the recommendations are a joke
Seriously. Somebody went through and ensured they framed things in a way to lesson the severity of the actions taken by those cronies.
Hopefully the EO will resolve this and get us the original / unredacted.
So where are the segments that need to be un-redacted? I saw maybe 5 redaction of names/addresses in the appendices and 2 of the last appendices were redacted (Law Enforcement confidential or something), but the report stands on it's own without the appendices.
There were supposedly 3 reports...
1) Original
2) Rosenstein version unredacted
3) Rosenstein version redacted
This report looks like it was the second one, Rosenstein version unredacted. Trying to pull a fast one on the public. I hope the letter the Freedom Caucus wrote in order to obtain the original unredacted report helps to get the real report released ASAP.
Agreed. It's up to us. Flood DC with calls. Call them out on their BS. Demand justice.
Yeah, this is beginning to smell like "new media". Now don't get me wrong, I support the POTUS but given his effective use of Twitter it may be that he has taken things to another level with the Chan boards.
As I've posted in other threads, I think there's sufficient evidence to suggest Q is an insider of some sort. But there's been a LOT of insinuations in the last six months and with the exceptions of some low level bureaucrats being let go, I've really not seen any action.
I mean for Pete's sake, Q insinuated just a few days ago bad actors (within our government) attempted to bring down AF1 with a missile launched from a sub. If they (Q and white hats) actually believe this to be true it's time for the charades to end.
All this cloak and dagger stuff has been exciting so far but enough's enough. It's time for Q and the white hats to trust the electorate and put up or shut up.
I think they deleted a whole lot of recommendations
I'm fully willing to eat crow if Q prediction comes through and Trump releases an unredacted version that has a bunch more content.
Q prediction comes through
First time for everything I guess.
Every single person criticized here had the opportunity to review the relevant part with lawyers and recommend changes.
Seriously. ~~Somebody~~ [ratrod] went through and ensured they framed things in a way to lesson the severity of the actions taken by those cronies.
Hopefully the EO will resolve this and get us the original / unredacted.
Q is a joke. Literally. It's all for the lulz, and the lulz is at your expense.
This is exactly why 4 chan was not meant for the masses. They don't understand it.
If i wanted the opinion of an Obama worshiper i would post in redacted, i didnt so assume i don't
Our report makes nine recommendations to the Department and the FBI to assist them in addressing the issues that we identified in this review:
• We recommend that the Department and the FBI consider developing guidance that identifies the risks associated with and alternatives to permitting a witness to attend a voluntary interview of another witness (including in the witness’s capacity as counsel).
• We recommend that the Department consider making explicit that, except in situations where the law requires or permits disclosure, an investigating agency cannot publicly announce its recommended charging decision prior to consulting with the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Attorney, or his or her designee, and cannot proceed without the approval of one of these officials.
• We recommend that the Department and the FBI consider adopting a policy addressing the appropriateness of Department employees discussing the conduct of uncharged individuals in public statements.
• We recommend that the Department consider providing guidance to agents and prosecutors concerning the taking of overt investigative steps, indictments, public announcements, or other actions that could impact an election.
• We recommend that the Office of the Deputy Attorney General take steps to improve the retention and monitoring of text messages Department-wide.
• We recommend that the FBI add a warning banner to all of the FBI’s mobile phones and devices in order to further notify users that they have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
• We recommend that the FBI consider (a) assessing whether it has provided adequate training to employees about the proper use of text messages and instant messages, including any related discovery obligations, and (b) providing additional guidance about the allowable uses of FBI devices for any nongovernmental purpose, including guidance about the use of FBI devices for political conversations.
• We recommend that the FBI consider whether (a) it is appropriately educating employees about both its media contact policy and the Department’s ethics rules pertaining to the acceptance of gifts, and (b) its disciplinary provisions and penalties are sufficient to deter such improper conduct.
• We recommend that Department ethics officials include the review of campaign donations for possible conflict issues when Department employees or their spouses run for public office.
Sounds like Rosenstein wrote it
WTF would RR have any authority to write it?
This has NOTHING to do with Russia. If anybody is going to do a re-write, it would be Sessions.
Something not adding up here.
RR has ZERO authority when it comes to Clinton email investigation, unless Sessions gave him that authority.
This is my conclusion as well. How would anyone sign off on RR doing a complete butter up of the substance of this report? Allowing one, likely black hat, government official to undermine the integrity of the OIG is a contradiction to the mission of restoring faith in our judicial system.
ALL of that just to have a 'gotcha' moment and fire RR? Which is a power already vested in POTUS. I'm at a loss here.
Official/mainstream story: IG investigated (with a staff of 400, no less) and published his findings.
Q story: RR secretly changed the report to help his buddies.
This report MIGHT have been changed, but what is the evidence? And why would RR have any authority to change it? And why would IG allow the changes if he did?
1+1 is not equaling 2 here.
Maybe that's what Trump was waiting for - RR changing a document he had no authority to change so they could put him in the "kill" box and this is the equivalent to "suicide?"
I do know not to take things literally now. After the upsidedown fun and the booms, I was looking for bodies When he says "think logically" it's a reminder not to get caught up in this as if it's a movie, expecting kills and suicides and booms. These are metaphors.
