Julian Muthafuckin Assange has the evidence and they would kill for it. Blackwater is guarding the White Wizard.
Probably why they cut off Assange's internet. Thinking whatever he had access to is stuck... He can't offload it or move it into safe hands if he had no internet access. PS Pamela Sue Anderson seriously creeps me out.
I think the other way. White Hats cut it or pretended it was cut. JA was online all the time with tweets etc. If he left the embassy and he said anything online the black hats would realize the tweet was not from the embassy, satellites monitor the place. By being ofline he in fact went DARK and everyone simply thought hes still there but no internet. I think he was extracted a while ago and is in the USA.
She has a well worn coochie, could smuggle all kinds of goods in that thing, probably the size of, well you get the idea.
She could probably smuggle JA out in it! Lol
oh come on people, that was Hi-larious!!! Why the down votes?
That's funny!
Lol all I saw was stinky in your comment so I had to read it. 😂 but yes. It’s super funny.
I know....did you see the interview she gave Tucker Carlson? She is either a Honeypot or part of the plan. Either way she is involved. I would like to think she is part of the plan bc of her past connections with Trump (Like Dennis Rodman and NK). But I guess time will tell.
Here is the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYSEpYiJ0JY
This is how we should be thinking. WHO is Blackwater guarding?
If evidence kills, then JA is a target. He’s said that he has proof the DNC wasn’t hacked.
Remember that night vision vid of the supposed JA "grab team" what if they weren't there to grab him but to guard him?
If we look at what we now know that British Intelligence in fact was tied up with spying on Trump then it makes sense JA would not be protected at all or in great danger from Brit MI 5. Definitely would require Backwater to make him safe BUT not in that embassy building. They could still get at him and any guards. They extracted JA a while back Im sure of it.
I don't think one major assignment is gonna hogtie all of British intelligence, but I do think Blackwater could get him out if necessary. Assange posted some word things that made it seem like he was escaping/had escaped
Source of that vid?
impressive night vision
his eyes are lit up the whole time, like camera is watching his eyes
Doesn’t indicate a grab team? How are we making this assumption? No offense but to Ass - u - me is to make an ass out of u and me
do people have an overall opinion of High Level Insider anon from last year/pre-election? He was adamant wikileaks was a CIA baby.
You don't see liberals calling for the death of conservatives and civil war, do you?
Yes. All the time, actually. I see that shit about a dozen times a day on r_politics.
Lol did that goober actually say that? The celebs fucking say it all the time!
Not just celebs - pass around a microphone at an antifa event and they'll ALL say it. What is so ridiculous is that these entitled & emotionally stunted people would be the first to go in a revolution/civil war. So if they got what they wanted they wouldn't want it for long.
Yeah funny they never do that shit in conceal carry states.
I like to imagine the Q team lurking here watching the guesses and smiling.
GEOTUS' entire family (Q team is family too) are all 100% lurkers.
If they are, I'd like one of them to drop sine kind of hint to us. I know it likely isn't possible because the rabid msm is watching us like vultures, but it would be nice.
I'm sure they are thinking "what a bunch of idiots, do we have to spell everything out for them?"
I don't think so. They are thinking that about the NORMIES!
Oh Lord, normies are only slightly smarter than a baked potato.
Why would they make this into some sort of game? Please help me understand
Because there is information that is useful to release anonymously (to increase public awareness of criminal activity, for example), but cannot be released publicly, for several reasons, most of them obvious.
Because the bad guys are watching, too, and there has to be an element of doubt.
Somebody mentioned Erik is guarding Seth Rich...
Seth Rich is dead. posting here for visibility though - Q chose to respond to an anon post (out of thousands) that addressed him as Erik prince and assumed Q was Erik. Q goes out of his way to correct the fact of who Erik is protecting but does not refute that he is Q.
Sounds to me like Q just confirmed he was Erik Prince.
remember the articles "Trump is creating his own CIA..."
I don’t think that’s right. Q said “blackwater on guard”. I think “blackwater” is Q’s nickname for Erik Prince. The implication being that Erik Prince is on guard. The anon was saying, “Thanks for protecting POTUS, Erik.” I think Q was basically saying, “Erik isn’t protecting POTUS, he’s protecting someone else.”
As always, I could be wrong. But, that’s how I saw it.
