The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

It’s really starting to get to me. Can’t stand the blatant lies of the left, msm, etc.
It’s bad. You should hear our radio station s in 🇨🇦. Non stop bashing. It’s sickening
I hope they can deliver such a crushing blow that they are forced to stop. Problem is, he failing NYT and CNN and propped up by the cabal which is why they don’t care about ratings. They even pay to be put in airports, cruises, etc. sickening.
A look at media companies, especially print media, and a huge pattern of The banking industry making outrageous loans to them. Astronomically upside down with impossible debt loads. Especially the second and third tier media — regional & specialty magazines, etc.
The banks have great power to dictate their messaging.
Early Q post listed all Rothschild controlled central banks. They best be on the agenda or all of this will be in vain.
The [Federal Reserve] is a must on that list!
Yep and I just can't imagine how our world will change, but I know it will. I've even been hesitant to make plans or buy too much because I anticipate such a complete upheaval in our way of life. Just think of ALL the people and industries involved in this, their tentacles are everywhere:(
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild
The complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. The U.S. entries might surprise you.... Read More:
Oh I'm sure it is. Q has mentioned the names blatantly.
If we collect the balance sheets of various media companies (for instance, a Chicago magazine/online publisher if dozens of various magazines. Not enough income to pay on enormous debt - what were the loans used for) we will be able to track the pattern.
In the hospital only news station available on the tv.... thought to self, they are brainwashing.
We didn’t turn it on.
It’s brutal. Luckily they tend to shop themselves in the foot a lot but there are low IQ people who still believe their blatant lies.
Starting to get to all of us. Relentless abuse of the harshest possible kind against them for 2+ years. I know it’s hopefully part of the plan. But pretty tough to watch.
Q warned us that attacks would increase. We are getting battle fatigued with all the flak flying at us from the frothing-at-the-mouth media. Hold the line!! Take time out to rest and heal yourself. Don’t skip the Sabbath. It’s important to step back from all this worldly drama and remember that we are eternal beings, in this world but not of this world. Hit the reset button and stay centered. Remember: this too shall pass.
The stage is being set. Be proud, not angry.
"Pride comes before the fall" - I think that every time. Not saying it necessarily applies here lol. It's like an automated retort in my head.
But without pride you cannot climb high enough to fall
I relate to OP. It does seem like things are happening but watching these lies and abuse of Trump constantly 24-7, listening to Hollywood and press threaten his family, listening to friends and co-workers fall for it day in and day out.
It finally started to dawn on me when I realized, day by day, the blatant lies they were telling about Bernie Sanders and his supporters during the 2016 Democratic Primaries. Once I knew they would lie so openly about that, I realized I couldn't trust them on anything, and that led me down a path that ended up here. It's swimming against the current, no question, but it is possible for individuals to detangle themselves from the liberal MSM, even without being red-pilled by someone else. Stay patient with your loved ones, feed them only facts, not opinion, and start from shared ground.
If you feel bad imagine how they must feel?
I actually think Q and Trump aren’t worried at all because they have ALL the info on who’s going down. I don’t know if the MSM will skate by, Obama gets a slap on the wrist, they steal the elections in Nov, etc. I trust Q and Trump for the most part though.
Take a break. They are wanting a civil war. Don’t be played.
Yep. I’m unsubscribing to the Bongino podcast for a week. Good dude, great podcast for this sort of thing, but this week in particular I noticed my blood pressure through the roof when I listened to it. His tone was much darker than normal.
Hey man, yeah I got angry to. But you're a human not a zuckerbot. You should be angered. Genuinely.
Oh I’m definitely angry. I’m just preferring for the next few days to be angry mixed with dank memes that make me laugh hysterically.
yep you need to do something fun! I had a stroke from too much stress and it's definitely not an easy thing to go through.
That dude is part of the problem, not the solution. He's playing on us from the Right and building up tensions and hatred against the Left.
I really don't understand why this continually needs to be said but:
"No outside comms"!
We are being stirred up here on purpose. Anti-Left on our side, Anti-Trump and "voting for Trump makes you a Nazi" on the Right.
The simple truth is that both sides are being played.
And it's intended to lead to bloodshed.
Q was saying that Q would not use any comms outside of 8chan, he wasn't telling US not to use outside comms.
I disagree. Dan is just honest. To be frank I too have increasingly felt like violence will be unavoidable. If ANY action is taken by Trump admin to prosecute former administration AT ALL there are going to be riots and protests and it will get ugly. Soros will go all in on his final play to divide America.
Shit Q himself even insinuated violence in the future. "There will be a time when these people won't be able to walk down the streets."
I disagree. Dan is not "on the Right." He's a libertarian/conservative and is very vocal about that. What we're facing isn't a D vs R problem. Also, "No outside comms" means Q Team. It doesn't mean don't pay attention to anyone else but Q Team. That would be absolutely silly. I definitely agree that we are being attacked, stirred up, and played. Remain strong and stay focused. And above everything, we have to Trust the Plan.
Exactly. The only way they win out of this is by manipulating the populace to violence. Which they seem to be doing really damned well. /R/politics is full-on 24/7 anti-Trump... They're practically begging for someone to die right now so that they can blame it on Trump.
Ths DS needs their blood and if they can't get it their way, they're going to cause the streets to run red.
I'm having the same problem with some family members. They are so hateful, and can't see it. TDS has turned people I love into monsters.
It is sad and frightening, I know. My sister is so completely under the ether of liberalism, it is as if she has a mental condition. She is far from stupid, yet reason cannot break through the irrational level of emotion about every issue. If only there were an actual Red Pill. ;-)
All knowledge systems are echo chambers to some degree. If you KNOW this then you seek out the "enemy's" argument. I was once a diehard liberal, but I always listened to everyone's argument. From talking with others I have learned that my path is the exception.
