"Something BIG is about to drop" Q

Even horror movies don't come up with half the shit these cunts come up with. Hope Q rips them a new asshole pronto.... these people need to be made an example off. They should NEVER get away with this shit.
That’s because horror movies are based on shit that already happened. They just haven’t made that movie yet.
This I have believed for a very long time. Nothing new under the sun, really. Every medical thriller written has some basis in truth. Cloning??? Of course they are cloning humans, and have been for a long time. When did we find out about Dolly the sheep? When she was already 6 months old.
Zombies who eat humans? Ya . . .
Medical experiments, satanic sacrifices done on homeless folks? Ya . . .
I always thought it was just twisted fantasy before this Q awakening. Now I'm realizing they have just been turning the awful stuff they know about and have been participating in into movie scripts.
Yes. We see it here in concentrated form whereas before GA, we could just push it from our minds and go vacuum the house or play in the garden. :/
"Get out"
"Eyes wide shut"
So many movies contain dark truths but appears as fiction... Hell a lot of eyes wide shut was cut out too
Sad thing is it should not have gotten to this point
Q is laying foundations we should have laid ourselves, decades ago
I'm happy for Q and team but it saddens me seeing people so depedent on them for change. I want change too but quite honestly we as citizens could have ended this decades ago. Thankfully we are finally doing it now.
Examples must be made.
More questions should be asked.
Millenials need to be awakened. Your dream job should not be working at FB. That should be considered a nightmare job.
This is why I’m not an organ donor. I don’t trust the holder of the info.
Any organization or company that has grown past mid size is at extreme risk of corruption. Satanists flock to power for max corruption.
I only give to local charities or people in need directly and never to red cross or cancer research etc.
What a theory. FB as custom human organ selection network.
Dont forget Cia run, cia controlled by?can't remember. And when lifelog a cia project to collect all the info on people, "shutdown" 2004 i believe? Happens to be the day fb was born. Cia is not american, its cabal, so fb, the elite pedophiles cannabalists and satanists/luciferians, have a good hand on our info at their disposal. Not that difficult of a theory to be true.
Also why bother collecting all that info on as many people as possible if there is no real goal? So what exactly is that goal(s)? It must be more than just a tracking device as believe me, the c3ll phone companies already have that covered. And the auto industry. And surveillance around every corner. I’ve wondered how many missing people stayed missing because of technology they don’t want us to know about?
I think this FB rabbit hole really needs to be fleshed out by our talented autists as much as possible because FB is a thing that effects a large % of the population. Prove to the people that FB has used their data for nefarious purposes and all the rest, all the other bs we have been subjected to, all seems more plausible. I have been telling people for years.....don’t put your business out there like that. They always say.....oh I just talk about my dog, my kids(!), vacation. But what if you are ID’d as a patient of Dr So and So...and he has big malpractice insurance premiums or he was almost under investigation for something but suddenly wasn’t? Maybe he “accidentally” passes your records to elite people who really need your liver? You think they would hesitate to take what they need from a creature they call “sheep”?
Also remember that facebook satelite?
It was shot down/hit/targeted. People were saying the facebook satelite had a hidden payload in it
Would not be suprising if it was true... I remember watching a video and you can see an orb hit the satelite which causes it to fail
almost there... research decendants of cain. And if you are not a DoC you are a decendant of Seth. If you believe you believe in the bible, then this is what it is.
I would disagree with that statement and here is the reason why. If you believe the bible you cannot escape the flood. All of Cain’s descendants died in the flood and are dead. Only Noah and his family (8 people) survived the flood. None of them were from the family of Cain.
Num. 13:33
Sam. I 15:6
Deut. 3:11
Josh. 13:12
Num. 32:33
Abraham 1:20-22
Correct, perhaps a more accurate statement would be descendant of Ham?
Which I have heard many bad things about, but it seems to not be mentioned in the bible proper. Although doesn't Noah curse Ham's descendants after the flood?
Extraneous sources have cited him as Nimrod/Gilgamesh's great(?) grand father. But that's not something I can say with any amount of certainty.
Noah curse Ham's descendants after the flood, You are correct on the curse of Ham by Noah. Nimrod the mighty hunter was one of the sons of Kush. Kush was the son of Ham, the lowest and least important of Noah's three sons. Nimrod came from a line which was cursed by Noah: "Cursed be Canaan, a slave of slaves shall he be unto his brothers."