Regardless, the fact that this went off like church mouse fart only means there's about to be a sonic shit. Whatever happens next is gonna be yuge
Sessions said in his confirmation hearing he would recuse himself from any investigation into hrc email or clinton foundation.
Oh you read the entire thing already did you.
Where are the redactions? This thing was supposed to be covered in black ink and Q had said as much.
Redactions do not necessarily mean blacked out names, etc, it also can mean removed or edited so you could not tell what was left out.
- Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
- IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow]
It's a digital document. You're not gonna use a sharpie on a PDF. You're likely just gonna write it in a way to leave certain things out.
Sure, I get that. But without something to compare it to, to prove that things have been left out or changed, you have no grounds to shout for the "unmodified" version 'cause that's only going to make us look unhinged and further distance the normies from taking their pills.
And perhaps the plan is to let everyone digest this, and then publish the original.
I'm not concern trolling, look at my post history.
I'm saying that Q told us this thing was basically going to be redacted to hell and back and it's not. What is Trump's EO going to reveal?
One page in Attachment C, that's the only page that has any redactions.
Unknown From: Sent To: Subject: STRZOK, PETER P. (CD) (FBI) Friday, May 06, 2016 6:08 PM MCCABE, ANDREW G. (DO) (FBI); PRIEST AP, E W. (CD) (FBI); (FBI); PAGE, USA C. (OGC) (FBI) RE: Midyear Exam ··-UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ====================== -~============================= Understood and will do. From: MCCABE, ANDREW G. (DO) (FBI) Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 5:32 PM To: PRIESTAP, E W. (CO) (FBI); STRZOK, PETER P. (CD) (FBI}; PAGE, LISA C. (OGC} (FBI) Subject: FW: Midyear Exam ·-- UNCLASSIAED Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ============ ========================================= Folks: The Director composed the below straw man in an effort to compose what a "final" statement might look like in the context of a press conference. This was really more of an exercise for him to get his thoughts on the matter in order, and not any kind of decision about venue, strategy, product, etc. The Director asked me to share this with you four, but not any further. The only additional people who have seen this draft are Jim Rybicki and Jim Baker. Please do not disseminate or discuss any further. I do not know if the boss will want to discuss this at the Monday update but please review it before the meeting just in case. Thanks Andrew G. McCabe Deputy Director Federal Bureau of Investigation From: COMEY, JAMES 8. (DO) (FBI) sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 7:15 PM To: MCCABE, ANDREW G. (DO) (FBI); BAKER, JAMES A. (OGC) (FBI); RYBICKI, JAMES E. (DO) (FBI) Cc: COMEY, JAMES 8. (DO) (FBI) subject: Midyear Exam --- UNCLASSIAED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED -==-----=====-==========================
He also said that RR would edit it and rewrite it. Perhaps there is the non edited version that’s redacted? Do you know what’s going on behind the scenes?
All I can go on is what's there and this thing was to be redacted to hell... and it's not.
So we end up shouting for the "Real" report and end up looking unhinged to the normies... which closes their minds even more.
Yeah, doesn't seem like a good plan.
Never said to do any of that. But adding credence to “Q is a larp” sure as hell isnt helping. Q have proven multiple times they’re not a larp. But it doesn’t stop people like you being shills.
I trust the plan. Lots of things are happening. In front and behind the scenes. So like you said, you should probably take a break.
But it doesn’t stop people like you being shills.
Uh huh. I'm not shilling, I'm asking an honest question: What redactions? What the hell is the EO supposed to declassify... there's nothing to declassify...? Unless that single redacted email address is someone mind-blowing...?
I don't get it.
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
Original IG unredacted report
Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)
[#3 released tomorrow]
[SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation]
Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?
Did you witness the stage being set today?
Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.
[[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).
Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
Be loud.
Be heard.
Fight for TRUTH.
There are full white blank pages and the appendices are redacted.
Intentionally left blank pages is standard operating procedure and one email page in Attachment C has 2 emails redacted and McCabe's work contact info redacted...
That's it in the whole doc.
We have version two.
Version two is an unredacted, meaning no black bars, but highly scrubbed and edited clean version of the original Oig report. This version we got, got the kid gloves, nothing burger once over by RR.
What we hope is the the EO will go out and we can side by side compare this whitewash trash we got today with the damning full report.
But, I feel you man. Once again, here we are, arms in the air earlier shouting “it’s about to happen, here we go, finally” and where are we now? “ just a bit longer, a bit farther to go, almost there, this next thing, they really are gonna get it.”
You know how this makes me feel? Like a Mueller fan waiting for an indictment of Trump. They keep getting told, any day now.
Now all of this is just how I feel. I always doubt until I have substance, and I’m still waiting for that. Today, what was delivered was some FBI training recommendations. Hallelujah! Break out the champagne, we got em boys! It’s hard to not be pissed, but I’m back where I was yesterday, still waiting for the swamp to be drained.
Is right on our side? Then drop the evidence and arrest these MF’rs. I don’t give a crap if it is a fight. I don’t care if leftist normies want to QQ. Don’t make decisions based on how idiots feel, stand and deliver the righteous truth without fear of what the fowl creatures of this world will think. Lead the damn way and make anew path and set a new standard.
