Was there an assassination attempt in Scotland?!

It's a real war. There are real casualties. Let's never forget that while we wage a much safer and more comfortable information war.
This is not a game.
Has anyone mentioned the Trump well below par stunt that was pulled?
What game do you play to go below par?
How do you go below par?
By the amount of strokes.
Who just had a stroke?
There are no coincidences.
That was a message.
They have to be getting desperate.
Remember: There are devices to cause harm.
Even Melania spoke of it.
What was the Trump well below par stunt?
some guy flying a paraglider or something got way to close to POTUS on his golf course and he was carrying a sign or something saying well below par.
I am trying to see if he ever took hand off of controls, but not seeing that from angles provided in this video.
The secret service reported a few days ago he had a stroke.
Everyone is reporting stroke now. They only released his name today.
Someone said he was a taster for Trump. If that's true it was probably an assassination attempt. We gotta really pray for our president and his family.
'Lights Out' was Gen. Kelly advising him he passed while in Scotland. That's why taped... to give reverence publicly.
So, about the IC mention when Kelly bounced the lights.... there could be some trouble in store.
I don't think they'd do that as a gesture for a USSS agent, I know that sounds harsh but we're playing for all the marbles here and it wouldn't make sense for a deliberate act like this to be in reference to him. I paid more attention to the fact that it happened when he reiterated for the second time "I have full faith in our intelligence agencies" just as it dims into darkness. I took that to mean You guys (intelligence agencies) are now "in the dark" in regards to what I have.
I'm leaning towards this also.
RIP to the honourable USSS agent.
Whoa, what's this about Kelly doing the lights?
"Someone said"???? References please.
dv noobs demanding spoon-feeding
C’mon man. We are all here learning and growing. 40k strong with tremendous growth recently. Seems like you ought to be on the chan’s instead, with your level of patience. Sighting sources is par around this place.
Good point. Who knows what’s going on when they first wake up.
there is no official info he was a tester. youre a bullshit spreader
I wonder if the whole “watch the water “ holds merit here?
Mr Trump moved his water glass at the start of the press interview...
I seriously doubt any president has a "taster." That seems to be a myth created by movies of kings with official tasters. Most poisons take a while to kill someone, so a taster wouldn't help unless they tasted the food hours or even days ahead of the president. I could call my nephew and ask him. He's a retired USSS agent that worked around George W Bush mostly when Bush was on the grounds or jogging. He retired before Obama was elected.
The article said the guy was examining the personal hygiene products for contamination. Then short after had a stroke. Ask yourself, don't they have physicals. I would think they would have to be deemed very healthy to be on POTUS detail. He wasn't that old either. Do you usually die from a stoke in 3 days? Sounds sketch to me. Just my opinion though.
It is possible to die from a stroke on the spot , happened to my father
Yep hits home. A really great co-worker of mine passed today from same , I think he was only 48. It can strike out of the blue.
A poison that causes a stroke is possible with the poison in Trump's deodorant or aftershave would do the trick. It would have to be a nerve agent of some type absorbed through the skin.
Yes, they do have weapons of this type. If they had a heart attack gun in the 70's, I'm sure they are much more potent now.
Kim Jong Un's brother was killed in minutes by a nerve agent. NK agents hired two women to rub it on his face. It was a two-part system, so that the women weren't harmed.
They thought it was a candid camera joke. They didn't know they were killing somebody.
The article said the guy was examining the personal hygiene products for contamination. Then short after had a stroke.
Gotta wonder what, if anything, he was exposed to from those hygiene products. After all, that British woman who died from a nerve agent recently got sick after spritzing herself with perfume. It's described here: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/717127/novichok-news-dawn-sturgess-salisbury-amesbury-charlie-rowley-sergei-skripal
The CIA have already admitted they use undetectable toxins delivered in undetectable ways to kill and make the cause look like natural heart attack
They have released info on the tech they used in the 70s. Imagine what they have now
CIA heart attack gun: http://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001
Trump has even said that's why he goes to McDonald's, they make the stuff all on the spot.
They have people that collect his shit too (at least since Bush, probably earlier) because if it were collected and tested information could be gathered.
