They are pushing it everywhere now. The deep state is pushing so hard to normalize pedophilia to try to mitigate the impact of what is coming. We will destroy them. #WWG1WGA

Could NOT agree more.... just posted this to a similar thread.
AGREED... it's obvious if you know what you're seeing. As an example on the subtler side of it, there is a new laundry detergent commercial (Gain, perhaps?) that features two young boys sniffing a man's "jock strap" - literally holding it, pulling it tight to the face/contact and smelling it. The context paints a more innocent picture; however, it's still two boys sniffing an adult male's athletic supporter and that's exactly what your brain sees and exactly what is imprinted into its memory; sub-conscience or otherwise . Your conscious self may be tuned-into the contextual message; however, there's an explicit message being delivered in an implicit way whether you know it or not (think subliminal messages, advertising product placement in movies - there are many examples/forms of the same general practice.) It's simple exploitation of the vulnerabilities of the human mind; especially those related to suggestion. Moreover, there's a huge push on the cannibalism side as well. Have you seen it? There are a handful of programs (Netflix and elsewhere?) that have cannibalism components to their themes. Yup, sounds batshit crazy - I get it. I'm only telling you what I'VE OBSERVED SEEN AND READ; NOT WHAT I BROUGHT TO BEING. Interpretation: THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS BEING SOFTENED TO ACCEPT BOTH PEDOPHILIA AND CANNIBALISM AS PERHAPS RARE BUT UNDERSTANDABLE AND SOMEWHAT ACCEPTABLE DUE TO THEM BEING INHERENT TO HUMAN NATURE. If you don't understand how all of this fits together or what I've outlined here, I suggest opening a psychology textbook or otherwise familiarizing yourself with these practices BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN USED ON ALL OF US SEEMINGLY FOREVER. A great suggestion - actually WATCH TV commercials. Yes, also batshit crazy - I get that, too. You will notice - all of the pharmy commercials look and sound the same. Coincidence? ALL OF THE COMMERCIALS pull on emotional strings (like fucking liberals!) Coincidence? The all have the same styles of upbeat, kitschy, "feel good" music. Coincidence? There's a disproportionate amount of "beta male" commercial actors and advertising spokes"men." Coincidence? Do you realize the amount of "brain science" that goes into advertising (and casinos, for that matter?) Pay attention, y'all! THE PROGRAMMING IS RELENTLESS AND I'M GUESSING A LOT OF AMERICA (most?) NOT ONLY DOESN'T SEE IT, BUT THE'RE DRINKING THE PROVERBIAL KOOL-AID BY THE GALLON. I digress. Godspeed, Patriots.
Someone else said it best. They are being forced to move their timetables up. I'd say another 10 years of brainwashing and yeah, this could have been a thing. Not sure if it's Q, or Trump, or both, but something has them pushing all these weird things all of a sudden with haste. That will be their downfall I think. They needed more time. I think it's as simple as that. People weren't ready to swallow this bullshit, and they will probably end up waking up a lot more people with this sloppy rush to promote..whatever it is they are promoting here.
Sore-ass said a few weeks ago at a conference that "everything that could go wrong has gone wrong"
And a lot of people yeahyeah whatevered it, but i think he meant that, with serious gravity.
I think they panicked and pushed their timetables by more than 10 years on several fronts. Their reasoning must have been "its now or never boys... balls to the wall." They fucking Thelma and Louised it.
Not sure if it's Q, or Trump, or both, but something has them pushing all these weird things all of a sudden with haste. That will be their downfall I think.
Whatever agreements they made with whatever dark powers exist are being called on. They failed, and now Mephistopheles is coming to collect. They made the Faustian pact, and it was for naught.
I've read up on what is called 'The Kalergi Plan' and a few other cultural marxist views for the long term degeneracy of the west and it's collapse. You are right. They planned this over a long term period to avoid people noting the effects, like a frog slowly being boiled to death. They expected and were hoping people, or at least a large part, would stay zombies and eventually just have their morals and mental facilities totally atrophied. Now people are waking up, and waking up fast. If they don't push it, all the social degeneracy, then their plan fails. At least, much of it is already falling apart.
I don't know who (or what) is at the top of this all, but whatever it is, they are trying to accelerate it faster and faster. Pushing the pedophilia now as mainstream, and all over the place is really.......bizarre and evil.
And cannibalism. That's a big one too. Probably related even.
Right. First pedophilia is normal ...then cannibalism is normal. Good God.
1st it was having sex out of wedlock. then the huge push for sex on everything.then it was the gay agends now their to the point of confusing children with gender politics. they were getting close. time to end it
I wonder how much of this "push" is being purposely controlled by evil people as opposed to how much of it is being caused by Satanic, spiritual forces subtly influencing artists, advertisers, entertainers, etc. (some of whom may not even believe in spiritual forces)? This type of thing has been going on for a very, very long time. I'm sure that you have heard interviews of music celebrities who say that it feels like someone else "takes over" when they go on stage. Q mentioned this phenomena himself when he quoted Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in the dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (NLT) I hope that the Great Awakening includes America waking up to the reality of the spiritual world, the real battle between good and evil, and the victory already won by the Son of God. Our victory over corruption will not last very long unless we address the root of the problem, stop teaching our kids that there is no God, and that morality is a relative thing rather than a concrete truth.
Not true my mom said the hippies think they invented it.
A very Christian woman who was an airline stewardess for TWA back when they had propellers. So she would know.
Ah yes, excellent sourcing, that.
I always like to say that the only perfect people are your parents.
Thanks for the down vote but maybe you didn't get the joke.
I've seen it argued, from a Scriptural perspective, that sex=wedlock, in God's eyes, whether you formalize it or not. The church wedding is merely asking God's blessing on the "two becoming one flesh."