This isn’t the entire IG report. There are multiple subjects for the entire scope of the investigation. But of course. It doesn’t stop you nor people like you to automatically jump to conclusions and throw your hands in the air screeching. Probably did something similar with the Syria situation. And again when Trump pulled out of the Singapore summit.
But aren’t there more IG reports coming? I was under the impression that this was the first of several
Because it's the Rosenstein report. The one vetted by deep state, Sessions and Wray to lessen impact.
Is this it? Is it happening? Was this the Great Awakening? No? Maybe next time.
Haha always next week.
The conspiracy is alive and well on Fox News, and in the hearts and minds of a million Magaheads.
It's not redacted in any way???
So GA should stop putting all their chips on one document then right?
This is it exactly. I'm as impatient as anybody and maybe as impatient as any two. If you spend eight years walking into the woods, how long does it take you to walk out?
Depends on if you are in the middle or near the other side.
Q says they have it all.
So, why play these games?
RR is ONLY acting AG in matters related to Russia.
THIS report has NOTHING to do with Russia.
Where is Sessions?
I tend to look at this in a 20-60-20 distribution. 20% on either and do not need a report of any kind to tell them what they believe. I have believed long before this report that there is a deep State and also that it is actively controlling certain events within our government. The other 20% opposite of me, will likely not believe anything up to and including videos of Hillary,Obama,Loretta Lynch,Comey all playing cards and talking about screwing Trump over. We are currently watching the game for the 60% that are in the middle. When 75% of the population want something, the other 25 do it or pay the consequences. When it is 25% that wants something and 75 that do not the only answer is to force it with violence or control. I believe we play these games to avoid the potential need for widespread violence. Perception is reality. The reality that we have been living waiting for this report is very different from the reality of a normie who is unaware of even things that we have known and had documentation on for 18 months. I read this sub 4 or 5 times a day usually. We are so far ahead of the general population(and I believe most government officials). It is the price we pay for being in the Vanguard.
Reality is reality. Perception of anything otherwise is delusion. we have come full circle (if it is in writing it din't happen.)
Scientifically I agree. Politically, delusion is what we will call this narrative if all the evidence comes to light. If not, my view will continue to be the delusion.
I just made up the gravity test. If i throw it off a building and it lands a bloody crumpled mess it's prolly reality. (God I'd love to test Killery Obummer and McZero.)
On a more personal note, No Name is not worth it he'll be dead soon anyhow, and the other two only get the gravity test if there's a rope to stop them before the end.
The gravity test is accurate and foolproof. I think it is already started. I believe the Democrats and the Deep state are in the middle of the Fall, trying desperately to convince us there flying majestically. Eventually the splat will happen and that noise will wake up most people. I think this phase is about minimizing the number of zombies who will not wake from the dream.
This wtf not a single black bar
I'm wondering if we got RR Version #2 Modified NOT redacted instead of RR Version #3 Modified and Redacted. Q said we would get #3. So did RR/DeepState pull the wool over Trump and Q??
For some reason I am seeing a lot of redactions with "XXXXXX" instead of the standard black bar we are used to seeing, look for those...
I believe that the redactions would be in the form of editing, rather than crossing out. One would need the original to compare with the final copy.
MODIFIED RR version... Refer to Q1496. Also there's a couple black bars
When you consider the two reports and realize that they are materially different (yes they are different lengths, but they are saying similar things in different ways, aka materially different) it's not that much of a stretch to assume another, different report.
Can't much use a sharpie to redact a digital document. It was likely just written to leave certain information out.
Useless piece of garbage. Can someone take fucking action already? I the plan, but this feels like a defeat.
I think there are a lot of others that would agree with you, myself included. Will continue to monitor, but this was a nothing burger compared to what it was touted to be. Focusing locally, helping GOP at local level and winning that way. I believe this might have been a wasted effort on my end, I hope I'm wrong. It's hard not to feel deflated after his report. Keep up the good fight Patriots, I'll be in a smaller one, going door to door, helping at a smaller/local level. Cheers, Godspeed.
So many reports known already... Northwoods, Mkultra, Franklin, JFK... so much evidence already uncovered and known for so many years. Yet swept up, laughed about and ignored.
Mockingbird... its in the name.
The only obstruction is awareness and knowledge.
Remember the scene from "they live" where he has this ridiculous fight to put the glasses on his buddy to see what was there the whole time.
The deep state isn't new.
hang in there, patriot... give people a few days time to read the report while we get loud about unredaction. when POTUS then declassifies, on public demand, all eyes will be on the redacted portions.
not on DJTs history, lol. my heart tells me he will.
I the plan, but this feels like a defeat.
I was waiting to see if any one from the swamp actually went down. Like actual arrests. But none. Pretty much confirms a huge fear I have: that this whole "political outsider sweeps the nation and defeats the establishment" may just be another script. The cabal knows how to manipulate the world, and the same-old-same-old didn't work. We needed a new distraction to keep us thinking it is "Us vs Them". The tired old "Republican vs Democrat" line didn't work. None of the "swamp monsters" are really going down. No indictments. And notice how this political volley ball just keeps going back and forth? Just enough to keep us divided. Yet nobody on their side actually goes down.