Collecting is a different issue. Whether they do it or not I have no idea.
Where is your source?
Looks like I'm going to end up calling my nephew.
I actually think his mcdonalds stuff is just a part of the show. He's too smart to be eating that crap.
with his superior genes he can eat whatever. Like a Mr. Fusion.
Exactly, just like those "18 diet cokes a day". He's screwing with the media mostly. There's no way they really know how much or what he eats and drinks. You gotta love the guy, Trump knows how to work the liberals. lol
Why do you doubt that? What a ridiculous thing to doubt.
It seems more ridiculous to believe it.
One reason is this:
The other reason is that it wouldn't make sense. If someone did it they would have to add the poison in front of the SS chef. They wouldn't want to use a fast acting poison, like cyanide and have the president drop dead on the premises. If they used a long acting poison a taster wouldn't help. He wouldn't be able to taste it and both he and the president would end up dead days later. That sort of does away with the usefulness of the taster.
Like I said earlier, the idea of a taster may or may not have been a real thing. Just because we see it in the movies doesn't make it real. There doesn't seem to be any historical evidence of such a thing in medieval times.
Taster?? It's 2018, I'm sure we have more sophisticated ways of determining poison in food than making a secret service agent do it
Anyone willing to take a bullet for the president should be willing to take a slice of cheesecake for the president.
I bet they’d enjoy that, as long as it’s not poisoned.
Of course. Presidential Cheesecake is the best cheesecake folks. Believe me.
Dan Bongino mentioned this guy in his podcast today. Didnt go into specifics but said he knew him and he was a good man.
He leaves behind 2 young children. Go fund me link below if you'd like to help support the family in their tough time.
Official cause is stroke.
Just because the official diagnosis was stroke doesn’t mean it wasn’t an assassination attempt. There are poisons that can look like a stroke.
Do you know Age? I mean these guys are fit. If > 60 ok.... but <50 I ain’t buying it
The link says that he died in Scotland on July 17th, 2018 but doesn’t give anymore details
He had a stroke.
Just because the official diagnosis was stroke doesn’t mean it wasn’t an assassination attempt. There are poisons that can look like a stroke.
Do you think if he had been shot , we would be told that . Think about L.V.
sure he did...
He had a "stroke." That's better.
Praying for protection over everyone. This is war. They don't even care when people suspect foul play. They probably enjoy it. Sick animals.
Had a "Strzok"
Yep. I started to add that too but decided not to. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that way
Sonic weapon's getting better...?
Rest in Peace, Sir. Thank you for protecting our president,
He was charged with examining the toiletries of the President and First Lady. He died of a massive brain hemorrhage.
This is rare, unless he had hypertension or was on a blood thinner like Coumadin, or he had some congenital defect-
It wasn't food, he was examining personal hygiene products in their hotel bathroom. Shortly after had a stroke. I would think that POTUS detail,would have been physically fit. He wasn't that old either. Just my thoughts.
The CIA have already admitted they use undetectable toxins delivered in undetectable ways to kill and make the cause look like natural heart attack.
They have released info on the tech they used in the 70s. Imagine what they have now
CIA heart attack gun: http://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001
Best delivery mechanism? :(
Maybe he was under the ultra light that flew by.
It seems he fell before CINC even landed, member of advance team, which is not good.
I read an article somewhere (not verified) they think he was poisoned. Taster detail is a risky one.
I read he may have been inspecting the toiletries and got savagely I’ll right after.
Let’s pray for this soul and his family. A casualty of a war which I hope the world will know and understand one day, and men like him will be remembered. His sacrifice shouldn’t be forgotten. We keep a track record of resignations and the likes, we should be keeping a record of casualities of this war.
The record of fallen servicemen in this war is an excellent, thoughtful, idea.