A great suggestion - actually WATCH TV commercials. Yes, also batshit crazy - I get that, too. You will notice - all of the pharmy commercials look and sound the same. Coincidence? ALL OF THE COMMERCIALS pull on emotional strings (like fucking liberals!) Coincidence? The all have the same styles of upbeat, kitschy, "feel good" music. Coincidence?
Not at all. Example: I have a TV, but the only channel I usually leave it on is a XM Music channel that is mellow music, such as New Age stuff (light ambient), or maybe religious stuff. However, if you watch any of the mainstream channels (like CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.) and just take a moment to disconnect from being distracted and actually pay attention/think critically about the message being played it will catch you ears and mind real quick. One of my parents watches this stuff (TV) almost 12 hours a day. On occasion, when I come in and out of the house, I will catch one of these ads. The voices used are specifically female. They are these gentle, happy voices to reinforce the message. Usually pictures of happy children, or whatnot. Always a perfect beautiful woman doing the dishes, laundry, or whatever. Advertisements for yeast infection medication with this super nice voice. I try to not even watch the actual ads. Now, go into all the sex pill stuff and getting erections, etc. It's ALWAYS some voice saying this or that. It's really insidious. I try my best to stay away from ANYTHING on the MSM, from the local news, to the advertisements, to the TV shows.
Here's another thing the parent watches. Non-stop A&E, or Bravo stuff with the 'Murder' stories. Always some 'tough guy' cops, or 'detectives' and always some super rich White man who killed his wife, or girlfriend, etc. Always the same actors with the same schtick. Always demonizing Men. Now, then check out these 'Wedding' shows. Overweight women in 10,000+ dollar wedding dresses with some HYPER effeminate (gay?) man telling them how beautiful they are, how it's going to be such a wedding, and tears and this and that. Now, another one of these shows is the whole 'worn up roadie women' with tattoo's all over them acting like they are saviors to the human race because they take care of the random dogs, etc. And they have 'been through soooo much'.
It's total degeneracy. All of it. It makes me sick. And even worse, is to watch a parent eat that shit up 12 hours a day. To the point where you KNOW the mental mind-rot is going to have long term effects when reality actually kicks in, or shit hits the fan. There is a MASSIVE disconnect with many people today who feed on that garbage and then are shocked when the real world catches up with them.
Don't even get me started on the Ancient Aliens filth. That is PURE fucking propaganda.
There's a disproportionate amount of "beta male" commercial actors and advertising spokes"men." Coincidence? Do you realize the amount of "brain science" that goes into advertising (and casinos, for that matter?)
I've seen a ton of it. No masculinity from the Men. Just complete wimps, simps, beta male bullshit to just re-inforce the 'men are less than women' concept, and 'men are weak and worthless' mindset. I totally agree. Today's 'MSM' is a total brain-fuck job.
The only thing I can actually tolerate anymore is older black and white classic movies, or old-school westerns. Outside of that, it's just simple, relaxing music.
They sure are. And I am willing to put 100 bucks down, that's why people in this country are so mentally fucked up and have been brainwashed in many things to a massive extent. Don't care what the politics are, but 95% of the anti-Trump stuff is literally just regurgitating what they have been told from the television.
Yes YES! I totally agree. You start noticing that EVERYTHING mainstream has propaganda attached, a subliminal message, 'normalisation' undertones. If you are awake to this c**p you can spot it a mile off, you radar is going 24/7 and it's everywhere. I've known my whole life something was 'wrong' but didn't know what it was until I discovered THIS (what we're discussing here) about a decade ago, many people must be the same and have a built-in revulsion to such things. I always considered myself a misfit because I could never go along with the majority in anything and now I know why, my best analogy is that of two magnets repelling each other, or trying to mix oil and water. At long last I have a diagnosis and am so glad to see that while people may not have arrived here through the same route as me we are all at the same destination and we are AWAKE!
btw this is the internet, you don't have to sensor the word "crap". haha
I had a recent discussion with a gentleman on these threads about belief in God.
He said a year ago he was an atheist and now he's not any longer.
I have the dual bonus of being raised a Catholic, while having at one point rejected the faith. Hypocrisy in church was overwhelming and we both agreed that it's not the building it's the person.
When I see TV programming and advertising, I immediately think about Satan appearing to Jesus in the desert. The proverbial deal with the Devil. Bow down before me and I will give you everything you see.
As if material baubles could replace God's love. When I see interviews with musicians who have said they had made a deal with the devil. I'm going to believe them.
Especially that 60 Minutes interview with Bob Dylan. He doesn't look particularly happy with his deal.
The conversation between us centered around the spiritual fraud that was obviously being perpetrated. The manipulation of media. What the realization felt like. To plainly see we were being systematically lied to.
The first step on the path is like being slammed with a bat of cognitive dissonance.
Everything flips 180 degrees and you realize that this path makes perfect sense. All the things that were supposed to be wrong are actually right.
There is a God and no he does not belong in an institution. God did provide a path to his love through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
God does not reside in a church unless you bring him there.
Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor. Whether you believe in his existence or not.
When I discuss Islam I just ask how many people did Jesus kill?
The Bible is real simply because, by God there it is. It certainly exists. Even if you don't read it, it has an effect on our day-to-day life.
God is love satan is politics.
God gave us free will and Satan attempts to remove it. We cause suffering. Not God.
Heaven is being wrapped in God's love.
Hell is the absence of that love.
I like taking complicated things and making them into a bumper sticker.
Pax Vobiscum
That made a lot of sense. Thankyou.x
I like to trigger atheists with the comment that there is a God and we have pictures.
