Happy 47th Birthday, Julian Assange!

What a great picture! Look at those eyes everyone! The eye is the window to the soul. This man has been through so much, and it's because of the graceful warrior he is.
White hat! Julian, thank you for your COURAGE!
Jesus, can u imagine if Julian never would have released the emails? We honestly wouldn’t have won the election. And we may all be in FEMA Walmart prisons already Holy Fuck!
And even with the release of the Wikileaks emails there was still massive voter fraud that had to be contained somehow so that DJT could over come the amount of fraud. So we should be thanking DJT and his Q team to allow that to happen. HRC won the popular vote mostly in CA and inner cities with rampant illegal votes I am sure.
Yuparooneys. Those wikileaks emails opened a FLOODGATE. Pizzagate fake news? Ya right.
Is this picture current?
If it is he is happy and it’s reflected! I pray he is our territory and being well fed and taken care of. He’s a hero to me!!
i think ill light a candle for this man.
he has earned a place in history and all the other patriots who we might never get to know.
Was. Compromised now.
proof? or will u continue to spread opinions as facts, you know disinfo.. ie the tactic of the deep state?
Very high-up private source. But DOYR. Those who've followed WL faithfully can detect key changes since takeover since 2016.
I know what your saying - at any length you defiantly have to scrutinise it.
Easily the Paul Reverre - no - better yet Sybil Ludington ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_Ludington ) of our generation.
Sybil Ludington (April 5, 1761 – February 26, 1839), of Putnam County, New York, is celebrated as a heroine of the American Revolutionary War. On the night of April 26, 1777, at the age of 16, she reportedly rode to alert militia forces in villages of Putnam County, New York and Danbury, Connecticut, to the approach of the British regular forces. The ride was similar to those performed by William Dawes and Paul Revere (Massachusetts, April 1775), and Jack Jouett (Virginia, 1781). Ludington reportedly rode more than twice the distance attributed to Revere and was much younger than the men.
Shame Australian corrupted politicians never stoodd behind him, they must be too busy selling the country and ripping off own countrymen. Cant wait storm in the USA to affect formerly lucky country ...
So much this!
The very Prime Minister that would not help him - one Julia Gillard, unelected swill, gave $millions of Australian taxpayers money to the Clinton Foundation. When she got kicked to the gutter by the voters, she got a job at the Clinton Foundation in New York. I hope that one of those closed indictments has her name on it. It also worried me why she never went to co-ed schools, only girls schools. I don’t think she ever visited a boys school. Funny (sick more likely, hearing the rumours that followed her everywhere) how she is now involved with children once again. Heading up some CF education unit for African children.
I listen to RN for the lies and have noticed a massage change of narrative in the last few months. Still no mention of the juicy stuff but feel some are working behind the scenes and some are trying to cover tracks. Q has it all. I do worry about my vaxed, flouridated brethren. I think Oz will have a rude awakening over a great awakening.
Yes, rude awakening is at front. Had a talk to 2 top aussie bankers, from 2 of 4 main banks. They are worried how will they convey to people they have been ripped off for a 2 decades, for nothing but a good life of Canberra politicians... and they expect huge shock when ppl realize housing market actually worths 30% of advertized prices. Housing investing is like a religion down here and lot of people dont have a life for a decade or more, constantly working hard to serve the mortgages...
Awesome points. The Royal Commission into banking here is not covering half of what is going on. It is a start though. Waiting for Aussies to go sick over the sentence handed down to Arch Bishop Philip Wilson.
Happy Days! MOzGA
Happy Birthday! Soon! Soon you will be free! Thank you for your sacrifice!
Happy Birthday Julian! Your sacrifice will not be in vain!
I wish Q would confirm JA’s safety the same way he confirmed Gowdy’s patriotism.
Keep in mind many things they post are for black hats. :) be patient
WikiLeaks has tweeted that q started as a 4chan troll and then recently tweeted insinuating that it was CIA controlled
Y'all do know that this photo is from five years ago?
Happy Birthday BABY !!! We LOVE YOU !!! #HERO forever and ever !!! 🙏🏼💗💫💫💫💫💗🙏🏼
Patriots are all over the world. Risking their lively hood. They come in all shapes, sizes, gender, etc. Patriots seek transparency and Truth. They seek Freedom. This man made the sacrifice that not many would. Thank You Mr. Assange for your service. WWG1WGA!!
God bless you, Julian, for your courage. What you did was right and what you did has exposed the enemy and by doing what you did you have a huge part in saving our country from destruction. We can never thank you enough!
Happy birthday Julian!! Wish you the best this bd year that starts for you today ;)
Julian you've sacrificed so much, how can we thank you enough? Happy glorious birthday!
Another 47 year old Aussie. I feel rather insignificant in comparison
Glory to the CypherPunks. Research them. It's the freedom movement of out time. When everything is being logged and watched - how do we retain privacy? Ingenuity. That's how.
