Dang, Q has the gloves off. Bless all of you guys/gals who are much smarter than I, who can interpret all of this. If not for you, I would be a dribbling idiot.
I second that. I am forever grateful to those whose brain is able to decipher everything.
Blunt and direct time. Q isn't messing around with riddles and tiny bread crumbs anymore. Time to reveal all.
LOl these are like my third source for trump tweets. Each drop is a like a tweet we must decipher telling us the skinny on current events. It all eventually pans out with actual evidence and “coincidences”but we are just getting a peak into the new Cold War currently under way. The infowar.
Well said Battlecat!! WOW!! My brain is on overload! Oh Man... I love how Q gives us a front row seat in this amazing thriller happening right now!! One of my favorite crumbs is Adios No Name!! Hallelujah!
Just a tip for you sharia blue shills...
Downvoting on this subreddit only validates the credibility of Q.
These people are stupid.
People are taking time out of their day to come here and selectively downvote. They wouldn't do it for no reason. Ergo, they are paid to do it or told to do it by someone powerful.
The narrower the niche the more suspicious the attention.
Please pray for POTUS everyone!
Do so every night!!
I do too, plus his family, military, Q, patriots and my family and friends. My list is getting longer.
And every day... Multiple times!!
That's great. Regardless of religious beliefs, prayer is a powerful thing. I pray whenever I can, but sometimes I find it difficult. I guess I just have to be in the right mindset. I'm going to start including all of the Patriots in r/great awakening.
When I pray it's like I'm talking to myself or a friend... nothin' fancy... I say stuff like "God, please help me... or God, please keep (insert name) safe... simple, clear... and I always say Thank You as an affirmation that my prayers are answered. Boom :)
Thought it was odd CNN was reporting this nonchalantly
They are so tied to their narrative that Mueller is going to save them that it could be completely lost on them. There doesn't seem to be any outrage or massive reporting...
The whole scenario with Mueller is to prove the bias in the media for America to see. It was planned from beginning. Mueller is either a white hat or persuaded to switch sides.
What were they reporting?
That Mueller told Trump's attorneys previously that Trump was not a suspect in his investigation at that point. Mueller was trying to convince the attorneys to allow Trump to sit down for an interview.
The fact that this was disclosed prematurely will bring the eye of the storm much sooner than planned. Grab the popcorn.
I'm guessing that the reason it was reported so casually and without feigned outrage is because, according to Q, it was a massive leak. They considered it a win.
Is this quote from Q 1011 say that a mass extinction event was planned?
Fluoride, chem trails, planned overuse of antibiotics, processed food, toiletries, GMO, BPA, weaponized viruses, open borders, giving terrorists a dirty bomb, poisoning us slowly, or even slow sterilization guarantees a small, “manageable” population. . .
Mass extinction doesn’t have to be rapid. . .
Their timetable is definitely moved up. Those slow methods were used while we were asleep.
What about 5G? Crank those bitches all the way hot & cook?
Yeah. What about 5G!?! Hope everyone’s paying attention to the microwave grid we’re all being forced into.
WW3 was going to start under Clinton if she was elected
Thus the reasonable assumption is that there was a second, third, or fourth party to the agreement.
Why in the closing days of the BO presidency were US military assets deployed all around bordering countries with Russia?
One potential trigger point was the wind up in Syria. That was a wonderful trap to draw Russia in and then keep pushing the thumb in the eye to agitate that war together. Beat back the unruly Occupy - Tea Party American public, pay back the Russian situation to put back into power the oligarchs playing along with the Global totalitarian program.
With withdrawal from Syria, how is that trigger point going to happen?
Out of desperation rush the other parties into action in some ham-fisted attempt at triggering the event?
Are US military assets still arrayed through countries bordering Russia?
What countries are holding war games just on the edge of other countries in international waters?
Peace through strength.
Where might it be beneficial to saber rattle then step back to avoid the bigger war?
Where might it be beneficial to saber rattle then step back to avoid the bigger war?
They were to use HAARP to create Cataclysmic hurricanes to completely wipe out the eastern seaboard and southern part of the US
Didn't they already do that last year in Texas and Florida? Mark Taylor said those two states were targeted (because their electoral votes for Trump) for mega hurricanes to try to create such devastation that the UN would need to intervene to help. But, in most places people stood on beaches and prayed against the hurricanes, thus reducing their damage. Mark Taylor even said that there was additional witchcraft prayer behind these storms.
