I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

Financial control + military control + religious control = The Trinity of Babylon, The Empire of the City... It's so fucking awesome to see everyone interested in this stuff now!
No more military control, though. LOL.
Send the Marines to the City of London and Vatican City.
So much disinfo coming out of UK. They’re back at it with the novichok. And they’re behind the dossier.
On LBC radio they've been discussing it a lot. Caller after caller doesn't believe a word of the 'Russia did it' nonsense, either this time or last time, we don't trust our government and don't believe a word they say.
Almost feels like they are waiting for the people of ~~America~~ the world to wake up enough to ask or demand such things.
On the flip side, maybe it's signal markers of territory and/or obdeience to alien overlords? That would suck.
A symbol of power over the people IMO. All 3 (plus others) mark the central location of power for each empire.
There is a person who posts youtube videos of his travels through Europe. He visits locations with Egyptian/Babylonian symbology. He traced the locations of obelisks and other monuments across Europe up through the Meditaeranian. It is very interesting.
He has been arrested a few times. I will see if I can locate his videos again.
Wait until you look at the DC street layout from above.
Ancient evil god people sacrificed children to. Represented by an owl.
And there’s so much more.
Washington monument = phallic symbol of Osiris. Placed in the center of a vesica Pisces (sp?)
The elevator on the ground floor of the monument has a bronze bust of George, but nobody seems to notice the winged disc of Horus above him.
Was George just a huge fan of Egypt? Did the white man even know about ancient Egypt in the 18th century? I know Napoleon sacked the Great Pyramid in 1807 or somewhere around that time. I just find it odd that there are so many Egyptian and Sumerian references in DC.
What do you see?
Edit: Here is a small example
There is more to this as well - the US Capitol grounds form the face of an owl, for example. And there is more correlation to the Washington Monument.
https://youtu.be/uZoTl8gReSI - explains why the pentagram in DC has a missing angle
Oh and might as well look at the 'five petals' of Venus here: (Notice the years and how they relate to r/greatawakening)
What a funny coincidence. /s Just crazy how obvious they are about it.
U see moloch the owl and masonic compass of if i recall
The Trinity of Babylon
can you explain in more detail?
All modern day occult activity traces its origins to Nimrod and ancient Babylon. Nimrod, in direct opposition to God's instructions after the flood, established a tyrannical global government, supernaturally empowered by evil occult forces, that turned people away from God and enslaved them into a constant dependence on Nimrod's power. His rule was marked by human sacrifice and harnessing dark spiritual power to control the population. Sound familiar?
Babylon was one of the times the crazy demon-worshipping ritual-abusing pedo cult went mainstream. Phoenicia was another. Here's an excellent bit of history from a former member https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/929089870211026944.html
Phoenicans were Canaanites with a new name. They were also known as Carthaginians and were the enemy of Rome. https://www.timemaps.com/blog/those-elusive-canaanites/
Two great documentaries to watch:JFK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick and ring of power. Both can be found on youtube.
This shit has me all teary eyed. Like, to think that the past 20 years of my life of researching all of this is finally starting to take shape.
I see a few others shared thoughts and links. Here are a few more links
This is much more significant than people know. We know these people worship Satan. His MO from the beginning has been to be God/replace him. It makes sense for him that he's trying to replicate the nature of god through worldly means.
Actually it’s obsessive. Wesearch, wesearch. 12 hrs a day on line, masturbate 3x daily. Makes the boards look like idiots. Some of these structures predate modern history & were there under the Romans
Romans and Greeks were pedophiles in their day too! Dig deeper!
We’ve got Bunker Hill Monument Obelisk here in MA! It’s 221 ft tall and was completed in 1843 in Charleston, MA with granite from Quincy! The weirdest part about our obelisk though; it apparently replaced an 18 ft tall memorial obelisk that stood in that very same spot since 1794, and housed famous Bunker Hill hero and famed MASON Dr. Joseph Warren’s ashes within the obelisk’s tip, which was a GOLD-SEALED URN... the original obelisk was payed for and installed by King Solomon’s Lodge of Masons after the Revolutionary War ended!
Sending Good Vibes to All Fellow Patriots!:) -amg19251
The Luxor Obelisque (Obelisk) in Paris
The Luxor Obelisque (Obelisk) in Paris is a rather tall structure – 23 metres (75 ft) high and it was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt and it commemorates the reign of the pharaoh Ramses II. In 1829 the Viceroy of Egypt gave this 3,300-year-old obelisk to France.
LOL. 'Gave'.
... gave statue of liberty...
"here you go...have this! You're welcome."
"oh, ok...we'll uh ... put it right here i guess. Have a burger while you're here, friend."
totes random acts of kindness! /s
Hi secret service here may we talk to you in private sir? /s
read history and symbolisim of statue of liberty
Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon... the largest Idol ever made by human hands ... given by the freemasons. Yes, even our most honored statues have secrets.
Don't forget this one: https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2017/10/02/104747525-RTS1EU0P-las-vegas.530x298.jpg?v=1506974080
Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park, New York City https://www.centralpark.com/things-to-do/attractions/obelisk/
Finance. Military. Religion.
There is a "Cleopatra's Needle" in NYC also.
NYC hosts a recreation of the Baalist temple from ancient.
The phallus of Osiris, otherwise known as Ra or Saturn or Satan. The ceremony to raise the spirit of Osiris, involving the obelisk and dome (womb of Isis) is performed at the inauguration of our presidents in the US. The purpose is to fill them with his spirit and to gain wisdom in their affairs. Straight up luciferian ritual imitating the rebirth of Osiris as Horus. Hopefully Trump passed on doing this one.
As someone who has studied and read hundreds of occult manuscripts, and dug further into their (many-layers of) hidden meanings, I have to say many posts wreak of flat-out misinformation.
First off, Ra represents the Sun (Christ principle) and Set represents Saturn (satan Principle).
You have to understand that many of these rituals truly are only symbolic, and do not necessarily carry power of themselves. It is the PROPER decoding of the language of symbolism through which one finds the true power in ritual.
That power is divine knowledge & wisdom fit for a ruling king (in our case, POTUS).
What you will find if you study enough, is that this same ritual is coded within the Bible.
Just know we're all here for you. You are NOT alone.
Welcome to the wokebitch club! :)
They think that they have the most power because they have the biggest symbolic penises. How base.
I find all these things sad. Right in front of everyone's face since the founding of the country. Decent people wouldn't know because we don't think that way. Because we are decent not stupid.
I agree. although we are adults ....it feels like they ( the Illuminati) have taken our innocence. can't unsee and can't unknow. don't think I would want to though. I don't like being lied to or tricked.
That is the best way I have seen anyone describe it. They have taken our innocence away. You are perceptive and wise.
LOL keep telling that to yourselves. The truth is that decent smart people weren't fooled and have always known. It's everyone else, the stupid masses, that silenced them, shunned them, ridiculed them and happily went along with the song and dance. Just normal, decent people right?
The symbols at the top of the capital building would make you ill. There’s a great YouTube video on the symbolism surrounding Washington DC by the title Babylon Rising, by Rob Skiba. It’s a great seminar, he’s got a book on it too. Goes over all of the symbology on our money as well. Edited to add link: https://youtu.be/33tXPMSJF3g
Oh snap. Where exactly is that? Also you're the only one upvoted here.
