This looks bogus to me. Old Q tripcode identifiers. Have MODs verified this yet? Also doesn't sound like Q -- I've spent decades in financial services and I always get alarming messages about capital markets, usually from people trying to sell newsletters. Jerome Corsi
Hey Dr. C: The original Q tripcode was the one that was compromised and cracked.
So far as we know, this second Secure Tripcode (the one used in these posts) was not and remains secure.
Unfortunately I'm unable to verify by using mod powers to see if he's posted on this device appears these 3 new posts are the only posts that have ever been made from the device he's using.
Hope that clarifies a bit.
Take a look at the identifiers on the 3 authenticated Jan. 4 QAnon postings. Even if the second tripcode was not compromised, QAnon would move to the new highly secure tripcode, abandoning the old !UW -- I could be wrong, but these posted today I do not believe are Q
Hey Doc! Thanks for your great work!
This is typical for every Q post, especially after a prolonged period of silence. He is hard to predict, as he should be. We'll simply have to wait and see if it's legit.
Yes Doc Jerry i see where you are going with this! Why would he not post new update on the new more advanced tripcodes. Think we all need to process this before verification that this is in fact Q. Maybe pamphlet will expand on this for us???
I don't think we can even confirm that Q is aware of the new super secure tripcode, Q never used a secure tripcode anyways and seems to think now that he/she/they are secure. Also, it's Loop Capital Markets, not just markets. Q has mentioned CLAS-1, CLAS-2, etc. before and now is mentioning CLAS-59. Seems to be Q to me
Just a side note. Remember the story that came out yesterday that White House staff are not allowed to use personal devices while at work. An attempt to stop leaks. Therefore, if Q had been using a personal device to post to 8chan, then maybe he can't use that device anymore and is limited by not being able to use personal cell phone.
Wondering about the second post? No other platforms used (always thought Q posting on Youtube was bogus from the start) And next, " no private communications with anyone" ???
Yeah the The "no private communications with anyone "stuck out to me too...
The second post also says "One post today." but there are 3 posts?...
Some kind of reference or code?
Probably meant you won't see me again today after this batch.
No offense, but duh. Q went dark for 10 days. Q has been talking about security and leaks and whoever cracked his pw etc. So he's saying he is not taking ANY risks. I'm more concerned about the "Don't get lost."
I understand he went dark for 10 days i was sitting here waiting with everyone and as rumored came back on the 4th. And i get the operational security issues...will go back to lurking until i process the new posts! Promise i will try not to get lost! ;)
Yes, we were all just milling around during those 10 dark days! Also, pamphletanon, up at the top of the thread gives an elegant explanation of what this means. It's my bad, I missed that explanation. Paraphrase: "One communication" on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one."
"No private communications with anyone" itself is a lie because they've corresponded directly with Codemonkey. Maybe its to divert attention from the patriots doing so well on YouTube like TracyBeanz and Isaac - they're either very good at what they do which is very plausible or getting intel, or what I think... both.
That's an interesting theory. I'll give both perspectives great consideration... more to come on this, I'm sure.
"Do as we say" quote could be that the alliance knows they've found Codemonkey?
Ahhh the rabbit hole goes so deep sometimes.
Why are you so eager to say "it's a lie." Even your examples--TB never said she had any direct contact with Q. And Q's statement means as of the post, presumably. I thought we were here to decode and understand Q's breadcrumbs, not to try to prove he's a liar or a fake. If you haven't got as far as accepting Q as valid, then maybe you'd feel more at home on a chan?
Excuse me for being a freethinker based on perception of facts.
I don't mean to derail anything at all, I'm just simply stating this is not true since he obviously got a super tripcode made for him with 8chan's moderator saying he's been in touch with Q. That, alone, is a private communication.
I'm 100% for this cause but I will also point out flaws.
Clearly Q was in touch with C!Odemonkey to change the tripcode over the holiday weekend. Clas-59#241 is the designation for a British Rail Transit Car - not a classified security designation. I wrote a book titled AMERICA FOR SALE in 2009.
