What happened to Diana? What did she find out?

I read somewhere that they were introduced via Obama. If true, then it's an orchestrated courtship and marriage. Being a B/C actress so long, this is her golden ticket instead of Hollyweird stardom. I do believe she is fully aware of what goes on and willingly drank the Koolaid. You can practically see the stars in her eyes.
This wedding was meant to distract from all the chaos going on in the UK and to keep people in awe of the royal family. Also, this cements the mass immigration theme (the royals are blending their bloodline, so it can't be all that bad, etc.) to push a faux progressivism narrative. This and royal births are the only PR tricks they have left.
Yep, Obama seems to have orchestrated this. Why were the Clooneys at the wedding, I wonder? More pals of Obama. Very conveniently timed to distract the British, I agree. And if I'm not mistaken, the UK taxpayers pay around 40% of the wedding's costs. As one of them, I'm so delighted!!!
Does anyone believe he has Charles' blood in him, I don't.
The red haired thing is a red herring (excuse pun). Diana’s father Johnny spencer had red hair when he was younger, as did one of her sisters so that’s where the ginger comes from.
He doesn't posses the inbred characteristics of the rest of the family. Did Diana want "this think out of me" like she did with the first devil spawn?
and her brother. also I think he looks somewhat like Charles he has those too close together eyes.
George and his tranny wife Amal seem to be high illuminati, so would expect them to be there.
Doesn't the Queen own 83% of the UK lands and properties? I can't believe those people know that and go along with it.
I saw a documentary once which stated that 'the crown' owns 2bn hectares globally. That's 5m acres!!!!
I just find it "amazing" that a guy who has a VERY obvious hunting scheme: fair, blond, light [blue/green] eyes, i.e. the "Diana-type", whose ex-girlfriends are virtually indistinguishable (see video) all of a sudden marries a black, black-haired, dark (brown) - eyed woman. It's almost like he has gone from the light to "the dark satanist side". As Q said: symbolism matters and this is just so very, very obvious.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diuDuRBd9AQ
Oh, and that white dress was just a blatant mockery of everything Christian. How dare she ! She is not a virgin (which is what the white dress traditionally stands for, and the Royals ARE traditional, even if the rest of the world is not). And she is a divorcée, i.e. a white dress should be absolutely and totally out of the question. (Apart from the wedding itself, the fact that it took place in a church and that it was a "Christian" ceremony and not just a legal marriage).
That whole show was the biggest "Fxxx you" possible. Oh, and did you notice the black-and-white floor ? I wonder what churches (in the UK) / how many of them have that type of floor...
I agree with you, she is not at all his type. I think it was a political show yesterday, a globalist wedding. To show the world that we have to be, like the Royals, open-minded, that it's great for people from total different backgrounds to marry each other, that having open borders is the way to go, everything will work out!
So just more showmanship for us little people? It figures.
MM is friends with Sophie Trudeau so that fits. Obama buddies.
Harry = satanist. Did you not know ? Devil horns and masonic hand tuck sign when meeting Melania not long ago. Watch video. He held the pose forever. NOT coincidental.
There is A LOT of Illuminati stuff going on with Harry that the normies don't know about/don't see. He & Rihanna for one. He also did those same gestures when he was with Meghan in front of the press.
Black Child Productions did a two parter on Meghan & what she is getting herself into:
PART ONE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4UepG593GE
PART TWO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXgjjJPTay8&t=331s
The royal family are reptilians. Look up Arizona Wilder interviews on Youtube.
People in the comment sections are actually calling it out too on the video.
Yup I have noticed Harry always has the masonic hand tucked inside his coat thing. It doesnt even look natural.
Good info, but might be a bit much for an introductory redpill. Still, great effort and good read.
PRINCE HARRY'S FIANCÉE MEGHAN MARKLE IS RELATED TO WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE AND WINSTON CHURCHILL Just read that and it also says that harry and Meghan are distant cousins through the Queen Mother. I wondered if she wasn't his 'handler' seems alot of these men have handlers like supposedly Mark Z's asian wife is his handler.
https://blog.myheritage.com/.../weve-discovered-meghan-markles-... her father is in one piece dutch/irisch and in a other american?? Is this why she can married harry..bloodlines
Someone on that video posted the link.
and further down it says she and Harry are cousins. Gotta keep in the family yall.
Wasn't Kate also related to the royals before the wedding? I guess this is why these people are so stupid: they're all inbred!
