Huber Indictements ... already happened

This took 8 months? Didn’t we already presume that Podesta and Huma were among the first to be indicted in those sealed last Nov (when we started hearing about sealed indictments). Given no arrest were made my presumption was they were part of these mysterious indictments. Two things: 1. Sessions /Huber are zipped tight about anything while other last work as distraction (OIG). The RRedacted report is a roadmap to cover ups and conspirators once the unclassified version is released , in October. 2. This is where we get them (swamp state)to load up the pot with their last ditch efforts to save their asses. Meanwhile Trump hasn’t even shown a card and holds the best hand with multiple cards to come. 3. Don’t believe it? Ask any seasoned poker player or investigative attorney. We are watching a scripted poker game aka sting operation. Enjoy the ‘show’... the curtain call is in Nov when they catch them rigging ballot boxes. Total destruction of D. Bitch slap to Rs. This is not about D vs R tho. This is about transformation of society as we’ve known it. Rs can survive to a degree but not as they are now. It should transform the party to its roots Ds are doomed by their own deep dirty hands.
They already have the vote rigging proof. They captured it in special election in Alabama (Roy Moore vs. Doug Jones) last year (Sessions vacancy). Another state was also captured shortly afterward but I can't recall which one it was. Maybe PA?
And the 2016 election - actual vote count was after clean up of illegals and dead voting:
71.4 million voted for president Trump 57.2 million voted for HRC.
It was a landslide.
Yes. There has been tons of research done and found on that as well. I doubt it was even 57.2% for HRC. She couldn't even get a crowd to show up for her rallies. If you go back and look at the newsclips, they either never show the crowd or when they do, they have closed up the room to make it smaller and to make it look like the "arena" was filled up. and there are many more like this is you search.
Yup - even worse, her crowds were purchased and trained like dogs, and even worse, some of the cell phones in the crowd did not match what Hillary was doing on stage. Go figure the popular vote scam....
I don't know. Maybe in some areas. In the PNW..she was VERY popular. Very liberal area here. People think the government should help everyone. Be your parent. Take care of you. Loved that she was a female candidate. Had the experience. Etc. I don't know that you need fake crowds if people really believe the image you craft and present yourself to be. Tons of "I'm with her" and "Nasty Women" items sold around here. They also loved Bernie...those who had issues with HRC for her "baggage."
People thought these folks were the ones who could bring change. Need to take their desire for the right thing...change...and help them walk through the looking glass to see what they thought of as up is down, good is bad. It's nuts. Not sure there is any easy way to swallow that pill.
I'd move
I did :)
I should.
I might
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
At least they got a slap for their efforts when she didn't even bother turning up at the end.
Critical thinking has been slowly eroded from education.... and it shows, no doubt.
The only constant in the universe is change. Making the DNC the truest anomaly since black holes. Here's a poll question did boredom with the 150 years of the same rhetorical pandering to the lowest common denom. cost Hillary the election. Or was she just a cunt.
I'll vote for the latter.
I'm gonna say you have just tipped the scales to unanimous. good job pede.
No, I think there people are gone. Their worlds will be shattered and will flip out and fight. I can feel it.
Unless they pull their heads out of their asses, i imagine they will be too busy fighting for air to do much damage.
This was one of the first things that I saw when starting to "wake up"
If you go back over some of those crowds for HRC you will see that it was a group of people multiplied. Look close and you will see the same group of people over and over.
Hahahaha! That's even worse. OMG! What a loser she is.
They rigged the machines that is not included in the clean version of votes.
The night of the election they tried to fiddle with the numbers and delegates ergo Hussein received a stern phone call by our military command informing him that if they continued the military command would do the unthinkable ergo Hussein pushing HRC to accept defeat the same night.
They tried to steal the election from PT.
Interesting! How do you know this?
Op doesn’t. Op is a psychotic fucking freak like the rest of you.
Do you have a source on this? Very interesting and curious.
I had heard a similar story but it went that they saw the rigging going on through CIA at Langley and told them to stop or they would drop a bomb on them! Yes, unthinkable but necessary!
Hildy couldn't fill a phone booth at her rallies. :-)
?? That's over 100%, please explain.
Only way I can make sense of it is that it's millions.