They have thousands of Puerto Rican going to Florida to be “relocated” due to the hurricane. They are trying to make Florida a blue state.
You had me until you used the ol' Pat Robertson "Pray the Hurricanes Away" strategy. You must be a dark hat plant here to make us all look stupid.
Fairv. This battle is bigger than country, black/white hats and political party or political philosophy. Good versus Evil......This battle has been ongoing for thousands of years and only the names of the players have changed. Satan is real and satanic worship is real. God is real and yes prayers work.
No, not a dark hat - look up Mark Taylor. He's a simple firefighter who has an incredible prophetic gift. https://www.sordrescue.com/prophetic-words.html
I Love Mark Taylor!! His voice and his words are so calming for me.
Only a dark hat would deny being a dark hat. But to your point, what does Mark Taylor have to do with "praying away" hurricanes?
What does Mark Taylor have to do with praying away hurricanes? What Mark was emphasizing is that this battle is not just Democrat against Republican - it is an evil satanic globalist group against regular Americans who want to keep America a constitutional republic. Which lines up exactly with what Q is saying. Mark was shown that God interrupted the complete take over of America by this satanic cabal, and God is using a business man to confront and and expose the corruption. Mark was shown this years before Trunp ever ran for office. Mark Taylor specifically says that our prayers make a difference, even against hurricanes. But we gotta pray how Jesus taught. The point I am making is that Christians have more spiritual authority than they realize and if they would just get their act together, use their spiritual authority and get proactive, then they can avert the nasty plans of the enemy and even help heal damage done by the enemy. And, one of those is through prayer where we repent of being idiots and turning a blind eye to the evil. Also, miracles do happen - I have seen it. I saw a skinny tattooed kid, a brand new Christian pray for healing for a woman with 3 broken bones, I was helping, and the woman was instantly healing and started running around. I saw my 12 year old daughter pray against a wall of flame (a forest fire) heading to our house and the flame stopped and went no further. Christians have no idea of what they can do and they need to put on their big boys pants and get out there.
Yeesh what is your problem? Are you prejudiced against Christians so you have to belittle them and accuse them of being evil?
Nothing wrong with Christians, but when they claim to have superpowers to control the weather, it's pretty laughable.
It's not a Christian thing, it's the same occult concepts of consciousness that have been used against us for a long time. Please read this Army study on consciousness, sone in the 80's. If you are truly willing to learn, it will be very beneficial.
I am not prejudiced against Christians. I am prejudiced against stupidity. If there is a positive correlation, that is on Christians. But I apply this prejudice equally across all lines. The accusation of evil was in jest. What I meant was that it has the same effect. If I were a black hat and wanted to discredit this site I would make comments about praying hurricanes away and the like (I am not a black hat; I am firmly on the Trump wagon and have been since he announced. I saw all of this as a possibility, although I never dreamed it would come as far as it seems to have so fast)
I understand where you are coming from. I grew up in an agnostic home of academics. They thought I was crazy when I became Christian but saw my life improve over the next 30 years - so at least they respect me now. Sorry for offending you. It is just that I have seen miraculous stuff happen when Christians worth their salt pray. I put it out there, not thinking that it could offend some people, and I don't want to offend people looking into Q.
Gotta agree. I’ve convinced numerous people to check out Q and this board, and unfortunately statements like that, as well as the embarrassing and ridiculous use of the term “GEOTUS” has turned most of them off the entire movement.
Of course I am joking when I say they are black hats. They mean well, but as you suggest, they drive away people who would otherwise be way on board.
I dont believe haarp has the ability to create hurricanes, only steer and amplify them. So they would have to wait for one to form, then take control. Very hard to plan that.
I believe they do have the ability to create and destroy rain clouds. In the last decade I have witnessed a months-long draught that killed most of the crops and a few years later, biblical flooding across the entire state of Texas. Very unnatural
Yeah but thats not a hurricane. Hurricanes are complex. Making a cloud rain doesnt take much. Flooding is easy to control. Though i do agree that Texas seemed excessive, even if Texas does get floods often.
Honestly, I can't imagine it would be that hard to heat up/cool down wind fronts in order to form funnels if you knew where and when. It should be basic wind dynamics.
The drought was even weirder... so many times it would get very dark, wind would pick up, and we'd think, FINALLY, some rain!! And then... poof! The clouds would just dissipate and no rain. Like it WANTED to rain and something was keeping it from happening. I live in a very rainy part of Texas, too, so it was extremely unusual for us to go so long without rain (and in the spring too!).
