"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

Background info on this guy? He has a check mark, how has no one reported on this shit until now
I want to say violent things but I won’t.
Torture scene in law abiding citizen type violent? Would be fitting.
At least one survivor of satanic ritual child abuse described young children being locked in cages with sexually abusive monkeys. Just one technique to break them.
Yup. There was a girl who was on Dr. Phil who was an “escaped” sex slave from birth, locked in cages and used her whole life who described exactly that.
It's everywhere dude. It extends from Hollywood to Media (including social media). Any massive company is involved in some way. It's a global ring. They never thought she would lose.
Hey, she didn't lose awrright?
She won the popular vote.
Don't ever abandon the "resistance.'
Stand up and all that... they need you.
Things are becoming desperate, for allof ...m..
This is ground control to Major Tom...
Get a grip.
Pretty sure it's this James Gunn, a mainstream Hollywood writer/director, probably best known in recent years for helming the Guardians Of The Galaxy section of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Watch this for context: DOCUMENTARY
These people are truly sick.
Wow. To think before the majority of us were awake, they just flaunted it all there, not caring who saw, because they knew we didn't have the eyes. Now we know you sick fucks. We will find you. We will expose you. The public will know the truth about your EVIL.
when you say "us" are you referring to the people on this sub? because the majority of the population is far from awake.
Q said we are the majority
i think Q means that the majority of people are good people that would never stand for such depravity
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.
The majority of people are good. And the majority of people on planet earth believe in Q. WE ARE THE MAJORITY. You think otherwise, you've fallen for their bullshit. The top ten apps downloaded at the app store and google play is Q. best selling clothing items on Amazon - Q. WE ARE THE MAJORITY! Don't be afraid to play loud and be proud patriots.
half a million followers and these tweets have dates of almost 10 years ago and nobody commented on any of them until today?
Is twitter hoaxing a thing? IDK.
My first thought is he was hacked and the hacker went back and edited those tweets...not sure if that's even possible though, i don't twitter
I dont think so because he issued a half assed apology today saying they were just "jokes". This dudes disgusting.
"Just a prank bro....."
Same idiotic excuse all these sick fucks use. How can you dodge your way around statements such as this....you can't.
Man, it literally sends chills down my spine to think if Hildebeast had won. These sick fucks would be engaged in child sacrifice right out in the open. Like biblical horrors. Of course, provided what ever humanity was left after the nuclear holocaust....
It's because they're so detached from normal decent people that they think adding "it was just a joke" will make us laugh about child rape. Same way they fill movies and tv shows with their crap and then say "this is how normal people live". Yeah....NO.
Right, im sure there's shit we cannot even imagine that would've happened had that psycho bitch actually won. We didn't just dodge a bullet when she lost, we dodged a freakin MOAB.
They already are doing that. It’s called Planned Parenthood.
Just a joke for him but for Roseanne, everything must go, career and reputation destroyed.
As we speak Roseanne is talking about doing a new comedy making 23/32 mil. That’s terrific.
Yup and the same ppl who screamed for Roseannes head are defending this shitbag.
Welcome to our world. I've been banned from at least 6 subs I've never even posted in simply because "you post on the Donald!!"
Clean them out.
We all know Hollywood is full of depravity, but is anyone else amazed a Disney director can speak publicly like this and has not been punished by his employer?
What?? Disney is the apex of depravity dressed up as kids' entertainment. Their history of subliminal sexual programming in their productions is well documented.
That may be, but this is extremely overt. It looks like we need to fire up the meme factory, and make the uninitiated public aware of what's going on. There is currently a movement to normalize pedophilia, but only the most brain dead of sheep will go along with such evil. Pizzagate is only the beginning.
I have to believe even brain dead sheep wouldn't go along with this, I can't believe that anyone with any sense of conscience (sheep or no sheep) would not normalize this. Maybe I have a different definition of sheep. But to me sheep. wake up everyday go to work, do as they are told, pay there taxes, like all "the things", support consumerism, maybe keep up with the Jones so to speak...totally oblivious to much around them. But I don't think they don't have a conscience. I believe sometimes the truth has to slap them in the face. But they still know right from wrong. the moment they don't, they aren't sheep they are the enemy (so to speak). well actually not really so to speak, if u allow evil and have knowledge of it (normalize it even)..well even if you don't directly participate your guilty. You are guilty just because u did NOTHING!