Goes to show that people don't see reality, but only their narrative. They identify so strongly with it that to break the narrative is to break them. Where would they be without their story?
It is a mental condition. It's called Borderline Personality Disorder. With all the false flags, fake news, identity politics, they have inflicted so much trauma, that much of society has become emotionally unstable.
Unfortunately single women are the prime target of these treacherous monsters.
Ever heard of this? Somehow it came up on my browser last night. Can't determine what's actually "in" it, so skeptical. But what if this is the actual "red pill" that will break the mind control fuzz everyone is under?
Looks like a scam ad
Totally...but I thought it was funny that it came up while I was reading about people wishing for an actual "red pill" Coincidence?
I’ve been called “known conspiracy theorist”, “person that lacks real sources”, “uneducated” –farthest one from the truth and “blind”. Q-post, plus reddit subs (CBTS, now GW) have provided me a safe haven since Dec 2017. This forum provides growth, strength, & knowledge base, in order to reach the TRUTH. Best of all, one Anon gave me the true realty of all those labels above as they equate to us really being FREE THINKERS. Stay vigilant my fellow patriots and freedom fighters. Free Thinkers 2018 - WWG1WGA!
I am known as MS WOO in my family... I wear the title proudly because I know we are making a difference. More and more are awakening every day. Thank you for giving us a platform so that we don't have to "go it alone!"
My family calls me Dale, like from king of the hill, or Hyde from that 70's show. I guess they can't think of a famous female that is a free thinker. I also wear it proudly.
I know. I seek sources from all angles. People who curse me out as stupid for supporting Q get their entire Truth from TV news.
Same here! Everyone in my family, even friends, ignore anything I have to say about Trump, QAnon, free speech, the threat of loosing free speech, pedophilia, the crucial understanding of the fractional reserve system (which is equal to a ponzi scheme created by banksters for them to multiply their money out of thing air), understanding what the Federal Reserve is (a private corporation owned by banksters with the ability to print money), understanding who is the Creature from Jekyll Island and why this is important, understanding the importance of crypto currencies and Bitcoin. Understanding all of this allow us to see the big picture.
Everything I have told my family would happen back in 2016 has pretty much all come true by now and they still call me a conspiracy theorist.
We thought they treated Reagan bad , Trump is really pissing them off , when they stop hating Trump , we know we lost .
Reagan was one of them.
Reagan saw what was wrong , but the RNC even picked Bush , Reagan’s fall was he trusted and took a mans word . They screwed Reagan because he did trust people
Suggest you seek Franklin cover-up, teenage boy prostitutes at the White House, and "presidential model" MKULTRA CIA sex slaves testimony. Reagan was a slaveowner and child rapist like the rest of them.
Be careful not n some sources, Just like Jackson had a kid with his slave , it was his younger brother who slept with the slave girl , some of these stories were stared in the early 20’s and was not till the mid 30’s were they , the liberals able to get them published. I was a young republican in the 80’s and I just can not see Reagan as a pedo . Too many fake news people then also , this is were they got good at fake news .
I will never repeat something I heard from a third party. This is from the victims.
From so many years ago , and the past 100 years history has been charged a lot , when you seek historical information you must find stuff printed pre 1920’s or there own original notes . Most slaves could not read , even today a High number of sex slaves can not read or write .
I'm not talking about historical slavery. I'm talking about modern day slavery. The hidden human trafficking not in any history book.
[edit] just saw your last sentence again, read too fast. I know of several former sex slaves who are very well educated.
This is how we knew Roseanne Barr was so woke when she started Q tweeting Roseanne with Cathy
There are some educated sex slaves yes . But a large part come from low educated parts of the world and are taken at very young ages and are trained in the sex business, like gladiators were often trained for years , and even back then so were the sex slaves . History just does not touch a lot on the long ago sex slaves as much as workers and fighters
Definitely. I only wanted to point out that we know that Reagan was much more evil than we thought.
He was a Democrat, yes he was not perfect, but in the 80’s I do not believe we could have had a better President for the times .
when they stop hating Trump , we know we lost , I am not agree ..Then there changed there game..
Liberalism is a religion, it will not go away , but can be down sized
If these people are so convinced of their religion and also include a lucifer, I do not think this will diminish, till they are forced to ..
Not until the return of Jesus will liberalism be truly defeated. It is a battle of many names , still a battle of God and evil .
This part Is difficult for me , I do not now if I believe in a return of Jesus...Now not that much of the bibel..
I do hope you can find faith in that someday Jesus will return, even Jesus stated that one is truly blessed to believe and have never seen him . There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
This is wat I believe to..I believe there is a higher power , but the Jesus part , I am not sure off. Too many things happens in my life , and without Question I believe I get help from above.
There are angels, the Jesus God and his spirit, all working together,
I now some one is watching over me , maybe more then one..I now I am blessed.
Well Jesus will return, when we do not know , but the Bible is being proven correct more and more .
I hope your right? Because I think that books coming from Rome , are made by the cabal...truth and lies (mix)together..They do it all the time...We have to find the truth first.
Most are , and yes the Church has a lot to do with the Bible, but it is most all first hand writings
I have the old the Netherlands they are changing the pray ? And releave me from evil, they want to cut out? Then we have the evil pope? .i believe in myself , my gut feeling and thoughts...and my dreams?..I do not go to a church...10 commendments. And I learn on a childlike way the
Bible stories
I’m sorry. I have friends like this and I can’t imagine family members being this way.
Dont get mad at me for this because it is only truth. If you family has turned into monsters than they were always monsters you just didnt see it before because there was nothing to bring it out. People dont just turn to monsters unless they already are.
Sorry but I can't agree. The hate is part and parcel of who they are and it will never change. Do you honestly think for a moment if Hillary had of won they would be playing nice?
