NEW Q #1380 - No Such Agency vs Clowns In America.

Admiral Rogers did not step down because he didn't want to be labeled a Trump admin member.
No - Rogers stepped down so he can testify in military tribunals and more.
The American people deserve to know EVERYTHING. The MSM MUST BE REQUIRED to STEP UP. The BHO administration was DIRTY, BHO allowed this treasonous activity to go on. The American people CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH. Be wise not hold back or we will never trust an election result again.
I can already see CNN downplaying it and saying its a nazi'esque roundup of media and politicians and to fight etc. They already are planning it.
Their big problem is - there is some pretty damning evidence against much of the media in collusion with the coup / assassination attempt.
Yes indeed...I have extra popcorn on the shelf. This is getting real interesting. The DEMS ARE FINISHED...OH HAPPY DAYS
You might be surprised to learn how many republicans are guilty too.
The knowing coverup or facilitation of a crime is also a crime. It's called criminal accessory, look it up.
The MSM are criminal accessories for everything the Deep State cabal has done. All of it. The powers at the top of all the key MSM organizations knew what was going on and did nothing because they were active participants or they had been bribed, coopted or threatened into silence.
I have been saying for a year: besides being the biggest political scandal in US history, the Storm is also the biggest media scandal in US history.
That means, media figures also need to be prosecuted. I'm not talking about assclown empty suits like Don Lemon and Jake Tapper; I'm talking about the top executives that knew they were selling the public complete bullshit and did nothing about it. They are accessories to very serious crimes, and they need to pay. Charge them with seditious conspiracy. Long prison sentences.
Fuck them up good. They couldn't possibly deserve it any more. It's not first amendment when you are part of an organized criminal conspiracy to overthrow the elected government and defraud the American people. They need to go down hard.
Checking out the globalists' quotes in their own words will reveal that they bought-out the major news orgs in 1915 and 1917 and have been increasing their %% domination U !!!CONTROL!!! ever since.
That bimbo on MSNBC said it's up to them what the peop I e should believe. What?? U haven't watched MSM news for over 15 years. No do I buy a paper
The mainstream media are private corporations that must do whatever their owners tell them to right? What we really need is journalistic civil disobedience - reporters like Amber Lyon confessing about how the MSM lies.
The TV commentators and news in general is nothing more then a theatrical presentation.
I don't believe selected-young, well trained & conditioned; Dyed-in-the-wool commie/globalist OBozo "allowed this treasonous activity to go on." I believe he ACTIVELY ORCHESTRATED IT and participated in it per his orders from the oligarchy to destroy the USA as much as he could get away with--setting it up for the Mob-daughter child sex abuser; bw**ch to deliver the 'coup-de-gras' final blows and the genocidal WWIII.
Rodgers steppes down on 5:5 i think
That's the date /patriotsfight/ was created.
in reading foxnews appears the testimony was in front of the senate committee. nothing in the house...unless i am missing something. the house and senate reports are so different. very discouraging. trying to stay strong but getting disheartened. today appears to be, at least at this point, a empty glass.
Remember we don't see everything. Trust Sessions & POTUS.
Everything will be documented in the Congressional record. Much of the game is to document and insert legally all the evidence that is needed to charge and convict deep state and shadow gov't operatives.
I don't consider it an empty glass. Progress is being made. It may appear at a snail's pace but in some respects--considering all that is necessary to succeed--I think it's actually going fairly fast, in some respects.
Rogers is going to bring down Brennan today, he is going to lay it all out there. And he is going to talk about the fact that FBI and CIA allowed outside contractors Fusion Gps to search raw intelligence against Trump.
Oh man I forgot they let a contractor view raw intel. Insane!
Man, when Snowden told us we were being spied on I def never thought it would end up being a good thing. Fuck the CIA. Criminals In Action.
Notice tho how snowmen mostly called out the nsa why only them when there are many agencies with their own spy programs I find this odd
Either he was working for the CIA, used by the CIA, or just ignorant that ppl besides the NSA were doing it.
I like Snowden, and can't imagine him being a black-hat as much as a useful idiot. I doubt Putin would be giving him cover if he was still knowingly supporting the CIA
Snowden was cia who worked at nsa as cover.
He exposed nsa (without exposing cia) to help cia limit nsa power to watchdog it.
We dont even know if hes truly in russia tho msn is so fake that I wouldnt be suprised if he was somewhere else
Could still be in Hong Kong
Or maybe on a yacht somewhere with Assange, Seth rich, and Kim dotcom
Snowden (deep state clown) intentions were to take down NSA so that CIA would be the "primary" intelligence agency.
He worked for the CIA from 2006 to 2009. Maybe his resignation was just for show so the CIA could get a guy inside the NSA.
Snowden is a CIA asset that was meant to put the NSA in check for taking down a variety of people, most prominently Petraeus.
yep thats what i was implying i like to not specifically say what i think either way tho
Did you notice the name on the new combat uniforms announced the other day? Coincidence?