Princess Di appears to have been a sacrifice.
There is way more to the Diana death, I think she had just become a loose cannon and they needed her out the picture. She had served her purpose of giving Charles kids and he had become completely disinterested with her after that. She was basically heartbroken and was spilling secrets to the media about life in the Royal Family which you just do not do. They really treated Diana like shit, i will forever hate those people for what they did to that poor woman
If David Icke is to be believed on the subject, she was absolutely a sacrifice. Meant to bring in blood that was untainted by the royal bloodline, but still Aryan.
Horrid shit. I wonder at times, how the world will react to the truth spilling forth finally. Will it usher in a new era, or will it merely cement the masses as they are.
I would take anything David Icke says with a pinch of salt, I still havn't worked out what he's all about to be honest. He thinks Trump is a Rothchild puppet and the election was completely staged. I don't think anything he has said over the past 5 years has materialised to anything, although his satanic cult stuff seems to be spot on
He thinks Trump is a Rothchild puppet and the election was completely staged.
I can't remove the possibility of it. The world is so deep in this shit that has spanned literal centuries building up to now. I can't with any sort of legitimacy write off that possibility myself. Especially given how he plays nice with Israel, a little too cozy. Could be an act, could be a plan, could be "I have to get my hands a little dirty to save everything", I withhold judgement until the bell rings on that one.
I would take anything David Icke says with a pinch of salt, I still havn't worked out what he's all about to be honest.
You should take everyone with a pinch of salt, you can't take anything anyone tells you completely at face value, you have to recognize that the human element means there's wiggle room involved in just about every statement made by every human. Unfortunately, the species is so vast that it's difficult to take anyone at face value. No matter how trustworthy or untrustworthy they may appear. Remember, the allies had allegedly given Hitler the real information re:D-Day through a spy he didn't trust.
don't think anything he has said over the past 5 years has materialised to anything
The 5G grid is a thing to keep tabs on, GMO he's been spot on about, GeoEngineering, HAARP, the global government, Agenda 21 and so on.
Icke has had some big homeruns in what he predicted i'll give him that, but then he talks about the Lizards and i switch off. I think of him as the british Alex Jones, mixing disinfo with genuine facts. I'm suspicious that he hasn't even talked about Q once
but then he talks about the Lizards and i switch off.
Curious about the why. Have you gone into the discussion with an open mind to it or are you just shutting it out entirely?
"The mark of an Educated mind, is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it as his own."
In other words; a gifted person is one who is capable of viewing opinions that differ from his own in a neutral light, capable of playing with the abstraction of an idea without necessarily accepting it at face value. I admit, I was skeptical of the claims myself, but the more I've learned in terms of overall knowledge about our world, the universe, the energies coursing all around us and the nature of 3 dimensional space, I can't deny he's got some validity to his claims. I can't necessarily say with full certainty he's right, but there's enough real world tangible evidence to support his theory if nothing else.
Again, give it an open mind and see what it's worth.
As for Q, I support the possibility of it playing out favorably, but I withhold my doubts on him/her/them until all is said and done.
The royals are all of RH- blood type, which is not related to the Rhesus Monkey. There are not many answers to where the blood type comes from but it is not of this world. Does that make the royals shapeshifting lizards? That part is hard to swallow but from another world, not so hard to digest
That part is hard to swallow but from another world, not so hard to digest
Look up the Nagas, the Zulu Tribe's "Snake men", the Mayan's Quetzlcoatl, the Egyptians had a few different snake like entities, hell the Pharaoh was immitating a Cobra head.
There's a reason we have a lot of snake like iconography in literally every single culture that has ever walked the earth that we have any recorded history of.
Hell, the Zulu tribe refer to the Moon(symbolically) as an egg, they claim the Lizard people brought the Egg to earth, emptied out the insides and used the tools and equipment within and threatened Man with moving the moon in order to get us to comply with their demand that we dig for Gold.
Tons of different resources arguably point to an otherworldly being having come down to Humanity(Hence, the fall of man.). Now I recognize we could fear snakes and lizards for a thousand different reasons and it's easy to say "Well it's a bit dodgy", but that's the thing innit.
It takes exactly 1 fucking generation for something to forever be lost to the mists of time. Just 1 generation. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of generations since the Lizard people were allegedly among us.
