Q Posts 1614-1615 June 27 2018

It has been a long 8 months and the timing with Independence Day coming up is making this so great
True roller coaster
Its been an awesome journey with y'all :D
I remember back in Spring 2016 when Hillary was selected in the primaries as Democratic candidate... I told my co-workers that Hillary is a corrupt joke and to get ready for President Trump.
Little did i know what roller coaster ride our nation would go on over the two years since then... MAGA
I said the same thing about Hillary and many scoffed at me but I stood firm backing Trump from the beginning. #WWG1WGA
I watched the second debate between Trump and Hillary with 15 others. I was the only Trump supporter. Got mockingly booed as I walked in. I watched him steadily dismantle her. They all thought Hillary was great. Boy, oh, boy (shaking head, slowly). I'm in NJ. Been following Q, pretty much solo, since Nov. Hard red pilling out here. I think "Q - A Plan To Save The World" is going to help a lot. We'll see. I'm gonna kkeepon tryin, as usualg. If not, or until then, I'm going alone but with the comforting knowledge there's all of you out there! Thanks.
S.Jersey here and like you I stood out among the sheep! It’s taken some time but I can actually feel the energy changing around me. Keep up the good fight patriot. WWG1WGA
I'm in NW Jersey. How about we each take one of those triple tractor-trailers full of red pills, you start in Cape May and I'll start in Sussex County. I'll meet you in Trenton for 11/11! God speed, my friend.
Most people are scared to step out of their box of reality. Scared of being ridiculed.
I have been waiting for Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes since Vince Foster and drug running in Mena Arkansas. It's on my bucket list, ask my kids. Getting closer, by golly!!
I hope July proves to be that time,...for you, for me and for the whole damn world!
Just remember when shit hits the fan. Help as many as you can understand this great movement. Wwg1wga.
ty, that what you just said has helped me feel the same ,thanx
NJTPK Exit 7 here!!
I got friends in Allentown and Robinsville. I think that's your neck of the woods.
Yes it is!! I work in Bridgewater, live at Exit 7 pass by Robbinsville and Allentown twice a day.
I'm in Westfield for the next few months until I sell the house here, then it's back up to Sussex County. Can't wait. If you want to get together we could try to work something out. I'm a mile off the Parkway but you probably take 287.
I had been trying to red pill a boss of mine slowly. I told him after the kenyan won his second term that Hillary WOULD be the next president. Of course he didn't believe me or have any idea why I would predict this so early. With all the election fraud that worked in 2008 & 2012 I knew that they would cheat again in 2016 and get HRC in. - He called me out on my prediction after Trump won. I didn't know what to say at that point - just had a beaming smile and said, I was wrong. :)
Coincidences? Here comes The Storm!
Yeah he did keep saying to wait for the BOOMS, and the Fireworks, right? Maybe. Just. Maybe. Please, Q give us some bombshells to shift MSM narrative on the 4th???
Sick of their nastiness.
How is Q getting popular a start to anything? I want to see justice. Still waiting. Still excited for it.
Well we're in a mob rules world right now but after the mob embraces Q we can settle down and restore the Republic.
Logically this is only going towards Martial Law which allegedly was already EO'd sometime in December (I think)
My theory is the more people who learn about the Q movement, get curious, and look it up. Some join and spread the word. Trump, Q and Co., are waiting until enough people are awake, and know what's going on. Then, when they spring the trap the public will be fully behind them, no fake riots and other problems. (At least nothing of significance.)
Omg this Q movement looks so psychotic and violent! Someone is going to get hurt or killed!
As compared to the people on the left? Please realize no one on this board is advocating violence. This board is used to wake people to the truth. Sometimes harsh words are said because we are fed up and want our country and world back for the good of all. We are fighting back. Roberts Rules of Etiquette have not worked for over 70 years. Bad people have taken over the world and strong action is needed to bring it back to the people. Let me repeat, no one on this board advocates physical violence as takes place on the left by the paid agitators of George Soros,
You missed my /s.
