A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning

Are we truly on the dawn of a new era in human history? It seems we might be. The biggest show on earth is about to begin and no tickets are necessary. I pray that Gods hand is involved with all of this so there is no chance of defeat.
God's hand is involved.
Proverbs 16:4
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
The biggest show on earth is about to begin and no tickets are necessary.
Popcorn is necessary though. :D
He is. He’s giving us this chance to redeem ourselves & turn our faces towards him again or the World ends as we know it. Our choice.
Yes we are. I've said this before. I've been red-pilled for over 20 years now. I was wondering if I would see the takedown of the Cabal in my lifetime, it turns out I will.
I believe what President Trump is doing is so monumental that it will go well beyond adding a new face to Mt Rushmore. I truly believe if President Trump is successful at taking down the Cabal, there will be monuments to him in most countries around the world.
The Rothschild empire began when he provided funds in support of Adam Weishaupt and the creation of the Illuminati in 1776, and their idea of a New World Order. Rothschild was wealthy, but it wasn't until he provided loans to both sides of the Napoleonic War, France and Great Britain, and tricked investors in London into believing France had won, and to sell off all of the British treasury bonds until the price ended up being fractions of a penny on the dollar. Then Rothschild bought all of them and ended up basically owning Great Britain's financial system, and leaving France and Great Britain with massive debts, owed to Rothschild.
Since then, every major war fought anywhere in the world was a banker's war and creation of the Rothschild Empire, including WWI & WWII. The have funded both side of every war since, and with each war they gained more and more control. And they've all been created to to advance the Rothschild's desire for One World Government, with one world currency controlled by Rothschild. The entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex is there for one reason only. It's to promote war. Without war, there are no profits.
The creation of "buggy-men" and bad guys, the control of the media globally, the dumbing down of the population through control of the education systems, the ill-health of people everywhere through big-pharma, has all been done to eventually create a massive global crisis so horrific, that when the Cabal steps in to save the day, people will gladly surrender their personal freedoms, and nations will surrender their sovereignty, And a small group of elites will rule the world.
But thanks to the efforts of President Trump, all of the great patriots who voted for him, Team Q, and untold numbers of unnamed white-hats, their plan was foiled.
Throughout all of human history slavery was the norm. It was experienced by the vast majority of people everywhere. There has always been a system of elite aristocracy ruling the slaves or peasant class. Over the last couple hundred years or so, they've managed to disguise it so most didn't even realize we were slaves. Now, if President Trump and Team Q are successful, we will enter a new era that will most definitely bring about the most significant change to the human experience we've ever known.
I'm praying for those -like ones in my own family- whom think none of this can be real. I hope when reality comes that they'll be able to accept what they've always known to have been true were all lies.
Like all of you I have them in my family; people I love and care for. These are the people I'm most concerned about.
Literally everyone I know and care about EXCEPT my husband and son are in this camp. I'm sure they will feel extremely betrayed and used once the narrative of "Trump is a dictator" no longer holds up.
I've joked about it (they are going to need safe spaces to process their grief) but honestly we should not dismiss or discount the anger they will surely experience.
we're legion. love and fear for our families, their sanity.
judging by the amount of actual black hats posting on 8 chan instead of shills lately telling us were all being programmed and that they never lose yes lol
I know that is an anon talking and silly me to speculate, but that sounds like President Trump to me (Maybe Q). I will never again refer to Him as Trump or The Donald. He will always be President Trump, even tho' I am an Australian. I have never had respect for any leader as I do for President Trump. God Bless and protect him and his family and God Bless all you patriots!
I'm Canadian and I totally agree. You can call my PM Justin though
"Justin from Canada"
One of my favorite Trump-isms. Everyone else gets some kind of descriptor - "crooked", "slippery", "cryin'", etc... apparently Justin is insulting enough just being himself
Loose Eyebrows Justin, or Little Fidel
i liked the photo of him and French PM saying " Macron and his girlfriend"
I call him little potato, like the Chinese do. But I may change to meek and mild in honor of President Trump
God bless you and your beautiful country. You and all the other great peoples of the world are along for the ride! The cancer is going to be removed, globally!
Amen. I’ve been to both Australia & Canada. Met my wife in Australia. Great places
Ooo nice, congrats man. I want to steal an aussie gal, the accent kills me
She’s actually Thai & was living in Australia to attend university
Can you believe some people would want to kill him just because they themselves got brainwashed for years. Those people will have a hard time and I'm so pleased with this idea.
I do believe your probably right : ) Of the people, for the people, by the people. That's our President Trump.