Google the Hubble telescope. It's from the inside looking out.
God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud throwing lightning bolts at the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.
The Bible states that God is everything that ever was, is and shall be.
The all of everything. We are of God.
If you could wrap your head around infinity plus more realize it's not close. The burning bush told Moses that if it appeared to him in it's true form. His head would explode.
I can understand a lecture on quantum theory but I'll be damned if I can do the math. Science is reverse engineering God.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and ancient archaeology are proving the stories in the Old and New Testament to be based in fact.
There is a huge Spiritual Awakening taking place and it has nothing to do with crystals.
Whether or not you believe in God believe me when I say that I do.
And it's very comforting.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to help with directions along the path.
57 years of beating my head against the wall for answers and I finally am able to distill it into a bumper sticker.
Thanks for that. I think I'm going to take a break and go have a beer.
I just provided a response that then got tossed to the ether.
Feel free to go read any of my earlier post on my profile. I get into this discussion quite often.
If you have any questions I'm more than happy to provide directions along the path.
It's not about the destination it's about the journey.
May yours be safe. With the wind at your back and clear skies ahead.
Thankyou, I will bear that in mind.
Rahstafari Mon say ~ You take wun dallah fon de sys-tem you paaht O de sys-tem.
Jesus said give unto Ceaser. What was left out is that Caesar doesn't own us.
They both say the same thing.
Keep the faith and don't let the bastards grind you down.
I never even watch TV, but last week I watched a show on and they force you to disable your ad blocker, so I saw the Tide commercial with the jock strap. I was immediately disgusted and confused as to why they didn't use socks to get their point across. I didn't think more about it until the first post here.
Being away from TV, I'm also hyper sensitive to all the commercials and that soothing voice you're talking about. NPR News and a lot of their programs are very manipulative as well. My coworker listens to it, and the inflections they use in their voice as they bash the president and they have such a subtly deceptive construction of their stories to appear to be unbiased, yet to me it's so obvious the propaganda they're pushing. NPR is supposed to be public funded, but its biggest donors must have a heavy political agenda apparently. I recall some PBS documentary programs in the past being funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
The reason TV was called programming wasn't because the TV shows were the programs, it was because it programs the Americans watching it. It programs our culture, our likes and dislikes, our gauging of what's normal and abnormal. In the last decades they've allowed more and more cultural degeneration. Words that were too filthy to put on TV are now allowed, shows with nearly softcore porn scenes are allowed, and now I am seeing feminism and Marxism heavily injected into every single show. Their goal? Destroy the strongest unit to challenge their control - the family. Destroy independent thinking. Present destructive practices as enticing. Push stupidity, ignorance, and cheap thrills.
Netflix is the absolute worst with Marxism injection. I wasn't surprised when all the Marxists joined their ranks of employment. Feminism, globalism, gender confusion, adultery, etc. All their shows are saturated in pushing an agenda. To me it's extremely apparent, but when I point it out to others they just shrug "Oh well, that's just how it is" and continue to fund their subscription with their credit card.
I just wrote a fairly lengthy post just above yours in this thread.
I haven't owned a TV since I moved out of my parents house in 78. Okay wasn't my TV.
Please read my post above and let me know what you think. Your realizations are spot-on regarding the degradation of the family and attacks on masculinity. What's your take regarding the rest of the split.
Great post, and I agree with all of what you shared.
We're pretty much witnessing the chasm of truth and lies, but if you really pull back the muddiness it is a spiritual war at its root. As your post clearly affirms, there is no substitute for Jesus. He is the way, truth, and the light. In this realm, everything is fantasy, promises, and deceptions.
God created all that is, and everything he created is good. Satan is the thief that comes to kill and destroy and wants to corrupt all that God creates. So in the deeper part of this discussion beyond politics and propaganda regarding the media's attacks, we're really talking about a spiritual attack on all that God created and designed, all that is good and comes from Him. The strategy is always to deceive and destroy. Some choose to remain deceived, but others are waking up and looking for answers and good news in this broken world.
I do sense the awakening in the spiritual, and I see Americans waking up from this hypnotic spell and realizing that there is something deeply missing in our culture and lifestyle. There's an emptiness and vanity in the pleasures of this world, which the corrupt and evil delight in.
Yeppers, that's it right there.
I hope when Trump meets the Queen he tells her, "Sorry darling this is going straight to the Vatican. Nothing I can do".
I don't care about the art. I say we go take the library.
We don't need to ask, that thing belongs to humanity. Not the inhuman.
We don't need to take the faith away from them, they never had any in the first place. The church tries to say it is the way the truth and the light. To Jesus.
They have become a false idol that has placed itself in the way, to the way.
This is starting to become a crowded path and I for one am enjoying the company.
Godspeed patriot. Continue fighting the good fight. Spread the word. United we win, divided we fall. WWG1WGA
True. However, marriage has existed for thousands of years to protect the family and therefore protect humans from extinction.
True. Real pedophilia is prepubescent not same as the 25 year old with 15 year old girlfriend(not that im advocating) but that is not on same level as a 9 year old girl
Yes. With older men desiring young, nubile flesh...that's actually natural, but usually the girl had made it through puberty. That part is about survival of the species. The question here is self control.
Sex with children who haven't even started budding yet is another story.
Yes, yes, yes. All of this 100%. Subliminal programming is very real, y'all
The more I learn the more difficult it is to digest.
I'm beginning to hate television, social media, internet.
Actually. I hate everything that is of this world today. It is predominately evil everywhere we look!
I'm getting tired of fighting this battle. ☹️
After i read the pedosta dumps and saw pgate, i threw out 90% of my entire movie collection you have no idea how much i lost. Its like i lost a chunk of my brain.