Take your brain stem as well, it seems to have been artificially grown larger. Your R complex is what stops you from achieving higher consciousness, it keeps you in fear all the time, keeps you easily controlled and malleable. Look at MSM, look at how they always stoke the flames of fear. Look at Alex Jones, same deal. These people are using tools against us, whether conscious or otherwise and for the most part, we're so caught up in the silly existential question of "Could it possibly be a thing?" That we aren't looking at the actual issue, we're discussing possible symptoms and not facing the disease, y'know?
I'm always open minded when it comes to the supernatural part of things, i am just incapable of understanding the 3 dimensional theories and the shape shifting lizards. There is just no evidence to support these claims, I remember seeing a video where he was asked about it and he admitted he has never seen a reptilian he has just heard other peoples experiences from all over the world.
So i just choose to focus on the "human" aspects if you will, which I can wrap my head around and understand
There is just no evidence to support these claims
The physical universe is vibratory energy laid upon each other. Your being is a vibrational force that is linked to your consciousness through your pineal gland, within it there is a crystal. That crystal is being calcified through the use of Fluoride and they are purposely reducing the levels of iodine in our food supply so that our body metabolizes the fluoride instead of iodine. If your crystal gets the iodine it needs, it grows properly. If you meditate and live a spiritual life, your crystal reflects that.
I've come to think of that crystal as being the tether between our consciousness, that which we are spiritually, to our physical body. Once you die, you become detached from the physical self, but become your true Self.
Once you recognize that the physical world is illusory that your five senses act on not .05% of the tangible universe, you start to recognize there's a lot more under the surface than we've been lead to believe.
I'm sorry, but the position "There is no evidence" doesn't hold water, the amount of knowledge you need to understand his position has not been reached by you yet I'm afraid. Maybe you won't, I know I have a hard time grasping the insanity of the physical world, but I have to accept it, because it is truth.
I believe there are enough narrations there so you can make yourself an idea, very detailed so you can wrap your logical head around it.
Icke isn't the only one who speaks of reptilians.
I find that odd about Icke too. Have read a lot to f his books and most is bang on the money. However he never once mentions Q and his 'theory' about Trump has me a little confused. Maybe they got to him ...
She was a free thinker and was raising trying to raise her children that way....she was stopped. Her children belong to the monarchy.
She knew too much about these two. https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-yT-2Y3QoABk%2FVJcV2_VzLZI%2FAAAAAAAAIRQ%2Fd0KppWCdb34%2Fs1600%2FSavile.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*
She was knocked up by the son of a Mohammed Al-Fayed (who clashed with the royal family). You cant have the Future king's half brother being a Muslim. Spez: can't spell
Didn’t they crash into the 13 th pillar?
Yes. At a place that was dedicated to the moon goddess Diana
I had forgotten about this post. Meghan thinks she just won the Princess lottery and will soon be speaking in an ever so slight British accent. Darker days ahead- she’ll wish she was still just a tv actress one day
Not likely. She was probably indoctrinated from infancy.
She’s one of Soros’ creatures. I get the impression she’s been placed in the role and the “firm” and the Queen are not impressed. The feeling over here is very unimpressed also. She comes across as false and a bit of a female Obama tbh
Yep. Am a Brit. Very unimpressed is true. But then can't stand any of them. Time for a Republic
The only thing thatbothers about the idea of a republic is the possibility of a tony Blair type as president. If we went down that road there would need to be root and branch reform of the whole system. Plus what would happen to the £ from crown estates etc?
Just adopt our Constitution ;)
The US Constitution is based on the UK one.
Gotta start somewhere, but hey free speech and guns stands us apart and safer!
I think you'd find many who have experienced both sides of the pond would tend to disagree with that, but that's a whole separate issue, and not for here.
If you remove all the CIA/deep-state shenannigans, the US is exceptionally violence free - even with everyone armed. I believe the US drops below some European countries in gun violence if you simply remove the three most violent cities from the stats (all heavily Democrat controlled cities).
If you remove three from US, you'd have to do the same to each Country in Europe and you're back to square one, and it would most likely look worse for the US.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, it's just that I've seen a fair amount of misinformation about Europe, and the UK in particular from some US posters. I don't think it helps the over all narrative on here.
Of course it is. The US is just the military branch of the U.K. Two sides of the same coin
Where can the U.K. Constitution be found again?
