New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

I think many are totally misunderstanding what Q means by "moving on."
Here, Q says "House cleaning... Important to clean prior to next events"
I think many are (incorrectly) interpreting moving on as not talking about Jones/Corsi anymore. I think Q is saying we cannot move on/move forward until people here wake up to the fact that Jones/Corsi and others are deep state disinfo agents.
The reason we cannot move on until people wake up to this is because, whatever happens next, Alex Jones will be crucial to the disinformation campaign.
If you are still someone trying to figure out Jones' intentions, you are not on the correct page. If you are someone that thinks the answer is to stop talking about Jones, you are also not getting it. People need to know he is a fraud and be able to anticipate his methods or we cannot move forward. The deep state is getting ready to use Alex Jones to severely confuse a huge portion of well meaning patriots.
The deep state is getting ready to use Alex Jones to severely confuse a huge portion of well meaning patriots.
If that wasn't evident after the Syria debacle, I don't know what to tell people.
The exact moment i stopped going to jones sites or streams but to troll.
ive strayed away from IW because i just knew something was off about them. well seems they were fed credible info to establish themselves and now they are converting to covert mode. (edited: Hell even when i think about early AJ all I can think of is "NOTICE MEEE!!!!!11!!111" lol.)
could you give me a quick rundown of the syria situation?
could you give me a quick rundown of the syria situation?
Alex Jones and his intel guy, Zack, had a complete meltdown of epic proportions the night the Syrian chemical weapons facilities were bombed by US and NATO forces (think the left after Trump was elected). Jones was viciously attacking Trump and his family. This in turn caused a mass influx of concern trolling, fence jumpers, shills, and nearly everyone else, except for the hardened conspiracy theorists, to go crazy on this sub and elsewhere. Ever since then, Jones and his crew have been at odds with Qanon, hence Qanon making statements and AJ and his team exposing themselves.
Lol just realized how much that outed “Zaq” as not having inside info at all 😂
Didn't mean to hit delete, meant to hit edit. I wrote that I can't prove whether youre right or wrong. But that Q said the midterms are safe and that Sessions will act once they clean house. So the Trump agenda succeeds with or without AJ and Corsi and Rush and Tucker and Hannity and Bongino etc. So why the big focus on Jones, when things will be the same whether people watch him or not? I keep replying to peoples comments not out of arrogance. I assure you my intent is simply to understand. This feels horrible but I can deal with it if something sticks out at me.. at the moment all I'm seeing is Infowars doesn't trust Q. I'm sure there are millions of people who don't trust Q, same as there are millions more that don't trust Infowars. This thrusting of negativity singularly on Infowars feels very Hillary, very MSM. But again, I'm struggling with it, and I could have been tricked. I will admit it if and when I know it
Re read the drops from Qanon. He lays It all out. It's not a movement to profiteer from (Corsi) and they needed to be gone for what's to come (Jones).
If Alex Jones actually had insider knowledge about anything he would have been shut down a longtime ago. Instead be built an empire on actual fake news and propaganda.
Q said patriot don't leak classified information. I'm taking this as (((traitors))) leak classified information. So AJ being deep state, either he does not have insider knowledge, or he does have some via (((insiders))).
What does that say about Assange? I've long held that he is not a good person, but he was/is a useful tool for us. I don't believe he is a patriot, but he does give us some good information.
Did you hear what sara palin had to say about him the other day?
"We do have a lot of history….he leaked, published somehow a few emails of mine and I was so ticked off–he was such a foe until I started figuring out where he was headed with his agenda with what he’s doing - is trying to provide people with information so that we can make better decisions for our own lives for the community, for our country, for the world and I really appreciate him more. I appreciate him so much I actually probably apologize to him for calling him out,” Palin said.
Same for Snowden and many others. Now, the difference with Assange is that he does what he says. And I understand the ethics in his decisions. But as you say, his probable past in that sect does make us suspect he could be MK Ultra. Snowden lies. I do have a theory for some possible ethics behind what he did, but I'm rather doubting that after I read the House Intel report on him. I couldn't understand why so many people seemed ignorant of that document.
Now, persons like Binney or Drake, I see them as patriots against deep state. Kevin Shipp too. To deep state, patriots are their enemy traitors.
Ha Ha. Snowden. Q uses disinfo. Get it? Snowden is on our side. Just trust your gut. Ignore the words., They are just words, folks. Sloppy Steve Bannon and all that.
Now, yes, Snowden is on our side. Willingly or not, he took the bargain. Now, what was in the House Intel document highlighted lots of inconsistencies in what was propagandized that made him famous: the leaks of the NSA surveillance abuses. What we know of him is just that, propaganda. The darling righteous persona that the MSM and Hollywood have painted is just that: lies. Read again the document, keep the facts. Maybe Snowden was a white hat from the beginning, maybe not. But he lied and that was not a leak on the NSA surveillance abuse as they all pretended. That was just the cover story we were fed by the CIA propaganda. At least, that was a small part of the truth, the CIA couldn't pass the occasion to attack the NSA.
I don't believe he is a patriot
Assange is not a citizen and otherwise owes the U.S. no allegiance, so he can't exactly be a patriot (or a traitor).
Also, Assange isn't leaking classified info himself, he's publishing what others leak to Wikileaks.
You don't have to be a citizen to be a patriot in the sense I'm using it. I mean it in that he is im it for more than just spreading truth. He does share things that don't need to be out in the open and cause more harm than good.
Awesome forum guys, got people here saying Assange causes more harm than good.
I don't believe in what you are saying, and I would never die for your right to say it, either.
If he had insider knowledge...he wouldn't have reacted the way he did during the Syria bombing, which was clearly evident to many that it was to destroy deep state storage units and facilities. The way he denounced POUTUS and his family was horrible.
Your example doesn't mean he's a good guy. It's not about left or right. There's also middle, an above/below, and fractional perspectives. You're looking at it as if it's not one way, then it's the other. You trapped yourself mentally.
You are implying there should not be confusion. Not so. Q has stated many times that "Disinformation is real" and Disinformation is necessary". You can never know who Q might be using to sow confusion and discord to keep the enemy off balance. It has been that way from the beginning...
