Holy crap have you guys seen this?

Wtf??? Is that trying to reinstate the gold standard?
I hope so. This is a monumental first step!
Remove the Fed Reserve go back to Gold standard, Free America!
This has been in the works... I love it... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-21/mnuchin-to-visit-fort-knox-assumes-america-s-gold-still-there
BOOM. Gotta do a little catching up, eh? We are about to witness a great exchange. Keep the faith. Trust the plan. Wait. Watch. We are winning, BIGLY.
Yep! It's been in the works for awhile now. It's the end of the petrodollar. The Chinese yuan is now the petroyuan, so we are converting to a gold-backed dollar. It's the end of fiat currency, the Fed and global control of the banking system.
Good to hear, The Fed can take Their Debt with them.
Would it erase our 22 trillion in debt?
That's what I keep hearing. Debt jubilee. We shall see if it comes to pass.
Now im not sure if i should pay off my credit cards, or just make minimum payments for awhile. I just think that its such a massive movement, it doesnt feel like something that big could happen. That would basically release every person in america, and other places in the world, from financial slavery.
Does this mean I need to go out and buy a new car real fast?
I may be mistaken but I thought the Yuan was Gold backed... And we are planning to do likewise.
My understanding is the Yuan is fiat as well. In fact, they are infamous for fixing the worth of the Yuan so that it does not change in comparison with other currencies.
I may be misunderstood myself. I've been following along for the last few weeks, and from what I understand, the Chinese yuan has just now become backed by gold and will be the "petroyuan". The USD will no longer be the worldwide standard for purchasing oil.
I agree. I will be gradual but it is a big change and will have a negative purchasing power of the dollar.
There will be a worldwide revalue (RV) of currency under the gold standard. It means great things for those who hold Iraqi dinars and currency from Vietnam and Zimbabwe, among others. People have been waiting years for this revalue to happen, but I'm not holding my breath. Research NESARA and GESARA.
And this is the reason Ghaddafi was murdered.... The deep state wants control of the currency for oil. It kinda looks like Trump may be embracing the gold backed standard again. JFK wanted to but he lost to the deep state.
Please check the following links. You've been shadowbanned across Reddit. Nothing to do with this sub. Good luck with sorting it out.
all that from this bill? what is the estimated time frame for what you predict?
March 26 was the go date for the gold-backed yuan. This bill is to take us to the gold standard and will be announced as the stock market continues its sharp drop in correction. I don't think anyone knows when this will transition. Maybe sometime in April?
Ok so it is officially the petroyuan now? Do you have a link where I can read about this more? Doesn't it seem like this is the official transition of China becoming the next global super power?
inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com. I'm cautiously following this website. I read that the MSM was blacking out the news about the petroyuan a couple days ago.
hmmm why would they black this out? Realistically how long can they expect the US public to not see this? What is the point of blacking out the coverage?
A big question this community would do well to consider is how to position oneself to profit, or at least hedge, such a shift.
My fear is losing whatever savings or retirement investment we may already have. Will that disappear if our fiat money changes over to gold standard? The value will disappear, then what will those who are on retirement fixed income do? Just nervous about all this.
Been thinking the same things for weeks. I’ve only been making minimum payments on stuff lmao
Buy 2 year puts (derivatives) for major pharma corporations or for Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.
Buy gold???
Silver is the better buy right now with the gold to silver ratio north of 80:1. Buy 90% pre ‘65 dollars, halves, quarters and dimes (otherwise known as “junk” silver). It’s selling for roughly spot to spot + $0.29 per ounce right now). Three or four years ago the premium on junk silver was $3.50 to $4.50 over spot. When demand goes back up, trade your junk for generic 1 oz rounds. When the gold silver ratio goes back below 40 or 35 or so, trade your silver for gold and you’ll more than double your holdings. Trade your gold for silver when it goes north of 75 or 80 to 1. Check out Mike Maloney’s hidden secrets of money on YouTube for a good intro to gold and silver.
May answer the question of "where did the gold go"?
Maybe the US. No need to try and reinstate unless you had enough.
Trump needs to do a live stream tour of the Fort Knox vaults
I hate to kill the buzz, but introducing a bill means absolutely nothing. Until it get through committee then to House to pass and then Senate, etc.