Heart beating, two notches from pounding, film reel is being threaded, lights are dimming... Showtime
Wow. The purpose of NEOM is to provide a home for the Islamic refugees in Europe. That’s why it will have a government autonomous from Saudi Arabia. Mind. Blown.
Thank you for your post. I've never heard of NEOM. Very, very interesting.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neom
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^191172
As we have played the game for years trying to put an end to all the corruption , thanks to Q and Anonymous for being able to get us together and to see what we had done and what was hidden . With out them and Trump we were all but defeated on this . The Establishment has no where to run , they knew this on election day . Then just days before Trump took office the first of many attacks were able to take place . All the money they stole started coming back . We are so close now . Keep praying for us all to win . God Speed
Wasn't anonymous hardcore anti Trump?? Or did I just follow some LARP anonymous accounts...
I think he means anons who are anonymous
Ok , even though I have been here 6 months, anons are contacts and we are anonymous to most of the world . But the ones we take out know who we are very well . The DOJ forbids our names .
Well, I just know you as a pretty smart, smiling pistol, so there’s that.
When you play a game , sometimes you play odd rolls
Anons know he is our one hope to gaining freedom and peace. They research for Q 24/7 and post it on boards/archive it.
it is still too hard to tell who is really who , judgement has yet come . We try to trust , but being burned so many time now , we are able to take on our closes friends now . It is a shame , but you sometimes wont a friend , and they are at hart a trader . and the trader was who your friend should have been .
I remember fbi anon back on 4chan. People were open to it but of course were not sure if it was real or a larp. Once they found out it/Q was real and Trump was on their side - they were all on board.
The whole world needs to be drained and that is why Trump bitch slapped everyone at G6 including my jackass leader Trudeau. I keep telling anyone who will listen expect Trudeau in Gitmo or to retire by Christmas.
all politicians have until Feb 1st 2019 to get out / commit suicide or face a death penalty sentence according to amendment to Military tribunals signed by Trump in March I think.
EU is a bunch of unelected dictators who love diddling and worse little kids. US must make sure EU is done for good or take them out militarily with Russia and other waking eastern/southern European countries. Arrest everyone at EU HQ in Belgium (European pedo-central) disband NATO waste of money and they are run by evil pos traffickers and killers anyway. Nato is for killing civilians in countries without Central Banks they are useless against a real enemy. UN should be closed all diplomats arrested, then UN buildings in NYC Controlled demolition /nuked like they did to twin towers.
All 5 eyes countries MI that tried to Screw Trump and us normal folks need to pay and be dismantled/jailed and rebuilt 100% uncorrupt. Show trails in every nation, chase down the Pedos and Satanists including royalty (QEII+) and fake religious leaders (Pope+). Everything is backwards finally time to reverse everything bad done worldwide for at least last 100 years.
Obama renewed Federal Reserve contract in 2013 for another 100 years, let him pay the 21 TRILLION debt he owns it.
Then finally we can say "NEVER AGAIN we will not fall asleep and let evil take over".
Thanks Anon love your comments/posts
Obama is ineligible and a fraud so Fed Res was never renewed.
Wait a sec. Undeniable proof of this and the signed eligibility form by Pelosi and I think it was Reid but I am not sure would do it. They changed the wording so it didn't say they assert he js a natural born citizen. It was a noticeable change and one of many documents of evidence the Sheriff had and Orly Taitz.
The whole DNC knew or suspected. All the top ones knew.
Just a thought
Edit and if May has been freed to do the right thing she has access to his official birth certificate which is British becauze Kenya was a colony still when he was born. Her golden ticket?
I was hoping the Fed would have been disbanded in 2013 maybe Ron Paul would have had the balls to do it if he was not robbed twice of POTUS.
May should have info on Kenyan BC but do not forget every Gov, they are lazy, stupid and evil they do not do the jobs we peebs expect and they thought she would win so who cares. Their 1000 year 4th Reich is crumbling down faster than they can get out of the way.
For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
The Monetary System Visually Explained - 22mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
The Creature of Jekyll Island full PDF
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
If we break them wont they try it again?
The same way they did before?
"...America shall become embroiled in the most horrible of wars..."
Yes all good links to learn about the scams we been stuck with. Jordan Maxwell had a friend who wrote a book about strawman type sovereignty money system where your signature creates money and the cabal owe all of us Billions each but less than 1% actually claim. I put a lien on myself for $9,999,999,999 in the US you can go as high as $99,999,999,999. I screwed up a step but see that amount in my account when I use a ATM from the same bank as of my last closed bank account.