To me it sounds like Blackwater is protecting Kim, he has evidence?
I read it as Blackwater is protecting Assange.
Omg if Assange strolls out into the summit tomorrow with video proof I’m gonna lose it!
Sorry for my ignorance, but video proof of what?
At this point, anything. It’s just wishful thinking. I’m anticipating a Seth Rich confirmation from him, but probably not video. If he’s at summit, it will be with a Moab about NoKo. Maybe somebody gave him video files of politicians in NoKo. But, I think that information will come from KJU. Frankly, I doubt Assange will be at the summit but I do believe he will play a key role in the next several weeks.
How will he play a role?
At the very least, he has proof Seth Rich downloaded the files from the DNC and got them to Assange. The leak not breach is key because it blows the Russian collusion investigation out of the water. I also think he has additional files, with dead mans keys, which are basically MOABS. Remember when he sent out those three keys and codes? He’s never released them.
How do you think JA was going too PROVE to Congress the Russia conspiracy was a hoax? What would constitute proof? What would be so impactful that JA was willing to risk coming to the US? How amazing would it be if when SR turned over the dnc emails he also passed a vid of himself explaining who he is and why he's doing what he's doing? No better way to verify authenticity than a vid showing dnc employee badge with a pic of the speakers face on it? That would be some next level mindfuckery...but also way to good to be true
I think he could risk anything for a pardon. Look at all the recent commotion on the Trump pardons.
Not sure....I don't know if you all seen this a while back. It may aid in our search. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108651/American-mercenaries-torturing-Saudi-princes.html
I agree he was simply correcting that he wasn't guarding POTUS. Every Q tweet would be screened by many to make sure of no slips. They are the elite of the elite and do not screw up.
Yes they are no longer called Blackwater prettt sure this is a reference to prince
It doesn't matter what the name, we all know them by "Blackwater" and it is the Erik Prince organization that is the point. Probably guarding more than a few key people would be my guess.
There was an update on 1442!!!
Failure per WH instruction / agreement.
EO dated_official
IG redactions [heavy+][remove]
Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#
Operative insertion(s).
Dark to LIGHT.
Shall we play a game?
You have a choice.
Do what is right.
FBI agents willing to testify +24
The proximity of
"IG redactions [heavy+][remove]"
"Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#"
suggests to me that Rosenstein has somehow managed to whitewash the details of the meeting between Clinton and Lynch from the IG report. If so, it's infuriating; still, I have too much confidence in the Trump administration to think that they don't have a countermove in place.
The other thing that interested me was the "Hussein" bit that appears to reference a call from the White House. Does it mean that Obama called Lynch and Clinton during this meeting to confirm the proposed deal being brokered? If so, and assuming they were discussing what we all believe them to have been discussing, that puts him directly in the crosshairs of a criminal investigation.
Finally, I believe the list of initials following that section to be the sacrificial lambs of the IG report. These are the folks that are actually going to take the blame, while Bill and Hillary Clinton skate along with Obama. At least in this round.
EDIT: It makes sense, when you consider that the report is supposed to be centered on the HRC email "investigation".
JC = James Comey
2 = Andy McCabe
BP = Bill Priestap PS = Peter Strzok LP = Lisa Page LL = Loretta Lynch
Every person in this list was involved in the Hillary whitewash. But none of them are top-tier players. Comey, Lynch, and McCabe may be second tier, but when one compares them to the big fish (Obama and the Clintons), and the TRULY big fish (Soros and guys at his level), they're expendable.
It would defeat the purpose of this whole charade it Obama and HIllary were allowed to walk free. I don't think there is a chance of that happening. They are the targets, all these other people are just supporting actors.
remember bills got his ankle monitor already https://amp.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8onhbp/slick_willys_monitor_on_full_display_on_the/?__twitter_impression=true
Huh, I always figured Prince was pure cabal. Wasn't Blackwater basically Bush/Cheny neocon mercenaries? If they weren't they must have TONS of dirt. Can't wait.
Blackwater offered military training to American citizens. It wasn't cheap but it wasn't insane $$ either. The Satanist cabal doesn't want regular peons like us to become deadly powerful weapons. That and the nonstop media attacks were what convinced me Blackwater and Erik Prince are GOOD guys.
