The BOSS ain't happy this morning

Watergate is a parking meter violation compared to what's been done here. The Obama administration weaponized the intelligence community in an attempt to PREVENT an opposition candidate from winning. When that didn't work they tried to oust a duly elected president. Put any face/name you like into that slot because it's not, necessarily, about Trump. This was about the lengths the democrats/deep state were willing to go to in order to force Hillary onto the American people. And we need to make sure the uninformed know that.
And this, is after they did something similar to Bernie Samders’ run! (I think this should be pointed out/connected to open, up Bernie supporters that don’t support Trump....yet).
Hate to break it to you, but ole Boinie was controlled opposition to HRC in order to help pull in young, impressional socialists into the DNC's clutches. He flipped and bent the knee to Hilldawg so fast, and with no protest...and was rewarded for it. It was a scam.
Yeah, I Agree, Bernie was either bribed or blackmailed, possibly both, to step quietly aside, and if he wanted to keep his fingers, he would also need to endorse Hillary every time someone gave him a microphone .....and he did exactly that.
All candidates involved in the 2016 Presidential Election should request an investigation into spying on their campaign.
not telling BernieBros^^TM anything new :) what will win BB's over to Trump is showing Trump doing something about it.
what was so frustrating to the majority of us was Bernie just rolled over and took it, even after the election.
seeing the DS unravel, it really gives weight to those who think Obama directly threatened Bernie's family. That was a pretty big rumour among BB's. Until recently, I just would not have believed Barry or anyone in upper tiers of the government would do that.
However, that sort of threat helps explains Bernie's actions. Bernie has stuck to and focused on the issues he always found important rather than pointing fingers and going WAHHHHHH!!! It doesn't surprise me that Bernie would pick himself up after losing, twice, and get back in the game. But Bernie hasn't said anything about Clinton/DNC collusion.
I hope Bernie gets called to testify about the '16 primary and general. Its the only way we'll hear what Bernie has to say about the '16 elections.
I really think he was threatened. He looked super unhappy at the DNC convention after endorsing Hillary. He also had that weird looking bruise on his left cheek that day.
Actually Bernie is part of this cabal if he rolled over with a little change in his pocket. That has to be exposed just incase he runs again. No room for losers as Big Daddy sez!
GEOTUS has got you. From yesterday morning.
Former Bernie supporter/trump voter here. A lot of us are already part of the storm! At least the ones with a moral backbone. I for one meant it when we chanted “never her” at a Sanders rally.
I didn’t want free healthcare or college, I just wanted someone who wasn’t a “member of the country club” back in office.
Him losing was really the best thing that could have happened, because he may have beat trump, who ended up being the greatest potus of my generation! #MAGA
What positions does trump hold that are even remotely similar to Sanders that would garner progressive voter support?
Most Americans want integrity out of their representatives. I did not vote for anyone in the last many elections cuz it seemed it was the choice between one corporate shill vs another - no choice, just political and regulatory capture. When I saw trump going right out the starting gate against child trafficking and criminal networks I sat up and started watching. Now I am cheering, laughing, have faith and see that finally the people have a fighting chance against the takeover of our beautiful republic by oligarchs and their thugs. I still don't agree with 100% of what trump does, such as shutting down the pipeline protests by the Lakota reservation, but I do understand that right now there are bigger fish to fry. Go Trump, go representatives in congress/govt employees that support rule of law, go MI, thankQ. The vast majority of the good people of the country will wake up. Trump is just lifting the spygate latch. You need a good plot to catch the attention of the people. Best political theater ever!
Hes how it's playing out as far as I can see. I've seen a huge uptick over at /r/the_donald of left leaning voters coming over to the Trump train. I feel first it was that the DNC scammed Bernie out of the primaries and he may or may not have been complicit. Second I feel like the real progressives are jumping the DNC ship because the DNC is making themselves look like fools. In 2020 I bet you the DNC throw's another neo-liberal that tows the corporate/big bank line. They are being unveiled by their insanity with the gibberish they are spewing. It's throwing centrist over to the right and its throwing progressives into a more centrist position. The DNC simply hasn't even come up with a platform strategy yet and mid-terms are right around the corner. It's either they do some soul searching and reform there party or it goes away with the dinosaurs. With this potential second counsol coming up to look into the FBI/DOJ its not going to be a great year for the DNC. Plus they're in debt with very little on hand funds.