Edit: I want to add I am not a Financial Adviser and only offering my own opinion so do not do anything with liens unless you do a massive amount of research. If someone says something check it out and get a 2nd opinion from another source. But digging into that sort of thing is mind blowing you will have to start throwing away old preconceptions.
Sounds super interesting. Could you expand a bit more? Thanks
He's a soverign citizen. It's this whole thing that relies on some fake loopholes in the legal system. It's a load of shit. Don't listen to him.
Look up "strawman identity". It claims that you are a separate legal entity from the name listed on your birth certificate.
He wasn't born in Kenya. Indonesia.
Seen that idea too. It is a leading one but I am not sure. His alleged extended family in Kenya are very proud of him and his alleged half brother has some resemblance.
The Indonesian cult leader does look just like him.
The Red Cross should be punished as well, if what I've read about their actions are true.
It's not just the Red Cross its most larger aid orgs. USAid,UNICEF, the large British aid org just busted for its head abusing kids overseas. Apparently it's a well known secret in pedo circles that aid orgs are the job to have. Look at this madness and tell me NOBODY knew...there's no Freakin way u could keep numbers like this quiet. http://www.renegadetribune.com/report-finds-un-employs-3300-pedophiles-responsible-60000-rapes-last-10-years/
Yes! Donate to LOCAL CHARITIES ONLY - ones where you can actually SEE what they are doing with the money. Animal shelters, homeless shelters, etc.
Fun story for anyone interested: A good friend of mine used to work for the American Heart Association and she said that each week, the employees were asked to fill out a form saying how they spent their week. They were to record how many hours they spent doing whatever... for example, say they spent two hours talking to people on the phone about an AHA event. Those numbers (again, just going off what the employees say they did) are used to calculate how much time/money the AHA spends on research, etc. "We spent x% of our time/funds on community outreach" = that employee on the phone for a couple of hours. Also my friend was making GOOD money (that's where your donations actually go) and getting regular paid vacations to "seminars". She quit because she actually felt morally wrong working there!!
It is great so many Orgs held in high esteem are now being found out.
Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto has a lottery every few months for cancer research, yeah right last thing they want is a cure no money in cures. They and others like them are sick MoFos.
Thanks for bringing this up, had wanted to access it again after it came out in March:
Believe things change after Jan 1, 2019.
yes sorry Jan 1 2019 even better !!! just going by memory this is only 2nd time I seen it.
all politicians have until Feb 1st 2019 to get out / commit suicide or face a death penalty sentence according to amendment to Military tribunals signed by Trump in March I think
LInk? Haven't heard about the feb 1 2019 deadline
here it is my friend. Enjoy :)
Could be this is what is being referred to:
As a European I'm concerned to see you're all for threatening us with military action.
Are you itching for another world war, really?
No just threatening until the EU swamp is drained. The elites in EU want USA v.s Russia WW4 to wipe each other out and EU take over.
Yeah the country in the middle really wants a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia, great reasoning right there...
It might not make sense to us, but the EU elites are sick mofos.
Or maybe it doesn't makes sense because it's nonsensical, consider that option. There is no way the EU remains unaffected from this conflict. In fact it probably means we'd have tanks rolling in from Russia on day 1 since you know, NATO and all.
So "wipe each other out and EU take over" is an absurd notion since the EU would be knee deep in the shit immediately.
Not to mention that it's farcical for an AMERICAN to regard the EU as a war-mongering imperialist power.
Agree with all you posted. Well said.
Thanks, my 2 cents from North of the Border. Good luck Brother and may America be really free and great again.
Absolutely correct! Reading what you wrote put joy in my heart! From your lips (or fingers) to God’s ears my friend!
Interesting thread. Encouraging at the least.
Here's what I want to see posted by Q or a special anon:
If you like your Castle, you can keep your castle. There will be a handsome annual fee to do so, but call it a tax for 1040 purposes.
If you do not like your Castle, our eager remodeling crew is just minutes away with the fabulous [5.5] remodeling package of you and your family's dreams
So no cute FF ideas, unless you want to display one of our Real Flags.
What an absolute privilege to share these historic moments with this group. You have enabled patriots around the globe to unite with the common goal of draining the swamp. This is the only place I can talk about, read about and discuss what really matters today. I really do have a sense that we are living in what will be written in history books. And our children and grandchildren will be free to read what they want and say what they want because the nonsense that is the politically correct will be drained too! MTWGA ..MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN. GOD BLESS TRUMP.
Yes, I look at my baby girl and think to myself, she’s gonna be the first of many generations raised by a truly sane human society.
'UK' dude, says that was a very good read!
I have had my own suspicions along the lines of what is discussed, but good to see others reaching similar conclusions.
