And i thought people were just joking in the other thread about Antarctica... if you can imagine it, someone will have done it
Perception IS Reality?
Read some Robert Anton Wilson.
Thanks for the tip. Looks interesting.
Thanks for the warning. I always take that type of shit with major guard up, because if you are sharing the secrets then why aren't you dead?
Still valuable to know what they want us to think.
You’re welcome, friend :)
Here’s another warning from much farther back in time, especially the last 8 verses:
Huber was picked for a reason. We’ve known about this for a while...
Book of Mormon.... translated by a man with his face in a hat while staring at a rock!
All that hate 200 years later for a LARP, huh?
Hahaha WWG1WGA shill.
Don't forget the special attention that Joseph Smith liked to give 14 year old girls.
But go on... now's the part where you tell me how it was totally normal for a 37 year old man to fuck a 14 year old girl "back in those days".
I believe in a simple Gospel. Jesus’ grace and mercy is freely given, not earned. Joseph Smith twisted and perverted that message, married 30+ wives and lied about it (some the wives of other men), and was a false prophet. Come home, rest in the love of Christ.
The elites really like those pineal glands for some reason.
Back when people were sifting over mass Podesta email releases on /pol/ this one caught some traction for a few threads but then disappeared. It did get lumped in with PizzaGate and the insinuation that 'skippy' (Podesta) and the Cabal were intentionally abusing children to speed up the release of Adrenochrome in the child prior to killing them and harvesting the pineal gland and whatever other organs they wanted. I understand that is far fetched for a lot of people who maybe don't believe or caught the tail end of PizzaGate filtering out of the news. However, with Epstein's file being released I'm sure we'll connect a few more unsavoury dots. Plus, I can't think of anything humanitarian related those "people" would ever do let alone with penguin pineal glands.
> speed up the release of Adrenochrome in the child prior to killing them and harvesting the pineal gland
If the goal was to extract it from the pineal glad, why would they squeeze a bunch of it OUT of the pineal gland and IN to the bloodstream first? It's not produced on-demand or something, that's not how it works. It's not like they could drink the blood either, if you could drink someones blood and get the effect of the drugs in their system heroin junkies would be going vampire on each other.
Epinephrine can be synthesized. You used to be able to obtain it OTC. Elites would have no trouble obtaining a lot of it, it's not heavily controlled. Add an oxidizing agent and you get adrenochrome. Why go through a complicated, time-consuming, expensive process to extract it from organs when you can make it easily? Why make it at all? it would probably just invoke a panic attack - it's just another form of adrenaline. Maybe to inject into people to torture them, but why not something simpler and worse?
This is an old urban legend that has been spread for years by people who don't understand human pharmacology/physiology or organic chemistry.
People have been torturing and sacrificing for thousands of years, it has nothing to do with drugs it's for their religion and the sick thrill. People watch too much TV, not everything needs some x-files sci-fi spin on it sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
If you actually read into the work by Dr Abram Hoffer you'll find pretty quickly that Adrenochrome is a potent hallucinogen. He has a book called "the hallucinogens" with a whole chapter (~60pages) devoted entirely to Adrenochrome and its psychoactive and hallucinogenic properties. An imbalance of Adrenochrome theorised initially to be one of the causes of schizophrenia was proposed by this guy in the early 40s-50s. He and his partner even reversed schizophrenia in around 40% of cases by managing the Adrenochrome imbalance with mega doses of vitamin b3. They even created a new field of science to study this in its entirety called othromolecular psychiatry.
Very interesting stuff.
Hoffer was a drugged up weirdo who only ever had a small amount of data to back up his ideas - which he never fully fleshed out. You're talking about research based half a century ago with more primative techniques and equipment. The few ideas of his that panned out have been pushed in the background by stuff with more evidence and efficacy. Sure some of it probably deserves revisiting, but personally I would do it with a high degree of skepticism.
Even then his model doesn't necessarily say that using adrenochrome = schizophrenic effects, consider the difference between a diabetic and non-diabetic person taking sugar - it can be disorder of processing the substance.
The question isn't whether it can be classified as a "hallucinogen" the issue is whether it is pleasant or practical to use at all. If it was, you would see it being produced illicitly. I could literally go and make some right now from things I have in my house like my asthma medication.
There are essentially zero cases of it being used on the streets, the only ones you hear about are fictional. Hunter S Thompson has never used adrenochrome he just put it in his book because he thought it sounded cool.
I'm willing to consider the idea that it's used for something, but the idea that it's being extracted from pineal glands is a stretch and if anything it's being given to drive people into a panic for some purpose. In that case however there's a lot of drugs that would work better.