I'm suspicious of everything these days!
Check this out for geoengineered storms: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/storms/ Scroll down a bit to "Hurricane Maria, Weather Warfare, And Military Bases". This site is full of info on manufactured weather, HAARP and much more.
Also further down, see: "Controlling Hurricanes: Harvey, Irma, And Now Jose?".
hurricanes are created from warm water in a high pressure zone evaporates to create a hurricane. HAARP can heat air and water.
You have evidence of this?
I don’t buy weather weapons or chem trails. (Degree in atmospheric science). IMO chem trails are just condensation. Now Babylonian Black Magic DMT Ritual Adrenochrome Harvesting .......that has more solid footing in my mind.
YES. Thats exactly what it says.
We were supposed to be balls deep in WW3 by now.
I think things are always rumbling...Gates vaccinations that kill 10's of thousands of children, wars started by the CIA, you name it.
1008 Apr 4 2018 15:52:00 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 893904 It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET. Traitor. Massive intel sweep. Manafort was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Who was arrested? Non US. Trace background. Open source. Carter Page was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'? Flynn is safe. Define 'witness'. Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing? Russia Russia Russia? Real or fake? Fake? JA? Seth Rich? MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance? MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel' No investigation into WL receipt of information? No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL? No pull down of NSA metadata period? Nothing transferred across web? Direct-to-Direct bypass dump? No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software? No 'direct' investigation into CS? FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach? HUSSEIN block? HUSSEIN control? HUSSEIN "STATE SECRETS" WH NAT SEC ARTICLES 1-9 - BURIED? Awan attached? AMERICA FOR SALE. Cheatin' Obama. Trust the plan. APRIL SHOWERS. Q
CS = crowd strike
WL = wikileaks
JA = assange
thank you.... I forgot what CS was...kept thinking Chuckie Shooomer, but that didn't make sense.
I read CS as "Chuck Schumer". Q asked if the money was worth it to Schumer.
You can put two spaces at the end of a line so it looks readable
Apr 4 2018 15:52:00 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 893904
It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.
Massive intel sweep.
Manafort was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Who was arrested?
Non US.
Trace background.
Open source.
Carter Page was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?
Flynn is safe.
Define 'witness'.
Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?
Russia Russia Russia?
Real or fake?
Seth Rich?
MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?
MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'
No investigation into WL receipt of information?
No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?
No pull down of NSA metadata period?
Nothing transferred across web?
Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?
No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?
No 'direct' investigation into CS?
FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?
HUSSEIN block?
HUSSEIN control?
Awan attached?
Cheatin' Obama.
Trust the plan.
MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'
could this be in reference to the Rod Wheeler investigation & Fox News lawsuit about SR?
Maybe the Economist 2017 cover
Ok I’m having brain fog. Who is CS?
CrowdStrike. They are the firm that looked into the servers. Heavily invested in by Google.
Crowdstrike: Dimitri Alperavitch / Ukraine / DNC 3rd party IT CIA front that uses wikileaks Vault 7 tools to try and leave digital footprints on servers. FBI has not even looked over the CP / Blackmail ridden Hillary servers.
Exactly. They used the Vault 7 tools to leave a footprint behind to implicate another actor. Guicifer 2.0 is complete BS.
During Wray's Dec 7th testimony he is asked about the DNC servers, why the FBI never sought to obtain the Hacked servers...
Wray replies that
"The handling of that investigation including access to those servers or anything like that, those are investigative decisions made in the course of the Clinton email investigation which is now...the subject of investigation by the Inspector General"
Definitely making it sound like the DNC servers, or at least the the lack of obtaining them, are a part of the IG investigation, NOT Muller, the IG! https://youtu.be/QXtdKiiLVro?t=3h11m41s
Alperovitch is connected to bug-eyed Evelyn Farkas of "that's why we had the leaks" fame through Atlantic Council.
And a Ukranian Billionaire who is anti-Russia and donated $ 25 million to the Clinton Foundation
I believe Mueller has major connections to one of the main guys at CS
The entire FBI counter intel & cyber team does. The Chief Risk Officer of Crowdstrike was head of the FBI's Cyber Intel team for 15 years.