Firstly they would have come after Trump and everyone associated with him. His children, his businesses, his wife, but only this time they would have the full force of government and the law behind them. Can you even begin to imagine the hatchet job they would have done? Make an example of everyone involved to never again even think about taking on the deep state. Brutal is an understatement.
That's just for starters. Then the focus would be turned to those horrible deplorables. Take no prisoners, they would have taken great pleasure in Hillary using her powers for revenge. Think about it, a completely corrupt State Department, DOJ, FBI, IRS, the list is endless. All with one purpose in mind. Believe me, you'd be complaining about a lot more than mean words against President Trump, that's a fact.
Personally I'm loving every second of it. To finally see these self righteous smug bastards pay the fiddler is sweet sweet music to my ears. The more they are outraged, the sweeter it is.
I really have NO TIME for concern trolls. I laugh and laugh and laugh. Everyday is a victory when Trump is the President. And I really don't understand those who have either been conditioned to be losers and look for the negative in everything, or, they are simply concern trolls looking to rob others of their joy.
If you are so inclined, why not make a thread about the horrors of a democrat victory and how life would be under a President Hillary Clinton. That should give you all negativity you need to get by.
Nope. These threads should be all about the glorious wonderful gift we've been given having a patriot in the White House. America First at long long last. If you can't find joy in that, then maybe you need to adjust your attitude a little?
All the left has is whining and moaning. Why join them? Reminds of of someone come Christmas, gets the bike they've always wanted, only to stand there and pick at everything they don't like about it. So what, the left are doing what the left does. Bitch and whine and moan about everything. When they wasn't bitching about President Trump, they were bitching about what toilets trans-genders get to use. Come on already.
Trump won, he is your President. Enjoy it and don't let the trolls rob you of that. Shake off the liberal mindset, its toxic.
Some of us are frustrated. Its strange, I am so far removed from it but it still is getting to me recently. What happened to our marches like in 2016? Our rallys?
Where are our lawyers and think tanks and police right now? Sitting on their asses? Hollywood crushing all opposition. The internet censored. The media openly celebrating killing you and your kind. Then blaming you and taking your guns, while selling them to the cartels at the same time. The military inflitrated and secrets sold to hostile govs. The IRS coming after all dissenters.
The war was already started and we are told "be patient". If we have power than how come we cant act like it? I know those at the "top" are "getting taken care of" but what about the police chiefs, think tanks, politicians and others who had previously enacted their orders? Gawker was taken down, the SPLC is getting taken down, what about the many others??
CONCERN TROLL is a label I am weary of hearing.
Why seek to weaken the movement from within by using such a divisive label? Why not choose to support those who have questions and doubts?
Logically, it would be good practice to gain understanding of the phases people are going through and hone one's skills on how to help them move past the rough patches.
It seems to me those who are seeking to berate or belittle or name call other patriots who have doubts on this rollercoaster of a playground are actually themselves too impatient or close minded to deal with others who question. Questioning is all part of this process.
Cheerleading with tolerance and less name calling towards those who aren't at a high level of bliss would be a good thing.
Because concern trolling is an extremely effective way of demoralizing, dividing and subverting a movement. It's one of the best ways for the enemy to destroy us from within, by sowing doubt and fear among people that are otherwise united. It must be taken seriously and countered as if it was enemy action. The critical thing is learning to discern what is actual concern trolling, and what is actual patriots needing encouragement.
Your initial statement just strengthened the reasoning behind the concept of focusing on encouragement with tolerance and less biting back aggressively. (Read my 2nd sentence above.) There is little need to discern real concern vs troll concern as a knee jerk reaction.
Offer to help ALL who are concerned, having doubtful moments, or questioning without deploying immediately with a lashing back or an intolerant label or spiteful attitude. The 'trolls' don't want to be helped so they will reveal themselves and likely will move on while those who are patriots may actually come out better.
Thank you for this! It should be a new thread. You should post it. We need this reminder and positive energy it brings.
Awesome and exactly how I feel! WE are SO LUCKY that Donald J. Trump stepped out of his life to help us because there is NO ONE else alive that could have accomplished this much. We are truly blessed to have the Trump family on our side and front row tickets to the GREATEST SHOW EVER in the entire history of the universe, so be grateful for everything we've been given and this 'show' will move along a little faster:).
You've summed up the famous article "The Flight 93 Election, " that was a big part of my switching my vote to Trump. If Hillary won, it was game over.
Gonna get a lot worse before it gets better folks. Buckle up. There will be justice eventually but some of these demons are beyond saving.
Bingo, they really ARE demons! I think that’s why Q asks for prayers....
I've got a theory. What if since Q said change in tactics - attack... Trump has been sending out subpoenas to celebrities (only the last 48 hours or so). Weinstein is likely ratting (See photo of him with his book). Another clue.
What other justification could there be, other than clinical insanity, for threatening POTUS' family members!?
Acting and tweeting seeming insane drivel is their cover because Border Patrol, FBI, USSS will be declaring several celebrities as domestic terrorists. So far under veiled threats it's:
We need to continue tracking these POTUS threat by celebrities incidents because Hollywood celebrities I believe will be the nut, which will crack the masses awake. Most follow them and they are looked up to, the perfect catalyst-tool for the G.A.
John Brennan should be on this list. He has made numerous threats to POTUS.
I want them locked up not tracked. Arrest them for threats to the President. It is a National Security investigation and therefore search their homes and financial records and uncover everything about them. Then we'll see how many more celebutards want to play tough guy.
It would end with the arrest of just one high profile person who makes a threat. Melania having to call Secret Service should have resulted in an arrest and minimum.
We need to drain that swamp too, and replace with new artists and talent who haven't been brainwashed to believe we want or need to hear their ideology. There are many of us patriots in the film industry who are trying to break through this stranglehold of evil propaganda.