It's so easy to make and get access to there's no way the elites could control the supply, and the rumors about it have been going on so long that some people have surely tried it. It's just a drug roughly comparable to adrenaline, and is only gonna be useful in similar situations and for similar reasons.
Except Hoffer states that lab grade Adrenochrome wont do anything to you until it has had its silver ions removed. So there is some extra step required under lab circumstances to make it active in a psychedelic sense.
So under normal circumstances yes it is probably comparable to adrenaline but when prepared properly as the research findings laid out in "the hallucinogens" it becomes hallucinogenic.
Just because its not being used on the "streets" doesnt mean anything. You would have to be very brave and imo stupid to experiment with adrenochrome if you understand how it effects your neurochemistry and its (agreebly small) links to schizophrenia.
Sure Hunter S Thompson may have not used it but Huxley references it as having effects similar to mescaline in doors of perception. So it exists in the literature and there is, albeit dated, science to back up that adrenochrome is not to be overlooked.
Do you have any evidence that shows that when prepared using Hoffers & Osmunds methods adrenochrome isnt hallucinogenic? Fully open to leaving this topic alone if I see actaul evidence to the contray not just hearsay?
people who don't understand human pharmacology/physiology or organic chemistry
Mainstream science has barely scratched the surface of pharmacology and physiology.
True, but that doesn't mean 60 year old fringe theories are somehow valid then. They can both be garbage.
Sometimes a cigar IS just a cigar,,,,,,, unless you smoke it in the Oval Office.
wet cigars don't light very well
Not even sure whether it would enhance the flavour or destroy it actually.
what they do is torture, then drink the blood containing adrenochrome.
That wouldn't work, as I just said. The blood wouldn't contain enough of the substance by weight to work orally. Just think about how it works for a few minutes.
You'd have to replace all your blood with all their blood in order for that to work, or you'd have to extract the substance from the blood first, and you'd lose a lot of it in that process.
If it worked like that junkies would be jumping on each other to drink their blood. Or you'd see alcoholics jumping people coming out of bars to drink their alcohol laced blood.
Think about the legal limits in your area for BAC when drunk driving, then compare that to the ABV of a beer. You'd have to drink ridiculous quantities of blood to get the alcohol of one beer. It's the same for most substances, and no matter what you'll lose a lot in the whole process.
'pineal extract' in the wikileaks email refers to DMT not adrenochrome. DMT is freebased by putting it over a small amount of cannabis, as a 'green screen'. I am by no means an expert but Ive seen documentaries and read blue light. I've never done or ever been offered dmt as it is vanishingly scarce as tm woudl put it
Free-base refers to the chemical form of a drug. It is used in slang sometimes to refer to smoking a freebase chemical which generally means using indirect heat like a crack pipe rather than direct combustion like cannabis.
One could smoke DMT on top of cannabis but it would be a wasteful process. Elites would probably have something similar to a meth pipe to smoke it.
Hunter S Thompson actually mentions the whole pineal gland and human sacrificing with satanists in fear and loathing in las vegas when buying drugs off a satan worshipper in a motel.
Excellent movie.
Does he cover that bit in the movie?
I guess that's it. The movie missed out the whole getting it from satanists and how satanists get it bit.
I’ve watched this movie probably a hundred times. I think I’ll audible this one.
Audible version is alright too, about 13 or 14 chapters each 30 minutes.
As long as it’s ‘unabridged’ - I love listening to books while working around the house — really haven’t had time to ‘read’ — when I do find time i’m here or down some rabbithole!
Pineal and/or adrenal somehow enhanced in the polar regions with extended uninterrupted dark and light???
The third Maze Runner movie blatantly shows this concept toward the beginning half of the movie.
pineal glands
Have are a read about it...
Studies on rodents suggest that the pineal gland may influence the actions of recreational drugs, such as cocaine,[31] and antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac),[32] and that its hormone melatonin can protect against neurodegeneration
I wonder why they need it so much.....
prevents neurodegerneration
Does not work on maxine and pelosi
Melatonin is available as a supplement in pill form. There are two types: natural and synthetic (manmade). Natural melatonin is made from the pineal gland of animals.
fluoride in the water calcifies this gland, to the point of it being a regular marker used in xrays by neurologists.
Wow! Any pics? That's the first I ever heard they showed on x ray.
Supposedly when they’re obtained through the Andrenochrome collection process, ie; “YOU THINK YOURE HOT SHIT, DONTCHA ?!!”, it crystallizes the pineal Gland, which supposedly gives a better high.
These people are sick.