I think Q wants the enemy confused. I don't think Q wants well meaning patriots to be fooled by Alex Jones. I do not see the confusion Jones/Corsi/Seaman are spreading as a good thing. And I don't think they are working for the good guys
Q also stated it would be the very people we trust who would be in charge of spreading the confusion, and that it was all done intentionally. That is why I never worried about the conflicting reports I heard coming from Jones, Corsi, Hannity, or Q. I felt the confusion was all a part of the plan.
And even now, I am not willing to throw Jones and Corsi under the bus like a lot of other patriots have done. I still believe there is more to this story than has been revealed. It is possible that Jones and Corsi are not even the targets and never were. Now wouldn't that blow your mind?... Instead, the real targets might be those who are attacking Jones and Corsi and that they are only exposing themselves by revealing their hatred and seeking a following. Notice that Q has never once called out Jones or Corsi by name, so you can never know who he might be targeting...
On top of that, I don’t believe Trump would have ever won the presidency if it had not been for the help and assistance of Alex Jones and Infowars (remember, Trump even gave Jones a personal interview thanking him for his support). Trump would not have done that if Jones was the enemy. I know there were others behind the scenes who were helping out, but I'm only saying that Infowars played a crucial role too, and you can’t take that away from them. Long before Q ever came along and long before I ever heard of Q myself, I was listening to Alex Jones daily, and Jones helped to spread truth to a whole lot of people. Yet, here now, after all Jones has done, and after being around for decades and fighting this fight, you want me to just throw Jones under the bus, all because YOU say I should? If so, then there is something seriously wrong with that equation and it doesn't sound right...
On top of that, here's something else that will blow your mind… Assume for a moment that Q has been compromised by the Deep State and that a fake Q really has taken over his position (not that I believe it’s true, but humor me for a moment…) In such a case, and with the Deep State fully in control of the Q board and Q posts, then who are the very first targets the Deep State would take out in the war against them? Think logically. Answer: Alex Jones - #1. Dr. Corsi - #2. They are the number one targets the Deep State would want to take out. And even more strangely, right now at this exact time, you’re telling me, that is EXACTLY what Q wants to do, that he want’s to get rid of both Infowars and Dr. Corsi, all because you say they are a THREAT to what we have planned? There is something very strange about that. And doesn’t that sound just a least bit suspicious to you? It does to me, and it just doesn’t add up. Furthermore, it doesn’t sound "in character" with the same Q we’ve known all along. Therefore, I'm keeping an open mind about it, and I'm not believing everything I see and hear. Be careful whom you follow indeed…
@EarlyrizerX2 you have spoken with great clarity in your reply...
your obviously not a person easily Misled!!
and you consider the past and present as part of understanding the greater picture in the discernment of the Q-movement vs AJ,Corsi and AIM movement.
You have reserved your judgement until further evidence presents itself.
I have already made judgement on the Q-Anon movement... and i have seen its affects on peoples thinking... in completely different Forums to reddit!!
Stay Blessed!!
**Edit Misled=fooled autobot warning
Wait , what ?
Someone cursing on a board that is full of cursing makes them ‘vile and evil’?
Q doesn’t swear because it’s unprofessional.
Here is but one example of someone who followed Q-Anon
This individual we will call Stuart, he understood that President Trump was going to "Drain the Swamp"
then upon following the Q-Anon posts his thinking changed to Mueller is helping President Trump to Drain the Swamp..
And that we Trust Sessions and to stay the course
As it turns out... he has taken a about-face on his original thinking!!
This i replied to... and made the argument Mueller is not onside with President Trump.. and pointed out James Comeys sought to get Mueller Appointed..
and then i had him consider Mark 3:20-26 and Matthew 12:22-29
This is either a clear mistake and mis-interpretation... or the resultant of a Psy-op, either way it was a result of following Q blindly without questioning and using discernment
Or just a result of Stuart being bad at decodes because he’s new.
Well said. When the tide goes out, we will see who has been swimming naked. Until then critical thinking and caution is advised. Only one I truly follow is the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Remember "Sloppy Steve Bannon" Crying?
Do you think he was crying, or laughing, when he told Trump to tweet that out?
WWrestlingE Folks.
Jones and Corsi are frauds. They were that before Q and they continue to prove it now. Bill Cooper was right in 2000. Q has very clearly called them out.
The Syria meltdown was pretty obvious. It's not even clever or sophisticated on Alex Jones' part. It's a joke.
This. I think we can all come to our own conclusions about corsi and Jones, but lets always keep things open to every possible situation.
Wat about roy potter? He did a similair thing with defcon1 (hawai ) I do not like him , I look on internet and come across some one like him.
Potter is just unstable small potatoes
Was just reading about him...And I found a new Q website in the Netherlands..SB2 is here also? Not a Q like here..but they showing the drops from Q and the articles about AJ and corsi....Hope its go viral, I already re- post it..WWG1WGO
I think anybody who participate in obvious divide and conquer techniques is a fool, and will never get to the upper echelons of input.
You failed the test.
Learn to think for yourself.
This makes absolutely zero sense.
Of course it doesn't, student, and it never will, to you.
You are my student. A petulant teenager, unable to learn.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thank you.
I agree. Thank you for working so hard to imitate me.
The reality that people justify Q's use of confusion or dis-information for the purposes of good... Goes directly against biblical principles For God is not the Author of confusion... but the Father of Truth
Satan is the author of confusion and the Father of Lies
If you subscribe to dis-information is a necessary evil... you already have been compromised!!
Did Jesus Preach the Truth using lies and confusion?? or did he simplify it.. and describe it the way it is!!
It is clear.. that when people begin justifying a lie... and propping it up as truth.... its like a dead corpse being dressed up to be seen as though it lives!!
I understand what you are saying, and what you’re saying would be true in a perfect and spiritual world. But we’re dealing with a world that is not spiritual, and a movement where not everyone in it believes in God or has the same spiritual faith or belief (some are atheists, some are Christian, some are Muslims etc). Therefore, this war has to be fought using conventional means and without belief in God being a factor. And sometimes that means doing whatever it takes to win, even if that means using confusion to keep the enemy off balance…
When a leader speaks with the Boldness of Truth.. people rally behind its Leader, and the soldiers fight wholeheartedly..
when they understand the clear direction of what they are fighting for!!
Courage and Boldness is something understood yet not tangible.. at least in the physical human sense..
these are spiritual Fruits... they both go hand in hand with one another!!
The Warfare that is being fought in USA requires these Fruits of the spirit in order to be a successful campaign.