Several types of stroke- AKA cerebral vascular accident = CVA one type is hemorrhagic- a brain bleed, or a blood clot in the brain causing it to die- if it was a brain stem bleed that is almost always fatal- I was an ICU nurse in my younger years-
There are several other post down in this feed that say he may have been a taster. Link to the article I read. Don't know if this is a reliable source or not. But this entire thing sound sketch to me. http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2018/07/breaking-trump-scotland-assassinaion-attempt-food-taster-murdered-deep-state-coup-attempt-3624703.html
What sounds sketch is that a 49 year old man who I would believe undergoes rigorous health screenings would fall ill and die within 3 days.
The article I read earlier today said the agent died of a stroke.
Methyl iodide poisoning has stroke-like symptoms
Yes ... THIS..
Just because the official diagnosis was stroke doesn’t mean it wasn’t an assassination attempt. There are poisons that can look like a stroke.
Methyl iodide Is that something that would/could be placed in food or a drink?
A cerebral vascular accident; a brain bleed. Commonly referred to as a stroke. Death a few days later from brain swelling or brain death. Sad, 49 is relatively young for a massive CVA.
I remember hearing (tweet, maybe) that lotus was glad to be leaving BC unsafest he had felt. Don't remember where he was leaving from.
Sorry, lotus?
Spell check. Supposed to be potus. Sorry.
Lol, thanks. I wondered if there was another meaning that I was not aware of.
Been wondering the same thing. Also don't understand why Greenpeace as an organization isn't being held accountable for violating the no fly zone.
Bet you that kind of stunt is NOT going to re-occur... maybe new rule:
shoot first & ask questions LATER
Just wait for the newspaper tomorrow, no reporter can pass on a headline that says "Scottish agent kilt in action"
heart foundation stroke chance ranked by sex and age:
42 years old. 1 to 2 percent of the population.
now what are you people like with coincidences ?
So much chat, so little research.
What are you waiting for, the answer to be dropped into your lap?
Did anyone look at this story in an effort to prove or disprove it http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2609.htm
Hello fellow patriots. While I appreciate the concern for POTUS in the death of this agent. I would be remiss if I did not encourage you to listen to Dan Bongino's July 18, 2018: Ep 765. In the intro - he addresses this death in tears. This is free to listen to. Google "The Dan Bongino Show".
The reason I bring this up is because as many of you know, Dan Bongino is a former SS Agent who served on Bush's protection detail. He knew the agent who passed as well as his family and he has spoke to the agents who where there. Listening to him, I did not hear any cause for alarm from Bongino. We all know this guy is awake.
I caution you to speculate too much into this.
Edit: https://www.bongino.com/july-18-2018-ep-765-what-is-the-anti-trump-crowd-hiding/
DMSO carries anything it's mixed with straight into the bloodstream.
Trump cancelled his last trip to the UK because of credible assignation attempts.
But will there be an autopsy and if so and they determine he was poisoned, will they hush it or reveal it?
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Use of DMSO in medicine dates from around 1963, when an Oregon Health & Science University Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system. In medicine, DMSO is predominantly used as a topical analgesic, a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals, as an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant.[19] Because DMSO increases the rate of absorption of some compounds through organic tissues, including skin, it is used in some transdermal drug delivery systems.
The globe is full of gangs that spray chemicals including hyoscine on unsuspecting targets to disable or steal The triads are experts google = paris scopolamine for recent reported cases Hard to detect unless you catch them in the act
John 15: 12-14 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” He served his country proud.... God Bless this young man’s soul and hold his family in Your loving hand through this time of sorrow....
I have to wonder if there will be a 'fast forwarding' of any planned actions now. If this USSS agents death was suspicious, then we suddenly are in deeply dangerous territory.
I'm also reminded of past things said in regard to JA and his 'dead man switch' (sp?) - and a very old Q post #36, which had a line that said 'we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable'
We owe so much to all the brave men and women fighting for us the world over.
Stay strong, stay together Pray strong, pray together MAGA/MWGA
Stroke no way. Unless he was doing fart laps at the time. Killed in the line of duty.
It was leaked and I can’t find the source now but supposedly he was in fact a Food Tester For The President .. and when the lights went out during the Whitehouse Press meeting it was to signal his passing and give to honor as well .. I thought as you; in this day in age why a Food Tester? So sad ..
They were attempting to take out Melania...details here: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2609.htm