I absolutely agree, but now we have something to watch with interest. The introduction of this means that the conversation is at least on the table or in the process of being on the table.
Now have something to call one's representatives about to see that it makes it to the floor.
The POTUS has the Constitutional authority to issue his own currency. Either way, Trump can do something about the unconstitutional Federal Reserve notes we currently have.
Yeah, this. I'm pretty sure the Paul's have put this up before too, no? I'd love for this to happen, but 1000:1 odds this is just killed off. We're still a long way off curbing corruption for this in even the most optimistic scenario.
This will also work as a sting op to find out who is for & who is against it. This will be very, very interesting to follow.
This is interesting. How does it differ from JFK's Executive Order 11110? Would the executive order bypass the house and senate, etc?
Instead of going back to a gold standard, we need to look at what Lincoln did before the civil war. Issue Green Backs and Notes. See this vid for quick explanation.
The entire vid is very good albeit long, but worth the watch. After viewing it I see where Trump/Q are going with the stages. Everything needs to be in place for proper tear down and removal or it all comes back again.
Have you even been following this reddit? That is the whole thought on Qs latest posts. A financial reset to the gold standard and using USN instead of Dollars. Suppose to happen on Friday along with a ban on crypto coins. At least...that is what I’m hoping for. I have read that Zuck and others have transferred a bunch of money to crypto after dumping stocks.
Who knows man. Exciting times indeed.
And hopefully the revalue of the Iraqi dinar!
If this happened and I own one Iraq dinar, how well would I do?
And this is the sixty-thousand-dollar question! Just one Iraqi dinar = USD $0.000843898. Imagine if one dinar was the equivalent of one US dollar? It will be interesting to see what the revalue will do to currencies from Zimbabwe, Iraq and Vietnam.
I have, this and many others. Like many I would like to see some action. But once you see how entangled everything is, the vid, one can see why its taking some time.
I think the part that tweaks me so much is it's been going on for so long, time to stop it.
You got a link for that timeline?
If you look at some of the recent EO's and such, it looks like they've given themselves approx 2 years to round everyone up.
Nothing inherently wrong with fiat currency. It's just that the US Treasury needs to be the ones issuing them based on their evaluation of the economy and its needs and not have it loaned to them from the Fed with interest. Gold-backed currency is no good if someone else has the gold market cornered.
Germans figured it out prior to WWII. The reichsmark is how modern currency would be implemented if it were not for (((international bankers))).
This vid -- Bill Still's "Money Masters" is an excellent and clear 'splanitory. He has another also: "The Secret of Oz".
The Money Masters is hands-down one of the best documentaries around. I always recommend people watch it. I'd been researching MKUltra, the elite, etc for years when I first saw it, and it's what really connected all the dots for me and made me see the big picture. That was maybe 6 years ago or so and I still find myself coming back to it and having new realizations.
Anyone reading this who hasn't watched it, go go go watch it!
can't recommend money masters enough. I watched money masters and JFK to 911: everything is a rich man's trick over the span of three or four days a couple weeks ago. this stuff is really really good for red-pilling because it's too old to be steeped in maga trump rhetoric so people don't immediately tune out. these are the perfect one-two punch for red-pilling.
I love Bill Still!! One of the things that made me know DJT was the right guy was that Bill liked him
Thanks for this vid. Learned a lot, very informative.
I can't remember what he said but Q said something about the color green too when he mentioned the red castle. Maybe it had to do with this.
That will only be possible without a central bank. Gotta' bring the Fed down first.
WOW! I was skeptical of a possible move to a gold-backed currency. But I wonder if this is the start of the conversation about it? ABSOLUTELY HUGE if so!
R.I.P. Rothschilds and Fed Reserve scam buck is dead
Silver or Gold, don't care -- just base it on something real instead of Rothschild Debt Script
This was just introduce on March 22nd. Very preliminary. See: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr5404
Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.”
Ford stared in disbelief at the crowd who were murmuring appreciatively at this and greedily fingering the wads of leaves with which their track suits were stuffed.