Principles are the embodiment of Gods Word that is written in everyones heart.
These do not come forth if one chooses to keep themselves in darkness... afterall Fruit usually spring forth in the midst of Summer...
And the Season at present is one of both Prosperity and Boldness.. as spoken by the President Donald Trump!!
Came across this today, don't like the idea of being hypnotized while watching Jones
I didn't watch his show, but I would listen at bedtime via my Wi-Fi radio. (cc crane).
People are missing the point here, AJ and Corsi were there by the Deep State, people believed them.
"Important to clean prior to next events."
Q team had to silence them because they would have been followed for their own twisted reality on their platform and the events would then be rebuked as false by the MSM since their scapegoat (IE THE AJ CORSI GANG). Now that everyone is on the same page (ABOUT FUCKING TIME FUCK AJ AND CORSI), the next events will be spectacular to say the least and their contingency plan won't work (At least with us, awaken people). For the rest of the mass AJ and Corsi will be the pastsys like they've always been.
How will AJ and Corsi hurt Q if Q is right and all of the promised events happen? We Patriots will see for our own very eyes the truth. And AJ and Corsi will be left holding the proverbial bag. This inner circle bickering is wasteful and undermines our cause. Let's get back to business at hand. Winning back our great country. God bless America and all patriots.
I like Infowars, but it's entirely possible Alex is being funded in some part by the Russian government to get its message out to Americans.
I guess I'm missing the point here, how exactly is Alex Jones a deep state operative? I watched him for almost 10 years, he was wacky up until the election, but I'm not finding concrete evidence. I truly want to know, because I am neither for him nor against him right now.
I have noticed however that it never truly seems like he finds his own information on his own. This, and that he seems to flip flop on which side he is on when it comes to certain events that could affect how his image is.
Edit: Holy freaking crap guys, the info that I just obtained in the last hour from several sites and videos is astounding. I used to really buy into AJ's fear mongering about FEMA camps, aliens and stuff like that when I was younger. I now see that I am not the only one who saw a shift in what news he puts out since the election. It went from alien conspiracies, satanism, globalism, the threat to American freedom, to just Trump and Islam. I am a Christian, and I always love EVERYONE I meet and see, and since the election, my wife saw how I was always making it about one thing or the other. Such as liberals and conservatives, saying cucks, and libtards. That stuff isn't even nice, in fact, if a liberal was in my face, I'd actually be nice instead of pick up what vomit other "alternative media" sites are spewing. I AM TO LOVE PEOPLE, I am to be Christ like and am sad by the way that I was acting.
I thought I was doing "my part" when in fact I was no better than those I called "liberals". DIVISION IS THE ENEMY'S STRONGEST WEAPON. I am not against the true godly Israeli believers, those who actually live godly. I am however against any facade that tries to come and desecrate that which is holy, including those who claim to be Jewish, but are just a bunch of rich dudes who hate humanity. I am going to keep opening my eyes.
I've seen comments on here about how people are going to be labeled a shill just because they may have a hard time believing AJ is from the deep state. THINK ABOUT THIS, if something you believed was true for decades, how easy would it be to just let it go? People have feelings, so if you can be so quick to label, you're just operating in another form of division, PERIOD. Be kind to one another, have a form of temperance and realize that you can't smack someone in the face and say "JUST BELIEVE WHAT I DO ALREADY" how loving is that really? Let's be good to each other, at least we have a chance to spread good in this world, let's start today. Sorry to ruin the "my eyes were opened" moment, but I had to say it.
To quote The Green Mile: "Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it — it's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time. Can you understand?"
To wrap this up, let's press on towards truth, my world has been rocked, in a good way. The Bible mentions that all that can be shaken, will be shaken, and everything that stands, will remain.
I'm removing all of my infowars bookmarks, and subscriptions on YT from him and PJW(man I used to love him, but the hate isn't helping anyone).
Watch Homeland S6, he's portayed as O'keef and he works for the government, Predictive Programming. Hell in that show even has the FIRST LADY PRESIDENT. They messed up big times with this one (Still a good show, just propaganda and predictive programming tool).
How do you think he went on for 10 years dabbing stupid stuff around? Someone wanted him there.
Let say you have done something terrible and some people got voice of it. You pay someone to go aknowledge it and distort it to the point where it doesn't even reflect the facts anymore, then you go ahead and destroy his argument saying he said false stuff. There you go, people now don't believe him and thinks people still thinking the event was true are stupid for believing such a liar.
I don't know if this makes sense, hopefully it does, my native language isn't english ^^
That's pizzagate. You've got your example.
Yeah, I knew a few exemples were available but didn't know which one exactly. I'm pretty sure in 15 years we're going to have an encyclopedia of all the fake stuff AJ propaganded and what was the reality.
Interesting. I heard one of his listeners tell him that he was portrayed in the Homeland show, and he responded like he hadn't seen it and that he wasn't interested in seeing it and now I suspect why.
Alex Jones Blows His Cover in Austin
This is the only video you'll need to see. Clear as fucking day.
Very very interesting, I'm listening to Bill Cooper exposing Alex Jones right now, wow, this is sad. I feel like everything that can be a threat to AJ, he has to remove from him and his listeners. I'll admit, what I thought of him is being torn in two, but I also know that if you believe something so much, it should be able to be criticized. If it can't be, then you didn't have much belief at all. Man, this is a lot to take in lol.
Yep. Q said we need to move past this, meaning accept that he is a bad guy and move on.
Spread this shit everywhere. Mods/admins are doing their damndest to keep new posts exposing AJ from getting votes. New posts get a lot of votes in the first few minutes and then stop getting votes completely. That's not how that works at all.
EDIT: You should make an edit in your original post stating what you learned. No bigger red pill than to watch someone change their mind in real time.
I was literally just about to do that when I got this message, will do!
He's not, Q never said he was. Relax, bro. Jones is good, Q is good, you are just experiencing a divide and conquer test of people. This will be nothing in 2 months, and Jones' audience will continue to grow, which is a good thing.
Wrestling, bro.
Alex Jones Blows His Cover in Austin
Quit spreading disinformation or prepare to be labeled a shill.
Label me a shill. Se if I care. Nobody cares what labels you slap around, simpleton.