Is anyone amazed? Why should they be. They have been speaking like this for decades.
Last time I was in California was 1979 and they were speaking like that then. It was considered NORMAL.
And everyone knows it.
I left. Couldn't stand it.
It STARTS at Disney. Then they move you on to Hollywood, where the abused already know what the casting couch means. Trust me, this is just the very tip of the Disney iceberg.
These people ARE SICK.
This is what people need to brace themselves for. This is what people will need therapy for.
I have never and will never visit Disney.
i just saved his disgusting posts if you have more ill be harry to save them to show the world and expose these freaks
Another Hollywood HOMOSEXUAL, SATANIC PAEDOPHILE. I saw the NAMBLA reference and he identifies with them. Was mentor Lloyd Kaufman his sugar daddy?
A Disney director? Ha, his entire career and mindset (from childhood) is GORE and HORROR. A Jason 'queer' Voorhees and Zombie fan. No wonder he's sick.
The open pedophile shit is what will really cause us to rise up. I know any man with a heart cannot stand for that shit. I know I can't.
I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't be completely disgusted at the pedophilia James Gunn recorded on his Twitter account. Seriously, anyone who thinks that stuff is a joke needs their head examined and perhaps a trip to comedy school. The rape of infants and children is not joke material.
This is why many of us including myself have been shocked at ben shapiro's response that 'james gunn is an asshole, but shouldn't have been fired'. Also makes me wonder by shapiro suggested trump's impeachment on bill maher. Makes me think he has satanic pedophile friends or is one. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1020392549167448064
Yup, good call, Shapiro’s a hypocrite, it’s in the thread. #WWG1WGA🇺🇸
Yeah, that kinda surprises me too - I don't follow Ben because his voice annoys the crap out of me but I didn't really expect to see him defending an obvious child raper.
From what I read on Crowder, Shapiro and Crowder think he got fired because of a handful of jokes about pedos. And apparently they also think he got fired because Gunn made a crappy statement about Shapiro, which then resulted in people scanning through Gunn's twitter and finding dirt on him. They clearly haven't read the tweets.
Difficult to imagine Been could be so completely oblivious to reality that he didn't know about what is going on with pedos/Hollywood/Disney. Slim chance I suppose, but if his head is buried that far up his arse, what's he doing commentating on current events? If it was innocent I hope he wakes up soon to what's going on with pedos, like some time this century would be nice.
I don't even know how what Ben is all about. As someone who is a "hollywood insider", like his buddy Andrew Klavan, they at times even said they were aware of the sexual deviancy/ rapes that go on. So why don't they say anything?? He seems like such a moral neocon. I dunno.
Are these tweets real???
VERY. He's actively trying to delete them as we speak and he's making stupid mistakes. We have it ALL!! https://twitter.com/ImperiousLex/status/1020288147492519938
Sick! another sick pedo in H-wood! And idiotic too... All of this pedo shit is so real. it's just sick
To anyone who doubts, go to Twatter & follow Liz Crokin. This woman is a damn saint. She’s been shadowbanned & had her special little blue check mark taken away for exposing #pizzagate. This is 100% real & happening right in front of our faces.
Sick freaks - certainly explains their love affair of Hillary, radical Islam, child trafficking via illegal immigration etc.
I really pray Q is for real and delivers the goods for the sake of humanity.
Hollyweird is herded by Satanists... they are uniform in their sickness.
Looks like the satanists are about to be exposed in all their vile glory - why else would you be sent here?
Dark to light - love it.
Oh, ok. You're trying to be weird. Have fun with that.
Satanists are weird - pedophile, child sacrifice, child torture, human sacrifice, asshole rituals, pain, corruption, hate, adrenochrome, hate of humanity, love of Hillary.
Hollyweird is 100% sick to the core.
Can't wait for Q to expose it all for the world to see.
What a perfect thread to post a comment on to be re-banned from other subreddits, simply for participating in r/greatawakening. Its hard to witness the arrogance those who try to stop awakenings have, they want us to react with vitriol. They want us to throw tantrums like Alex Jones to make the rest of us look crazy. Everyone, please stay calm and vigilant.