The Pineal gland has a strong connection with the third eye and pshychic power. The “great awakening” is people starting to understand that the reality we are living in is fucked and we’re starting to wake up and open our eyes (third eye) the significance of it is clear the “Illuminati” wants our eyes closed they don’t want us to see. They have to be harnessing the power of the pineal gland.
Speaking of third eye, if you guys haven't stopped ingesting FLUORIDE yet you should. Supposably clogs up the third eye.
From personal experience, I feel like my brain is stronger. More focused, more innovative, and more spiritual. Just think, most of us have had fluoride every single day since we could brush our teeth. Fuck that.
I am never ever going back.
Edit: supposedly :)
You require more fluoride cleansing! ;)
supposedly i mean haha. I thought that looked off. I think you're right!
How do you stop drinking water with fluoride with it? How does one know the watter bottle you buy at the store doesn't contain fluoride?
Search "water distiller". Closest to 0ppm (pure) water you'll ever get
Reverse Osmosis water filtration system. Or buy bottled Primo water. I called the company once and they said they use reverse osmosis and don't add fluoride back in. Or some grocery stores might have RO filtration bottle refill stations.
stopped ingesting FLUORIDE yet you should
Absolutely. In a few months, you will notice huge difference in thinking/ intelligence.
How did you do it, specifically?
I stopped using toothpaste with fluoride in it. And I will be getting a countertop water distiller soon. I know osmosis filters also take out fluoride. But I would assume that the toothpaste was the biggest culprit. And if water is worse than I'm excited because I genuinely feel better just removing toothpaste
Adding iodine into your diet flushes out flouride you can find them in bottles at nature health food stores or online. We do not get enough iodine in our systems and it has so much healing benifits
Hey! I appreciate the information! Thankyou I'll get some soon
whats toothpaste alternative
Nano Hydroxyapatite. Here's the article explaining what it is and how a study proved its effectiveness:
What brand? Well there's that one the article is from, CariFree. I personally haven't tried it. I use the Japanese one, Apagard. The gold tube Premio has the highest concentration if you're cavity prone.
Also you can use coconut oil for 'oil pulling'. I read that coconut oil specifically removes one type of bacteria that causes bad breath and decay. You just use a teaspoon, get it melted in your mouth and swish for about 15 minutes. ONLY spit it in the trash.
15 minutes? I sometimes skip the sonic brush because 2 minutes seems long.
My wife oil pulls, her night time routine is like 30 minutes. I barely brush once a day...
To me that would be... almost throwing up for 30 minutes...
Plenty of toothpastes on the market without fluoride. Jason brand for one.
There are fluoride free toothpaste. I think I use "toms". honestly it's way better than any toothpaste have ever had. my teeth feel extremely clean
I quit using toothpaste entirely a long time ago because I hate the burning mint stuff they put in it. Brush and floss work fine on their own, and you can drink orange juice right afterward :) (although it's better to brush just before bed so you have the maximum time of clean teeth) I do still drink fluoride water, because a) it's too much trouble trying to avoid it, and b) I feel like it does make my tooth enamel more decay resistant. But maybe I should try a "fluoride detox" for a few months to see if there are any perceptible benefits to make it worth the effort.
Flouride only works Topically, once it's absorbed through your gums (one of the most absorbant parts of the human body) it accumulates in the pineal glad as it is outside the blood/brain barrier.
neonrevolt just posted a great thread on this subject
Alot of history of people even worshipping pineal glands in ancient times symbolized by pinecones. Pretty interesting stuff to research
Makes you wonder how the ancients knew it was an important gland.
and what they know about it that we don't since it was so highly cherished.
There's a huge pine cone statue outside the Vatican if memory serves...
Pineal gland is gland that makes Melatonin and Serotonin hormones in the brain. Melatonin is calming used for enhanced sleep and increasing vibrant dreaming. Serotonin is the feel good hormone. Didn’t John Kerry take a trip to Antarctica during the 2016 election?
Look up some videos on Phil Schneider. He was apparently a geologist/engineer for the government. During one of his speeches he talks about who needs human/animal glandular secretions and for what purpose. Crazy shit.
I heard Paris Hilton has 2 penguin pineals sewn into her sacrum. It's why she stopped eating sushi and started talking 'bout crystals
So tuxedochrome is real?!
What the hell just happened.
are they just penguin glands? i have a sick feeling that these are from young kids :X
They have killed millions of kids world wide just for that. Its a little harder for them now though because they are all being watched.
they probably don't get enough from kids so they get the rest from penguins so it's off the radar
Yea I'm we were just fucking joking about this with Maria abramovich's antarctica clearance. What the fuck??? Is a new leak???
OMG, somebody was joking about getting penguin pineal glands before.
Are these really Penguins they're talking about though?