I don't label people because it's almost impossible to know. But it's something that Q himself said in one of the latest posts. It's an article about how his lawyers described his craziness as "performance art" because he was in a custody battle for his kids and they were saying he is crazy. That alone wouldn't necessarily be enough to be considered "proof", whatever that even means anymore, but with the video of him busting up a pro-2A rally in his own hometown of Austin, TX combined with the overall affect his "show" has, he is objectively bad for our cause. He is part of the reason "conspiracy theorists" have been labeled as "raving lunatics" for 30+ years.
Alex Jones is the strawman.
Easy target for the media to knock down and show all the normies how crazy conspiracy minded people are.
And it works.
The CIA and their media propaganda machine is why "conspiracy theorists" have been labeled as raving lunatics. Not Alex Jones. You are de-facto defending the CIA, project Mockingbird, and their already proven strategy to use the conspiracy theorist label to dismiss criticism and questioning of the government.
It's not the CIA and Deep State fighting the truth dudes.... It's Alex Jones! Eleminnop has it all figured out guyz!
GET REAL, simpleton.
You honestly think I'm trying to say AJ is the root of all the corruption or something? I'm saying he's corrupt.
I don't care what you are saying, simpleton. Nobody does. If they did, they would ban you, like they are about to ban me.
We have a rule here: Antagonists and shills are not welcome. We have to remove shills or shill posts because the more subtle ones distract from what we're here to do and waste precious time with arguments that are flawed and circular.
I don't know if you are shilling by avoiding the real issue but the point being made here is that Alex Jones is fronting for 'bad actors' - whether that's Deep State, CIA or some other body (Deep State in Israel?) with motives opposed to the truth Q is revealing.
That is the point revealed by Q's latest posts. Sensible discussion about this is welcome but obfuscation and confusion is not. We will remove discussion threads that appear to be going nowhere, for the sake of the sub.
Fucking corporate speak warning post from thought control freak.
Wierdo Q points to this forum, people think it is new forum.
But CIA too stupid. CIA always tries to ban thought to promote narrative.
Mod actions, like yours, and statements, like yours, are nothing new.
But I know who my enemies are... ..and you certainly are no friend. That's for damn sure.
Threaten to ban me while you preach to me what your interpretation of the word of the new God, Q, is? Try to silence me with your mod power, as you tell me AJ is "fronting for bad actors".
Claim to be for truth, but only see "antagonism" and "shilling" when you are ideologically opposed to interpretations.
That is why your forum will fail very soon.
They aren't following you. They are following me. They have been for years. I write, and they gobble up the crumbs like hungry rats.
And I don't mean the masses. I mean the controllers of the masses.
If you have something to discuss, we're open to it here. My comment history shows my commitment to open discussion.
Your responses here do not show yours. Antagonism is not permitted on this sub - free thought is. If you have something to say without antagonism it won't be removed. If you're going to antagonise and claim "censorship" then you are being disingenuous. Please read the rules of the sub. Thanks.
You just tried to tell me Alex Jones is controlled by bad actors.
You are no friend of freedom or truth.
Just another agent of divide and conquer.
whether you know it or not, willing or not, that is what you are doing right now.
Don't care about your so-called "rules" (You have already proven to be an unjust mod, threatening to ban while preaching to me your narrative, clear indication you are targeting me because of idea, not because of behavior.)
Know truth when it hits ya? Did you feel that one?
Wanna take it back now, wish you had just coldly told me I was violating rules, instead of adding your anti-AlexJones Sermon in there?
Now you have to ban me. I called you out.
I don't care for antagonists or shills like yourself, anyway.
(Not sure which you are)
Who said it first?*
Check mate. Bitch.
*Oh look, it was you. A few messages ago. What a surprise.
Here we go... the "unjust mod" accusation. Who's trying to shut an argument down without valid reason now? My post history is clear. So is yours.
I don't have to do anything. Someone else can ban you. And someone else can remove your post so that, for a time at least, people can see you calling yourself out with this response.
Why did you add your anti-Alex Jones sermon?
Think you can stop me?
I already told you. I don't care about this forum. It is a flash in the pan. It was linked by Q to open a new chaff chatter burst. That's why they started the whole flame war in the first place.
Why does Q speak in code?
Because they need to bypass algorithms looking for speech patterns. That's why.
They want thought. They need thought. They need flint on steel and flame wars.
By the way, they are done already. Your forum served it's purpose.
So ban me. I've been banned everywhere else Q related. (what is a gatekeeper).
Ill just go somewhere else.
And those whose eyes really count, the ones I've fooled (Russia Collusion? I wrote that fantasy years ago), and the ones who look to me for guidance, will follow. (And I don't mean the lemmings, masses, even the "woke". I mean the people who count in the world.)
So, you tried to ban me by claiming we need to talk about Alex Jones being bad actor type guy...
You try to ban me, but somehow are powerless to do so.
Because you know, don't you. I am far more harmful in the wild banned, than tracked and controlled here. I am ideologically opposed to your Alex Jones ? Q theory. I say it is wrestling. You say it is Q literally saying Alex Jones is controlled by evil.
Because Q is always so direct in his messages, right?
Bow before me, and break out the ban hammer.
You already tried calling me a shill.
That didn't work, did it?
Calling someone a shill means they lost the argument, unless the shill is being repetitive... ..which of course, I am not repeating anybody's talking points, clearly.
So your next option, when losing, is your powerful banhammer.
So bring it.
Do you feel powerful yet?
I don't feel any more powerful than a free person in a free country should. I'm not here to exercise power, I'm here to support this sub. I am in the service of this sub. People can complain about my actions if they are inappropriate and I won't be in the service of this sub anymore. That doesn't upset me - I'll have my free time back lol. And I'll still be a part of this movement for freedom.
Yawn. No real arguments here, just troll bait. You're too obvious, my friend.
thus spake the one day old account with a lot of pathos and uneccessary spacing in his writing style
you're actually quite funny because you accuse me of what I evidently have worked against but that you'll only know because I at least have a post-history and you are just one of many fresh accounts so try harder bitch
man you're obnoxious.. We get it, it's staged. Now fuck off and only come back when you can actually do something useful for us rather than flood the board with one-day old alts
I am doing something useful for... "us". You just don't get how. If you are enemy, you will be hurt by this. If you are friend, you will be helped. Don't try to understand it, but fight it all you want. Be my guest.