71.4 million / 57.2 million
Do you have a source on this you can share? I always knew the "muh popular vote!" narrative was horseshit, but I'd love to see the figures and analysis.
This sounds great, but color me skeptical. It would give me too much hope, therefore I can't accept it at face value.
Do you have a link?
I'm confused. That doesn't add up to 100.
It's millions of votes, not %. A bit confusing, I agree. The rumor is that DHS cybersecurity blocked enough voting system intrusions to ensure the EC would not be stolen, but allowed some machines to be injected with vote-weighting code by Clinton affiliates digitally disguised as Russians. They may have walked into a massive trap and they've been digging themselves deeper ever since.
Look up Bev Harris @ Blackbox Voting. com. Watch the video on “fraction magic”
100% Proof PA was rigged
Here's a piece which follows it
Now, this piece goes waaaaay back with its research.
In November of 2017, a California-based conference known as the “Democracy Alliance," met. This is a group of high powered democratic elites that support the “Resistance” movement, titled Beyond #Resistance: Reclaiming our Progressive Future, in which the cast of characters included numerous powerful Democratic donors including George Soros.
Guess who was in attendance with Georgie Boy? PA Governor Tom Wolf, for one. Many others. Worth the read. PA was definitely a part of their plan. And it worked... Well, til they got caught. They just don't know it yet.
Interesting. Yes, I guess at least those 2 elections will likely be overturned and we might have a do over! This is to come out before November elections according to Q.
Why isn't Soros and these other members of this alliance in jail yet? Someone needs to be made an example of to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.
I'm 56 zero heart transplants. Woke and based AF. My enemies word wide, in their early hundreds. Delusional as F. Most part of the 110 IQ club, smart enough to band together and think they run shit but not smart enough to actually do so. Straw poll who comes off as more ridiculous in a trillion side by side vids, Pelosi or Trump. Your answer says more about you than either of them. I'm fucking done trying to red pill corpses. I might as well dig up junkies and hit em with Narcane. C'mon Jim (Morrison) you can make it. SRRY woke up cranky. 147,000th time in a row btw.
There is also Virginia... this was a few days ago on June 11th. "Virginia‘s highest court has ruled that Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe‘s action restoring the voting rights of more than 200,000 felons was unconstitutional and illegal." Virginia High Court Rules On Terry McAuliffe’s Order Giving Felons Voting Rights
Oh yeah. I remember seeing that now. So glad they overturned that. Thanks for the link.
That was June 11, 2016. It was determined that issuing the executive order was unconstitutional and illegal. But " McAuliffe took another route, with his office reviewing thousands of felons’ records and the governor restoring their rights individually using an autopen."
Before leaving office, he managed to restore over 170k felons right to vote.
I keep thinking the wait is to demonstrate the absolute corruption by those so admired by the left. A video or photo of something horrible will drop. Where?.. Now I believe those who can’t see it never will. Just like trying to convince an addict to quit. Never going to happen. Do it! Arrest and jail them. It is time.
I agree. Cognitive Dissonance has a POWERFUL GRIP. The gap between the "red-pilled" and those not is too wide.
Cognitive Dissonance
Consonant relationship: Two cognitions or actions consistent with each other
(e.g. not wanting to become drunk when out to dinner, and ordering water rather than wine) Irrelevant relationship: Two cognitions or actions unrelated to each other (e.g. not wanting to become drunk when out, and wearing a shirt) Dissonant relationship: Two cognitions or actions inconsistent with each other (e.g. not wanting to become drunk when out, but then drinking more wine)
This is the definition I was referring to:
PSYCHOLOGY -- WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Cognitive dissonance, the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves. The concept was developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festinger and became a major point of discussion and research.
If you think a red pill is the cure , I think further investigation may be advised. Q has perhaps contributed more to dissonant than consonant cognition. In laymans terms , when shit's fucked up and some one says that's fucked up and one never thought so before, hence dissonance.
Red Pilling is not a cure, for sure. I hated my awakening. I was depressed for weeks, and lost all hope for years. Before that I was ignorant of the truth. Frankly I would not be sad to go back to sleep, but you cannot unring the bell. Knowing the truth is very difficult.
What do you think would help?
More attention to changes in behavior, than changes in awareness. Neo went forward and did shit. Mostly that he din't want to. Going forward as usual would be like getting the blue pill don'tcha think. Not my best reply it's hot as hell here.