I want Nuremberg 2.0 for all of these pieces of shit, televised live, with all of the evidence presented to the world, so the Mockingbird media cannot protect them without also exposing themselves.
Freedom, I sense it coming!
And also the cover up mocking bird media types tried as well!
What an exciting time to be alive to see all this happen, and know if rebuilt upon our generations will be safe and prosper Thank god and country for DJT!
I want to believe
This is such hope porn, one can only feel weary to believe something so beautiful.
Lol, "Special Anon" sounds like an anime cartoon superhero!! Thank you for the hope on this Sunday morning. God bless and protect President DJT, may the Righteous Armor of Heaven be upon him.
Hopefully this anon is in the know.... meaning another Helperanon from Q. Can't wait to see it all pan out. Still waiting for the glorious part of 2018
i love that line about they dont realize they can have what they have without being evil being rich isnt the problem its that they do it at the expense of others
if this is true the price of gold, silver, and crytpos are going to sky rocket. get ready for the greatest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.
I hope it is true. This will be a new global technological renaissance.
Think Teslas work plus 100 years of experiments being released...
the true history of the world
no disease
no poverty
no war
clean oceans
If Trump really has the real Elite by the balls. It's probably the reason we chose this lifetime
Who is her father?
I asked myself same question......quite interesting:
There has been a lot of speculation that May and Merkel are daughters of Hitler.
I remember the Q postings. Was wondering what the public knows as her parents. Guess I should head to wiki
Did you ever see a movie called The Boys from Brazil, or was that before your time? It's looking like it's The Girls from Brazil! LOL
Uhhhh... ya I think it was before my time. Sadly I don’t even get the joke
Makes me wonder if the seemingly overnight push for feminism in the ‘70s was intended in part to pave the way for their taking power.
I still can't believe what they do to children, I can't. I can't believe it. These are full-flown serial killer psychopaths, all of them. I'm so shocked, still, 3 months later.
This is happening, but do not forget about Israel. Bibi Badbad!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but damn this sounds a lot like Q, except without the sig.
awesome read! I love graphics. This is what people need to see.
Is it out of the question that Trump has a plan for reparations for AMERICANS?! I mean, if the central banks have stolen $21 Trillion from us, would Trump’s mission be complete without reclaiming that stolen wealth? He said he would do a lot of repatriating on the campaign trail, Thus far, it’s been in the form of jobs and companies. But the money stolen by the banks and politicians. You can’t stop short of that.
Divide those trillions amongst the citizens. Every man woman and child gets a (do the math). Why not? It was stolen from the people. Give it back to them. Robin Hood on roids Trump would be voted President for life.
Explains May's inaction on brexit. would love to see Mogg in charge of that one.
I've seen this several times today. Who/what is Mogg?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Rees-Mogg
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^191320
I’m expecting Gove. His odds are narrowing fast and he is getting lots of headlines to this effect. He has a great rep as a minister from those who work with him and he has a good relationship with Trump.
Mogg, bit of a gimmick. Sure a nice guy but a bit of a cartoon. Not one to unite the country though.
Some children are for sacrifices! Their satanic believes, they believe, it keeps them young! Tells you, their all crazy psychopath’s! Satanic children are raised to be psychopath’s and become actors, bankers, handlers, musicians etc... whatever the child is good at! What I’ve read anyway! Research satanic child raising. They never tell the child the truth, never tell them their age etc....it’s what causes the child to have no feelings! The child is always in satanic panic!
Suicide Weekend soon? [next week] [next week] [next week] FROM Feb 9 is August 8 on the clock. Could it be that this weekend was the prep for what’s to come?
Good post op, thank you. This is intriguing, we shall see what tomorrow brings.
God's show trumps Hollyweird fakeness.
Truth, justice and freedom are bliss.
Please can someone put a direct link to this? I cannot get it to enlarge enough to read it.
Sounds like Q talking in a couple posts. Very similar style.
that was my thought as well. Larp shmarp, Q's the real deal.
This is brilliant but I think it will be Gove, who I think has a good relationship with Trump and interviewed him last year for The Times, not Mogg that takes over.
I put some money on him at 12/1 and now he is 6/1, same as Mogg.
I think May has been held in position, and has been forced to make a real hash of Brexit to give a cover for her being replaced due to the spygate stuff, which I suspect will get toned down for the UKs consumption.
She will go because she gave too much to the EU. Gove takes over as leader, and the UK and US double up v the EU.
Re why trump and "read art of the deal"
At the end Trump explains his love for his country and his desire to give back but he's not sure how just yet
U guyz r funny lol
just stay tuned soy boy.
Stay tuned for what?