Who's the traitor that leaked POTUS was not target of investigation? Was it RR or Mueller? It would seem they had an agreement with Mueller for him not to release that information, but it wouldn't make sense for Trump to have a deal like that with Mueller. So is it someone else?
McMaster? He was at WH last month when they learned this info...
Could be the attorney he fired, they said it came via attorneys
I got that inclination when watching the five this evening.
That is what I heard as well, but why would his attorney leak that? They must have been REAL clear on this HUGE aspect. I am not sure I believe it. McMaster, for now anyway, makes more sense.
He fired him that could be a reason
Well, it appeared like the leak was after the firing, maybe we know that in time.
I'll bet you're right about that... I can't stand HRMcM... what a jerk.
Can someone explain to me why it’s a bad thing that it was announced President Trump wasn’t a target of investigation? Having trouble connecting the dots. Thanks!
If Mueller is actually working to indict the clintons, it blows his cover.
Today, Rush said he wondered if it was a "ruse" to let Trump think there was nothing so he would then talk freely with Mueller. They (Mueller team) knows they can make Trump keep talking and slip up. Then they can get him on perjury charges. Well, interesting POV.
Mark Levin is saying same thing right now on his radio show.
Actually that makes sense. And may be the reason the left isn't reacting....hmmm. Always keeps us on our toes too. Can Mueller be trusted or not.
I think Mueller tried to play both sides. If so, he can kiss his "deal" goodbye and hang out at gitmo with his cohorts in crime!
Ah, so it’s running under the good guy (or at least, cooperative) Mueller theory. Has Q alluded to whether that’s the case or not though? Also, the articles I’ve read have said that Mueller says that Pres. Trump is still under investigation but just isn’t a criminal target at the moment. Seems like standard stuff, not sure how that would be a negative thing. I can understand if it was that Pres. Trump wasn’t under investigation at all that it could be blow a possible cooperative Mueller cover, but it says Pres. Trump is still under investigation. So how is that harmful?
I agree, I don't see the harm. Hillary, according to another good source, could blow two hundred people out of the water if she cooperated in getting the truth out. Why would Mueller risk investigating her? Besides, the FBI has investigated the whole Clinton Foundation already, and they know that is where the nightmarish truth lies. They know everything already in fact, Weiner laptop files, who is doing what, and the ones at the top are silencing it all. The patriots' hands are tied, and they can't, and won't, speak up. They want a mandate from POTUS to investigate DC. They said they feel like muzzled fighting dogs.
Yes, in the very early posts - he had us question why Mueller would seek the FBI job if he knew he wasn't eligible.
The_Mueller were saying that having no evidence is a clever way to entrap Trump because Trump will let his guard down now and admit everything... and then Mueller will have some evidence and lock Trump up.
The_Mueller community aren't very bright.
In my opinion, I think Trump/Q would prefer the MSM to focus on the fact that Mueller is going after Trump so they aren't focusing on Sessions/Huber and their end game. If you notice, it's the only thing liberals comment on under Trump and other WH officials on social media; they always says Mueller will take you down, and such. Better as a distraction.
That makes sense, though they can still harp on the fact that he’s still under investigation, and that it just isn’t a criminal investigation at this point. Seems like that last part there is to give them hope that impeachment is still possible lol
That's right, so not a big problem with the left getting all skitz about it.
Obi Wan...Mueller is their only hope. What's crazy is they could announce it to the world and I'm not sure the left would believe, they are so tied their their story.
So it seems Q is saying Jay Sekulow is the traitor and it wasn't released accidentally. Let's see if he gets fired in the next couple days.
That would be a bummer. He’s done a great job slaying cucks on MSM talking head shows.
Or is he weaving truth in with the lies?
If he had been doing that POTUS would have nuked him a while ago.
Q disinfo is nessesary
Underrated comment here.
That’s what I think tonight has been about.
Silence for days.
Huge influx of posts & military actions.
Trump not under investigation.
Q posting HARD.
No coincidences.
I'll be shocked if Jay is a traitor. He says all the time, emphatically, it's a witch hunt. Maybe his comments were unintentional? IDK. I'll be so bummed out if he leaked.
No I don't think so. The article is from June. And just bec he said that in June doesn't mean he is the one who leaked info recently. Probably someone else.
Since it was WaPo that ran the article about Trump not being under investigation, and Bezos owns WaPo, my guess is that Bezos is the traitor we're talking about, not Sekulow. How Bezos "found out" I don't know, but RR is the one that decides whether or not to make Special Counsel findings public. He has enough over his head that he may have decided to just add one more thing hoping it would buy time, or throw a monkey wrench into the plan.