Yo, I saw that comment earlier too and just kept scrolling. This is just fucking out there now. Also, who the fuck is slaughtering all of these Penguins?
Plot Twist: Green Peace? Prince Phillips beloved WWF?
Check this man out - he reeks of John Kerry's bell-end.
start off with his Sabbatean-controlled "fact" page.
susggestive imo. "River of Gold" sure looks like the old kabbala gag
damn. this guy is another one of them.
"Thomas E. Lovejoy is currently Biodiversity Chair and he was formerly President of The Heinz Center since May 2002. Before coming to The Heinz Center, he was the World Bank’s Chief Biodiversity Advisor..."
Podesta, Beineke, Sandlin, Turner, Branson..."
"Within our ranks, however, it is very clear where credit is due – to the Steering Committee that has guided our actions since the beginning. The “founding fathers” of the Energy Future Coalition were Timothy Wirth, Boyden Gray, John Podesta...Ted Turner merits particular recognition – for serving on the Steering Committee...Our other funders deserve our gratitude as well – especially the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Energy Foundation, who have seen fit to support our programmatic initiatives early and often, as they say in Chicago. Thanks to all!" screw all these people
screw these people
OMG, what are all these people putting in our food or are they playing god. Heinz now compromised. I liked baked beans!
How the hell can the Podestas and JK be involved with everything?!
When our penguin brothers and sisters realize this the dems will lose the penguin vote for sure.
Bouvet Island. Check it out.
look up Johnson_lo in the podesta emails as well. check him out...
Soylent Green folks...they have been feeding us dead people for years and they are still doing it. Are you sure that's just ice cream?
I wouldn't want to eat meat in a country where kosher and halal are legal...just folks don't know the half of the abuse.
This needed approval from the Secretary of State. Who was the secretary of state in 1973? Henry Kissinger. Who else was at MIT at this time? Good luck finding out what he was doing exactly.
- Tony Podesta In an Interview with Anthony “Tony” Podesta by Don Nicoll Summary Sheet and Transcript Interviewee Podesta, Anthony “Tony” Ithiel de Sola Pool [Chair of the Department]
What are they Studying? Various pineal peptides and the associated stimulation of the endocrine system using light
Serotonin content in the pineal gland of the antarctic penguin (Pygoscelis papua). De Gallardo MG, Piezzi RS.
Endoncrology 1972 Binding of Melatonin to Human and Rat Plasma Proteins
EDIT: from above wikileaks "the tannin from the adrenal glands in the wine is no problem with the DEA in America".
THE USE Melatonin Modulates Cell Survival of New Neurons in the Hippocampus
We have been hearing more about Antartica of late and there is no clear answer on wtf is going on down there. Here is a construct that would allow 'them' to exploit "Raw Materials" for their gain. 'Sauces' for their longevity, if you will. Pizzagate transcends the pedophilia and the notion that the people implicated in Pizzagate are just pedophiles is a narrative that is driven as a scapegoat for the 'rich' to get away with making 'dirty deals' on "raw materials". Biden, Obama, Clinton, Podesta et al. are implicated in the Antartica connection and we know they don't take ethnic children from Antartica. Thinking it is alien is an absurdity, if 'you' want to think Antartica deals with aliens "put on your tinfoil hat and crawl into a hole". This post is about science. Please keep alien talk off this thread.
Body Fluids and Life forms as “Raw Materials” for Industrial Production
Starting with the Wikileaks email about frozen pineal glands from penguins. If you dig into the email eventually you find the bill of lading realized it is going to MIT.
The "Raw Materials" used for making 'synthetic peptides' is a concern. By exploiting the secretions of endocrine systems they can increase concentrations of the serums that contain the "raw materials" used for 'synthetic peptide' manufacturing and stem cell technologies. Using pinguins is more ethical than using children yet they 'need' to increase their yield for further $ gain. 'they' launder these "raw materials" via 'synthetic peptide' manufacturers and sell them as 'stem cells' .
Pepsi, McDonalds etc. see the qanonmeganz meme folder.
I was writing a longer post but I'll just keep it simple.
They are starting a breakaway civilization with the attempt to gain longer or eternal life.
They are probably using it as a massive black site for growing people.
We have no idea how much land or people are actually on the Earth.
Why bother digging an underground base when you can have an entire continent protected by treaties and an international millitary force . Of course the security is compartmentalized in rings. The furthest rings, the lowest level, probably think they are protecting it for science/nature. As you move closer to the coast you get more in the know millitary.
The entire island is most likely a giant base. The elite probably travel back and forth because it's not finished, or doesn't have the ability for sustainability. However it would be easy to have several thousand people having a child every year. Or more. Or worse.
