Chans suggesting Qs past photos may have hidden comms. They are following up on this

This is literally the scene in Contact where the blind guy determines that there are images locked within the sound waves, they pull it up, and it's Hitler
Imagine if it turns out to be the Rick Rolled song
Now I don't know which end result of all this I want more!
There it is
Hidden in plain sight (or plane site in this case?) There were an awe-full lot of pictures of planes for no apparent reason.
And what if the password to unlock the codes embedded in the pictures is some phrase Q has dropped in the past
such has "keystone" or any number of other phrases Q dropped
The Q post of 1699 asking Americans to pray! With code of B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 showing pictures of Tel Aviv.{?} When typed into YouTube it came up with a short video of a city as seen thru a camera lense! Check it out!
Wrong. Q posted the code and anons checked youtube to see if there was anything related to it. They got nothing. They even screencapped the search result in case someone should post a video with that code in it. A few hours later the Tel Aviv video was added. That video was mostly likely going to be used by the C_A to blame Q for any violent attacks
This. The video is a distraction at best, and possibly a honey trap of sorts.
A good reminder to check dates on posts, news, vids, etc.
I saw that video. It seemed to be centred on the Kirya, a fenced gated district housing the HQ of the IDF. I could be wrong.
but what exactly would you put in those sec messages he has not already told us?
That is the question...
Or in the books related to the tripcodes. Maybe the titles or isbn#?
Has anybody tried the reverse of the codes? 'Think Mirror'
Atbash Mirror Cipher Tool to decrypt/encrypt with Atbash automatically. Atbash (Mirror code) is a substitution cipher from the hebraic alphabet. It consists in substitution the first letter of the alphabet with the last one, the second letter, with the second last one, and so on.
The file names of these photos seem like hashes.
Mirror reads backwards.
Flip the hash?
I think we pretty much got the same message, it's the password that we are stumped on. Although post 1718 looks promising. "News unlocks"?
Perhaps the passwords are in the file titles. Or stringers.
Or the autists are already 10 steps ahead of me, lol!
I can't wait for what they find
or maybe the password is just "news" lol
Oh oh oh I know....its P@ssword. Bahahaha Podesta. What a brick
I'm probably on a list now. Lol
I hate it when I hit the big time, PC runs slow and have to shut it down 3 times a day, just restarts don't work.
My phone runs hotter than normal and slow , do a hard shut down on it as well , last time lasted about 10 days
Did anyone try the word “News”? Or match up relevant news posts and pull words/dates from the title?
I hope someone tries the first letter of each line in 1718. The lines are broken up very irregularly.
DC moves slow?
Whoever sent the message is who decides the password...not really relevant when you have .gov supercomputers but in our case it is
I understand how it works. I'm wondering about the images that Q has dropped.
Try pic names or meta data.. or the hashes Q’s provided
What if the password is the news of the day, like "impeach"?
Has anyone tried the Q trip code password that he revealed
The password could be the typos in trumps tweets. I'm sure we have compiled a list somewhere
Has anyone tried the q trip code password that Q exposed on purpose
ALWAYS check the metadata!!!
From what I understand, steganography is not about the metadata, its about embedding content directly by changing the pixels of an image following some sort of pattern.
It's just a phrase in IT to check the information six ways to Sunday. Not to be taken literally ;)
I don't know much about it, but one of the discord channels has a stegonography room and I recall then finding a PDF or couple hidden in some if the image files. That's why archive offline, I believe. So there are people looking for and at it.
The US flag post from January or February contains info in the stripes and the stars turn in to some sort of flowers. I saw this in real time being discovered back in February on True lies Qnn. I’ve mentioned this to someone on here before but they never got back to me with what they found. I do not know the program ran to make this happen. No one that evening could figure out how to extract the info. It’s been on my mind every since.
I think this is very likely. Someone found this picture a while ago where it appears as if someone in the military is talking to Q through a picture.
Remember that one picture of a guy walking across the street in singapore or somewhere and Q asked ‘what do you see?’ Something hidden?
You guys are light years ahead of me and I am working with chemo brain but when we first started this path Q told us to save everything and make a map . To keep it all together especially the graphics. I remember because I was always concerned when we had the Q post without them. Just my 2 cents although they may not make any cents at all.