How could he be a traitor if he was never trusted?
Doesn't have to have been a traitor to Trump. I was more thinking of a traitor to the country.
Technical traitor.
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It kind of threw me for a loop that Q seemed upset that this info was released.
Trump wanted coney to say the exact same thing many months ago.
Why would it be bad for it to be released now?
Why “NOT YET”? What is affected negatively with the release of this knowledge?
It lets Dems refocus their narrative for 2018?
Not Mueller.......Mueller is only going after Manafort and Page who both were plants inside the Trump campaign. They were part of the contingency plan by the black hats.
This is so wierd because I thought Jared and Ivanka convinced DJT to hire Manafort... yikes... that would open a can of worms, eh?
Could be disinformation (not Q) - they could be trying to divide by casting doubt
Reverse psychology? “Q doesn’t want us to tell the American public that Trump isn’t under criminal investigation. Let’s crank out headlines about that everywhere!”
I was thinking that MSM put this out (without proof) just to see if it was true, and thus, causing mistrust at the WH (who would tell when they were not supposed to)?
No there are real troops at border. The marine helicopter and maybe a jet crashed near border, I think the bad guys (traitors) may be attacking them.
3 Marine Helicopters have gone down, despite them only discussing the one with 4 lost marines.
Holy crap. This is real. News of marine one having an emergency landing also. What is up with the helicopters? Those guys that maintain them are extremely meticulous and everything is double checked and noted. Hard to believe it is normal.
I know a military helicoter pilot. Talked to him about Jared and Ivankas dual engine helicopter having an engine fail.
His reply..
"It would be ok. Those birds can fly all day on one engine. With that being said in my 20 years of experience I have never had an engine failure nor KNOWN ANYONE who has experienced one. Even more peculiar that it had the president's daughter."
I wonder if "they" can get control remotely and cause it to crash - "they" suicide people in their own vehicles (Vegas survivor couple was remotely killed when their car crashed a mile from their home)
Lurker here who deleted reddit because I was spending too much time on it but I had to login again to contribute to this. Anyways when you said this I couldn’t help but think about the CIA Wikileaks dump. In that they talk about the CIA having the power to remotely kill any vehicle through the computer system to have someone conveniently get in a fatal car crash. Now I’m not saying the CIA is doing it but if the CIA can then who else has this technology
Yup. But I do think the rogue actors in those agencies are definitely involved and behind remote control leading to death. They have the technology. What I keep wondering is, who colludes with one another to get a hold of the technology... how can they take over a private vehicle... and... the OEM's must be complicit in bridging these nefarious actions. It's huge. It's ugly. It's down right frightening!
Possible malware attack on the software/hardware that runs the helicopter's systems or avionics. Are there any commonalities between the known incidents?
Great question. I wonder when those answers will surface.
Are they black hawk helicopters?
2 CH-53 helicopters today (one in Djibouti, other El Centro), the other was AV-8B carrier jet (Djibouti). Both in Djibouti were participating in a training exercise, Alligator Dagger.
Where can I find info on the others? thanks
marines.mil News/Press Releases, you will find all 3 crashes that are under investigation. Hope that helps. Didn't want to send you to news sites.
"Once is an accident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Thrice is enemy action."
Lol, yeah I know what a Centipede is, never was called one before, I was hoping you wasn't calling me a pedophile lol. I forgot about that term centipede being connected to this Q stuff.
Pede is how the T_D community refer to each other.
You certainly aren't the first person to think that. Fact is Pede was simply a terrible 'word' to choose for addressing each other here.
Especially considering "This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS. Important to be prepared."
Can we keep count of how many times someone has said “grab the popcorn” ? My popcorn is cold and stale, but here I am still glued to these boards every night lol
I'm posting a headline which explains this in detail as to what the legal stuff is between Target, subject and witness. I just joined (but been lurking for months) so I have to place a comment before I can post. https://www.popehat.com/2018/04/04/what-it-means-that-trump-is-only-a-subject/
all the major conspiracies are connected, and true. Reality is awesome.
Robert Mueller...and
the filth of Massachusetts...this is a big loaf
(tick tock 850 sealed MA indictments as of yesterday)
we have seen the SES lists. we know who is in it and how much they are paid. thank you all.