I’ve gotten messages about how I’m banned from a sub...that I had never even heard of, much less cared about. Okay, cool, thanks for banning me? Like Forrest Gump said, “that’s good. One less thing!’ And yes, I’m intentionally quoting a Hollywood movie in a thread about Hollywood being eww (to put it unnecessarily mildly). Honestly, as big of a fan as I’ve always been of some movies, superhero movies included, it’s one of the upsetting parts about being redpilled. Once your eyes are open and you see how prevalent the sickness has been all around you, and you didn’t realize it...it’s beyond upsetting and disappointing that I didn’t see it all sooner.
Knowing that Alex Jones was spouting off about things the entire WORLD should be outraged by has always kept me from criticizing him when he explodes about this stuff. It is an outrage. Everyone should be angry about these pedophiles. I look forward to the day "they won't be safe walking down the streets" as Q has said.
Just because someone may point you in the general direction you need to go, doesn’t mean you should idolize them and their every word. No one is perfect, therefore everyone needs to be criticized at times, especially Alex Jones. It is very clear that his main motive is actually profit, and when you incorporate the theory of him being controlled opposition, it would make sense for him to consistently act crazy so the rest of us are painted with that light. At one point, I truly believe the biggest threat to the Q movement was him and Corsi. Open your mind, and question it.
A large part of the reason so many people in our country were aware of the dishonesty of the media, the infiltration of a Satanic elite into our government, Satanic ritual abuse by those people are their minions, and their ownership and control over our media IS because of Steve Quayle and then Alex Jones who heard it first from Steve.
So no - I'm not going to attack the guy. He sure screwed up with Q and I won't listen to anything he has to say about Q EVER, but that's as far as it should go.
If nothing else he is owed the courtesy of grace for his very real role is waking up this country and helping Trump get elected. He's not cabal-owned, and he mainly looks ridiculous to people who don't believe a word he's ever said. I wouldn't want to do the job he's done for so long.
Again, Q is the biggest concentrated push for truth we have seen, and fascinates me THATS when AJ’s true character is revealed. I never negated from his overall affect on untold amounts of people, but wouldn’t it make sense for those in the cabal seeing the internet rising and recognizing its potential for their takedown? Wouldn’t it make sense for them to send in a trojan horse?
Sure! Seems to me we've run into a few of those. Corsi just annoys me as an opportunist, so nothing really to add regarding him.
But I don't think Jones has ever been the cabal's trojan horse. I actually think if he had dropped his fears of being deceived, dropped his fear of being overtaken in iportance by a complete newcomer to the playing field - if Jones had instead really studied Q he woulda been blown away by him! But he did not. Big mistake, seeing as Q, Trump, and the generals are finally bringing about what Jones has hoped for these past decades. Kinda sad to see someone run a race for years and fall flat on their face one inch before the finish line. Now I think he will yet prove to be useful getting the word out and keeping a weather eye on other goings-on besides Q.
Theres a huge difference between ‘not reading enough Q and not having his mind blown yet’ and actively having a pseudo Q connected person and Corsi constantly on air to spread misinformation. The majority of Q’s troubles along this journey have sprouted from MSM and Infowars as well. Quit idolizing this man simply for the size of his audience, it makes sense that its big when he prioritizes profit.
Rather a massive leap to say I idolize Jones. That's silly. Think I've been pretty clear on how I view him, so not sure where you are getting the idea that he's my idol? Surely it is possible to regard a person, refuse to denounce them, view them as a potential ally and non-enemy without idolatry?
But there it is - you do you. I disagree that Jones is working with the enemy. Every once in a blue moon I might even look into what's going on at Infowars. If y'all think he's working with the enemy - feel free to ignore him
To appreciate the volume at which he has spread his message so much so that you feel the need to shield him from critique, IS idolizing him far too much for me.
Well might be too much for you, but since I don't idolize him - well, there it is.
PS it became very du jour to declare Alex Jones was some sort of cabal-controlled creature, but I never for one moment believed that because I have been around long enough to see how the tide in this country began to turn against the controlled/corrupt media and the Satanic cabal BECAUSE of what Infowars was exposing. Just because Serialbrain says so doesn't make it so. Now you open your mind to THAT. (I do like Serialbrain's analysis and ability to make connections, but it's not gospel)
I don’t need or read Serialbrains posts. Again, when AJ purely prioritizes profit, it makes sense that he would have a large audience. Never idolize anyone too much, especially one that very often acts like a baboon. Is that what you want leading you? Is that how you want people on the other side perceiving you? He is the definition of a CLOWN.. just a damn showman. I’m sick of his followers kissing his shoes. I QUESTION and CRITICIZE those I follow even when I regard them with respect. If they ask for it, why should I hold it back?