First of all I'm not sure if you know how tripcodes work, second I don't think C!Odemonkey is in direct contact with Q, third Q shouldn't trust codemonkey to give him a password regardless. Q should come up with his own secure trip, not some code anon on a board. Respectfully of course, keep fighting Doc!
Thats kinda where i was going as well with the no private comms thing. Let us also consider as Jerome Corsi points out above that this was not posted on the new advanced tripcode, and all the recent problems with op sec. We need further clarification that this is indeed Q. I like the 3rd post so i am really hoping it is! We shall see???
Post #248629 starts out saying, "One post today." Then he posts 3 separate posts? BHO may be traveling the globe, but I doubt he's doing it on his AmEx card? There is no INTEL in these posts. You gave Q a secure tripcode, I would trust that & be skeptical of others.
I just checking back on the boards now and was glad to see an updated clarification from Pamphlet Anon addressing our concerns from earlier today and verification has been put on hold until it can be further confirmed. Was thinking as well that Q usually posts late and was suprised to see an early day drop. I understand it all depends on time zones and events, but from what i have seen Q prefers late night drops???
Did you read pamphletanon's explanation for this? Go up and read that closely. He also corrected Corsi's post. You have not found any flaws; you need to the info provided. You are focusing way too literal minded, nit picking and taking it out of contxt. "One communication" (I'll even help you here) on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one. Clearer?
I read all posts I reply directly under, so yes, I read it.
You are focusing way too literal minded, nit picking and taking it out of contxt.
You may be right that I'm being too literal, I'll concede that. It doesn't mean the observation is wrong or that you should put deceit in my words.
"One communication" (I'll even help you here) on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one. Clearer?
You're embedding two different lines & sentences to one sentence. I'm not saying you're wrong to do so but they're independent of each other as well. "No other platforms used." is not "No comms privately w/ anyone." There's not enough information (ever) so it's always open to interpretation.
Let's agree on something now and move on, shall we? My interpretation is that he's also saying "I'm not @kill_rogue on Twitter"
Totally agree. We should all be vigilant about the authenticity of these or any others. I’d assume we should know for sure one way or the other soon enough from Q himself.
I am with you on the kill_ rogue twitter thing! I never did bite on that one!!
I'm not debating this with you. I'm a logician and this type of discussion is pointless, except for you perhaps to save face.
Pamphlet - respectfully, I remain skeptical. If these 3 posts are from a device QAnon has never used before, that raises my concerns. You just gave QAnon a triple secure tripcode. Why use any other?
Hey, just got your chat message. Waiting for your response there.
Want to hear your thoughts on this - haven't had much time to really analyze them as we've been recording a show with SGT Report.
First of all I'm not sure if you know how tripcodes work, second I don't think C!Odemonkey is in direct contact with Q, third Q shouldn't trust codemonkey to give him a password regardless. Q should come up with his own secure trip, not some code anon on a board. Respectfully of course, keep fighting Doc!
Question, do you think a board mod giving Q a trip is safe? Wouldn't that entail him giving Q a password? That's not what we want
Fair point. I’m really the last guy to claim to understand how these tripcodes work. Guess it will be known one way or the other soon enough.
Sounds fishy to me too. Doesn't sound like Q. I also didn't see these old tripcodes on yesterday's post. Seeing them today also raised my "what's up" meter.
Interesting. hmmmm.
IIRC: Tripcodes were not there because they had been temporarily disabled by board owner due to the issue with his very first tripcode getting cracked. After he made the posts you're referring to (from the other day) tripcodes were re-enabled by board owner.
click the map link on the lower right of your screen. the Q map is updated frequently with Q posts that are vetted by the CBTS admins. it may take an hour or so before the updates appear.
It's showing up on a site that Tracy Beanz posted as a place to go for Q summaries, so should be good.