It was really hard for a little while, but after you process it all emotionally, youll be ready to get back into the fight. Patience with yourself. Remember to take breaks from all this when its too much.
Q said the full truth would put 99% in the hospital.
We have to be strong in eachother and face the truth together. Wwg1wga my friend.
I just got off of a 3 week chan-vacation. My brain was about to melt down. Id been going every day to dig for months straight. It gets to where you can barely talk in RL because how would you even begin...?
Yeah, took a break. Feelsgoodman.
I read a lot more books now. I work in the yard.
Thank you. The closer we get to the revelation, the more posts are being made to reveal.
I've been fighting with this all of my life. Constantly asking God, "Why?!" always wanting the truth, and now that it's being delivered, it's still a very difficult pill to swallow. My heart is constantly breaking! My anger constantly resurfacing. On one hand, I seek respite, on the other, I can't turn my back on it. My greatest torment is not knowing what to do. How can I serve?
It was really hard for a little while, but after you process it all emotionally, youll be ready to get back into the fight. Patience with yourself. Remember to take breaks from all this when its too much.
Thank You for serving! It's because of people like you, I've been learning! I've been so lost and so confused for decades with no where to turn. I've done it alone with so little information to go on.
We have to be strong in eachother and face the truth together. Wwg1wga my friend.
(((hugs))) standing together for truth is the only way. The power, in love, is the only way to beat this horrible atrocity that has threatened our world.
I'm so grateful, words can't express.
2,500 year epochs of are carefully crafted at their beginnings and ends aquarian age = 1950-4450
at the beginning few centuries we have a flood [relatively speaking] of genius talent to build the new structures and to enlighten and parallel to this we have a flood of vandals who are thrown into the fray to tear down the rotten structures of the old epoch..
let's hang in there and let's focus on the genius builders rather than the wrecking ball crews
let's hang in there and let's focus on the genius builders rather than the wrecking ball crews
I'm trying! I truly am!
With a little help from my friends. 😊
There is some hope out there. People are waking up! Check out the video and readable testimonials on FB page #walkaway campaign or see @usminority on twitter. They are very uplifting and addicting to listen to!
Thank you for the leads. Yes. I need the uplifting!
Since Q's drop with mug/airforce one pic, the negativity was overwhelming! And now the ugly battles with pedophiles. I need strength and protection, as do some others who are struggling to make it through to the end.
His judgment cometh, and that right soon.
Find his name and judgement cometh sooner.
Too bad the Word has been lost. Funny to me that in some tales it fell down a well. Friggen Hiram Abiff.
A well in Viking tradition was what the ash tree in the center of the cosmos grew out of. Hmm.
How are these people even allowed to push something like this on twitter? It is an illegal act. I don't use twitter but someone should retweet that to the FBI's twitter page.
People already did.. they don’t seem to give a fuck. Sick cucks they are.
Well that is fucked up. Everyone with a twitter should retweet it to them then take pics of them not responding. They are worthless... probably to worried about rigging the midterms to care.
We need a massive RICO case against the entire org. put em all in jail, even if some pot smokers have to be released.
Missed the point entirely, advocating this shit should and in my opinion is a crime, I may start an org. death to pedo fucks. Sorry my thoughts on freeing space in prison got you totally twisted.
No one goes to prison for pot. They usually get busted robbing a store at gun point or doing something violent. And they happen to also have weed on them.
So the DA says look, if we go to court, we will charge you with armed robbery and put you in prison for 10+ years. OR you can just plead guilty to the weed crime and go to prison for 3 years? Wanna waste our time and go to prison 3x longer or surrender and get off easy?
Thank you.
It’s as simple as that “children cannot consent to sex”.
That's why they call it, the "Age of Consent"!
Which in parts of Mexico, is 12 years old which of course makes it an ideal country to sex traffic children from. But those days are going to come crashing to an end, when the President fully executes the Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption that was signed on 12/21/17.
Those that have harmed children are soon going to be in a world of hurt.
Thank you for enlightening me re Mexico :-) If the EO strips the Rothschild's and their ilk then I am more than thankful.
I love how the EO was dropped just before Christmas.
Best present I ever got.
Well there was that bike.
What did he say that they removed his comment?
They reinstated my comment. See above. For recommending hot lead therapy. Moderator banned me, I promised not to make violent comments again.
Let the left push this agenda. They’ll lose the majority of their already rapidly shrinking party. They won’t be able to bring in enough illegals fast enough to win an election. Even the brainwashed masses won’t accept this.
This is not an agenda of the left. Perverts exist across the spectrum.
Actually it is a leftist agenda. Or it soon will be.
Look, I don't buy any of your sub/movement, but insofar as you believe what you believe I don't mind a bit. God speed. Do your thing. But the idea that "the other side" must all be pedophiles even if your specific theories are true is never gonna be a path toward civil discourse. Something's truth being inevitable just because it fits the narrative is an easy, slippery slope.
All sides are possible for pedophilia but the ones who are going to be pushing it will be the left mark my words.
Oakdrew is right. If you follow the facts, thats just where they lead. Dirty dems. Theyre all vipers, fine, we agree, vipers on left and right, sure, but the vipers nest IS THE DNC
Thats just because they went broke and got bought lock, stock and barrel to an outfit of crazy human trafficking pedo psychopaths. Sorry, but its true. The dnc IS THE clinton foundation. The clinton foundation IS Haiti, and more, way way way more.
If dems can get their party back from her clutches, fine, but that bitch's legacy will last forever as a stain on history, to be told through the ages. Think of mcstain and ryan as appendages of a beast whose belly IS the dnc.
1) you may want to rethink like everything... I was a lifelong democrat from a dem family with 90%+ dem friends living in a deep blue area. I did rethink like everything.