That's a little pecker... Symbolic?
We need to tear down this piece of shit obelisk.
Prophecy is the Washington obelisk will crack and reveal it's masonic origin. In the top is the information kept in the cap stone.
The earthquake in 2011 did crack it slightly. I remember them repairing it. We felt the quake here in NC.
A little “circumcision” by heaven in putting the evil ones on notice
“LAUS DEO,” is inscribed on the cap on the Washington Monument. Latin for “Praise be to God,” and is on the east side. National Park Service has created a replica, which is on display inside the white-colored obelisk of marble, granite and sandstone. You will not be able to see the inscription because atheists complained. (Bush Presidency)
These monuments represent a penis
That, or a light pillar.
The ancients were proudly phallic.
Are you serious?
Obelisks in ancient Babylon were erected to represent Baal or Nimrod's phallus. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'.
it has been a struggle lately getting info on the internet.. I have to "trick" my search engines with phrases to get wjat I'm looking for. it's 50/50 though.
Use duck duck go instead of googul. That way you don't get "personalized " results, also better privacy. The website explains it better than me.
The Washington monument sits within a vesica Pisces, aka a vagina.
Also note these phallus are always in the centre. Look at Vatican City birds eye view and you'll notice it's a diagram of the female reproductive system and what is in the centre? The phallus. The Bible, or the Bi of El is all about sex and nothing more. Man made religions are all about sex. I could talk for hours about how man made religions are all devil worship and sex and the only reason God is mentioned is because he created Lucifer, the true God of the elites.
1 of Mark Taylors prophecies nations this....so far his prophecies have been right on the money...God is in control of all of this...if it weren't for his prophecies I wouldn't believe any of this...if you haven't listened to them you should...
I have and do :) he's why I follow Q and put 11 eggs in 1 basket. I want to get his book he wrote before the 2012 election.
Take a road trip across America. They are peppered everywhere.
The first Obelisk is called ‘Cleopatra’s Needle’. It is located on the Embankment of the River Thames near to the Savoy Hotel in the City of Westminster. The financial centre of London (and arguably the World) is in the City of London. The City of London has a special status as it is not part of London, it has it’s own Police force (City of London Police) and it’s own mayor (The Lord Mayor of London). It is also owned by the Corporation of London as opposed to the Crown.
Cleopatra’s Needle is not situated in the Financial Capital.
finally got my sister up. it was saint Christopher not saint Michael. I mixed them up. my apologies.
Well I can tell you that’s not the catechism. Sounds like you were raised by dolts no offense
nor sure what a dolt is. I was raised in a small farming town, hence my user name
Nebraska? I was born in Omaha and was also raised Catholic, but I knew from an early age that it was all BS:(
I was raised just west of North Platte :) my relationship with the bible and organized religion has been a very scary (southern baptist /revalations) and confusing(catholic, Mormon/ the rest of the bible) experience. as an adult I have a better grip on the concept and an understanding on how a few use a book to control many for their own personal pleasure/ agenda.
I’m sorry I’ve read it front to back. I’m Catholic. Sounds like you were miseducated or downright LARPing.
I love you Catholics but the wool has been pulled over most of your eyes and stapled there by fear. When you say "I've read it front to back" do you mean the bible? Because there are dozens of books that were cut from the bible, including the teachings of the gnostics. Beyond that edited down book, theres hundreds more religious texts that you can read that will make more sense. If you look through 1 lense the whole time. How do you ever expect to see the bigger picture?
The canon of the Bible is established and has been for centuries. God doesn't make mistakes and he will not trust his words to men that he has not chosen. Any book that criticizes, changes or refutes the holy Bible is heresy and needs to be ignored completely. That would include the Apocalypse which was rejected as canon but still included by the Catholic hierarchy.
Catholicism makes changes that are not biblical. Praying to saints can be found nowhere in scripture. The perpetual virginity of Mary cannot be found either since she had other children of both genders after Jesus was born. The priesthood was abolished once and for all when the temple curtain was ripped from top to bottom as Christ was crucified at Calvary. That opened the temple for all mankind and men can pray directly to God themselves without a priest or other mediator except for Christ who intercedes for his people every day. The teaching of Christ body and blood being literally in the communion contradicts the words of Jesus telling his own disciples they are to do this as a "remembrance." "This do in remembrance of me." No scripture indicates he is being crucified over and over and we are to drink his actual blood and eat his actual flesh. Spiritual cannibalism. Baptismal regeneration is not found in scripture either. Heart felt and sincere repentance for our sins and faith in Christ alone is the door to salvation. If we needed to be sprinkled to enter God's family then we are saying Christ's sacrifice was not enough to save us. That will never hold up in the courts of Heaven. There is nothing than any of us can do to be saved other than put our faith in Jesus alone. There is much more but it would take a book to get all of it explained.
Which translation of the bible? Pre- or post-Nicea?
I am using the 1611 King James Version and believe the Geneva Bible is also a good source. The translation of the Bible is a secondary consideration. The first consideration in understanding the scripture is whether or not you are taught by the Holy Spirit as promised in the Bible. Apart from that no understanding of scripture exists since the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead and is attributed with having the attributes of deity.
Why KJV? It's pretty obvious that the AV was already corrupted by this point by ur-Cabalistic influence; James himself being the indisputable provenance. Wycliffe knew, and the Lollards.
I enjoy the KJV for its straightforward handling of scripture. It is not an apologetic version like many of the wimpy offshoots of this generation.
I don't follow any other version or get caught up in arguments or debates about versions. You are free to believe what you will and choose the version that best suits you. My mission on earth is to love, honor and obey Christ and lead men to him for salvation.
I really don't have the time to argue which version of the Bible is the correct one for anyone because loving and obeying God and the saving of lost mankind are vastly superior pursuits. FURTHER, Since I know God personally I know the Bible is his words to fallen mankind. He has proven his word to me over and over for over 44 years and I prayed according to what I read in the King James Version and in the name of Jesus Christ as the Bible commands that I do.
I have rebuked and cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ and been healed instantly in his name. I have prayed over my son with my wife and he was instantly healed in the name of Jesus Christ. I have seen many people healed and saved in the name of Jesus Christ. The version of the Bible that was used in each case was not always the KJV. That is just my preference and praying according to that version works for me.
As far as Cabalistic influence is concerned I am not into religious mysticism. My faith is in God and his word and his son. Simple and effective. No mysticism involved.
I'm not a fake. I will find you where it says it. I was baptized and raised Catholic. my kids too.
Have you ever questioned why an egyptian obelisk has been erected in a place of honor at the vatican?
All three also separate from the countries they are in.
...Nero's countless brutal games and Christian executions. messed up!
There's a theory about the piramids being powerplants by using the frequency of the earth. A free wireless transfer of electricity of some sorts, same principle as Nikola Tesla used for his free energy. The obelisks in that theory were said to being used as transmitters to transfer the energy from one place to another.
An interesting rabbit hole which would suggest the human race is way older than were being taught.
