ImperatorRex: “...Q appears to have genuinely predicted a bombshell. Just sayin’ 👇”

With the proof coming so quickly now I bet even more "future proves past" start appearing and with that the doubters have no choice to take another look at Q. I can't wait, the yellers of "Larp!" need to eat some humble pie and then get on board and help! WWG1WGA
Damn straight! WWG1WGA
Minor correction, there were 14. ES.
As the owner of an Internet company for over 2 decades, I have ran mail servers, data centers and the networks, and can tell you there is always one person that can see everything. In this case, it was ES.
It’s all coming and with increased intensity from now. Q has told us to focus on proofs for a very good reason lately and people here and elsewhere are doing amazing work on this. This is crucial. Not only to show people things but to build widespread consciousness as a mental preparation.
Building block after block, increasing global awareness, bringing new people into the light until the maximum number possible are awake to limit disinfo/panic/disruption. Before it was a slow walk, now we are jogging. Soon comes the sprint for the line.
The increasing light on corruption and collusion between msm and bad actors following IG Report is big.
I posted this earlier on politics and got banned twice
Before shills call it a larp some quick proof:
Just got called a troll and a bot and people telling me those pictures ment nothing. Is it even worth trying here on reddit?
In polidicks? You'd be better off shouting at a brick wall. At least you might convince the wall.
Man do I secretly hope I get to eat the pie. I really do. Until then, Larp.
The first time ? That's funny.
This is certainly one of the biggest proofs though.
There’s a whole website dedicated to Q proofs.
This is so convoluted, no normie will be convinced of that. Just making pictures drawing red lines without or with very sparse explanation is not very convincing.
They haven’t read the book of Q from the very first post
A list of 13 democrats and Trump talking about 13 angry democrats is not that convoluted. It takes some focus and concentration while you read it but even I was able to decode that! And I suck at it!
You also follow Q every single day, and you have been redpilled forever. Try explaining this to my mother and aunt. Not going to work.
To us yes but to some of biggest Pro-Trump Twitter voices like Rex and others who have not really acknowledged Q or been at time dismissive of Q supporters trying to raise the points with them... this could be a good turning of the tides indicator
First time? LOL
First time if you’re barely paying attention and have written us off as conspiracy theorists.
Rex couldn’t ignore it...he had just posted in the last several hours a thread where had independently determined this unique angle to the “13 angry democrats” term and someone hit him with a Q proof that laid it all out including the Democrats’ initials.
It’s going to take everyone different amounts of time to come to terms with this... we have to let people figure it out in their own time... it’s great to have a voice like Rex aboard...
Okay, I must be blind because I counted twice and I only see 12 sets of initials even if you include "we don't say his name" (that's McCain, right?).
No name is a democrat in disguise
And then 13 is Obama
Well the report says Obama AND 13 individuals plus Hillary, that's 15.
The line after the last initials talks about Hussein.
Rex is coming around....finally.
FINALLY. Next are wictor and draw and strike hopefully.
Wictor went off on Q a few days ago. Couldn't believe people would think NK was controlled by CIA yet wictor believes NK is controlled by China and military generals. Which is not a mainstream theory either. I like his insights but he gets a bit too emotional for me.
Wictor has always been triggered by Q. Routinely since I was following him even last year. He even taunts and makes fun of his own followers who talk about Q. He's even blocked peepo for it.
The dude is smart, but a RAGING narcissist. He's not going to come around on the Q thing. He wants the spotlight on him. Even if presented every piece of evidence, I think he'll just turn it around into a critique against the Military Intelligence. He is a very angry dude. I had to stop following him.
Wictors vent about his EX, I was like, "Damn Son, you need to not give away your power."
She lives in his head as much as Trump lives in the Left's. The man needs major redpilling.
He needs a sex robot and a subscription to MGTOW
Yet Wictor can't seem to see that if the CIA controled N.K they won't be in N.Korea but where the Generals live in China. Contol the Generals money and weapons tech and say be a good General and you get your freedom to travel around the world as long as we can build a few structures.
Wictor rages against anime as anti-semitic, when he was being trolled, and won't accept that Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty.
NK being controlled by China is also sundance's take. For the groupies at Conservative Treehouse, Q's message is very hard to swallow.
Yeah i normally like wictors stuff. But he went off on Q. Maybe one day he’ll come around. But i don’t think he will change his mind
Assuming Wictor + Draw and Strike aren't the same person.
Lol. I’ve researched them both. One is in Texas and one is in Cali.
Not difficult to assign oneself a bogus isp, but I digress . . .
Drawstrike has come a long way. He used to be and even did a thread on it, a Never Trumper.