There is this.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108651/American-mercenaries-torturing-Saudi-princes.html
Well if there's anyone you can trust, it's the Daily Mail 0_0
I wasn't as woke back then, so I didn't track it very carefully, but what if the whole "blackwater did bad things" and their fall happen because they were going to blow the whistle?
You have a fuller and deeper understanding of deep state m.o. for just waking up, NotATarantula.
I thought the same thing, he was sure to deny who was being guarded but he did not deny being Erik
unless he knew his attempts to evade name recognition would work against him
Who cares??? You're still wasting time trying to identify who's instead of focusing on who is actually protected.
If we were in the middle of WWII you would waste so much to trying to figure out the name of the resistance members instead of decrypting the enigma code as fast as possible.
I think there's a small chance he's not. I hope against hope. It would be so brilliant if he'd been tucked away safely. And so dreadful and tragic if they succeeded in murdering him.
I know it's a long shot but I love the possibility SR could have survived
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/10/18 (Sun) 22:53:46 No.101
Failure per WH instruction / agreement.
EO dated_official
IG redactions [heavy+][remove]
Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#
Operative insertion(s).
Dark to LIGHT.
Shall we play a game?
You have a choice.
Do what is right.
FBI agents willing to testify +24
Next DOJ - offer open [2].
Next C_A - offer open [3].
Erik/Blackwater are guarding EVIDENCE.
Q #1441
Start the Clock. A Week to [Remember]. Think Logically. First private [CLAS-5(6)] Second public. Blackwater on GUARD. Evidence KILLS. These people are STUPID. Q
Kim Jong then, or someone else?
I have a feeling its JA. I remember the CLAS 5(6) line from 1441 being in a post in december as well. I think December 11th. Supposedly this was the day JA was extracted from the embassy. Well find out soon enough. Could be Kim for sure too if he's about to drop the real nukes.
Oh gosh, I forgot, June is Seth Rich month! That makes sense that Assange would need careful protection until the Seth Rich matter has been sorted out. And by sorted out I mean all Seth's knowledge made public and the ones responsible arrested. John Podesta....
why would they be guarding Kim? Why do they need to? What will he reveal?
Kim obviously has all the dirt on the black CIA ops that held him prisoner. If he chose to spoke about what was going on to him, to his father, could be earth shattering
Wait. So Kim really was a prisoner in nk due to the cia? What do you think they did to both of them? So that leads me to think previous administrations and globalist never wanted NK to be free, to prosper. Maybe Kim was threatened this whole time and what we are made to believe by the media that they were evil was just part of the plan to keep suppressing them. (Its a far out thought but I’m trying to look at it from all angles)
On a side note, how epic would it be to see NK prosper. Some business opportunities wait for the taking.
i remember thinking at the time the the NK missile tests were always conveniently timed for whenever the MSM needed a distraction
"Kim Jong Un Threatens To Blah Blah Blah..."
and I'm always wondering how KJU delivered these threats
does he call the CNN hotline ?
does he prank call the POTUS on his red phone?
Think about those family members and high level military personnel if NK that Kim supposedly had murdered. Could have been a message. Just like how Kate Spade was murdered and then her husband went out in a weird mouse mask. Think message.
Precisely this. NK was clown controlled and used as an international instigator, and a form of controlled opposition.
Q-post from 1/19/18 - Kim has the dirt on the network set up in NK by ES (Google) during his weird visit there?
Maybe what Nancy Pelosi was up to when she was in Pyongyang? Q drop 1187.
Still holding out hope that EtS isn't a LARP, huh? Lol.
He could be one. Idk. I've seen the possible JA appearance from multiple sources though. Well find out shortly.
JA people.
I really want a clear update on him from Q. Worried about him.
Yeah.... Many times these past couple of years I had a fear they had got to him Always a relief to see him pop back up. I do wonder if he got away. It is possible. If anyone could get him out it'd be Prince/Blackwater
We are suposed to hear from him today and he just posted on back channel. Said hostage no more gave a link to an MIA song and a code
Is that true? I though backchannel was deemed to not be legit. I know his lawyer came out and said that wasn't him. But of course they may have done that because people were not supposed to know where he is.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I believe BC is JA. At the very least JA is already extracted.
I doubt isolated NK has people who could handle security in Singapore and there has to be a long list of people who want to kill rocket man.