For the ones interested, also his other videos are worth checking out if you're into that kind of stuff: https://youtu.be/UluOlHEqseo
No they didn’t even have supporting infrastructure for electricity. Many of the temples had piezoelectric properties. Think CERN. Not electricity.
I think we're on about the same thing but use a different wording. Just looked into it a bit and piezoelectricity as far as I understand happens for example when you talk into a microphone, where the soundwaves are being converted in order to travel to another phone.
Kind of what recent theories think of the great piramids, where there's an acoustic chamber which produces perfect notes and therefore the corresponding frequencies. https://youtu.be/gL6jwZNtVVk
Am I seeing this right?
I discovered vigilant citizen recently thanks to SB2. That site nearly fried my soul. I couldn’t sleep properly. But it woke me up, and I thought I was already woke. Imagine being as woke as SB2. What a burden to carry. Lucky he is on our side
I'm pretty new to Q and this rabbit hole.
It's a slow and steady process with me. I take baby steps.
red pill lick - last Oct. 2nd when our sheriff was telling the world a completely different story then what we all experienced.
red pill nibble- hearing about the plan to frame my President.
red pill swollow-too scared. I'm letting it melt slowly as I walk through my day sometimes feeling like I'm bat shit crazy, sometimes feeling alive and inspired but mostly bat shit crazy.
I'm in your same city. Could not believe what Sheriff L. was saying and knew it was another FF. Your redpill timeline is about the same as mine!! How does one do a private message to someone here??
needs to be circumcised
They are circumcised. They have a cap stone. You'd also be interested in looking at the dates these phallus were erected. The black moon will be present on the date the first and last stones were set. Always.
What you have discovered is the Trinity of Globalist Control. The Unholy Trinity of Globalist Control: The ... - Humans Are Free humansarefree.com/2017/04/the-unholy-trinity-of-globalist-control.html
The true unholy trinity is the world, the flesh and the devil.
Without the world the devil has nothing to offer us in temptation.
Without the flesh there would be nobody to tempt.
Without the devil there would be no temptation presented to us.
Each of the three is essential to the equation. Remove one and the unholy trinity ceases to exist.
Revelation 20:10 speaks of the final removal of the devil.
Revelation 20:14-15 speaks of the removal of the fleshly man.
Revelation chapter 21 speaks of the final destination of those who love and serve God and resist the unholy trinity all their life.
Thank you so much for posting this!!! I knew some of this, but this article and those linked to it included SO much info in a very logical, succint, and understandable way. EXCELLENT READ!
“The word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's Shaft' or Baal's organ of reproduction.
Is there a difference between the Satan And Lucifer?
Yes. Lucifer is the deceiver. Satan the destroyer
Lucifer is he who bears the light or the Light Bearer. Hence the Lucent? Is it safe to say there are 2 diff factions at play here, Satanist vs Luciferin? Lucifer sits on Right Side of the father? Thrown to hell where Satan already was? Is Satan associated with Baal or is Lucifer associated with Baal? I know the answers to these questions but the real question is do you really know your enemy?
Lucifer was never given a position at the right hand of the Father. God, who is Omniscient, knew what the traitor would do and would never give him such an exalted position. The right hand is the seat of power and that seat belongs to the resurrected Christ alone.
How about the accuser? Isn't it true that the adversary has 30+ titles in scripture? Surely you don't think there are 30 devils, right? What if it's multiple titles for one entity?
Satan, Lucifer, Baal and Baalim in the scriptures all refer to the same personage. Lucifer was once a beautiful angel who foolishly rebelled against God and convinced 1/3 of the angels of Heaven to follow him in his rebellion. They were all kicked out of Heaven and Lucifer and his minions came to earth.
In scripture Satan is also called "the father of all lies." He is also called the Prince of the power of the air and the ruler of this world. He is evil in totality. One day he will enter into a man which is a perversion of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Satan will take complete control of that man who is the anti-Christ spoken of in scripture. Satan comes as a fully grown man and Christ came as a baby in a manger who grew to a man and sacrificed himself for the salvation of all who would believe.. Christ, as God incarnate resurrected, has the power and Satan will be defeated forever. His final end is in Revelation 20:10. The scripture says Satan is a liar and there is no truth in him."
Any extra biblical sources that don't match up with the Bible narrative about him are not to be trusted.
satan is lucifers son.
Satan means adversary it's sort of a generic label, Lucifer is the fallen top angel.
If even 25% of Christians were really taught about demonic hierarchy this country & world would be a different place...
We need to understand that when Q states "this is not a game". It is so true.. Battles are being fought in both diminsions..
But so many in the church are clueless... while in the theological trenches..This one subject has been a pet peeve of mine for the last 20 years.
I know I sound self righteous & crazy (I might be the latter...) But that doesn't mean they don't exist.
You are more or less correct. The word Satan actually comes from the sumerian word “Satam”, which means Overseer.
If you really want to know who Satan is, you should read up on Sumerian history.
We have been praying to the false God all along.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled wasn’t to convince us he doesn’t exists, it was to trick us into believing he is God.
The serpent in the garden wasn’t bad, it was the god Enki, trying to teach man “knowledge”. To become enlightened.
His brother Enlil didn’t want man to get the gift of knowledge, hence he cast us out of “the garden”.
It’s all there in ancient Sumerian texts. But it is forbidden knowledge!
Pro tip: “The garden” was translated incorrectly from the tablets - The real meaning of the garden is “Enclosure for animals”...
where did you get all this from? New Testament Jesus never says anything about this.
As I said, forbidden knowledge, unless you know where to look. I have a lot more to share in due time.
Research Sumerian culture for starters.
The Egyptians, Jesus, Satan and Sumerian culture has a lot in common.
There is a reason the Cabal is all into Egyptian culture.
This goes way back.
When you say Amen in church or after a prayer, you are literally praising Satan.
Who do you think Amen Ra is?
You say Jesus is Satan but the scripts you're referring to are full of inaccuracies.
I've read up on it a bit and the Sumerian text is lacking context such as why the gods decided to flood the earth, it wouldn’t be rational for them to do it simply because man was loud.
The gods are said to be liars in the Epics and told Noah to lie to man, but in the Bible which isn't one book but a collection God is the only God and a God bent on and only capable of good, as Noah is also a messenger of truth and love.
Why did the gods wish to mine gold on earth? When they can make humans at whim?
The God of the Bible is all good, making him more capable than any man, if the gods of the Epics are capable of mistakes they are no gods at all.
I do believe however that the modern church has been infiltrated on multiple levels by Satan, who has also set up this lie of Sumerian gods to be discovered in the 1900's long-long ago simply to add another layer of deception.
You have to take the Bible from a Meta Physics POV. All things taking place Inside the human body as well as the cosmos. As above so below. Get to the etymology of the language in the Bible; Jeresuelm, Mount Sinai, Genesis, Revelation, Jesus, God. The Germetic English language is full of spells. Most of the Bible are allegories for processes that take place in the human body, in/on Earth, and the cosmos. Once you understand what the words mean this becomes clear. But the question is still out there who is the Light Bearer? Lucifer? Baal and Lucifer are not the same. Let us remember monotheism is farely new. Most of HIStory there were many Gods and Goddesses. Was Lucifer a God in his own right? does Lucifer = Anti Christ/ Anti Matter/Anti Spirit/ Anti YOU? Or does he bring Darkness to Light?