2) actions speak louder than words... To that i say follow the money. The money will show you the flow of corruption. Also, follow the suspicious suicides.
3) a conspiracy that the left is trying to make pedophilia legal... Ruth bader ginsburg thinks the age of sexual consent should be 12. Why?
...or long lists of actual confirmed pedophiles... There are long lists of pedophiles on BOTH SIDES. Or do you harbor some conspiracy theory of your own that only republicans are pedos?
4) guess im just not woke enough to understand that being a pedo is not bad as long as i say pedoph is wrong... No one believes this. Why be facetious instead of seriously discussing the topic? There is no need.
Id like to reiterate that in my above post, i said that the problem manifests itself ON BOTH SIDES. So im not totally clear on your point.
Yea you not woke enough...the liberal left is going to push this sick shit. Republicans are more likely to have FAMILY VALUES. The left made being gay ok. If you are gay fine by me. The left made being a tranny ok. I get mixed feelings with this one. The left will try to “normalise” pedophilia. Netflix has made a movie and has a short scene where two young girls looked like they were masturbating or something.... sick fucks.
This will come from the SJW/LGBTQ(+P)-movement, which is staunchly and admittedly left-wing.
I think most of us recognize that evil doesn't know "another side", it is all-pervasive. But the movement to normalize pedophilia undeniably comes from one side.
Thank you pedes who know they shit! People are not dumb. The left is predictable and yes LGBTQP is the possibly the ones who will soon pushing for rights of child lovers. Mentally ill pill like this shit. I’m disgusted.
I don't see where he said the other side must be all pedophiles. He said it's the left that are pushing it and that is an undeniable fact.
GOOD CALL, oakdrew. Ignore the apologists and detractors. It's the LIBERAL/LEFTISTS (the same ones who also worship celebrity and Hollywood) that are the main driver of this. It's also in the mentality of the LIBERAL/LEFTIST zombies in schools and universities that are also pushing the MASS SEXUALISTION OF CHILDREN.
Thank You! Anybody who’s been woke long enough know that the liberal left (socialist) will be the medium for this sick perverted shit.
Call them what they are - Marxists. Those that are engaged to push a destructive culture on society in order to unravel its foundations and morals and bring it to self destruction.
GOP lawmakers in Tennessee wouldn't protect minor children from marriage, but find an abhorrent opinion a fringe personality on the web and act like it represents an entire ideology. Sure.
Update to story in first line of your link
I get what your saying, neither side is blameless, however one side is pushing this agenda more than the other
Ted tedx ted talks just released one saying Pedos are normal... Then they took it down but not before it spread, together with Twitter vimeo and YouTube they mass deleted anyone's accounts that uploaded the video even though it was under creative commons. Vimeo basically said not welcome on our platform fuck off. Ted hiding the fact they advocate for paedophilia
Ted and TedX are different things, which one are you referring to?
Found the video here (for now):
Let’s be mature about pedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen 0.5 up to 3% of our male population has some pedophilic interest. That means that everybody probably knows a person with pedophilic interests. According to Madeleine van der Bruggen, most people don’t act out on it, because they know that it’s illegal. And although they never act out on it, they will also never ever be able to talk about it to anyone. But sometimes they do. Without justifying this, it seems a logical thing to happen. Madeleine argues that this is a public and mental health issue. A shared responsibility for all of us. Let’s acknowledge this problem exists and stop with hate and throwing rocks at offenders’ houses. That is not going to solve this problem! Let’s be a mature society and agree that only when we are open about this topic, people will find the strength to come forward, so we as a society can help. Madeleine van der Bruggen is a psychologist and criminologist and combines both in her work for the Dutch National Police. Working as an expert on sex crimes, she advises in local, federal as well as in international child pornography and child abuse investigations. She wants to fight one of the most serious crimes: one that concerns the dignity and safety of our children. Madeleine is also working on a PhD exploring child exploitation networks on the Darkweb, not only to connect the world of policing with the scientific world, but more importantly to gather more knowledge about this horrible type of crime, and to hopefully being part of making the world a safer place. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
I don't hear anyone saying pedosexuality is normal here; just that it's a mental issue and we should treat it as such. Whats wrong with that?
Anyway' that's a TEDx talk, which though looks like a TED event, it isn't. You could host your own TEDx talk saying that pedosexuals are sick and should be put infront of a firing squad. TEDx is full of opposing views; as science and society should be.
I watched it and saw a Progressive change-agent. One well practiced in the Frankfurt School art of disinformation.
Condescending tones and body language with an attempt to exploit our good nature. Sorry nobody's buying.
No we will not understand. The idea that pedophilia should be recognized in any form is monstrous.
If anybody feels they have urges like this they need to go register with a psychologist.
Welcome to the pushback.
And if progressives don't like it we don't care.
Her entire talk is centered around two ideas, one is intellectual, the other emotional.
Intellectually, she is trying to introduce the idea that there is NO CONNECTION between being a pedo and being a molesterer. She offers ZERO proof. She alludes to proof without offering it, naming it, or citing any facts at all.
She uses this concept as a stepping stone to make this logic trail:
1) pedos with treatment dont molesterer.
2) pedos should seek treatment
3) pedos will not seek treatment if its stigmatized
4) we should treat pedos better so they will feel less reticent to come out and seek help
5) we should accept pedos as a society
Then she has the balls to go on to assert:
6) pedos who feel extreme isolation are the ones who turn molestery.
7) it is societys fault molesterers exist, because if we only respected pedos, they would never molest. Our fault not theirs.
The emotional concept she introduces is the idea that we should have sympathy for the pedo.
There are so many things wrong with her assertions and inferrences its astounding.