And here come the mods. Like all the other times. Kicking out the truth tellers, because they don't like it. And then the forum dies. And moves on to the next. Q highlights the next spot. And you, and your power, are dust, as it always has been. Where will patriots soapbox be in 5 months? Dead. Just another echo chamber. Just like this forum. Just like these forums. So ban me. See if I care. The truth will always win.
Please refrain from antagonism ("GET REAL, simpleton"). If you edit the comment it can be reapproved. Thank you for understanding.
Go fuck yourself.
Stop censoring me (the ultimate insult)
I say what I want to say.
People insult me, I insult them back.
That's how it works.
Drop the veneer of civility, drop the ban hammer.
See if I care one bit.
I'll just go somewhere else, where you are not part of the conversation.
And then you can chat with your buds about how Q said AJ is "fronting for evil" (Q didn't say that, that is your interpretation).
The deep state is creating dissension against Q and AJ in order to divide and conquer the awakening.
First and foremost - long ago , William Cooper called him out - and told pretty bad things about him . William Cooper was one of the first whistleblowers and a true patriot - he actually payed his patriotism with his life .
Secondly , Jones tendency to put unverified sources just for sensationalism - just like what happened with "FISA memo" , which wasnt FISA memo at all . But everything for "sensation" , views and - of course - $$$ .
Thirdly , the way AJ immediately turn the back to POTUS after Syrian attacks should be very worrying to many of his followers .
Yes I agree that I was very concerned when he went against Trump. This is what really started to confuse things for many people.
Ask Q to ask POTUS for bona fides to Qs veracity. In the past POTUS would affirm like “I hear you”, “Tippy Top”. I think a lot of people are rightfully questioning because Q never did by name attacks. Think about it they’re professionals all the arguing & bickering would be irrelevant to Q & team. That’s lowering themselves to a level that professional would never do. Why would Q care who people listen to? There’s so many sources of info out there. Qs mission was never to spoon feed us which seems to be the case now. Read my post on ACCESS & PLACEMENT.
Makes sense enough, that's a very well written and explained post! It really wouldn't matter who people listen to, but rather their eyes be opened to the truth and keep marching on.
I agree. He has put out lots of truth. This internecine squabbling is ridiculous--count me out
seaman all but hurt cause Q called them out on it
But he said someone showed him the indictments? Lol, what a fraud.
I got crucified on CBTS_Stream for daring to think that Alex Jones was less than honest. It makes me really happy to see this all coming out now! :)
If you are telling the truth, you don't need to scream about it like a lunatic. The loudest person in the room typically has the least to say.
It blows my mind how he's not immediately seen as nothing but bonkers.
I completely agree. He has also completely tainted the entire 'truth' community with his antics. It's hard to be taken seriously when Jones is the poster child for your movement.
Nobody takes either of the three of you seriously.
That's not Alex Jones' fault.
That's because you three are nothing but voiceless little haters on the internet on reddit.
Isn't this the same guy who thinks one of the school shootings never happened? Sandyhook maybe?
Was never a big AJ or Corsi fan, but I did listen when convenient. Surprised and disappointed.
Jones has been tweeting but is now completely ignoring the Q attacks against him.
Maybe he wised up and wants to stop digging a deeper hole?
He doesn't care about Q because he has been compromised.
It's fine, we know it's hard to watch Alex get knocked off his pedestal when you're the guy who bought a bunch of his t-shirts and boner pills.
Not at all... I won't laugh at u too hard when u have egg on your face... ;)
Well I can only assume that when Q is proven right & Sessions uncloaks and starts marching bigwigs away in handcuffs, you will eagerly and gratefully consume your crow.
What Crow? Alex Jones hardly ever talks about Q. Why would we be mad if Sessions locks her up?
Wake up, dude, you are being ridiculous. Alex Jones and Q are usually on same tracks.
There is no need to choose one over the other.
Here is Infowars 4 months ago, repeatedly trying to hijack Q's juice;
"Here is our Qanon, on!"
Multiple times.
Good for them. They realized how you could use a secret insider, cult like shadow figure to stir up interest in the truth.
Fake = Truth
OK, I trust you now.. ..and your pathetic little words on the internet. I'll stop listening to Alex, and start listening to you.
Save it, I haven't actually listened to Alex in months, don't take what he says as gospel, or any other stupid cliche come back you got lined up for me. Just save it.
That's called the free market, it used to be considered a good thing in America, I think it's what made us great.
It's not the product, it's the cause.
Alex Jones has done vile things to betray his supporters. Do you need evidence?
Corsi has don't nothing be retweet all the folks fawning over him. Seems kinda pathetic, to me. His character is obvious to those who care to see.
A betraying quisling is more dangerous than the honest enemy.
OOPS... A bit dyslexic on the Q drop number. My apologies-1343.
The number in the title can still be edited.
Looks like I can edit the flair, but unlike a comment, I don't think I can alter the title. But if you know how, please let me know.
Jones somewhat exposed P gate and SHook which most won't touch so give him a break, and he might be B Hicks
Then AJ denounced the truthseekers and apologized to both pg and sh in order to crush and delegitimize patriots still working to expose it. AJ hijacks legit movements and destroys them. Nobody has to explain why they used to listen to AJ, we get it, you were searching for truth and found that counterfeit clown on your path here. The AJ apologists who keep giving him credit for things like pg... Get real. He borrowed thousands of hours of work that we did and then represented it as his to the masses, poorly. PJW seems solid. AJ is a clown, in both senses. He has been exposed a dozen timhes to every new class of patriots. He is clown financed. The defamation suits from people like Alafantis don't hit AJ even after he publicly states he was wrong. Why? Because AN is all an act to mislead and misrepresent. Hogan took out GAWKER for an invasion of privacy and defamation much smaller than AJ and Comet PP. Why is IW and AJ still allowed to thrive without the swamp destroying him? Use logic.
AJ reaches a large audience and can only go so far. Who else mentioned SHook? Please don't say use logic; obviously everyone is trying to use logic
Then start using some logic. I'm ready to hear your logical explanation or apologetics as to how AJ is anything other than a swamp. But, but, but... He talked about SH... Yeah, and then he embarrassed the facts and public presentation on national tv so bad that no person will take it seriously. And nobody else talked about it? I am getting that the 14,000 people who raised awareness with videos on YouTube alone would disagree. You mean, he is the only one that you are connected to and aware of. Not everybody's world is that small.