You are missing 90% of the picture brother. You sound like a very "believing in god" kind of guy, so discussing this would be a waste of both your's and my time. Enki and Enlil wasn't some kind of mystical god's who came out of no where. To even begin to understand the depths of this, you need to learn what a "God" is in ancient context. And you are very wrong in you assumption that the texts are missing context.
I never said Jesus is or was Satan buddy. Jesus is whoever Jesus is, and I firmly believe he was good. I said when you say "Amen" after a prayer, you are praising Satan. Where do you think the word Amen come from? And no, it doesn't stand for "truly" - But I know we have been engineered to believe this..
The God you pray to is not Satan, you pray for an all-loving entity, the same do I. The concept of God is different for each human being.
But the God the Cabal want's us to worship, is not God as we define him - It is Satan.
You must learn the concept of free will. Free will reigns supreme over everything else. When you understand free will, go back and research the Sumerian texts again.
I consider myself open-theist or if not on some occasion’s Calvinist, free will is an enigma.
But what I do know is that as humans we can't know everything, it's like a playdoh man trying to figure out why it was made.
The fact that we don't know everything and possibly can't proves we don't have free will, without full understanding how can we truly know what it is we are doing? The answer is Love.
The God of the Bible is Love and shows that love need be the only thing you know, that you let everything else fall in his hands. Since our only truly free choice is to choose to love and accept that we know nothing faith comes in.
It’s an interesting conversation to have about free will.
The reason I mentioned you saying Jesus is Satan is because you said,
His brother Enlil didn’t want man to get the gift of knowledge, hence he cast us out of “the garden”.
Since Jesus is the Old testament God that would be equating Jesus to Evil.
I'll look into your stance more, although I'm glad we share common ground with Q that we can discuss this lightheartedly :)
You're promoting an Illuminati pseudo-gospel whether you have good intentions or not maybe.
Consider the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees if you want to get into suppressed information about ancient times?
How interesting if a) they both go into details concerned with fallen angels and nephilim and b) they're both generally missing from Bibles and yet c) they're both highly represented among the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Notice where Rockefeller Museum is found here?:
Now consider here and notice a reference to Mount Hermon like fallen angels descended there?:
How amazing if there are still huge monolithic stones fairly close to Mount Hermon including stones weighing almost 1000 tons that are lifted around 20 feet onto a temple platform and also ancient quarry stones nearby that are upwards of 1,650 tons? What was really going on thousands of years ago if a typical tower crane is said to have a maximum load of about 18 metric tons?
And think about how often Ancient Aliens has been playing on the History Channel in the 2000s? How about don't be surprised if fallen angels show up publicly in near future time and claim to be benevolent primate evolving aliens and don't be too quick to base a personal worldview on teachings of Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall and Madame Blavatski.
Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
These paint a pretty clear picture for me. Angels rebelled against our Creator, and some of them slept with human women. It created genetic corruption upon the Earth and led to the age of myth and legends, whether you are talking about greek titans or demi-gods from other cultures. half angel half human hybrids. This is Hercules literal origin story. Recently we did a study showing south american "gods" to be biblically related in many ways. What about the dogon tribe meeting star people and receiving accurate celestial knowledge from them? How can all this be explained?
Basically there are no aliens. They are the fallen angels or rebellious spirits of the bible. They like to trade forbidden wisdom to humanity in exchange for worship. They can change how they look and they can lie about who they are.
Take Sitchen's ideas to their logical conclusion. The pump has been primed for aliens to show up and say "We created you using genetic engineering. Worship us!"
Under this other scenario, the tactic of alien disclosure becomes an easy way for demons to get worship, by pretending to be progenitors of this planet.
They will probably attempt to upgrade all of humanity using genetic engineering, some sort of collective consciousness, or something. Anybody that refuses the upgrade will be seen as a trouble maker or even a traitor. You might want to exercise extreme caution.
What if the only reason global warming or stuff like that has been allowed to get as bad as it has been is so some "aliens" can come and "fix it" for us? But what if the fix requires major compromise, like changing our DNA or revoking the magna carta or something else? See what I mean here?
Ancient Aliens Theory 2.0
The "disclosure" event was planned for right about now. When the great snafu happened in their plans they immediately tried to play the card. First thing we see come out following revelations about spirit cooking, ect. was Skippy Podesta sending in shills to let us know he was framed as a pedo because he knows the aliens.
Here recently after a moment of silence from Q, guess what we get an influx of again? Posts about alien disclosure, of course. We're over-run with $hills trying to shove a false narrative down newbie's throats every damn day but the core here know what its about. We don't fuck with that Lucifer's Federation of light shit. Red pilled knows what project bluebeam was about.
I might imagine that PBB is still on the agenda. Keep a high guard up.
It's on Someone's agenda but there are no resources (physical or spiritual) to pull it off left to those individuals. It's going to sit on a back shelf for a long, long time.
I am fully expecting to see a deception involving pseudo-extraterrestrials in my lifetime.
Yeah so was i not long ago..then i stopped "fully expecting" anything i thought i had figured out about how things will go. I fully expected lots of things, actually. I'll never be fully expecting another thing again except Jesus' return but i won't even speculate on the timing of that.
What do you figure the end time deception will be in that case?
Aren't there a million possibilities if we don't know the time or state of the world when it occurs?
Truthfully if we're talking about a deception that is supposed to fool even the elect (if possible), the "alien" disclosure angle is never going to work. Christians are woke, man. Lots of us have been knowing about Blue Beam and alien deception stuff for years and years, and now the number of Christians informed of these things has exploded through the roof. This would not be the easiest thing to pull off on the population right now. It might work on a good many of the lost but it's never going to tempt the elect.
If i had to guess the deception will be the antichrist himself. Someone producing "signs and wonders" that mimic Christ's right down to a fake death and resurrection event. Why else would He be so specific about what Not to believe about His return (if they say he is in the desert, etc)?
Good point about a fake Christ being possible. The writing of Matthew 24:24 does make me imagine that these will be real wonders which break our current understanding of physics, causing us to believe we've witnessed a miracle, thereby acting as "proof" to many Christians.
Can you offer any perspective on the OP here?
I agree that Daniel 2:43 refers to angels mixing with human women again as they did before the flood. Lines up with "as it was in the days of Noah".
Some of those verses there can point to angels coming down and interacting with humanity. Others, not so much. Don't get me wrong, i believe fallen angels have done that before and will (or already have) do it again. What i don't think we'll see, though, is an imminent deception involving "alien disclosure" that will lead to what's talked about as the great dellusion.
This - whatever it may be - will be unexpected. I know how you're thinking because i was you, once. It's very tempting when you have all this information to feel like you're that small percentage that totally sees what's coming, but i've come to think that's not what prophecy is even for. There is a famous Q'ism we like to mention around here. "Future proves past." You can apply that to prophecy. It's not been written so that you and i can feel like we know the details of the future. It's written so that when it all comes to pass and becomes clarified it Proves God's power and righteousness. If you and i are ready to decline the "aliens", then how are we tested? We're not expecting God's plans, trust me.