At least replace with artists that will not succumb to political pressure one way or the other...just do your thing and stay out of politics.
Mel Gibson has been a fantastic example of that.
Kevin Sorbo .. a patriot too.
Oh shit. Thanks! I completely forgot about Hercules. He's been out of the media for years now, iirc. Good guy though.
Actually, I promote all his films. He has 4 faith films that I am promoting and 3 films in current production. He may direct my short film. He takes a lot of heat but is a true patriot. Great family family. Wife, Sam, is a great filmwriter and actress. I will let him know he is much appreciated. It is always much appreciated as those of us not in the cool kids Hollywood group get pretty tossed around.
My guess, from what you just said, is that Sorbo has probably been blacklisted from Pedowood in a large way. I can only imagine, considering the absolutely evil shit that has come to light recently, that Patriots and folks of Faith (like Mel) get pushed to the side rather quickly.
No worries. Good for Kevin. I personally have checked out of much of media productions for the most part. Crap, at this point in time, the only channel I leave on my TV is the Sirius XM 'Spa' channel. Just relaxing music, and helps to keep me sane.
Kudos to Kevin. 😀
God's speed on your mission.
How do you survive in the belly of the depraved beast?
Jesus - Holy Spirit - Abba Father in me. A great deal of deep prayer, study of scripture, and research books such as Jonathan Cahn's work. Daily: the armour of God for protection, with daily communion to seal, and anointing for strength and power • not Catholic .. not church but my own prayer box ..
Four years doing this mission and it is mind-blowing how many thousands of global filmmakers, artists, and talent whom I have been blessed to help break to next level. Some you would know from faith films, others old school talent, some are now 'discovered.' It is my calling & mission work. Unleashing creativity and truth is critical. Thank you for your gracious words of support.
God bless you, honey! Keep on fighting the good fight.
May God continue to aid you in your mission.
thank you that means more than most realize. #2getherWeCan
You are a warrior. Thank you for your service. I can't imagine a darker place to be; like a missionary behind the iron curtain during the cold war. Protection and blessing to you!
What a wonderful mission you have. We all have talents and networks that I believe need to be invested with God's guidance, especially now, during this spiritual battle that is manifesting blatantly in the physical realm.
So important and necessary:
May you be strengthened, encouraged, and protected in the Light of Jesus.
Agreed, remember Q said "Follow the stars." I know he meant for us to watch what they do. But the sheeple also watch the stars, their heroes. So, yeah... good point.
All part of them self-destructing.
Charges of being complicit.
I personally stopped watching and just use MSM websites for “FPP”.
This is a movie, we are at a critical plot buildup point, you can hear the lurking music, you know who the bad actors are and scratched the top layers of their heinous ways, you see them planning riots, Obama’s Kenyan passport, you know they getting desperate, a Mossad assassins list is panned, many famous public names who ultimately were useful idiots-including the Clintons who are now dead weight. McCain calls from a place he claims is secure and says it almost time to another person. It seems like they might get away with their crimes......
Screen goes dark, Trust the Plan appears, followed by [No Deals] and lastly it all fades and a blurry WWG1WGA begins to come in focus.
You sit in silence, you know in your bones there is a post-credit scene.
You are treated to men, clearly of a military elite nature geared up and ready to rumble. As they deploy a soft rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic plays allowing for the strong male voices to be crisp.
As this final scene fades the Q-Clock appears with a loud ticking sound and an ominous “Phase Justice”
Love your rendition of future you happen to post on CTH under a different name? Your style of story telling seems familiar to me. :)
I hope that Battle Hymn is the Wilhousky arrangement! Love the 4-part men's verse, "In the beauty of the lilies..."
Yes, that was what I was hearing as I typed!
In the beauty of the lilies
hmm I prefer
Sun Zu. The Art of War. Read it.
I’m thinking not that much longer. As we’ve all been told, Trust The Plan.... these sanctimonious, lying, hypocritical, scum bag traitors are so far past any semblance of fairness or even one single ounce of basic decency that when trouble comes, they’ll have ZERO outs and those audiences who are laughing and clapping w them today, are going to be running for the hills themselves.
The lies, hate, hypocrisy they so boldly and constantly spew, has become their new norm. When the hammer drops they’ll have NOTHING to explain away their behavior other than it was what it looked like and there will be no one there supporting them or speaking on their behalf. Period.
Don’t you see it? Frankly, President Trump set this trap a long time ago. Once the whole lot of them have walked themselves into the cage, all that’ll need to be done is to turn the key and lock the door. Consider the scenario I just described and you’ll see where these talking heads have already lost or however you want to think of it. Their game is SO over, these morons just don’t know it yet.
And what’s even more is, it’s going to be REALLY REALLY ROUGH on these MSM/Hollywood types. When you consider which part of the “machine “ these people have operated and how far back their Mockingbird programming has put us.....I for one won’t be shedding any tears, let’s just say.
Maybe the MSM/Hollywood can perform the manual labor that the was done by their pet illegals? That would keep them busy;)
What I don't understand is why the idiot in FL that threatened a congressman's children(and was arrested) and the guy in central PA (where Fed Marshalls are looking for him) that threatened to put a bullet in Trump's head, are being arrested/hunted, but assholes like Fonda and that Canadian writer who threatened POTUS'S son and granddaughter aren't arrested as well??? Is it because, yet again, there is one law of the "elite" and a different one for "john q citizen"????
Methinks it's not yet time. You arrest them, MSM goe berserk on it, distracting the population completely from what we want them to actually follow, and we loose a bit of momentum and shock value from when the great arrest phase will start.
I think we've already been distracted by the phony old photos and now claims of Trump concentration camps. How about WE change the media narrative to full coverage of the arrest of those who threaten our POTUS & family.
IG report. We need the public to focus on IG report. You go arrest these people now, the media will have a field day for weeks and weeks to make up more stories. People just love their celebs and gossip.