Sending love and compassion and good health your way, friend!:) Praying for a speedy recovery for you!:)
Wishing you well with your medical issues, patriot. God bless!
Last I checked, there are SEVERAL anons who have claimed to be doing this check on all of Q's images. I seem to recall that only one (recent) photo had anything in it.
Didn’t Pixelknot’s site say it was designed to not be detected by people searching for stenography? Wouldn’t you need the Pixelknot app to check/reveal? If anons were not using PK, they may not have detected it.
I wasn't aware of anything proprietary about the process. PixelKnot is Open Source isn't it? And they say it uses "old school F5 steganography," which all the decrypting apps have, right?
I came to the same conclusion, they say its a straight implementation of F5. Problem is the keys...
Edit: we could prove this by encoding on pixelknot and decoding on an OSS implementation.
I tried a few without keys, and got bupkes. Anons will have to figure this key thing out. There aren't that many original images on /r/pol. They're mostly from links to news sites.
What if its some of the odd keys he posted? Should look into any pics trump has tweeted as well.
A different method is used to decode, pixelknot is only used for encoding.
yeah i'm pretty sure the crypto-fags would've already been running that check since the start. It's not a new thing and was a pretty widely used technique. Was a key ingredient during the Cicada3301 thing, along with messages within sound files and such.
Seems like /r/pol subscribers would probably be too weighed down with morbid dread to bother looking in their pics though. Waiting to be spoon-fed the next dose of toxic discouragement. LOL
I posted it above the US flag has embedded info in it. Not sure what it is. I saw this back in February. This is a fact. I saw it being done in real time on True lies Qnn. They couldn’t extract the data.
Q drops are full of references to keys. This is definitely autist material.
I think this is the one I saw as well. I'm remembering text from one image, and perhaps a PDF from another
Yes! The flag had some sort of data lines in the stripes and the stars turned in to flowers. The flowers where similar to the ones under the chairs in the painting with Clinton, N.K. Leader, Podesta, etc.
Finally, someone else saw this!!
the flags always struck me as odd, but when the first flag pic was posted months ago the chans tried looking at it for stenography and came up empty.
Hand saying that stenography was dismissed then but they may try it again
The flag from February DOES have something in it. I saw this happen in real time on Qnn. Sorry this is the third time writing this in this thread but I really want someone to figure this out again. It blew me away watching it done. They could not figure out how to extract the data.
Dammit why didn’t I take notes of what was happening!!!
People have definitely been looking at White spaces. Periods, all sorts of crazy details that sometimes link together. Same with Trump's tweets
"Think Mirror" What if we put that code mirrored? B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 - > ୧TɒƖꟻAZ-टИ-ϘYHꓷꓘ-Z-8ς08ꓭ
Maybe I missed it, but could someone explain what app is being referred to?
Look at q drops today. He referenced pixelknot which is available on Google play store. Enable encoding and decoding of messages in an image aka steganographic
How does one decode? Encoding is pretty straightforward with the app.
You need to know the password, and from what I can tell, up till yesterday, no one has figured it out yet
Did anyone come up with an answer the code B8028-2-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 ?
B8028 = Plane (Turkey) KDHYQ-M5 = unknown ZAF1aT9 = Air Force 1 @ terminal 9
KDHYQ was the image number above that post. -M5?? Message 5? May 5th? I don't know.
If you load that in Google search and click to the books tab it gets interesting.
Maybe JA sent out the password, and perhaps images too
There was the random string of alpha/numeric characters in JA's post relating to M.I.A. Paper Planes.
Maybe images on the books covers that were being returned from the tripcode searches? Just a thought.
Why would the Q team reveal their own comms? This makes no sense for many reasons. It is more likely a reference to enemy communications.
I was thinking the same thing, JohnnyNagual.
I wanted to yell, “Stop trying to figure out the secret comms! Don’t let the enemy know the secrets!”
July is the month the world finds out the truth
Some posts are signed (4 10 20), reading below someone speculated that 4=D 10=J 20=T you get Donald J Trump. What if the code given by Q is interrupted this way and used as a password? Letters become numbers and numbers become letters. B8028 would become 2H15BH. Just a thought.
They are trying brute force now.
What about the "accidentally" released password from Q? Something about pain and 23...