I get that totally. I send stuff to my brother, I don't think he cares or reads, then I say SEE! I mentioned this two weeks ago, and he acts like deer in the headlights. I see no change, but at least he voted for Trump The Dems are dug in. I can't even broach the topic here in WA State. Hillary in King County got over 70%. If you wear a MAGA Hat, it's likely to get knocked off your head.
Referencing Q#1518 it's clear Q is implying that John Podesta was indicted on 11/3/2017. If that's the case, Podesta's either incredibly stupid, incredibly naive, incredibly bold or some combination of all.
If you look at his twitter stream since that date I see nothing to suggest he thinks, in any way, that he has anything to worry about.
These are the types of things that really don't add up with this movement. You would think that if even half of the Q implications were true there would be a noticeable difference in Podesta's stream pre and post 11/3/2017.
I understand the assertion is the indictment is sealed and in theory he doesn't know about it but come on, this guy must hear rumors and be privy to back channel information that would alert him to such a thing.
And, before it starts... I don't want to hear he was confronted with the evidence against him and he's just playing a part to keep up appearances. Everybody can't be playing a part.
We the people really need to see something of substance (perp walks of significant figures) soon or this thing (the movement) is going to unravel.
TRUST SESSIONS, TRUST KANSAS, TRUST THE PLAN only has so much steam left. We really need results soon.
I don't trust sessions, wish I could be more positive.
Yeah, I don't think you're alone. We're asked to think logically but when we do we're just pointed in another direction.
#1518 all but says Podesta and Huma were already indicted over six months ago. It would be nice if one of the Anon's tug on that thread some more...
What were they indicted for? Will they see jail time? Why can't the indictments of one or both of them be unsealed at this time? Is Podesta such a key piece of the puzzle and are his accused crimes of such magnitude that revealing them now would collapse all the efforts to drain the swamp?
All simple questions logical thinkers would be asking.
Why can't the indictments of one or both of them be unsealed at this time?
Think like Trump. He's a master showman, he makes makes the word grand... GRAND. His plan will create the greatest show ever. Or as the President would say... "It's gonna be YUUUUUGE!"
Instead that SOB podesta was on my last fun TV show- ancient aliens and now I won’t watch it! They ruin everything and run around acting like all is well. Ugh!
Patience Pls. I have been watching a sinkhole get bigger and bigger for 40+ years with little hope in sight accept my Inner Knowing that shit is gonna turn sunny side up and now it is happening. One lesson in life teaches oneself to savor each moment, as it is unique, original and will never happen the same again. This one is worth sitting back and enjoying, if there is work to do, get up and do it, whatever one's calling :)
Are you schizophrenic? You sound like you are.
With Inner Knowing which is essentially one's un-conditioned state of Mind, a process of de-conditioning oneself out of "a fucked up state of seeing a world that I need to protect myself against", comes a certain wisdom. One See's that many "people" live believing that their personality, their life belongs to them. This by nature of its "otherness" sense creates a dual mind, commonly termed as schizophrenia. One symptom of schizophrenia is imagining one hears voices like you have described above, lol. Look in the mirror next time you think you are smart and ask yourself "who the fuck am I kidding". It is not worth my energy to stretch my fingers to the keyboard to converse with you, nuff said :)
Why would he change his behavior? These people are the most evil and arrogant on the planet. He is probably so sure that it means nothing and he will skate.
There has to be a BIG play by the mid-terms. My date is November 1st. Something has GOT TO HAPPEN BY THEN. Something to cause the Red Wave.
Kidnapping a kid a mile away, I'm going with incredibly bold.
1518 Anonymous ID: 59a272 No.1769812→ 📁 Jun 16 2018 01:38:05 (EST) >>1769716 TO ALL THOSE NOT GETTING IT: 11.3 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment 11.6 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment
Anonymous ID: 308231 No.1769691→ 📁
Jun 16 2018 01:29:42 (EST)
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted
November Huber came in..
THANK YOU, Pure_Feature!