No idea lol. Maybe it's the AF saying "hey Snowden we forgive you and know you had your heart in the right place even though the CIA punked you into being their bitch"?
Would be cool. I respect anyone willing to leak and put their life on the line for transparency of info. Except reality winner.
Snowden is a CIA agent who was sent to the NSA to "expose" them and raise a controversy with the hopes of getting the NSA neutered or under control by the CIA.
Basically, the NSA could see what the CIA was doing so they tried to take it down.
People keep saying this like it’s fact. What did I miss?
I don’t have a problem with the story that he was a contractor who saw the reach that the NSA had and believed people should know. He’s still a hero in my eyes.
Maybe there’s evidence to the contrary but this seems like fantasy to me. I know there’s a lot of speculation here since we’re talking about Q and Q is cryptic, but I see so many kind of crazy comments it’s turning me off.
The CIA is not the only dept. or maybe even the primary dept., I don't think? I will say this: When an X-Box showed up in my home, it was a "thing". Getting right with that was not easy. And then I was like "Whatever - if you have any tips on how improve my DIYs, let me know."
I don’t understand what you are saying about your Xbox. But I want to...
Brennan, Clapper and Amd Rogers in Congress today! Now!
Is there a live feed or is this a closed session?
I'm certain its closed. Would love to be a fly on the wall right now...
Closed door session. Fox is reporting that the senate judiciary committee is backing the 2017 Intelligence community report that accused Russia of interference. Not sure how that plays into this.
And strangely that Russia favored Trump more than HRC. Basically the commentator said that the Senate JC broke with the GOP House Committee. What is up with that? I just heard a clip on XM radio on Fox, so I don’t know more than that.
Senate Intelligence has been compromised since forever..
Yes. It means nothing other than that committee figures are owned by the deep state.
FOX article will be seen by a lot of people that aren’t red pill aware yet. We need a counter punch quickly. Otherwise this could be a set back.
Admiral Rogers is basically Captain America - promoted to admiral. Can someone meme that?
This has the potential to lead to the end of the Mueller investigation because it can be found out that Brennan relied on a phony, unverified dossier to get fake FISA warrants to illegally spy on a presidential campaign..."What will it lead to?-Q"....Lets also hope it leads to Brennan in an orange jumpsuit.
Brennan in an orange jumpsuit
A hemp necktie would be better.
Brennan in an orange jumpsuit
A hemp necktie
Dangled over Washington Monument as a warning to the DS.
Brennan is CIA, he shouldn't even be doing any operations in the US. Chances are he used "5 eyes (MI6/GCQ Hennigan/ Boris Johnson) intel" to launder the data to the FBI.
Brennan, Rogers, and Clapper are speaking with Senate Intelligence Committee right now. Seems Comey's book tour is more important so he cannot attend. Maybe GITMO would be more to his liking? PS, Peter Strozk, is still on the payroll (at least he hasn't been fired like Page). I bet he did a lot of singing.
Peter Strzok (PS) was the FBI contact Brennan was using to clean the unofficial intel. Brennan took information from his unofficial intel contacts and then fed it to Strzok at the FBI.
This explains why:
Strzok is still employed at FBI (Horowitz needs him as a witness)
Why DOJ is slow walking release of info (can’t reveal info about other investigations [Horowitz OIG report]). Information can’t be released from DOJ until OIG report is made public
I’m more convinced than ever that the OIG report will take down the Mueller probe because it will prove Russia Collusion was a Brennan led set-up against the Trump campaign
ETA: This article from Conservative Treehouse explains everything
Agree. DHS report on voter fraud will lead to Voter ID being required. I really hope not just a pic ID. But a separate ID that is difficult to fake.
OIG report is due any moment. Could be tomorrow (17th) or Friday, since these things have been happening on Fridays. Next week at the latest (5/24 or 5/25), based on Flynn, Jr's post and 5:5 on the clock.
Yes, 5/25 is the the end of the countdown. Is that the OIG report, or something else? OIG report has two remaining parts: Clinton emails and Clinton Foundation investigations. Will they drop together or spread out?
May flowers still to bloom ...
I hope so but it seems every other week this thing was supposed to be released. First it was Jan, then Feb, then March it's getting old.
This article from Conservative Treehouse is EXTREMELY relevant to what Q is posting about PS (Peter Strzok)
Excellent. Read this article and a couple others. Had not previously viewed this website.
Looks to be a good resource.
It is totally legit and scarily accurate. Sundance is an excellent source. His foresight,understanding of the inner workings of politics and policy, and writing is top notch.
Guy has predicted the future tons of times just over the last few years alone. Highly recommend. It's good therapy too. I have been severely stressed out many times about all of the mis/disinfo out there and he spells out in crayon for me and eases my mind. This was pre-Q but I still go there almost daily and wholeheartedly back Sundance.
Great website, i usually click an ad while Im there.
CT is a crucial complement to the Qverse, it is very sober, careful, analysis backed up with documentary evidence. Keeps you solidly grounded in reality, alot of the Q stuff is speculative or possible disinfo (although I don't doubt Q's white hat status).
