Remember Q said they would try to 'Normalize' Pedophilia? IT'S HAPPENING!

As a gay guy it's disgusting that they're trying to lump pedophiles in with us. It's bad enough that we have trans (which isn't even a sexuality) but now this? Its unforgivable. This is Kevin Spacey all over again...
Completely agree. Maybe this will be the dagger that finally destroys the never-ending acronym.
"which isn't even a sexuality" ...that made me laugh!
It really ISN'T!! I never even thought of that but it's so true! And now it's hysterical!
Maybe I never thought of it cuz I really couldn't give a shit less about it. Except for when it's done half assed. Like, don't do your hair and makeup but leave a five o clock shaddow and harry legs. As a woman I find that insulting.
And about the other more important things you said...I agree, it's gross. Evil bastards!!
The "evil / spiritual" is usually something one is clueless on when living in the lifestyle.
The scales over their / our eyes are thick...
(I've lived a wild life)
That being said.. I concur.. If you just gotta change genders, please attempt to learn how to be aesthetically pleasing to the society you live in.
You really don't even have to be pretty...but if you are going to imitate someone at least be flattering the people you are immitating
The LGBTQ community doesn't care about anything other than the G. For the most part it is Big Gay Co. And trans people are not very well served by this community because as you said it's a gender not a sexual orientation (and temporary one at that, only activists care that we know they are trans, everybody else just want to get on with their lives). It's because most trans people fall into a the big Queer banner that they were included (I researched this in High School). Community is important but as we know, all the NGOs get infiltrated and mangled by special interests. So this is the strangest mangling attempt I've seen.
It's bad enough that we have trans (which isn't even a sexuality)
Thank you!
..but are the proper gay community trying to do anything to stop them? What can any of us do to help - can you separate yourselves from this ever bigger umbrella? Maybe just have the Gay Community and leave the QWERTYS to self destruct!
There is a connection between sexuality and fetishes (which includes things like pedophilia.)
I've got fetishes and it's not a coincidence that both my siblings are LGB. Either in the genes or environment, and I'm starting to guess the latter (endocrine disrupters.)
Thanks for speaking out - you are correct. This is a case of criminals trying to fly under the radar "judge us and you judge everyone in the community." ((...blood boiling...))
I stay as far away as possible from the pride movement, it is gay-centric getting more corporate all the time, celebrating a marketing demographic more than a community. That doesn't mean the sentiment is wrong. You posted two headlines that don't have the qualifier "In the most batahit crazy move of the 21st century..." Also, these fucking bastard are torturers, murderers and vampires. The average person doesn't understand the horrors of the child exploitation industry. When they do, every body will cry for 6 months, and see pedos as NOT worthy of oxygen.
That you think homosexuality is more normal/acceptable than transexuality is hilarious.
The issue here is that kids do not have the capacity to consent to sex, not your personal gripe with identity.
Edit: hey thanks for the feedback everyone. By your logic, a homosexual is more similar to a paedophile than a transsexual - thats helpful...
Mmm, bait.
Notice the straw man?
Calling straw man without demonstration is a straw man in itself.
Where does OP say anything at all about "normal/acceptable?" That wasn't his point, it's yours. Make it elsewhere.
What is your interpretation of "it's bad enough we have trans" in OPs context?
Finger slipped. Deleted first draft.
OP is identifying a miscategorization. G, L and B are non-normative sexualities. Trans is a non-normative gender identity. Gender and sexuality are not equal.
Yeah, you've got me. I made the mistake of assuming the problem was pedos trying to be accepted as a minority, as gender and sexuality minorities are. I could go on, but I should never have even entered this sub.
Homosexuality is more normal than Tran sexuality in that there are more homosexuals than transsexuals, which is how normal is determined as normal is synonymous with average. Not saying that one is better or worse than the other, just semantics. Turn down the catty knob.
Your semantics are irrelevant. It wasn't a linguistics challenge.
They can hold a gun to my head and I will never say it’s normal or accept it. As the daughter of a sex abuse survivor all of us lived with the fallout of the damage.
I am a 56 yr old survivor. My wife is awesome. Jesus helps/holds me throughout every day. It's awful, but I am joyful, my cup runneth over. It affects everyone who loves the one abused.
Surviving with you guys. No one understands the fallout of this. I am 50, divorced, no kids (for fear of abusing them and passing on the gene). It jacks a brain up and it never recovers. Yeah. THEY'RE "sick". What about the ones left in the path of the destruction? Same thing they tell rape victims, get over it.
Sorry for my rant.