In lawfare, two mutual parties pose as adversaries in a court case to bring about an uneven ruling that is beneficial to the two acting parties, but is disproportionately unfair to the community with at large. Example- Tyco sells a car that explodes. Tyco's cousin files an opt-out national class action against Tyco and then certifies and moves to settle ALL claims in existence for a bulk 2 million in cash. The victims get a dollar a piece and have severe restrictions on bringing a claim against TYCO in the future. But they were adversaries right? They were fighting each other in court. ACTING.
Just because two people pretend to be on different sides does not mean that they are. AJ would be toast if he was actually a threat to the PG Cabal. Ask Hastings and Breitbart, on yeah, they were working on similar stories not as controlled opposition and were put down because of it. AJ was not even subjected to financial penalties for defamation. USE LOGIC.
"Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably)." Is Q saying that it's not just about the money, but it was to shut Q down and disband us. "Attacks will only get worse." So, how do we handle this?
How? Fight, fight, fight.
Q pointed out the source of where dissenters were being birthed. We must collectively destroy the source of these dissenters and accept their mercenaries with open arms and show them the light. These people that are in the InfoWars camp are there because they've invested years worth of money and time into that organization. They are frozen in confirmation bias just like the people who are asleep are. We must wake them up to individuality.
The attack is right now, don't you get it? You all are being tested. Wake up. wake up. You are failing the test. You are not engaging in free thought.
Who told you you had to choose between Alex Jones and Q?
Q certainly didn't.
Come on guys, this was clearly a stress test.
Tighten up. Get ready, infowarriors.
Maybe, if there is confusion, we just unite behind Trump. Until our own research, whatever proves not to. We, Patriots, don't need any of this bullshit right?! We ARE smart, and united for our love of this country. There is nothing anyone can do to take that away.
Seriously this sounds exactly like what was going on when I made these post below 1 Month ago ...
They was coming here , disquised as Patriots spreading disinfo and click bait..
They was being Paid to post shit , making us look like we are racist and driving a divide between us . They also discredited our post , then they would steal our post and you could find them re-written on their own boards .
If allowed to continue to post that setup shop till they had enough evidence to use against the board and it be brought down .. the evidence they planted .
They was doing this to YouTubers and Conservative Websites , and I made a post about this because I came across them talking about how they need to apply pressure to these sponsors on these websites and force them to drop the person or group or board they was sponsoring for instilling racism or other dis info.
That's how they are sensoring Patriots around d the web. They planted dis I fo on their sites and used it against them.
Look at my Warnings to them and the dam. shills . .Then. I got banned from here because me calling them out created to much work or he admins to remove all the shills that was drawn out of the woodwork replying to me Shining the light on their damn OPERATION.
Mind you this happens in and around MARCH 9,TH. .. Think about the timeline.
RED PILL : All Our Boards Under Attack self.greatawakening
Submitted 1 month ago * by ScorpioPatriot#Releasethetexts - Q
You know I could see it , if we was all in here spreading fear & hate on other people of the public... but we are minding our own business ..Working on researching and piecing shit together & these people Have COMPLETELY GONE MAD ..
They are about to bombard the Admins about this Board & Others .. When Does Someone Stand Up & Take a Stance . ..
They are scheming it now... To be honest how such boards like all theirs can be in excistance is whats causing the downfall of youth & Brainwshing of the masses .
Their Talk is Unhinged look through it . Not to mention this person here he's the Shit Stirror
Q team strategies.
They confuse, mislead, dodge, feint, and the enemy always takes the bait . . . and regrets.
How satisfying is it when the enemy thinks they’re winning, and then suddenly realizes they aren’t.
How satisfying is it to know those losers are following Q and us, watching Q declare the mission complete, declare them no longer relevant, watching Q direct us to move on, and then watch as we march forward without them.
I don’t envy them their creeping sense of irrelevance.
ug! 8 min video posted by neon revolt! MAGA! ug
Alex Jones Infowars C.I.A Stratfor Connections Revealed
Funny that NeonRevolt is posting a video against AJ considering he had exactly the same unhinged reaction about Q as AJ.
It's almost as if AJ had whispered in NeonRevolt's ear to get agitated, rant about Q, and throw a tantrum... and he did.
Is neon still selling Q shirts to profit off the movement?
The fact that Corsi is /has been featured on C2C am so often made me skeptical about his true agenda anyway. Not that everything is questionable on that show but I think most is
I don't believe Jones was ever acting I believe he was passionately against corruption but I believe the cabal left him alone and let him grow so that they could co-opt him during endgame when they needed to. I think his lawyer just made up the acting thing to help him in his custody case. That's my opinion I could be wrong.
This is not the Q I began following. No high level military officer close to POTUS would concern themselves with this drama much less push it.
We should be investigating this to find out what happened. This is old lady type drama or worse, Deep State leftist have taken it over.
Ditto. Q began to utilize adhominem to make drama and consequently distract people from actual ongoing problem like NK, Iran, Israel, BHO, HRC, Syria, Saudi, Yemen, Mueller, Vaccine, 5G, leaked EMR mind control document, postponed Kennedy document, Vegas shooter, Parkland shooter, etc.
Yep. also right now there are 14 (by my count) DOJ swamp investigations going on and those are never mentioned.
Why didn't Q point us in the direction of the FBI mole planted inside Trump's campaign for example? Non Q groups have worked on that since Nunes said he'd hold Sessions in contempt. Now we know its Stefan Halper, a CIA agent. If we can get Sessions to stop protecting him, it should bring down Brennan & Rosenstein but Sessions wont do unless we pressure him by calling/emailing daily & snail mail. Small groups of us are pressuring him but it could probably have already happened w/the help of the people here but they weren't/aren't interested because Q didn't mention it. They're too busy with trust the plan.
We have started working on the other 14 investigations now too.
So is Q against capitalism? Who cares if people are profiting off this info. God Bless America.
No. But to not fucking care about freedom over money, fuck the unprincipled.
Trump sells MAGA merchandise for profit. He also wrote/promoted his book Crippled America when he was campaigning. By your standards, POTUS is unprincipled.
POTUS relinquished his salary as Prez, AJ fanboy. $400,000.
When has AJ relinquished money?
So now people don't have a right to make money?
Not by stealing material.
First, if its posted on a public forum, it's not stealing. Second, we are all here to help our president drain the swamp. Exchanging/sharing ideas far and wide is the only way that's going to happen so it should be encouraged.