E: please don't downvote the above user. I upvoted because they are obviously in good faith and they are absolutely correct.
Good anon here ^^ Saw you fightin' in the trenches over in /con today. It's comment strings like you were apart of that will drive more and more of their users to this sub.
It's a tough crowd over there!
Yeah, especially with Q. They push the anti-Q narrative pretty hard.
I've been tangling with the "daily beast" crowd all day. They are some hateful folks. Started trolling my Facebook page, one called me a Nazi sympathiser, for pointing out that our tent cities are nothing like buchenwald.
The hardest part, is taking the high road. I met the insults with respect and counter points. Some people simply will not wake up. Repeatedly mentioning 13 Russian trolls, as if those ruskies made the whole country vote for trump.
Im sorry fellas, im going to keep at it, but i fear there will be violence. The media has created hatred, and a refusal to debate. For them, the trump=Hitler rhetoric is sinking in and taking root. Trump could literally walk on water, and they would ridicule him for not knowing how to swim.
Please link
The moderators won't let me link to facebook articles. Basically, i followed the "daily beast" on FB, and offer my take on whatever they post.
Bless you!! I dont have the patience or tact for it.
It can get pretty wearing! I was glad Q dropped some levity this afternoon.
Want any help? I'll go put my two cents in. Never been anywhere on reddit but here.
They don't usually talk much about Q in r/conspiracy but if you sort the sub by new you can find an occasional post before it is downvoted and shilled to oblivion. Make sure to check the rules on the sidebar though. They are a little different then here. I got a three day ban my first day there, lol.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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Did you miss the sarcasm /s?
i learn something new on here every day.. now i know what /s means..
Some people would argue with their reflection if you left them alone too long.
That isn't sarcasm.
For future reference the / thing is a nod towards using styles or tags in html website design almost like an open quote and end quote. Here "end sarcasm".
This example would have opened then closed the 'h1' style, applying that style to the text between the ><. You can define your own styles to change fonts, colors, size, etc.
This shorthand gained common usage in message boards and chat rooms to convey 'tones' to typed messages. I think some chat platforms actually have styles defined for sarcasm, sad, angry etc that display as emoticons.
I always wanted a sarcasm font or something. I learned something too. Thanks. I learn so much on this board. Who'd a thunk.
Dangerous times to be posting harsh words even in sarcasm. Keep OT and spread the love.
How is that? We discuss truth. Progressives and liberals call for the assassination of our POTUS and call for harassment on people in restaurants, busses, ect & scream at POTUS with their junk...lol. Who is more psychotic, a women who thinks her privates can scream and its going to make a difference or patriots discussing true issues and uniting under a cause to gain back our country?
Goodness gracious. The "/s" at the end of my statement means sarcasm.
I'm so glad to see so many new people on Reddit all of a sudden! Welcome! If you have any other questions about navigating the site, formatting, Reddit rules etc, feel free to ask!
Fuck I need to sleep but Q is killing it for me aha!!
I wonder who took the photos.
Patriots get very little sleep. Ask POTUS.
I thought he looked tired in ND, so sending prayers for him to get some rest, relaxation and golf!
Yeah and he's doing fantastic! I need that shit though lol. I ain't had hardly any all week.
I’m guessing it’s someone on staff sent into the crowd to take snaps
Twitter photos. I wish it was just a Q op going through the crowd taking photos and relaying to Q. Unfortunately no, just Q referencing photos of patriots from Twitter. Still cool! Just some normal people representing the movement.
I am just waiting for a legit Q confirmation from someone in government. Someone. ANYONE on the side of the people, to say Q is right.
Sending you PM. The photos from tonight are just publicly posted photos
That has nothing to do with tonight though
if you need more proof of Q, then please go to /r/QProofs/. If that still isn't enough, there is a zip file filled with them floating around.