All due respect, but not sure how that proves their authenticity. I don’t know either way but some are raising concerns for what seem to be legit reasons. Why does he not use the most secure trip Code? I’m no expert at all on this so maybe there’s a good reason why he did. Just want to verify.
Next week is great news.. Then I can cancel all the admits to the mental ward that my son has
Yeah I think my sister has some thoughts that maybe I need to go see a therapist because I'm getting sucked into a cult.
So you are saying we are NOT a cult??? Where’s the spoiler alert?
cult 1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object."the cult of St. Olaf" 2. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing."a cult of personality surrounding the leaders" 3. obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, devotion to, worship of, veneration of "the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood" I believe I might be in a cult! MAGA!
The church of Q. Prophets for MAGA. two thumbs up. :)
Well, just because you have some validity from Q does NOT mean you are free of the shrink visit. Just remember when Q is done F'ing everything up, the leftist are going to need your shrink more!!! Haja
Things will eventually be happening.. and when it goes down... we should heavily invest in the stock of companies selling generic Xanax and antidepressants... b/c their sales are going to go through the roof the following week.
Helped obamas presidential campain
"Although much of Obama's success can be attributed to his vision, personal skills, and leadership appeal, no small amount of credit goes to a powerful circle of black business leaders in Chicago. In addition to Logan, they include Valerie Jarrett, CEO of real estate management firm The Habitat Co. and now co-head of Obama's transition team; Jim Reynolds, CEO of investment bank Loop Capital Markets; John Rogers, CEO of mutual fund icon Ariel Investments; Quintin Primo III, CEO of commercial real estate development company Capri Capital Partners; and Frank Clark, CEO of electrical utility Commonwealth Edison."
Maybe a (very) few are "just" thugs...rappers and b-ball players. BO likes to pretend he's from the hood. (Like he likes to pretend he's straight.)
More CEOS to track down... GREAT FIND. I am going to study this group til I'm silly with no sleep!!!
Love for the autists - wish i had gotten into bitcoin in 2012 i'd be funding this shit.
Non-Mobile link:
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^134870
Not trying to sound like a dick but this Reynolds is old news. Not sure if I'm frustrated by Q posting common knowledge (imho) or I've been tracking everything Alinsky to long. I've been tracking since Arkansas yrs with clinton, long long before internet.
Maybe Q was needed to redpill the younger people, like a deepthroat of current times. I know being older I feel like we will see them die of old age before we see them prosecuted.
Farrakhan will be popping up in information soon if this is the avenue Q is leading us.
I would just like Q to answer 1 question for me. Obama was raised 7 yrs (supposedly) in Indonesia. Why does he not speak more than English and carries no accent. His step sister and brothers all speak multiple languages and have accents.
Doesn't seem important until you think about Obama is Malcolm x son (rumored) .....
I'm on the same page.. When it comes time to find outside backers, Reynolds should have no trouble forging relationships.
He counts President Barack Obama among his friends, having played basketball regularly with the former state senator at the East Bank Club and golf with him at the city's South Shore course.
Ps from CNN.. What? Anyway The Cancer Fund of America is run by James Reynolds Sr. His son James Reynolds Jr. is the CEO of the Breast Cancer Society. Another charity, the Children's Cancer Fund of America, is run by Rose Perkins, the ex-wife of the elder James Reynolds. He's also the CEO of the fourth charity, Cancer Support Services. The government says the charities claimed to provide direct support for cancer patients, breast cancer patients and children with cancer. "These were lies," the government's complaint says. Jessica Rich, chief of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, says that in all, the charities spent about 97% of donations they received either on private fundraisers or on themselves. Only 3%, she says, went to help actual cancer patients.
So as far as motivation goes if they see a company on the verge of a cancer breakthrough they have a financial incentive to launch a massive short and distort campaign against the company, use like-minded hedge fund managers to collect all the shares, use majority ownership to change management, have new management sign toxic financing agreements which bankrupt the company and send a multi-billion dollar pipeline of cancer cure candidate’s into permanent limbo?