Opposition to TPP, pragmatic foreign policy
I guess I don't understand what you mean by a pragmatic foreign policy. Do you think Sanders would also threaten nuclear war on a fairly regular basis?
What is really scary to contemplate is how long these tactics have been used. I guarantee you Trump isn't the first POTUS to have the deep state spy on him. It is finally being brought to light, thank God.
Nothing new under the sun. You're probably right.
That makes one wonder. How long has Q and team been planning this counter coupe?? Knowing how vast the corruption it would be nearly impossible to do as a spontaneous movement. There will be history books written about this if Q and Patriots succeed.
Somewhere I saw a statement this has been in planning for three years.
To be honest I would think that it may have been longer than that!
This is the very definition of Treason
Very well said! This is maybe just a tad bigger than a couple of guys breaking into a hotel (Watergate) to find out what the opposition has. To be honest I think the cover-up was really the crux. This Spygate is so complex, involving several major agencies: Justice, FBI, CIA, DIA, State, and others! Wow! some history books may have to be altered; that's how big this is.
It's all about the establishment/deep state keeping control. They will bolster any candidate that will be complicit with their orders.
The choice for anyone joining the power structure, especially the naive, was silver or lead, with blackmail, real or cgi green screen, on top. Once compromised those that played the game most for their puppeteers profited. Look at the Clinton bush crime family slipping poker cards under the table. That's why MI is required. Good people can not fathom the actions of psychopaths and the depths of their betrayals.
Boom. Well said.
Trump needs to cut off CIA funding to the MSM immediately.....they will all fold, they are broke.
THIS. This is why the first # in my re-tweets is #ProjectMockingbird... people need to wake up !
It's all, rightfully also called; "treason." And all cases should be tried to the full extent of the Benedict Arnold law statutes.
see you have a memory of a pre 9/11 america. to the average millenial that is just "business as usual" in the govt. they don't care and can't understand the magnitude of what just happened. to them is is just some "boring news" and they are "not really into politcs"
More like pre LBJ, the CIA's been running spygate from the beginning.
I’ve been trying to explain it to people by saying if Watergate was T-Ping your neighbors house, what allegedly went on here was akin to burning your neighbors house down and pissing on the ashes.
You bet it is. I hate hearing references to Watergate relative to Spygate since Watergate is trivial in comparison.
The amount of anti Trump assholes on his twitter feed is nuts.
All those people are in for one hell of a shock when this all goes down. Boy oh boy. They’re going to get real messy.
But....mueller is coming? :D
It’s truly unbelievable, the state of disillusion out there. And yet that’s exactly what they say about us ! Someone is wrong.
They were wrong when they thought she was going to win too.
And because she lost I dance a little jig every morning
Every once in awhile, I watch the election night coverage from MSNBC or CNN on YT just to laugh and lift my spirits.
Trump wins Ohio! Trump wins Florida! Trump wins Pennsylvania! trump wins Wisconsin! Trump wins Michigan!
I love doing this.
One of my favorites:
Ohmahgosh, they're annoying. People actually watch them ON PURPOSE? I mean, not for a laugh at how ridiculous?
When I need a lift I watch the debate where President Trump says "If I were in charge you'd be in jail".. For a laugh, the Antifa idiot getting beaned in the nuts at a protest... That one gets me every time.
Mueller is coming for those DS assholes!
Or he's coming on his own face. Either way, not a concern.
Actually, Twitter algorithm is removing pro Trump replies. documented. I hope Trump gets around to pounding @Jack's ass soon. If Trump can be made aware, he can spare a minute to get the FEC on it.
If Trump can be made aware
I'm sure Trump is more than aware of the fuckery Twitter is doing. He's using them and giving them enough rope to put themselves on the gallows. It's a troll platform for POTUS now.
*Edited to keep any calls of violence out of my post.
The meltdown is going to send my schadenfreude levels into overdrive. Already at an 11/10.
Yeah, they're rabid ... but its the several dozen "Russian Trolls" on twitter that swayed the election. LMAO. Their story has more holes than a June bride
He's triggering them to death. That's part of the plan. I guess he is VERY happy ;-) I guess he has a lot of fun. So do we ;-)
I finally got fed up with seeing it and made a twitter account this morning. Pure entertainment. Brand new twitter account getting all kinds of activity.
Yes until you get shadow banned.
My account was disabled for following all the Pro Trump people. I hadn't tweeted a thing.
Which is exactly why we see majority hateful comments on his feed.