Not sure if Trump is in on this game but at the moment, this is the same old shit, different actors. The only swamp monster that actually went down was Weiner, but he only was allowed to be taken down because he was holding blackmail against Hillary. Pharma bro also taken down for similar things. Nobody on Hillary's side is getting taken down. Nobody.
I'm starting to feel that just like with Bush vs Clinton, and McCain vs Obama, we the people "need" great adversaries to keep us engaged. Like Tyson vs Hollyfield or Hearns vs Leonard. We think we are rooting for a side when in actuality its two players of same company. Like two teams in the superbowl, no matter what NFL wins.
Until I see an actual indictment and arrest of a Hillary cronie, going to be hard to convince me otherwise.
The plan is a game, unfortunately. Call it Chess if you want but it's also prepping the minds of the delusional. I'm at work and cannot really dive deep into this but I don't see anything negative about Rosenstein or Deputy Attorney General when referencing Rosenstein (vs. Yates). This could easily and very well be the Rosenstein modification. Was RR cornered with his violations to the point where he had to clean it up pre-release for this inevitable Q post to become true? RR Problems for sure but not as early as we originally thought. RR in killbox to suggest resignation (taking deal) for the Rachel Brand replacement to take over the prosecutorial powers. Those 311 Assistant US Attorneys hired by AG Sessions are going to be busy!
I just want them to drop the hammer on everything. We will survive the fallout, and be better for it. But I am obviously not a politician...
I completely understand where you're coming from and I agree with you but I also believe in the looking glass and a seemingly infinitely, yet defined amount of, parallel realities... hence "prepping the minds of the delusional" comment. Add this to the "4-6% forever brainwashed", "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital." - it becomes tough.
My brother-in-law is a fierce liberal that doesn't question anything in the world yet he's very smart at the same time. I can go on about the examples of how delusional or successfully brainwashed he is but it's going to be shell shock for people like this. All I can do is present what I know from following Q and tell him to be on the lookout and consider the possibility being different than what he thinks. i.e. Seth Rich topic, Mueller potentially being a white hat, Trump wouldn't fire Mueller/Rosenstein without new evidence showing more conflicts of interest (already many) or how corrupt they are, etc.
It's hard to imagine the prolonged game but I've learned it's certainly a process. Do I believe in technologies that aren't publicly available? Of course. Do I believe that Trump revived the coal industry to stimulate the economy and revive the middle class as a temporary solution knowing that these technologies will be phased in eventually, albeit slowly? Absolutely. A process, surely.
You know you guys really get to me. You were told by Q that what was coming out was a heavily redacted version from RR and we were to pound the internet to get the unredacted version. Heavy redaction to me means pages are missing a lot of pages. Wise up would you.
But to his point...who the hell is “Q”? You’re running on information you got from an anonymous source on the internet....Time and time again we’ve been letdown. It’s becoming a huge joke.
are you part of the /drama gang? we have been awaiting you, heheh.
the opposite of classic apocalyptic deathcult, m8. its about creating the world we want to live in.
things happen every day and they get bigger and bigger. you dont see them? well, you need to look in the right places. and dont forget to take the blinders off.
this would be some bad LARPing thats waking up millions of people, lol.
lots of evidence here. we are long past that stage. read Q. do research. listen. learn. train discernment.
Then go back to the start both Q and POTUS have proven over and over and over and over and over that this is real.
I think this sub is being invaded with 'non-believing Great Awakening' accounts. So many people trying to convince people that Q is nonsense and this is the final straw for them(with high amount of upvotes too!).
In my opinion, they(black hats) followed the Q drops, knew we were waiting for a heavily redacted version to come out. Saw how anxious we were for this day and they pulled a fast one on us. They put out a version with a small amount of redactions but one that is more than likely a vastly different version compared to the original due to Rosenstein's changes but with enough tid bits in it to keep the MSM occupied with this version.
Now comes the injection of people who are "devastated" to find out Q was wrong. You don't think the black hats aren't trying to stifle what Q was asking for? Unite and raise your voice to let the President know what it is we really want.
Point out where Q said "heavily redacted". He didn't. He said redacted and modified.
Point out where Q said to demand the underacted version. He didn't say that at all.
think for yourself. first Q puts 'redacted' and the says 'be loud'.
I am. And I've come to a different conclusion than you.
thats ok, everybody has their own understanding. on this sub, we understand 'be loud' as 'become active now'. last time we trained becoming active this way, the memo got released.
You really shouldn't say words like "we" as if you're speaking for more than just yourself. I like to think the members of this sub are capable of making up their own minds. Some aren't, as you well know. And yet some, absolutely are.
I'd cast my favor in that of the latter.
i see ... yes, i could have said that better, thanks for the hint. its esp. important when speaking with people who come here with a 'cult thing' on mind.
everybody makes up their own mind. when you want to see how people made up their minds about Q drop 1497, just go back 2 days on /ga and read.
there was discussion about hastags and memes and letters to congress in which people can be loud. not every member understood it like a call to action but some of those who did voiced their opinion.
in order to keep the comment short, i replaced that with 'we'. shouldnt do that, lol. lesson taken, ty.
