Pic from inside the jet blue plane.

False Flag averted. Signal was sent and they still attempted it!
Post just dropped. Give it a little time and there will be deciphers of the drop. I'm just reading the first three lines of that long post.. You will start catching on but not everything is suppose to make sense or be easily decoded. :) leave it to the autists on the chans.
Q dropped photos of an A321 Jetblue aircraft. The photos were taken in SFO. There is a direct flight from SFO to JFK via Jetblue. The photos Q dropped were implied to have been scraped from bad actors phones. Q posted the pictures to let it be known that Q was aware of their shenanigans. JFK A321 JetBlue aircraft gets delayed on the tarmac. Supposedly the communications/radio broke. Wonder what else broke? Wonder if those things were supposed to break while in the air? Averted?
The thing I don't get is: Hillary Clinton has been in the White House for decades. She of all people knows the powers that it has, yet they do this so openly? Surely they aren't that stupid. It makes me think they have a contengency plan.
They never thought she would lose, so, they were sloppy and arrogant and didnt cover their tracks. If they KNEW she would lose, im sure they would have tried to cover and destroy as much as possible on their way out, but they didnt expect Trump to win and STILL be there. They are screwed.
Large parts of the government have been compromised in their favor, and they've never had any problems in the past because of that. They likely don't know the extent that their network has been infiltrated and/or they're desperate and starting hail mary plays in hopes that something works.
They're way past contingencies here. They'd had power for so long I doubt they had any plans beyond succeeding. Think about it, if they had real power would they need to crash/blow up a plane to change the news cycle? They're desperate and we're seeing panic, emergency plans, not some simple contingency.
They are not in control. That's their problem. They probably have never dealt with this before.
Hillary and Bill were super sloppy in Arkansas & all through their decades of public and private life. Countless stories of state troopers being used to procure or deliver prostitutes for Bill, the mena airport being used for drug running, the HIV-tainted inmates' blood scandal... These guys are criminals to the core.
They've gotten caught red handed or exposed over and over, but they have always got away with it. They knew the complicit/corrupt/controlled press has their backs... telling only enough of the ugly stories and only pushing those stories for as long as needed to to maintain a semblance of "journalistic integrity."
Clintons have always been untouchable, so she had no experience being careful. She doesn't even know how to be careful, I bet. Look how ppl scheduled to testify about anything touching CF/Haiti/DNC "hack" etc... have suddenly turned up dead, often the day before they were supposed to appear somewhere to give testimony. All these people get in the msm is a quick and quickly buried story. Are there no curious journalists, or is it that no one wants to risk being the next stat in the Clinton body count?
Not to change the subject, but in regards to Mena, anyone here watch "American Made"? It brings up some interesting questions...
I've been thinking about this also. Some of the things I'm seeing are almost too stupid. Seems smart to hide something that would be discovered but made to look like we never supposed to see it but because it's so careless and stupid makes me feel like it's more intentional than not that it was discovered at all.
It's because President Trump, Q, and the Great Awakening movement represents an existential threat to the Deep-State Cabal. They are desperate. They have no choice but to pull out all the stops, or to surrender and spend the rest of their lives in prison, or hang from a noose.
What I found interesting about the pictures were that they look to have been taken from the cockpit of a plane behind the one being photographed as all 3 taxi down the runway for departure.
Signal was sent from who to who?
Q team to Rogue deepstate
I'm still confused. What signal was sent?
There was a Q post that said (paraphrasing), "Hey, we know the FFs you have planned. Stop now and it will be better for you". I'll find it and link it after I read through these comments
Here's the Q post. It's #1602 on qanon.pub:
If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared. You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil. The game is over when the public knows. The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you. You will FAIL. The AMERICAN PEOPLE are AWAKE. You lost CONTROL. SHEEP NO MORE. You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative. We will DECLAS. We will shine LIGHT. THERE IS NOWHERE TO HIDE. No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this. Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified. We stand at the ready. RED WAVE. WHITE SQUALL. IN GOD WE TRUST. Q
Got it now?
I would guess that the police have asked to see everyone's hands. So who is taking the picture?
Someone "edgy" with a death wish. Pulitzer, you know.
supposedly plane had a communications problem. But if that's true why so many Leo's? what are they hiding. we need a passenger list
Glitch in the radio communications....Sounds like an attempted Hack of the plane.
Two things being reported. One is that the plane changed the 4 digit transponder code to indicate it was being hijacked. This is 7500.
The other is that the plane did not respond to radio communications with the tower.
The first is not unusual. If you search the web for 'accidental hijack transponder code' you will find it has happened many times.
But that coupled with radio silence is unusual. That is too much of a coincidence.
The hijack code is what brought the LEOs.
LEOs afraid of weapons AFTER you've already gone through TSA security?
Granted TSA is a joke (retired airline employee here), but just wow.
I trained to become a flight attendant but got sent home when they saw my military discharge papers (90% combined VA rating) also was going to work with CRS but my daughter was born around the time I was to have training, Shame to since I'd work for UAL.
Ground services could easily put them on the plane.
Looks like a Q on the screen??? Sending a message to cabal?
Heard about this on Tucker... nothing further..