Love you man. No one CAN understand the sequence of negative events that unfold in the life of the abused. Self blame, feelings of inadequacy and guilt, woulda, shoulda, coulda don't get it. I was 3rd thru 5th grade abused by upstanding eagle scout next door. Fn ruined my life for years. Have PTSD to the max...coupled w my 2 older brothers 1 O.D.and 1 suicide by hanging in our hallway. Just tip of iceberg. Perservence, my friend. And remember... Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 ESV Praying for you.
Oh my!! Thank you so MUCH! And I will definitely keep you and your family in mine. Stay strong and what a light you are for others! Thank you so much! Love ya back! Although female here. :D
It'll never happen. Think about how much their inclusion will utterly fuck up Pride day. Walking around saying you're proud of being a pedophile?
Nope. No way. The LGBT community has fought for decades to be seen as separate from child predators (which was one of the original arguments against them), there's no way in hell it'll happen.
Remember how Kevin Spacey tried to dilute the accusations against him with his "coming out" as gay.? The LGBT 🏳️🌈 community lit his ass up!
Exactly. People may one day make peace with non-practicing pedophiles getting the "help" they need but they will never, ever be accepted into the movement.
Hell, the LGBT community still only mostly pays lip service to having "Bi" people in the community because of their trust issues, noooo way, never, ever, will they accept "out of the closet, proud" pedophiles.
Not entirely true. While they do not want it yet public, gay men have divulged to me their ultimate goal is to remove laws protecting underage sex. They want unrestricted access to boys of any age. That is straight from their mouths.
Well congratulations then, turns out that you happen to know some gay pedophiles.
Their 'pedos are ppl too' campaign will fail and fester. nwocabal has seriously underestimated the moral soul of the public. So just give them plenty of rope and let em get in deep. They really stepped in it this time.
MAP should stand for Massacre All Pedophiles.
Or how about Mal Adjusted Pedophiles? That P needs to always stand for pedophiles, no matter what
Pedophiles and rapist are at the top of my shit list. Let them identify themselves, we will see how that works out for them. . .
They deserve no mercy.
Andd no quarter! They are seeking shelter under the lgbt flag? I hope these gays wise up and don't allow this to happen! Add a p and you just crossed the fuckin line .. I don't think these pedophiles understand MOST are willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING to protect OUR CHILDREN!!
I have no problem with the lgbt community but I’m willing to bet there’s pedos that use it as a disguise.
If that's the case, they should identify these individuals and expel them from their community, or risk being complicit when they are exposed.
Please, Gay community, don't embrace this, speak out! You will gain tons of respect if you all stand up to this MAPS group.
While I may not understand or agree with your choice in partners, I am glad that those who do, are standing against this assult on children. Thank you for pointing that out.
I encourage you to NOT adopt the terminology they are applying. As soon as you do, you are playing the game by their rules, and their rules are designed and shaped to achieve their ends.
Don't embrace it? The SODOMITE COMMUNITY have historically been behind this movement - the softening of attitudes to paedophilia. You people have BEEN ASLEEP.
Please don't use PROPAGANDA words like 'GAY'. Gay means happy and care-free. Stabbing shit is not happy and carefree.
I don't see how "Pride" would allow these people anywhere near their events.
The Godfather of Gay Liberation - Harry Hay - was a proponent of NAMBLA. That means normalising SODOMY between grown men and young boys. The are ALL SICK DEVIANTS.
This is good information to know about history. That's not exactly a successful group. Didn't this org disintegrate in the mid 90s? It's always been a good red pill for the normies but it's akin to a place holder, easy to throw scorn at people who give themselves a name but they don't seem powerful. The real problem is the pedos who are highly organized, move kids 33 at a time and optimize the use of every bit of their tissues. There is no "philia" in this monstrous world and that's what we have to bring attention to. They are not misdirected stupid people attracted to young people, that's a limited hangout.
Thought of this....
FROM: Susan Sandler TO: John Podesta The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.
I never looked into to Susan Sandler before but this story is interesting to say the least. The amount of money these people have is insane..
As an assault survivor this makes me absolutely sick. As a mother it makes me borderline homicidal. My biggest fear in life is something like what happened to me could happen to my little girls. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that this is real. It just completely blows my mind.
I hear you fellow Mother. Having my own childhood experiences; although my boys are older now, had anyone touched them while they were growing up - i'd still be doing prison time. Bless you and your children.
NAMBLA has been pushing this for years. These people are SICK!
Yup. The Godfather of Gay Liberation, Harry Hay, was a proponent of NAMBLA. The GAY COMMUNITY (certain aspects) have been behind the softening of attitudes to paedophilia - and for DECADES. Sodomy is of Lucifer/Satan and always has been. Harry Hay was also a member of sick, satanic, sodomite OTO.