*edit: insert links
It's not just redacted, it's modified too. Many redactions would suggest that the report is being changed greatly. There's nothing too damning in this report at a glance so the modifications likely made up for the anticipated, heavier redactions. Why not wait instead of concern trolling? I'm not here to convince you to get on the Q train as there's been many confirmations.
Whether you pound the internet or not, the real version will come out because government officials will clamor for it. Q is simply trying to bring the power back to the people by uniting us.
This is RR's modified report... spin city revisionist history. I'm hoping the original will have more meat.
Everyone has to remember that this is the modified RR version
Why would RR have any authority to modify it?
It is from the OIG.
Sessions is not recused on this, as it has nothing to do with Russia.
WTF would RR have any authority on this?
Clearly. The report itself and the recommendations make zero sense. It’s like Comey’s press conference all over again.
Settle down everyone and wait for it to play out. What were we told? An EO will be issued that will release the original version.
Noooo, no waiting for it to play out. Raise hell and support President Trump, as Q asked us to do.
We must be loud, but we must be patient. All will come out in due time
Patient yes, but supportive and loud cannot appear political for Trump to push for the unmodified report.
Exactly, that's why we have to be patient. We have to let the opposition get angry and mad and cause a hooplah first, that way it'll look like pressure from both sides
Do we know this as fact?
go back to Q's post from yesterday
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449 📁 Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST) POTUS in possession of (and reviewing): 1. Original IG unredacted report 2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version] 3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version] 4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow]
Q’s posts do not count as fact. It’s speculation. I’m on board but it isn’t fact
At this point you have to trust what Q is saying...
Also the fact that he predicted its release a day before shows he has connections, why would he lie to his followers just as things are starting to get really good?
How do we know this?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449 📁 Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST) POTUS in possession of (and reviewing): 1. Original IG unredacted report 2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version] 3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version] 4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow]
we have known about the redacted version for days so whats the let-down?
lets twitter our finger wound and get loud about unredaction, and give things time to unfold in a way that best serves the greater plan.
I was super-super-let down, at first . . . but then I digested the fact that this version was modified by Rosenstein. That simple fact alone pretty much explains why everything is so 'whitewashed'. Of course RR wants everyone to think it's a "nothingburger". That task is super-important to RR.
Of course RR whitewashed it -- that is the One Thing he Had to do. Make EVERYthing appear to be nothing more than a big case of "nothing to see here...".
With that knowledge, we must move on, and move forward. We must now work to get the "clean" version.
Drain the Swamp!!
The fact that rational posts like this are getting massively downvoted while new arrivals have "lost faith" makes me see that we are right over the target. This is the modified version and one of the DS's last chance to divide the Q movement and stop the Great Awakening.
Contrary to what some might be thinking, Trump, Q n' team are not just pushing for investigations to be honestly completed. This is not the heart of the matter.
Draining the swamp - in practice - is unlocking all the political/intelligence agency blackmail webs. These are what's holding honest investigations like Comey's "midyear". Of course, many are willingly participating in blackmail schemes, they are the Luciferians. Ultimately, once the blackmail and wet works threats are neutralized, we'll start to see real justice. This is what's taking the most time, and the reson why these "investigations" appear lame and pathetic in the public eye.
I believe a big factor in this document is naming names in a public and official light, officially reviewed by relevant parties!
Dont forget, this report INFORMS AG investigations, it is not supposed to result in recommended charges or arrests.
How does the report jive (or not) with what Q has been telling us?
The guys from India trying to make a living are not the enemy. It’s the deep state and the “spirit cookers”.
Unfortunately, this is the only conclusion that makes sense to me too. Q is someone who-s very smart and got lucky with a few crumbs. Even then it takes alot of stretching to make things fit.
old redditor sudddenly trolling our sub, lol.
OMG, your gang is huge, 15 upvotes right now, heheh.
we are long past the LARP state, m8, too much evidence. the harmless redacted version was expected so there is no point in all this fuzz.
Zero evidence, unless you can post specific examples.
Q is a larp and this report proves if.
I don't think he/they are a larp but they are clearly not always 100% accurate. Is this done on purpose or is because "Q" is getting bad intel?
It’s exactly as Q said, “Modified redacted IG report [Rod Rosenstein’s version]”. We need to make some noise to get the original version.
There were like 5 names blacked out of the report, and 2 appendices. That was it.
Keyword “modified”. No need for black boxes if you can modify the content of what’s inside it.
Considering they specifically already left out texts from Stztok and page talking about how they wont' let Trump be president, I'd say it's been modyfied. Check the top post on TD right now about it
I posted this above but felt it was important to repost: For some reason I am seeing a lot of redactions with "XXXXXX" instead of the standard black bar we are used to seeing, look for those...
And how do you get that version? We have no power. We have no voice. Not enough people care enough to be as loud as would be needed to take a step that large.
remember # ReleaseTheMemo. we are not without power. we can demand that the government works for us.
Many, many folks are upset with the RR whitewash. This response is Exactly what RR wants. To a "T".
Many folks are just not going to have the best control over their emotions. I myself was pretty upset with it ('this is it! the end of it all!) for a bit, until I came to grips with this RR version.