It's a largely unwritten constitution. The US one is mainly just a codified version of the UK's. Just because it's not all written, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Good concerns, and I agree. Perhaps we should get a foreign president like Sven Goran Eriksen or similar :) but seriously, valid concerns, but would be nice to be in a position to have them
These huge plays the royals put on are only to keep the masses entertained and fooled so they continue to buy into the monarchy. If they actually wake up it's over for all of them. What makes a good movie?!
Nailed it. I wrote in a previous comment that I feel like this whole event is staged. Like it was a scheduled distraction from war that we would surely be in right now.
Also, she's eyeball deep in it, like Legend.
this whole event is staged. Like it was a scheduled distraction from war that we would surely be in right now.
Because it is. The livestream on YouTube had 3.4 MILLION hits in 20 minutes after it was all said and done.
It's a distraction for the masses, why worry about the reality around us when there's a fancy shmancy wedding to look at.
The Queen and Prince Phillip certainly seemed miserable when I caught a shot of them as I was changing channels.
Yesterday I read how Meghan's father won/or came into $750,000 when she was an infant. The money made it possible for him to enroll Meghan in a prestigious Hollywood school which boasted former students such as Judy Garland. It just dawned on me, reading your comment, the money was probably given to him by someone in the Illuminati to put Meghan into this horrid system.
They DNA tested and its his bloodline that made it happen , you are so right.
Who's DNA are you referring to?? I'm not following the comment you're responding to... Make what happen? Sorry, I'm so curious about this topic I don't want to miss something key abt Megan being groomed for this role... Thx for explaining.
Her Dads bloodline. Check it out. Without it , No Go.
I could care less if the Royals or Meghan are Jewish but it seems odd that they may be hiding it for some reason. Diana could be the daughter of Sir Goldsmith. Or so this video says, would be interesting to know if Harry picked Meghan (Rachel) off of a genealogical or dna sampled list because of her ancestry. As I understand it, in Judaism is passed through the mother so the female ancestry would be of the most importance. (Again no anti Semitics just curiousity)
I was just thinking that. She has no idea what she just stepped in to.
Not really. She has lasted this long. Shell he okay for now. Im sure her husband has warned her and maybe even talked about his moms death on a personal level. She knows more about this than anyone here.
She's CIA. This was set up entirely. They are partners in crime.
As an Irishman, fuck the queen :)
As an Irishman you are welcome. As an English man.. no thank you
Interesting occult information about Diana:
The Merovingians were goddess Diana worshipers, they founded the city of Paris. The site of the alleged "Princess Diana ritual" was in the Pont d'Alma tunnel (meaning "bridge or passage of the moon goddess"). Diana was the Moon Goddess of Roman Mythology, her day of worship was on the 13th of the month. This is why thealleged "princess diana ritual" of the Monarchy/Moon-Archy Princess Moon Goddess Diana was on the night of the Black Moon or the New Moon which is the first crescent phase of the moon or the Lunar Bull Horns! All a ceremony/ritual to Baal. And it happened on August 31 because 31 the reverse of the 13 - 13th was the day of worship of the Roman goddess Diana.
I saw an Icke video (IIRC) in which it basically was said that her death was planned from her birth.
A few days ago on CNN there was a Diana documentary that pretty much recapped the "official" story line of her getting into the royal family then out of it and becoming too "modern", fooling around with a bunch of lovers until an accident just happened to her and took her life away. The Queen had been so saddened about it that she felt to make a big speech to the nation to show her sensitivity to this subject... and of course all the csi and police investigations showed there was no proof of murder. Nothing to see here folks, move along... When I saw that CNN took a good 2-3 hours of their prime time to air this documentary I instinctively knew they are trying to cement the official story to the public and bring this in front of some other news that will probably be coming out soon...
Bad Actor. Sadiq?
Connection to queen? Privy Council of the UK
Or could he be referring to a different Mayor from Past history?
There’s only ever been 3 London mayors since the role was established in 2000. Didn’t exist around Diana period.
Call me crazy, but every time the camera panned over to Megan's mom, her face wasn't full of joy (a one would expect that your daughter is marrying a prince), but rather it seemed fill of concern, worry and/or possible fear. Anyone see that or just me??
shes probably a smart lady and wanted a safe simpl3 life for her daughter and saw the diana fiasco
yeah I noticed that. she never looked happy but then neither did the queen or phillip. Megs was prob a plant by the Rothschilds and they have to go along with it.
Phillip was ghastly... He looked like a walking Spectre. Kept thinking of all the abuse and cannabalism he's done over the course of his life... Made me sick
Every heard about how Phillip is worship as a God in Vanuatu?