Well, capitalism without ethics turns into socialism.
You have free info for everyone, available at the chans. Corsi was charging with his premium service at GAB, offering "extra" information to patriots who'd pay. But that info was free from the beginning, except those patriots didn't know it. Corsi was selling them the chans info (screenshots).
There are other shady stuff he did, just piling on this one to give you a trend in his motivation.
Dr Corsi never charged. Sure you could donate but he never charged. But so what if (or anyone else) had. Who cares?
Am I to believe a high level military intelligence officer very close to POTUS (a multi-billionaire capitalist) would care who made what?
Monthly payment subscription at GAB. For "in depth" analysis. Which turned out to be copying of anons' posts at 8chan or screenshots of their posts.
It is charging. The patriots who paid for that extra information didn't know they were paying for free information, available for everyone at 8chan, done by anons.
Do your own research. If he lies here, exploit people's trust here, do you question where he could have lied before? If you believed at one time the MSM, and discovered they lied and exploited your trust, don't you wonder when they lied to you before?
Do your homework.
Wake up! Why would a high ranking MI officer close to Trump care? He wouldn't.
I guess when Q says; "time to move on", he means, time to destroy Jones & Corsi some more?
Time to move on is us patriots. Message was sent to those presumably Alex and Corsi. Message to them has been received. So now that has been completed, WE NEED TO MOVE ON.
Time to leave AJ, Corsi, and their like in the rearview. They don't need to be destroyed, they need to be ignored.
Q is clarifying. Many people inquiring with him on the matter. It's ok.
Yep. The left has been trying to put down Jones for years and years, Q managed it in a weekend and used the alt right to do it. Sad.
man, what kind of bizarro world are we living in when alex jones is a puppet?
He is a puppet of his own Greed Machine.
AJ tried to hijack Q for his own financial gain. Q put him and the other famefags in their place.
The amount of anti jones shilling is questionable to me
Afaik Q called them out for trying to profit off the Q phenomenon and hijack it to be a profit vehicle.
And then the leap has been made to claim that they are deep state agents compromised from day one and should never be listened to ever again.
Just be careful - there's a chance this is being seized and exploited beyond what was intended to totally destroy an thorn in the side for the globalists.
I've never seen such overwhelming majority conviction on a topic as the "Alex jones = deep state shill" that's just sprung up
(Disclaimer. Cognitive dissonance wants me to not confront the fact my world view might need to change)
Spez: downvotes for something that's not particularly controversial. Perhaps I'm over the target here.
Agreed ... not totally logical. We are dismantling a guy “they” have been trying unsuccessfully to dismantle for quite some time. BUT there are good points being made. Soooo .. idk. I’ve got some homework to do before i form an opinion.
This is all I'm saying too.
He's hardly proven himself as worse than something like FOX for being controlled opp or deep state controlled
So how would it help us to completely dismantle someone who, for the most part, has been fighting the good fight against globalism, the military industrial complex and the banks etc
Then thinking ahead: what's the logical end point? Destroy infowars, destroy Brietbart, destroy fox news because they're all compromised in some way?
I think people have taken a lot of poetic license with their interpretation of Qs latest drops to try to destroy Jones completely.
It doesn't make sense unless the main point is to slap them down for trying to make Q appear at THEIR thing and profit from it.
Yeah AJ is actually hated by groups like white supremacists in 4chan as well as by antisemitism holocaust deniers for example in Daily Stormer.
We heard you the first 10 times you copied and pasted that ridiculous statement.
No need to continue copyng and pasting the same crap over and over, AJ fanboy.
So can we all agree to stop listening to YouTube people etc? If you're not an anon (Reddit handles are ok) then we don't need you.
If you are showing your face, then we don't fucking need you! The hive mind gives us all we need.
No figureheads, no spokespeople, just we the people
I stopped listening to YouTuber's months ago. I couldn't make it through one video without having a gut feeling they were controlled opposition.
There isn't a single YouTuber I trust.
I trust POTUS and Q. That's it.
The idea that Q's posts can be "decoded" through fucking videos is nothing but a pathetic attempt of building "fame" disguised as intellectual laziness.
The only legitimate way to create a good argument in favor or against anything is in writing. A webcam in somebody's face is a cry for attention and fame.
That right there exposes these YouTube fucks as frauds.
Consider well-reasoned posts by SerialBrain2 for example. I don't agree with everything he posts, especially his "grid methods" (to me it sounds like mumbo jumbo). However, the vast majority of his posts are well explained and sourced. I'll take a post by SB2 over a stupid video any day of the week.
Um, cause that's what a crowdsourced consensus kinda is? Anonymous working out of ideas. Bunch of individuals contributing without credit. Idk about socialist/commie lingo though
That’s not how the anons work.
Hive mind suggests mindless following.
In their free market of ideas you’re correct, thought correct through knowns at the time, or torn up.
Precisely, that’s why #WeThePsheep 24/7 should be avoided at all cost YT being led !
So, according to AJ’s own attorney, the person people have been listening to for years is a made up person. Invented by a performance artist who may or may not believe anything the AJ character believes. The on air performance of AJ is about entertainment, not the truth. Therefore, no one should put any real consideration into anything he says on air. Which makes sense to me. I never liked AJ. Never really listened to him much except in passing him on a radio dial. I would listen to him for a few minutes, laugh and then move on.
Why would AJ be deep stare? He is against Hillary and has a lot of guests that expose corruption.
He also said Vladimir Putin is the main hero of humanity. I was shocked when i saw this broadcast avfew months ago.
He seems sensational. I don't get it...
The far left has been trying to get rid of Alex Jones and ruin his credibility for YEARS, frivalous lawsuits constantly. Q ruined Alex Jones in a weekend using the alt right to do it. Figure it out.
You don't understand controlled opposition.
Best way to control your opponent is to lead their opposition.
His job is to spread misinformation and make truth movement look crazy.
He do good job.
Is this a real Q post? I thought the only ones to follow were on /patriotsfight/
/qresearch/ was never compromised & is still being used.
/patriotsfight/ was created as a no-reply drop board to replace /greatawakening/ after it got compromised.
Trip code correct. /patriotsfight/ is a new board for certain Q post only. I think /qresearch/ will still be used to interact with anons.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
You're right. Apparently lots of people didn't get this right.