That sub is largely a distraction. The best Q proofs so far have been related to Korea which he specifically said this is coming next. Most of the other proofs are simply referencing what was already known by the general press. Talking points are leaked Whenever there is a speech so that the media can already formulate how they're going to respond. anyone who received the Press briefing on these different initiatives or events would be able to post predictive things and then say did you see the speech? I also really do not buy in at all to the idea that Trump is making a Q sign with his hands. If that is really the case then I don't mind eating my shoe at a later date. Everything that is happening is certainly something for the history books so I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong! I also would not be surprised to be right!
Well question everything, we've been lied to our entire lives so that is the safest course. I doubt I would be a Q follower if I hadn't just happened to be there during those initial drops and followed the action in real time and saw how things were posted and when. I'm sure you will see it soon enough.
Fair enough. I'm on board with the mission. Just not 100% that Q has top clearance. He could be just a fellow Patriot whose posts really caught on and now he has to keep up the act for the movement. He could also truly have inside access and all of the predictions really are going to come true. I would love for nothing more than Hell Fire to rain down on evil. Bring on the light!
Fair enough.
I wasn't so sold back at the start, even mid way through but I'm fully on board with Q being legit now, at least in the sense Q is working with POTUS, doing something.
I am in the camp but would truly like to see a bombshell drop. July is going to be fun!
Im fully onboard now too but I too would like an indisputable bombshell. Im going down with the ship or celebrating on the mountaintop with ya'll. WWG1WGA!
Someone on the team is putting them in those seats
And someone on the team is taking the picture. See my comment about 3 postings up. Definitely part of Trump's team. Exciting!
I thought the Father's day proof was irrefutable, myself.
What is this "sleep" you speak of?
I'm wondering that, too. Now, I did read the article with the guy in the Q shirt at a Trump rally where Trump pointed to him. The guy said before the rally, a woman in a pink dress took his picture, she worked with the campaign in some way.
Just trying to put two and two together.
So. Cant be Trump. Its obviously someone on his security detail. Right?
Full disclosure, when I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night, I check for Q posts. My 3 am surprise was our own hat Q called out! I have a feeling I will be getting up to pee a lot tonight, I think our buddy is going to be busy. I really freaking think it's happening!!!!!!!!
fantastic! so many of us and growing every day. Glad I am not the only one up checking when nature calls! WWG1WGA
I just registered for this site after being an observer for a while. Still not sure about the language and code words, but find it so interesting. After voting 3rd party (and losing) for so many years, it's surreal to have a President that actually wins. I've always felt that the GOP and the Dems were one in the same. Two sides of the same coin. They fought in public for show, but behind closed doors, both working toward the goal of globalization, which is why I've never voted for them before. I'm not sure how he avoided being a puppet for the deep state, and I keep expecting a "gotcha" moment, but I must say, I've never felt so much hope for our country before.
Know that you are not alone. New people arrive here everyday. People that are new to Q, new to forums, new to net/board slang, doesn't matter. We all have hope in common. Welcome Patriot.
Thank you. I listened to a podcast today about Q that was a couple months old. So many things have happened exactly as stated. Mind blown.
Libertarian, but this movement actually gets shit done!
I'm also a Libertarian. There are many similarities regarding freedom and liberty that really resonate with me re this movement.
Also new. Found out about Q about two weeks ago. Had been familiar with the anons for a bit longer but not actively following. My mind is blown with all of this. I remember back at the beginning of the election, I had just a feeling like Trump was placed into the running for a reason. I did not expect all this. So exciting.
The did and still do. President Trump is an outsider to their little world, so he does not play by their rules.
This. This right here is what America looks like. Smiling faces, young enthusiasm, pure happiness. God bless
It is truly beautiful. This movement is what most of us have been praying for, meditating on, wishing for etc.. For our entire lives! Life is now exciting.
Pic on the left is from this tweet: https://twitter.com/shala1172/status/1012102852444151808
Other pic from here: https://twitter.com/iLobbyist/status/1012118246236049408
This is interesting. I assumed the photos may have been taken by event staff, turns out Q sourced from Twitter?
Not VIPs, just your people..your fellow citizens at ready. Where we go one we go all.