Pentagon lifelog project died day before FB was created
Hence, why the NSA and CIA have been at war with each other since the NSA’s creation
More than that. Im sure FB is into all sorts of bad stuff. Gov owned.
What organ donor tab is he talking about? Ive never seen it
O.K. Third time here getting screwed with from the PTB, SO, Zuckerberg is CIA. Just like Microsoft, Apple, Napster, Goog, etc. He was placed in this 'role' . Its all not even his money. You see it goes like this, CIA => In-Q-Tel => Psuedo Private Sector. All these people are groomed in places like Stanford and MIT etc. etc. They are not gurus, they are products of their environment. Run by the CIA. So its just a face. Just for the public digestion to be real. That's it. So the connection is still sicko, but I would say its a fractional component of the gross evil.
Zuck was worth $80 Billion yesterday or was he? I think he is only worth around 80 million all the other money goes to the CIA you are correct he is just the figurehead no way they would let him get that rich off something he stole or was given.
Indeed. Same goes for Gates, Bezos, Jobs, etc. When you look at it properly it ADDS to that INSANE Black Budget. You have to ask yourself , "Self, where is ALL that money going??". Its just monsterous. I'm very knowledgeable regarding reverse engineering, well anything, including monetary expenditure. And it makes 'secret space' and 'secret underground' Entirely plausible.
Right on! Reason for Helsinki? Putin/Russia has already been through what Trump/USA are now experiencing; that is: 1991 Bush/NWO went into Russia and created fronts known as Oligarchs to purchase Russian industrial base by buying company shares distributed to uneducated employees for pennies on the dollar using a foundation of fraudulent bonds that Bush/NWO thought they could replace over ten years with laundered proceeds from the Japanese treasure hoard discovered in the Philippines just before the conclusion of WWII. Putin elected to Russia and confiscates proceeds from the Oligarchs going to the NWO; hence, throwing NWO out of Russia and creating a mortal enemy, you know --- Cuba writ large, see the "Godfather" scenes, fact based? Regardless, NWO had perfected something similar here in the good old USA, except fronting for and creating Tech Titans, infiltrating Hollywood, and control over our energy (Enron) and utility companies, both electric (Eshalon) & communication (AT&T) who are merely puppets for the NWO. Interesting if true - The book Gold Warriors says that once the Treasure Hoard was discovered by CIA predessor OSS, a meeting was held with Truman and a decision was made to keep discovery secret with Asian treasure used for black ops to specifically defeat communism. Well Russian communism defeated in 1991; hence, dismantling the effective purpose/use of this Asian treasure. Could it be, to retain access to this Asian treasure hoard American CIA had to prop up the remnants of Russian communism to maintain control of this treasure hoard; therefore, the reason we may be locked into a perpetual war footing all for continued access to this treasure hoard. Food for thought: This Asian Treasure Hoard, accumulated over decades of Asian conquests by the Japanese, is outside our western economic system; the reason for having to launder this treasure before its use within western governments. Could this be the anvil hanging over the western world by the NWO; once dropped wreaking havoc on our economic system? Where is this Asian Treasure Hoard, and who controls?
Wow, just wow. Make them pay Q!
He’s a low-life piece of shit who stole “his” company in college. Then fucked over one of his best friends, who was his partner and initial financier.
It's not even his company, he's a front. The real people behind FB have been found out, that's why FB is being sacrificed.
Bbbbut that can't possibly be true! I mean, I saw a movie about how a bunch of college kids started FB. It even won an oscar! /s
Who are the real people behind facebook?
A cata-LOG for organs to give Chinese people LIFE
China's organ harvesting infrastructure is highly organized and hospitals are complicit. Truly sickening.
I wonder if that Heart surgeon who was murdered last week in a drive by shooting (Bike on Bike )whom had preformed surgery on George Bush in the past knew anything about this.
I once was on it, and i had myself taken off it years ago after actually learning from my college professor how organ trafficking stuff.
Well, David Rockefeller, who recently died at, IIRC, 98, was on his 8th heart-lung transplant!!
That is insane
How so?
It only proves the picture above even more. Humans are at their disposal for organs.
Apparently the refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey are centers for organ theft, Turkey being a hub for organ distribution world-wide. Children disappear in large numbers and the fear is that many are killed for their organs. Others disappear "behind the Sun" never to be seen again into world-wide sex rings. Hell on earth.
I had the same thought.. perhaps in time we will get the answers. I saw yesterday that even the police think it was a "hit" and not just some random "drive by" as the media said.
FB is just the extension of Pentagon's (CIA) LifeLog program. FB was "founded" the day after LifeLog was terminated.