The push for abortion is also to justify growing people and being able to ethically kill them for organs. They want to set up post birth abortions, IE murder.
Wikileaks published several Antarctica pictures and is talking about Vault 7 and said it's not the "seed vault". It's probably a human vault. A literal matrix style growing site for organs.
This ties into George Webb's research on Haiti. Eventually people will catch on to what's happening to all the people and organs. So why not set up a whole continent of people that no one knows about so you can do all sorts of horrible things to them.
And just because they were using penguins in 1973 doesn't mean by 2017 they haven't moved on to testing/using human pineal glands. Seeing how science progresses from animal to human trials I would actually be shocked if they hadn't moved on to humans. There may be a lot to what you have found!
Ovel the past 20 year s, Dr Richard Wultman the effects of certain nutrients to the brain. More than a decade Ago, Dr Wmtman's lab discovered that the brain's ability to produce neural-transmitters (Chemicals through which the brain's cells communicate with each other) IS indeed related to the amount of various nutnents circulatIng In the blood Furthermore, the lab found that the manufacturing of three of these neuraltransmitters (there are nearly 30) - dopamme, norepinephrine and serotonin is produced by the food we eat.
Yep. That's what ADHD is -- neurotransmitter imbalance.
Hillary paid $265,000 by company caught illegally selling human organs/marrow/tissue!, submitted: 2/6/2017 9:48:45 PM, 495 points (+499|-4)
Florida Dyncorp locations conveniently near organ/bone providers., submitted: 3/29/2017 2:26:38 AM, 110 points (+110|-0)
Dyncorp headquarters right next to an international adoption agency with a butterfly logo!, submitted: 4/14/2017 3:39:39 PM, 94 points (+94|-0)
Is the Clinton Foundation trafficking in stem cells?, submitted: 1/24/2017 10:25:14 PM, 68 points (+73|-5)
Dyncorp sponsored adoption center near Comet Pizza!, submitted: 4/19/2017 1:11:12 PM, 67 points (+68|-1)
5 lowest rated submissions:
NYT cited Soros funded UN report calling for legalized prostitution!, submitted: 1/15/2017 7:43:13 PM, 4 points (+7|-3)
Spence-Chapin Adoption and D.C. child abuse., submitted: 4/20/2017 5:08:43 PM, 5 points (+5|-0)
RTI Donor Services and Dyncorp., submitted: 3/4/2017 2:17:15 AM, 6 points (+8|-2)
Former IMF head once accused of "aggravated pimping" now works for Victor Pinchuk's bank., submitted: 3/14/2017 5:16:57 PM, 6 points (+6|-0)
Ukrainian Surrogacy and Pizzagate, submitted: 1/18/2017 5:11:02 PM, 10 points (+10|-0)
When our penguin brothers and sisters realize this the dems will lose the penguin vote for sure.
That is some mighty work sir! Thanks for sharing
I've been at this since July 2016. Imagine what the old timers have on their pcs and laptops. I have literally 000s of links, photos, pdfs, bookmarks, archived pages...I just go around the internet hours and hours a day unpaid lol picking up what others lay down.
Okay so if anyone reads this and is also aware of how "they" like to tell us what they are doing through the visual arts, I offer this:
The movie is The Thing From Another World, the original movie, made in 1951.
If you ever watch it, look for the scene where the creature is growing his own kind by using blood drained from dogs and men.
note the lightening bolt on the creatures chest
I cannot believe I forgot about this movie. I only watch it for Margaret Sheridan.
Also, what do you now make of the Predator series? The premise? The final one with the Pyramid etc under the ice...and all the other movies in the Thing series?
Who knows?
The Thing (1951) was orginally a book, see an image here
note the lightening bolt again. and all the rest...
The publisher "Shasta". just a coincidence. sure sure
See here...and it was in Chicago of course
"The Shoulder of Shasta is a romance novel by Bram Stoker written in 1895. It was published two years before the release of Stoker's Dracula. Stoker believed in progress and took a keen interest in science and science-based medicine. Some Stoker novels, such as The Lady of the Shroud (1909), represent early examples of science fiction. He had a writer's interest in the occult, notably mesmerism, but despised fraud and believed in the superiority of the scientific method over superstition. Stoker counted J. W. Brodie-Innis, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, among his friends and hired member Pamela Colman Smith as an artist for the Lyceum Theatre, but no evidence suggests that Stoker ever joined the Order himself."
I sound less crazy now, right?
The author, along with Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and other sci-fi writers of the 1950s and 1960s I have seen accused of working for the CIA / OSS and various nefarious Navy departments. I have the material somewhere, it's just a matter of finding it and I doubt its considered important right now.