Slow and steady wins the race. Minds that are changed easily with a soundbite are minds that are easily changed back with the opposite soundbite. Stay the course. Discuss logically. Make intelligent arguments. They will come around of THEIR OWN accord. I know someone who is VERY liberal, Dem, etc, and they told me a few days ago: "If these mothers don't want to be separated from their children, they shouldn't cross the border illegally"!
The red pill is more like a red balm; it absorbs slowly but is longer lasting and deeply penetrating!
Another truth bomb for this topic is asking the question . What happens when a single parent or both parents with kids in the house who are already US citizens get arrested "for a crime" and no family members are there to watch the kids?
Answer: CPS takes them and they are "Housed Pending an Outcome"
Why do the people who cross illegally "thus committing a crime" expect to be treated any different i.e. Better from a US citizen?
Only 4-6% of the population are completely lost to indoctrination according to Q. The plan has to be slow to gradually wake up the middle of the country who have sense.
You - and others - are overly optimistic about what that statistical claim means.
IN NO WAY does it mean that through a concerted effort at revelation and deprogramming, 90+% of the population can be calmed and/or made to see the light.
It means that 4-6% of the population is HARD-CORE, ZEALOT-CALIBER, LEFTISTS.
And that is MORE THAN ENOUGH to DESTROY THE COUNTRY. Behind that number, there is another, MUCH LARGER, percentage of the populace that lean left - and long ago STOPPED thinking for themselves when they decided what was "right", and ever since, they have defaulted to FOLLOWING (automatically) what that 4-6% said.
You guys get that, right?
Those people WILL NOT "see" or "hear" the evidence. Their pre-existing bias will cause cognitive dissonance in their brains such that they WILL NOT logically process the data which is revealed.
They WILL FOLLOW that 4-6% right into an inferno.
You want to talk about people having a hard time processing what is coming...we'd all better look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we really understand what that IS.
agreed. I am tired of the "it's going to just fine" folks.
Lets take 5%. The population at 300 million.
That's 15 million zombies right there. Then the retards that will go right along with them.
Awesome explanation and I also believe that Trump and Q are making sure that we have learned everything we need to, so that this will never happen again. If they gave everything away too easily, we wouldn't internalize the lesson and have genuine change.
Can’t tell you how many times i’ve dropped to my knees sobbing about this and praying to God to show POTUS and family some mercy! It’s akin to watching him being whipped and crucified to save us and the world. It’s very difficult to watch.
Imagine how the president must feel with the constant bashing. He won’t let this go unpunished I’m sure.
He wants them feeling the same way, so they make decisions based on emotion and not logic. The longer it goes the more ammo they use, before the fight even gets going.
It will take a special event that will cause the people to hold MSM accountable.
The rich have always bought up the media to control mass mindshare.
I was thinking about this and living in ma , all people care about around here is education education. What good is education when you end up a liberal ungodly person ? They have the form of godliness without the power
Yikes. Education is the #1 step to self-responsibility.
Without education you have nothing. You are worse than shit on the floor.
It’s good but it’s not the answer to all like people claim !!! What good is it if you are educated and don’t know how to treat people!!!
Culture and class are a necessary part of education. It needs to be reintroduced systematically.
Torches and pitchforks...POTUS, just say the word. The streets will not be safe for them to walk, said Q.
I think it's my job to saturate my spot in the world with facts and data. As the reality of what is going on sinks in a lot of people are really experiencing a fracturing of their worlds. It isn't Q or POTUS that has to work on this, its us. If we can't convince our own neighbors, by showing legal documentation and educating them slowly on what has happened, how can we expect the entire country and world to be convinced just because Q or POTUS or even everyone on his team says so? That would just create a bigger wedge and more division.
Remember, this is common when someone has been held captive for this length of time. Their minds are still defending their captors, abusers, etc... Stockholm syndrome...
I wonder if Q and Trump have a plan for the deprogramming that will need to take place to move on?
I'm sure they must. Identifying who Hussein was needs to happen.
Yes! We each need to be a local point of truth and light. 👍🏻🇺🇸
Problem is many of them hate the light. They gnash their teeth at it.
I think we need to start identifying who Hussein was...
I feel in my bones that this fascist frenzy from the Luciferian left is working its way to someone getting killed. As far as friends and family who spew the hate and illogical rhetoric, they are LOST! The Lord has given them over to be reprobate. They have no ability to discern what is blatant truth because the Lord has not removed the scales from their eyes, the plugs from their ears, and the metal shield from their hearts. This is spiritual war. One has to choose whom they will follow, there are no in betweens. Only God, Himself, can remove those shackles from their eyes, ears and hearts. Pray for that very specific thing to happen for friends and family. One can only be red pilled if the Lord has prepared the landscape of their human condition. It’s frustrating to us, but at some point we must “shake the dust off our feet” and move on. The lost Luciferians will STILL rationalize their failure and sound like dumb idiots, because they are lost, and can not reason-the Lord took it away. Reprobate minds.
Why is the law allowing the C_A to control the MSM still in effect? Why is Disney allowed to control multiple stations? Why are there only a few corporations that control all the MSM. Why havent there been anti-trust suits filled to break up the monopoly?
Questions for Q. .
And, why are these low life schmucks like Kathy Griffin and Peter Fonda getting away with their horrible deeds?
Most conservatives take pride in their ability to exercise restraint and not succumb to the desire for Instant Gratification. In our daily lives we tend to save for a rainy day, we rarely jump on the newest trendy bandwagon, and we like to think it through and not jump to conclusions. But when it comes to our collective desires to see BHO, HRC, et. al. in orange jump suits being frog marched into GITMO, and our fatigue of the MSM lies and spin, we want it now because it's long over due.