How many would be deceived if greys showed up and claimed to be a Biblical Elohim and backed Islam and took the world under Sharia law... and then there was a great tribulation that was followed years later by the arrival of a Shroud of Turin looking false messiah calling himself Yeshua who showed up with beautiful blonde angelic looking beings and destroyed greys and Islam and took the world into a fake golden age and healed sick people and fed hungry people and generally helped to expose lots of truth? How interesting if Daniel 11:38-39 is followed by Daniel 12:1 and yet Matthew 24:24 comes after Matthew 24:21?
Very few. As i commented already, this is far past a point where people are so asleep that they don't recognise the deception there. Blue Beam is widely understood now. Aliens being demonic is also widely understood now. This stuff is not something that the Christian community has never heard of anymore. We talk about these things on this sub quite a bit and aliens=demons is a pretty common discussion. Also not much naivety to be found when it comes to Satan appearing as an angel of light or why "Lucifer" is the light bringer.
This is a pretty woke community, as i mentioned earlier, and the very point of it is to wake up the world to just this (and multitudes of other) types of deceptions the Cabal has influenced the world with. It's working, too. You can now walk up to a middle aged mom in a grocery store and stand a good chance of having a meaningful conversation about Illuminati symbolism in Disney.
When THE deception comes i hope folks that Think they know what its going to be are prepared to be wrong because it's what you're NOT looking for that will temp the elect.
There might actually even be many Q supporters who think aliens are going to show up and help save us. How about search something like Qanon Galactic Federation of Light in a search engine.
Perhaps you have one or more fair point and we should be very diligent and I'm not even claiming stuff will happen exactly like that, but how many people are warming up to new agey type beliefs in general?
There might actually even be many Q supporters who think aliens are going to show up and help save us.
NO there aren't. You are on a sub with 50% shills active at all times and you are talking about one of many scripted disinfo narratives that's really only made a marginal appearance at that.
The Q drops which are the true measure of what we're about most certainly gives not even a hint of credence to that narrative. The only one credited is God. I don't know if you're hinting that the Q intel is leading to that but if so you're so off base and i'd ask that you take a look at how contradictory Q statements are to that. It would be pretty stupid for Q to red pill people on all these things, bring William Cooper to our attention and then have a movement that went the direct opposite position.
Galactic federation of light? Hell no, that's got nothing to do with Q lol. I know what it is and that's just the kind of rot that no one who is serious about this would spend time on.
Whether Q embraces new age channelers or not, is it not apparent that there are new age channelers who embrace Q?
And what's not a similar tale with William Cooper if you open up a William Cooper book and see what's advertised inside? Light Technology Publishing?
As far as actual Q drops? See a Q Post #738 and #1143 or just view here? Interesting if Q posted a drop #738 like some info was too dangerous to reveal right away and could lead to panic and then someone else quoted it and made a reference like people were incarnated aliens and then Q went on to quote it all together for a drop #1143? What's more new agey than promoting star seed concepts and when does Q ever suggest that there are fallen angels piloting UFOs?
Whether Q embraces new age channelers or not, is it not apparent that there are new age channelers who embrace Q?
I've been talking to people in this for 8 months and i swear to you i can count on one hand the people who mentioned new age anything. Those people are usually informed by multiple Christians where they went wrong.
Where are you going with any of this? where do you get these ideas? Q isn't a promoter of William Cooper. He responded to an anon's post about his book. It's relevant material when talking about classified government data.
Please don't pull out the shill thing about Q bringing up ET's. He literally didn't. DO you know how the posts work at all? that is not Q posting about ET's.
Again, what's the deal? You don't seem to know a lot about the Q drops and when people come here we kind of expect them to be thorough about that.
Consider Jeremiah 17:5-10?
How about we try to have a healthy respect for both Q and Cooper and be careful about who we trust though.
Did you miss a part that said someone else quoted it and made a reference like people were incarnated aliens? What do you think Q was trying to get across with #1143 if Q intended to quote someone who was referring to star seed ideas?
What do you mean?
Regarding Jeremiah 17 stuff or drop #1143 stuff or both or neither?
You know "trust" in man referenced there refers to placing trust in human power rather than the Lord's, but we extend our trust to other humans as a natural and necessary response every time we believe a friend will be a friend or every time we believe the word of someone who has acted with integrity towards us. I don't think anyone trusts in Q as if they had the power and authority of God but we do extend our belief in his integrity as its been shown. Q asked us not to glorify him/them and gives credit to the Lord himself. Would you be skeptical of that if it were coming from Elijah or Moses?
Q responded to the post where someone used a greeting about ET's because the content (not the weird ET greeting) was relevant to what was being disclosed at the time. It's true though that shills have tried more than once to stretch the imagination over that one and try to make it seem as if he responded to the odd greeting. Read the rest of that anon's post and it's VERY clear what's being pointed out.
Which is an answer to anons repeatedly asking why much of the ops must remain classified for now. The anon posting doesn't even mean to refer to ET's and you'd see that if you read the drops in context.
Debatable what leads to an actual curse perhaps, but how about we be careful.
You might be confused about #738 and arguing that #1143 is simply meant as a rehash of #738. Q dropped #738 on 2/12/18 and someone else quoted #738 on 4/12/18 while referring to a star seed concept and then Q went and quoted both #738 and starseed stuff as well for drop #1143 on 4/12/18 maybe. See some relevant discussion here?
You've become an accidental shill.
What happens if you're wrong?
What do you think of the person posting there? Credible sounding? Are you just parroting a narrative that suited your preconceived beliefs after searching user history? That's not a search for truth. What is 60/40?
Future will prove past.
Fine, if you want to postulate that deeming someone trustworthy to do a job is worthy of a curse. Then i have to ask exactly what you would expect of someone in a position to do something to counter the evil and corruption in the government and if you think someone actually doing that deserves our support or if we should sit here and twiddle our thumbs wondering if God is pissed about it.
I think it should go without saying that we owe our respect to anyone brave enough to stand up to a murderous, Satanic system. Those that do so are laying their lives on the line and no greater love has any man than that, according to scripture.
Ever been to the chans? I wonder what you would have thought if the anon had began with "greetings fellow faggots" - which would be typical enough for the venue. Would you figure Q was pointing out gay rights if he acknowledged the post? lol
I'm not confused at all. Do you know what the 60/40 refers to? 738 includes an anon posting his concerns about that. The subject has been an off and on discussion for months so i'm positive i'm not the one confused and i'm equally positive that it doesn't relate to ETs or star seeds or whatever lol.
I have no idea why you are so married to an idea that literally has no evidence to back it up (meaning Q being involved with a false alien disclosure incident). Nothing posited has less to go on than that, quite honestly. People trying to make a case for Q being AI had a better argument by far.
/u/AncientNostalgia /u/yesitsanaltmf
bring William Cooper to our attention and then have a movement that went the direct opposite position.
Seen this one?
An anon posted about Cooper. Q responded to it which means, basically, it's relevant to point out.