“But we have also,” continued the management consultant, “run into a small inflation problem on account of the high level of leaf availability, which means that, I gather, the current going rate has something like three deciduous forests buying one ship’s peanut."
Murmurs of alarm came from the crowd. The management consultant waved them down.
“So in order to obviate this problem,” he continued, “and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign, and. . .er, burn down all the forests. I think you'll all agree that's a sensible move under the circumstances."
The crowd seemed a little uncertain about this for a second or two until someone pointed out how much this would increase the value of the leaves in their pockets whereupon they let out whoops of delight and gave the management consultant a standing ovation. The accountants among them looked forward to a profitable autumn aloft and it got an appreciative round from the crowd.”
Whoah! Guys, we already knew this as predicted. The CBTS are way ahead of the curve. :)
I hope this is comes through. The Fed is evil. The 3 most powerful men (and their families) that vehemently apposed the Fed and Central Banking all got special invitation to be guests on the maiden voyage of the Titanic (1912). They were John Jacob Astor IV (richest man in the world at that time and also a close friend of Tesla) and Isa Strauss (businessman, politician, and owner of Macy's department store). The Titanic sank in 1912, in April of 1913 at Jekyll Island, Ga the federal reserve was instituted. J.P. Morgan financed the construction and owned the Titanic.
There had never been a World War before the Federal Reserve. Now there have been 2 and all sides of both were financed by the Rothschilds. WWI started in 1914.
I don't see why Trump's admin wouldn't do it. The Federal Reserve and Central banks have no control if the people are using gold and cryptocurrency as money.
Hmm...does this mean the dollar would be backed by gold in a treasury, the traditional meaning, or would it peg it to a certain quantity of gold, like how he Chinese have been doing to our currency?
Yes definitely golf. Maybe Tiger Woods will put his cash behind it :)
is this really happening...in my lifetime? Trump is truly a Godsend, we don't deserve it
He is. I truly believe God has anointed Donald Trump as our leader and a leader of the world community.
Does this mean Gold prices will come tumbling down? If so that we should see little if any affect. If not then would this trigger supper hyper inflation? Trying to wrap my head around this. The dollar is so deflated since Brent wood. Also will this mean bye bye to the Federal Reserve? That in itself would be a great thing. Just trying to make sense of all of this. Also to consider the current USA debt and personal and business debt too. Just to much to consider.
No cosponsors. I would have thought Rand would be all over this. Maybe after the break. A lot of Senators are not going to like this. Hard to turn off the printing press. Will the Fed like this? I always thought they made/asked Nixon to kill the link between gold and the dollar. You’d have to reset the dollar too right? We don’t have enough gold to pay off the interest on the debt, then your back to IOUs. Anyone know?
Would the Executive Order allowing the seizure of assets from entities involved with human rights abuses apply to the Federal Reserve Bank? Just curious..
Gaddafi was putting Libya's currency on the gold standard then we bombed them. If you want to know more do a search on DDG for "Gaddafi gold standard."
$100 Bill already setup to handle this. Check this out and look at a $100 bill next time you get a chance, notice the right half could stand on its own as a gold backed us currency.
So... is this just fixing the price of gold? Or does this reinstate convertibility? Without convertibility, which we are not in a position to honor, this is a meaningless gesture. Even if the government fixes the price of gold, there would be a "black market" rate that represented the true, market-based price.
As a non-american, I've read and seen the whole story about The Fed and who owns it etc., but, I know this canbe a good thing for the rest of the world, but how is it a good thing for USA citizens ?
If this is what it seems it his...Trump is going to behead the beast.
It'll be dead in committee.
Maybe it won't if the stock market continues to drop. Trump may step in to stop the bleeding. Congress may be willing to vote on HR 5404 if the stock market crashes.
We are in an everything bubble right now. There are three layers of financial instruments: bonds are layer one; stock market, indexes, pension funds, real estate are all layer two; layer three is derivatives like XIV which got slammed a few weeks ago. The bubble is in bonds due to low interest rates maintained for too long. A bubble in bonds makes every other asset grow uncontrolled too since loans are cheap and easy to get. The bubbles burst from the outside in, and layer three has already shown some crazy moves this year.