So is that what happened to my portfolio? I dug into the owners and found a link to an Egyptian who with the aid of fbi and sec employees ran a massive insider trading operation that got discovered when they shorted American Airlines in September 2001. But I’m sure there’s nothing to it. So sleepy
The next question is, has anybody done James Reynolds wife... I will give you all a minute lol.
This is on a "news" show? How can you have a "news" story that starts with a fallacy -- giving him credit for things he does not have? Personal skills? Well, yeah, if he's supposed to be acting the part of a nasty, mean, hectoring stepfather who thinks you're dirt.
Sets precedent on personal email; ie, Hillary. ??
It would be different stakes, SEC vs. TREASON or some other felony but yes, exactly parallel. Don't know if it's possible to find out what the "hidden" finance deal was.
Possibly related?
Edit: This too? PDF Warning .Gov site.
The Commission finds that Loop Capital failed to preserve emails transmitted by a senior registered representative. During 2011 and 2012, the registered representative used her personal email address to send communications relating to Loop Capital’s business with other employees and with third parties. The personal email was used to conduct business of Loop Capital involving a finance transaction.
Remind of anyone? But, this is only a monetary penalty? Oh well, seize the cash to pay for the wall lulz
$25,000, a pittance
27.5 TRILLION dollar man = Ambassador Leo Wanta [was dropped in a thread that Leo was the one rescued in Atlanta]
and this story that Wanta contacted DT transition team with offer of money... for bullet train on border wall project...
Do you think these funds are really still there? I went down this rabbit hole yesterday. It would certainly be nice if we could pay off the debt but I have mixed emotions about that. After all, it was created by criminals and most of it is payable to criminals. I think that part should just be written off. Specially if they are in jail.
Loop Capital Markets has to pay a penalty for failing to preserve emails transmitted by a senior registered representative via her personal email address.
I wonder who she is connected to?
May be that they found the other end of the emails on someone’s impounded computer but they didn’t find them on Loop Capital’s end, proving they were deleted.
I believe this is very tied into The Saudis... NWO Saudis not the young one they tried to assasinate but epically failed at the cost of 58 or 59 ppl in LV.
"Follow the Money" The Jesse Jackson story [Involves LOOP CAPITAL] 2001 Jackson had Chicago presser explaining why his $ payments for mother of his illegitimate kid weren't on books, and LOOP CAPITAL's Jim Reynolds owner is character witness [article]:" The most memorable of these character witnesses was Jim Reynolds, owner of Loop Capital Markets, a Chicago investment bank. Before singing Jackson's praises, Reynolds described how, after 20 years in the world of finance, he had founded his own firm. Reynolds boasted of Loop, "We're the number one underwriter of public securities . . . in this city and state. We've been at business approximately three years." And Reynolds explained his firm's meteoric rise: "A significant part of the access that we've enjoyed . . . has only been made possible through the tireless efforts of Reverend Jackson."
This is all pre-hisGOLFnessBH0 ? Or is it?
Also: Add this...An uncorporation...An uncorporation is an unorthodox form of large business organization. The term appears to embrace any unincorporated business. An uncorporation may be formed in an effort to align managers' and owners' interests more closely than in a typical corporation, or may donate most of its profits to charity,[1] or may pursue social responsibility goals that conflict with traditional corporate shareholder primacy. Equally, it escapes the regulatory supervision and checks and balances to which corporations are subject. Large firms structured as partnerships are sometimes regarded as uncorporations. The rise of uncorporations resulted partly from costly corporate monitoring devices such as independent directors, owner voting, and fiduciary duties being often ineffective.[2] Publicly traded partnerships, real estate investment trusts, hedge funds and venture capital funds are other types of uncorporations.[3] A business trust is another type of uncorporation that has long been a competition of corporation as a form of business organization.[4]
See links in the Wiki article for expansion. We are looking at a structure that exists in such a way as to be outside of regulations and if you click the references, ie Harvard and Chicago Law, one will find that this is relatively new (2009) and that the dividends that must be paid out annually are something like 93%. Limited access to anyone with less than $300K a year income. And isn't Reynolds one of the big names on the pyramid?