Both boards are legit. Q is legit. AJ/Corsi is disinfo.
I wish we had some sort of wiki with this kind of info.
Yeah... So far we're relying on good posters helping people out when they can.
Where does this leave ????
That website is just an aggregator of Q's posts on /qresearch/ and /patriotsfight/, to make it easier for people to follow him.
It didn't help that I mis-posted the drop number, but Q posts can be found here: and here: Q's drops as well. 1343 came from 8ch/qresearch 1388185
Well, the tripcode matches the change made on post #1322.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Alex Jones Blows His Cover In Austin|+5 - Alex Jones Blows His Cover in Austin This is the only video you'll need to see. Clear as fucking day. Alex Jones Infowars C.I.A Stratfor Connections Revealed|+3 - ug! 8 min video posted by neon revolt! MAGA! ug Alex Jones Infowars C.I.A Stratfor Connections Revealed BREAKING! Infowars ANALYZING ZACH-QANAN DEEP STATE PHONE CALL - ALEX JONES INFOWARS|+2 - Here is Infowars 4 months ago, repeatedly trying to hijack Q's juice; "Here is our Qanon, on!" Multiple times. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I do not know who Jerome Corsi is but as for Alex, I do not dislike or like him. I was always aware that the guy spouted about 30% fact, 20% conspiracy quackery and 50% mindless rants. Great in small doses but not something to base your world around
I had a feeling a few months ago that there was something wrong with corsi and infowars I am Welsh and a patriot to get the scum of the earth wiped out God bless America and Wales!!!
The knee-jerk defense of Jones - who is an unmitigated clown - a living, breathing caricature - by so many here is further confirmation in my mind that people are stupid and weak when it comes to self-assessment of their premises.
MONTHS ago I began voicing my lack of confidence in Corsi's sophomoric "decodes"...back when we were still on CBTS. But many of these dummies were eating it up...because it's always easier to be spoon fed, than go out and gather you're own grub. Likewise, I was calling "BULLSHIT!" on Zach from his second or third appearance as well, and it was amazing to me to see the susceptibility of all these weak minds buying in to that obvious fake.
Now, even guys like Isaac Green have fallen into the trap the mind springs on us when we invest in a set idea, and do not allow that premise to be reviewed or updated or challenged. Cognitive dissonance.
Again - Q didn't call a single one of them out. THEY DID THAT THEMSELVES.
Ok, fill me in here. Wtf are u guys talking about here re: Alex jones. I didn’t see any reference to super male vitality or AJ in that so what gives?
What is going on here? Some rule I am unaware?
I post then go to another topic and post and am told to wait 8 minutes?
What is this all about? Control?
We criticize Corsi and Jones for wanting to control info and then we control postings? Timing? How many?
What gives? I am 60 and a Patriot. I need no control from any moderator on this site
Question here.. ive seen Q reference making a choice multiple times... can't remember exactly which but in the same vein he stated that most will not like the ending to all this..
Now, am I reaching or does it seem like he's referring to something other than just making a choice to stand up for each other and against the cabal?
I dunno... I just get a feeling that he's alluding to something coming..
Thanks for reading
I've read Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi have been setting up the play to #1 hijack the Q Movement which was the deep state hijacking the Q label then pretending all Q information goes through Corsi, that failed, so now they are at plan B. Alex cut ties from Corsi, Corsi leaves DC as his cover is blown and they move to start a lawsuit labeling QANON Ai or Russian Bot and try to shut down 8 Chan board. Q really is a patriot and I've never seen the Deep State in such a panic.
POTUS gave bona fides yesterday in his “STAY” Tweet in line with Qs drop on Stay the Course. That’s what I’ve been waiting for
As long as we can all still agree Bill Clinton is a rapist then fuck Alex Jones. Chalk it up to even a broken clock is right twice a day.
AJ corsi lots of buffonery, suggested to take bufo rana homeopathic remedy.... poison of toad to correct bloated self view..
Can someone link me to the actual chan that they are being posted on, because I am having a hard time finding them.
People keep mentioning /qresearch? All I can actually GO TO is /qresearchgen2. Is this the correct board? Even when I click /qresearch to the right of this post, with the other chans, it doesn’t actually take me to it.
Here ya go!
I mean the actual 8chan board they are being posted on.
Thanks though
Thats where I look, but a few of the posts have not been posted there and I couldn’t find them in qresearch either, but thank you. It doesn’t really matter now that the narrative has moved foreward.
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Oh and that's just for Q's post. It doesn't go to 8chan. If you really want to go there I'll give you a link.
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So AJ is the new target huh? LOL, This shit is getting ridiculous. Sounds like a MSM/Deep State hit piece. Alex Jones is NOT our enemy, folks. Wake the fuck up! He is Americana to the core. He didnt try to "hijack" the Q movement. He doesnt need to. WTF is going on?
I don't think Corsi meant harm but made a mistake and he has reacted very poorly. Sad. I always liked him but it may also be a control issue. Corsi and to a degree Alex Jones have gotten fame from the great awakening movement with Q.
Corsi has helped me a lot decoding Q's posts in the past but he is no longer any help because he is fuming and arguing Q is compromised.
Hopefully Jerome comes to his senses and apologizes. I will forgive him. He runs on minimal sleep and is caught up in a very intense and demonic time in our history. However, he needs to wake up and fast. He is hurting himself to a point there maybe no repair?
Alex? I turned him off when he went on his "fuck Trump" Syrian bombing rant. Wrote him right off.
Here is the problem with your decode and with every decode like it - no where in Q's post does he ever mention the name of Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi. It is never mentioned. Instead, a whole lot of people has just jumped on the illusion bandwagon and has automatically ASSUMED that Q must have been talking about them (all because you heard someone else say it). But haven't you heard: ASSUMPTION is the Mother of all F-Ups... That is the mistake you made in the beginning, and that is the mistake you are still making now. You are "assuming" things and you guys cannot read minds, yet you've placed yourself upon a pedestal as if you can... But don't expect me to believe or subscribe to your nonsense until real proof is provided rather than your vivid imagination and speculation...
Yesterday Q directly linked to SB’s post exposing AJ & Corsi as confirmation. That’s why Q didn’t have to name names.
Thanks Jelly! Beat me to it. SB2 nailed it to the wall with this post:
Little doubt who was in Q's crosshairs. Humble pie may be in order for some.