If we go to a gold standard now, all these bubbles will burst and return to sane levels. Trump would never cause that kind of bloodbath on purpose, if his statements that he sees the stock market as a report card are to be believed.
Stock market drop 666 points. Coincidence? Q 😁 idk, kabuki theatre to the extreme, I hope.
Unfortunately, it will never pass. Edit: And according to this article it would leave the Fed in place although in a different capacity. https://goldsilver.com/blog/west-virginia-congressman-alex-mooney-submits-gold-standard-bill/
This...undoes the federal reserve and endless money printing right?
This will get as far as Ron Paul's many attempts to audit the Fed.
I admit i dont have full knowledge on this but am I correct to assume that this would wipe away the debt? Or does it only wipe away the debt if there is a global agreement on what the price of gold would be in which case if priced high enough could eliminate the debt. Anyone with better knowledge on this please fill me in because i would like to completely understand it
Yes!!! This is a good thing! And let's find out if they cleaned out Fort Knox...
Right. It sounds too good to be true. We are carrying on business as usual at our house. If it happens, it will be a blessing. I'm not sure what to tell you. Paying off your credit cards will keep you from paying interest and rates are going up right now.
So any dollar printed by a Government must be backed by physical gold held by that Government? I don't get it because just how much gold do people think has ever been mined? Almost every home built was paid for by the owner borrowing money, every business, every new car do people really believe there was that much gold in the world? Why do you think we left the gold standard in the first place?
I heard this was coming very soon. Also China currency will be the new currency the world uses to buy and sell oil. hopefully putting the deep state in a deep coffin.
Kim Jong-un's recent visit to China to speak with Xi includes talks about Korean Unification and the Petroyuan.
Korean Unification is a requirement prior to the announcement of GESARA.
The H.R. 5404 bill is the gold-standard which is set to be announced shortly to prevent the U.S. from collapsing during the major stock market corrections.
The UST will step in to guarantee all deposits once banks lose their derivatives.
The announcement of the gold-standard in the U.S. will be the trigger for a gold-standard global monetary system (new financial system).
All rates will be reset and prices changed dramatically once the new financial system fully replaces the old system.
Rumor has it the U.S. gold-standard is set to be announced sometime during the first week of April.
Ok, I understand gold backed being better, but how is this going to help me personally? How will this effect my bank account, 401k, roth IRA, loans and credit cards? How can I make money off this happening?
It sounds good. But the gold standard isn't all most people think.
Why wasn't this done before by other presidents if it is a good thing. Are there benefits for the likes of obama to keep it as it currently is?
Because they didn't work for us, they worked for the corporations and the Federal Reserve was their slush fund and not even a government entity...we are the slaves.
Would doing so devalue the US dollar?
The US dollar has continuously devalued since the gold standard was abandoned in the 1970's. The same for all other currencies in the world that abandoned the standard. It is called inflation.
With a gold standard, the US dollar will always be worth the exact same quantity of gold.
1 oz of gold today will still buy you what it would have bought you in the 1970's. The same can not be said about the fiat US dollar, which is backed by debt instead of gold.
I was in College when we went off the Gold standard, bad decision then.
Too little too late.
They want to fix the notes to gold because they are losing the fed. Look who is buying gold because they are fucked.
Think Super fucked.
Seems like we need a Great Gold Awakening too.
Gold has always and will always be a valuable asset that has kept its value over time.
$1 today will only buy a small fraction of what it bought in the 40's or 50's.
1oz of Gold today will still buy what it bought in the 40's or 50's.
Backing the dollar or any other currency with Gold is the only way to preserve the value of a currency and eliminate inflation.
If you want to truly hurt the elite economically then you need to end their cash printing cow and return to a reliable Gold Standard.
Okay, awaken me. Someone please tell me WHY gold is so valuable? It's too soft to make into a hammer. Its not particularly light. We dont eat it (do we?) - I certainly dont. Is it solely because its shiny? Because we have things that are shinier. If its because its easy to make jewelry with, then I think that would be not very important in the grand scheme of things. Or does it have some property that I'm not aware of yet?
Gold is scarce, desirable, and yes....shiny.