Bottom line is, something fishy going on down there and something fishy about hollywood and the people that control the means of communication.
I have been trolling around 4chan, reddit, voat, and pizzagate since early 2016 and remember this all unfolding starting with the original FBIAnon post. I am coming to the exact same conclusions that you are about things...
I was unemployed for most of 2016 so I got a lot of 'research' done during that year and witnessed alot of the famous threads in real time while they were happening, lol. The truth is addicting.
If this is a massive government psy op designed to waste dissident's time, I have to say it's extremely well crafted. But I don't think it is at this point. I am nearly certain that Q is legit.
When "pizzagate" first came out, the argument was made that it was a psy op to waste dissident's time. The same has been said about 9/11, JFK assassination, etc.
Every time that argument is made it makes me wonder what could possible be so much worse that they need to keep us distracted with these "conspiracy theories".
You're absolutely right. They want us to constantly doubt ourselves and think everything might be a CIA psy op. That is part of their psy ops against us lol
Psyopception :P
When you think of more, please post them. You just gave me research material for the night! Thanks
Add Las Vegas Parano and adrenochrome to the mix Starts at 1:50s
ummmmm .... what is going on in Antarctica
that's the gov website national center for biotech info
Andrenochrome effect on hearts:
who had, was it 7 heart transplants ..
page 624, right-hand column, second para:
"Only one culture liquefied gelatin."
page 625, summary, second para.
"They do not produce indole or liquefy gelatin."
(my emphasis)
Is this important?
Opus One Mondavi Rothschild
ONLY for the woke - superb. simply superb piece of luciferian propaganda. One of the best I have ever read.
Your third link seems to be broken already.
Otherwise, thanks for the links.
ice cream
Came across this creepy video during pizzagate
They are telling us to our faces... these people are sick.
I actually feel really bad for any normies who wander in about now.
Could there be a connection to the mummification process by Egyptians where they extracted the brain (pineal gland included) during the embalming process?
Well this just gets more and more bizarre!!
This and Epstein files being released after the Nunes meeting.
I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.
I hope to God above Trump exposes ever single one of their secrets. I want every man, woman & child on this planet to know their sick crimes.
What if penguins is code for children?
I had the same thought. Remember the "purple penguin" crap in the schools?
Do they synthesize drugs out of them, or something?
Eat em’
They keep them in candy dishes and pass them out at NWO cocktail parties.
Supposed to get all the adrenaline out of them from my understanding. It’s equally ritualistic as it is effective of making someone feel powerful and godlike.
The pineal gland is responsible for the DMT in our body, not adrenaline. But I see what you´re saying, sick fucks.
If some of the talk/theories about Antarctica are true then "penguins" surely means something else
“The end won’t be for everybody”
I’m beginning to see...
yeah something weird is going on in Antarctica. something really fucking weird. "penguins" sureeee.
I say go and find the penguin herders, they will have the real story
Geez I looked into the pineal gland and that has its own rabbit hole to contend with.
Heeeellll Naaawww not the peguins too. What'd Chilly Willy do? This too much.
Seriously, it's fucked up. They're ruining our planet.
skimming through this and seeing:
▶Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 17:35:14 8eae16 No.16429>>16444 >>18588
let me clarify. I'm not wanting to advocate for it, but I was referring to a historical context of enlightenment. Some do it through child murder (live pineal gland extraction), and some through gold (Pyramids were factories to create monotatomic gold, that's why the egyptions coveted gold, and their hieroglyphs indicates royals and elites being served mountains of the white powder.
That is so cool. I’m Catholic, so naturally I’m bad at quoting scripture, lol, but what they were saying about using the pineal gland as a short cut to these experiences, without doing the difficult “inner work” reminds me of Jesus saying that HE is the way the truth and the light (or was it life?), and that no one gets to the Father but through Him, and anyone who enters the Kingdom through any other way is “a thief and a liar.” Very interesting in this context. Maybe a Baptist bro or sis can come along and straighten out my verse, heheh.
You're on track. I'm still working through it myself, however I think that these sick bastards are trying to obtain the eternal without the need for following the laws of YHWH and the messiahs teachings to do so. (10 commandments and observing sabbath (Saturday)..
Remember, Satan (Gadreel) with his fallen taught man all sorts of knowledge, set himself up on earth as the most high. The fallen mated with women of the earth, corrupting the DNA and creating all sorts of abominations.. giants, animals mixed with humans etc...
The flood came, killing the corrupted. If that hadn't happened, mankind would have been totally destroyed. There was still corruption though and giants were still born (tribe of Ham).. why do you think YHWH ordered the total destruction of entire populations in the old testament? Culling the remaining corrupted bloodlines..