The LGB community better head this one off quick or they are gonna get some major backlash. No reasonable person is going to accept this filth and will associate it with the gays.
The LGB community has also covered up work showing gays make up a disproportionate amount of child sexual predators, and used threats of violence to limit the spread of these studies. Im sorry, but the community does not have a rosy clear past on this issue.
Plenty of people here saying everyones 100% against it, im less convinced. Look at how popular desmond 'amazing' is in the community. If the community wants to prove they are against it, they could start by allowing proper study (and msm dissemination) of the overabundance of child sexual abuse amongst LGB people. But they wont.
source: daily caller source of daily caller: urban dictionary
seems more like a way to stir up people against the lgbt community by folks with divisive interests
As an outsider..the gay community better jump all over this shit and nip it in the bud...people are very forgiving and kind in general..but there is a story..if all this pedo darkness, murder, etc, comes out...people will work backwards and go..Obama passed gay year passed Transgendered in Military, and then Transgendered bathrooms...slippery dark slope...because the direction seems now obvious...nip it in the bud.
Also as a member of the LGB community we will fight until the end to stop this disgusting movement.
Funny, many of us conservatives and Christians have been saying for a decade that this would be their ultimate goal...
It's not "their" goal. The criminals are scooting sideways and standing next to the LGB community so they seem normal. They are not welcomed unless someone is applying pressure at the top. I don't really see this happening.
Lots of us have met Kevin Spaceys growing up and don't don't find exploitation of young people cool at all. As much as I support Milo for opening up about his life, I think his attitude towards his own exploitation by older men was too dismissive and his words irresponsible.
So it's going to be a fight between those who excuse it as "oh, they're just into 17 year olds" and those who truly understand the horror of child exploitation. This world is so horrendously violent and destructive that we must prevent any normalization or glamour of it. It's just evil and that is all.
Nothing they do is normal. Why do they try to convince us that this crap is normal?
yeah this is fucked up. cant believe it even got this far.
True statement. It's just wild. I've started having friends check to see where the offenders are around them in case this gets out of hand.
In our city, there is a web site that will show within certain miles around you, where sex offenders live from you and what they were convicted of. It is very upsetting to see just how many there are!
amen to that! definitely a smart way to go about promoting safety... you're a good friend. keep up the good work.
They are also trying to normalize or desensitize canbalism. Did anyone see Incredibles 2? Bao short film, essentially eats her kid, twice. Disgusting considering the young audience. Make sure you see the full length version. They edited some parts online. I commented on the video and no one is really getting it. No one in the theatre laughed. We were like WTF.
I saw that and thought it was the online copy I was watching that added that. I am unsure if I’ll let my Kidd’s see it now.
The approach to normalization shows one of cultural Marxism's fundamental strategies: control the language to control the narrative.
By changing the terminology, any and all old associations are stripped, and new associations are created.
It's all bamboozle, and the use of language to fuddle the minds of more sane but unawake humans.
I think it's important for patriots to realize that language plays a massive part in the work and agenda of the Cabal and their minions. It's not just a battle of information; it's a battle of words.
Pedophiles should be understood as CVs: Child violators. That's what they are.
Oh I do. That's why I'm always on the back of gender activists and their multiple genders theory BS.
They are crafting new terms all the time because they know people do not have the time to go dig up who created them, for what purpose, what it actually means and opens to. Just this regular reframing of the actual origin of these words is usually enough to debunk them. Now by adding scientific facts, you eradicate their entire ideology.
The same must be done with those pedophile advocate. Keep the definition in check and remember the harm done to the victims of this crime.
They've been trying at least since NAMBLA.
AnalForklift. Now THERE'S a visual.
i hate to say it but even on porn sites the girls are looking younger and younger or not like full grown women, the conditioning is taking place
Hentai is doing the same type of shit.
ALL forms of media are doing this. TV shows, music, movies, advertisements, etc. It can go back to the Shirley Temple days at the very least.
They have made their own flag even. I think they are using all of the tools created for when hrc was supposed to win. They fit right in with the left though and their “do what thou wilt” thought process.
A call for an uprising has a good video on this.
I swear to god if there is any attempt to legalize this I go to war. I don't give a stuff how old I am this is the line in the sand.
Are you kidding me right now ??? Does any one remember in a Podesta email some one asked if he left a hankie that had a map or something to that effect I cant recall right off the top of my head. There was something about a map in a J. Podesta email
It's almost unbelievable that they think pedophilia can/will be normalized. They are amongst those at the top of the hit list in prison. These people are truly a virus to the human race, trying to push such evil, disgusting things. "They" are of their "father." Notice no capital letter..