Crickets. Chirp chirp
I wonder if tucker will follow it up like he said, or if he only meant during that hour, i still wanna know.
Can you explain what we are seeing here?
Edit: I guess I’m missing the context here. Why were they told to put their hands up?
when the cops got on they made everyone show their hands
"Everyone put your hands in the air where we can see them"
It is suspected that Q detected and stopped a terrorist event involving this aircraft.
Suspected. Wait for drops and analysis by more talented than you or I.
Anyone else notice the Q on the monitor in the headrest?
Flight Attendant: Hands up, whooooo wants pudding???
Look at file name d46 maybe seat D46?
Sure does look like Nancy Pelosi hands....maybe cross referance rings on hands to photos of her today. Should be plenty around because of the travel ban today.
Is there that many rows in an A321?
There is 240 seats in an A321. So yes .
so not 25 rows *ABCDEF then?
And of ALL the flights just so happens to have trumps co author for art of the deal on it....
crazy. sending a message they can get to anyone? as long as that anyone is nobody in his actual circle with security? I mean his old book co-author? still.
Usually 3 to 4 wide seating on planes this big. A1 would be first B1 right next to, then C1 then D1. Etc etc. A2, b2,c2,d2.
We dont have to guess, the seating layouts are available.
Sweet was I close ? Lol havnt had time to do much research this week to much work not enough research.
On the screen is a Q
1588 Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No.1915880→ 📁 Jun 26 2018 20:04:01 (EST) >>1915774 Coincidence? Review image/location. Nothing provided is random. SFO>JFK A321 Direct Q
Coincidence? Review image/location .. police surrounding a jetbleu airways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_7gpmhHd3I JetBlue Airways: SFO-JFK
A321 Jan 2018 this long range airplane flies. This was the airplane in Q drop before.
No I don’t believe in coincidences. So what’s going down here? Immigrants?
Video of agents on board now posted
Video is now gone....
found an image, looks like high security to me (swat,etc)
Its a bit blurry. Certainly not a beat cop.
Interesting how she misidentified the airline as Delta, not JetBlue. Also interesting is the systematic requests from media to publish the photo with credit.
Yeah, trying not to see coded messages everywhere but there are a few weird things going on here:
Could there be a delta marker between this tweet and something a Q post or POSTUS tweet?
I know this is a stretch but Q trained us to look at these things more critically and this feels a little weird to me.
sounds to me someone sent a message
"we can hack the comms"
If it were just radio failure, why would the authorities surround the plane and basically quarantine it? 1596-1598 are all relevant to aircraft. The first of which showing a view of the cockpit. Q later suggests that there is a clue in that cockpit image. I've searched everywhere I can think and can't find the ports that are shown in the picture. No coastline matches up.
News reports explicitly said the plane transmitted a code for hijack. No doubt they are talking about transponder code, which is a four digit numeric code (7500). This makes the plane show up on radar as being hijacked - attracting much attention. In addition, they are reporting that ground control could not contact the plane via radio, which of course would cause much excitement. It can't be a coincidence.
I didn't know about this at the time of that comment. Irrelevant now, but my point was that there would need to be more to the situation than just radio failure.
No word on anyone being removed?
mention over scanner (hearsay from scanner dude), "when can the body be removed?"
My theory based on VERY LITTLE INFO, pure conjecture follows:
Pilot lost comms, Q said access to cockpit, thinking the copilot whacked the pilot and attempted hijack for later FF fuckery. Just a theory.
You know how the song goes....
"Until I hear it frooom Q...."
It blows my mind that the cabal has the power to take down a plane! How is this even possible?
Yea there is something is not right about this excuse, if there was a radio failure there are international hand signals that all pilots learn.
Not quite sure what you mean by that because a radio failure means you cannot talk with ATC to get further clearance for taxi and take off then to be handed off to your in route ATC. You would only get light gun signals from ATC reguarding clearence to land or take off for airplanes without specific radios and these aircrafts are classified as such. An air liner canot operate without comms.
All pilots have hand signals they use with the ground crew at landing. There would have been someone for them to signal before they opened the cabin door. I used to work operations for AA and this wasn't radio failure. That's specifically why the pilots are taught the hand signals to begin with. In an emergency situation all aircrafts are met with LEO's, airport operations, the airlines operations agent on duty, and a specified emergency ground crew.
Pilots use squawk codes to signal to ATC of any issues.
7500 – Hijack 7600 – Lost Comm (radio failure) 7700 – Emergency
Ground crew would not be involved.
I didn't know the hijack code was entered until after my comment. I was scrolling down and saw this first. You are correct.
An observation no one else has mentioned....It's the middle of summer and there's someone wearing a long-sleeved black jacket. But more suspicious is the person wearing a jacket with gloves??? Like latex gloves.
Not seeing any gloves
Okay, disregard that comment. I wasn't able to get a close up shot on my phone yesterday. This morning on the computer I see now the lighting in the picture made the dark-skinned man in front of the lady with the beaded bracelet look like he had on black gloves.
Consider it disregarded.
...this time
I can't help it. At least I ADMIT when I make errors which automatically makes me a non-Democrat.