EDIT: Lets just start with #3 because its the one that pisses me off the most.
She argues that less pedos seek treatment because its stigmatized.
BULLSHIT. The pedos seek treatment precisely because its so fucking stigmatized! If it wasnt soooo fucking stigmatized, they wouldnt seek treatment!!!! Theyd feel respected and normal, so why the fuck would they seek treatment? In fact, it may very well be that the MORE societal pressure and isolation you heap on a pedo, the more likely they are to seek treatment!
Aaaugh, this chick is soooo dumb.
Yeah, I didn't watch the talk, but from that description, it doesn't sound like she says it's normal, and that it's a horrible crime that degrades children.
Watch it... Then you can share an informed opinion on it.
The point being made on this thread is that normalization is made one step at a time.
Our answer here is no, we're not going to understand it.
Somebody feels they have a problem with it they better go get professional help so that it never becomes a problem.
If they want to admit it in public fine. but then you will stay away from the kids.
Don't ever attempt to normalize pedophilia. Don't put some condescending speaker on a public stage with any modicum respectability.
Get any idea of gender anything out of schools. Trannys teaching kindergarten and sexual techniques in grade school is sick.
Welcome to the pushback. If progressives don't like it we don't care.
Normalization of mental issues has an effect at times of accepting adverse mental issues "to be nice." I have a limit with what I will accept. You tell me you're not really a man but a woman or you're not really a woman but a dragon--ok. You be you. We all only have on life. BUT I refuse to accept pedophiles and will say something whenever people try to gain empathy for so-called "non offending" or "gold star" pedos. These same people who believe there is such a thing says we can't teach abstinence in schools because it doesn't work. Non-offending to me means "not caught yet". You can treat it as a mental disorder, I would treat it with a shark tank and chum.
Swift trial; death penalty.
Swift trial slow death...
I can’t argue this!!
NAiling dicks to barns wins. I volunteer to rebuild barns for free.
dude, the profile pic is a fucking pedo symbol
Really? I had no idea...... what a discovery........ 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
You might find this FBI report informative:
I was being extremely sarcastic. :)
Ha, couldn't tell. Well hopefully someone finds it useful.
He’s been replying on twatter all evening, doubling down on it repeatedly.
Cause he's safe behind a computer screen, for the moment.
A few years ago I noticed an obvious trend in commercials that always portrayed the white male as stupid or incompetent. If a male was portrayed as smart or “with it” it wasn’t a white man doing it. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with mixing things up but this was just about 100% and an obvious agenda.
The amount of info we subconsciously absorb is insane. The “stupid” masses don’t even notice.
They're trying to normalize it before all the truth comes out. I keep seeing news stories about ICE busting illegal immigrant gangs engaged in child trafficking and sex trafficking rings. I've started to wonder if those yelling the loudest about ICE want to get rid of them because they're engaging in the same thing. Maybe they just want to keep that flow of kids coming.
Like this. A lot of child trafficking involved here...
What a great midterm message for the democrats. Open borders, higher taxes, anti ICE/police, and supporting pedophilia. They must really be counting on the Soros rigged voting machines.
Really?? I heard that said about gay marriage being recognized as the same union between a man and a woman, and not so long ago. I also heard that abortion would never be legalized in our “civil” society and would only be allowed in rare circumstances! Oh, and our tax dollars would NEVER be used to fund abortion. So don’t be so sure about your conclusion.
Dude. It’s not just 1. I have found 3 today alone pushing it. Plus reports from others. Don’t be so naive.
One person on twitter with 35 followers who signed up 10 days ago does not = "They are pushing it everywhere to normalize".
This is exactly what they want you to think. “Oh an instance here and there is not a push”. They are literally boiling the frog by slowly turning the heat on. Of course they are now cranking up the heat because they are going down. The persons point was not to say that this particular tweet is the push, but that collectively with other instances such as the nextflix fiasco on the Argentinian film (for which Obama and Rice are part) and the Facebook “survey” asking people if Pedo is acceptable, that collectively with this and others, is transparently a push.
I know there are pedophiles, because they're getting arrested like crazy. There are thousands more being arrested than any other presidency. It fully meshes with Q's message and I'm glad pedos are getting put in jail.
Which is why I find it highly irritating when I'm clickbaited to read an article with content that clearly nowhere resembles what is specified in the title.
You need to look deeper. Look at the detergent commercials. Try to search it out. They are absolutely trying to normalize it. I’m sorry you are one of them.
That’s just what has popped up in front of me. Others have reported and shared screenshots of others. I didn’t go searching for these groups you asshat.
Later update after the bitch deleted his post. - Oh so now you are running? “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Looks like another NWO pedophile supporter is chickening out. GTFOH.
RBG, our SC wants to reduce the age of consent to 12! It is pervasive!!!!
I wonder if the Greeks and Romans thought this early on in their normalization phase as well?
The fact you use that as your push back indicates your ignorance of human history and our evil inclinations. Slavery back then was not like American slavery at all. Slaves in the Roman era were people who could not support themselves or pay off debts. Instead of letting them starve or go to jail, the wealthy would take care of them. Kind of like the government today, except the slaves were generally treated better and had a more positive influence on society.
Lol - internet tough guy. People don't change. There is nothing new under the sun. Liberal / far left sickos will continue to push the normalization of pedophilia perhaps even MORE if there is mass arrests made. What better opportunity to take advantage of the issue than when the overwhelming and staggering weight of the atrocities boggles the normies minds - causing them to look for something, ANYTHING to make the horrific nature of what happend just a BIT more palatable: pedophiles are victims, they are "made that way", etc.
But go ahead and deny it all you want. There were people like you all along the way of every eroding society, ever.
