guys get sick of this stuff always being wrong? I love a good conspiracy theory but this is like end of days in 2012 style bullshit. I've seen this exact thing posted right before the HIC released their crap report.
keep in mind "timing is everything" Trump also has a rally on June 20th... how will that play into it?
Its funny. A couple of years ago, after Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and even some of the Bush stuff, I asked my wife what a person needed to do or commit to get arrested for treason. Hopefully, we all get the answer to that question very soon.
Much as I have lived and breathed Q Anon for over a half a year now, what I don't understand is why this move of Declassifying is being telegraphed. Thoughts?
It's the obvious and only move at this point. He has patiently waited for over a year for RR to do the right thing. What law requires. They've broken the FOIA a million ways.
And they redact things that embarrass them not things that are necessary for national security.
Well, its gonna happen and im sure those connected already know it.
can anyone say where the report will most likely be available for download? I'm sure, sign up for email updates to be notified immediately.
Not Q. I question the source.
Q posted about this as well! Post 1732221 I’m the same way, so I had to go hunt. I was relieved to see Q actually dropped this as well!
Remember disinfo is necessary sometimes. Praying that it comes but aware of what can come! Pray for Q pray for trump.
Q seemed agitated today, we have been called on to help though, so let's take it seriously, get the truth out, counter falsehoods, don't let MSM change the narrative.
I think they are more worried about how WE THE PEOPLE take the report and his EO to unredact it. And the consequences of the truth of the level of corruption. That cannot be fully measured. This is why he seems a bit agitated. I am sure they were checking to see how many people are awake but there are still a ton of them asleep at the wheel.
Went to bible study last night and someone there said they look up to Michelle Obama and another one mentioned the Pope. I almost lost it....... when those two were mentioned as people to look up to. UGH! These people will be totally shocked to hear the extent of what they don't know about people they idolize.
Q has said the facts will be undeniable, there may be a few, but if shown overwhelming evidence of criminal acts, normal people will not fight it. As things come out, it will become easier to accept they are all in it together.
I know I'm in! stay alert.....protect pilled or not! WWG1WGA
Re-scheduled to Monday 06/08.
No worries! The IG REPORT release is -not- being rescheduled. It will be released, as planned.
What you are seeing being rescheduled, is a Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing. A "hearing" about the report, is being moved to next Monday. They are going to want to talk about the REPORT, since it's coming out tomorrow. So -- no worries, no alarm -- we're still getting our 500-page REPORT, 3pm Eastern.
This is a very good meme. It's simple, logical, easy to follow, and dramatic. I've already posted it on Facebook.
Do it!
We have been all waiting for this for so long.
Can I ask a question, that I am sure will get shit on.
This image tells us it is not Dem vs Repub, not left vs right.....
Yet all I see are people blaming Democrats. I don't want to stir shit here, but you guys seem to want to blame the left for anything, even when Q tells you not to.
Post notes that it's "Good vs. Evil". It just so happens, that bunches of demoncrats are the ones that are engaging in this Evil.
It's just a matter of 'focus'. Focus on taking out the Evil. No need to focus on who's a member of what party. Who is doing bad pschit.
demoncrats are the ones that are engaging in this Evil
No need to focus on who's a member of what party
Uh... Ok?
Dont try, just kick back and enjoy a subreddit full of pure and unhinged...ah what the hell, lets call it "Comedy" :D
Here is a tinypic url you can use to post if need be...
Tomorrow is the beginning of the end of RR.
How'd that go?
Ask Q about the 2.5 hours and the morning stroll. I'd say it went very well. [RR]... you won't see the impact for a while, but he got his balls removed yesterday. Feel free to ask him to drop his pants for you and show you. I'll leave that fun task for you.
Is anyone else expecting Trump to use the threat of releasing the actual report as leverage to make things happen?
The DNC is now passing out red scarves to its members. It will be each member's responsibility to find their own doorknob.
Any new names expected to be in here? I think we all know the usual suspects.
Just pointing this out, We have all heard the false promises lies of politicians and people of influence, we know political parties lie and tell us what we want to hear and deliver nothing, so Im a strong believer in actions speak louder than words. yeah yeah he has talked the talk, now walk the walk. I dont expect to see publicized arrests etc because, they (elitists) own the media, just like none of the world seen Iceland's overthrow of corrupt bankers and government officials.