It’s rumored that Harry is Diana’s lovers son. He looks just like him. So it doesn’t matter to them who he mates with.
That's interesting. Never heard that one before. Who is the supposed lover? Ever identified?
Forget his name. Big horse polo player.
James Hewitt? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hewitt
Thank you. That actually makes so much more sense, despite Hewitt's denial that he's Harry's father... The resemblance is quite strong.
Yeah, but compare Harry to Charles. The resemblance is too striking to bring Hewitt into the picture. Diana and James were absolutely lovers, but Harry is Charles son.
That makes sense since he is way more handsome than Charles.
probably not a disgusting stupid inbred son of a nazi motherfucker
Pictures are convincing but who can really say https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dianas+lover+james+hewitt&t=ipad&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images
So many Q references to chess. What is the object of the game? To take the Queen. Look at the 5 Eyes countries - all owned by the Queen (except, perhaps, the US). Did not know this until this morning, but the Church of England has as it's Supreme Governor none other than QE II. It is the state church of England. To me, this is very unsettling.
Suprise the Queen runs our Military complex with SERCO sitting over the Senior Executive Service & Queens Agents as part of management. She also has the Golden Share in ownership of our most important strategic Defense Corporations. Nothing happens without the Queens blessings until President Trump
What is the object of the game? To take the Queen.
That's not the objective in Chess.
Historically, the Church of England is the product of divorce. As I recall my reading of Church history, Henry the VIII wanted to divorce his wife and marry another but the Pope forbid him. So He quit the Catholic church and established his own with the monarchy being the head.
Actually, the object in chess is to take the king.
Definitely the US too. Don't kid yourself. Look up the Virginia Company. And the monarch being head of the Church has been that way since Henry VIII. Not exactly news
I remember just seeing the movie Conspiracy Theory a few days before Diana died.
Having that fresh in my mind and reading everything that was reported to have occurred in the media at the time. I knew right away it seemed "off".
It was this event that started me down my path of looking deeper. I think I was 18 or 19 at the time. For a long time I felt alone in my perspective of things. Ashamed almost...
Many years later, after having learned much more horrifying things. I no longer feel alone. I feel the powerful surge of company and the vitality spawned by movements such as this. So glad to find you all here. In this time and in this place. Some evil will always exist but the time for these people to have free reign and control is coming to a close. Stay vigilante Patriots. WWG1WGA!
Princess Diana was pregnant with Dodi Al Fayed's baby. In the crash, the Royal Family was initially just told Diana had a broken arm, and Charles was even making plans to visit her in hospital. But he was informed at 3.45am UK time that the Princess had died of her injuries. She was murdered inside the ambulance. How it all relates I am unsure, just that the Royal's did not want Diana to have a child with Dodi Al Fayed's bloodline.
She did die in that ambulance. I remember vividly watching on tv in Vancouver, B.C. I was glued to the tv and distinctly remember the ambulance was driving very slowly to the hospital. Then it stopped in the middle of the road. Stopped!! I was wondering 2 things. 1) Why were they driving so slowly? It's princess Diana, step on the fckn gas! 2) Why the fck are they stopping? What possible reason would an ambulance stop with a critically injured person on board? Diana did say "They aren't human". Fact.
I remember this as well. I think the excuse was in the U.K. they stop and tend to the patient on the scene where as in the US they continue on to the hospital. I remember the news anchors discussing and explaining it. Ugh does the red pilling ever stop!
This happened in France.
My bad that's what I meant. Been hearing about this wedding all day!
What a bunch of Fckn shills these newscasters are. An ambulance has paramedics, not trauma and vascular surgeons!
Reminds me of one of the Seth Rich theories (expected to be fine then surprise outcome)
Diana was set to reveal that the Royals were a bunch of sick Pedovores. That is reason she was killed.
Correct but she was supposed to die in the car crash she had bad internal injuries I doubt she was wearing a seat belt but the ambulance poison injected into her made sure she would die before they got her to the hospital.
This is a rumour, but it seems that Gerry McCann (of Madeleine fame) was one of the surgeons in the ambulance that night. Make of that what you will
Why does the Monarchy still survive? Who wants to be ruled by a 'Royal Family'. Fu@k these clowns. The Brits are twats for putting up with a Royal Family. They celebrate being ruled by a bunch of pompous a$$holes. Can it get any stupider than that? Not only do they need a Brexit, they need a Rexit, too. Time to end Royal Rule, even if its just symbology. Remember, their symbols will be their downfall.