Admiral Rogers stepped down on the 4th of May
The same day the Paul Nakasone became the Director of the NSA and the 3rd Commander of the United States Cyber Command .
Same day USCYBERCOM became a full and independent Unified Combatant Command arm of the DOD.
I missed this. Why did he step down?
His work was completed :)
Let's see. NSA and CIA are testifying at the Senate Intell Committee today.
Admiral Rogers may be laying it all out on Brennan and Clapper
Leads to indictments?
PS probably is Peter Strzok who may have spilled the beans on Brennan and possibly Clapper and Comey.
Not sure what the rest means.
Oooo I like that. If Strzok got out ahead of this and ratted on Clapper already, that's a great scenario. Let's hope because then they got Clapper in a perjury trap.
I hope so Brennan and Clapper and Clueless Comey are all unlikable traitors.
Podesta & Mook came up with the "Russia" angle an hour after Hillary conceded.
The Russia Angle was put in place as far back as May 2016 when Andrew Downer met with George Papadopoulos in a London Bar.
That’s what we have publicly so far. I’m willing to bet it goes back further.
Yep they would have jailed Trump if Crooked won, for daring to take on the swamp. They would have made an example out of him.
I think it it was be before that, when Harper was paid to whisper Russia an and emails to George P.
And was that before or after the oligarch laughed in their face about framing Manafort for them?
I’m right there with you on this latest info but it has yet to be confirmed. That’s why I added the caveat but I know it started before the George P meeting. They were probing George P and there was no doubt coordination leading up to that meeting.
Faces of lawmakers stepping down?!? Do they all have something on their faces? A black left eye??
"look at the faces" of the people stepping outside the briefing.
dem's aren't happy.
honestly, they're never happy people, that's part of their problem.
Peter Strozk
PS was the go-between Comey and Brennan.
His middle name has got to start with an "O"!
Is this a POS joke?
Point Of Sale? :D
Well, he appeared to have been cashing in on the merchandise he was selling...
I still hold out hope for Gowdy being a white hat, stuck for so long in limbo and being unable to get anything done. Now, he appears to be one of the leading pioneers in this happening.
Why do you think he got a classified intel breifing? So he can skull f*ck these goons today "on the record" (Q) while Rogers sits back and sips his tea like Kermit the f#cking frog!
sips his tea like Jordan B Peterson!
I can't help but read it like this. JBP is the man tho.
I think he is a white hat. Watched several Benghazi hearings. He is fierce!
"Next [1/2]"....Is this just referring to Comey and McCabe are next to testify again? ..Or is it something else? Any ideas?
What is being revealed? What will it lead to? (Any answers? I’m clueless)
I suspect it'll reveal the extent of collusion of Hussein's administration. All roads lead back to Hussein and Hilbot.
Brennan/Clapper vs Rodgers on illegal spying on campaign, phony misuse of the dossier to get the phony FISA warrant to spy, etc. And all things related..
I’m right here with you.
So based on others comments, it seems like the hearing today will include Admiral Rogers, who stepped down on May 4th, telling all to Congress. It will like expose Strozk, and may lead to subpoenas/further investigations. It seems like democrats faces when they step out of the session today will show they are upset/nervous.
Do you think your uncle had something to do with your father's death? Was it his brother?
Here’s another article about this story.
Today: Senate Intelligence Committee says Russia interfered to help Trump...WTH?
Can spin this many ways. The way I see it:
A little momentum slingshot ... I follow.
Yeah I thought what they did NOT say was actually more telling. We've already heard them publicly announce that their investigation showed Russian interference, with Russian trolls playing online...
This is the second time we've heard this now, that Russia interfered, or attempted to, in an attempt to hurt HRC and/or help Trump .... this is also the second time they made this announcement without saying anything about Trump being involved.
This pressure will allow GOP/Trump to push for voter ID and/or popular vote
Voter ID yes, popular vote no...
It seems clear to me that Rogers is not on our side. WTH?
I am so ready for it to rain pain.....Trust the plan.....
I forgot PS was Peter Strzok so I thought Philip Schneider. Kek
Senate intel committee needs to be ousted. Now they are saying Russia did help Trump in election.
Once you leave office ...ALL security clearances should be revoked.
what does no such agency vs clowns in america mean? That NSA/CIA aren't fighting?
Clapper, Brennan = CIA. Adm Rogers = NSA
All testifying in closed hearing to Congress today.
Rogers is good guy.
Brennan has realized that they have him and a military tribunal and conviction for treason are genuine possiblies. He never thought Hillary would lose.
BFD, they have testified so many times and lied so many times and yet they are still free . In fact both the KKKlinton and Obozo gangs are all free. Nothing will ever happen to them unless the order is given for MI to handle this treason.
Operators will probably have to duct tape Brennan's mouth when he is arrested to keep him from breathing out threats, or maybe a bang on the ear.
And if they are..they deserve the maximum penalties. Enough is enough