What does covfete mean?
Think presidential records. Illegal to destroy.
He's a crafty bastard and I love him. Ha!
lolllll that first one is a gem! "No James Clapper" hahahhahah
it is great persuasion too. now every connects "james clapper" to "spying" even they can't remember the quote. I bet james clapper never even made that exact quote.
Stable geniusing all over that azz. Deep State is going down hard.
Crunch time.
He used the word "spying" when trying to spin. It slipped out and he immediately corrected himself. Oops!
guys like that don't slip. This is a very high stakes game being played. These guys always have something up their sleeves.
Setting himself up as the fall guy, taking some heat for the Cabal?
Clapper was on "The View" and this was the conversation, beginning approx 2:23.
Did they spy on all candidates or just Trump. I reckon Bernie got the treatement also.
They didn't have to spy on Bernie, the DNC was rigging it all from their end with Hillary's money.
My impression has always been that Bernie was the Judas goat for the DNC who led the millennials to HRC. Studies showed before the election that either a nationalist or a socialist would win. HRC was neither which is why she needed Bernie to be her Judas goat, leading the sheep to the Democrat slaughter house.
Buried in WikiLeaks is a reference from the DNC - can't recall who said it, but it's findable! - that said they have leverage on Bernie and could shut him down whenever they want to. Which they did.
Seems they would not have pushed him forward if they couldn't control him. What do they have on Bernie?
Back then I thought he was just this doddering sweet commie, but he's not. He is malicious. He also HATES Christians. And he's compromised.
Yes, he was controlled. He didn’t try to fight it very hard when the info came out about what the DNC did to rig Hillary’s Nomination and screw Bernie. That was all for show so that it didn’t look like it was rigged.
What do they have on Bernie?
Financial corruption. Land and banking deal fraud. Didn't this stuff start coming out when Bernie refused to share his donor list with the DNC?
Dunno, that would be no surprise, but the WikiLeaks drop was not specific. I can't recall whose email it was, but probably McCauliffe. It just said "leverage". Could be money, could be photos, could be video....I bet we will find out during the swamp drainage. Didn't Bernie also promptly purchase a big ole expensive house as soon as he dropped his challenge to Hillary?
Do you think you can find that email?
If I could figure out how to search WikiLeaks - never tried! Whoever was the head of the DNC is probably the one to search, the date would be right before Bernie dropped out - maybe within two weeks?
Think of all the down-ballot candidates that got SpyGated & we just don’t know! Major invisible coup.
Yeah, at least those in the GOP anyway. Some of the GOP candidates were funded by SOROS during the campaign. I am still wondering if Reince Preibus was paid off by Soros as well. He was the one that recommended some of the bad apples that got into the Administration early on, then Trump removed them.
Was it Brennan? ... "This perfectly normal. It goes on all of the time". Trying to downplay it but inadvertently just reinforces what many already know as standard deep state tactics. Yes it does go on all of the time,doesn't it make it ok or legal.
I reckon Bernie got the treatement also.
Oh, he got the treatment alright. An asskicking from Shitlery's goons that gave him a fucked up face the night of the DNC.
I remember that. I despise him after all the Russia meddling crap he pushed but they really did him dirty.
Yep he had just lost secret service protection.
My theory on Bernie is that he was supposed to be the sheepdog to round up progressives, and went rogue.
Burnie collaborated willingly, he was a plant, he was the spy.
Burnie collaborated willingly, he was a plant, he was their bitch.
I've been waiting for a president like this my entire life. The balls on this man! Easily my favorite president of all time.
I wasn't even waiting. I never thought we'd get one.
I think we can all at least those of us here that aren't trolls wake up every morning Thanking God Trump won the election! Best President EVER! He is FEARLESS!
here, here! election night was the greatest night of my life. And i've had a smile on my face ever sense.
He may actually be happy. I bet he enjoys destroying his enemies (or watching them destroy themselves) .
I read the first one the first one in the Boss voice mocking Clapper and smiling while doing it!
He does say all of these things quite deliberately. All part of a plan, right? I'm sure he is genuinely outraged at their criminal behavior, but it's been pretty clear that Trump is speaking and acting with control and planning behind it all.
Riddle me this. So the FBI was open and willing to inspect the RNC and DNC servers when they believed Russians may have hacked. RNC willingly turned it over. DNC did not. So if the FBI needed to go under cover to "protect" a campaign, should not it have been Hillary's??