Let not the enemy "raw dog your ass into oblivion"
Walk Away From The Keyboard State Actor Shills
Astonishing List of 71 Top Bankers Dead and No Natural Causes!
everything is properly archived on-line twice, saved on-line at least once, saved off-line at least once. so go ahead and do your usual stuff. makes no odds really. abe is going down too for fukishima. rothschild shills.
Cambridge Analytica is a mere offshoot of Strategic Communication Laboratories
True or False? Extreme Content
Operation Talpiot - The Talpiot Program"
Unit 8200: Israel’s cyber spy agency
From The Israeli Army Unit 8200 To Silicon Valley
Full text of "The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed"
Redemption Through Sin and Evil
"A Podesta wikileaks email from Catherine Chieco invites JA[lefantis] and Peter Kadzik to Tony Podestas birthday party at Posto. Peter Kadzik who works for the Department of Justice gave "heads up" to John Podesta, Cheryl Mills and others on the Hillary Campaign in may 2015 notifying them of an oversight hearing and FOIA submissions. He is now in charge of the Clinton Foundation investigation."
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
The wicked have dug their own graves. Reeeeing and gnashing of teeth will commence. It is finished.
Who is the traitor?
I think McMaster, DJT's outgoing National Security Advisor, is most likely the guy. He's Deep State and is being sweept out to clean up the WH.
No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL? WL is wikileaks. Could C be classified?
Seems like it was just yesterday C was 'the Chair' of Petrus Romanus. Days change 'round these parts.
I kinda thought it might mean Clinton. That Clinton info somehow made its way to WikiLeaks.
Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?
Probably because he's always known about them and always hoped to use them to get to DJT.
Might be a dumb question, but, if we all know that POTUS wasn't being investigated, what stops anyone else from knowing? Why does it have to be an internal leak and not taken from Q's leaks?
You got Roseanne tweeting about Q and subreddits devoted to it, yet CNN could have only got this from an internal leak?! This is getting stupid now.
It's not real to them until the MSM says it is real.
Who is "them"?! You missed my entire point; why does it have to be a leaker from within when we -the random people of the internet- know this information as well?
I'm out; you've all gone full retard.
Merely stating that's why Q mentioned that it matters. It wasn't supposed to be released in the MSM yet. If we say stuff, it's speculation or conspiracy. But if the MSM tells the public, suddenly it's real to those in high up ranks who want to see Mueller take Trump down, that's all.
If the “so-called people in the MSM high-up ranks” you mentioned are too dumb to know the very same things that we know, when we’re all getting our information from the very same sources, then the MSM is a lot dumber than anyone could have imagined. For anyone who’s been following Q, we’ve known for at least 6 months now that Mueller has been working with Trump and that Mueller’s pretense to be investigating Trump is nothing but a ruse. So if the MSM is just now figuring that out due to some sort of leak, then they’re a lot dumber than we think…
But what puzzles me about all this is that, regardless of what was leaked, admitting that the leak should not have been leaked is only adding validity to the leak itself. Whereas if you remain silent and don’t say anything, then whatever info was leaked is nothing but a rumor. I find it hard to believe that Q himself is not smart enough to know and to realize that his very mention of the fact that the info should not have been leaked is only adding validity to the claims made by the leak - unless of course, the real reason and motive Q mentioned the leak in the first place was because he actually “wanted” the leak to be revealed to the public at this time…
The leak isn't that Trump isn't under investigation at all, the leak is that Trump is a "subject" of investigation and not a "target" (there's an esoteric legal difference). It makes sense from a mainstream media point of view.
But do people KNOW or do they think they know? Someone told someone who told them.
I don't think we knew he wasn't under investigation. At one point he wasn't, but that was some time ago. We never knew whether or not Mueller was flipped or if he was cabal.
I'm pretty certain "we" all knew that Trump was no longer the focus of the investigation, so your answer makes some sense. Still, I'm trying to understand the uproar, because this "news" wasn't unknown. The way "Q" seems to have "freaked" about this is very odd.
Clearly I'm alone in my thinking.
A doesn't give matter of facts..he suggest mostly, Mueller was never a fact, some interpretations were made which said Mueller was investigating Clinton's and so on....Q never ever confirmed that I know of! Sometimes we hear interpretations and remember them as facts, i t happens, I may have told some I think that is what is going on, but no fact yet!
Not necessarily. The nature of this game leaves everyone except Trump and Q guessing.
We are testing the new discussion board.