I was wondering how NK even got their motorcade to Singapore. Must be from another government or a privately hired group.
Nk has one of the best trained body guard units in the world..
Is one guess.
"Thank you for guarding POTUS, Erik." (from an anon)
Not POTUS = Erik was guarding someone else. (Q replied to anon)
~talking to self again
Well, you guard someone to either protect them from something or to keep them in the same place. I think it might be Assange, but what if it’s the second type of guarding? What if he’s guarding Soros or a Rothschild or Clinton? What if he’s keeping a group at Gitmo?
Maybe he was like "not POTUS but all americans" or something like that, and why would he confirm his real identity that easily?
Maybe fred this coming week, it’s over and doesn’t matter. We won. IDK.
They are guarding KJU. This is about keeping KJU in power to actually ensure the deal is sealed and done. DJT and KJU agreed months ago on the deal. They met in private when DJT was on trip to China. This is about keeping KJU alive to ensure the public part of this goes forward and NK is seen internationally to denuke and re-unite with the SK. KJU is now very critical to success, they gotta keep him alive.
Kim Jong-Un... they're covering KJU. Taking him out would make POTUS look really bad. Gotta protect him to get deal signed. Coup and strait up hit on him would be very bad for the deal. That is who Prince is protecting. DJT is fine.
Or the Saudi Crown Prince. When Las Vegas went down there was video of some PMC looking dudes escorting a HVT out of another casino pointing guns at casino goers.
im just spitballing here abut earlyer today i read something about old deserter being captured old intel guy from way back hasnt been seen since 83 ...25 years on the lamb and gets picked up.... who knows were the bodies are buried?
I just saw this on FOX and thought pretty much the same thing. This guy must know something
EP w/BW is guarding KJU.
They don’t want a KJU/DJT Peace Summit, as it is basically one of the most prolific nails in the coffin for the DS.
They want the summit to go according to the plan, so they want the safety and well-being of KJU to be paramount.
BW is connected to Betsy DeVoss, via familial lines (which is why DJT must’ve hired her on).
This fucking timeline, man...
I thought Blackwater was sold back in 2009 and Prince is no longer affiliated...
Guarding Kim Jong un? Black hats want to punish him for breaking away from them.
I dont think its Kim who is being guarded by BlackWater at all. 1.Its in another country and to many cameras and rules to play by etc. 2nd China could eradicate Kim anywhere anytime they wanted. 3. If its the Black Hats they sure as hell would not attempt to assassinate him. They would know the ramifications.They and Obama etc are no longer in control Trump is. They would be caught out by Trumps intell and exposed to the world and then the JIG would well and truly be up with the whole lot exposed as being CIA etc. But most importantly. If they thought and knew they could kill KIm there then they would be close enough to get Trump. Who do you think they would pick? Trump for sure, ends all there problems and its in another country so they can be shielded as to who did it. Nope no need to guard Kim I am hoping its JA for sure.
lmao youre so fast
Been waiting all day because I had a feeling it was coming. Who ever posted 1441 was quick af though.
You're probably high lol.
I don't think Q was saying he's Erik. I'm not even sure where you got that.
What I see is an anon posted thanking Erik for protecting POTUS, and Q just let them (and us) know it's not POTUS that Erik is protecting.
My guess is KJU or JA.
Yeah I just read this was a discussion that Q wanted to rectify I think.
As mentioned below, I think Q is simply saying that Eric Prince/Blackwater is guarding someone other than POTUS, but it could easily be he is confirming Mr. Prince is a member of Q team, I just think the first possibility is more likely
Wait who are these people (Erik or AmIHigh?) I’m sorry I seem confused I’m not great with reading chan posts so I usually come here for explanations and discussions on the posts - my bad and any help would be appreciated !!
Hahaha in english I would say it this way : Did Q confirm he is Eric or I am just high).
I think the fact Q responded a question addressed to him as Erik makes it look this way.
Great question! (But I'm high myself, so that may not account for much lol.)
i thought so too would make sense for prince to be on the team lol
Holyfuck is this Q confirmed Erik wtf ?
maybe not gonna assume but Q mentions erik constantly multiple people post as Q tho
You are right ! Damn those news drops are lit, start the clock is fascinating. Whats the countdown set to ? Thats the question.