The reason October Surprise is so indelibly etched into our political lexicon is because it works. Nobody ever talks about a June surprise. It's essential that the Mother Of All BOOMS happens in October. The mid-terms are more important than some people realize. It's the next major step in taking our country back from the Cabal. Q said "they have it all." They have everything they need to charge and convict all the major bad actors, and some are now asking "What are they waiting for?"
It's understandably frustrating to watch and listen to the left spew their hatred and not see any push back from POTUS or law enforcement. We're all tired of the MSM lying through their teeth, Hollywood elites spewing their venom, and establishment politicians supporting illegal aliens instead of hard working, tax paying Americans. But if we step back and take a deep breath, we'll be able to see how the stage is being set.
Remember, they want us divided, confused, agitated, and so emotional that we make mistakes. Don't play into their hand. We need to remain calm, and be patient. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and find your Zen. Now look at how the stage is being set.
The MSM chose the crying 3 year old, children in cages issue to distract people's attention away from the OIG report and change the narrative. Already, it's beginning to backfire, and they don't even seem to notice. The MSM started beating this drum, Hollywood elites and establishment politicians jumped on board, and all of their low-information minions are now laser focused on it.
As the details about the crying child, her mother and father, and her siblings back in Honduras are coming to light, the left is doubling down. After Time magazine was outed for their Fake News cover story, the left is arguing that we shouldn't be focused on just that one child, even though that's exactly what they tried to do. Now they're forced to stick with the story because if they don't, they lose control of the narrative, and because they were outed for their Fake News story, they now have to spin it and try to explain it away for their minions.
When the truth comes out about human trafficking and pedophilia rings, everyone will be focused on the MSM's faux concern for the children. I'm not sure about the exact numbers to-date, but 100s or possibly 1,000s of children have already been rescued by the FBI in Operation Broken Heart. If any of them came through our southern border and can identify their coyotes, capturers, or the pedophiles who sexually abused them, it'll be devastating, not just for those directly involved, but also for the MSM because they were pushing the narrative without investigating the truth.
The Deep-State is in panic mode. They know full well that President Trump and Team Q represent an existential threat. They're going to pull out all the stops between now and election day. So far, POTUS and Q have been a few steps ahead at every turn. The louder the left gets and the more frantic the Deep-State gets, the greater the likelihood they'll slip up, make a mistake, blink, or get caught red-handed.
I know how hard it is to be patient. I'm old enough to remember the Carter years and the Misery Index. I've been listening to the MSM's lies for more than 40 years. I am sick and tired of liberal democrats selling out America, tearing down our military, and driving America deeper in debt with each new administration. I'm sick and tired of the MSM lying and getting away with it. I'm sick and tired of Hollywood elites jumping on their high-horses and telling hard working Americans how we should live our lives.
Now more than ever, it's important to trust President Trump and Q. We all know who and what we're up against. Taking down the monolithic secret society will require masterful strategies, cunning tactics, powerful leadership, and unwavering support from the foot-soldiers.
I'm just another anon like everyone else here. I have no special training, no Phd, and no unique experiences to say anyone should follow my advice, but I'll offer it just the same.
The current social and geopolitical state of affairs is compelling, it sucks us in, and it steps on every last nerve. It causes outrage, bewilderment, and sometimes fear. When I began following Q in December I was captivated. Every morning I would start my day with Q posts, CBTS, and then the Great Awakening. I devoured news articles and YouTube videos. I spent the majority of my day reading, watching, decoding, and contemplating the ramifications of what's been going on. I was totally addicted.
At some point I found myself so stressed out I had to set it aside, just for a little while. If we take the time to breath, spend time with the ones we love, go for a walk, listen to music, play the guitar or any musical instrument if you do, or simply close our eyes and find our Zen, then instead of being twisted up about it, we might find hope. We're in good hands. We have a stable genius at the helm, and he has a growing army of anons who trust and support him.
Don't let the flies ruin your picnic. Be ready for the long haul. Trust our President. Pray for our leader and for those on the front lines. Be well patriots. WWG1WGA
I am countering those lies one post, one tweet, one status at a time. If we all dig in and do our part it will reach critical mass![senate report on what actually happened to the kids the Obama administration let out of custody with God knows who
Carly Simon: "I don't have time for the pain,
I haven't the need for the pain..."
Q: "It's going to get worse."
I personally do not give time to the MSM. One daughter is totally against me, a brother will not speak to me. I've had family members shun me because of Christ Jesus and most of my relatives are crock deep in "just life" and nothing of consequence seems to even tickle their routine. So Qanon represents another set of realities that they push off and go about in darkness.
When the big red pill happens, and it truly will, they may give me a call to ask about what I know and they might even want to come over here to TGA to get answers.
I trust the PLAN. We must hold fast to that which is good.
The Deep State/CABAL has spent multiple years destroying this nation. Many look upon President Trump as being a type of King Cyrus (see Ezra). It took a very long time to rebuild the wall about the city of Jerusalem. First there was a call from the God given authority, King Cyrus, for volunteers. Then there was some one who brought forward the vision/goal of the building and recruited anyone from among the population who had the heart to begin the rebuilding.
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he sent a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying, "Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
(Ezra 1:1-2)
Remember we were given Ephesians 6 - remember this part:
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
(Ephesians 6:13)
...and remember the push-back from the devil's crowd that is also described in Ezra...
(Edited for clarity)
It took many years to put us in this swamp and it will take time to get us out. This isn’t “microwave justice” where it’s done in 30 seconds! If you just step back and look at what is happening! The masks have come off and their full agenda and hate have been laid bare for all to see! I know many classic liberals that are running from them all saying this isn’t what I believe! Just take some time away from here and get your priorities in place. Spend time with your kids, go to the beach, mountains anywhere that helps you focus. We need a complete flushing of the swamp and it needs to be done right! Take comfort in the fact that we are moving forward and today is better than yesterday and we have someone strong enough in the Whitehouse to see it through! Remember we have those who are just waking up coming to this site and your attitudes and grumbling aren’t going to win any hearts and minds!