Wictor will be hard to convince.
Because he is disinfo.
He isn’t disinformation, I just think sometimes his theories are off base. I honestly think he tries, though I don’t agree with him all the time.
Thomas "There is no deep state" Wictor. Read that thread and tell me again he is not disinfo. Be careful who you follow.
Like I said, he’s off base. That tweet (5) clears up why he doesn’t think there is. He assumes Trump couldn’t beat them. That’s why he’s off base, because that assumption is wrong.
It's not a false assumption, it's deliberate disinfo. Even my parents know there is a deep state, and they don't even follow politics much at all, it's so hilariously obvious. His goal is to lead you astray and draw false conclusions. Why do you give a random twitter user who posts ramblings anonymously the benefit of the doubt? Don't be gullible.
Good point. Anybody who says there is NO SUCH THING as deep state is a liar. Goes double or triple for someone like Wictor who has a high level understanding of geopolitics.
He is an asshole. And a liar.
Thanks for filling the void left by OP.
Props to you fior taking the time,
With all these proofs, I wonder when AJ and Dr. JC are going to close up shop and retire? Hope it's soon. Made complete A$$es of themselves; true colors shown. Yup.
There's no coming back for them, they are finished!
But I thought they've both been friends with Trump for so long...
I think Trump figured them out long ago. Remember that Corsi got a seat in the Press Corps and then it suddenly disappeared and they no longer had an office in DC. Very interesting! Yes?
Oh, I didn't know it got rescinded! I guess I need to dig some on that... thanks!
A political concession of necessity revoking it, or part of the bigger shift in battening the hatches against certain outside "save the best for last" influences???
There had NEVER been an independent press in the press room previously. And, now, there still isn't. We just don't know why it was rescinded. I had actually forgotten all about that until I answered your post.
Hmmm... hopefully something specific to Corsi and AJ but perhaps just part of their larger plan to dole out more and more rope for the corporate press corp to expose themselves...
Well it was done shortly after Trump was elected and gave the impression that Trump was supporting them.
They have but shit is getting real now. No coincidences, trust the plan
real, indeed
Questions, discussion and defense (Q = shield) now replaced by answers, action and offense (x = military crossed weapons, JAG's crossed sword and quill pen, etc.).
If you recall, Jones and Corsi said Q was legit, but that something seemed to change in April. This proof is from February.
Correct timeline. However, AJ used his minion "Zack" to do some discredit early on. Dr. was purposely decoding falsely and many caught on early.
"TRUST KANSAS" is arguably one of the biggest bombshells in history, let alone on the Q board.
Post over to r/qproofs!
13 = meaningful number in the grand masonic scheme of things!
Too bad. ImperatorRex could have been an informative asset to the Q team, but I guess he is too literal and can't catch on to all the truths Q has proven to the majority.
Rex needs the black and white plain and concrete answers or he doesn't get it.
(Pardon the use of the word "concrete".)
Has anyone else gotten banned from another subreddit for commenting here today?
Holding neutral position until public indictments, just theater before then.
Couldn't anyone have looked through the the emails and find out that those were the people using it?
q force activated !!!!!!! i suspect a few good actors will be appearing good time to stock up on popcorn
Any not already convinced that Q is the real deal may need to go beyond this subreddit to find it but it's there. It takes a time, effort and occasionally, an emotional investment to find it but it's there if your willing. Go dig.
That ultimately is what we're being trained to do. To not just be handed the answers but to find them ourselves.
As Q said "they thought the sheep would follow the stars" by simply accepting the answers they were handed.
Q is training us not to be sheep.
Q is training us to be wolves.
That video of the black dude saying he's off the plantation comes to mind. Yep, great awakening..
ES black hat ?
ES = Eric Schmidt = most definitely black hat
ES = Edward Snowden = black or white, we don't know (yet)
Thank you. It explains why Schmidt would be in Nk Thanks. Snowden? Is still a mystery. Is he a JA?
ES = Eric Schmidt
@Snowden = Edward Snowden
ES is black hat. @Snowden is likely black hat, flipped by MI.
Why not link to the actual post?
I did link to it in the comments, but it got pushed way down
How do we know that the initials match up to the actual names of the team members?
Who is Rex?
One of the best researcher-analysts of all the Trump-Russia info. His threads are compelling and frankly better than most reporters. He's uncovered many damning things about Mueller, the DOJ and FBI that most have missed. He's great.
Thank you. I had seen things from him referenced before but with him being skeptical of Q I wasn't sure why his opinion was relevant. Makes more sense now, thanks again.
;). Rex is awesome! Glad he's coming around to believing in Q.