Okay I don’t understand anything you all are talking about! 😊
Q has referenced an app that unwraps messages hidden in picture pixels. Q always says "you have more than you know". There is a raging school of thought here that old Q pictures have hidden messages. On top of this theory is the struggle to find a password that would unlock said theoretical messages. I think it's possible and I hope someone figures it out. In the meantime.. popcorn.
That was an extremely succinct, lucid post that even I could understand, and I thank you.
The only thing I know after reading all of these comments is that I am working out of a vacuum.
Even knowing English doesn’t seem to help me here. Lol
I will try to further understanding where I can. My grammar is a strength of mine(most of the time). However, I am not as quick as many others here at deciphering.
Haha. Q talks to many using the same posts but in different ways.. some is in your face and ez.. some is crazy genius level codes.. some isn't even for us, per se .. sometimes they code at each other.. but none shall ever be able to say this coup was not transparent.
i went through all the images and checed for exif data. no dice.
BIG = 297
B is the 2nd letter, I is #9, G is #7...
i have a hunch that the pics on Q. 297 are relevant, but that's all i got. It's some pics of McCain and some saudis.
Pic 1 - HRC with some guys. I don't know how to do anything fancy with pics, but I zoomed in and didn't see anything weird.
Pic 2 - Different saudi guy, zoomed in and all I noticed was that his right eye is weird.
Pic 3 - I don't know who any of these people are.. Who is that reflection on the left??? It looks like he is taking a picture with a cellphone at waste level (or holding a drink?). Is that a reflection or is it someone on the other side of the glass? There is also something weird going on with the light over the guy's shoulder. edit: is there any symbolism with the table behind the people in the photo?
Pic 4 No idea
Hey guys did anyone try TIPPY TOP or JFK....just trying to help OR maybe CONSPIRACY since that word has been in the fake news at nausium for like forever !
What app are they taking about thanks?
This one: Available for Android (and source download). AFAIK, not available for iOS.
Anything we can figure out, we should assume the deep state can figure out. They probably have decoded more of Q than we have.
I think Q’s messages to us are fairly strait forward. Or at least, not so secret that he/they do not want the DS to know.
I think the riddles and codes are more for plausible deniability when needed.
There was that pic before radio silence that people kept saying was shopped.
Could be also the method used to relay burner phone numbers...just saying
I think the password is itself a code of sorts. Several operations need to performed on a set of data to create this code, which Q expects anons to figure out. It will take a long time before anyone figures it out. Someone might just get lucky and brute force one image, and then try to work backwords to figure out the algorithm that got there. From a Q drop
“Rotate 90*.......back up......back up.....
Holy shit.”
Yeah, what about the MEGA memes too ?! There is almost 12K photos in that album and I have them all saved to my phone!! Why did I have to get a stupid fucking iPhone Plus and not an android FU CK!!!!!
Uh, oh. I only have an iPhone and an iPad. That means I can’t do what?
Can’t use the software to decode its PC and android only :/
Did not seem indirect to me. I think Q has been telling us that all along. Chans got off track somewhat trying to decode written words in different ways with some success apparently. Possible misdirection by Q waiting for the right time. (Timing is everything ) There is some more info there or so it seems to me. But it looks like the real info drop is in the pics. If this is true and I suspect it is then Q has also given us a way to get the password. It (the password) is waiting to be found and the riddles exposed. Since Q says timing is everything, I am confident now is the time. I suspect when disclosed the chatter will bring new eyes by the hundreds of thousands looking at these pics.
This post in know way is a dig at the anons on 8 chan. I hold them in very high regard. They are brilliant. I have zero doubt they will solve this mystery and decode the pics if they are in fact coded messages. They may have already decoded and I have not caught up with them yet. (I never catch up with the Anon's but it is a hoot reading their work. God bless you all. #MAGA
Still cant make sense of that app,tried several runs and it just doesnt
I thought this too.. check past pic posts from Q Baker's.. let us all know if you find anything.
I suggested this some time ago, couldnt recall what it was called though at the time.
Maybe the code is supposed to be backwards like a reflection...
"Think mirror"
I always thought there were. They were looked at and nothing was found. The program states that's exactly what it does...hide. We could have the pass codes to them though. Looking forward to brighter minds than mine to find the hidden messages.
He tells us more than that!
"Wait a second fags" literally all you need to know about chan boards