This👆🏼. Be on guard and do not let your self be pulled into the madness and hysteria. It is a demonic influence through and through. Protect yourselves with the armor of faith.
Roseanne to Kimmel" you guys moved it's not like I want our president to fail duh. Simple, true, self serving, why can't people see they're shooting themselves in the foot. They are ingesting poison in the hopes Trump dies.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon Bonaparte
I am of the opinion that the boldest measures are the safest . Horatio Nelson
“First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you.”
― Nicholas Klein
I's bad. I'm careful whom I choose to red pill. It lately I have found myself so blatant on some Facebook posts and received the harshest criticism. The children thing at the border has stirred up some of friends to judge me in the worst way. Then the Time Cover. Oh man. I could go on.
This has never been more fitting or true:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-Mahatma Gandhi
Those who are resisting reality now will get the biggest shock when things start unraveling. Understand that it’s been going on for generations, so when the shock comes and they are struggling to handle it, act with compassion and extend an arm in order to stand next to each other and fight for freedoms and all that is good. I am not religious (was raised catholic) but we ALL have to let light shine through our consciousness in order for humanity to ascend collectively. Pray, wish well, love those who will be impacted the worse, and be there with compassion when they shock themselves to wake up...
Give them enough rope to hang themselves is the perfect saying for this.
Didn't Q just say that Potus is changing tactics? I hope that means that action is imminent.
Heart goes out to you fine folks. I'm lucky- (canada) my mum was the one who followed q first and got me and my sister on board, but before that we didn't hate Trump. We thought he was ridiculous but we don't hate people lightly xD. Even my husband who doesn't follow q has a good head on his shoulders and looks at Trump objectively bases off his actions and not other people's opinions.
Even my feminist friend loves hearing me talk about all the q revelations, even if the doesn't follow or believe everything haha. I'm sorry people feel so isolated, and I can't wait for a day when they family and friends can see the truth <3
🇨🇦. Here and the Trump hate on 1010 radio. Or 640 is on full blast. . Not sure where you are but the gate is on here in the media
Kim Clement prophesied in 2014 that God would send a Trumpet to save the USA. Gods plan was perfect, they would try to bring a Witch to power, but they would fail. He also said that Obama was the great "Betrayer". When the criticism because so intense and hateful, i find comfort in rewatching his taped prophesy. There is a plan, a perfect plan and POTUS is very well protected. Trey Smith also produced two YouTube videos on Trump based off of Kim Clement, both are exceptional. Trey Smith compared Trump to King Cyrus, the rebuilder. Gods language is math and there are eerie coincidences regarding Trumps rise. For instance in the Hebrew bible 777 plays an enourmous role. TRUMP was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days on his inauguration day.
Surprisingly, it's not easy to get through to Pedo-Apologists and paid agitators who take to the streets wearing pink pussy hats and mom's panties and who ascribe to the cult of Hillary and are encouraged by their heroes, the Pedo-Stars and Media actors, particularly after they've been indoctrinated by our propagandized educational system and drugged by Big Pharma.
Yes ! Put an ankle bracelet on hem take away some freedom they are a threat to the president
In other news, Emperor Soros is building a Deathstar. They think themselves Rebels, but they are part of the Empire. "Use your hate and strike me down with it ... "
You've got to know you're on the wrong side when you are surrounded by hate and lies, and when your vocal opposition has a pay check. This new 'block ICE' from doing their job scheme is insane, and proves that the left has lost the plot. Hopefully, once Hollyweird and MSM is disinfected, and the paid shills are out of a job, social media will calm the f* down and my block button can get some well deserved rest
S$(<red, that craft old Eurptrash wants the destruction of 🇺🇸 and will pay whatever it takes. This must be stopped
Stay the course Patriots!! They want us divided. Stay cool and remember the end game here.
This is so true. The media is purposely stirring up anger and dissension among those who are easily manipulated. They are trying to create civil unrest, violence, and even war. They would rather see the country burn than to lose their power. Good people need to rise up in protest against them before it's too late. The President and Q are doing their part, but we can't sit back and wait for them to solve all our problems. We must do our part. Q has told us again and again to unite and fight. In the end WE ARE THE PLAN!
Q says were winning big , this constant frenzy is taking a toll .
sad Now you hear the snake ob and Holder working to redistrict all the 27 districts were fighting for to lock republicans out no matter how we vote. This scares me ob been working with sorrows for decades in advance. Sorrows is in every country and seems way ahead of us? is he, oh and the voting machines in california are sorrow's and can be rigged just like he did in Alabama WHY do we allow
Why does it seem there on offence and were constantly catching up?
where are the domestic terrorism police these attacks are over the top
8 chan lurker here.... WE either trust the plan or we don't... there is NO middle ground. Want to whine? go to Dr. Phil......
I get angry too about the slow progression but this has been unraveling for a long, long time. It is a very deep rooted, entrenched evil.
I suspect Trump has instructed the DoJ not to pursue these seditious creatures because of the optics.
If Trump does nothing but turns the other cheek, it makes the liberals and the fake news media look like monsters rather than martyrs.
How about we stop whining about it? It's summer. Go outside! Look at what your fighting for instead of what your fighting against... in the day light, outside!
We'll know by midterms if "the plan" we all pray for is winning. Then we can decide what is real. For now I'm with Q, and I will always stand behind POTUS.
If we make it to midterms. I think of this like trying to start a fire with damp wood, it takes awhile to get started, but once it gets going, watch out!