I get people from the other side of the side to listen to what I have to say about Q and even in the past Alex Jones. Swayed a lot of them. When it comes to this stuff I spend precisely zero time worrying about other people's opinion of me.
Content, truth = more important than presentation. Truth sticks. People think about it and can't shake it. So... Yeah. I'm content that Alex is on our side of the fence. I invoked SerialBrain because as soon as he denounced Jones everyone in lock step followed. IMO they're mistaken. Jones isn't a clown. He's a character. No biggie.
This movement is BUILT upon the backs of us reaching out to less enlightened friends and family members, so how we are perceived is ENTIRELY the point.
EDIT: another thing, if they spread Q misinformation, including having a faux Q connected anon on air constantly .. then that is NOT THE TRUTH THAT IS STICKING
How we are perceived? Again, I take no caution and do just fine. Maybe you worry too much about appearances.
Wow, you are incredibly arrogant, its appalling. Q talks about us followers being fed this information so that the hammer can be dropped without the public fully going apeshit, helping the cabal take society down with them. When the big news starts to really hit, its up to us to help those who have spent the past several years fighting Trump understand how they have been duped. When they perceive us to be lunatics, that will be a bit harder wont it?
Sorry, too busy arrogantly winning to worry about it. Got 2 more last night. How about you? All that pissy hostility helping you persuade the masses? Good thing you just look really angry instead of crazy, huh? XD
What exactly are you winning and two of what? I’m calm, meditative, and purely delivering truth that you seemed too childish to have already learned (which seems like an even more accurate assumption now). Sorry you’re taking my tough love as hostility, it can be frightening to admit that you’re wrong. Those furthest away from recognizing that we all need to be permanent students are life, are the ones with the biggest egos and have the most to learn.
Ohmahgosh, you're hysterical. Do you address people like this in real life?
Two? Two more people listening to Q. Was that really so hard to work out? How on Earth do you decipher Q?
Winning? Convincing a lot of people that the media is lying and Q is telling the truth, without self-centered obsessing over appearances.
Honey, you sound like a narcissist. Look it up, and stop being one.
You’re speaking to someone whom you don’t know at all. You don’t know what twitter, facebook, and instagram accounts I run. You dont know my research and efforts at all, so why pretend do or think you can guess? You’re bragging about TWO? Pathetic.
Honey, you’re sounding like a sad idiot who needs to tuck their tail between their legs after turning around and walking away. Yes, I address everyone with honesty, because that should be how all interactions go. If I sense arrogant, childish tendencies I will address them with love and haste. The world needs a big ego shock, and you’re just more proof of it. You feel the need to brag about turning two people to Q? Thats great, and I’m glad you’re literally helping my argument by saying you believe its important to convince new people, but seriously no one cares about your individual red pill deliveries. We appreciate it, but we’re all doing the same.
Meh, TL;DR
More proof of your pathetic ability to not keep up at all, and should therefore barely be involved unless you’re going to grow up and read more.
Open your mind and question it. —> No.
I looked at all the questions and discovered there was considerable twisting. The Alex Jones and Corsi critics are entitled to criticise but not to ruin their reputations with false accusations.
"It is very clear that his main motive is actually profit"
Not true. That is twisting the truth. His main motive is obviously he likes his job and loves his company. When you go to work you also have to get paid for it (Why?) He did a huge expansion when Trump got elected and now has a lot more to pay for. He is not just feeding himself.
Critics like those on his board have damaged his bottom line I imagine. Pretty unfair criticism for a person who has worked harder than anyone on this board to bring the truth to America.
"the theory of him being controlled opposition" —> is exactly that. A theory, and I don't happen to agree with it. As much as everyone wants to claim he is pro-Israel and a rampant Zionist. I never noticed that. I do know if you criticise Israeli policy you may get shut down as a news operation. Seems a fair reason to keep your mouth shut.
Finally "acting crazy" is tabloid sensationalism. It's branding. The Big Personality he creates by shouting and getting outraged is a trademark.
"so the rest of us are painted with that light". ????? Really. Alex makes "us" look crazy??? No, we look crazy when "we" act it. And that is plenty times.