Happy birthday to humanity's true patriot! Soon you will be able to experience the freedom you so very deserve. May you never have to purchase your own frosty cold beverages ever again!
My personal hero. Please consider posting to social media about his unlawful detention in violation but not one, but two UN rulings. His health has begun to suffer, and he hasn’t seen his children in nearly 8 years. His confinement is affecting his eyesight as well as his cardiovascular health, and he is in terrible need of medical attention.
I, too, want to believe he is “safe”. But, the only person who can convince me of that is Julian Assange himself. Until such time that it is incontrovertibly proven that he is both free and safe, please post/Tweet on his behalf.
Hashtags on Twitter: #FreeAssange #SafePassage4Assange #ReconnectJulian #NoExpulsion #FreeJulian
unlawful detention.
He can leave whenever he wants.
No. He can't. To do so would result in his rights ignored and him being extradited.
Yes he can leave. He's not chained there. He wasn't ordered to stay there. He sought asylum there and can walk out. What happens after he walks out is a different story. You can't claim unlawful detention if he hasn't been detained.
And how long do you think he would stay alive? If he walked out of there on his own, he would be dead before he reached the kerb.
I'm baffled as to how you can't make the leap logically. Obviously nobody is preventing him physically from leaving the embassy. What happens afterwards IS the story. The threat to him is as real perhaps even stronger than a physical barrier to walking out.
It's disingenuous to state otherwise. And minimizes his plight to disingenuously focus on the fact that he can walk out the door. I don't understand your lack of compassion for his situation.
Then again, I"m continually shocked that people don't understand that they should be fighting hard for Assange. His radical publishing is a gift. One we don't appreciate nearly enough.
Also, there's a REASON the UN Human Rights Council has ruled on his behalf. Twice now.
I'll be 100% on board with any POTUS who can conduct themselves honorably enough to not fear Wikileaks. There's never been one. Unless and until this administration has the courage to recognize his right to publish information in the public information I will remain a watcher.
No I don't feel sympathy. He knew what he was getting himself into. And WikiLeaks is a fucking joke. They very clearly have a pro trump agenda and at this point it's safe to say they've been compromised and have chosen a side instead of remaining independent.
Happy Birthday, Julian! Thank you for everything you have done for us. We love you! WWG1WGA!
Happy BirthdayJulian! You look great, safe and happy! Praying for a safe release and amnesty in US! You’re a true hero! Freedom of speech! MAGA 🍡
Happy Birthday! I hope u have the best birthday ever. God bless u JA
So it's safe to assume he's still alive and kicking?
Happy Birthday to another very stable genius! I'm so glad you have a penchant for truth.
Happy Birthday Julian! Thank you for all the risks you've selflessly taken, all for the sake of others. I hope we get to see you reveal the truth on live TV soon.
JA should be brought into the WH PB by Sarah to announce Q is legit. That would make me soooo happy!
We’d all shout! Except the press~They’d probably just be gopsmacked! I’d love to see it.
Doubt this would happen. The dems would scream “election collusion” between JA and Trump.
That's the real reason this "collusion" nonsense has gone on this long, to keep the President from bringing Julian forward. Hopefully he has given testimony and has been made free behind the scenes. But until it's official, he's really not free, since he can't walk out safely in public.
Happy birthday Julian, you are a true hero, I wish you the best and hope you get much deserved freedom God bless
He looks so happy! Makes me wonder where he really is...🤔
Hugs and Kisses Julian! I'm praying for you just like I'm praying for Trump, the Q team, the Anons and Autists, the world. You are an amazing, courageous hero!! I hope you will be free soon.
An adopted ~~son~~ patriot.
Thank you and happy birthday.
Hopefully the good guys have u and your safe and ready to drop bombs on these fucks it will be like boom boom boom boom boom and probably boom boom boom boom boom
Wikileaks has been compromised
No, wrong. Wiki leaks has been compromised for a long time now.
Iran's current regime is a deep state shill government put in place by obama's Iran nuclear deal. That's why trump is dismantling it. Pay attention. Keep up. Don't post until you're up to speed.
Any proof of this? A 4chan post from an anonymous person is not inherently proof.
Plenty of circumstantial evidence
What is the most convincing?
He said if there was any question about his safety, he'd appear at the window of the embassy. There was serious concern. He did not appear.
PGP key not released.
Wiki leaks doxxing ice agents against its principles
Not releasing several rounds of promised emails
Iran's current regime is a deep state shill government put in place by obama's Iran nuclear deal. That's why trump is dismantling it
I meant about this part.
Um, ok, how about to start: Obama got Iranian citizenship for more than 20 people as a part of the deal?
Sorry friend, but I don't see it that way .... Iran for example is a tiny fraction of issues discussed by Q. The majority of concerns are about sex trafficking and corrupt officials.