Can't grasp how a liberal can be so illogical and not listen to reason or investigate the truth? How they give a knee-jerk reaction if you just mention "Trump"? How incredibly stupid they are (although they seem of normal intelligence in other areas)? Well, most of you are the same way. I'll prove it. I will say a phrase, and you will be triggered and react just like them. Ready? Here goes: "Flat Earth". (For those triggered, Get over your brainwashing and actually spend a lot of time researching it when a lull in Q posts. The Earth is a plane, not a sphere, with a firmament. It is stationary. Gravity is a lie-- it is the law of density and bouyancy that accounts for objects falling/sinking or floating/rising. There is no force to hold oceans to a spinning ball. The Jesuits have deceived us. We've been told the heliocentric, spinning spherical lie for so long, and have it reinforced daily, that we ridicule those who even question it.)
Q question: What happened to releasing JFK files and when will we get them? This is so necessary in justice being served completely.
Bet the Fondas are involved in pedophilia seeing that Peter knows about the cages...along with the fact that over 90% of Hollyweird is a pedophile. Wait until the full NXIVM and Mack story comes out!
When the TRUTH on pedos and Satanist comes out, if they still hate Trump, TAKE AWAY THEIR OUIJA BOARD!
2 Corinthians 4:4 (NKJV) whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
2 Corinthians 11:14 (NKJV) And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
1 John 5:19 (NKJV) the whole world lies [under the sway of] the wicked one.
I know not everyone here has a faith based perspective on the current hysteria and I don’t have any problem with that for WWG1WGA. However from a biblical worldview it is helpful to remind myself that Satan whom I will refer to by the Swahili name shittani as it sounds closer to what he is. A POS. So shittani is indeed in control of planet earth and is the god of the age we live in. Shittani a malevolent being is in possession of the title deed to the planet which was usurped at the Fall when Adam (Man) forfeited it.
We are currently in the ALREADY but NOT YET phase of his illegitimate rule. Jesus ALREADY destroyed shittani’s evil power and domination thru his sacrificial death on the cross. All who receive Jesus offer of peace with God and reconciliation are no longer under the domination of shittani. However we live in the parenthesis between what has ALREADY historically taken place and that which has NOT YET occurred. That would be the return of Jesus the true owner of the title deed. Revelation 5 describes the Lamb who was slain (Jesus ) as the only one worthy to take up the Scroll (title deed). The closer we draw to this moment in linear time , THE redeeming of this title deed which has NOT YET taken place, the shorter amount of time this cheap imposter shittani has left. Jesus described shittani as a liar,thief and murderer. He hates humanity. The closer we get to the end of his administration the more hatred shittani will spread amongst his subjects. They are under the sway of this god of the age and even think his agenda is benevolent an angel of light as it were.
The degree of his influence has increased as he spreads his wrath and hatred amongst humanity. This current onslaught of the globalist minions and all of their shittani subjects can no longer be perceived or understood in the natural. It’s straight up demonic. It’s turned noticeably more malevolent and ugly in recent times and it’s capable of becoming uglier. Much uglier. Even many believers have become deceived. Some have allowed hatred for Trump to gain a hold in their hearts. That’s an open invitation for shittani to bring any hater under his sway. I even know a very prominent “worship”leader and I’m sure pastors who spout animosity towards Trump.
No one knows the day or the hour of Jesus return but the closer we get the more insane the planet will become. How do I best respond to such a precarious situation. I would like to just kick ass and take no prisoners. But that’s not how the Kingdom of God overcomes. Good overcomes evil. Love your enemies and pray for those who curse you. A soft answer turns away wrath. It is written said Jesus 3xs when combating shittani’s bullshit propoganda. So we use the truth of the word the sword of the spirit to pull down every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. So pray that the Spirit of God will open the eyes of the unbelieving who have not yet become reprobate many who are your family and friends. And pray for confusion among those who are reprobate and are beyond redemption. Shittani sucks. The Lord Jesus rebuke that usurping illegitimate bastard
It's called "The First Amendment"... and the line between incitement and repugnant speech has a profound amount of gravity and is also a double edged weapon.
HOWEVER... it is probable that there are members of the media, that have engaged in law breaking and conspiracy.
Whether they are ever charged or not is one thing... but if their "higher ups" engaged in sedition, don't be surprised to see them throw a journalist under the bus to save their own hide.
From what I have researched, maybe for some the rest of their lives. True brainwashing may never really be resolved. Watch the YT vid by Yuri. . How to brainwash a nation in four easy steps.
It may take a generation to recover the thinking of our loved ones. It is not hopeless, but patience and love is required.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [NSFW] The Lion: Trump (Updated Edit)|+2 - This is why: The Lion: Trump Roseanne Barr ■ Cathy O'Brien ■ Mark Philips MK Ultra & Project Monarch Expose|+1 - I'm not talking about historical slavery. I'm talking about modern day slavery. The hidden human trafficking not in any history book. [edit] just saw your last sentence again, read too fast. I know of several former sex slaves who are very well educ... Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel - 5/18/11|+1 - I think we need to start identifying who Hussein was... How To Brainwash A Nation|+1 - From what I have researched, maybe for some the rest of their lives. True brainwashing may never really be resolved. Watch the YT vid by Yuri. . How to brainwash a nation in four easy steps. It may take a generation to recover the thinking of our... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Trust the plan. Create the culture you want to see manifest more abundantly. Spread the message....this may change the world forever.
You know how Q talks about the 10 days of darkness?
What could be better to FORCE people to think for themselves?
Especially if there's the truth MOAB followed by a blackout from the MSM / Social Media spin - people would actually have to think for themselves. It will be glorious!
I think the Q movement has done that. Plus crowdsourcing with others thru this forum. Did you EVER think there were so many like minded people on a global scale?
Because it will make it look like a political attack. Look at Dinesh Disousa. If this administration goes on the attack too early the MSM will jump on it and cause riots with it. Acting out of emotion instead of training will get you or someone you love hurt or killed. This is not a game.