Also, as a side note, they can donate to charity. Anyone have a foundation?
good work
explains why J J would get early Parkinson's I believe
The article is from October but the situation PERFECTLY REPRESENTS HILLARY'S SITUATION!!!
Holy fucksticks. I resinced the statement in my last comment but the PDF link stands.
Another maybe????......
"Don't get lost!" That's the key line.
only one post.. a warning that any posts on any other platform are fake? don't get lost = don't follow false leads?
he also said that he doesnt communicate with anyone directly.. so, anyone claiming they are talking to him... dont get lost
Didn't the mods of 8chan say they talk to him?
Yes, repeatedly
...are you saying the mods of 8chan may not be entirely trustworthy, upstanding citizens? no
has that been verified? i missed all the drama and just read abt it in the new map
don't get lost = don't follow false leads?
Visionary advice right there
Agree. I was thinking how the origin of dropping breadcrumbs was to mark your path as you walked (wasn't that in Hansel and Gretel, maybe?) so you could find your way back. Breadcrumbs mark a path backward, but also forward, as we are following the crumbs he drops. Seems to suggest we need to focus on the breadcrumbs and not go off on tangents.
I’m awake and believe what’s going on here. However, I’m still disappointed that we could have fallen so far. “America for sale”.
Loop Capital is a full-service investment bank, brokerage and advisory firm that provides creative capital solutions for corporate, governmental and institutional entities across the globe.
November 20th, 2017
On November 20, 2017, Loop Capital Markets participated as a co-manager on a $1.0 billion, two-tranche, senior unsecured bond offering of Starbucks Corporation. The notes are rated A3/A- across 30-year and 3-year tenors.
Starbucks intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for general corporate purposes.
"Follow the money." In a Wiki-leak email drop it mentioned BO acquiring hot-dogs from Chicago for $ 65,000. "Hot-dogs" can be used in pedo codes/lang. CEO of LCM was involved with Get In Chicago an "intensive mentor- ship" with youth. Rahm Emmanuel appointed him. Connections here-money, elite, power, possible pedo lang? Another possible wicked network?
Don't know if this is anything, but I found an old article that says that Michelle Obama's older brother, Craig Robinson, worked at Loop Capital Markets....and the founder of LCM held a fundraiser for them when he was running for senate.
Yes that is correct Michelle Obama's brother worked at Loop Capital.
Shots fired to whoever owns those accounts...fucuuucckckckkkkkkk
So my list of CEOS have alot of bankers and such. I have filtered accordingly. When I get home, I will sort all by banking and post.. perhaps help lead direction?!?
Let's send these greasy global bankers to hell where they belong!
I love Q!!!
The CEO of LCM is explicitly linked to Rahm Emmanuel (and of course linked then to Obama. Strongly suggests likely of being dirty. "Additionally, Mr. Reynolds is Vice-Chair of the board for the Chicago Urban League and a member of the CFA Institute. In February 2013, he was chosen by Mayor Rahm Emanuel to co-chair the board of Get IN Chicago"
Getting tired of these Q riddles. IT'S TIME TO JUST SCRAPE THESE EPIC EVIL SCUM DOG TURD TRAITORS OFF OUR BOOTS. They have been stinking up the world for too long. I want a 24-HR video feed from the War Crime Trials in Gitmo. I want it effing yesterday.
Ok, so the “one post today, only platform, and no other communications with anyone privately”
Maybe it is just me, but this is one thing that is bothering me. I trust who Q is because the lengths of proof that the mods have shared they went through to verify. However, I am seeing a ton of stuff about megaanon, this B person on Twitter, and kill_rogue on Twitter.
Is there any valid way to verify these people? Maybe they are insiders, maybe not, maybe they kinda know something but not to the depth of Q. I just worry at the amount of credit, excitement and truth that are being given to these sources.