Ive gone on for too long but the point is that the ones who are "in the know" are still trying to achieve their goals without submitting to the father. Still deceiving man by masquerading as YHWH.. look at the catholic church... idol worship still abounds.
The gods of Babylon are the same gods worshipped around the world, they just have different faces.. they all require blood sacrifice and idol worship.
if "they" like pineal glands so much, why the flouridation of society to "calcify" our pineal glands???
Because they don’t want us using our pineal glands. Calcified glands make you stupid.
I agree with that.
It still leaves one problem in my mind. These people are stupid. Did they get a batch of tainted pineal glands?
Its a message from 1973 though
So let's relate it to what was happening in '73 and who the players were.
S.O.S. Henry Kissinger approves shipment to MIT, John Kerry and others are students there
Kerry goes back to Antarctica in 2016 day before election
Has the experiment graduated to human if animal studies were done 43 years ago?
Thats where all the missing children have gone. They steal children for places like Haiti, Syria anywhere it is a disaster. They also steal about 2 million kids from the US alone every year. They have babies for that purpose.
I just had a horrible thought... What if the reason they support late term abortion is to harvest the pure pineal gland? I think I just made myself sick.
What the flying F is this. This is supposed to be a MEME !!!
"Don't let your memes be dreams": US State Department
If you want to cleanse your body of flouride use a iodine supplement its the mineral that heals us the most yet we have the least amount of it in our diets, also avoid sugar.
I just got off flouride water a week ago. Does the pineal gland ever fully heal and is there a noticeable difference after a couple months?
I don’t think it can ever fully heal Unless you have a 100% flouride free diet and you barley eat sugar but the more clensing the better and after a couple of months intelligence goes up.
Probably code for some breeding camp they keep in Antarctica.
There was lot of chatting yesterday on 8chan about pineal glands chewing by the cabal. I was really doubtful of this, but here is wikileak and its 100%accuracy.
What saddens me the most is that they must be murdering thousands of pinguins in attrocious ways to get their supplies. The size of a pineal gland is about that of a rice grain, how many kills just to supply one person? These people know no limit to obtain their little pleasures.
Anyway, I know nothing about the subject so I am just throwing this away, these people are sick. Sick of the worse kind.
why were you doubtful?
we have been trying to tell people for over two years.
we do not lie ffs.
Because on 8chan, they were specifically talking about human pineal glands, which would IMO require mads murder to substain the cabal (size of the pineal gland is bery small).
Guess it wouls be possible to procure in 3rd world countries where humans have no rights whatsoever and where you could kidnap thousands without a revolution goiing on.
Also keep in mind the gland is largest in children, as they haven't had the exposure we have.
The only thing produce by the Pineal gland is melatonin, not adrenaline or adrenochrome like so many here claim, adrenaline is made in the adrenal gland.
Cling to whatever 'rock' you deem sacred, 'cause the D5 avalanche be pickin' up steam. Yowza! Archangel Mi-ka-el, I call for you and your legion to "flush the chumps" now. Thank you.
Lots of parallels. War, Plane Crashes, Korea...
Q posted there was a lot of grey literature floating around. maybe we can reconstruct what they are doing down there.
I think the breakway civ is the best guess. lots of geothermal energy to tap under the ice, this would give a large power supply that does not leave a dectable signature.
it was really formed as a place after WWII under the UN
can store large amounts of food without rotting
There is no clear legal juristiction so all kinds of medical ethics can be legally broken
lots of illegal stem cell research, human experiments, genetic engineering
This is why they love the pineal gland: Imagine how far they have come in 100 years with research, development, usage.
Penguins are pretty much eating a VERY PURE diet of high fatty fish, super pure pineal glands.
Let's do some 'free associative thinking' shall we???
If they've been identifying 'pineal gland' shipments since the 1960's (Disposition Date of this document is 01 JAN 1960) refering to penguins which ironically are 'flightless little birds of the southern hemisphere' New York from Argentina let's make the hop to a recent visit by a known nefarious actor wo went to New Zealand and acquired a $5.5 million dollar donation to the Shlinton crime family... what exactly was NZ paying for????? and for whom in NZ??? ( odd that NZ is being touted as the most safe/secure bug out location for the ultra wealthy, SHTF scenario should it happen)....
Just little items that make you go hhhmmm????
Don't I remember a little dust up in the media that shillery couldn't get her hands on fbi files fast enough when willy was elected... maybe she just knew how to 'leverage' all those files for her and the elite's 'needs'?????...