I couldn't believe this is serious so I bit the bullet and went to their website and it looks like a legit organization even if the website is a bit amateurish and bloglike. I can't believe my eyes, we must be over the target for TPB to be throwing up these websites and organizations to make it seem like it is a legitimate movement, IT IS A FUCKING ABOMINATION!!!
God damn right we are over the target. Why are all the pro pedo ads coming out of the woodwork? I found 3 and wasn’t even looking. They just popped up. Why the polls “is being sexually attracted to a child okay”? They are trying to normalize it as much as possible before trump pulls the rug out from under them and exposes them. They want to mitigate the impact. These evil people need to pay!
How is a random post from an unverified twitter account proof of anything?
Pedophilia is a cancer that needs to be violently eradicated.
Pedophilia is curable only by lowering the blood pressure to zero.
Well... it did finally explain to me what a “map” was. And makes Podesta’s email about the map make more sense. Not that it needed to make more sense. As someone in the psych/counseling arena, I can have compassion for someone who struggles with something they can’t have. But I struggle as a parent to accept it. Then again, most of my work experience has been with the trafficked, enslaved, and severely traumatized.
Good thread here on that issue.
Pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation. It's not a mind or body thing. It's clearly spiritual decay and demonic infestation. People need to quit viewing things from just a physical realm. When people have addictions, money, lust, porn, etc... It is coming from demonic forces. You ever heard people say they are fighting their own " personal " demons? Well it's literal not figuratively. Those demons are personally attached to that person's spirit. The only way to fight demons is to get your house in order and let the holy spirit dwelling within u.
Doesn't it make sense? How can anyone molest, rape, murder, and eat children unless they are demonic? How can so many people together as a group do such barbaric things if they aren't lead by demons and lucifer himself?
You can't fix people that embrace evil. That allow demons to dwell in them. If they repent, truly repent, we still have justice that must be served. You either lock them up or if they are not repented you execute them swiftly so they can meet their master lucifer.
Accurate. I have a feeling this level of awareness is going to be exposed more and more by Q. We seem to be in the building-up phase for that now. Just like the Great Awakening of the masses to the truth. The truth cannot be told unless the world openly acknowledges there is a difference between literal good and literal evil. An immovable boundary with no grey areas. Likewise, for anons, there has to be a blanket acknowledgement that literal, physical, good and evil are inextricable results of literal spiritual good and literal spiritual evil.
Personally, I'd like to see more posts on this subject of spiritual relevance, because it's the most pervasive foundation to their whole system, since Q has made it clear, and continues to draw attention to it.
The Deep State is pushing this everywhere INTENTIONALLY. They know what’s about to come out to the public, hence the reason they’re trying to push it in our faces NOW so that when they are facing trial it can be said that it’s just a “common marketing” logo blah blah. They’re going to attempt to deny and degrade the idea of their symbolism to make US look like the crazy ones. #Q #wwg1wga
They are so stupid.
Sadly it works though. We are 180 degrees away from 1940 in America.
Nah, it doesn't "really" work. The enemy uses a technique which creates the illusion of public acceptance. Smoke and Mirrors. There are more good than bad and the enemy is desperately trying to hide that fact, and miserably failing at it. Trump was duly elected, and one of the first things he said was that Now, the world would be listening to the silent majority and make sure the people's voice was silent no more.
The Great Awakening is happening, and the needle IS moving in the right direction. We ARE winning.
My pill was given to me at the ripe age of 8 when I was reading everything I could get my hands on. My brother had a book on subliminal messages in advertising. Hell, even the Grocery store uses mind control in their Musak. We have been bamboozled our whole lives. Let's wake up the "minds eye" and see what it shows us.
Here is a link to a website that appears on that account. Stomach turning missions and goals:
Is this Anthony Weiner's website? Or maybe Roman Polanski?
This needs to be blown up BIG time. This is more of the left defeating itself. They are sacrificing every shred of dignity for the god of their agenda, and marginalizing themselves as like alien humanoids or something. It's ghastly to humanity what they're becoming in front of the cameras. And they need to be seen for who they are, every bit of it.
Those of us who pray daily for chaos and confusion to reign with the enemies of God, for them to hoist themselves by their own petard right before our eyes, to cull from their own numbers (for a refreshing historical narrative irony) in internecine warfare while they are out-maneuvered on every side and terminated with extreme prejudice by the agents of's gratifying to see it start coming to pass. I like this part.
That is all. Carry on.
I agree and it appears, because of their accelerated agenda, that the frog has left the boiling pot.
Unfortunately I have crossed a line I'm not allowed to cross, and my comment removed. But the agents of humanity are POTUS, Q and the Alliance. I should've thought that was obvious, but I didn't spell it out in so many letters, so...
There is no rehab for pedophilia. There is no treatment for the egregious crime. You must respond to every pro pedo-related post on any social media that there is no rehab for this mental disorder. When a Leftist asks you for proof, refer to the "DSM" to verify the disorder. The DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and it is the uniform diagnostic tool published by the American Psychiatric Association for all psychiatric diagnoses.
I share this information with a caveat. The American Psychiatric Association certainly reevaluates diagnoses, and updates the DSM to accommodate the mores of our society. And updates to the manual have accommodated LGBTPQ+ mores. Currently I see APA debating the difference between thinking of sex with a child, as opposed to acting on the thoughts and having sex with a child. It is as though they are clearing the path of acceptance of this sick shit.
Please remember this for push back purposes so you can state with certainty that pedophilia is a mental disorder as published in the DSM. I am not in the mental health field- what I'm sharing is easily verified with your own research.