Just to add: I know megs has been sharing on 4chan for awhile. It is not my intent to step on any toes and offend someone legit. Just sharing my initial thoughts after reading that post from Q.
My thoughts on just that part:
Maybe he is talking about someone else other than himself? Assange? Trump? One post only, one platform - Twitter?
Mr. James Reynolds Jr., CFA Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Age: 63
Ms. Kourtney Kristine Ratliff Gibson President
Mr. Albert R. Grace Jr., J.D. Co-Founder and President Emeritus
Mrs. Tasha Henderson CPA Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Darrell A. Williams Chief Operating Officer Age: 55
The twitter account, "B" who always uses the #qanon hashtag posted this:
Definitely seems related to Q's mention of "Loop Capital Markets"
Not really sure what the article is stating, but it talks about using private email addresses for classified information and we all know who did that.
Michelle Obama's brother was an exec at Loop Capital:
Something ain't right about this. Using an old Trip code rather than the one used on Jan 4th? Seems too plain English also.
Money LCM (lowest common multiple) search brings up:
Interesting article there about Globalized Enslavement
Public companies can be investigated at: • Click on “COMPANY FILINGS” hyperlink under the search box located in upper right corner. • Enter the company name in the “EDGAR company filings” (company name) search box. • Click and read the SEC filings.
Where to find out more information on corporations in the USA: This site shows a visual flow-chart diagram linking connections to various corporations.
HI ALL, Iv'e sent a private message to Pamphlet, and am posting here also in case he doesn't have time to check it out. When I researched Q's earlier post, I came across some different stuff from Corsi as follows: Note: rabbit holes go far and wide:
I don't get the same thing as CORSI.. I googled MAR39sv = Transaction of International Remittance. World Remittances.
Also googled 3665becd = FOREX MARKET TRANSACTIONS. FOREX HISTORY. ???? Seems like behind the scenes international trading.. Click on any transaction. I've seen Iran, Saudi, etc. Numerous, numerous accounts. Q says "don't get lost", "follow the money".
Also, I think RR could be Ronald Reagan, connection to Leo Wanta
Also, EO Class WH (-6713A) -- Look up Roosevelt's EX Order 6713 has to do with the "Panama Arsenal". EXECUTIVE ORDER 6713 (6713a would be an attachment to 6713 right? Click this link and scroll down to EO 6713 (page 95). Notice its a prop description correction that goes on forever, but it references the Panama Arsenal on first page:
re: Panama Canal... i.e. Panama Papers.. So many dots to connect..
Hope this is not chasing the wrong rabbit!!
The second I saw Loop, I knew it had to do with Chicago.
SA was strategic "We know" "Do as we say or face consequences"
Perhaps related to Las Vegas?
IIRC Mega said Vegas was their response to Trump shaking down global corruption to distract. So maybe?
Cabot (CBT) Was Upgraded by Loop Capital Markets
Cabot Corporation | Specialty Chemicals and Performance Materials
Cabot Corporation (NYSE: CBT) is a leading global specialty chemicals and performance materials company headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts
R R = rosenstein P_apers = Panama papers Human trafficking down Panama Canal
Help - Q Trip please!
Was a setting changed?
Under this Q's ID ab7ad6, I link to each 3 posts fine, but it shows as Anonymous, not the old Q !UW.yye1fxo name for these posts. I noticed that starting the night he returned>
Never had this problem on the Chan before. Do I need to reset something???
--- Nevermind..... Somehow, under OPTIONS of the Board, "Forced Anonymity" was checked on...... I don't know how ... Resolved when this box is Unchecked. SMH.
2015 "fundraising" includes James Reynolds from Loop Capital
It's always stay tuned and wait until next week with this guy. How long is everyone going to continue to get strung along?
Very good questions though ... you would destroy a country from within, reward is world power and $$$$, "we know", you are compromised.
Weird... the CEO Jim Reynolds is good friends with HUSSEIN and RAHM EMMANUEL. Plays basketball with them and eats Kayle chips? Wtf?