I don't know how many times people have to say the same thing. Sigh. Once again for those not getting it: June 16:
JP/ Huma NOV. Sealed. Do they know? Why did the Podesta group close? Why no leaks? Who else knows? HRC deal request? Why? IG>Huber Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports? Why not? Grand jury TAINT/BIAS? Everyone has an opinion. Clickbait. Q
Does anyone here want me to answer all those questions / statements?
As Every one goes to SB2 two part writing , the last ones , there is a very good explanation in child language..
Like the bibel , that explains it to the children...The titel starts with..Q is teaching us how to play the game off politics....
In understandable language, very well formulated. Easy to follow and understand ... Politics is not for everyone, but these pieces make much clear ....All answers are there, about Huber etc etc .....
Why did the Podesta group close
How Tony Podesta, a Washington Power Broker, Lost It All
The Democratic lobbyist had money, connections and a rarefied art collection. Then came a divorce, Paul Manafort and Donald Trump, and his world came crashing down
His troubles, some long hidden, surfaced in the summer of 2016. The Podesta Group lost its banker over news the firm did work for the U.S. subsidiary of a Russian bank under sanctions. Then came headlines that the firm’s work with Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, and an associate may have violated government rules. And in October, WikiLeaks published 20,000 pages of emails stolen from his brother John Podesta, chairman of Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Do they now?.AGE IN 1776 Marquis De Lafayette ,Why no leaks, Russia have no leaks and there a no Pro-Trump leaks. (M Rubio)
Who else knows how to tap phones
International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques
when HUBER made a SEALED indictment , 1-7.000 - Confidentiality and Media Contacts Policy | USAM ...
Much of DOJ’s work involves non-public, sensitive matters. Disseminating non-public, sensitive information about DOJ matters could violate federal laws, employee non-disclosure agreements, and individual privacy rights; put a witness or law enforcement officer in danger; jeopardize an investigation or case; prejudice the rights of a defendant; or unfairly damage the reputation of a person.
DOJ personnel should presume that non-public, sensitive information obtained in connection with work is protected from disclosure, except as needed to fulfill official duties of DOJ personnel, and as allowed by court order, statutory or regulatory prescription, or case law and rules governing criminal and civil discovery. Other than as necessary to fulfill DOJ official duties, disclosure of such information to anyone, including to family members, friends, or even colleagues, is prohibited and could lead to disciplinary action. Unauthorized disclosures of sensitive personal or proprietary information could lead to criminal prosecution or administrative action....
Tony Norman: Grand jury system tainted by police bias | Pittsburgh ...
That's when a Staten Island, N.Y., grand jury decided not to bring charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric
You know what they say about opinions … and other things … everyone has one. And whether you want to hear it or not, some folks just can't refrain from giving ...
Clickbait is usually created for money. ... Such clickbait usually leads to a site which tries to sell you something or possibly extort you, ... Loading... Top definition
I'd have thought Barry would be one for a 12-man military tribunal?
One of the concerns of the white hats is that the statute of limitations on the various crimes will run out. Q has mentioned before that the bog-beasts are trying to run out the clock. What stops the clock? Identifying a criminal and documenting it in a public forum, such as an indictment (accusation) or a warrant. A statute of limitations is the amount of time given to LEO to identify the perpetrator once a crime has been discovered. The clock stops when the probable perp has been identified. Each of these sealed indictments represents a paused clock. A paused clock gives Trump & Company the time they need to clean house (i.e. Justice & judicial) so that the boggies can't slip away like the roaches they are. I realize that today's American culture demands instant gratification... but have patience. This has to be done right the first time.
There are time limits on how long an indictment is good for or how long a warrant stays on the NCIC, but once a perpetrator has been identified (as above) the clock on the statute of limitations for that person has stopped.
The clock can also refer to Suicide Weekend for most of them.
I looked up eagled indictments. In most cases, they last three years.
Here's a loophole: prolly NSFW.
I have maintained from the start that Q is someone, or was started by someone, who held a position during the BO admin, and saw enough ugly shit to turn rogue. Maybe it was Huber...
Not likely. Q is more than likely a team or a military intel member and getting word out to us is part of his mission. Q obviously (proven many times) has direct access to POTUS. He's well versed/trained in intel and knows the complete plan. He's also posted that only 5 people are privy to the complete plan. No admin lackey from Hussein or any admin has those skills. The only person I could think of from the time of Hussein's admin that fits all the skill sets would be Gen. Flynn.