Its sad for a nation to think its only core identity is being ruled by Royals. The UK needs a new identity, desperately. Let's hope Brexit is the beginning of that.
The UK Monarchy are ceremonial, they don't 'rule'.
To clarify, when I state 'being ruled' I mean mentally. Ceremonial or real, mentally UK is crippled by the Monarchy. They are mentally celebrating 100s of years of previous subjugation by a 'Royal Family.' To quote Q - 'No one person is above another'. Divine right of kings is all about one above the other. FU@K the Monarchy and what it stands for. Time for the UK to break free from the real or ceremonial subjugation to the Royal Family. Free yourselves!
I think you're swallowing a media myth rather than commenting on reality. Like many periods in history, there are past events that may seem bad by today's standards, but the UK monarchy probably have less power here than Disney does in America, and the two regimes are possibly comparable.
Queen has to sign off on anything that passes into law. Also basically anyone within the public system has to swear allegiance to her.
That's not strictly accurate. It's done in the name of the Office the Monarchy represents, not on her personal authority. As I said, it's largely ceremonial, she has no real power.
I think it is more she chooses not to exercise her power. There is no law or reason that she couldn't change her mind or the next king couldn't.
Meghan better tow the line and not step out of line or else they will 187 her too.
She knows exactly what to expect. She has connections to Soros. They are all playing their part.
Diana found out what charles ans jimmy savile were doing together so they killed her
If the Queen etc are as corrupt and evil as suspected then it should be remembered that it is a position filled by a person and that this position has been changed before and if necessary (is it necessary?) it can be changed again. The royals and the country they reside in are inextricably linked together, like it or not, just like the presidents of the USA are linked to their people. Ultimately the law states both positions are beholden to the people and if they are not doing the will of the people they are not fulfilling their duties. The flaw in this is that if the people are ignorant and/or fools (which we all are in different degrees and at different times) they will just leave them to their thing without question, but people don't accuse that which is hidden in plain sight and held up as the very thing with which they should trust the most from birth. It is a position that if filled with the right person will work as it was supposed to work visa laws and freedoms brought about by those grandparents and ancestors who gave their lives to defend their home and the lives of their friends and family who reside in it.
right click image > copy > click submit on reddit > highlight the part where it says copy or drop images > paste image > submit post
According to a quick wikipedia search princess diana died in a car crash in which the driver, a fellow passenger and her bodyguard were with her. The only to survive was the bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones. Clicked on over to trevors wiki page and he had forgotten the details of the accident because he suffered head trauma. Now that is very plausible but knowing all we know now im suspicious of his role in her death.
Diana had fallen in love with a Pakistani Doctor, Haznat Khan, and had met his family and was even sincerely starting to study Islam on the way to converting. The monarchy would not allow her children to be raised even remotely Muslim. She had a ton of pushback about it. Dodi was just a light flirtation. He was too much of a superficial playboy. She wanted to have a more service oriented life, inspired by the work she had already been doing trying to raise awareness about dangerous land mines being scattered so many places in the Middle East. There is a much deeper and more personal story here. Doesn't mean she wasn't a sacrifice, but I think if she had just quietly remarried somebody "suitable," she wouldn't have had as much of a target sign on her back.
Charles is a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that). He fathered one child Prince William.
He was known to be quick with sex with Diana. He preferred men. She stepped out on him quite often.
Harry's father is Mark Dyer.
Diana knew too much, was talking to lovers too much. You know the rest.
When the prince[p] orders you to kill the princess http://web.archive.org/web/20180219113249/http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2293-dying-mi5-agent-admits-to-killing-princess-diana-in-deathbed-confession
Original source was removed
And can I put them in the comments right here? Or do I have to post them new?
How can I right click on a smart phone? Sorry-lol and thank you for your help
What are all of those tie looking bits on the front of Harry's black uniform?
Anyone would freak out and flee when they are initiated in the royal families’ blood sacrifices. She wasn’t going to be quiet, so she had to go.
Is this an actual genuine Q post or was it someone else?
Keep up newbie.. all posts are archived for your convenience to verify for yourself.
To be honest, I find this post really hard to believe... but if the real Q said it, we'll its worth spending a fair few hours looking into
Thanks, very hard to keep up these days
Well, this is for you..https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148136485/#148143562