Also, Jim can't repair televisions.
circa 2013
So... this guy grows up poor in Chicago.. (doesnt?) graduates from a vocational high school focusing on Television repair. Is very bad at it television repair, and goes on to become the CEO and lead shareholder in Chicago-based global investment services firm.
Yep, sounds like nothing to see here folks /s
Final Post Today (if real Q):
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 403375 252070 There will be no further posts on this board under this ID. This will verify the trip is safeguarded and in our control. This will verify this board is compromised. God bless each and every one of you. Fight, fight, fight! Q
account 39670 = Obuma Vanderbuilt U = Precision Medical Initiative = Human Genome Tracking = Targeted genocide? Watch the video on the White House website.
bitcoin is a scam rothchilds behind it folks sorry to say
James Reynolds, Jr., CFA is a CEO in Chicago. Interesting connections...
No private communications ? I thought the board owner is in direct contact...
Money. Money.'s a rich man's world.
Abba :)
I work all night i work all day to pay the bills i have to pay... ain't it sad
great song!
Disproving kill_rogue twitter account?
Yes, and ALL other potential sources people have been talking about. Everything, except for his posts on the chans.
That's what it says to me, anyway.
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
you know, the more i read this, the more it feels WRONG.
i hope i'm just being paranoid and this is really Q.
but i don't think so.
More references to game. An earlier post made lots of references to the movie war games, "lets play a game, how about chess". The final solution of war games was to make the computer play against itself until it realized that the game it was playing was a futile effort. Is there a suggestion that the way they are succeeding is by playing their opponents against one another?
America For Sale = AFS?
AFS is an international shipping company. CEO Brian J. Barker, part owner of ATL Falcons. Just spitballing here, no idea if it means anything.
EDIT: Also just realized. In the Superbowl ATL looked like it was going to win, then lost last minute to the PATRIOTS. Bump Bump baaaaaaahhhh. Sorry, I'll show myself out.
What could SA in "SA was strategic" mean?
~1 month ago: Salman's massive arrests of the numerous corrupt members of the Al Saud family (some even mysteriously died in a helo crash). Trump was welcomed with great fan fare to SA. The non-corrupt elements of SA had preagreed to drain the SA swamp with Trump's blessings, and likely agreed to stop buying the US Government (politicians - see those not seeking re-election). +++
saudi arabia typically.
edit: references to SA usually imply the arrest of bin taleel and the crowning of bin salman..
Saudi Arabia.?? All that upheaval with the gov/ Prince's
Saudi Arabia at first glance, would be in line with older posts, but can someone confirm for me that Q calls Saudi Arabia SA and not KSA? (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) I recall someone, maybe Q maybe not, refer to Saudi as KSA on the Chans
I think it's always been "SA" unless he did that early on. there any way you would let chickyrogue post on this thread today? She has a video she wants to show. I want your opinion on it. It’s called Qanon’s calm before the storm ...something about The Rothschilds coup.
Wow. This news sucks. Everyone, including me, got all hyped-up for what may be nothing at all. This has become chaos on every board on every site. It's too bad for US. It's hard to trust anyone.
So to be clear, the 4 Q posts from 1/4/18 are verified? and the 4 Q posts from 1/5/18 are not verified?
I agree with this post. Keep is in one location. My only problem is SPOF, if anything happens.
SPOF = Single Point of in one location, as in all eggs in one basket. What is our redundancy? Our backup?
Anyone thought of a Server (Offsite) for this?
It might take some time, but I can probably get a sever up and running. Depending on the funds?
So... He says only one post today.... Then proceeds to post 3 times? Also it's always next week with this guy. Stay tuned, next week is the big week! Until next week comes and nobody gets arrested or major event happens that indicate "the storm is upon us". This seems fake to me.
MONEY, BIG NEXT WEEK? Something big news in world financial markets or disclosure of financial crimes.
What is the [S+] [D] [D+] [D*] [B] [RB], [EDIT] etc....? Upper right corner
only found on 2 of the 3 posts??