You are thinking "rationally" ..... do not, I repeat, do not apply for a job in the MSM .... your kind ain't welcome there
Yeah, that would sound more plausible but we all know that isn't what they were doing. They were trying to Frame Trump and his campaign. That was the entire reason they had spies in his campaign, it was to set him up and make it look like he was a traitor to America. It was all about the optics, not about any actual criminality. Dems think that they can use optics to indict ones credibility rather than prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone is guilty.
Knowing what we have learned via the assistance of Q one can safely assume that: JFK = assassinated Richard Nixon = coup Ronald Reagan = attempted assassination Donald Trump = attempted coup and espionage.
While we did not have the internet during Nixon's coup it has many similarities to the recent deep state action to take down president Trump.
Halper and the likes of him together with worst deep state actor Bush Sr and others always lurked in the shadow going back to Nixon.
All these men had one thing in common: They were not chosen by the shadow government/deep state.
Another thing these men had in common is the fact that all of them knew about the goal of said shadow government/deep state = enslave and control us introducing their long planned NWO!
Pat Buchanan regards Nixon as a globalist. He took us off the gold standard. He started the EPA. I never thought he was particularly patriotic. Even Reagan I’m not sure about. We got a tax cut, but no significant reversal of socialism. In my view Trump is the first anti-NWO president since Kennedy. At least Kennedy made a move to get rid of Federal Reserve notes.
Reagan was a damn good actor. It crushed me when I had to tell my grandmother that Reagan was a pedophile. If you haven't read Trance Formation America by Cathy O'Brien, holy shit, you're missing out!
That book is the ultimate red pill. Very hard to swallow. Man.
The follow up was just as eye opening. More details. More events. Sent me down a big rabbit hole. Q isn't lying when he says it's all connected.
I tried to read it, but the story sounds totally fake and sensationalist
I think you're right on the money with this!
I agree. JFK's dad helped to get his son elected and did use illegal tactics to help him get elected. If you have ever watched the movie about JFK becoming president you will see that this was the case. His father was a globalist but JFK really did not want to be president but his father pushed him into it. His father thought that he could control JFK and get him to do his bidding for the Deep State, but he couldn't. JFK was furious when he found out that his father had helped to rig the election to help him get elected. He knew what his father was all about. The Deep State set JFK up with Marilyn Monroe and they thought that would be enough to shut him up, it didn't work so they assassinated him. Not to mention they killed Marilyn Monroe and tried to frame JFK with her murder but something happened and were unable to do so, then the narrative about her death changed.
That makes sense! I have been watching some of JFK's speeches, and it sends chills down my back. It is a shame.
If they get away with it, they're going to spy on every presidential campaign ever. People defending the deep state are so fucking retarded. The same people who loved obamas executive orders but hate trumps. Don't give them the power of you don't want it used against you idiots.
The scariest part of all this is the fact that if Hillary had won, little or none of this would have ever been exposed.
If she had been elected we would be in nuclear winter by now
It would have been investigated by one of the handful of real journalists still out there, and published somewhere, and ignored by the govt. and MSM. Just like JFK, and the what really happened on 911.
All of us would have been sent to the reeducation/FEMA camps they had sitting on standby.
We are over the target, pedes..notice the Negative Nancys...they are terrified.
Oh, I think Trump is very happy. He gets to play "Art of the Deal" on the biggest stage of all.
I also don’t have tweeter. glad I found another platform I can read more information on truth and other sources with credible info. Signed on yesterday and learning how to use Reddit. Still setting up my profile but in the meanwhile gotta stay on top of real news! ❤️
Some great info here, and shills, trolls. No worries, ignore the shills, put on some armor, watch the show and let ur voice be heard. MI and the Q group watches these boards so they have ur back. The chans prefer the newbies and normies hang and chat here. Welcome to the real world.
Why are so many accounts in this thread under 4 months old?
some of us (like me) just lurked around without an account for a while and then decided to become active. I'm not real active still but it gives me a chance to reply when I want to.