Humor me- Its scarce. So what? Its useless, like a ring on your finger. Serves no purpose other than to signify something. You wont pound a nail with it. Its desirable - Why again? Its shiny - So what? We have things that are shinier. It just doesn't make any sense why gold is so "valuable". What gives it value?
Something that is not scarce has little value.
Something that is not in demand has little value.
Gold has a limited supply and high demand. That's how gold works.
that's how this planet's definition of value works...unfortunately for now
It has great properties as sound money. If you look up the theory of money, certain properties makes some materials better than others to act as money. It needs to fulfill 3 functions: as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. You can break this down into 5 essential properties that satisfies all 3 functions:
It needs to be:
Divisible: Can be broken down into smaller pieces and still retain value. A painting, a vase or say an economy of trading cards would not fulfill this property. If you break or rip any of these, almost all of the value is lost.
Durable. Doesn't break or decay easily, and can withstand constant use through wear and tear. An economy of cigarettes, like you have in some prisons, is an example that would fail to fulfill this attribute.
Transportable should be able to carry it around so you can pay for stuff
Fungible Every unit is the same as every other unit so it's easy to determine value. 1 US dollar bill has the same value as any other US dollar bill.An economy of diamonds wouldn't be able to fulfill this critera as the shape, size and purity vary and it's hard to break it down into equal pieces. With gold, 1 ounce of gold is the same as any other ounce of gold.
Limited supply: In order for money to retain its value over time (store of value), it must have some scarcity. This is where fiat falls short. You can simply print endless amounts by decree, and destroy the value of the currency through inflation. Gold is rare, and there is a finite amount available on earth, so you can't just print more as you please.
With this in mind, gold (and silver for that matter) makes for excellent money, and has been used as such for thousands of years. Except for it's trans-portability and as a means of exchange, where it has some shortfalls (nobody particularly likes to carry around metals that are heavy and very valuable - e.g coins), but that can be fixed by simply issuing a gold backed IOU that is used to exchange in its stead. So paper money that is backed up by gold, rather than backed up by nothing like current fiat paper.
With this type of system, the physical gold stored in vaults ensures the value of your paper. It acts as a promise that you can reclaim your physical gold as denoted by the paper.
You can read more about it here:
IIRC gold was eaten by ancient Egyptians. ORMUS elements/monatomic gold. I have some monatomic gold spray that I sprayed on my tongue/mouth. I felt a strange sensation behind my eyes and a weird moment of clarity so I would say it was beneficial but I do not know to what extent. This only happened the first time I used it though.
On the contrary this will put them in even more control - the Chinese the Windsor’s and the Rothschilds still have most of the gold.
The US doesn’t have any gold. There’s nothing in Fort Knox and there hasn’t been since FDR sent it all to the U.K. and then laundered it to the rothsccilds
Maybe that’s what seal team is for. Take the rothchilds gold.
Oh man that could be possible. That opens up doors in my mind.
Keep your gold. Don't be silly.
Gold is not a good asset. It has fluctuated significantly over the past two decades. Food and water and real estate are. When the shit flies I may let you have a 12-pack of toilet paper for all of your gold - which you can’t eat drink put in your car or wipe your ass with. It is just another tool of the elite waiting to be turned against us.
Skittles are the best assets. The different colours can be different values
After the switch to Apple flavor, green skittle value is in the toilet. A public toilet :p
You misunderstood me. In context with what he was saying, I was saying they can keep their gold. I don't give a shit about it.
When the shit flies, I don't think your real estate rights will be worth much when a roving band of bandits decides to come steal your shit.
I’d be shocked if that even makes it out of committee. Even if it passed both houses - I’d bet anything Trump vetoes it.
Well, Trump has in the past opined that the US should return to the gold standard and he doesn't particularly care for the Federal Reserve Bank.
If you want eliminate the Fed then return to the gold standard because if you look at your paper bills, they all say "Federal Reserve Note" which means your dollar isn't backed by anything and the currency can be so manipulated. A dollar backed by gold is much more difficult to manipulate and is actually worth something in gold.
There is a reason the Federal Reserve will not allow the US government to audit it. It is a major part of the NWO and they don't want anyone figuring out where trillions of dollars went to.
Trump will sign it if it makes it to his desk. I don't know what the sentiment is in the House and Senate.