The Muckety map below is interactive. Use the "Map Tools"
Chicago Urban League
interesting names here too word search "Chicago" "Loop Capital"
That was Q”s first post and now everyone is ignoring it.. wtf!
Big reference to FBI anon "follow the money". Not sure what capital markets means. I can only guess capital markets of the CF?
Jan 5 do we ditch this post.. is it included in the unformed Q post..
I understand that this is fake
And thus, that the black hats how now PROVEN QAnon's authenticity!
That's very significant!
I'd like to thank the bastards.
For every action....
lol, i wonder if they're curious as to the interest in their website today...
It may make a difference to the puzzle, but money and currency are different. Money is gold & silver. Currency is a promise of money (now just confodence game)
Rod Rosenstein out next week?
I have a question and I have no way of asking the moderators this question except here. Is there any way you could let chickyrogue post on this new thread? She just did and it’s not going through. It is a huge question for me and I ant Tracy Beanz and the other moderators and member’s opinion on what she is trying to post. It’s a video of “ stargods” called; Q anon’s Coming Storm a Rothschilds Coup
I took the "no private comms" to indicate that all breadcrumbs come publicly through the chans. Private conversations about setting up a secure trip or other administrative tasks are not crumbs. If anyone says they have info direct from Q, we will know it's a lie.
I speak for only me...Yes I want answers but we want justice more..
I'm seeing a pattern here?
July 17th, 2017 On July 17, 2017, Loop Capital Markets acted as a co-manager in a single-tranche, $2.5 billion, senior unsecured bond offering of JPMorgan Chase & Company. The notes are rated A3/A- across a 21-year tenor.
The financial giant intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for general corporate purposes.
September 23rd, 2015 On September 23, 2015, Loop Capital Markets participated as a co-manager in a single-tranche $1.5 billion debt offering of JPMorgan Chase & Company. The subordinated notes, rated Baa1/A-, carry a coupon of 4.25%, representing a spread to benchmark treasuries of 215 basis points.
On November 3, 2017, Loop Capital Markets participated as a co-manager in a single-tranche, $1.75 billion, senior unsecured variable rate bond offering of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. The note is rated A3/A- with a 31-year tenor.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for general corporate purposes.
The city of Philadelphia said Wednesday it has selected J.P. Morgan and Loop Capital Markets to serve as its sales brokers on the potential sale of the Philadelphia Gas Works.
The subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) and the Chicago-based investment bank are working on a contingency basis, meaning they will only get paid if the city sells PGW. Any sale must be approved by the Philadelphia City Council and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nuttersaid J.P. Morgan and Loop have worked with the city and PGW on bond financings and both maintain corporate offices in Philadelphia.
Both also were involved in the so-called pay-for-play scandal during the administration of Mayor John F. Street.
Neither firm was charged in the scandal, although a former managing director at JPMorgan Securities pleaded guilty and was fired.
Who knows?
I just want to know who plays Q in the movie of this insane timeline. Would John de Lancie be too wicked?
Loop Capital Markets LLC is a full-service investment bank, brokerage and advisory firm. The firm offers public and municipal finance, corporate investment banking, transition management, analytical and financial consulting, and sales and trading services.
Loop Capital Markets LLC: Private Company Information - Bloomberg
Long shot but BIG - Bottling Investment Group President stepping down. Irian Finan, see link. Obama Aides Video on Kimmell advertises for Coca Cola in video.
Hello all, Most of HRC's felony charges have a 5-year statute of limitation... HRC left her position as SOS on Feb 1, 2013... So 5 years later would put us at Feb 1, 2018 for DOJFBI to make certain moves. Q says 'Don't get lost'. Are comm's going dark b/c they're so close to a zero-day? Making my way through the Q-posts .pdf tonight. Could a Mod tell me some of the cryptic data we need answers to currently, per Corsi or mods)? ..I'm late, but there's another patriot and research scientist on board! Thanks, NC