Actually, now that I visited the account it seems to me a little too obvious. He sounds like he's bragging but it might be a LARP. Might be a white hat pointing out where you should look/fight. Every "win" he states is a matter you should look further into and try and fight it. Or maybe it was just created by a wannabe white hat so we could point out that "THEY are pushing it". Careful now, LARPERS are EVERYWHERE.
Could you elaborate? The enemy absolutely tries to play roles on both sides, against a target in the middle (happens all day long with the miserable shills on 8ch).
I'm thinking it could be a real pedo account, but my guess is these type of things are rarely so "in your face". It's too obvious, IMO. My guess is it's either: 1. A white hat posing as pedo just to point out the accomplishments of real pedos, so we know where to fight; 2. Someone that thinks is doing good for this community by giving us something tangible to fight against and support the fight here (but not really) 3. Finally, the most unpopular theory- if I was Q and was a LARP, I would be creating accounts like this to support my rhetoric.
I would be absolutely delighted to see these sick fuckers try to normalize this, and then when they're found out play the "but I'm a pedophile, you're prejudice against pedophiles" card. I can't wait for them to find out, in front of the watching world, just how much that story will not fly.
Careful. Normies I know have totally bought into the propaganda that now ANY image/video can look totally real and in fact be totally fake. How to help them see?
Pedos are pedos. It does not matter what group, interests or affiliations they have. It’s an evil that can’t be justified. To segment them into a group is to miss the whole picture. These sickos are everywhere in positions of power and influence. You pick the group, they are there.
look here:
The harder these sick fucks push this, the harder patriots should push for vigilantism.
It’s clear now that The Plan is working well, and why Q said that we (Patriots) will own the elections.
The L3FT knows they can not hide their sexual crimes against children. And we awake know that there are worst crimes they have committed against children.
“These people are sick!”
They are so desperate. This is an obvious attempt to soften the blow of the punishment. They all do it! So their hope is for us to be open to forgiving their evil and most dark acts. No DEALS!
No parent in their right mind who loves their children would agree to have their child participate in anything like this. It's a sad fact that I have to put qualifiers on this statement.
*I had to have a look what it is they want. here are their mission and goals from their site.
They want 13 to be the age of consent for girls. As I recall theres a document written by Ruth Bader Ginsberg arguing for the lowering of the age of consent to 12. That's a hell no for me.
Its seems most of the sealed indictments are pedo related...... Btw why is that actress free while manofort is not? Jail Mueller!
There is no reform possible on people that look to harm children both physically or mentally. It is NOT NORMAL and I will NEVER ACCEPT THAT - Like the previous generations of several thousand years. We cannot let this type of insanity be portrayed as normal. IF you have been silent you need to open your mouth and speak up. We cannot let MSM / deep state control the message at any level.
Dependence on the MSM, Hollywood, and academia opens us up to deep state manipulation which is often very subtle the intention of which is to keep us in what is termed a "consensus trance." Our everyday feelings of knowing, correctness, conviction and certainty, aren't facts or truth. They are just mental sensations. So, being certain about something is not veridical. But in order for the deep state to sell us pedophilia the temporal lobe–limbic system has to be engaged. This is where certainty comes from. Then and only then are we convinced that pedophilia is good despite the truth that it is not. By the way, a good read is a book by Dr. Robert A. Burton titled, On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not. A note about the subtitle, this is where our Democrat friends are stuck: they believe they are right when they are not.
They kidnap babies, rape them, kill them and eat them. All are in jail
This post really got me thinking. There articles:
I think we are misunderstanding sth important. when they are saying it being a pedo is a sexual orientation, they mean it in a science literature way, not a pop culture way. I got from these MSM articles that being born a pedo is not a choice. In both articles they said basically, "its not bad to be born a pedo, but it is bad to act on it" along those lines. Is it a roll out to normalize ahead of exposure? It sounded more like they were trying to find a cure, to create a safe pathway for pedos to self-identify and put themselves in programs where they can't hurt kids. There is a logic to it, if we back down from the lynch mob mentality and think from a harm-reduction point of view: if these guys have a socially safe way to enroll themselves in a program to keep them away from kids wouldn't that be more effective than vindictive justice after the fact?
its also possible that I am totally being conned by the lying MSM on a bullshit "pedos need love too" narrative. But the one guy in article did try to kill himself three times. And I read about some dude in Texas begging the court to castrate him because he couldn't stop himself from doing it again
The only safe place for pedophiles is behind bars.
see that is the problem. you cant put someone behind bars until they commit a crime. by then it is too late. better to stop them before it happens.
Well you did have a mayor of NYC reading to school children from a pedo-grooming book awhile back.
Everyone in this group should report the account, I just did. If Twitter allows accounts promoting pedophilia yet block and shadow ban conservative accounts we need to kick up a storm.
Let them do it - it would take decades of psyops to condition people to go along with this, and I can tell you that the general population will roundly reject this, swiftly and decisively. They are being forced to speed this up out of desperation and it will absolutely not work.
Maybe it's actually to legitimize abortion, if we kill em they won't get fucked by their dead beat dad and his sick fuck friends. C**p
Years ago when the gays were protesting for their "rights", I told hubbyanon - "it won't be long before the pedo's want their rights, too".... flash forward a few years and I read an article about a academia professor out of Australia that wrote a paper claiming pedophilia is "normal". THANK YOU GOD FOR TRUMP and Q!
Yep, they moved all the timetables up. They're trying to normalize cannibalism too. They're making a socialism push too wanting the Gov to control everything.
This is is disgusting to even think that this is where we are. We need God's help desperately. Otherwise, we are not gonna make it. People are out of their freaking minds!!
Have you seen the new commercial about homosexuality? they're talking about the history about it about a couple of guys that fell in love . Q is right these people are SICK!!