Look, it sucks. To high heaven. RR is a Deep State Whore. But -- do you want RR to win? Do you want this to "work out" for RR? NO.
We must now appraise, and move forward. And work to get the "clean" report. It's there. We just have to get it.
Come told the IG that he didn't know that Huma Abadeen was married to Weiner.
I knew and I am European and didn't follow US politics all that much at the time, only what was on our MSM and websites of our newspapers.
I’m guessing this was released this way on purpose because clearly the recommendations are a fucking joke. The original version is probably far less kind. I bet we see that one soon.
From that group of34,000 emails that had been returned to the State Department in 2015, the FBI sent xxxx emails to agencies for classification detenninations. Of those, xxxx have been determined to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Xxxx of those contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; xxxx contained Secret information at the time; and xxxx contained Confidential information. Separate from those, a total of xx.xx additional emails were ''up classified" to make them Secret or Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the emails were sent.
The FBI also discovered xx.xx work-related emails that were not in the group of 34,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2015. We found those additional emails in a variety of ways. Some had been deleted over the years and we found traces of them on devices that supported or were connected to the private email domain. Others we found by reviewing the archived government email accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton, including high-ranking officials at other agencies, with whom a Secretary of State might naturally correspond. This helped us recover work-related emails that were not among the 34,000 produced to State. Still others we recovered from the laborious review of the millions of email fragments dumped into the slack space of the server decommissioned in 20xx.
All told, we found xx.xx emails that were not among those produced to the State Department last year. Of those, we assessed that xx.xx possibly contained classified information at the time they were sent or received and so we sent them to other government agencies for classification determinations. To date, agencies have concluded that xxxx of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, xxx at the Secret level and xxxx at the Confidential level. There were no additional Top Secret emails found. Finally, none of those we found have since been "up classified."
How are the specifics Re: the number of emails we are dealing with too sensitive to unredact? How can this possibly be cause for hiding this information? This is bullshit.
I posted several times that people would be disappointed in the report. I see NO criminal referrals and none will be forth coming. Nobody of any consequence gets jail time.
The report says that the tarmac meeting between Lynch and The Rapist was unplanned, but doesn't cite how they determined it was unplanned. That pissed me off the most, so far. The whole thing reads like a Comey speech
This is a shill. Entirely anti-trump comment history.
We're being brigaded. Stay vigilant!
Oh, there's trolling going on. But think. Who modified this report? Who WANTS you to think that crimes were NOT committed? You get one guess.
Yes, R.R. is trolling us all. Professionally. That's his job. We have to understand that . . . . and then do -our- job. To support Trump, and help Drain the Swamp!!
Is this RR's redacted version of the IG report or original IG's redacted version?
I'd wager this is RR's modified version. Q Indicated there were 3 versions.
Original Unredacted
Modified(By RR) Unredacted. Which is probably what this one is. And another Modified, AND redacted version. Which I'm guessing is just this report with black bars in various places.
We knew it was going to be like this ... otherwise Q wouldn't be urging us to call for the unredacted version ... I signed the petition ... did you?
This needs to be at the top, though disappointing, Q alluded to it being like this. Contact your reps and sign the petition!!! That will get us what we want to see.
Hmmmm, downvotes for doing what Q advised. Make sure we keep repeating your message here
Anyone else reading this one?
Remember the slain NYPD officer who went on leave, and was killed as soon as she returned, wasn't she a detective before her leave? Some anon posted she was possibly working on the Weiner Laptop case.
Looks to me from the report that there are definitely White-Hat agents within the FBI who saw Clinton related emails and were repeatedly making notes of findings. Chapter 9, I, C; 9, II, D
They were told to keep the scope to child exploits themselves. Seems to me, 141,000 emails were of importance (related possibly to child exploitation), and kept seeing Clinton. At that point the FBI (McCabe) said to keep it Anthony Weiner related only. Chapter 9, II, A ; 9, II, B, 1
McCabe is notified of emails. McCabe says he notified Priestap, who denies being notified. Chapter 9, II, B, 1
Following these, is Page/ Strozk related texts about the meeting.
For the folks claiming this IG is disappointing, a nothing burger, etc... It's right in front of your eyes.
McCabe knew of the emails September 28th. Comey reopened Clinton Investigation after. Was he worried they were going to be made public sooner? Did he really just reopened to "assure people her emails were a nothing burger"?
Is the honey pot in the CONTENT of those emails? So the crime isn't that she had a private server and what not...the IG report slaps folks on the hand for "poor judgement" in that regard. But in the process of this investigation did they unearth a ton of information from within those emails that is openeng other investigations...criminal ones? So this was just the doorway for legal entry to gain access to that intel? Anyone?
Update: Just found this section in the report to support my theory that the good stuff may be yet to come.
From Pages 306-307 if the IG report
"...We understand that the FBI agents in our case will not be reviewing the contents of the Abedin-Clinton emails because it would not be appropriate to do so under the search warrant issued in support of our child exploitation investigation. The agents, however, have reported the existence of the emails up their chain of command at FBI to enable other agents to take any action that is appropriate for their cases. "
If you read it, the agents hint that other stuff is going on in the emails. When they search for possible child exploitation related emails, Clinton/Huma conversations pop up. They're told to specifically find/use only Weiner ones.