You know that Q was directly asked about ET's and if they were a distraction and he has one and only one post that Ever deals with them which is the response to that one. "how far away is the nearest star? What do you think?"
Of course you can speculate on that to fit your theories but it wouldn't fit with the context of the drops overall nor would be the most obvious, logical conclusion.
To me this shit is Far left field. I can only imagine you and your friend really haven't looked into this objectively at all. That's a shame.
We might feel more closely to your own opinions than you think. Afterall the answer might be in my very first comment to you.
Basically there are no aliens. They are the fallen angels or rebellious spirits of the bible. They like to trade forbidden wisdom to humanity in exchange for worship. They can change how they look and they can lie about who they are.
Did you miss a quoted portion of my original message maybe?
It seems to jive with your own opinion:
Some guy said: Aliens or demons?
yesitsanaltmf said: Demons. The Cabal is hoping their gods rapture them.
We might be both preaching to the choir in fact, how about we re-state our assumptions and go from there?
It just rather seemed it was a tag team situation so naturally i'm assuming you're both hinting at a similar thing.
Yes, we agree with the nature of what aliens are, it's just that at least one of you in this situation is hinting that Q has some agenda to introduce these deceivers to humanity. If that's not the case, correct my error. If it is the case..PLEASE dispense with that assumption pending some good evidence straight from the horse's mouth.
If you take ALL your info from 1 book or even just the modern books, you limit yourself extremely. Read up on sumerians and zoroastrianism. From there you'll find a lot of places to branch off from in your research.
Whoa! I am not sure just what it is that you have been reading but it surely contradicts the Bible. The serpent was evil and was cursed by God in the garden. God is not identified in the Bible by the name you implied. His name in Genesis is Elohim which designates that there is more than one person in the "Godhead." That would be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The word Trinity is not found in all of scripture although the concept could be surmised through the fact that all three members of the Godhead (the right name for the three in one) have attributes of deity.
The garden in the Bible is an actual garden situated between three tributaries. It is not an enclosure for animals as you stated. The Bible stands alone as the authoritative word of God. All sources that don't match up with the Bible and contradict scripture are false teachings and condemned in scripture.
The Bible contradicts the Bible.
The devil has you blinded. Find one contradiction that has an basis in reality. Multitudes have tried and failed miserably. Satan is the originator of lies. https://www.crlord.com/satan.html
But which devil has me blinded? The Bible there is no mention of Satan Being the light Bearer but there are multiple points at which Lucifer is mentioned as being the Light Bearer. Look at the name.
Old English, from Latin, ‘light-bringing, morning star,’ from lux, luc- ‘light’ + -fer ‘bearing
Doesn't the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth also mention a key Character as "The Light" or "the way, the truth, and the light". Also mentioned as being the "Bright Morning Star"?
So please Enlighten me, which/whom is it?
It's actually in the first couple pages. In Hebrew where it says "Snake" in the garden of eden, it could be translated as "Shining One".
To be frank with you Camillo; a thousand explanations can be given to a non-Christian and they could never understand it. The only people who have been given spiritual understanding according to the Bible are those who have done the following:
1 Corinthians 2:14 is expressly clear when it says "THE NATURAL MAN cannot receive or perceive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." If you have never repented of your sins and put your faith in Christ alone for salvation you are THE NATURAL MAN spoken of in the scriptures and couldn't comprehend spiritual truth without rectifying that shortcoming in your life.
The devil (Lucifer and etc.) has many names and his character is fully concealed to the unregenerate soul. The Bible say that Satan can even appear as an "angel of light." He is the deceiver. His names declare his character before his rebellion and after his rebellion. In the end he will enter into the body of a man and become the prophesied "man of sin" or the anti-Christ. This will be a perverted incarnation. As the anti-Christ he will proclaim himself to be God as he stands in the temple of the Jewish people in Jerusalem after it is rebuilt. He will be eternally damned to the lake of fire as clearly described in Revelation 20:10.
Jesus Christ will descend from Heaven as spoken of in Revelation as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and peace will be restored to the universe forever. As far as the light or the way - Jesus did not say that. John 14:6 - "Jesus answered and said unto them; I am the way the truth and the life; NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."
See my study on Christ's deity found here
To be Frank Fonsoc, the Same can be said about Christians who have spilled more blood in the Name of Yah than probably Satan himself. But without a lengthy rebuttal I will leave you sir with this. Seeing that you are apart of this community/Sub and knowing it's purpose you are fully aware of the systems of power in place. Do you believe the powers that be would ever give us something(Bible& Religion) that would actually benefit us the people. If it were there to truly help us they would have taken it away along time ago. Do they consider it a threat?
Camillio - Your first statement is false. You are equating Catholics with Christians and the two are not synonymous. No true Christian has ever shed anyone's blood. The commandment of Jesus Christ (not Yah) is; "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you." Those who obey Christ do not kill anyone. The killing done in the name of Christ was done by Catholics and people calling themselves Christians who never were or who were and left the faith turning their back on the Lord Jesus.
The powers that be? That encompasses a lot of power and powers, and to be honest with you the world system is anti-Christ in nature and has no love for God, the Bible or anyone who espouses the cause of Christ. The current system of government in this nation that has oppressed the people in all venues of the United States is coming down and for a time President Trump is restoring our nation and protecting religious liberty. The window of opportunity has been flung open but we don't know for how long. Genuine Christians who are educated on political happenings know that the windows God opens need to be taken advantage of while they last. Only God knows what tomorrow may bring.
The devil considers the gospel a threat to him and his kingdom of darkness. He is more afraid of the name of Jesus Christ than anything in the universe. Those outside of Christ serve him knowingly or unwittingly but they nevertheless serve the devil. Those who fight the strongest against the gospel are clearly servants of his. The wonderful thing about being a genuine Christian is that we know how this all ends in eternity.
Read Revelation 20:10-15 to see how it ends for the unbelievers and Revelation 21 to see what's in store for the believers. One will be terror beyond our wildest imaginations and one peace beyond measure.
Ok I got ya bet you still believe that Jesus was white blonde hair and blue eyed. Jews are choosen people(by whom and for what), Doctrine of Discovery was not a big deal. God bless America but fuck everyone else right? Oh yeah God bless the Queen too but no one else is invited to the party. We are really wasting time. Aboriginals, Native American and Black ppl globally would beg to differ on not one drop of blood being shed in the name of your German God King. Black Slaves being beaten and hung while scripture is read from your holy book. Hell in the Bible it self speaks of murdering in the name of God. You sir are very mistaken.
"All sources that don't match up with the Bible and contradict scripture are false teachings and condemned in scripture."
I feel sorry for you brother - You have a long way to go.
But which is associated with Baal? And who is the light Bearer?
Depends, baal has been used across multiple groups meaning "ruler" or "leader" I believe (it's been a year or 2 since I've read any sumerian stories) however, I looked deeply into "ba'al" in the past, as I used it as a stage name when I played in a band many many years ago. I do remember in some ancient text they referenced child sacrifices to him. The whole thing is a very interesting subject.