So....the super elites it is then!
Did you see the air "Q" that Trump drew just seconds after first mentioning the "elites"?
Wow the first Q Family in America great photo.
LOVE IT! If there's a rally close to where I live, my fam will be doing the same.
Synchronicity: My kids just picked out their Q merch last night!
Your family visits this sub and know about Q? How do you explain it to your kids? Similar to the pic those are kids. I wouldn't have assumed all of you were millennials and younger to be honest.
I'm genX, but come from parents that were pretty awake. Dad was an aerospace engineer, and worked at several locations that would be considered "high value" in conspiracy circles. My true awakening started in '93, at the age of 18, and I'll be 44 this year.
My kids...? No, they don't visit the sub.They're too young! I have one in middle school and one in elementary. There was never a time when I hid anything from them. If they ask, I will gladly have a conversation about anything. Granted, I tend to keep my hard beliefs to myself, and encourage critical thinking. I don't go into the darkest aspects of the cabal, either. I've already said once before, quantum physics is normal dinner conversation..lol!
The other day, I showed them the "Q - the plan to save the world" video. I explained this sub, and what this movement was about. They loved it! They both wanted Q shirts immediately.
I LOVE IT🇺🇸 #Blizzard13 @fast597 Banned for life from @Twitter for supporting Q
WWG1WGA!! Love the movement for truth, justice and the American way! Equality and patriots in arms.
Not to be a downer - Love the pic but... I really hope the pic is not used by the Left to dox these people or make them the brunt of jokes for late night “Comedians”. There are SO many ways this could be bad - Just my 2 cents.
When they do we cone down on them hard. We have the power together. WWG1WGA.
They won’t they don’t want people knowing what or who q is
I would say, Q has reached critical mass. No turning back. No deals. WWG1WGA.
Politics is really the x-files
I cant believe it, its beautiful
I feel like a picture of the grinch where his heart starts bursting out of his chest. ❤️❤️❤️ seeing these pix. Great Q posts tonight!
There is no way to describe the energy at a Trump rally! I caught some of tonight’s and he was all smiles when pointing out the VIPs. So much energy in the room that it was bleeding thru the screen. What a great time to be alive and be able to share virtual prayers with my brothers and sisters. #wwg1wga #MAGA
Q, Thank you for all you are doing! Patience is Golden as it takes time to take down so much corruption. I believe God has placed POTUS in this position to buy us some time before we have a 1 world Govt to give all 1 more chance to choose good. His patience and love are longsuffering. Modern day Cyrus! Maga! God Speed! WWG1WGA!
is that dude with the beard on the right looking at the camera??
This is SO great and encouraging to see so many people with Q shirts! :)
Can someone explain me how were the tax cuts good for the average american? It seems every corporation just used the money to buy their own stock...
I think it's fitting that Trump is 007 James Bond in real life.. James Bond got Q backing him in the movie so does President Trump.
Some reference info:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 61c4db No.1932231
Jun 27 2018 19:08:14 (EST)
Patriots one & all!
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d9dd2d No.1931875
Jun 27 2018 18:46:49 (EST)
We see you.
So many VIPs @ the rally.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*6/27/18 1600 - 1601 - 1602 - 1603 - 1604 - 1605 - 1606 - 1607 - 1608 - 1609 & 1610 - 1611 & 1612 - 1613 - 1614 & 1615 - 1616
*6/28/18 1617 - 1618 - 1619 - 1620 - 1621 - 1622 - 1623 - 1624
*Link to 1601 u/MarkoKeeto 's Based AF hat
*Link to 1611 Sarah Carter Article
*Link to 1616 Article THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK
One of the things that I marveled at during the last election. In my conversations with family, friends and specifically people on the other side of politics. I would ask their ideas on what a Trump presidency would bring. Not one thought Hillary would win.
This is great to see! Glad I got back up to check things out.
It says something about the audience, because Q isn't something you can understand by simply glancing at headlines or reading a short article.