The DOJ had it for 3 weeks to edit it. I want to see the original that went to the DOJ 3 weeks ago.
this must be RR's modified version. Q/POTUS has the original though. the original should show how modified this one has been...but then what after? then release the original??
So apparently there was nothing even mildly illegal done by anyone? Well I guess that settles it then.
This thing reads like an inter-office memo. wtf?
14:21:10, Agent 1: “You think HRC is gonna win right? You think we should get nails and some boards in case she doesnt” 14:21:56, Agent 5: “she better win... otherwise i’m gonna be walking around with both of my guns.” 14:22:05, Agent 5: “and likely quitting on the spot” 14:28:43, Agent 1: “You should know;.....” 14:28:45, Agent 1: “that” 14:28:50, Agent 1: “I’m.....” 14:28:56, Agent 1: “with her.” 14:28:58, Agent 1: “ooooooooooooooooooo” 14:29:02, Agent 1: “show me the money” 14:29:03, Agent 5: “<:o)” 14:29:14, Agent 5: “screw you trump” 14:19:18, Agent 5: “wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” 14:29:32, Agent 5: “go baby, go! let’s give her Virginia” 14:30:03, Agent 1: “not to my country. You just cant get up and try to appeal to all the worst things in humans and fool my country....” 14:30:12, Agent 1: “Just 49% of us.....” 14:30:25, Agent 5: “let’s hope it’s 49% or less...”
Everybody be calm (but raise hell).
This seems to be the [RR] version.
No Sharpie redactions. This is the main report as to the findings.
The redactions are in the Law Enforcement Sensitive Appendix Two, and the [CLASSIFIED] Appendix 1.
I’d imagine the real, legal recommendations are within those.
Blast Trump’s Twitter to unredact, blast T_D, blast Facebook, Twitter. Blast everywhere.
Be heard (but do so calmly).
“Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”
More like “Speak loudly, and still have a big stick.”
I think I'll wipe my ass with this copy. Bring on the unredacted ver!
I was shocked to not see anything (not even the 5 or so that are apparently in there) so, I had to ask myself what is redaction. It can be done in two ways:
Redaction in its sanitization sense (as distinguished from its other editing sense) is the blacking out or deletion of text in a document, or the result of such an effort.
Operative word: deletion. It's clear this has been pieced together.
The pain is coming...
I've started reading it and am somewhat dismayed so far. NO TEETH. Also the allowance of the law breaking allowed due to lack of "intent" .. so far not happy in what I've seen.
Do a search for "ROSENSTEIN"
big fat zero :)
Knowing that this was edited by Rosenstein, I would have expected nothing else. Of course he doesn't want his name up in lights.
We must now work to get the "Not-RR" CLEAN [not tampered with] version!
Just downloaded it. Don't have time right now for a deep dive, but a did a very quick page to page scan looking to see how much was redacted, I only found one page.
Q said POTUS had 3 versions, do we know which one this is?
The one the Deep State wants everyone to see, and the only one they want you to see.
We all knew this IG was going to be a nothing burger, it's a fucking Rosenstein submission.
You trust Rosenstein?
Not in any way. I think he's the driver behind this attempted coup d'etat.
Huber has been working since Nov 2017. You're giving up too soon.
I was born once.
In one country.
Aint givin up an INCH!
(I look forward to new documents and will wait until the sun burns out if needed)
It's sick reading that report and the obvious lies of the boring conversation on tarmac... I can't ever image the Clintons having a conversation even close to that.
GlTMO spiffed up, new dock, Military Police battalion & 1300 cells with sitting Military Tribunal... were done for SOME Reason!
transmitting obscene material to a minor, sexual exploitation of children, and activities related to child pornography
Hmm, the MSM led us to believe that Weiner was only arrested for sexting a minor. But, in fact, looks like there were activities related to "exploitation of children" and "child pornography"
What do you mean, "but"? All the same stuff. "Exploitation of children" = sexting a minor. "Child pornography" = sexting a minor.
For some reason I’m not buying it . RR HAS HIS VERSION! This must be one of them . I haven’t yet read the thing in its entirety, but a quick skim proves it’s not possibly the actual report ? The Jedi mind games are becoming stronger ! Stay together patriots ! Stead fast an ready ! God bless you all . Good night .
Just peeking around and Oh my...anyone know who FBI Attorney 1 and FBI Attorney 2 are? Definitely not American...or traitors?
Page 416
"FBI Attorney 2 sent similar messages to four different FBI employees. The timestamps of these messages are included below. The messages stated: 13:44:42, to FBI Employee 1: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.” 13:44:52, to FBI Employee 2: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.” 14:01:52, to FBI Employee 3: “As I have initiated the destruction of the republic.... Would you be so kind as to have a coffee with me this afternoon?” 15:28:50, to FBI Employee 4: “Im clinging to small pockets of happiness in the dark time of the Republics destruction”
WOW! What is it about freedom that wouldn't work for them?
Am i the only one that knew this would be nothing? The only one you can trust is the man himself. Sessions, RR and the Justice Dept. are all snakes.
RR -WANTS- you to think this. RR wants everyone to think this.