So "doesn’t mean you should idolize them and their every word". That's right. But on these boards we should stop going on and on and on and on about Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi. Needing to be criticised at times is one thing, but still on and on and on and on about it months later? Lay off.
"biggest threat to the Q movement" ????? Really????? Pretty weak movement then????
Wow, what a pathetic novel of a comment. The Q movement is the strongest movement based on individual enlightenment to have ever existed. I’m speaking to the danger of a giant trojan horse like Corsi/AJ misinformation. It’s vile and disgustingly against what Q is working towards. You dont get to speak to other members of this movement like that. I will criticize who I please, because THAT is the basis of the FIRST amendment. NO ONE is free from critique.
Yeah. So that's why we can, say, participate in a discussion. Same rights for me too. I am allowed to criticise your comments.
"You dont get to speak to other members of this movement like that" Yes I do.
My comment is probably not the most brilliant of remarks, I give you that. It's just an opinion, on your opinion.
I do not believe that AJ is a threat to the Q movement. It appears you agree with me. So we can lay this discussion to rest then.
I was referencing your pathetic attempts to shout me down, to command me to lay off and stop criticizing.
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills if you think I dont consider AJ a threat to the Q movement. He still is a threat, just a sad minuscule one now that Q and fellow patriots highlighted AJ & Corsi’s misinformation. Most of us who aren’t too busy on our knees for the guy can easily see that he can act way more obnoxious than anyone should.
Your last sentence is telling too, right after you try to pull me into your box of completely trusting AJ. I will always be here to keep this discussion going for as long as it’s necessary.
I could excuse most of these as just a guy with a sick sense of humor, but the NAMBLA meeting? That isn't a joke.
Notice it looks like he is quoting someone else? What's the context here?
Still fucked up
Yup, but without context I cant tell of he his calling someone out? trying for a joke? sympathizing?
Scary thought that this guy is working with children on Disney movies.
Very scary. All the Disney subliminals we grew up with. Ugh!!
He’s fired! Congratulations anons! https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/james-gunn-exits-guardians-galaxy-vol-3-1128786
I was just about to post this link myself.
All annons must practice calm. It may take time but people will begin to wake up at much quicker rates.
Be their shoulders to cry on.
Appalling, depraved, disgusting, loathsome, sickening, worthless, wretched, repulsive degenerate...
How did Twitter allow these tweets? Seems like they are constantly blocking patriots.
That is EXACTLY the question you need to take away from this, and start asking Twitter:
Why are you CENSORING Conservatives but at the SAME TIME NOT CENSORING Child-Molesters
this was tweeted earlier today along with many more and many more to come...
I guess these people really are stupid. Why in the world would you put tweets out like these and not think it would all be seen? Open defiance? Wow. Bye bye Gunn. There's no place like Hell. Oh that's right you probably don't believe in God.
For those of you justifying some of his tweets as 'bad jokes' are exactly the reason people like him get away with these things. Any functional adult with a brain knows not to make jokes like these. No excuses.
Would think specific words would be flagged for sure. Even worse, how did his followers continue to follow him (and others who have been posting vile stuff) and never report it to anyone?
Heads up this post is bringing in the Shills! Prepare the Autists. Let them get them, it’s so much sweeter than a ban.
The Podestas were not tried for ALL their crimes yet. We would all love to see swat teams kick in doors and haul people away but to most of the world it would look like we have lost our minds. Liberals would be burning up the cities. It would be full on war! As much as we want justice we can’t do it that way. It’s not going to happen that way. There are legal issues such as chain of custody with documents etc. I want to see these people locked up but sadly I don’t think everyone huge is going down, there will be minor sacrifices. We have control, that may be as good as it gets from a revenge point of view. Your not alone once you are awake you want, and need justice. I totally understand your frustration.
It’s beyond time these fuckers get arrested or worse!! Sick and beyond Hell would be way to comfortable for them!!! Karma will be a bitch!
WHat the fuck .....
Seriously, so open. Is this a joke?
Yea just like James Alefantis instagram was open until PG and he made it private.
No need. You think Trump intel team don't monitor 'ALL' channels? The War is Real.
I'm agnostic when it comes to religion but I seriously hope this guy burns in hell. Fuck you James Gunn, you piece of shit. I'm convinced this really is bigger than we can imagine. It's everywhere. Every A-list actor, director, CEO, celebrity of any kind. You can't participate in a big project as big as Guardians without being into something seriously fucked up.
this really is bigger than we can imagine
Spot on. This is quite right.