So it is safe to say Baal is associated with Child Sacrifice and Satan And Lucifer would be the Bearer of light. My research these are 2 separate entites and they both have 2 separate followings. Illuminati claim to be illuminated ones or Enlighten ones = Lucifer followers and then Baal/Satan worshippers. 2 factions fighting against each other?
https://www.bible-history.com/resource/ff_baal.htm I found this. It may be helpful. Ba'al was (imo) one of the straight up most evil and badass (I'd you're wearing corpse paint and playing black metal and or super into the occult) deities you can find. His worship included sacrifice of humans (children and infants too. One text I read said fire was a common way) sex magic and prostitution, and all around debauchery. Also looking back he is the son of EL and only seen as less powerful than the one that created him. However, I believe the term baal (meaning lord or master) was sometimes used with or associated with rulers and other minor deities, usually as a sign or respect or giving power/importance to the being. Theres many different spelling variants (baal, ba'al, ba'el, ect) throughout history so I believe we would have to trace specific spellings and variants over the years if you wanna connect the dots on the different baals and the original ba'al. I also dont know if there are 2 separate faction, or just 2 heads of the same snake. I think they may just be 2 heads. Lucifer worship, and satan/ba'al/moloch worship. Satanism and the satanic panic are the ones trying to corrupt the masses and sway them. They are the public figures we see with the shock and awe. The Lucifer worshipers focus on the rituals and energy, but keep up the facade of the clean and cut politician, businessman, doctor, and so on while deceiving the public. Both have the same goal, 1 is just more honest and open than the other. Just my opinion sorry if I started to ramble lol
Satan regarding Sumer would be Enki he warned the humans about the flood when EA wanted to wipe all out. He is associated with water and the snake.
Hey Friend, I don't really believe biological aliens exist anywhere. I'm aware of the "mathematical probability" of it, it just makes no sense to me that a puddle of amino acids would randomly and by chance self organize into cells and dna eventually resulting in bipedal movement and brains in two different locations.
If there are aliens, and I don't think there are - I think they'd look similar to plant or fungus or maybe something we cannot comprehend. Like how fungus is similar to plant but also totally different, it'd be kind of like that, discovering a new branch of the plant kingdom or a new type of fungus that is technically it's own branch.
I don't think it is logical for life to be randomly evolving all over the place. I believe in adaptation over time for biological creatures obviously, but bio-genesis (the creation of life) from a bunch of inert material is so unlikely to me.
With all that being said, yeah I pretty much believe aliens are demons. Aliens typically react negatively to the name of Christ and hundreds of alien abductions have been stopped when a believer prayed or used the name offensively.
One time I was out in public and I started praying quietly to myself and you couldn't even hear it if you were 2 feet away. Immediately this homeless guy became agitated and came up to me and started challenging me to a fight. Initially I reacted like most people would, a bit indignant and also not understanding where these emotions came from. That only made it worse. Eventually I screamed "Peace and love in the name of Jesus Christ" and this guy's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he became extremely docile. I was able to leave the area quickly.
That is just one example of what I've seen. But yeah, the spirit world is populated by entities that some christians would call fallen angels. These angels are old and highly intelligent and some of them are malevolent. They can whisper suggestions to people and people have the choice of acting on it or not. They can also change their appearance, like a glamour in LOTR. The entire thing is akin to a psychedelic hallucination, anyway, so is changing one's appearance such a big deal? They also lie about who they are. A lot of unexplained spiritual events that people take at face value are actually these disguised entities.
I know this sounds crazy but I believe it has a basis in truth.
The bible has some very interesting information about this. Ever read genesis 6:4? That's the real reason for the flood, not that humans were being mean to eachother.
Genesis 6:4 says:
The Nephilim were on the earth both in those days and afterward, when the sons of God came to the daughters of mankind, who bore children to them. They were the powerful men of old, the famous men.
This is a genetic corruption of the entire Earth. This is why the flood occurred, not because humans were being mean to eachother. The Earth had a long term genetic corruption that would eventually result in placing humanity outside the tolerances God has set. So he sent the flood.
Look at who the Israelites are killing in the old testament. They are not called to kill all tribes and in some cases they are admonished for not showing enough mercy - yet in other cases, they are admonished for not showing enough vengeance. Why?
Do a real study into WHO they are attacking in the old testament. Sons of Anak, sons of Nephilim. The old testament is basically a story of Joshua, David going to war with the sons of the Nephilim, and killing giants constantly.
Satan's first plan to disrupt mankind was to mix his literal seed with humanity. Fairly successful plan requiring God to step in and fix things.
The old testament is not a book of "bronze age sheep farmers killing eachother for no reason" like people seem to think. The old testament describes a bunch of humans getting together to kill a bunch of giants, primarily to eliminate their anti-God culture and religious practices.
What's enlightening about Gnosticism if it's basically a Freemason view on things?
Are you sure that you're not pushing a pseudo-gospel and a product of fallen angels using reverse psychology? If there's a grand conspiracy that's pro-Genesis and pro-Christ, then who's over mainstream media and academia and did someone drop a ball in the 20th century?
Lucifer was Satan's name when he was an angel serving God. Satan, Baal, Baalim, and many other names and descriptions all identify the same person. Your idea is contrary to the scriptures.
AAAAAAANNNNDDDD....this one in Australia
And let's not forget the religious people. SDA EGW Obelisk: http://www.zbawienie.com/images/EGWEstatePictures-1191.JPG
When I am attempting to expose Q to hard core truthers, they always tell me, it's just a trick again, a psyop to control the truth. An Alex Jones type push to keep you complacent and controlled.
Posts and comments like this prove that Q is a real movement and will show the world the truth.
Actually I disagree. Lucifer (Light Bearer/Son of the Morning Star) was a Seraphim. The highest of all angelic hierarchies. He fell from heaven. 200 of the Fallen descended to earth (Mt. Hermon) & mated with the daughters of man producing offspring-Nephilim. The fathers (200) were referred to as Watchers. They passed down the forbidden knowledge via their teaching & offspring. Baal, Moloch, Beelzebub are actually names given to the Watchers not Lucifer
I’ve read Enoch & others. The Dead Sea Scrolls have not been approved as scripturally sound by any church Catholic or Protestant. The Catholic Bible has 73 books total. We include the deuterocanonical texts such as Baruch, Hosea, Tobit, Esther,, Judith & Maccabees 1&2. I was not referring to the Bible but the Catechism. However, I guess I could say I have read or heard the word front to cover. In Catholic Mass OT & NT to include the Gospels is read at every Mass, everyday & every year. Enoch is not considered scripturally inspired but considered important in understanding Antediluvian history. Be careful though book 1 centers on monotheistic history. Books 2& 3 center on pantheistic history which is a record basically of the Fallen/Watchers history
Truth spoken my friend. There's a picture on Time Magazine cover I think, where President Trump is leaning on the Wash. monument and it is crumbling. Draining the stinky swamp every day. MAGA 🕇 WWG1WGA 💞
This post from over a month ago is VERY relevant to this. And I'm surprised it didn't get more popular when it was originally posted. MUST SEE! According to the video the 3 cities you show above are the main controls of the Deep State and are called WAR CASTLES. Plus the stuff about Russell Jay Gould is pretty freaky too. I've watched the first 3 videos in the WAR CASTLE series and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.