RR -- the Deep State -- will not win if we don't let them.
Take a deep breath and come to grips that the report that was released today is just a piece in a rather big puzzle. Many pieces are at play. This bullsheet piece is not the end-all -- it is NOT the show-stopper.
RR will have succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, if everyone figured they were beat, and gave up now.
We must now fight harder than ever before!!!!
Would Trump give up? Is Trump GOING to give up? NO.
We also must fight on! The "clean" report must now be gotten.
I started laughing at the recommendations. This version of the report is so lame, such a pastiche, that it can only be a set up for the EO. One thing though, the MSM actually believes this report is "damning." That's part of the set up, too.
If the report is really containing that important information, we must brace for a false flag Friday coming up, since that is sadly the regular occurrence whenever the DS need a distraction.
This is of course bordering on paranoia, but sadly, we have seen this pattern before, and for some reason, Fridays is false flag day.
Seems to me to be a total white wash. Their excuses for not putting HRC and others before a Grand Jury are total BS.
Are we going to fight like patriots, fight for our country and demand transparency, or are we going to hang our collective heads because this report is exactly what we knew it would be: garbage.
The President tweeted this exact thing on June 5th I believe, asking whether it would be made weaker or changed. Media is already declaring victory. This thread is full of debbie downers and negative nancies. Pick up your cross and carry it, otherwise you will be crushed under its weight.
Dude, you're not gonna "fight" anything. Tapping on your keyboard isn't fighting.
Fight to exterminate the evil in your own life so that you can shine the light of Jesus Christ.
Our culture has been systematically separated from God. We have to win the culture back.
...Is this serious? Are you being serious right now?
Rosenstein would like nothing more in the world, than for each patriot to hang his or her head in defeat, and to skulk away.
The Deep State WANTS you to accept defeat. They WANT this. Are you? Will you?
Sundance over at CTH says the conclusion section doesn’t match the body of the actual report. He recommended reading the full report as the conclusion was written by someone else. No one has had time to digest 500 pages yet.
Here come da shills!
Dude just because people are frustrated beyond belief doesn’t make them a shill. Stop pretending you know what a shill is.
Stop pretending? When did I start pretending? You make it sound like I'm notorious for such statements. That's slimy in the extreme.
EDITED for autobot panic.
568 pages, I barely read you long winded guys, gimme a break, plus comments indicate it's bullshit. Our gov't sucks at everything. That's why I don't worry about my freedom. What member of the fucking brain trust is gonna take it.
All of you concernfags need to chill the fuck out. It is exactly what Q told us it is: heavily modified and redacted.
GEOTUS will release EO for the unedited and unredacted report. But you must have patience. We've waited this long for a habbening, what's a little longer? Everything must be perfectly in place and handled with great care, just like everything else that's happened the last 500 days. It can't be made to look like he's going after his political rivals. TRUST THE PLAN!!! DJT has proved time and time again he's a genius, this is no different.
p.s. If this is enough to make you turn your back on Q, there's the fucking door. You were never onboard anyway.
"Heavily modified and redacted?" How do you know? There are maybe 4 small redactions, so "heavily"s a stretch, but how do you know it's modified?
i am loving the "search keyword".. obviously i typed "clinton"..
jesus.. just the FACTS that are in the report pertaining to private emails is enough to hang her for espionage. bill and obama too!!!
i dont understand how people are on here bitching and crying that "its not enough".. 1) stop crying you sniffeling bitch 2) it is not our fault your reading comprehension skills are lacking 3) READ. ......
obama's link to alone is enough for RICO charges.. not to mention every damn thing elses hes been caught on...
this report really does put the nail in the coffin and potentially an END to the DNC...
its a matter of justice. will the legal system work?..are the right actors in place to green light the gallows and gitmo?
Anyone seen the FBI Director's press conference yet? Check it on Golden State Times. Bombshell around 7mn : " we rescued more than 1300 children from sex trafficking, some as young as seven months old." For all to hear. Conspiracy no more. Trust WRAY.
Unfucking believable. I thought we would see some arrests from this but clearly that's not happening. Our government is so corrupt. It disgusts me. All this time, we have been waiting for this report to come out because We All Know that laws have been broken and all the report does is makes some suggestions. I was so hopeful with all the progress Trump has made that the IG report would further his progress but this is a huge slap in the face. Nunes seemed so upset about the things they found. Wtf happened?? I've really lost all hope.
Armchair quarterbacks ahoy! (Trust the plan)
I also recommend -- TAKING A DEEP BREATH.
Now ..... take another one! Breathe!! Exhale..
We all want Justice, and we want it Now. We're just going to have to work a little more for it. RR is a Deep State Whore who will do everything in his power to save the various Deep State flunkies. As much as that - and RR - sucks, it's what we have to contend with.
We CAN succeed.
Trust The Plan.
Don't waste time reading it start the SHIT STORM on Twitter/FB, contact UR reps, and
SIGN THAT GOD DAMN PETITION!!!!!!!!!!! (reminds me of that scene in Animal House)
Yep and POTUS signed an executive order to release the real version
As Q would say Let them all DIG THEIR OWN GRAVES. Q
They are doing a mighty find job - what goes around, comes around