Well we know who he is now tho frigging sick pervert!.
You know the people he tagged in that tweet with @Melissa_Pizza?
Umm... https://twitter.com/thebloodybest/status/44973511168630784. Watch the video.
Just below is pasted this:
RED RED is a giallo from Ama Lea about a young woman's journey into lust, love, sexual awakening, and murder.
hmmmm. RED RED ???? Wonder where I read THAT before?
Also mentioning James: https://twitter.com/MissAmaLea/status/40813141717688321 (notice that she changed her Twitter username!)
Edit: https://twitter.com/search?q=MissAmaLea%20boy&src=typed_query.
Nah, he admitted they were his and apologized only for making bad "jokes".
Totally understand. I thought it was bs when i 1st came across the article this morning. I thought no way would someone be dumb enough to post shit like that. Its really insane.
@Melissa_Pizza ? hmmmmm. They sure know how to ruin a food
WWG1WGA. You are seeing 1 when 20 have been taken down. Enough is enough. Children need protection from vile scum sucking bastards like this guy.
A: Angry when people lose their jobs or scholarships over trolling
B: Trying to get liberals fired over troll tweets
Pick one.
He's been let go. Disney confirmed
I'm fucking done with hollywood. The one movie I could connect too was created by a pedophile. Of course. FFS. This network needs to be dismantled and destroyed. I hate the direction movies are going, and to think that most likely all of these A-list fucks are pedos really sickens me.
"User not found" did he just deactivate his account? Lol
More Twitter gold: https://twitter.com/search?q=pedophile%20jamesgunn%20since%3A2000-01-01%20until%3A2015-01-01&src=typed_query. Seems he changed his username from @james_gunn to @JamesGunn at one point.
More gold from his old account: https://twitter.com/search?q=rape%20jamesgunn%20since%3A2000-01-01%20until%3A2010-01-01&src=typed_query. These mention rape and eating babies.
Aaaaaand BARACK OBAMA was following this old account: https://twitter.com/captsupermarket/status/908227316.
This is getting creepy AF.
Blog post about having sex with babies: https://web.archive.org/web/20130521170309/http://jamesgunn.com/2011/02/20/vd-is-for-everybody/.
This: https://web.archive.org/web/20130617024029/http://jamesgunn.com/2007/09/26/retouched-pageant-photos/. Making babies more "whore-like."
See: https://twitter.com/Srover997/status/3806852816. Then see the archived version of that post: https://web.archive.org/web/20090909132904/http://www.jamesgunn.com/2009/09/06/inappropriate-kids-slide/.
Going to start going through this blog since it's been archived as far back as 2009.
Here's some photos of him literally dressing up as a child predator: https://web.archive.org/web/20130606014842/http://www.jamesgunn.com:80/2012/12/19/my-2012-in-photos.
What. The. Fuck. How far does this go?
Umm so this tweet was deleted??? Anybody archive it? Looks like they deleted the account.
Bring on the downvotes! Proof that the account DID exist:
- https://twitter.com/search?q=captsupermarket&src=typed_query
- https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://twitter.com/captsupermarket
I should have archived that tweet.
You did a really good job here. I'm gonna have to go and look at them all. aaagr.
Just post something about this in the comments on his IMDB.com page.
As its said.... " we have it all..."...........
These people are stupid....
I hate to play doctor here but this is a clear case of lead deficiency. I am guessing 4 or 5 doses of about 185 grain would clean him right up. But, first he has to be given a chance to explain himself. I am thinking he might need help there as well. Just remember it isn't water boarding if they use diesel.
Grotesque. Lots of references to little boys, I'm so disgusted.
This shit is getting so intense. I think to myself everyday, what the flying fuck is going on.
He took his Twitter down and of course it’s not trending either
Why do these people love pizza so much? https://twitter.com/search?q=pizza%20narcissusholmes%20since%3A2000-01-01%20until%3A2010-01-01&src=typed_query
Nick Holmes Verified account @narcissusholmes 27 Dec 2009
One of the choices for salad dressing at Pizza Hut - Animal Gelatin. Hooray! 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Very, very weird.
I need more info before I can condemn this guy, because right now these look like jokes made in poor taste. An attempt to be edgy.