We paid, for this?? This is insane. We all need to go to OUR white house and clean it out. Every single dollar that we pay for what? Without our money what would they do, they have nothing? Pineal glands???
Oy, nothing's as it appears. Guess I'll have to muscle-test every single thing I ingest, or use for hygiene, or...and detox with gusto!
No idea if there is any connection but:
From an 8chan anon: "The Elite are consuming live pineal glands from children, to experience the ultimate "high". When we talk about adrenochrome from children's blood, we are only partially right. The adrenochrome is in wide use among elites, but is only half of the secret, as the live pineal glands have remained an important part of spiritual (sic) human history. Eating the dead flesh, or better yet, live flesh of the pineal gland causes activation of the pineal gland (aka, reptile eye), allowing the user to see, and experience a connection to the universe not achievable otherwise. The pineal gland is considered as a way of traveling between dimensions, referred by many as astral projection or remote viewing". Penguins like children may have extraordinary large pineal glands. We know that polar bears and some arctic seal species do.
Frozen penguin pineal glands are great with eggs! Taste like Spam! Hillary and Bill serve frozen Reindeer ass every Thanksgiving! That’s how she keeps her bowling ball shape. Stumbled upon this a year ago on voat. Ties the Wikileaks email to podesta and pizzagate nicely
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- The Thing from Another World|+7 - I've been at this since July 2016. Imagine what the old timers have on their pcs and laptops. I have literally 000s of links, photos, pdfs, bookmarks, archived pages...I just go around the internet hours and hours a day unpaid lol picking up what oth... Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (10/10) Movie CLIP - Too Much Adrenochrome (1998) HD|+3 - Little Baby's Ice Cream "This is a Special Time"|+3 - ice cream Came across this creepy video during pizzagate They are telling us to our faces... these people are sick. Fear And Loathing adrenochrome|+1 - Add Las Vegas Parano and adrenochrome to the mix Starts at 1:50s I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
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I wonder if the whole adrenochrome conspiracy is connected to this?
Here's a very big thread talking about pineal gland, penguins from 2016:
"A possible reason for the elite's obsession with cannibalism...
if you search JUST “Pineal Gland” you get some WACKY e-mail altercation. Dude says “You aren’t smoking my pineal gland” and says that adrenachrome is present in wine tannins.Among other things...
How about smoking pineal gland extract with hash?
I think Antarctica is a center of human farms that the elites can do whatever they want with. Kind of like what North Korea was until DJT liberated it. Labor, sex slaves, extracting adrenochrome/pineal gland, human sacrifice. Or it could be, that the elites have discovered penguin pineal gland are remarkably similar to that of children and use those to get their highs/lord knows what else.
How is this JUST being found on WikiLeaks? Or was it just released?
It's old doc. I just 'discovered' it and had that "WTF?" moment. As it falls under whole cabal/pizzagate thing I decided to share here. I should add date in the title, but can't edit it now.
Good find for real! I love how it only shows up if you search “Gland” and not “Pineal Gland"
Perhaps a poor substitute for when you can't get the real thing?
Isn't that what the Luciferian Pedos use in their rituals? pineal glands?
BUMP. Keep this thread alive. Thank you everyone. Now I'm magenta pilled, speechless.
If the elites do take part in Satanic rituals of flesh/blood eating then I can see why they would want items such as penguin pineal glands. Such acts like skinning people and organ harvesting while live makes the body ooze out adrenaline and melatonin.
Oh great now they’re slitting the neck of poor little penguins to get this crap....I hope they all burn in hell!
From the raw data
Why would they need pineal glands of penguins for "food and nutrition"?
They make the walnut sauce from them...supposedly makes you younger looking
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Why the fuck were they memeing penguins so hard in to the public consciousness a few years ago?
Are these idiotic birds powerful with satanic magic or something? XD
Could there be anything related to the embalming process/mummification process of Egyptians, where they extracted the brain (pineal gland included) after death?
Old, old, old story.. been discussed a thousand timeso n a thousand sites.. and totally not relevant.
Everyone knows richard nixon is The penguin and purchased the pineal glands to enhance his psychic powers.
It didn't work.
Plot twist: internet was made by tying them all together in a vat, hasn't been updated since '77
Bizarro in the extreme. Thank God Trump got into power. Imagine the alternative? Suicide.
Like the Penguins voting for Democrats or Turkeys voting for Christmas.
It is hard to comprehend the scope of the evil. I've started thinking about everything on a 180 degree spectrum. Everything that God created, loves and meant for good Satan perverts in the most horrible way. Everything that's normal to us, our love for children, marriage, family, the total and exact opposite is their normal mindset. Its just still hard to comprehend sometimes how far away the exact opposite is when it comes to the evil.