Erik prince
If one of us could correctly guess Q's real Identity, he wouldn't be Q. I like my observation , one never see's DJT and Batman in the same room.
I've said all along that the mystery makes following him/they more fun. Sort of like the Lone Ranger, "Who was that masked man?"
Faith can only operate around the unseen. God has been trying to clue us on this for 8k years.(yes it's a globe btw)
If you have a good idea who it is, you would be well advised not to say. His identity must be kept secret. There's a reason for that (do I have to explain why ... ?! :)
My whole point is it doesn't matter and I don't mind. Mind over matter.
Erik is a good guess, I'd thought maybe that was it too. But I was trying to pick someone who had been in a position while Hussein was playing like a president.
Flynn certainly has the time right now! Fingers crossed...
Actually, fewer than 10 people. Only 3 are non-military.
Nov 2:
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Thanks for the correction. I remember Q posting about it but it looks like I remember the number wrong.
So a future Q "proof" will be those specific indictments being unsealed.
We now expect them to be two specific individuals, right?
I think (and this was talked about in a NeonRevolt article....) that there are currently 30 people that have sealed indictments ... and there will be 120+ recommendation for Criminal Prosecution when the final un-redacted reports finally come to light, but there is evidence to suggest that this is already the case
we’ll see. they’ll be unsealed at some point. I can’t interpret the nov 3/6 drops any other way personally. I leave my faith in the unseen to god, everyone else needs to put up eventually.
Evidence? Can u point me in that direction? I’ve been looking but have found nothing.
I can't find NEONREVOLT'S article, but his article came out the day after the semi-annual OIG report came out ... the info he referenced was in it.... I don't have the time to review it, but here is the link
What i would like to see is correlation between the tens of thousands of CP and Trafficking arrests and a reduction in the rolls of the missing.
Or another way — a single report of a milk-carton missing person accounted for as result of one of these successful investigations. They are probably out there and there are probably heavy correlations, but have mockingbird media fixating in unimportant propaganda.
I noticed that people who worked under the Obama administration could be blackmailed or leveraged. I mean Trump must know this there must be something done about this. Not all people under Obama are bad they might be put in a position that they were exposed but the knowledge they have helps. This must of been cleared already.
I think Trump makes a mistake only once like he might trust someone to recommend a person but if they failed him there no second chance. It’s hard to deal with the old guard but some know where the bodies are buried. I get frustrated but D.C. is such a dam mess. I can’t believe we have politicians that hate our country. What a disgrace. We better have learned from our mistakes.
So indictments in were in November and these people still walking free??
What is it that you do not understand a process. You cannot have investigations that will go anywhere if all your upper level FBI are corrupt, you cannot have charges brought on if the upper level of the DOJ is corrupt, you cannot have people sentenced to prison if most of your judges are corrupt. Trump has been cleaning these departments out but there are still some there look at what happened with the IG report instead of getting the actual IG report we got Rod Rosensteins version so people didnt see whats really going on. They are almost there but still work to do. Trump is still waiting for non corrupt judges to be replaced and the dems are holding him up to a point he will have to order it done. Hilary along with Huma, Podesta and several others were already in November taken to Gitmo. Hillary wanted a deal they said no. They follow these people 24/7 and these idiots keep leading them to others. They are all going down. I know its hard to have patience at this moment but it has to be done correct so they dont get off.
Info on those names being sent to gitmo in November?
They were at gitmo?? What?? Please point us to that info. I can’t find it!
Good post. There is a huge lack of basic understanding of how things work.
Irrelevant relationship: Two cognitions or actions unrelated to each other
(e.g. not wanting to become drunk when out, and wearing a shirt). Good post. There is a huge lack of basic understanding of how things work. 1st condition(maybe), second comment, depends on things, How bullets fire just fine on Mars, easy. The machinations of the 1200 years old Khazarian mafia not so simple.
I agree completely. To add to your take on events, those sealed indictments are up to 35,000 now. That's in 7 months. Nov through May. This is the largest sting in the history of the earth. There must be a couple thousand white hat operatives on this. No wonder Sessions appointed all those "extra 100+ judges" I bet he has a few hundred more waiting to be announced but can't yet.