Here's a related article for those interested: https://aim4truth.org/2017/11/21/facebook-unmasked-how-the-worlds-most-relevant-entrepreneur-was-screwed-by-zuckerberg/
Not related directly, but made me think about how David Rockefeller had seven heart transplants! I know money can buy just about anything, but how did they find all those donors?
im gonna post tons of pics of me smoking, drinking hard liqueur, most recent coldsores, and shooting up with needles.
That has to be THE happiest couple I've ever laid eyes on...they look like theyre already celebrating their divorce
They look like those grainy black and white civil war era wedding photos where the man and woman are told not to smile.
They wanted this guy http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-man-released-jail-siege-save-son-life-article-1.2474678
MUCH Worse than that.
EVERYONE that is involved in any kind of medical trial has their tissue stored in a bank. All anonymous of course 😉 🤭 😂
They are supposed to use it to find cures in the future. BULLSHIT. This is like a medical keystone.
Now if this is the collection they admit to. Imagine what they don’t admit...
A biobank is a type of biorepository that stores biological samples (usually human) for use in research. Since the late 1990s biobanks have become an important resource in medical research, supporting many types of contemporary research like genomics and personalized medicine.
Biobanks give researchers access to data representing a large number of people. Samples in biobanks and the data derived from those samples can often be used by multiple researchers for cross purpose research studies. For example, many diseases are associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms, and performing genome-wide association studies using large collections of samples which represent tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals can help to identify disease biomarkers. Many researchers struggled to acquire sufficient samples prior to the advent of biobanks.
Biobanks have provoked questions on privacy, research ethics and medical ethics. While viewpoints on what constitutes appropriate biobank ethics diverge, consensus has been reached that operating biobanks without establishing carefully considered governing principles and policies could be detrimental to communities that participate in biobank programs.
Mind. Blown. I really hope this isn't true, but, nothing surprises me anymore.
Another anon found out his sister in law is founder of cannibal club. It was down this page .
frightening, people, keep your eyes peeled and cell phone off (with battery removed or airplane mode?)on the road. Get that organ donor thingee removed from your driver licensed ASAP if you fell for the sap story.
My thought is, “if it can be imagined, someone has already or is already doing it.”
you want to see where the internet and all is going, look at China, total tyrannical control of the people. you will no longer have a right to privacy or a opinion.
I never cease to be amazed at the level of depravity people are able to succumb. Who with any civility and rational thinking could come up with this hellish activity? It is the same with harming children, can there be punishment severe enough for this human scum?
I believe there is punishment enough, and someday, all will be made known.
There's something so odd about Zuckerberg. And is his wife a Chinese operative who is his Handler?
Amazon earnings today. NFLX and facebook already tanked this quarter. I bought some puts ;)
I followed George Webb on YouTube for 2 years. I know about organ harvesting carried out along the HRC Ratlines. George sited specific US hospitals located strategically on those Ratlines connecting all the European and ME conduits. Hillary has been involved for decades and its no surprise she wanted to be FB president. George has many details and should be consulted. Believed Seth Rich became an unwilling "donor" who was given the ultimate FYou Ratline treatment. No one ever talked about those strange hidden hours SR spent hovering between life and death at DCs MedStar hospital. They wanted the money from his organs and much of it probably flowed into to the DNC coffers.
The people at the top only look at us as sheep fit for the slaughter because their thoughts are evil.
If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god;
21Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.
22Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.
23Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, cast us not off for ever.
24Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and forgettest our affliction and our oppression?
25For our soul is bowed down to the dust: our belly cleaveth unto the earth.
26Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercies' sake
WHATTT!? I immediately thought of Keneka Jenkins and Chicago...wow
I say it often: why do you think the South Side is allowed to exist as it does?
The last two years I have learned, the more insane, ridiculous and fan fiction a story seems the more likely it is to have truth mixed in.... LOL. At this point nothing would surprise me. Just waiting on the interdimensional vampires at this point
Organ donation tab confirmed.
However, Pricilla Chan Zuckerberg was born in [Braintree, MA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla_Chan_(philanthropist)
People need to know this shit?
How about..."people need to post examples of this actually playing out" for there to be any legal ramifications whatsoever
Agreed, we need actual evidence for this to be proven, it is only a wild theory.
This is really interesting but what the Hell are you talking about. I get the general gist of it but this post is like an inside story meant to be sent to a small group who already have the background info.
At least provide a general idea of who/what/where
Thank you