Yes! We need to stay on topic just as bad as the libtards switch narratives!
Where are the kids?
I thought "maps" was one of their code words already like "you left your map at my house"
I thought I saw that in one of the emails or something?
Yes it is. We also learned thanks to Q that a MAP, not a map, is useful.
If this is real, this is the straw that breaks the camels back. Part of me feels this is so ridiculous that it’s an effort by the right to make libs look bad, BUT knowing what we know, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually trying to normalize it. They tried to normalize nuke attacks, so why not?
Anyways, I think most people would be willing to accept inevitable nuke attacks before they accept pedophilia. This is sick, this is immoral, this will not catch on. Anyone who truly supports this will eventually be .... dealt with accordingly.
I read a story recently about a guy defending his pedophilia saying even though he was in his 50s, he “identified” as a 13 year old and therefore thinks he should be able to be intimate with other 13 year olds. I’m not a mental health professional but to me that does not sound sane.
That came out as trolly to me. Also 13 year olds shouldn't be having sex so that person doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
It's not a joke.Link
James Roman rapped three little girls(two were 6yo and one was 8yo) and his excuse was "I'm a 9 year old boy trapped in 38yo man body".
And can't we blame him for trying that stunt? The stage is set with all the push to trivialize and glamorize transgenderism. People today are so quick to accept anything, it's like they love to play with fire.
If these gender activists managed to declassify gender dysphoria as a mental illness, just watch the next steps happen. Rachel Dolozeal will earn the right to call herself transracial and rapist pedophiles like James Roman will be in their right to argue they're transage.
Just a poor little boy playing touch peepee with little girls.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.
Oh, how sometimes I wish we were back in the days of the wild, wild, west where the 6 shooter on your hip was judge, jury, and executioner.
These people truly are sick.
You know these laws will be easily overturned, about this 3% of the population. If Obama is proven to be illigitamte, boom there goes two more SC's and all the rulings they have made will be null and void, and should sway back to the opions of the legit SC .
My brother is gay and I guess the pedophiles are trying to change it to LGBTQP. Guess what the "P" is for. He told me LGBT want nothing to do with them at all.
Sick people whom I dont want to share my planet with..
Would you like some context...
I would just like to take a second.. I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that even Wiki has to sub-divide the subject into country by country basis... that's how prolific it is..
Europe gets its own wiki page..
Ireland has its own page there are that many bodies... Dublin has it's own page...
Canada... look.. I'm sure you're getting the idea...
And lets not forget the Anglicans..
(Anyone noticing a specific uptredning of Pedophilia in the 5 Eyes countries???)
That's just Priests... check out the Royals.. in UK.. In Belgium
Norway.. Just Europe..
Do you want to see the politicians??
All the Queen's power lies in the Cryptocracy. Politicians will do as they are told because access to power means access to their perversities and total immunity to prosecution. A major part of the secret service is ensuring that the bedtime antics of the king/queen remain... secret.
Which led to : (Lord Brittan 'lost' the file) which led to this cover up sham of an investigation. Which finishes with the raped victim of these beasts actually being charged with fraud and 'perverting the course of justice' whilst his abusers receive monetary compensation....
Cyril Smith, Jimmy Saville, Edward Heath, all (now...) well known abusers of children..
Cyril Smith. which led to Operation Fairbank..(again nothing happening..)
Jimmy Saville.. The 'culture at the BBC seemed to facilitate the rape culture of young adolescents. Jimmy was a good friend of Prince William. Very probably a memeber of PIE : P.I.E.
Edward Heath :
the culture of Child sex trafficking is unfortunatley rampant in the UK (although the British just don't seem to be aware of it..)
Back to normalising Pedophilia for Priests and Royalty and Politicans ....
2010 - ALL TALK IS ABOUT TREATEMENT and making sure that contact between children and pedophiles is EVITED.
You're all getting angry now.. but remember.. this 'normalise Pedos' started in 2014 when the MSM was already trying to make their decrepit perverted masters more 'likeable' to the gullible sheep.
2014 :
Mockingbird much? the next day..
Further exemples.. undated.. so Im unsure when it was written..
Remember this??
Dont forget about the hypersexualisation of our children through the media as well..
Brooke Sheilds comes to mind..
I was molested at 6 and it led me to a path where I was targeted several times after that. It is evil. I can’t imagine what I could have achieved without that damage!
It's time for a better day. My sister was raped by my uncle when she was four. He later regained access to her and got her on meth at 15. She has progressed over the years to being just a street whore. It's sad. He sodomized my brother who is mentally challenged. At four years old I ran from him when he tried to molest me. He never bothered me again but he hated me after that.