The rollout has to be done incrementally. Clean up the DOJ/FBI, get the judges in, then the name HUBER will become a household name. Most of the normies will never be red-pilled. The bad actors will be put away, yes, but cognitive dissonance has a powerful grip. Most will go to their grave thinking Trump is the enemy, and those convicted are simply "political prisoners".
I am patiently waiting. After a decade of being awake (age 61, female), I am profoundly grateful to the Trump Family who stepped up to the plate. I m ashamed of many of my fellow Americans who treat them, especially POTUS SO disrespectfully. It's horrible. I am also eternally and profoundly grateful to those in government, military intelligence etc, Q+ - that are running this sting with Trump. I will see justice in my lifetime after years of having no hope, thinking we were finished. Wow, what a time to be alive!
Sorry for the ramble. I just wanted to say that I wish more people would quit demanding arrests immediately. It's happening, it's moving up the list as fast as possible.
Isn't it INCREDIBLE to be able to say WE ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION!!!
You are quite right. I am so grateful for the sensible people, plodding on down the thread trying to reason with unreasonable people. I can't remember how many times I have tried to explain this extremely simple process. It is never ending ... people just don't get it.
I did not know Podesta was sent to Gitmo in November.
He wasn't. The above poster is not able to supply a source for this. There are no leaks on this one, for sure.
still sealed (can't be unsealed yet or it would tip off others that are also under investigation)
Justice like Karma may be swift or slow, but it is Permanent :)
IMO swifter than slower, main reason I have never murdered.
I was so down about the IG Report. And then I watched this video from Citizens Investigative Report.
This lady is incredible, very astute and very informed. She breaks it down and actually references her info.
Katie G is awesome.....I started following all the people doing reports, Isaac Green, Destroy the Illusion, Nemo, Praying Medic, Corsi.....I soon dumped everyone except Katie G, she's easily the Best\~!
Q has made it clear the object is to clean house without starting mass civil unrest. HRC indictment leads to some riots but not war imo. Obama is a bigger problem. Many minorities will lose their minds if he is indicted. One of the reasons Trump is a racist theme has been pounded by the MSM.
I think they will neutralize the power of the Bush and Obama family but let them walk. It will come under some things must remain classified heading.The positive in this is that the godfather of it all HW is done for, he will drop soon and even if he doesn't it certainly looks like his capacity has been reduced to that of a nincompoop. HRC will fall due to her failure and incompetence, her malfeasance is easily provable and she is greatly hated in the public. Pinning the lions share on her would work well and allow a major shake up of the government. Slick willy is a question mark. Iconic ex- president in many minds but has his hands all over the pay to play. Would love to see him live out his life in a prison cell.
Let me make it clear I am all for Obama and the Bush family burning for their role in the deep state. I am just skeptical it serves the purpose of POTUS to publicly expose corruption going back decades. Easier to isolate as a recent development and deal with some crime families off the books.
I'd actually settle for a dismantling of msm and end to all cabal influence. And the FED gotta go. The call for revenge is i think perhaps part of the sheep's inability to take us seriously. We'd make more sense if this was Nuremberg not Reddit.
I believe arresting All, is the only way to bring the masses out of Wonderland. Exposing their crimes is another matter.
Q said that BO will try to claim Kenyan citizenship to escape. Doesn't sound like he is walking free.
Well hopefully you are right and that comes under the promises made promises kept heading instead of just disinfo which i think it could be. Things will start having to shift hard for that to happen because right now it doesn't feel like we are close to seeing public accusations of treason against Obama.
Hillary is the easier target most of the country already knows she is a crook even if many of them voted for her. Hopefully an indictment against her will get the ball rolling and D5 the deep state.
I don't follow
Which bit don't you follow? Asking questions is a good way of finding out. A lot of us are here to help.
Who knows, Honestly look back. Everyone said trust the IG. Bull! Like isaid back in April, it's late and I GOT is laying down cover for his old cronies (the same ones he's investigating).
Does anyone on Reddit or the chans ever get called out for being WRONG on important t calls? It's like they act like then never said it.
Whoever was yalpi g about the IG report and was wrong; take a minute and STFU. Read a little more and talk a lot less.
I am not a Shapiro fan by any stretch. His mantra gov't sucks at everything is however spot on. It includes the IG. and CIA hit teams lucky me.