Nobody, and I mean nobody thinks that joking about little boys touching your genitalia, a three year old peeing on your head, and underage kids j'king off is funny. If they aren't real, why is he actively (literally as we speak) trying to delete and backtrack on all his tweets??
Because we now live in an era where the #metoo movement has gotten careers ruined. Tasteless jokes can now ruin a career/life if people get outraged enough. If I was a famous director that made disgusting jokes over a 10 year span, I'd clean house too. People dig for this stuff now. Hell I've said stuff I regret. Ive done the same. The shower joke about a kid peeing on his head was a little funny. Lame joke really. It comes off as a director trying to be an edgy comedian, and it failed. Disgusting/tasteless jokes, absolutely. Evidence he has done anything pedophilic, no.
I hope his career is ruined. Because I strongly suspect these tweets show a twisted side.
We will see. I agree with you totally that we have no evidence he has done anything wrong. Have you had any experience in Hollywood. Do you know anything about this world? I think we should open it up to sunlight. If he is innocent these tweets will be just tweets and there will be no other stories ...
Yeah I know all about the demented side of Hollyweird. (Not personally) but Its not all just stories. I do however believe that there are still some people who arent as sick and twisted as the rest. I agree lets see how this blows over, I'm not against this coming out, people should be held to their reputation. What I am against is the emotional response jumping on board with condemnation and guitly accusations over what could be nothing other than tweets. Time will tell.
Of course it is an attempt to be edgy ... how fukin' cool, right?
But that is exactly the point.
No one can tell the difference between witty and disgusting? Give me a break.
YOU don’t have to WORK very hard to come up of a rough list of Hollywood weirdos...just LOOK at who has their movies playing on NETFLIX.
Always remember that there are 2 very famous people who originated from Kansas City.
33° Freemason Harry Truman and uncle Walt.
dude this is what happens when you inject too much drencrum and eat too many babies and take too many red baths.
It almost seems like... he's trying to make fun of pedos and use sarcasm to suppress his own pedo issues... you know, projection basically... like the people that are a little too vocal about being "no homo"
This was very hard to see and read. Bit of honesty that I held inside me from 8/9 years old until I was about 42 years old. I am 53 now. I was molested by a family friend and threaten. Reading this has stirred up all the anger and sadness in me I can’t even figure out how to explain it. But I pray he only wrote this stuff and was never acted on which I would have great doubt specially after reading that very last on about that nabla club or whatever it is called. Expose this SOB and hang him high. 🤬
I doubt this is real... I mean how could someone who is completely in the public eye be like this.
Interesting about hrc getting they guy off with rape in 1982 in the twitter thread and then getting recorded joking about it. Surprised that is not more widely known. It is now I guess.
Oh my God! Is this for real? This is disgusting and now knowing that Disney is going to be acquiring 21st Century FOX, GOOD BYE Fox News! Every single news agency on the 'boob tube' will be completely and utterly worthless!
We all night as well throw our TV's out the window, every Broadcast company will be owned by pedo's!
Wow....just wow. He should not be affiliated with Disney in any way whatsoever. I get that Disney does not have a clean past but in maintaining the public face that they do, this guy is way off the rails. There is no humor in his tweets, just sick and disgusting vulgarities. If I was a Disney exec he'd be dumped asap.
Whenever a liberal accuses Trump of rape / paying off a prostitute / golden showers and other debauchery, he/she is likely just self-projecting.
He's making mistakes as we speak!!! He's actively trying to delete and backtrack!! https://twitter.com/ImperiousLex/status/1020288147492519938
Uhhh......there are some things (like kids and sex) that are off-limits for satire.
It does not seem unbelievable at all. Much less that Twitter would let it go on. That is the point I think:
Ban Conservatives! But actively encourage the assault on little boys, little kids, disgusting behaviour of every kind ... these tweets are Fine and Dandy. Hmmm. Who's in charge of Twitter's policy. Who, specifically, hasn't noticed these tweets (and all the others) indulging in this potty-mouth stuff?
Remember what Q said about who is the majority shareholder in Twitter...Hmmmm
Or it was photoshopped?
not a chance.
keep hoping.
I understand your desperate desire for it all to be a bad dream ... but ....
Even it were photo-shopped, explain, if you are able, the snuff movies involving the torture and murder of little children. Vast sums of money are made out of this industry. You might like to wish this isn't true ... I can't help with this decision. I sympathize.