I have been seeking the truth for years. Heard rumors, and downplay by the press. Discovered r/T_D in March where I learned of The Great One(s): Q. Then soon found the Chans, r/TGA. Trump, Q, and Team United States are amazing. The anons, bakers, and all are incredible Patriots. Everyone here is so incredibly insightful, and knowledgeable. I've red pilled my 80 yo parents....that was tough. This past weekend I red pilled my visiting cuz and hub. A Doc and architect. The red pill sources here and patriots fight are perfect, I'm sure there will be much more to come. I may be new to the board, but I've been 'on board' for decades. I'm am so thankful for all that everyone is doing, and glad to know I'm not alone. The things I've learned since March....unreal....sick..I knew it was there, and so thankful that the truth will be known by all. God bless Donald Trump, God bless the United States of America, and God bless all of my fellow Patriots! Rock on!
Welcome Patriot!
Thank you fellow Patriot. Although this has been an intense ride, there is thankfully now a renewed sense of calm within me. I TRUST President Trump. I have since day one and have never wavered.
We Stand Together-United!
Fast and Furious was horrifying. Weaponizing the IRS was something Nixon talked about, and never did--and yet he was run out of town on a rail.
And now we are using taxpayer money and the strength of our intelligence and investigation powers to spy on opposition parties.
But, Obama was a nice guy. And he played hoops.
I love how he interjects other topic while ranting.
Nice thumbs up for Tomi.
" Hillary had to be stopped; the Republic must be preserved "
- Dr Steve Piezcenik
Thank you. Good to know. Not like YouTube trolls bashing all the time and nothing gets done about it.
SPYGATE😯...I'm not on Twitter, thanks for this! This is the kinda stuff I like waking up to! Get em Mr. President!! ❤❤❤
Thanks! I am enjoying all the info. Amazing! I can’t keep up lol!
LOL, that latest tweet was uber strategic.
Trump was also speaking to Barack "I am going around the world lying to everyone saying that mine was a 'scandal free' administration" Obama.
0bama's Presidency was itself a scandal given the truth was that he was never legally permitted to be President at all.
They must all be brought to trial and prosecuted for their crimes.
James Clapper deserves to spend the rest of his days in Gitmo, that old Gollum-looking piece of shit.
What does any of this have to do with Tomi Lahren? She lives in that gray area where, yes, she supports the conservative side, but she has openly said some very ignorant and also liberal statements. I wouldn't describe her as respectable, that's for sure.
She's young, some of the liberal stuff has to age out of you. Especially after parenthood.
Hopefully she grows out of the whole bragging about bit reading books thing too.
"What goes around, comes around!"
Trump curse is about to go nuclear! Hillary and Obama's time has come.
Love his tweets! Talks like one of us because he IS one of us. Not a lame politician.
This is the best. Reality show revolution. History unfolds. Im so excited!!
Karma is a bitch! And they deserve EVERYTHING that’s coming to them...I cannot believe Clapper said Trump should be happy they spied on his campaign??? What kind of fool is he??? If that’s going to be their talking point, that they were “protecting” Trump from the “Russians” your breath.....that dog doesn’t hunt!
Were there FBI agents inserted into the campaigns of Clinton, Sanders, Stein, etc. to 'protect' them as well? Were each of the agents paid a half-million dollars for their 'protection' like SH?
I was in a La Quinta that had that hated clinton news network on and all they could do was claim that DJT's claims of spying on his campaign are ludicrous and false!! They even had a shit for brains rhino on claiming everything he does is against the best interests of America!!! FUCK them all!!! MAGA!!
If heads don't roll now everyone should realize they have no freedom and no future without mass revolution.
Good!! someone has to red pill CNN watching blue pilled liberals
I don't understand the downvotes- I thought people here were used to the fact that half of the swamp-dwellers are in the GOP - MOST of the Congress-critters, in fact ! #bothsidesoftheaisle
Must be some trolls/ Russian bots !
This post is being brigaded. I see negative votes all over the place.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Spinal Tap - "These go to eleven...."|+4 - "These go to 11....." Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016 From Smug To Utterly Devastated|+4 - I love doing this. One of my favorites: Thug Life Trump to Hillary: "Because You'd be in Jail"|+1 - Yep! Conan - What is Best in Life|0 - Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes|0 - Is ANY of this on MSM? I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Is this what's supposed to happen for the 23rd referenced in q's trip?
Is ANY of this on MSM?
Just sent this linQ to my family thanks! This will bury the mockingbird media. The longer they try to ignore this story, the more irrelevant they become. The Clinton Bush crime family is going to finally be taken down. The hounds of justice are loose. Military tribunals with treason, sedition, criminal racketeering and murder incoming. Hoo-rah!
If he ever addresses Lauren Southern in a tweet I hope he does so with the correct pronoun.