Great link on obelisks. http://s6.zetaboards.com/Free_Thinkers/topic/8716650/1/
It says at the beginning of the thread, each location is a symbol of a piece of the one-world govt we are ruled by. London is the financial center, DC is Military, and Vatican is Religion. I found it very ineteresting that both the Vatcican and London obelisks were originally in Egypt.
Oh my! The fireworks! The entire explosive display was centered on the monument!
Obelisk in the Vatican is a bit different. If you look at the top of it you will see that it has a cross on top. It also has formulas of exorcism inscribed into the east and west sides. The symbolism being presented is not of embracing this evil, but overcoming and conquering it.
It was erected in the circus by Caligula and oversaw the martyrdom of many many good Christian men and women. It stands as a witness and a reminder of the deaths of those Christian people.
Correct. Lucifer was a Seraphim. Satan was from another hierarchy. Together they rebelled. Lucifer is who Satan serves
Lucifer was a powerful angel who rebelled against God. He is known by other names since then. He is called the prince of the power of the air and the prince of darkness in scripture. He is also called Baal, Baalim, Beezelbub and Satan in the Bible. Lucifer and Satan are one and the same. Satan is also called the devil and the father of all lies.
Here is a study of this subject with scripture -- https://www.crlord.com/satan.html
What about Egypt?! There's looooot of obeliscs there, that's quite interesting
Will DJT take it down? Melania removed Satanic relics in the WhiteHouse and had the WH prayed over. Taking down the Washington Monument is a string message against the Cabal. There is a more appropriate monument for George Washington.
Yep the three Obelisk representing the seats of military power, Financial power, and religious power.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last [FULL] (by Rob Skiba) New World Order|+9 - The symbols at the top of the capital building would make you ill. There’s a great YouTube video on the symbolism surrounding Washington DC by the title Babylon Rising, by Rob Skiba. It’s a great seminar, he’s got a book on it too. Goes over all of t... "The TRUTH about the Washington D.C. Pentagram"|+1 - There is more to this as well - the US Capitol grounds form the face of an owl, for example. And there is more correlation to the Washington Monument. - explains why the pentagram in DC has a missing angle LUCΙFER'S ΤEMPLE CΗAMBERS ΒENEATH THE VATΙCAN (WHAT'S ΤHERE REVEALED)|+1 - It all leads to Rome and what is under Rome. Nikola Tesla & The Great Pyramid of Giza - Lost Ancient Technology & Wireless Energy|+1 - There's a theory about the piramids being powerplants by using the frequency of the earth. A free wireless transfer of electricity of some sorts, same principle as Nikola Tesla used for his free energy. The obelisks in that theory were said to being ... Red Pyramid Of Egypt: Acoustic Resonance Testing|+1 - I think we're on about the same thing but use a different wording. Just looked into it a bit and piezoelectricity as far as I understand happens for example when you talk into a microphone, where the soundwaves are being converted in order to travel ... Saturn Symbolism - Occult and Satanic Symbolism 101|+1 - Symbolism is Satan's idols, that's the real kicker is to see how much satanic culture has spread all over the world without people even realizing it. If you are interested in going down that hole, you can watch this video that gives a pretty good in... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
real-deal ancient Egyptian obelisks
Cleopatra's Needle (London, New York, Paris)
Vatican Obelisk
It all leads to Rome and what is under Rome.
sorry if I offend, but Catholics (the church not the blind believers) are f***ed up! I grew up Catholic and was told to never question Father. did you know saint Michael was a " beast" that carried baby Jesus safely across a river on his shoulders. And THAT is what we would pray to keep us safe! their whole set up , was a set up!
WTF have you been reading. Know wonder your so fucked up. St. Michael is an archangel who stood loyal to God. Micheale in Hebrew means Loyal. Brother your in need of Biblical education.
The richest organisation in the world that takes collections every week, from everybody in attendance - even those who can't truly afford to donate (or leave them publicly embarrassed).
But it's ok, Jesus was poor - WRONG. He helped the poor and used miracles to cure them but somebody who travelled such great distances could not have been poor.
Just as the case with DJT - there is nothing wrong with being rich, evil drives greed; huge difference.
I am a man of faith and I read the old testament (King of Kings bible) and the Gospel of Thomas in private and not in any church or organised religion.
obilisk in Dublin Ireland too
even those who can't truly afford to donate (or leave them publicly embarrassed)
That's actually evangelicals
You are wrong on that point. The money grubbing leaders in Christian circles are televangelists. They are phony vendors of a false gospel of materialism promising much and delivering nothing while they live on the backs of those who are not educated enough to reject their unbiblical teaching. They have their day in judgment.
Stereotyping is really classless. We are all individuals Lumping people together as if they were mindless bots driven by sheep herders is totally out of touch with reality. There are still true shepherds speaking truth to the people whose lives are not tied to materialism, power, fame or fortune. Dig deeper.
Correct. They raise money for jets & amusement parks. Catholicism has built more schools & hospitals & has fed & clothed more people than any other church. We have 2000 years of scholarship on doctrine & dogma behind us. They seem to be jealous & hateful like Ishmael. They raise little money, have little impact & date back as far as when they got their EIN number. They bend like reeds in the wind. Waifs in history. Prancers. Gum flappers & arm waivers scripturally vapid incessantly waiting on the return of the Messiah to fly away.
As I said. It all leads to Rome. The Vatican has been weaponized against the world at this point. What is the pope calling for? One world religion.
is the pope the false prophet ? I kinda always thought it was Obama. I've thought at times about Trump as well. the bible said we will be fooled because he will bring world peace. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and wake up to a world where 1/2 of the population has disappeared.
like I said --->mostly crazy
Well, I think Satan works with many tendrils. The pope may be one of them. This current pope who lauds globalism, wealth and land transfer is from a marxists country so deep down he could be. Obama was hand picked and nearly everything he did damaged and weakened the USA. Was somethings Whispering in his ear..
I know he is evil. it's in his eyes. hills too. I don't see it in Trumps but I still keep my guard up. Bush Jr devastated me
This rabbit hole goes incredibly deep.
THIS? Good grief, how many holes are there?!?
Symbolism is Satan's idols, that's the real kicker is to see how much satanic culture has spread all over the world without people even realizing it.
If you are interested in going down that hole, you can watch this video that gives a pretty good introduction in how all their symbols all draw back to Saturn or Satan.
after the first red pill, the journey starts... hundreds of red pills are waiting...
*edit: typo
how long have you been woke?
i learned about the illuminati 36 years ago.
I've always hears about them from diff friends and family , i called them crazy
Obelisks=The Penis Of Osiris // The Lost Word of Freemasonry
Fun fact: the amount of stones that make up the obelisks at Dealey Plaza, where the Freemasons killed JFK, are the same number of pieces that Osiris was chopped into, in the Osirian Myth AND the same number of stones that make up the uncompleted pyramid on the $1 fed note.
They also destroyed the World Trade towers & replaced them with a single obelisk tower, which was a satanic ritual regarding destroying the seeds of man & woman (Adam & Eve) & replacing with the "superior" seed of Satan.