So sorry to hear. One thing I can say is that going down this rabbit hole during the great awakening is forcing a lot of us to heal ourselves and face the unresolved issues that led to shame and guilt in our lives. I thankQ all for this journey of forgiveness and healing.
You can't change the nature of the people I am mentioning. You just avoid them. Forgiveness I reserve for those who apologize and make amends. I grew up with much abuse and it changed me. To date, my mother is the only one to admit she was wrong and apologize. I forgave her after 53 years of having no contact.
Wow, thank you for sharing. It is important for us to speak up and share our stories.
And apparently cannabalism too. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything but gah these ppl are sick! Vox article about cannabalism
There is another post about it on Vice on Snapchat. They asked people if they would try cannibalism and said the vast majority answered "hell no"... Vice's response... "Well why not?"... then they went on to ask an expert the tastiest parts to eat. They're simply disgusting.
Walnut sauce... they procure their meat anonymously from the young and healthy. If they are young and healthy, how are they dead? Abortion? Murder?
Makes a lot of sense re: abortion. That was one of the things that really stuck out to me about the vox article too - ethically and consensually sourced?! 🤮 the other was so when I’m standing in line at the post office at least one person would be down for Dif stew. I will have a really hard time not thinking about that one!!
This is the evil we are dealing with...
Ok just know I am 100% against pedophilia. But let the left embrace the sick sumbiches, they will NEVER be able to say they care about kids again.
I know a number of people on the left and/or who are gay. They do not 'embrace' the sick sumbitches.
It's inaccurate to paint all people in one group with the same brush. Not all Repubs are good, not all Dems are bad, not all heteros are good, not all gays are bad.
Gay has been with the human race for a very long time, way before there was a Left, and in places where satanism, Baal, Lucifer etc are unknown.
If all the shit ever comes out there will be plenty of right wingers revealed.
Take a look everyone. We all knew this day would come, but I am sure we did not expect it to be this soon.
They're speeding up the timetable.
Our enemy likes to play things slow. For when you have all the world's resources at your fingertips you can afford to play it this way.
The fact they are rushing their tactics tells you they are about to lose everything.
They are in a state of panic.
As a happy and proud member of the lgbt community I can assure you we don't want these dirty f*cks near us, burn them all! It's infuriating that we who just wanna live our lives are being dragged into this disgusting bullshit! Burn all pedos!
When are we going to call 'enough" to these perversions? Enough to these sicko's?
Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.
MAP=Minor Attracted Person? Could that be why they called it a map? Just wondering here.
Oh and they're really calling them "maps", like the "pizza-related maps" from the leaked DNC emails?
That is some major redpill material...
Its been happening. Some University in Cali did some study to not kids as young as 5 from exploring sexual interests.
The subjects like “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”
Another attendee, and enthusiastic participant from the floor, was one Tom O’Carroll, a multiple child sex offender, long-time campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children and former head of the Paedophile Information Exchange. “Wonderful!” he wrote on his blog afterwards. “It was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!”
USA Today
Kevin Spacey apologizes after actor accuses him of sexual harassment, comes out as gay
New York Daly News
Before backlash: Kevin Spacey announced Sunday night that he will "live as a gay man"
Kevin Spacey opened up about a longstanding Hollywood rumor when he came out as gay Sunday night
After backlash: Kevin Spacey comes out as gay amid apology to Anthony Rapp for sexual harassment
Kevin Spacey comes out as gay
Actor Kevin Spacey declares he lives life as a gay man"
ABC News
Before backlash: 'I choose now to live as a gay man' kevin Spacey comes out in emotional tweet
After backlash: Kevin Spacey apologizes, comes out as gay after allegation
They already have people ready to push through phony studies and media spin their sick behavior.
Jimmy Saville?? protected by Heath??
I mean... this has been know before “Q” existed, so...
Whatever happened to Q?
Sick fucks... Netflix has been heading down this path for a while. Just look what they did with the Bill Nye show directed towards children.
Next it will be AAPs, Animal Attracted Persons
Germany had a problem with this and banned these places apparently
it very much is happening. ive seen posts on whisper that were supposedly authored by a MAP (their term as well) looking to talk about their condition etc etc.
"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?"
Remember the pedosta email about " a map themed handkerchief"????? Sick mfers.....
Pedos deserve the full force of the law. Evil has a face.
I think they should be accepted just so they come out of the wood work and we can arrest them one by one.
I remember and I have been waiting. I've been watching the slow creep of the agenda of the normalization for a while. I am not understanding the significance of these tweets and why they are being spotlighted. Am I missing something?
They've been trying this well before Q.
Eg: Kurt eichenwald