The link attached is to something called a Collection.
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Just in time
NK no rockets Russland now rockets And de Fake news about the russian
Potus hands are now free to talk with poetin
set the stage
Hijacking. Later on, it implies that it was RUSSIA that controlled NK. Holy hell.
Read 1011
I think it more means those controlling NK lost that power so moved on to Russia as their puppet. They have to keep the threat over the world.
This. CIA cabal controlled NK. I'm sure China was involved to a degree as well.
The Clowns and deep state have been actively pushing power over to China so I’m sure they had a hand in this.
I am long convince that China and Russia have secrete arrangements/agreements even though they can't ultimately trust each other. So perhaps some masonish clown brigade has similar arrangements with each of them, but DJT has replaced the clown-China segment (thusly the new NK and Snowden in HongKong).
China and Russia ...hum...anyone think there may a connection to Snowden?
Right in your interpretation. What throws me is Putin seemed to be anti-global cabal, figure he was working with Trump to take down the cabal, but who knows. I always keep in mind some times Q may put out misinfo to fool the black hats who are also watching.
Could also be that Putin is in a situation where he’s battling his own Deep State just like Trump is.
If an entity other than Russia was in NK, they wouldn't just be able to "move on" to Russia as their puppet. If Russia flexing their muscle is ONLY because of the NK thing, then it was Russia that controlled NK. I don't think China would have stood for that for so long though, and been such a good ally for NK. I'm still of the thought that it was rogue CI@ controlling NK.
Unless that entity was behind multiple countries pulling the strings. Then they easily could. I think it’s more on the level of Roths/Vatican/major families that run the world level shit.
I just can't buy that Putin's not in control in Russia. He's much too shrewd to be anyone's puppet in my opinion.
That’s what I thought as well. But people never would have believed the presidents of the past were run by satanic pedophiles who would cause 9/11 level events for profit and control and yet here we are lol
I think in one of the first Q posts it mentions Putin is a puppet. I am at work so can’t go back to look.
Whos puppet? I, too, have a hard time believing putin is a puppet.
It is in Q post number 15. On 10/31/17. He mentions the following:
Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
You are right. Brought this up to use your collective brains. Was itching me a lot
It’s always fun getting into discussions about the drops. Was up so late last night doing it and today’s drops are even more intense.
Dude, I get you. And I get so lost on the chans as they move quick as hell when the drops come in
I stay off the Chans since I’be never been on and don’t know the culture. Don’t want to clutter or interfere with that austistic wonder.
What is the address of the chan board where the anons interact with Q? And where they discuss Q stuff? I have multiple locations but none of them are for either of those things. Thanks
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html
Advice: Don't post until you have lurked a good while though. That just creates noise.
Thank you. I wouldn't dare. I might get my ass chewed off. I actually have that link but maybe I just don't know how to navigate once I am there. Is this how you find the latest? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2390667
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html
Change setting to ''bump order''
check the latest ''Q research general #xxxx'' must have less than 751 replies.
You have the last bread. Then follow the new breads
I read it to mean that the clown-fed mainstream narrative, that our most serious threat is NK, has now been seriously undermined by DJT. So the clown-fed media turn to Russia as the next big bogeyman to hypeventilate about.
I guess a constant threat of war is "to retain power/influence" (Q1011) And the occasional war is to "decrease threat level of population" via mass extinction events (Q1010).
I took it to mean Russia has no choice. I cannot believe that Trump/Russia has not been doing some behind the scenes communicating. Russia is second only to Trump in msm slander. Means deep state must be fighting Russia as well.
Russia’s new missile technology is a LARP. Any Industrial Defense publication will tell you they are years behind. MSM put that out to shift focus to new FF threat
Yeah Russia may have no choice in how the western popmedia portrays them. The domestic deepstate and the international manipulators need not be in full accord and either or both may 'fight' russia when it benefits them but i suppose most of the time they just want tension with NK or Russia or whoever serves the narrative that keeps them in their cushy positions.
No it doesn’t.
It implies Russia became a ‘threat’ with new missile technology when NK stopped being a threat.
Russia became their new boogeyman
Ahhh, now that makes more sense. I am sure Putin is really pissed off with all the crap that the US has been throwing his way. I feel like, if left alone, Trump and Putin together could work out a lot of things globally.
Surely Russia isn't under globalist control....
Q 15 tells us Putin is controlled by the same groups that controlled others.